EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
Annotation on Thomason copy: "March: 18th 1644"; the 5 in imprint date is crossed out. Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671.
Massey, Edward, Sir, 1619?-1674?
Waller, William, Sir, 1597?-1668.
Massereene, John Clotworthy, Viscount, d. 1665.
Copley, Lionel.
Place of publication from Wing. Text of the declaration begins: VVee whose names are hereunto subscribed, being members of the House of Commons, and free men of England. Declaration dated and signed at end: 12. of December ...
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A full relation of the late proceedings, victory and good success (through Gods providence) obtained by the Parliaments forces under Sir William Waller, at the taking of the town and castle of Arundell, in Sussex, Decem. 20. and Jan. 6. Where were taken above a thousand prisoners, two thousand arms, neer two hundred horse, about a hundred commanders and officers, with great store of treasure. As it was delivered by a messenger from Sir William Waller, to the Right Honorable, William Lenthall Esq; Speaker to the House of Commons. And by him appointed to be forthwith printed and published.
Date of publication:
Place of publication from Wing. Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A letter from Sir William Waller, a member of the House of Commons, to the Right Honorable, Robert Earl of Essex his excellencie; of a great victory he obtained at Malmsbury, 23. Martii, in the county of Wilts: with the names of divers of the commanders in chief that he took, with 300 foot, a troop of horse, and many peeces of ordnance. Also a true relation of Sergeant Major Burghells valour, who went into the enemies quarters at Sherston, routed them, took twenty five prisoners, one captain, two lieutenants, one quarter-master, killed eight, and took forty or fifty horses and arms, without the losse of one man. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cl. Parl. D. Com.
Date of publication:
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This item contains 4 files (45.52
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
Place of publication from Wing. Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This item contains 4 files (54.5
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
Engraved frontispiece. Imperfect: stained, with print show-through. Errata: p. [13]. Reproduction of original in the Union Theological Seminary Library.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The victorious and fortunate proceedings of Sir William Waller and his forces in Wales, and other places since they left Malmsbury. With the true manner of his taking Highnam and 150 commanders, and gentlemen, and 1444 common prisoners, well armed: also how hee beate up Prince Maurice his quarters, brake thorow his army, and came safe to Gloster, from whence he sent Lieutenant Colonell Massey, to take Tewksbury which he hath since effected. As it was sent in a letter from Sir William Waller, and Sir Arthur Haslerig, and read in both Houses of Parliament, April 15. 1643. Die Sabbathi, 15 Aprilis, 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliameut [sic], that this letter shall bee forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliamento.
Date of publication:
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This item contains 4 files (115.18
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