A plain Discourse FOR Little Children.
In the 18th Chapter of St. Luke, and the 16th Verse▪ JESUS saith, Suffer little Children to come unto me.
WHEN our Lord Jesus was upon Earth, he loved littl [...] Children, and therefore spake these Words; and tho' our dear Saviour doth no [...] now live i [...] this World; tho' he is now on his Throne of Glory, in the highest Heavens, ye [...] doth he not love little Children still? Yes he doth: For Jesus Christ is the some Yesterday, to Day and for ever, as you read, He [...]rew [...] xiii 8. and his Words are the same; and all his Wo [...]ds are Truth: He was always as good as his Word, and still continues so to this Day, and will [...]o for ever and ever; [...]d he still says, Suffer little Children to come unto me.
[Page 9]But it may be, dear Children, you do not know who Jesus Christ is: Tho' you read of Jesus Christ in your Testaments, perhaps you have not considered, or thought much about Jesus Christ: Therefore you do not know him. You do nor love him: You never go to him. You never call upon him: You never ask Jesus Christ to bless you; nor you never thank him, though he loves you so much, so very much; yes indeed, he does.
O 'tis a sad Thing for little Children not to know, not to love Jesus Christ. Don't you remember what the Apolste tells you in 1 Cor. Chap. 16. ver. 22. If any one love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be accursed. O 'tis a thousand Pities but that you should be told who Jesus Christ is, and how much he loves little Children, what he has done for them, and how many good Things he every Day gives them. Surely if we considered this, you would love him. Are you w [...]ling then to hear of Jesus Christ? Do you desire to be told who he is, and what great Things Jesus Christ hath done for little Children? Should you not be glad to know how you must go to him? For he says, Suffer little Children to come unto me.
Why then, for the Sake of dear little Children, and because I love them, and would wish them to know and love Jesus Christ, that they may be happy: I have made this little Discourse [Page 10] on purpose to tell de [...] Children, who Jesus Christ i [...]; and also what he has done for them; and likewise, how they are to go to Jesus Christ: Which if you do, I will also tell you what good Things, what great Blessings Jesus Christ will give you; for he says, Come unto me.
But least I should write, and you dear Children should read in vain, let us pray our dear Lord and Saviour, to send his Blessing upon this Work.
O thou kind and loving Lord Jesus, who dost not despise the Day of small-Things; thou dear Saviour, who in the Days of thy Flesh, didst take little Children into thine Arms and blessedst them; O do thou now seal Instruction upon their dear Hearts by thy blessed Spirit; impress their tender Minds with a sweet Sense of thy Love, and make even this litt [...] Work, a blessed Means in thy powerful Hands of revealing thy Love, even [...]to Babes! O let thy Praise be [...]l [...]ed from their Lips! and that their little Tongues may lisp thy Love; O give them to feel it in their Hearts! O do it for thy Mercy's Sake, thou dear Lamb of God, even so, Lord Jesus, Amen.
You are told who Jesus Christ is.
DO you ask who Jesus Christ is? I will tell you: He is GOD over all, blessed for [Page 11] evermore. He is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lord [...] Before you was born into the World, yea, before ever this World was made, Jesus Christ lived beyond the Clouds; he dwelt above the starry Sky in the highest Heavens, which he made by his Power. He made the Earth also. All Things were made by him and without him was not any Thing made that was made, as you read in St. John, [...]hap 1. ver. 3.
So that you [...] Jesus Christ is God, God Almighty, the ever [...]asting God, the God of Love. Tis by this Name only you can comfortably know him. O he is very loving; full of Love to little Children. By him you was made at first to live with, and enjoy him forever in his Heaven where is all Glory, Happiness and Pleasure; for this he made Man like himself.
How God created the first Man Adam, holy and [...]ap [...]. How he sinned against God, and bro't Misery and Sorrow upon himself, & all his Children, so that we are all become m [...]serable Sinners.
DONT you remember how you read in God's Book, the Bible, i [...] Genesis chap. 1, ver 26. that God created Man in his own Image; and placed him in Paradise; and how Adam, who is the Father of us all, the first Man, [...]hat God made, how good, how holy, how happy [Page 12] he was, until that wicked One, the Devil, who is full of Spite and Malice against Man, came to him, and bid him not believe God, nor be obedient to do what God had told him; and how he hearkened to the Voice of the Devil, and so became proud; and instead of loving and fearing the Lord, and brok [...] God's Command; he did what God had told h [...]m [...]e should not do; he eat the Fru [...] o [...] the Tree which God told him he sh [...]ul [...] not and so Man was changed in a Moment into the Shape of the w [...]cked One.
