




By the request of the Stewards of the Methodist Episco­pal Church in Lynn, the Author has been prevailed on to offer this production to the public.



2 SAM. iii. 38.

Know ye not that there is a prince, and a great man, fal­len this day in Israel?

WHILE I behold this assembly, admiring the solemnity that appears in every countenance, and reflect on the melancholy occasion of our meeting, I feel emotions in my heart impossible for my tongue to describe. While I am led to regret the great and irreco­verable loss my country has sustained by the death of her Deliverer, I feel a measure of joy arising from the reflec­tion, that he died not unlamented. No—you, my brethren, have this day evidenced your respect to his memory; and by the great concourse who are now crowded within these walls you manifest your sorrow as christians, Americans, and lovers of liberty. Your countenances bespeak that suitable degree of grief that now occupies your hearts, and shew that you partici­pate with your fellow citizens throughout these United States in the general affliction occasioned by the loss of our beloved WASHINGTON. While we drop the sympathizing tear over his princely urn, with all our afflicted brethren, let us not, my countrymen, be guilty of the superstitious errors prevalent in pagan ages and countries: Let us carefully avoid every ap­pearance of servility and adulation, which are a re­proach to republicans, and would be scandalous in the virtuous and enlightened sons of Columbia. Let us, [Page 4] while we are paying the just tribute of respect due to his exalted merit, aim at the medium between the ex­tremes of indifference and vassalage.

In the words of the text, David calls Abner a great man—WASHINGTON was much greater; and, if we except those who in a [...] extraordinary manner were inspired to reveal the will and mind of God to mortals, I sincerely believe a greater than WASHINGTON never existed. Many great and virtuous men, in various ages, and among different nations of the world, have shined like the moon in their respective orbits; but when compared to the illustrious WASHINGTON, who may with propriety be called the resplendent Sun of Ameri­ca, whose virtues and abilities poured forth the genial rays, and disseminated the light and vigour, of liberty in the hearts of Columbia's sons—their glory and ex­cellence is swallowed up in the bright effulgence that proceeds from our most excellent Chief. Those who are inclined to extol them who have been remarkable for great abilities, or eminent for worthy actions, re­presenting any one of them as the perfection of human nature, and insinuating that none more remarkable, emi­nent or virtuous ever lived—let them not lisp the name of WASHINGTON, lest the glory of their particu­lar favourites be eclipsed, as the light of the moon is by the brightness of the sun. The glory of Columbia has never been equalled, not to say excelled, in those orna­ments of mankind.

I have never supposed greatness to consist in noble birth, the virtues of ancestors, or in the worthy deeds of our fathers. Even in this respect, none, even the most ignorant, can asperse our beloved WASHINGTON. Dr. Robinson says, he was a descendant from the great duke of Albermarle, who was the instrument in God's hand of restoring peace and tranquillity in England, and out of anarchy and confusion to introduce a regu­lar form of government, any kind of which is better than none. But his greatness proceeds from his own innate virtues and abilities: this will appear more [Page 5] conspicuous, if we compare him with, and contrast him to, many who were and now are called great in the world.

1. He was greater than ALEXANDER.—Because, destitute of the guilty ambition that fired the breast of that hair-brained Grecian youth, when he appeared in the field under the command of Braddock, we have every reason to suppose (if we judge by his future con­duct) that a fervent desire to save his countrymen from the cruel hands of the savage barbarians induced him to leave the pleasures of a rural, to endure the fatigues, toils and dangers of a soldier's life. At the commence­ment of the American war, his country called, and he obeyed. Again the pleasures of Vernon are deserted: he draws his sword in the cause of liberty, not to de­stroy or enslave nations, but to preserve them; not to make himself popular by shedding the blood of thou­sands, but to make Columbia free and happy. Every part of his conduct, in the field, in our councils, and in the cabinet, evidences, his only ambition was, faithfully to serve his country, and take an active part in the cause of liberty.

2. He was greater than VESPASIAN.—His vir­tues were not blotted by an insatiate love for gold. His noble breast never lusted after such paltry stuff. It was not poverty that drove him from his peaceful abode; neither was he under the necessity of entering the field to support a broken fortune, or to accumu­late wealth. No, my countrymen; when he entered the field, and drew his sword for us, he was blessed with every necessary that could make life happy. His refusing any compensation for his services evidently proves, he was not infected with this pernicious vice: he had enough: an addition would have been profusion; and profusion and luxury this virtuous republican despised.

