
A Short Discourse SHEWING THAT OUR Salvation IS OF Meer GRACE.

Psal. 101.1

I will sing of Mercy and of Judgment.

Rom. 9.16

It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God who sheweth Mercy.

Printed in the Year, 1716.


To the READER.

THE Seasonableness and Coincidence of Discourses of the Grace of God, with the present workings of Pro­vidence, and the great designs of Grace towards us Men, that the Soveraign Lord of all purposeth to put in Execution in these latter Dayes, together with their tendency to animate and excite unto a Co-opperating with Him therein are not uneasily discerned; And would Men, especially the Princes and Great Men of the World, suffer themselves to be perswaded to work with Him therein, and put their hands unto an advancement thereof, as in other ways, so by putting Men into Publick Posts and Stations; and particu­larly the Work of the Ministry, and Encouraging and Supporting them therein, that are qualified and spi­rited hereunto, as they would manifest their truely Noble and Heroic temper, and in the best manner that may be, consult their own Interest & Honour; so it would be an happy Omen, and attended with God's dwelling amongst Men, the Earths yielding her Increase, and all manner of Out­ward Prosperity. Wherefore it is much to be de­sired, [Page] and heartily implored, that Men would give over their petty contrivances and doings, to (chiefly and in the first place) set forward their own hu­mours and satisfactions, as if they were so many Deities, and apply themselves principally unto this Design. The Author of the following Short Tract, supposed that perhaps others, that are more adorned with both Natural and Acquired Endowments may thereby be jogged in their Essays this way. And if there are some hints therein, at a various hypothesis concerning the Spirits carrying on the work of His Grace in Men, from what some Great and Venera­ble Personages have fallen in with, yet it is in it self such as is so far from clouding the Glory that He aims at in these His doings, as that by His working in the way herein pointed at, His Wisdom, Power and Mercy are more displayed, than they would be in Operating in the other. And he sup­poseth, that all that may be opposed against it, may be easily Answered. But yet it is onely suggested hypothetically and submitted; it being one of the Artifices of Folly & Satan to confound laudable Designs, by throwing Men into vain janglings about means and less Essential matters leading to the End. May the God of all Grace by His Dispensations and Love & Kindness to us transform us into His Likeness & make us to be Holy. Which is the Prayer of your Unworthy Servant.



EPH. II. 5

By Grace are ye Saved.

THE Apostle in this and the pre­ceding Chapter lays before us the Original and Fountain, and the Meritorious cause of our Salvation, the way where­in we are brought thereunto, and God's end in saving of us; that the spring and first rise thereof lies in the free Election of the Father, that we are saved through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus, that the way wherein we are brought to Salvation is by the Lord's Con­verting us, and that his End in saving us is the Praise & Honour of His Glorious Grace.

[Page 2]These Words lie in that part of his Dis­course that gives an account of the way wherein we are brought to participate in the blessedness purchased for us by Christ the Lord. And for the more full understanding this clause, these things may be observed.

1. That by Grace here, we are to under­stand the free favour of God. This word is used in Sacred Writ principally in two No­tions. Very generally it signifies as much as free and undeserved favour. I shall mention only two Places, wherein it is used in this sense, namely, Gen. 6.8. But Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord, that is, he found favour in the Lords Eyes, and He freely set His love upon Him. The other is, Tit. 2.7. That being justified by his Grace; that is, of His Free and Sovereign Mercy we are Justified, as the pre­ceding Context undeniably shews. But then sometimes we are to understand by it, the fruits of the Mercy and Sovereign Grace of God. In this acceptation the word is used, Heb. 12.28. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom, which cannot be moved, let us have Grace, where­by we may serve God acceptably, that is to say, let us have the holy Inclinations & Dispositions enabling & disposing to serve God acceptably. See also, 2 Cor. 8 6. Insomuch that we desired Titus that as he had begun, so he would also finish [Page 3] in you the same Grace also; that is, we desired Titus that as he had begun to further you in your charitable Contributions, so he would promote, excite, direct and perfect you there­in; and the reason why these and such things as these are called by this name, and have this Denomination put upon them, is because they are the fruits of the Grace and unmerited Mercy of God. It is the former notion that the Word is here used, and when the Apostle says, By Grace are ye saved, his meaning is, that our Salvation is the fruit of God's Rich Mer­cy and Sovereign Love, as you may see if you read the Context, and particularly the Fourth, and the preceding part of this Verse. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love where­with he loved us, even when we were dead in tres­passes and sins hath quickened us together with Christ, (by Grace are ye saved.) His saying here by Grace are ye saved is an inculcation and repetition of what he had said in the pre­ceding Words, of their quickening, its being an effect and fruit of the rich Mercy and great Love of God to us.

