THE GOVERNOUR AND COMPANY Of the MASSACHUSETS BAY in New-England. AT A General Court Held at Boston, by Adjournment from the 28th of January to the 18th of March, 1684.
WHereas this Court, for the prevention of Questions a [...] Suits at Law, that might arise upon Deeds and Conveyances of Houses and Lands, wherein the word [Heir] [...] omitted, whenas an Estate of Inheritance was intended [...] be passed, did by the Law, title Conveyances, Deeds a [...] Writings, Sect. 2d. order, that in all Deeds and Conveyances of Houses an [...] Lands in this Jurisdiction, wherein an Estate of Inheritance is to be passed, shall be expressed in these words, or to the like effect, viz. To Have and to Ho [...] the said House or Lands respectively to the Party or Grantee, his Heirs [...] Assignes for ever: and therein provided that that Law should not extend [...] any Land granted or to be granted by the Inhabitants of a Town; there [...] intending (although it is not so plainly expressed) that such Graunts of La [...] by Towns are an Estate in fee simple notwithstanding the words He [...] and Assignes for ever are therein omitted; the aforesaid Law being intend [...] for the Direction of private Persons only in their particular Deeds and Conveyances of Land frome one to another.
AS an Explanation of the said Law, title Conveyances, Deeds and Writing [...] and Addition thereunto: It is therefore by this Court and the Authority thereof Ordered, Enacted and Declared, that all such Orders or Graun [...] of Land heretofore made by this Court, or by any Town or Towns in th [...] Jurisdiction, were and are intended, and shall be Construed and Adjudged [...] the Law to be an Estate in fee simple, and are hereby confirmed to the sa [...] Persons and Townships their Heirs and Assignes respectively for ever; Provide [...] alwayes, that such Graunts as do expresly declare otherwayes; viz. to be [...] Term of Life, or for Term of Years, or during Pleasure, or the like, shall [...] be included in this Explanation or Law.