Browsing by Author "T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608, attributed name."
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TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1595Author(s):Description:A translation of "Satyre Menippée de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne" by Pierre Leroy and others. Signed by the translator on 2A1v: T.W., i.e. Thomas Wilcox?. Running title reads: A satyre Menippized. The last leaf is ...This item contains 4 files (1.22 MB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1572Author(s):Description:Authorship uncertain. Sometimes ascribed to John Fielde and Thomas Wilcox, and also to Thomas Cartwright. Copies differ; in this copy the title page verso has verses "To the prelacie" and B4 verso ends with 14 lines of ...This item contains 4 files (144.47 KB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 2)Date of publication:
1602Author(s):Description:A reissue, with cancel title page, of "A pleasant satyre or poesie", a translation of "Satire Menipée de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne" by Pierre Leroy and others. Signed by the translator on 2A1r: T.W., i.e. Thomas ...This item contains 4 files (1.24 MB).Publicly Available -