He lost his fine Dress, his beau [...]ul Robe of Inn [...]cence; and the Lord who had look [...]d on Man, and said he was very good, now beheld him, and lo he was become very bad, unfit to live with GOD, because he was unlike to GOD, therefore God drove him out of his Presence, even the sweet Garden of heavenly Pleasure, where was nothing but Joy and Happiness and Delight; to wande [...] about in a lonesome, dark, uncom [...]ortable Place, which is this naughty wicked World, w [...]ere you and I now live.
For when Adam sinned against God, and lost the Heaven of God's Love and Favour, all his Children sinned in him; so that you and I, dear Children, are become Fellow-Sinners and Fellow Sufferers, by Adam's Fall and Disobedience, so you read by the Offence of One, we are all made Sinners, and Death entered into the [Page 13] World by Sin as God's Apostle tells you in the [...]th Chap of Romans, ver. 12.
So that, instead of being along with your [...]oving Saviour, in his holy happy Place of Glory, where there is no Darkness, no Sorrow [...]o Pain, no S [...]ckness; you are forced to live here in a wicked, cruel, unkind World where you find a great deal of Trouble and Sorrow, and are sometimes Sick, and in Pain, and often cry for many Things you want, and are never truly happy, and are very seldom easy in your Minds.
O what a sad Thing it was for Adam to Sin against God! O what a miserable Thing it is that dear little Children are now become Sinners! that they should Quarrel and Fight with one another; be Angry, and tell lies, and take God's Name in vain, and not love God, nor fear God, nor pray to God. O dear! What a sad, what an affecting Thing is this to think of!
But then, when you come to die: For my dear Children you are to live but a little, little while longer here. O, alas! this is very dreadful! to shut your Eyes never, never to open them any more! And that dear little Body must be put into the cold, dark Grave, & Dirt thrown upon it, and the Worms will eat it up.
But then, O more dreadful still! You have, dear Children, Souls that can never die, but will live forever and ever. These after your Bodies [Page 14] die, must appear before the great God the Judge of all men, who will then tell you of, and will judge you for all your Sins, for every Idle wicked Word, and every evil, sinful Thought; and then if you have no Friend to take your Part, no dear Saviour to beg for you! O most dreadful of all!
O! methinks I tremble to tell you what Jesus Christ says will bec [...]me of you! Read Mat. chap. 14. ver. 41. Oh! are not they terrible Words. Depart from me, ye cursed, into the everlasting Fire of [...]ll, prepared for the Devil and his Angels: Where there is weeping and [...]ailing, and gnashing of Teeth; Where their tormenting Wo [...]m of Conscience never dies, nor the burning Fire of Pain, never goes out; and never never to come out of this Place of Torment! O surely, this is very affrighting!
O, but now, if I was to tell you of any good Person, who could save you, and keep you from all these terrible Things, would you not be very glad? Should you not be vastly delighted to know who it is? Would you not go to him, and pray to him, Night and Day, to do these Things [...]or you? Would you not love him dearly, most dearly of all? Should you not? Now tell me, my dear Children?
O, yes, I think you say: O if any Body would save me from being naughty, and from being the [...]vil's Child, save me from going to [Page 15] Hell, I would, indeed I would love him. Would you so?
O, but suppose I was to tell you of one, who would do a great deal more than all this, even make you God Almighty's Child, and open the Door of Heaven to you, that when you come to die, you might be comfortable and glad, yes, and before you die, you might live holy, happy and joyful; and after Death find all Joy and Pleasure, and Comfort and Delight, for ever and ever.
Now would not this make your dear little Hearts glad within you? Now would it not? Yes, surely, it would. But O, where shall we find any one so full of Love and Goodness! No one is, but Jesus Christ: None but he is able to do this. And be glad, little Children, to hear what our [...] Saviour has done and suffered, for all that come unto him, which was the next Thing I promised to tell little Children of
You are told how Jesus Christ loved the Children of Men, and pitied poor Sinners, and became their Saviour; and what Pains and Sorrows our dear Saviour went through, to save his dear Children from Hell, and to bring them to Heaven.
