SCHEME of a Lottery authorized by an Act entitl [...]d ‘An Act to enable the Presid [...]nt and Managers of th [...] S [...]huylk [...]ll and Susquehanna Navigation, and the Presid [...]nt and Managers of the Del [...]are and S [...]huylkill Cana [...] Navi [...]ation, to raise by way of Lottery, the Sum of [...] Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the Purpose of completing the Wo [...]s in their Acts of Incorporation mentioned.’
- Dollars.
- 1 Prize of fifty thousand dollars,
- 50,000
- 1 of thirty thousand dollars,
- 30,000
- 5 of twenty thousand dollars each, to be paid to the Possessors of the Tickets of the five last drawn Numbers,
- 100,000
- 1 of fifteen thousand dollars,
- 15,000
- 2 of ten thousand dollars each,
- 20,000
- 6 of two thousand five hundred dollars each,
- 15,000
- 1 of two thousand dollars, to be paid to the Possessor of the Ticket of the 1st drawn Number,
- 2,000
- 10 of two thousand dollars each,
- 20,000
- 20 of one thousand dollars each,
- 20,000
- 40 of five hundred dollars each,
- 20,000
- 100 of one hundred dollars each,
- 10,000
- 16,500 of twelve dollars each,
- 198,000
- 16,687 Prizes, Dollars
- 500,000
- 33,313 Blanks,
- 50,000 Tickets at Ten Dollars each,
- 500,000
All Prizes shall be paid Ten Days after the Drawing is finished, upon the Demand of the Possessor of a fortunate Ticket, subject to a deduction of fifteen per Cent.
Such Prizes as are not demanded in Twelve Months after the Drawing is finished, of which Public Notice will [...] given, shall be considered as relinquished for the Use of the Canal and applied accordingly.
THAT David Rittenhouse, Joseph Ball, John Steinmetz, Standish Forde, and Francis West, be a Committee to arrange and direct the mode of disposing of the Tickets; which Committee shall deposit the Money in Bank, to be carried to the Credit of an Account to be opened for the Lottery.
THE Drawing of this Lottery will positively commence on the first Day of September next▪ Tickets may be had at the Company's Office n [...]ar the Bank of the United States and of either of the Subscribers.