3. He was greater than JULIUS CAESAR.—Al­though this Roman chief was eminent for great abili­ties, [Page 6] and particular virtues, we find his reputation spotted with pride and base presumption.

Was WASHINGTON guilty of these vices? Were the Commander of the American army, and the Se­nate of Columbia, in opposition to each other? Did the General refuse to obey the orders of the Congress? Was he desirous to aggrandize himself, rather than promote the cause of liberty by laudable and virtuous means? No; those imperfections never polluted the virtuous heart of WASHINGTON. Always submis­sive and condescending, he acted in concert with the Congress, and adopted their measures. It is true, in his letters he mentioned what he thought necessary to be done, but in language so modest and submissive, they scarcely had the appearance of advice, much less the air of dictation. By his modesty, and their conde­scension, true friendship▪ and lenity subsisted between them. So far was he from acting the part of Caesar, that I firmly believe he would have entered the ranks, and served as a private soldier, if his services in that sta­tion would have promoted the cause of Columbia more than his commanding the army. It was not to make famous the name of WASHINGTON, that indu­ced him to unsheath his sword—it was to make America free and happy.

4. He was greater than CHARLES.—This Swe­dish monarch by his rashness and intemperance had a brave army destroyed, in the midst of Russia, by Pe­ter: in all his transactions we discover more courage than conduct. WASHINGTON was deliberate in all his measures, and executed them with prudence and calmness: the lives of his soldiers were not sacrificed to his enemies because he would not recede from measures he had adopted, when he was fully convin­ced they were erroneous, and would be attended with fatal consequences: willing rather to shew that he was man, than to risk the loss of his army without any probability of success, he thought it no disparage­ment to expose his fallibility, and shew the world [Page 7] that he was not obstinate in errors: he well knew that in the multitude of counsellors there is safety; and therefore did not, like Charles, keep his officers ignorant of his designs.

5. He was greater than PHILIP and PETER.— These great men injured their reputation by the acts of cruelty and barbarity they so often committed, which shock the feelings of humanity to relate or hear.

WASHINGTON was a stranger to this ferocious spirit; he knew nothing of this beastly disposition; his soul did not delight in the afflictions and sufferings of his fellow creatures; it was not made and form'd of stuff so stern. Did he ever smile when he heard the soldier sigh, or saw him weep? Did he stand unaffected when he saw him bleed, or beheld his wounds? Did he not commiserate his hard fate, when destitute of the necessaries of life? Did he ever hear the mourning of the soldier's widow, and the cries of his orphan children, without sympathizing with them, and alleviating their sorrow if in his power?— The truly brave are humane, and are not insensible when they see the tears, or hear the complaints, of the distressed. See our WASHINGTON in Braddock's slaughtered army—What tears and entreaties he made use of to save his countrymen, while his heart experienced the keenest pain to see the dreadful carnage!

His benevolent heart was not of a contracted na­ture: it embraced the foe, even the enemy of liberty and his country; thinking it more noble to treat him with lenity and compassion, than to augment his miseries, and increase his sufferings. Let those who were prisoners in the late war testify of his conduct in this respect. The British have not withheld that tribute of praise due to the virtue of Columbia's Chief. Behold his conduct at the melancholy affair of the unfortunate and much-lamented Andre.

6. He was greater than TRAJAN.——The worthy deeds of this noble hero were tarnished by listening to [Page 8] the tongue of slander, which filled him with the spirit of jealousy, that green-eyed monster; the consequen­ces of which deprived many thousands of their lives, who were his friends, and delighted in his prosperity. Our Illustrious Chief well understood men, and, pos­sessing a good and virtuous soul, which was averse to vice, he would willingly have thought all men virtu­ous, as he was virtuous. As a vicious mind is al­ways suspicious, so a virtuous one thinks no evil. WASHINGTON knew bad men existed; but he was willing to think every man good until he proved him to be bad: when proved, and found to be such, he would rather reform than destroy. His ear was never pleased with the voice of slander; and if he was un­der the necessity of hearing accusations, he was willing to make great allowances for prejudice and party spirit: his judgment was never formed until he had heard the defence of the accused, as well as the ac­cusation. He could well bear a superior: this gives him the pre-eminence of Caesar. He could well bear an equal: this makes him greater than the jealous Pompey. His honest heart never envied another for his merit. See his conduct when an attempt was made to supplant him in office. Did he treat one of his generals as Pompey treated Caesar, although he knew the machinations that were carried on against him? No; the jealousy of vicious minds had no effect on him: he trod in the paths of virtue, and al­ways delighted in merit, and was not the last to pay due respect to the abilities of another, when it was apparently to his own injury.