O Methinks, you long to know. You are eager to hear what Jesus Christ did, and [Page 16] what Way he takes to save and make happy his dear Children.
You know I told you before, that we are all, of us become so unlike God, by Reason of Sin, that we are unfit to go to God and Heaven. Well then, Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to Earth, to fetch us from the Earth to Heaven.
O, what Love is this! as we read in God's Book, 2 Epist. Cor. chap. 8. ver. 9. of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, tho' he was rich, yet for your Sake became poor, that ye through his Poverty might be made rich. How poor did Jesus become? Why he that was Lord of all became a poor despised out-cast Babe. He took our Nature upon him, and was born into this World.
O he looked down from the Heaven of his Glory; he saw how Sin and Wickedness had ruined the dear Children of Men, and his loving Heart was set upon them, and he would come to save them; therefore he was born into this World, under all the Meanness, Poverty & Disgrace which our Sins had deserved. His Parents were poor and mean: His Birth, instead of a Palace was a Stable: For a Cradle, a Manger, where Oxen fed, was the Place where the Lord of Life and Glory was first laid. O what Love, what Humility is this!
[Page 17]Now all this is to shew us what shame is due to Sin. Think of this dear little Children. See the Shame of Sin. See how low our Saviour stoop'd, how poor he became. Have you any Reason to be proud, and to love, and desire the great and grand Things of this World? O learn of your Saviour to despise them.
Well, thus our dear Lord appeared in the Flesh, in our Nature, in our Stead. Thus he became a Child for the Sake of dear little Children, that he might be their dear Brother and loving Saviour.
For your Sakes your Saviour begins his Life with Poverty and Disgrace; and as he grows up, his Sorrows and Sufferings increase with his Years. He had very few Friends that loved him. A great many Enemies that hated him. Few, very few, believed on him: He always went about doing Good: And yet he was always suffering Evil from the Children of Men.
He indeed was a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with Griefs, all his Life for your Sakes: All that he bore, all that he suffered, was in Love to his dear Children. His Life was a Life of Holiness and Love; and yet wicked Men agreed to take away his dear Life, to spill his precious Blood, and to murder this dear Saviour of ours.
O you may read how he is preparing for the Hour, the dismal Hour of his Death and Sufferings, [Page 18] in St. Luke, chap. 22. ver. 44. see him in the Garden of Gethsemane, there in great Pain and Sorrow, he prayed to his Father; and what think you, my dear Children, was the Cause of all his Distress? O he feels the Load, he bears the Weight of all his dear Children's Sins upon him. He had no Sin of his own; but he undertook our Cause, and all our Sins were laid upon his dear and innocent Head.
O this makes him groan, this makes him pray in the greatest Agony; they caused him to sweat and groan, and bleed; yea to sweat Drops, great Drops of precious Blood out of his innocent Veins.
O dear little Children, think of this; consider what your loving Saviour once suffered for your Sins, for your Sakes, for your Souls; and this was on a dark Winter's Night, when the Air was sharp, frosty and cold.
O what great pains must your Sins put your dear Saviour to, to make him thus sweat, as i [...] were, great Drops of Blood falling from his Body to the Ground. O what an Agony, wha [...] a grievous Agony of Sorrow and Grief doth he feel! O how well did our Saviour love little Children.
But this is not all; no sooner were his Prayers ended, but greater Sorrows, and more grievous Pains are coming upon him; tho' he had gone up and down for near thirty Years, doin [...] [Page 19] Good, and was always loving & tender-hearted to all that came unto him: Yet O how barbarously is he used? for a great Multitude of rude, wicked Men come with Lanthorns and Staves, to take him.
O the dear, innocent Lamb! How is he delivered up to the Anger and Fury of Men, who like Lions and Bears, drag him away to the Governor of the City, and they tied those dear Hands behind him, which had been so often put forth to give Sight to the Blind, to cure the Sick, to give Life to the Dead, and had embraced little Children, when he blessed them, and also been very often lifted up in Prayer to his Father, for his Enemies.
Thus bound he stood before his Judge silent, tho' they laid many Things to his Charge, of which he was innocent, he said nothing; O, no: He knew he appeared in our Stead; we were guilty, and for our Sins he suffered.
But his Sufferings are not at an End yet; O no: Our Sins were laid upon him; for them he must bleed; for them he is willing to shed every Drop of his precious Blood. We were sold, all of us, my dear little Children, as Slaves to Sin and Satan; and nothing but Blood, the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of God, could buy our Liberty.
