TO provide, Preamble. in the time of health and strength, against the infirmities of old age, distress and want, among their own members,—to support their widows, and educate their orphan children—have been the objects of many charitable institutions in various parts of Europe, and long experience bears witness to their utility.—As manufactures, and consequently the number of persons employed in them, have rapidly increased in this country, it has become necessary to form societies here, on plans nearly similar. The PRINTERS of the city of Philadelphia, therefore, sensible of the advantages which may be derived from such institutions, when wisely planned, and conducted with prudence and fidelity, have formed themselves into a society for the above purposes, subject to the following regulations, viz.
THAT this Society be entitled the FRANKLIN SOCIETY; Title of the Society. the propriety of such an institution in this city having been first [Page 4] suggested by the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin—that patriot, philosopher, and friend to the arts, particularly the typographical.
§ 1. The executive business of the Society shall be managed by a President, Number of officers. Treasurer, two Directors, and a Secretary, who shall be chosen by ballot; but the judicial shall remain wholly with the Society. Their duration in office. No officer shall continue in office longer than six months, except the Secretary, who may be re-elected.
§ 2. The President shall preside at all meetings, Duty of the President. and preserve proper order and decorum. In all cases where the Society or Directors are equally divided, he shall have the casting vote.
All applications, on business concerning the Society, shall be addressed to its Secretary, who must immediately communicate the same to the President, or forfeit the sum of Four Dollars.
That the President shall issue his orders in writing, to the Directors of the Society, for the transacting of its business, beginning with senior Director, (the first chosen) and so in rotation; and for non-performance of such order, said Director shall forfeit the sum of Four Dollars for such neglect.
That the President, if neglecting to issue his orders, and forward the business of the [Page 5] Society, touching his official department, he shall forfeit the sum of Five Dollars.
§ 3. If any member, Fine for not obeying the President. when called to order by the president, refuses to obey, he shall be subject to a fine of 1-16th of a dollar, and this sum shall be doubled for every after offence of the same kind, committed at the same meeting; and if said fines are not paid in to the Society at the receipt of the monthly payments preceding the next general meeting, the Society shall take into consideration the same, and he be subject to expulsion.
§ 4. The Treasurer shall give a good and sufficient bond for twenty pounds more than the sum which he receives at the time of his accepting the office; Duty of the Treasurer. and shall, at the expiration of the six months for which he is elected, present a fair statement of his accounts, deliver the bonds granted to the Society for monies loaned, and the cash which may be in his possession, to his successor in office, and receive an acquittance from the President, in presence of the Society. He shall make no disbursements of money without a written order from the President and Directors; and such written order or orders, and the receipt or receipts from the person or persons in whose favour such orders have been drawn, when produced by the Treasurer, shall be the only authority for the Secretary to notice them, and give credit in the books of the Society for the same.
[Page 6] § 5. The Directors shall visit by rotation, Duty of the Directors. the persons who may be entitled to receive support from the Society, if within the city and liberties, and, in conjunction with the President, order the Treasurer to make the necessary disbursements; they shall provide any books, &c. necessary for the use of the Society, and, in short, manage all the ordinary concerns of the Society, in strict conformity to the Constitution.
In case of the death of an officer, Vacancy in the office of Director, how supplied or his leaving the city, the remaining officers shall choose another to fill his place until the next quarterly meeting.
§ 6. The Secretary shall keep a fair record of all the proceedings of the Society, Duty of the Secretary. and also keep an exact account of the monies received and disbursed by the Treasurer. He shall make an index to all the resolutions and proceedings of the Society, and distinctly folio the same. He shall receive all monies at meetings, and hand it over to the Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same, for the use of the Society. For which services, His compensation. and for every other service incumbent upon him as Secretary, he shall receive at the rate of six dollars per annum, to be paid out of the fund of the Society.
§ 7. In case any of the officers, Fines for refusing offices. when duly elected, refuse to serve, they shall pay the following fines, viz. a President, one dollar—a Treasurer, 5s7 1-2—and a Director or Secretary, 5s.
THE funds of the Society shall consist of the entrance-money, Entrance-money and monthly payment. fines, and monthly payment of 5-16ths of a dollar, by each member, to be made to the President, Treasurer and Directors, on the first Saturday in every month.