7. He was greater than CORIOLANUS.—When this Roman hero received an insult, he deserted the cause of his country, and joined with the enemy, to the injury of Rome. He deprives her of the assistance he was able to afford, and proceeded to take up arms against her, with an intention to revenge his private in­juries on all his countrymen; as though he was more anxious to support his own than his country's glory. [Page 9] Was this a nobl [...] [...] ▪ No; it remains as a blot on his memory, and [...]gratitude of his countrymen to­ward him as an individ [...]al will justify his proceedings.

Would WASHINGT [...]N thus have acted? No; I sin­cerely believe he would have suffered his heart to be opened, and every drop of blood to be drained from it, rather than have taken up arms against his country, or even deserted the cause of Columbia. He was not a stranger to insults; he met with reflections, and was treated in a disrespectful manner by men in high repute, and of exalted rank; but he smiled at their envy, scorned their malice, and pitied their jealousy. The cause of liberty was his cause, and faithfully he fought by her standard. He did not, like the base Arnold, (with abhorrence I mention his name) revenge a pri­vate affront by assisting the enemy, and washing his hands in the blood of his countrymen, or distressing the lovers of liberty.

8. He was greater than CROMWELL.—Crom­well deceived the English. He apparently drew his sword to redress their grievances: they courageously fought by his side, and, animated by his bravery, sub­dued their enemies. But behold, for yokes of wood he made them wear those of iron, and whips they exchan­ged for scorpions. Whatever his pretences were be­fore or in the war—however he might profess his love for the commonwealth, and proclaim himself a republi­can—yet, when he saw the enemy vanquished, he a­vailed himself of the opportunity that offered, assumed the title of Lord Protector, and ruled with more seve­rity and despotism than the unfortunate Charles. After thousands were sacrificed, he made the situation of England worse than it was under its former govern­ment. His crime was aggravated by the base hypo­crisy he used to effect his designs.

[Page 10]Did WASHINGTON thus deceive the brave sons of Columbia? Did he thus w [...]de through oceans of blood to make himself great, and prostitute the name of li­berty and religion to effect ambitious designs? No, my countrymen; he willingly resigned his sword unto those who put it into his hands, and shewed the world that America was not deceived by or in him. So far was he from stirring up a civil war to make him­self absolute, that he stepped forward when the army were inclined to be mutinous, and used his influence to reconcile them, when perhaps he was the only man in America that could so effectually restore peace. What an opportunity was here offered to act the [...] of Crom­well! But his virtuous breast abhorred the deed; he lusted not for base-begotten power; he returned from the fields of battle crowned with the laurels of victory, meeting with the praise and acclamations of his coun­trymen, and possessing that degree of popularity his noble mind aspired after, viz. the love of Columbia's sons in the cause of virtue.

The men I have mentioned received the appellation of great, and are to this day represented as characters worthy of imitation to the rising posterity. It appears to me almost a disparagement to the character of our beloved WASHINGTON to compare him with many of them. As they were eminent for valiant actions, they are also remarkable for abominable vices: these vices he abhorred. They had imperfections that never sullied his character. Will not every lover of liberty justify me when I say, that he was not only a GREAT MAN, but, excepting, as I have said before, the subjects of extraor­dinary inspiration, the GREATEST OF MEN? His negative virtues are worthy of our observation; but we are not confined to them: he possessed virtues sufficient to dazzle the eye of every unprejudiced and candid [Page 11] beholder—Of every unprejudiced beholder did I say?— Every man, who has the exercise of his reason, must and will, with ineffable pleasure, behold the character of Columbia's Glory; who was great without guilty am­bition, honourable without ostentation, courageous without rashness, prudent without timidity, wise with­out presumption, patriotic without selfishness, humble without guile, and pious without superstition.