Christ freely gave himself for us: he hath bought us with his own Blood, and redeemed [Page 20] us from being Enemies to God, and Slaves to Wickedness.
O then see, mark the Account, which is given of our dear Saviour after he was condemned to die.
His cruel Enemies led him away, and they scourged him with Cords, till they cut deep Gashes on his naked Body.
Then they made a Crown of Thorns, which were sharp pointed like a Sword. This they put on his dear sacred Head, and smote upon it, till they forced the Points into the Temples of his Head; and the Blood trickled down his innocent Face.
Thus he was wounded from Head to Foot. And why was this done? but on Account of our sad State and miserable Condition, as God's Prophet Isaiah sets it forth, chap. 1. ver. 6. our whole Head is sick, our whole Heart is faint; from the Sole of the Foot, even unto the Head, there is no sound Part in us; but we are all fu [...]l of Wounds and Bruises & putrifying Sores.
So our dear Jesus was wounded from Head to Foot; that by his S [...]ripes and Blood, we might be healed of all the Sicknesses of our Souls.
Thus the Blood trickled down from every Part of his innocent Body; and yet this doth not satisfy the cruel Rage of his Enemies; for they spit upon him, they mocked him, and made Game of him.
[Page 21]O how easy could our dear Saviour have looked them dead, and frowned them into Hell in a Moment; but no, we see he is patient & meek; he opens not his Mouth, neither doth he cry nor complain.
O what Love, what Patience is this! never was the like seen before! But yet more & more of his Love for Sinners is to be seen, and more of his Sufferings is still to come.
Die he must. He is condemned: And therefore they drag him away. They lay his heavy Cross upon his naked, wounded Body, which he carries till he is faint and tired. All about him were his Enemies laughing, and mocking him, until he comes in Sight of mount Calvary. Thither he goes up, and his Cross being laid on the Ground, they stretch out his dear Arms wide. Thro' the Palms of his holy, tender Hands▪ and thro' his sacred Feet, they drive large Nails, and so fasten him to the Cross; and then lifted it up from the Ground. Thus the dear Lord Jesus hangs on the accursed Tree.
Is not this enough to make your dear little Hearts ake, and cause you to weep and cry, to think of his Pains and Agonies? And yet, O how cruel and hard hearted are Men! They see him and they wag their Heads. They look on him thus, in the greatest Pain; and they had no Pity, no Mercy on him; but they still mocked, still laughed at him. O the Racks [Page 22] and Tortures of his Body! O the Pains and Sorrows of his Soul, which was now made a [...] Offering for his dear Children's Sins.
Hark! he Groans! Listen to his Prayer. O what doth the dear and suffering Lamb say [...] Doth he open his Mouth in Anger, and call for Punishment on his Enemies! O no: But Father forgive them, for they know not what they do [...]
O what heavenly Love! what a sweet forgiving Temper was our dear Saviour of! He seems to forget all his own most distressing Pains; and is more concerned for his very Murderers, than for himself.
O what Pain must it be to hang but a few Minutes on the Cross. But Jesus hung thu [...] in the greatest Pain and Agony, for full three Hours! No Eye pitied him; no one off [...]red him any Comfort; no, even God his dear Father, who said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, now pours forth the Fury of his Wrath, and fiercest Anger upon him. For in his well beloved Son, he punished our Sins most severely.
At last, behold a Soldier stabs a sharp-pointed Spear into his precious Side, so that he shed his dearest Heart's Blood for our Sins.
Thus wearied out with Pain and Sorrow, and Agony, such as Man never felt before, just before he gave up the Ghost and died, he bowed his Head to the Earth, as much as to say to us [Page 23] Sinners, behold and see how much I love you! O was there ever Sorrow, ever Pain, ever Love [...]ike mine! And with a loud Voice Jesus cried, IT IS FINISHED! as much as tho' he had said, My Sufferings are now at an End, and the Redemption of Sinners, of all my dear Children, whom I so love, is now finished and made an End of—and Jesus died.
And now my dear Children, you have heard of the Kindness and Love of our dear Saviour. Now don't you think he loves you? And are you not very glad to hear of the great Love of your only Lord and Saviour? And are you not sorry and grieved to know how much Pain, and Agony and Sorrow Jesus suffered for you, and for your Sins.
