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TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1548Description:Running title: To the most Christia[n] asse[m]ble of the Parliament. Attributed to Crowley by STC (2nd ed.) and NUC pre-1956 imprints. Date of imprint suggested by STC (2nd ed.). Signatures: A⁸ B⁶ Reproduction of original ...This item contains 4 files (145.7 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1548Description:Caption title: The copie of a letter sent to all those preachers, whiche the Kynges Maiestie has licensed to preache ..., the. xxiii. daie of Maie, in the seconde yere of the reigne of Our Souereigne Lord Kyng Edward the ...This item contains 4 files (47.38 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1548Description:Caption title: Articles to be enquired of, in visitacions to bee had, within the Diocesse of Cantorbury ... Signatures: A-B⁴. Title within ornamental border. Reproduction of original in the Harvard University. Library.This item contains 4 files (83.93 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1548Description:Publication date from STC. Reproduction of the original in the Society of Antiquaries. Appears at reels 10 and 152 (Society of Antiquaries copy).This item contains 4 files (35.8 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1548Description:Imprint from STC. Signatures: A (A8 blank). Reproduction of the original in the Bodleian Library.This item contains 4 files (58.66 KB).Publicly Available -