1. He possessed the moderation of CINCINNA­TUS.—Like this Roman chief he was called from the pleasures of a rural life, when the American revo­lution took place, to command an army composed of Columbia's brave sons, who groaned under their bur­dens, and longed to be free. At this critical period the eye of all America was on WASHINGTON, as the only man with whom they could entrust this im­portant office. With what moderation and self-diffi­dence did he accept the offer! With what zeal did he labour to effect the arduous task assigned him! When he had subdued the enemies of Columbia, Cincinnatus-like he humbly resigns his commission to, and lays it at the feet of, the supreme rulers; then he retires to his beloved retreat on Vernon's mount. Not long did he continue in the enjoyment which he there had promised himself. Again his country calls, and he obeys. He accepts the office of Supreme Magistrate, with his former modesty; and faithfully he discharged the duties of it; until, far advanced in years, he declines occupying his former respectable office, and withdraws to spend the remainder of his days in retirement and peace. The ancient Father of America hears that his country's rights are violated by a foreign power, and again the sons of Columbia, who were not ignorant of his abilities, look up to him for assistance. Though far advanced in years, and almost worn out in his country's service, [Page 12] he yet [...]ssures them that when necessary he will again command their armies. Like Cincinnatus, he loved his countr [...] to his latest hour.

2. He had the constancy of CAMILLUS.—Al­though he was treated amiss by many, and even ex­posed to dangers, hardships, toils and troubles, his con­stant heart, ever true to the cause of liberty, never suf­fered him to consult his own ease when his country was in danger. You, my countrymen, in the late war fre­quently trembled on his account. You scarcely knew whether he was dead or living; before you were aware of it, behold, he was in a part of the continent that little expected him, and at the very heels of his enemies. Like Camillus before the walls of Rome, so he appeared before Trenton and York, to the great con­fusion of his enemies.

In his gloomy rout through the Jerseys he was troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Although his enemies re­joiced in his forlorn situation, and entertained pleasing hopes of his final ruin, behold, he appears suddenly, routs and disperses them. As Camillus drove the Gauls from the walls of Rome, and compelled them to return to their own country, so WASHINGTON drove the hos­tile English from the shores of America, and forced them to return to Britain with shame and confusion. He re­vived the drooping hearts of Columbia's sons by the blessing of liberty.

3. He had the fortitude of TITUS.—Although his army was frequently routed, and he with pain be­held his brave troops bleeding, and flying in every di­rection before a powerful and victorious enemy—al­though other armies in different parts of the United States, who were engaged in the cause of liberty, shared [Page 13] the same fate, and to all human appearance the ca [...] of Columbia must fall before the power of Britain, and bow to the cruel invader—although many of the offi­cers in this distressing season lost all their hopes, while the private soldiers were almost sunk into despair—the sons of America, and the daughters of Columbia, wept, and smote their breasts for grief, while their eyes were fixed on and looking up to him, by whom they ex­pected deliverance—he alone remains calm and serene in this awful juncture, and like Titus renews the attack again, and again, until he shews himself victorious. I make no doubt that our Hero was affected when he viewed the deplorable state of his affairs; but the just cause in which he was engaged, and the confidence he had in that righteous God who superintends all hu­man events, supported his mind, and gave him that de­gree of fortitude by which he was enabled to face the enemy, and manfully fight for liberty and his country.

4. He had the wisdom and honesty of FABI­US.—Courage in war, without prudence, would lead a man into many difficulties, from which he could not easily extricate himself. Should I attempt to enumerate the many circumstances, that occurred through the course of the late war, in which the superior wisdom of WASHINGTON was displayed, it would exhaust my strength. As they were many, so they are recent. His designs were not planned precipitately, but with proper deliberation: when a­d [...]pted, they were receded from if found to be errone­ [...], but if approved of, on the day and at the place of [...]on they were executed with judgment and regu­larity. He well knew what advantages to avail himself of, and what use to make of them—when to appear against the enemy, and when to avoid them—in what to encounter them, and at what time—when to pursue [Page 14] them, and when to retreat before them—when to slacken the reins of discipline in his army, and when strictly to enforce it—when to appear affable, and when reserved—when to encourage, and when to threaten. I know of few to whom our beloved WASHINGTON can be compared in this respect, and to none with more propriety than to FABIUS: in every trait of his character he equals if not excels him. His honesty was as remarkable as his wisdom. When reduced to the most humiliating situation he could possibly be in (unless a prisoner in his enemies' hands) when he needed men, money, and the ne­cessaries of life, his enemies offered him certain honours, and great rewards, if he would desert the cause of liberty. On this occasion he shewed that same spirit of indignation that fired the breast of the holy martyr when the queen's pardon was offered him on base conditions: he exclaimed "God forbid I should touch the unclean thing."