O but if I was to tell you no more of Jesus, you would still have the greatest Reason, to mourn and weep, to think that your only Saviour is dead; because you could never go to him, nor receive any Blessings or Comforts from him.
But I tell you glad Tidings of great Joy; for tho' Jesus was dead, he is now alive again. He only lay three Days in the Grave, and then raised himself from the Dead, and appeared again to comfort his sorrowful Friends and Disciples; and staid upon Earth forty Days. Then he went up to Glory, where he lives forever more [Page 24] to receive and pray for all dear Children, that come unto God by him, and in his Name.
And now, whatever Blessings you want, if you go to Je [...]us Christ, and tell him, he will he [...]r you, and he will give you: For no good Thing will God wi [...]h-hold from those Children that go to him. But you may be ready to ask, Ho [...] mu [...]t we go to Jesus Christ? This was the next Thing I promised to tell you of.
You are told, how after our loving Saviour bled to Death for our Sins, that he went up again to his own Place of Glory in Heaven, where h [...] lives to receive all those dear Children who come to him.
THO' Christ is in Heaven, and you upon Earth, yet he is God, he is a Spirit, and is every where present; so that he is about your Path and about your Bed, and sees all your Ways. You can never hide yourself from his Sight; even Darkness itself is no Darkness with him, but every Thing is naked and open'd to the Sight of Jesus, as his Word tells, Heb. chap. 4. ver. 14
So that if you tell Lies, if you say wicked Words, if you take the Lord's Name in vain, when you do any Thing you ought not to do▪ when you ar [...] naughty, God sees you, God hears you. But I hope, dear Childrens Hearts are so [Page 25] affected with the Love of Jesus, in dying for their Sins, which I have been telling them of, that you will be brought to hate all Sin & Wickedness, which put our dear Saviour to so much Smart and Pain, yea to Death itself.
O, if you think of this, and have any Love for your precious Souls, you will be glad to know, very glad to know how you are to go to Jesus! And you will go to him often, very often.
You know I have already told you, that Jesus [...] every where present; so that you need not [...]ay, How shall I go up to Heaven to him? No, you need not: For he is near you, so near [...] to know every Desire of your Heart, and to [...]ear every Prayer that goeth out of your Lips. Wherever you are, you may come to Jesus by Prayer; if you come to him, & call upon him, [...]e will hear you You are dear Children, all [...]f you Sinners wa [...]ting every Thing to make [...]ou holy and happy.
Believe the Lord Jesus to be both able and [...]illing to give you every Thing that is good [...]or you. Jesus can do it, and no Body else. He will do it, for he has so promised to all that [...]ome un [...]o him.
O they are sweet Words, Jesus said, John ▪ [...]hap. vi. ver 37. to encourage his dear Children, [...]im that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out [...]hat is, I will lovingly receive him. And [...]gain, our Saviour saith, Matth. chap. xxi. ver. [Page 26] 22. All Things, whatsoever you ask in Prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
Now when you come to Jesus, when you kneel before the Lord, What would you pray our dear Saviour to do for you? Would you ask for Riches? A great deal o Money [...]hat you might have fi [...]e Cloaths, and take [...] great deal of Pleasure in the World? A [...] C [...]ildren, all these Things cannot make you happy▪ But if they could, i [...] you were to have all these Things, and every Thing else in the World that you could wish or desire, you could not stay long in this World to enjoy them: For you m [...]st die very soon.
Don't you remember to read about the rich Man, who was in Purple and fine Linnen, and lived very grand every Day, when upon Earth, and yet, when he died, he went to Hell, where [...] cried Day and Night for a Drop of Water [...] cool his Tongue? What was all his Riches to him, when he lifted up his Eyes in Torments and could have no Ease nor Quiet for ever and ever? Read the Story which our dear Saviou [...] himself tells you in St. Luke Chap. 16.
O but our dear Jesus will save his Childre [...] from such a dreadful State, and he will give great deal better Things than all this World c [...] afford, if you come unto him: Which I pr [...] mised next to tell you of.
A very pretty Story of a dear little Child, who loved her Saviour; in which you are told, how good she was, how holy and happy she lived, and how comfortably she died.
BUt first, let me tell you of your dear School-Fellow: O how soon was she took sick and died! she came from School on Saturday, well as you be now; the next Day the Fever seiz'd her; before the Week was ended, Death had laid his cold Hand upon, and made her a pale, breathless Corpse.