But 2ly. We may take Notice what is meant by the Salvation here spoken of. By Grace are ye saved The Apostle has an espe­cial respect herein, unto that part of our Sal­vation, lying in our recovery and enlarge­ment [Page 4] from under the tyranny and dominion of Sin whereof he had been treating in the words immediately preceding, and which he had declared to come from the love of God: But he has also an eye therein unto the whole of that Deliverance and Blessedness that we have, and obtain by Christ in this mortal estate, and after this Life. And this Word Salvation is very commonly used in this sig­nification. As for Instance, Tit 2.11. Heb 2.3, 10. And the reason why he thus re­peats what he said just before, and had so plainly in general taught in the foregoing Discourse, and pointed at, was because he was deeply affected with this matter, would im­press upon us an abiding sense of it, that our Salvation in every part of it, is of Grace, and that the Lord might have the whole honour of our Salvation, and be Glorious in the eyes of Men and Angels, for ever, upon the ac­count hereof.

The Argument or Conclusion that we propose from the Words thus opened is this, ‘That our Salvation is of Meer Grace.’

It is of no small Importance and Concern­ment upon many accounts, that we believe [Page 5] this Doctrine, and grow and increase in our assurances of the truth thereof. Wherefore sundry things will be proposed and laid down that may subserve unto that end.

The first Consideration that may be offer­ed in Evidence of the Truth hereof is, That all we do until we are actually brought into an estate of Grace or intirely saved, is Sin. Not but that many, that are not in an estate of Salvation, behave themselves orderly and well, and live vertuous lives. Multitudes of the perishing Persons that live in places of Gospel Light are very cleanly in their de­portment, as they abstain from scandalous Im­moralities, so they are considerably and in more then a few instances obedient unto the Precepts of the Law, and that in part from principles of Conscience. Yea as to many duties of Morality they exceed, & go beyond some that are made Partakers of the Holy Ghost. And the same will hold with respect unto many of the Heathen. History informs us, that amongst the ancient Romans, and Greci­ans, there were many wise, temperate, just, and publick spirited Persons, that would ex­pose their Persons and Estate & Honour for the good of their Country. It was said of Sulpitius the Roman, ‘That one might sooner stop the Sun in his course, then Sulpitius in [Page 6] his course of Justice.’ And Aristides, Cato, and a great many others are commemorated in ancient History as being vertuous, and living well according to the light that they had. And many of the Turks at this day are just, honest and sober Persons, and this partly from fear of a Deity, and to obtain His fa­vour. And Morality is a fine Ornament and Praise worthy, but these Concessions not­withstanding, it is certain that onely those that are in an estate of Grace do any actions that are good, and all that other Men do, e­very action that they put forth is Sinful or a Sin. And when we thus say, we would not be understood in any other but a plain & fair meaning, and not as speaking under the co­vert of Scholastick Distinctions, & various senses

And these things may be proposed in Evi­dence thereof.

1. That the last end in unconverted Men's eye and that which is principally upon their hearts in their vertuous deportment, is them­selves. It is well enough if we seek our selves, I know of nothing that can rea­sonably be objected against it, if we have some regard to our selves in every thing that we do. Self love is born with us and ought always to move, (but in its own sphere) but such is the transcendent Excellency, the Wis­dom, [Page 7] Power, Truth, Mercy and Goodness, and other Perfections in the Divine Majesty, and such our dependence upon Him, and obliga­tion unto Him, that His Honour and Glory ought to be nearest unto our hearts, & should be principally aim'd at and designed by us in all that we do, as Men; and when any other chief End is set up and advanced, the God of Glory is so far Dethroned, and His Royalty in­vaded. and our doings are a vile insurrection against Him. Yea, let His essential Glory be considered abstractedly from the dependence that we have upon Him, and the infinite Ob­ligation that He has laid us under by Redeem­ing us, and this Honour of our thus seeking His Glory either vertually or intentionally in all that we do, is His indefeazable right and prerogative; and so far and so much as we seek our selves ultimately, we ungod Him, (as far as we are capable thereof) and make War upon him. Now that we say is this, That the Last End of such as are not in an Estate of Grace, is self: Not but that they may have, and many of them have a regard to Gods Ho­nour, and imagine that the Lords interests are uppermost in their design, Joh 16.2. But such imaginations are the fruit of self flattery; and there never was an Unbeliever in the World, that designed God's Honour principally, [Page 8] or as his Last End in any Service that he did for Him, or act of Obedience that he put forth.