WASHINGTON, as before observed, did not engage in the war to accumulate wealth: if he had, this was a fair opportunity to acquire it. Neither did he labour to gain honour, but by virtuous deeds. The situation of his affairs, when the bribe was offered, were such that few men would have refused it. As to fortune, he had much to lose with the loss of liberty, and no property did he gain by making America free. If he desired honours from Columbia's sons, the pros­pect was dark and gloomy, and no certain foundation had he to build his hopes upon: whereas, had he accepted the bribe, he would have obtained certain though base honours. But he would rather risk the chance of being conquered, safely conveyed to the Tower of London, and executed as a rebel, than to forsake the cause of liberty, and betray the trust com­mitted [Page 15] to him by the virtuous Americans. He was one of those "honest men," who are "the noblest work of God."

"O admirable WASHINGTON! it was as impossi­ble to "prevent the sun from shining, as to di­vert thee from the paths of virtue." Thy enemies were not perfectly acquainted with thee, or they would never have made the fruitless and vain attempt to allure thee by gold and honours, or terrify thee with threatenings, menaces and invectives, as means to in­duce or compel thee to betray thy country, and blot thy reputation with vice. Ye sons of Columbia, your Chief has taught the world to believe, a man did exist, whom no quantity of gold, nor profusion of honours, could pollute. He had no price but virtue, no object but liberty. The offers of one day, and the threaten­ings of another, had the same effect on him, whose only policy was honesty, and whose only glory was virtue.

5. He had the resolution of FREDERIC.——Cou­rage and prudence are not always united in military characters. It would be often better to be quite desti­tute of both, than to possess one in a very great, and the other in a very small, degree. Courage often be­comes the source of misery to him who is destitute of prudence. In WASHINGTON we find both united: not intimidated by the sight of danger, when there was a probability of success he rushed forward with cou­rage, well tempered by good conduct. Fear never pre­vented him from seizing an advantage: he never eva­ded, when he might safely come to, an engagement. No; he drew his sword to protect Columbia, and valiantly faced every opposition; not accounting his life dear to him, if he could only make America the seat of peace and liberty. The purity of his cause, and the strict virtue he practised, deprived death of his ter­rors; [Page 16] his soul was thereby preserved, and in the field of battle with perfect calmness he issued out orders.

Such was our WASHINGTON (not inferior to Fre­deric) who was a mighty man of war. But this was not his delight; it was his duty. For us, my country­men, he unsheathed the sword, and chastised the pre­sumptuous sons of Britain: and, strange to tell, as they once feared, so now they love, the name of WASHING­TON.

Thus, my countrymen, you behold, and while you behold you admire, the greatness of your Illustrious Chief. He was not only great, but great among the greatest; destitute of their vices, yet possessing their abilities. He had not the ambition of Alexander, the avarice of Vespasian, the presumption of Caesar, the rashness of Charles, the cruelty of Philip and Peter, the credulity of Trajan, the jealousy of Pompey, the weak­ness of Coriolanus, or the hypocrisy of Cromwell; but the moderation of Cincinnatus, the constancy of Ca­millus, the fortitude of Titus, the courage of Frederic, the wisdom and honesty of Fabius. Many of these possessed virtues, and are called great; their names are not blotted with vice; yet they are inferior to WASHINGTON: they did not possess virtues of so ma­ny kinds, nor in so great a degree: they had no virtues that he was destitute of, no useful abilities but what he was acquainted with. But who of them ever possessed, or when and where did the man ever exist who posses­sed, all the abilities of WASHINGTON, and all the vir­tues that ornamented his soul? To the fierceness of Alexander, he united the moderation of Cincinnatus; the courage of Frederic, with the wisdom of Fabius; the fidelity of Vespasian, with the patriotism of Camil­lus; the spirit of Caesar, with the fortitude of Titus.