Now you know her Father had a great deal of Money to have given her, and many fin [...] Cloaths, but none of these could save her from dying▪ O but it was happy for her, she loved her Saviour better than a [...]l these, and she always took more Delight & Pleasure in going to her Saviour, and praying to him than in any Thing else in all the World: And you would do the s [...]me, if you did but love our Saviour, and knew that he loved you. As soon as she got up in the Morning, the first Thing she did, was to go and pray to her dear Saviour, after this Manner:
O my dear and only Saviour, my Lord and my God; what Care dost thou take of thy dear little Child? Lord, I thank thee for all thy Love, and for all thy Goodness to me Dear Jesus give me to know more and more of thy Love! O shed thy [Page 28] Love abroad in my Heart! O be my Saviour! Save me this Day from my own naughty wicked Heart. Save me from this evil World. Dear Saviour, save me from my great Enemy the Devil. O that I may bate Sin, and love and serve thee all my Days, till Death comes; and then dear Jesus, after I have thus come unto thee, and loved thee on Earth, O take my Soul up to thy Self in Glory, to praise thee for ever and ever.
And when she came from School, when other Children are only minding their Play; O she was glad to get by herself, and to go to her dear Saviour, and pray to him; and he always heard her and gave her every Thing that she wanted.
O how glad was he when the Lord's Day came that she might go and pray with God's People, and hear God's Ministers preach about Jesus Christ, and his Love to poor Sinners! Whenever she saw any poor People in the Streets, that wanted Victuals and Cloaths, her Heart pitied them; and she was glad if she had any Thing to give them.
She was very dutiful to her Parents, very loving to all her Brothers and Sisters; yea, she lived in Love with every Body.
Thus she lived happy, for she knew her Saviour loved her; she knew he died for her Sins; she knew she was God almighty's Child, and that he had forgiven all her Sins; for he had given her to know this by his blessed Spirit [Page 29] in her Heart, which made her hate Sin, and fear to offend God.
But O when she was sick, and when she came to die, had you, dear Children, seen how sweet she looked, how she smiled, and was glad to think she was going to die, that she might go to her dear Saviour, and live with him for ever and ever.
O I think you would have wished to have been in her Place! Just before Death closed her dear eyes, never, never to open them in this World any more, she called her Papa & Mama to her Bedside, and said' "Don't you, pray don't you cry, nor grieve your selves for me; I am only going a little before you: My dear Saviour loves me; I know he does: I feel he does. I shall soon be with him; he will soon take my dear Soul to himself in Glory."
Then she called to her dear little Brothers and Sisters, & said to them, O, I charge you to go to my dear Saviour, & pray to him to save you. O he has been a dear & loving Saviour to me all my Life! and now I am so del [...]hted, so glad I am going to live with him for ever and ever. She lifted up her dying Eyes, and as well [...] she was able, she said, "Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit:" and with a smiling Face she [...]ell asleep in the arms of her dear Saviour.
[Page 30]O now would you not desire to live and di [...] like her? Why, if you do, the same Jesus that loved her, and gave her his Grace, and his Blessing, will also give it you, and to all that come unto him.
Little Children are told of their Misery and Danger, what sad Enemies they have, who will try to keep them from Jesus Christ, their only Friend and Saviour.
FRom what I have before told you, you learnt That you are all Sinners, That you was born into a naughty World, with a wicked Heart within you, and an unholy Nature about you▪ so that you have no Goodness, no Righteousness, no Strength in your selves; and therefore you are always in danger of being led into Sin and Wickedness by the Devil, who is your Enemy. He is a wicked Spirit, and he tries by all Means to tempt dear Children to commit Sin to take God's Name in vain, to hate one another, to tell lies, to break God's Sabbath? yea every Thing that God would not have you to do he will tempt you to do. So that you are told by God's Apostle, 1 Peter, chap. ver. 8 That your Adversary, the Devil, as a roaring Lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
[Page 31]And, above all Things, he will try to hinder you from coming to Jesus Christ: So that if he but make you love your Play, and love Sin, so much as to keep you from going to Jesus Christ, then he is sure to keep you sure in his Service, and his Child all your Life long; and when you come to die, he will seize on you, and drag your dear, your precious Souls, down to his place of Torment, where is nothing but Horror, and pain, and Misery, forever and ever.
