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- malfi-1785.txt
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- Version of the work in plain text format
<div type=frontispiece><p><figure entity=tpage></figure>
<lb>of Malfy.</TITLEPART>
<TITLEPART><lb>As it was Presented priuatly, at the Black-
<lb>Friers; and publiquely at the Globe, By the
<lb>Kings Maiesties Seruants.</TITLEPART>
<TITLEPART><lb>The perfect and exact Coppy, with diuerse
<lb><HI REND="it">things Printed, that the length of the Play would</HI>
<lb>not beare in the Presentment.</TITLEPART></DOCTITLE>
<EPIGRAPH LANG="lat"><Q>Hora. — Si quid —
<lb>— Candidus Imperti si non his utere mecum</Q></EPIGRAPH>
<lb>Printed by NICHOLAS OKES, Iohn
<lb>WATERSON, and are to be sold ?? the
<lb>signe of the CROWNE, in <HI REND="it">Paules</HI>
<lb>Church-yard, 1623.</DOCIMPRINT>
<DIV TYPE="castlist">
<HEAD>The Actors Names.</HEAD>
<IT . . .