[Page 17]I shall now mention his greatness as a ruler. By the unanimous voice of the citizens of the United States, he was called to the high and important office of Presi­dent. In this respectable post, he did not carry him­self as a man with proud looks, and of an high mind: his moderation was known to all men; none complain­ed of his power, or envied him his glory. His abilities and virtues were augmented with his cares. His de­sire for the welfare of the Indian tribes; his love for peace at home and abroad; his manner in suppressing internal insurrections, and baffling foreign artifices; every part of his administration, bespoke the greatness of his soul, and the wisdom that rested on him. To mention every part of his conduct, while he filled this important office, would be very improper on this occa­sion. We this day enjoy the blessed effects of his wise proceedings. Happy wast thou, O Columbia! Who was like unto thee, O people favoured of the Lord— blessed with such a righteous ruler, who caused the land to rejoice, and exalted our nation?

I will now consider his greatness as a political writer. In his writings you view him great with his pen, as he formerly was with his sword. In all his letters and ad­dresses he evidences himself to be no unskilful work­man; particularly in his last Legacy. It was said, Aristotle shewed himself to be great by his writings. The writings of WASHINGTON were not inferior to his: in them he displays his republican principles, and shews himself to be the real friend of liberty. With what zeal he recommends union to the people of the United States, reprobates military establishments, and recommends useful knowledge! In fine, he gave advice which, if adopted, would make Columbia the seat of li­berty and peace. In this Address are sentiments so su­blime, they do honour to his memory, and should be taught the rising posterity. While he wrote these pre­cious [Page 18] lines, and retired from public service, like the Jewish prophet on a similar occasion, I fancy him using his language—God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you. O Columbia! his God only knows how often he bowed his knee, and lifted his hand, toward the throne of Grace in your be­half. He first served you with his sword; when it was returned to its scabbard, he presided in your councils, and served you in the cabinet as faithfully as he had done in the field; then with his pen he laboured for your welfare; and last of all, with fervent suppli­cations to his God. I make no doubt but you agree with me, that WASHINGTON was not only greater than Abner, but greater than any uninspired man you ever heard or read of.

But he is fallen. WASHINGTON is no more: the union between his soul and body is dissolved. But though dead, he yet speaks, by his examples, works, writings, and the blessings he procured for us. Can we enjoy the blessing of liberty, and live in the plea­sures of freedom, and forget the name of WASHING­TON? No; he lives in the heart of every virtuous son of Columbia, and it is only with ineffable pleasure they sound his name. As the Israelites respect the charac­ter of Moses, who brought them from the bondage of Egypt within sight of the promised land, so may every virtuous American remember the worthy deeds of WASHINGTON, who delivered us from a yoke of bon­dage that neither we nor our fathers were able to bear, even a foreign yoke; the avarice of priests, hereditary governors, and church establishments, which are en­gines of oppression, and the yokes of tyranny. He brought us not only within sight of the blessings of li­berty, but, like Joshua, led us into the very enjoyment and possession of them. While I speak, my heart grows warm. I feel a measure of gratitude that I can­not [Page 19] describe. Before my infant heart knew the value of the blessings I now enjoy, my Father and your Father was in the field, fighting to procure them for us. My indignation rises against the American who refuses to pay suitable respect to the memory of WASHINGTON. If such a man there be, surely he ought not to eat his bread on the American shores: let him give place to hundreds and thousands in Europe more grateful than he, who would willingly come to this delightful and pleasant land of liberty, if they had it in their power. I would advise him to go among his brethren of the Indian tribes. Alas! they would suppose their society polluted by the company of such a wretch, and would consequently expel him from among them. When thus expelled, let him join his sable brethren on the African shores. Even they would protest, the colour of their skin is not more black than his heart is base. But I hold, and charitably hope, there is not a wretch so vile in this assembly. What! a man who daily lives in the possession of those liberties WASHINGTON procured for him, and glories in the enjoyment of them, and yet refuses to pay suitable respect to his memory! Forbid it, Heaven!

