EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A defence of sundry positions, and Scriptures alledged to justifie the Congregationall-way; charged at first to be weak therein, impertinent, and unsufficient; by R.H. M. A. of Magd. Col. Cambr. in his examination of them; but upon further examination, cleerly manifested to be sufficient, pertinent, and full of power. / By [brace] Samuel Eaton, teacher, and Timothy Taylor, pastor [brace] of [brace] the church in Duckenfield, in Cheshire. Published according to order.
Date of publication:
A reply to: Hollingworth, Richard. "An answer to a certain writing, entituled, Certain doubts and quaeres upon occasion of a late oath and covenant" (Wing H2486) and "An examination of sundry scriptures" (Wing H2491)". ...
This item contains 4 files (1.18
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
Annotation on Thomason copy: "Aug. 16". Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
A just apologie for the church of Duckenfield in Cheshire against certain slanderous reports received by Mr. Edwards his overmuch credulite of what may tend to the reproach of those that differ from himselfe in judgement (though but concerning matters meerly of externall order, and things of inferior ally to the substantiall doctrines of faith, and manners) rashly and without further examination of the truth of them, (together with an overplus of his own censures, and uncharitable animadversions) divulged by himselfe in a !--- book of his, intituled, The third part of Gangræna / by Samuel Eaton, teacher & Timothy Taylor, pastour of the Church of God at Duckerfeild ; whereunto also is annexed a letter of a godly minister, Mr. Henry Rootes ... in vindication of himselfe against a sinister and dangerous (yet false and groundlesse) insinuation, contained in the copie of a letter out of Yorkshire, sent unto the aforesaid Mr. Edwards, and by him published to the kingdome.
Date of publication:
Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A vindication, or, Further confirmation of some other Scriptures, produced to prove the divinity of Jesus Christ, distorted and miserably wrested and abused by Mr. John Knowles together with a probation or demonstration of the destructiveness and damnableness of the contrary doctrine maintained by the aforesaid Mr. Knowles : also the doctrine of Christs satisfaction and of reconciliation on Gods part to the creature, cleared up form Scripture, which of late hath been much impugned : and a discourse concerning the springing and spreading of error, and of the means of cure, and of the preservatives and against it / by Samuel Eaton, teacher of the church of Jesus Christ, commonly stiled the church at Duckenfield.
Date of publication:
Reproduction of original in the Harvard University Library.
This item contains 4 files (1.6
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
Annotation on Thomason copy: "July 29th". Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This item contains 4 files (323.43
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
'Two positions', and 'An answer to the said positions' have separate pagination. 'A reply to the said answer' has separate pagination and register. Annotation on Thomason copy E.606[2]: "July 1st"; annotation on Thomason ...
This item contains 4 files (639.25
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
The Quakers confuted, being an answer unto nineteen queries; propounded by them, and sent to the elders of the church of Duckenfield in Cheshire; wherein is held forth much of the doctrine and practise concerning revelations, and immediate voices, and against the holy Scriptures, Christs ministry, churches and ordinances &c. Together with an answer to a letter which was written and sent by one of them to a family of note and quality in the said county, which pleaded for perfection in this life, and for quaking. By Samuel Eaton, teacher of the Church of Christ heretofore meeting at Duckenfield, now in Stockport in Cheshire.
Date of publication:
Thomason received his copy in November 1653. Includes: A coppy of a letter which Richard Waller a Quaker, sent to a gentelmans family, near Stockport in Chesire. Annotation on Thomason copy: "1653 Nou. 18."; 4 in imprint ...
This item contains 4 files (554.74
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