Browsing by Author "Guillemeau, Jacques, 1550?-1613."
Showing 1 to 3 out of 3 results
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 1)Date of publication:
1587Author(s):Description:A translation by Anthony Hunton of: Guillemeau, Jacques. Traité des maladies de l'oeil. Includes "A discourse of the scorby", translated from "Medicarum observationum rararum" by Johann Weyer; and "Of the nature and diuers ...This item contains 4 files (4.48 MB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 1)Date of publication:
1612Author(s):Description:A translation of "De l'hereux accouchement des femmes" and "De la nourriture et gouvernement des enfants". The words "of their breeding childe .. of their lying in" are bracketed together on the title page. "The nursing ...This item contains 4 files (9.03 MB).Publicly Available -
TextEEBO-TCP (Phase 1)Date of publication:
1598Description:A translation of a Dutch translation of: Les oeuvres de chirurgie. Colophon dated 1598. Includes index. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.This item contains 4 files (11.12 MB).Publicly Available -