An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland / by Hugh Binning.
dc.contributor | Text Creation Partnership, | | Binning, Hugh, 1627-1653. |
dc.coverage.placeName | Edinburgh | | 2018-05-25 | | 2019-11-09T13:23:46Z | | 2019-11-09T13:23:46Z | | 1693 | | 2003-09 |
dc.identifier | ota:A28174 |
dc.identifier.citation | |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.description.abstract | Reproduction of original in the Union Theological Seminary Library, New York. |
dc.format.extent | Approx. 167 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 26 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. |
dc.format.medium | Digital bitstream |
dc.format.mimetype | text/xml |
dc.language | English |
dc.language.iso | eng |
dc.publisher | University of Oxford |
dc.relation.isformatof | |
dc.relation.ispartof | EEBO-TCP (Phase 1) |
dc.rights | This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. |
dc.rights.uri | |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
dc.subject.lcsh | Church of Scotland. |
dc.subject.lcsh | Church and state -- Scotland. |
dc.title | An useful case of conscience learnedly and accuratly discussed and resolved concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, malignants, or any other knoun enemies of truth and godlinesse : useful for these times and therefore published for the benefit of all those who desire to know or retain the sworn to principles of the sometimes famous Church of Christ in Scotland / by Hugh Binning. |
dc.type | Text |
has.files | yes |
branding | Oxford Text Archive |
files.size | 2612967 |
files.count | 4 | | Wing B2934 | | ESTC R24656 | | 1600-1699 |
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