Your ancestors came to this continent from the island of Great Britain; they fled from oppressive power, and not far from this spot made their first set­tlement. When their mother country made encroach­ments on their liberties, they remonstrated, but in vain; they then had recourse to arms, and called on WASHINGTON to head their troops: he complied, fought, bled, and conquered. Shall we, their posteri­ty, be guilty of an act that would have made our vir­tuous fathers blush? No, my countrymen; let grati­tude arise from your hearts, and teach posterity the no­ble deeds of our illustrious Chief. Begin with your children in the cradle; let their first instructions be, [Page 20] the praise of GOD, and the principles of CHRISTIANI­TY; then teach them to lisp the name of WASHING­TON—the name ever dear to all the virtuous friends of liberty. The American may travel to the most distant parts of the world, where the sons of Colum­bia are known as a nation, and need not blush when he is told, WASHINGTON commanded your armies; a WASHINGTON stood at the helm of your govern­ment. Europeans may blush when they see the vices of their princes exposed, their ignorance described, or their cruelty reprobated: but the Glory of Columbia had no apparent imperfections; consequently it is not in the power of enemies to reproach us on his ac­count; we bid defiance to the tongue of calumny. "He was the heroic General, patriotic Statesman and virtuous Sage." I shall shortly sail for England: if I arrive safely there, I will carry with me this badge of mourning, and inform those with whom I am or may be acquainted, that I, with Columbia's sons, mourn the loss of a political father, even the great, the admi­rable WASHINGTON.

I was in this town when I first heard the doleful news of his death: the tolling of the bell first excited my curiosity, then depressed my soul in sorrow. I could not forbear expressing my grief. The sound echoes from city to city, from town to town, and from grove to grove—WASHINGTON is no more! the great, the good, the virtuous WASHINGTON is no more! While the brave sons of America, and the fair daughters of Co­lumbia, hang their heads, and torrents of tears stream from either eye, they smite their breasts, and cry, Oh, my father! my father! the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof! Alas! for the Glory of Columbia is no more! Her Sun is set! while they say to each other, in accents of sorrow, A prince and a great man [...]his day fallen on the shores of Columbia. The [Page 21] mirth of youth is taken away, and the voice of mourn­ing is heard. Age feels the quick emotion: his feeble hand wipes from his venerable cheek the tear that insen­sibly stole from his eye, while he exclaims, in mourning accents, Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, for the faithful fail from among the children of men. O, my brethern, the Lord hath taken away the mighty man, the man of war, the prudent man, and the counsellor: WASHINGTON is no more. You that fought by his side when he bore the heat and burden of the day al­most alone—his courage animated you, his virtues awed you; you who loved him as a father, command­er and protector, with what pain did you receive the unwelcome tidings, and now what emotions do you feel, when you reflect on the great loss you and your country have sustained! Kind souls, you weep—Ah! these are precious drops—drops of pity that fall on the princely urn of your beloved WASHINGTON. To weep on this occasion is manly; not to weep, would be stoical. Well may we weep when we have reason to fear his equal is not left behind. O, what a treasure have we lost by the death of our illustrious Chief, who was our support in war, our guide in peace! When I consider his worthy actions, and eminent merit, me­thinks I see him stand before his Judge, hearing the blessed plaudit—Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. This is the con­solation left us: The memory of this Just Man shall ever be, as it now is, blessed. He is one of those righ­teous that shall be in everlasting remembrance.

Let us, my brethren, improve the advice he has left behind. Let us cultivate that liberty he has pro­cured for us, and not make it a cloak of lasciviousness. Let us shew to the world, that WASHINGTON has made us free, and taught us how to preserve our liber­ty; and that we, as obedient children, will follow his [Page 22] advice; that it may never be said of Columbia, WASH­INGTON laboured for her in vain.

May his death remind us of our approaching dissolu­tion. May we see the impartiality of death; and if the great and good fall before him, if such as WASH­INGTON must die, let us remember how frail we are, and now apply our hearts unto wisdom. We shall see him here no more. He cannot return to us, but we shall go to him. May we this day begin the important work of preparing to meet our God. Time is short; eternity is just at hand: let us be diligent. A great and important work is before us—a God to serve, a heaven to obtain, and a hell to shun. And as we are dying daily, God forbid that we should be negligent. We have privileges great and many. We may sit un­der our own vine, and none to make us afraid. Let us improve these opportunities, and while we enjoy the blessings of liberty, both civil and religious, may we with profound respect verberate the names of FRANK­LIN, MONTGOMERY, WARREN, GREENE, and WASHINGTON.


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