EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A mirour for magestrates of cyties Representing the ordinaunces, policies, and diligence, of the noble emperour, Alexander (surnamed) Seuerus, to suppresse and chastise the notorious vices noorished in Rome, by the superfluous nomber of dicing-houses, tauarns, and common stewes: suffred and cheerished, by his beastlye predecessour, Helyogabalus, vvith sundrie graue orations: by the said noble emperor, co[n]cerning reformation. And hereunto, is added, A touchstone for the time: containyng: many perillous mischiefes, bred in the bowels of the citie of London: by the infection of some of thease sanctuaries of iniquitie. By George Whetstones. Gent.
Date of publication:
At foot of title: Authorised and allowed. The first leaf is blank except for signature-mark "A.i.". Running title reads: A mirour for maiestrates of cities. "An addition: or touchstone for the time" has separate title page; ...
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
A mirror of treue honour and Christian nobilitie exposing: the life, death, and diuine vertues, of the most noble, and godly Lorde Frauncis Earle of Bedford, Baron Russell, Lorde chiefe Iustice, [and] Iustice in Oier, of all the Queene forrests, [and]c. ... Who deceased at Bedford house, the xxviij. of Iune. 1585. AEtatis suæ. 58. Wherevnto is adioyned a report of the vertues of the right valiant & worthy knight S. Frauncis, Lord Russell, sonne and heire apparant of the honour and good giftes of the sayd right noble Earle, who vpon a daye of truce was slaine, by a treacherous strategeme of the Scots, the 27. day of the said month of Iune. The report of George Whetstone, Gent. a faithfull seruant of the sayd right honorable Earle.
Date of publication:
In verse. Signatures: A-D⁴. Running title reads: Of the Right Noble Earle of Bedford. Reproduction of a photostat of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Quire A and B1r not filmed.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
A remembraunce of the life, death, and vertues, of the most noble and honourable Lord Thomas late Erle of Sussex Vicount Fitz-water, Lord of Egremount and Burnell, iustice of an ayer, of all her Maiesties forrestes, parkes, chaces, and warrantes, on the south side of Trent, Captaine of the pensioners & gentlemen at armes, Lord Chamberlaine of her Maiesties honorable household, Knight of the noble Order of the Garter, and of her Highnesse most gratious and prudente Pryuy Councell. VVho deceased at Barmesey the 11. of Iune 1583. The report of George VVhetstones gent.
Date of publication:
In verse. "Wolfe printed the whole"--STC. Signatures: A-B⁴. Running title reads: Of the noble Earle of Sussex. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
This item contains 4 files (359.86
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
In verse. Signatures: A-B⁴ C² . Running title reads: The life and death of the good Lord Dyer. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
This item contains 4 files (350.12
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
In verse. Running title reads: The lyfe and death of George Gaskoigne. Publication date from STC. Printer's device on title page. Signatures: A-B⁴. Some print show-through; some pages stained. Reproduction of the original ...
This item contains 4 files (359.58
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
In verse. The year in the title is according to Lady Day dating. Printer's name from STC. 2. Running title reads: The life of Sir N. Bacon. late Lorde keper. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library ...
This item contains 4 files (395.46
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
An heptameron of ciuill discourses Containing: the Christmasse exercise of sundrie well courted gentlemen and gentlewomen. In whose behauiours, the better sort, may see, a represe[n]tation of thier own vertues: and the inferiour, may learne such rules of ciuil gouernme[n]t, as wil rase out the blemish of their basenesse: wherin, is renowned, the vertues, of a most honourable and braue mynded gentleman. And herein, also, as it were in a mirrour the vnmaried may see the defectes whiche eclipse the glorie of mariage: and the wel maried, as in a table of housholde lawes, may cull out needefull preceptes to establysh their good fortune. A worke, intercoursed with ciuyll pleasure, to reaue tediousnesse from the reader: and garnished with morall noates to make it profitable, to the regarder. The reporte, of George Whetstone. Gent.
Date of publication:
The words "as it were in a mirrour" are enclosed in square brackets on the title page. Signatures: A⁴ [par.]² B-Z⁴. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
This item contains 4 files (5.79
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
G.W. = George Whetstone. Actual printer's name from STC. Signatures: A-X⁴. Running title reads: The Christmas pleasures of Queene Aurelia. Originally published in 1582 as: An heptameron of civill discourses. Reproduction ...
