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TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1693Description:Translation of an anonymous work, which has been ascribed successively to the younger Pliny, Suetonius, Cornelius Nepos and Sex. Aurelius Victor. Pages 13-14, 18, 30, and 54 are tightly bound in filmed copy. Beginning-p. ...This item contains 4 files (508.22 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 1)Date of publication:
1606Description:Printers' and translator's names from STC. Printer's device (McKerrow 316) on title page. Letterpress title page only, omitting Holland's name. Snowdon printed the prelims., indexes, and annotations; H. Lownes the rest--STC. ...This item contains 4 files (19.8 MB).Publicly Available -