If any member neglect to pay the above sum of 5-16ths of a dollar, Fine for neglecting the monthly payment. he shall be subject to a fine of 1-16th for every month he may be delinquent; and should he continue such neglect until his arrearages amount to the sum of five dollars, he shall be served by the Secretary with a written notice—which notice shall be delivered to said delinquent member, or left at his usual place of abode; and shall be in the form following:
You are hereby noticed, Form of certificate to delinquent members.That you stand indebted to the Franklin Society, (Printers) in the sum of (left blank) which, if you neglect to pay to the said Society, on or before their next general meeting, on the (left blank) day of (left blank) next, you forfeit all right of membership therein.
THE Society shall hold a general meeting on the third Saturday of February, General meetings, & May, [Page 8] August and November, meetings of the Directors, when to be held. in every year; and the President, with the Treasurer, Directors, and Secretary, shall meet on the first Saturday of every month, to receive the payments of the members. The hours for transacting business shall not be limited, but, on motion, shall be determined by adjournment.
§ 2. A majority of resident members of the Society shall be sufficient to form a quorum, Number necessary to form a quorum. who may proceed to business.
§ 3. If any officer of the Society absent himself from any meeting, Fines for non-attendance. he shall pay a fine of 5-16ths of a dollar; and if any member shall absent himself from a general, quarterly or special meeting, having had regular notice, he shall pay a fine of 1-4th, unless an excuse be given which shall be deemed satisfactory by a majority of the officers. Every officer of the Society not attending within ten minutes after the hour of meeting, shall forfeit 1-8th, and every other member 1-16th of a dollar.
§ 4. No officer or member of the Society, Penalty for absenting during the time of business. after the commencement of business, at any meeting, shall absent himself more than five minutes, at any one time, nor oftener than twice in one evening, without permission from the chair.—Every member who shall be guilty of a breach of this section, shall forfeit and pay a fine of 1-8th of a dollar for each offence.
§ 5. At every general, Sum allowed for defraying the expences of meetings. special and quarterly meeting of the Society, the sum of 1-8th [Page 9] of a dollar shall be levied on every resident member, to defray the expence of said meeting. The monthly payment of members shall not be received until such payment is made.
§ 1. ANY member falling into sickness, Weekly sum allowed to members incapable of working. and notice thereof being given to the Directors, one of them shall visit him—and if, upon such visitation, the said Director shall find him incapable of working at his business, he shall make report thereof to the President; who shall thereupon, in conjunction with the Directors, draw an order on the Treasurer, in writing, for the sum of Fifteen Shillings per week, during his sickness. And should claims on the Society's fund accumulate, Fund not to be reduced below £160 so as to reduce it to £.160, then all demands, of every kind, shall be provided for by such an addition to the monthly payment of each member as the case may require.
§ 2. Any member residing at a distance from the city, Members in distress, residing at a distance, to send a certificate, shall be entitled to the same benefit as above specified, on sending the certificate of a magistrate, clergyman, or two respectable freeholders in the place where he resides, of his indisposition.
[Page 10] § 3. No person shall be entitled to receive any support from this society, One year's membership, &c. requisite to granting support. until he has been a member for one year.
§ 4. In case of a member's dying, Sum allowed at the funeral, and to the widow of a deceased member. the Society, if applied to, shall expend a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars towards defraying the expences of his funeral; and a sum not exceeding six dollars a quarter shall be allowed to the widow of a deceased member, during the time of her widowhood.
§ 5. Should the fund of the Society increase, Additions to be made to claiments as the funds increase. the following additions shall be made to the sums before specified in § 1. & 4. of this article, viz. when the Society's stock amounts to £. 350, one-fourth to be added to the specified appointments,—when to £. 650, one half,—but said allowance to cease, when the capital is reduced, in the first case to £. 300, and in the second to £. 600. When the stock of the Society amount to £. 850, the Society shall have a discretionary power to make further additions for the benefit of claimants, but only agreeably to the ratio above laid down. All sums, however, granted in consequence of such discretionary power, shall cease on the stock's being reduced to £. 800.
§ 6. The society shall also provide for the education of the children of deceased members; Allowance for the education of the children of deceased members. and for this purpose, a sum not exceeding 15s. per quarter, at the direction of [Page 11] the President and Directors, shall be paid by the Treasurer, for a term of time not exceeding five years, or as the case may require, for each child to be educated. The directors to enquire into their progress, &c. and report to the society every quarter. And it shall be the duty of the directors to wait on the schoolmaster, at least once in a quarter, and enquire whether the child, or children, have regularly attended school, and what progress they have made—and make report thereof at the next meeting of the Society.
