Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church, M. Iohn Caluin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English, by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from his country, for the testimony of a good conscience, as his apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes. And because these sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence, and many godly and religious persons, haue beene very desirous of them: at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A.M.
dc.contributor | Text Creation Partnership, | | Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. | | Horne, Robertc1519?-1580. | | Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. |
dc.coverage.placeName | London | | 2018-05-25 | | 2019-11-09T11:48:44Z | | 2019-11-09T11:48:44Z | | 1584 | | 2008-09 |
dc.identifier | ota:A17725 |
dc.identifier.citation | |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.description.abstract | A translation by Robert Horne of two sermons from: Quatre sermons. Edited by Anthony Munday. A.M. = Anthony Munday. Publication date from title page verso; printer's name from STC. Includes Horne's apology (leaves B1-D5). Caption title (leaf B1 recto) reads: The apologie of Maister Robert Horne, late Bishop of VVinchester .. Signatures: A⁴ B-K. Reproduction of the original in the Cambridge University Library. |
dc.format.extent | Approx. 180 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 75 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. |
dc.format.medium | Digital bitstream |
dc.format.mimetype | text/xml |
dc.language | English |
dc.language.iso | eng |
dc.publisher | University of Oxford |
dc.relation.isformatof | |
dc.relation.ispartof | EEBO-TCP (Phase 1) |
dc.rights | This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. |
dc.rights.uri | |
dc.rights.label | PUB |
dc.subject.lcsh | Reformed Church -- Sermons. |
dc.subject.lcsh | Sermons, Latin -- Translations into English -- Early works to 1800. |
dc.title | Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church, M. Iohn Caluin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English, by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from his country, for the testimony of a good conscience, as his apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes. And because these sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence, and many godly and religious persons, haue beene very desirous of them: at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A.M. |
dc.type | Text |
has.files | yes |
branding | Oxford Text Archive |
files.size | 2672138 |
files.count | 4 | | STC 4461 | | ESTC S110726 | | 1500-1599 |
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