O then don't you see, dear Children your Danger? Don't you see the Need there is for you to go to Jesus Christ, who is the only Saviour for dear Children, who are poor, helpless Sinners? O if you have any Desire to be saved, and love for your dear your precious Souls, if you would be holy & happy; if you want to be God Almighty's Children, and wish to die in Peace, and go and live with your Saviour in Heaven; surely, surely, you will, dear Children, go to Jesus Christ now, while you are up [...]n Earth, you will call upon him, and pray to Jesus Christ after this Manner.
A Prayer for little Children to get by Heart, and use often.
SAve me, Lord Jesus, save me that I perish not! Lamb of God hear me! Son of God have Mercy upon me! Thou hast bid little Children come unto thee, O dear Saviour, let nothing [Page 32] hinder me from coming unto thee. I would come to thee, Lord help me! I would believe on thee as my Saviour, pray give me Faith, pray give me Love, pray save me. I have no Saviour but thee to go to. O deliver me from my sinful State, save me from the World, and the Devil, that I may love and serve thee on Earth, and live with, and praise thee for ever and ever in Heaven.
O dear Children, if you can thus find it in your Hearts to go to Jesu [...] Christ, our God and Saviour will surely give you every good Thing that you can wish or desire, which was the last Thing I promised to tell you.
What good Things, what best of Blessings our God and Saviour gives to all his dear Children You are told the dreadful Condition of all naughty wicked People, & the happy and blessed State which all God's Children shall enjoy, in the great and terrible Day of the Lord. Pray read this with Care, and think of it often.
Y [...]U know I told you before, you had lost God's Love and Favour, by loosing his Image & Likeness, & that therefore you are all of you become unfit to live with God, because you are unlike him, stript of your Robe of Innocence, [Page 33] and not having the beautiful Dress of Holiness, Righteousness, and Goodness; but now Jesus Christ is a Saviour to all those dear Children, that come unto him.
O I know a great many dear Children that were once very naughty, wicked Sinners, & had nothing but Rags, filthy Rags to cover themselves with, & to hide their Nakedness from the Sight of God; and as soon as they saw and knew their Poverty, and their Nakedness, O they went to our dear Saviour, and prayed to him, and confessed their Wants, and he gave them a Change of Raiment; he took away their Rags, & gave them the beautiful Dress, and spotless Robe of his perfect Righteousness; and as soon as ever they were thus cloathed with the Garment of their elder Brother's Righteousness, then God looked upon them, then God owned them as his Children.
O what a Comfort is this! Would you not, dear Children, think it a very great Thing to be the Children of an earthly King. O but how much greater is it to be Sons & Daughters of the King of Kings, the Lord God Almighty! What, [...]o have God for your Father, to take you and [...]wn you, & love you as his own dear Children! O surely, this is the greatest of all Blessings indeed! What! Children that are born Children of Wrath, deserving God's Anger and Punishment, to be taken into God's Love and Favour; [Page 34] to be owned and loved by him as his dear Children! O tell me, is not this enough to encourage you gladly to come unto Jesus Christ? O it is our dear Saviour that obtained this Blessing for all his dear Children! tho' they were Enemies and Strangers to God, yet by his Blood he hath reconciled, and made Peace, and brought them back to God, so that they receive a New Birth; they are born again of the Spirit of God and become the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus.
Indeed, dear Children, without this New Birth, without being made the Children of God, your Saviour himself assures, You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Joh. Chap. 3. Ye must be born again, saith our Saviour.
O, I pray you, consider the many and great Blessings and Comforts that are yours, if you are the Children of God, by Faith in Christ Jesus; why God tells you, by the Mouth of his beloved Apostle, All Thing are yours. God is yours; he is your heavenly Father. Christ is yours; he is your loving Brother and Saviour. The Holy Ghost is yours; to comfort and make you holy. Heaven is yours; the Place so your everlasting Happiness and Joy. And till you get to Glory the Earth is yours. All Things that you want, that are for your good, your heavenly Father will give you. So saith our Saviour. Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, and all [Page 35] other Things shall be given unto you, Mat. 6.33.
O dear how rich, how vastly rich are God's Children; the richest King upon Earth is not half so rich as they are. O this is to be truly rich, truly great and noble indeed! These are the true Riches, which our Saviour bids all his dear Children covet and pray for: For indeed without this Kind of Riches, the richest Man upon Earth is as poor as a Beggar, and as miserable as a Slave.
