EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
A short treatise of dialling shewing, the making of all sorts of sun-dials, horizontal, erect, direct, declining, inclining, reclining; vpon any flat or plaine superficies, howsoeuer placed, with ruler and compasse onely, without any arithmeticall calculation. By Edvvard Wright.
Date of publication:
Another issue, with 3 figures numbered 16-18 on a bifolium signed G1,G2, and with new prelims., of: Wright, Edward. The arte of dialing. Running title reads: A treatise of dialling. Signatures: A² B-F⁴ G² ² G² . Reproduction ...
This item contains 4 files (730.13
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
Reproduction of original in Cambridge University Library. Includes Table of contents.
This item contains 4 files (18.34
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
Date of publication:
Printer's name from STC. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. Lacks N4. Title page and pages 82-end from the British Library copy filmed at end.
This item contains 4 files (2.26
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The hauen-finding art, or The vvay to find any hauen or place at sea, by the latitude and variation. Lately published in the Dutch, French, and Latine tongues, by commandement of the right honourable Count Mauritz of Nassau, Lord high Admiral of the vnited Prouinces of the Low countries, enioyning all seamen that take charge of ships vnder his iurisdiction, to make diligent obseruation, in all their voyages, according to the directions prescribed herein: and now translated into English, for the common benefite of the seamen of England
Date of publication:
By Simon Stevin, whose name appears on B2v. A translation of: De havenvending. Translator's dedication signed: E. Wright. Printers' names from STC. Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
This item contains 4 files (959.39
Publicly Available
EEBO-TCP (Phase 1)
The safegarde of saylers, or great rutter Contayning the courses, distances, soundings, flouds and ebbes, with the marks for the entring of sundry harboroughs both of England, Fraunce, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders, and the soundes of Denmarke, with other necessarie rules of common nauigation. Translated out of Dutch into English by Robert Norman hydrographer. And newly corrected and augmented by E.W.
Date of publication:
A translation, by Robert Norman, edited by Edward Wright, of: Antoniszoon, Cornelis. Het leeskaartboek van Wisbuy. Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
This item contains 4 files (4.66
Publicly Available