§ 7. Each member of the Society shall attend the funeral of a deceased member, Penalty for not attending the funeral of a deceased member. with a crape round his arm, in the same manner as funerals are usually attended by the brethren of other societies, under the penalty of one dollar.
Qualifications of Members.
§ 1. No person can become a member of the Franklin Society (Printers) but a printer, A good character, serving an apprenticeship, &c. requisite in persons admitted. of a good character, and who has served an apprenticeship to the printing business—free from any bodily infirmity at the time of entrance, and not above forty-five years of age.
[Page 12] § 2. Every person admitted a member shall be present at the time of his admission; Persons admitted members to be present, and to receive a certificate of their membership. and shall, thereupon, be furnished with a certificate of his membership, after the following form, signed by the President and Secretary for the time being, with the Society's seal affixed.
This is to certify,Form of the certificate, That at a Meeting of the Franklin Society, (Printers) held on (left blank) A. B. was proposed as a fit person to become a member. He was accordingly balloted for, agreeably to the rules of the Society, and was, and is hereby declared to be duly admitted, and entitled to all the benefits and privileges resulting from membership.
- (left blank) President.
- (left blank) Secretary.
Terms of Admission.
§ 1. CANDIDATES, Mode of admitting members. qualified as in the preceding article, being proposed for admission by a member, and the question being seconded, it shall be determined by ballot.
[Page 13] § 2. Each candidate shall pay, Sums to be paid by persons admitted according to their respective ages. on his admittance as a member, as follows, viz. If not more than thirty years of age, 1s. for every year of his age—if thirty, and not more than thirty-five, 1s3.—if thirty-five, and not more than forty, 1s9,—if forty, and not more than forty-five, 2s6.
§ 3. Any person proposed as a candidate for admittance, Persons admitted, not paying their entrance money in three months, excluded. shall not be considered a member of the Society, unless, at the expiration of three months from the time of his being approved of, he shall have paid his entrance money. If after three months he shall continue desirous of becoming a member, May be again proposed; he may be again proposed, and shall be subject to the same formality as at the time of his being first proposed; But not a third, time. but no person shall be proposed a third time.
§ 1. No sum of money less than ten pounds shall be loaned by the Society.—No sum less than £10 to be loaned. When application is made for any sum above ten pounds, the Society shall determine on the propriety of the grant, according to the stock in hand. Should there be, If more than one applicant, how to be settled. however, more than one applicant, and the stock in the hands of the Treasurer not be sufficient to satisfy them all, (if it is agreed that monies shall be loaned) the Society shall determine [Page] on the sum which shall be loaned to each person.
§ 2. No money shall be loaned by the Society, Freehold security requisite. without sufficient freehold security therefor, approved of by the Society; nor shall a member be accepted as a security for any loan, either jointly or separately, unless the said member be a freeholder, and his security be deemed sufficient by the Society.
§ 3. The name of the security must be made known by the applicant, Name of the security to be given at the time of application. when the application is made; and if a member, he, together with the applicant, must withdraw until a decision is bad,—which shall be determined by ballot.
§ 4. Any person applying for money, Members to have notice of intended applications. shall give such timely notice thereof to the Secretary, as will be sufficient for him to give notice to the members, one week prior to the meeting, of the nature of such application.
§ 5. All applications for loans shall be made in writing. Applications to be made in writing.
§ 6. The sum of twenty pounds must be retained in the hands of the Treasurer, £. 20 to be retained in the Treasurer's hands. for answering any demands which may be on the Society.
THAT a society-seal shall be made use of on all occasions, A society-seal to be used. wherein it shall be necessary.
IF any member of this Society shall be guilty of a felonious breach of the laws of the country, Members guilty of felony, to be excluded. he shall be for ever excluded this Society.
So long as three members remain of this Society, The fund, how to be disposed of, in case the number of members is reduced to two. the fund shall never be alienated to any other purpose than that expressed in the foregoing articles. Should, it ever unfortunately happen, that the number is reduced to two, in that case the American Philosophical Society shall receive the monies on hand, the interest of which to be applied by them in an annual premium for the best essay on such subject as they may think proper; they paying to the two remaining members the sums they have respectively paid, during the time they have belonged to the society, and to the widows and orphans of deceased members the quarterly sums stipulated in Article V. § 3, 4.