For if any one, be he who he will, Rich or Poor, Young or Old Man, or Woman, or Child, If any one hath not the Spirit of Christ, in his Heart, be is none of his, saith the Word of Truth, Rom. Chap. 8. ver. 19. he doth not belong to Christ, nor doth God own him as his Child. O then, without Doubt, they are the Children of the Wicked One; they are led by his Spirit, his Servants and Children they are. For ou [...] Saviour saith to all such Ye are of your Father the Devil, and his Works ye will do. Joh. chap. 8. ver. 49.
So that such Men and Women, and Children, who Curse and Swear, get Drunk, Steal, tell Lies, break God's Sabbaths, and do any such like, Wickedness, it is because they don't know our Saviour, nor pray to him nor believe on him; nor have they got the Spirit of Christ in their Hearts.
Bu [...] it is not so with God's Children; for their Jesus delivers them out of their fallen sinful State and brings them into a new State of Holiness. [Page 36] Christ unites them to himself by Faith. and he sends his Holy Spirit into their Hearts.
Yes, you may be sure of this, for Gods Word which is the Word of Truth, tells you so in Gal. 4.6. Because we are Children of God, God hath sent forth his Spirit into our Hearts, whereby we call God Father, Our Father. His Spirit bears Witness with our Spirits that we are the Children of God.
Yes, dear Children, you shall know this in your own Hearts, if you come to our Saviour, and believe on him; and this blessed Spirit will tell you, that you are God's dear Children; and assure you of God's Love to you; and now he has forgiven you all your Sins; [...]very Thing you have done amiss; and will also make you good Children. You will hate all Lying, & Wickedness, & you shall be happy and comfortable; for God will give you to see and enjoy all these great and unspeakable Blessing which are yours, as bought for you, by your dear Saviour, even all those good Things which are written in that best of Books, the Bible.
So that if o her Children beast and brag what fine Cloaths they have got, how very rich their Fathers are, what grand Houses they live in, and how much Pleasure they take, and what fine Sights they see; O do you be glad, do you be delighted and rejoice every Day to read in your Bibles, what Treasures, what vast & never fading Treasures of heavenly Riches are yours.
[Page 37]O the dear Children of God are all Heirs or a Kingdom. Shortly they shall wear Crown of pure Gold upon their Hearts, and stand before God, their Father, in long white Robes in that glorious Gity, which is of pure Gold, (Rev. chap. 21. ver. 18. & 21.) and where all the Street are of pure Gold.
For yet a little while, and the Day of the Lord shall come, in the which the Heaven shall pass away with a great Noise, and the Elements shall melt with fervent Heat, and the Earth also, and all the Works that are therein shall be burnt up.
Then shall your Saviour, your King and your God, appear in his Glory, with all the heavenly Hosts of Angels and Archangels with him, and every Eye shall see him.
O but the Wicked, such as never sought him, such as were never delivered from their sinful State; nor believed on him, nor loved him, when they were upon Earth; O they will strive to hide themselves from him, but in vain; they will be ashamed to look on him, when they think how they slighted him, how they pierced him with their Sins. O it will be a dreadful, terrible Day indeed to all such.
But all God's dear Children, O they will lift up their Heads with Joy; they will look [...] with gladness; and their dear Saviour will [...]mile upon them; he wi [...]l own them, and will embrace hem, and fill their happy Souls as full of hi [...] [Page 38] Love and glory, and comfort as ever they can h [...]ld. He will take them up unto himself, and they shall live and praise, and reign wit [...] their God and Saviour for ever and ever.
O, surely dear Children, nothing, no nothing should hinder you from coming to such a good▪ such a loving Saviour as our Jesus is!
O then do not say, I am not old enough, nor big enough to seek Jesus, and to know thes [...] Things, O dear Children, none of you are to [...] young, nor too little to know and love our Saviour; you cannot seek him too soon: If yo [...] can but read this little Discourse, and desir [...] Jesus to bless you: indeed it is fit yo [...] should go to Jesus. Mind who it is he cal [...] and invites, it is CHILDREN, yes, LITTLE CHILDREN, such as you are, that Jesus bids com [...] unto him; and he will teach you by his Spirit▪ all Things to make you wise unto Salvation God Almighty draw your tender Hearts unto himself, I pray God he may; and may all you [...] Hearts j [...]in with mine, and say AMEN Com [...] Lord Jesus, draw us to thy self, and fill us wit [...] thy Love; so be it.