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- Name
- fq1-1429.txt
- Size
- 246.22 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
Disposed into twelue books,
XII. Morall vertues.
Printed for William Ponsonbie.
Her most humble
Ed. Spenser.
#A2r *1
The first Booke of
the Faerie Queene.
The Legend of the Knight
of the Red Crosse,
Of Holinesse.
%Pr ^
Lo I the man, whose Muse whylome did maske,
As time her taught, in lowly Shephards weeds,
Am now enforst a farre vnfitter taske,
For trumpets sterne to chaunge mine Oaten reeds:
And sing of Knights and Ladies gentle deeds,
Whose praises hauing slept in silence long,
Me, all too meane, the sacred Muse areeds
To blazon broade emongst her learned throng:
Fierce warres and faithfull loues shall moralize my song.
Helpe then, O holy virgin chiefe of nyne,
Thy weaker Nouice to performe thy will,
Lay forth out of thine euerlasting scryne . . .
- Name
- fq2-1429.txt
- Size
- 271.22 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
The second Booke
of the Faerie Queene.
The Legend of Sir Guyon.
Of Temperaunce.
%Pr ^
Right well I wote most mighty Soueraine,
That all this famous antique history,
Of some th'aboundance of an ydle braine
Will iudged be, and painted forgery,
Rather then matter of iust memory,
Sith none, that breatheth liuing aire, does know,
Where is that happy land of Faery,
Which I so much doe vaunt, yet no where show,
But vouch antiquities, which no body can know.
But let that man with better sence aduize,
That of the world least part to vs is red:
And daily how through hardy enterprize,
Many great Regions are discouered,
Which to late age were neuer mentioned,
Who euer heard of th'Indian Peru
Or who in venturous vessell measured
The Amazon huge riuer now found trew
Or fruitfullest Virginia who did euer vew.
Yet all these were when no man did them know,
Yet haue from wisest ages hidden beene
And later times thinges more vnknowne shall show
Why then should witlesse man . . .
- Name
- fq3-1429.txt
- Size
- 267.72 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
The thirde Booke
of the Faerie Queene.
The Legend of Britomartis.
Of Chastity.
%Pr ^
It falls me here to write of Chastity,
The fayrest vertue, far aboue the rest;
For which what needes me fetch from Faery
Forreine ensamples, it to haue exprest?
Sith it is shrined in my Soueraines brest,
And formd so liuely in each perfect part,
That to all Ladies, which haue it profest,
Neede but behold the pourtraict of her hart,
If pourtrayd it might bee by any liuing art.
But liuing art may not least part expresse,
Nor life-resembling pencill it can paynt,
All were it Zeuxis or Praxiteles:
His daedale hand would faile, and greatly faynt,
And her perfections with his error taynt:
Ne Poets witt, that passeth Painter farre
In picturing the parts of beauty daynt,
So hard a workemanship aduenture darre,
For fear through wa<n>t of words her excellence to marre.
How then shall I, Apprentice of the skill,
That whilome in diuinest wits did rayne,
Presume so high to stretch m . . .
- Name
- raleigh-1429.txt
- Size
- 9.04 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
Letter of the Authors expounding his
whole intention in the course of this worke: which
for that it giueth great light to the Reader, for
the better vnderstanding is hereunto
To the Right noble, and Valorous, Sir Walter
Raleigh knight, Lo. Wardein of the Stanneryes, and
her Maiesties liefetenaunt of the County of Corne-
Sir knowing how doubtfully all Alle-
gories may be construed, and this
booke of mine, which I haue entitu-
led the Faery Queene, being a con-
tinued Allegory, or darke conceit, I
haue thought good aswell for auoy-
ding of gealous opinions and misco<n>-
structions, as also for your better
light in reading therof, (being so by
you co<m>manded,) to discouer vnto you the general intention &
meaning, which in the whole course thereof I haue fashioned,
without expressing of any particular purposes or by accidents
therein occasioned. The generall end therefore of all the
booke is to fashion a gentleman or noble person in vertuous
and gentle discipline: . . .
- Name
- readme-1429.txt
- Size
- 1.47 KB
- Format
- Text file
- Description
- Version of the work in plain text format
This disk contains the machine-readble text of the 1590 quarto of The Faerie
Queene (Book I - III), which consists of the four files: FQ1.TXT, FQ2.TXT,
FQ3.TXT, and RALEIGH.TXT. This text should not be used for any commercial
purpose without the prior consent of the editors of the concordance. It can be
freely used, however, for research and educational purposes. What follows is a
brief explanation of this machine-readable text: The text contains the Title ,
the Dedication, the head titles and the Letter to Raleigh, in addition to the
text part of the Quarto included in the concordance. "Fidessa" in M3r and
"Finis" at the end of the text (Oo8r) have also been included in this text as
well. Tildes are expanded by using < > instead of ( ). (e.g. fro<m>) When part
of a word is turned over, the turned-over part is indicated by [ instead of |.
(e.g. ap[pease) The missing lines on I7v and Hh6v are indicated by "......".
Otherwise, the text is identical with the one on which the concordanc . . .