EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
A translation of: De venificis quos olim sortilegos, nunc autem autem vulgo sortarios vocant, dialogus. Translation sometimes attributed to Thomas Twyne. Actual printer's name conjectured and publisher's name supplied by ...
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A fruitfull commentarie vpon the twelue small prophets briefe, plaine, and easie, going ouer the same verse by verse, and shewing every where the method, points of doctrine, and figures of rhetoricke, to the no small profit of all godly and well disposed readers, with very necessarie fore-notes for the vnderstanding of both of these, and also all other the prophets. The text of these prophets together with that of the quotations omitted by the author, faithfully supplied by the translatour, and purged of faults in the Latine coppie almost innumerable, with a table of all the chiefe matters herein handled, and marginall notes very plentifull and profitable; so that it may in manner be counted a new booke in regard of these additions. VVritten in Latin by Lambertus Danæus, and newly turned into English by Iohn Stockwood minister and preacher at Tunbridge.
Date of publication:
A translation of: Commentarii in prophetas minores. "Legat pr[inted]. quires [par.], A-I; Orwin the rest"--STC. Includes index. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
A treatise, touching Antichrist VVherein, the place, the time, the forme, the workmen, the vpholders, the proceeding, and lastly, the ruine and ouerthrow of the kingdome of Antichrist, is plainly laid open out of the word of God: where also manie darke, and hard places both of Daniell and the Reuelation are made manifest. By Lambert Danæus.
Date of publication:
A translation of: Tractatus de Antichristo. Signatures: A-Z⁴ 2A-2C⁴. Reproductions of the original in the Yale University. Library and Cambridge University Library. Imperfect; Yale copy lacking leaves M2,3. Appears at reels ...
This item contains 4 files (1.21
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EEBO-TCP (Phase 2)
Date of publication:
A translation of the dedication of Daneau, Lambert. In D. Pauli priorem epistolam ad Timotheum commentarius. Imprint from STC. The end of text is dated: Geneva 1577, as in Daneau's original work--STC. Signatures: A-C⁴. ...
This item contains 4 files (113.87
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
A translation of: Physica Christiana. Translator's dedication signed: Thomas Twyne. In dialogue form. Printer's name from STC. Running title reads: An excellent discourse of Christian naturall philosophie. Reproduction of ...
This item contains 4 files (4.58
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
A translation by Thomas Newton of: Daneau, L. "Tractatus de amicitia Christiana" and also his "Brieve remonstrance sur les jeux de sort ou de hazard, et principalement de dez et de cartes" which was first published in Latin ...
This item contains 4 files (2.1
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