This item contains 4 files (1.1
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Sir Phillip Sidney, his honorable life, his valiant death, and true vertues A perfect myrror for the followers both of Mars and Mercury, who (in the right hardie breaking vpon the enemie, by a few of the English, being for the most part gentlemen of honor and name) receiued his deathes wound, nere vnto Sutphen the 22. of September last past, dyed at Aruam the 16. of October following: and with much honor and all possible mone, was solemnely buried in Paules the 16. of February 1586. By G.W. gent. Whereunto is adioyned, one other briefe commemoration of the vniuersall lamentation, the neuer dying praise, and most sollemne funerall of the sayd right hardie and noble knight. By B.W. Esquire. Dedicated, to the right Honorable the Earle of Warwicke, by his Lordships faithfull seruant George Whetstones.
Date of publication:
B.W. = Bernard Whetstone. In verse. Printer's name and publication date from STC. Signatures: A-C⁴ (-A1). Running title reads: The life, death, and vertues of Sir Phillip Sidney Knight. Reproduction of a photostat of the ...
This item contains 4 files (580.69
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
Dedication signed: G.W., i.e. George Whetstone. Editor's preface signed: T.C., i.e. Thomas Churchyard?. Publication date from STC. In this issue G2r catchword is "same". Running title reads: The execution of fourteen ...
This item contains 4 files (1.34
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The enemie to vnthryftinesse publishing, by lawes, documents and disciplines. A right rule, for reformation of pride, and other prodigall and riotous disorders, in a common wealth: for the worthines of directions, a perfect mirrour for all maiestrates: (especially) of cities. And for sound counsels, and admonitions, a carde to compasse, or euery yong gentleman, honorablie and profitably to gouerne his actions. Partely, drawne out of the sage gouernme[n]t, of the most worthie emperour, Alexander Seuerus: and (generallye) discoueringe the vnsufferable abuses now raigning in our happie English co[m]mon wealth. By George Whetstons gent.
Date of publication:
Actual date of publication from STC. Leaves 25 and 26 misnumbered 75 and 78. G2 is a separate title page, undated, with same imprint, reading: An addition: or touchstone for the time: exposyng the daingerous mischiefes, ...
This item contains 4 files (1.89
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The English myrror A regard wherein al estates may behold the conquests of enuy: containing ruine of common weales, murther of princes, cause of heresies, and in all ages, spoile of deuine and humane blessings, vnto which is adioyned, enuy conquered by vertues. Publishing the peaceable victories obtained by the Queenes most excellent Maiesty, against this mortall enimie of publike peace and prosperitie, and lastly a fortris against enuy, builded vpon the counsels of sacred Scripture, lawes of sage philosophers, and pollicies of well gouerned common weales: wherein euery estate may see the dignities, the true office and cause of disgrace of his vocation. A worke safely, and necessarie to be read of euerie good subiect. By George Whetstones Gent. Seene and allowed.
Date of publication:
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Lacks quire B.
This item contains 4 files (7.07
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
Signatures: A-E⁴ F² . Reproduction of a photostat of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Title page in pen facsimile.
This item contains 4 files (1.06
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
In verse. Imprint from colophon; actual printer's name from STC. Signatures: A-M⁴. The last leaf is blank. Running title reads: The historie of Promos and Cassandra. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington ...
This item contains 4 files (638.51
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The rocke of regard diuided into foure parts. The first, the castle of delight: wherin is reported, the wretched end of wanton and dissolute liuing. The second, the garden of vnthriftinesse: wherein are many swéete flowers, (or rather fancies) of honest loue. The thirde, the arbour of vertue: wherein slaunder is highly punished, and vertuous ladies nad gentlewomen, worthily commended. The fourth, the ortchard of repentance: wherein are discoursed, the miseries that followe dicing, the mischiefes of quareling, the fall of prodigalitie: and the souden ouerthrowe of foure notable cousners, with diuers other morall, natural, & tragical discourses: documents and admonitions: being all the inuention, collection and translation of George Whetstons Gent.
Date of publication:
Consists mainly of translations from the Italian. Partly in verse. Publisher's name and publication date from colophon; printer's name from STC. P. 123 misnumbered 121. "The garden of vnthriftinesse", "The arbour of vertue", ...
This item contains 4 files (7.36
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