And this may be made out two ways.

(1.) They may be Convinced hereof, by an impartial Examining their own hearts, and Consulting their own Experiences. Such of them as carry on a Form of Godliness, and do much in Religion, will, if they enter upon this Scrutiny and Search, find, that they have really and truly an Eye unto the Lords Inter­ests and Honour: So had those Jews of whom the Apostle bears record: Rom 10.2. That, They had a zeal of God. And so might those, in the Prophet Isaiah, Chap 66. v 5. that said, when they Excommunicated their Godly Brethren, Let the Lord be glorified: but it is one thing to seek Gods Honour to serve an End, a Self-End, to quiet a Mans Conscience, to obtain Outward Blessings, Gods Favour, or that a Man may obtain Eternal Life, and another thing to seek God's Honour from a Sincere Love to Him, because He hath Saved him from Eternal Death; and the adorable Excellency of his Nature displayed and dis­covered in the Scriptures and in His Works: it is the former only, and not the latter, that Unbelievers attain unto; and this they will [Page 9] find, if they impartially Examine and Search, what the Motives are that they act upon, and what they design in their being Religious and Obedient. And here-unto correspond the Experiences of those that believe, they know, at least, such of them as are wise, that while they were in their Unbelief, this was the highest they did or could attain unto.

(2.) That which gives power and ability here-unto, is a sound belief of the declarations and reports in the Gospel concerning the Wisdom, Power, Justice, and especially the Mercy, Grace and Faith­fulness of God displayed in the Mystery of our Salva­tion. By our woful Apostacy we have lost the knowledge of Him; and because of the Judg­ments, that the World is and has in all Ages been full of, and our desperate guiltiness in His sight, and that inaptitude that is upon us, and the like, to be concerned with Divine Things; we either decline concernment with Him, and give up our selves to the making our selves as happy as we can, in the enjoyment of the Creature, as the Psalmist hints: Psal. 4.6. There be many that say, Who will shew us any good. i. e Seeking it in this and the other, and a great variety of Creatures. And we read to the same effect, Rom 6.3, 4, 5, 6. Or, if this doth not happen unto us, but we are raised up into, and act in a somewhat higher [Page 10] Orb, and more Manly Sphere, and transact with our Maker about His and our own af­fairs, through any Conceptions, Apprehen­sions, Illuminations or Ideas concerning Him, that we may by any means attain unto, that fall short of that knowledge of Him that we are speaking of, we are not broken off there­by from our natural channel & path of seek­ing our selves ultimately, but go on therein, until the Lord bringeth us in such ways, as it pleaseth Him, more or less gradually, to be­lieve the Gospel. And this is that, and that on­ly that gives power, to a loving of Him above the Creature, and to be holy. This may be seen by, Act. 26.18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God Our eyes must be opened, to behold the Glory of God in the Gospel, before we can live holily. See also, 1 Joh. 4.19. We love Him because He first loved us And porportionably to our belief and under­standing of such things as these, will be our Holiness.

2. That all our Works are Dead Works and Sinful, until we are brought into an estate of Salvation, is plentifully taught in the Scripture. The Texts that are alledged by Divines as speak­ing to this effect, are almost innumerable. Two or Three only shall be quoted and they [Page 11] are those, Prov. 21.4. An high look, & a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked is Sin Rom. 8.7. Because the carnal mind is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be Gal. 3.22. But the Scripture hath concluded all under Sin

And the same might be made out by ma­ny other Arguments.

And this is a thing that Men are general­ly (I suppose) convinced of in one way or another, before they believe unto Salvation. And because of our pertinacious and obstinate adhering unto and depending on our own righte­ousness, which we are not easily brought off from, without a Conviction hereof; it is need­ful that the Ministers of the Gospel indeavour to convince their Hearers, that all Unbelievers are verily the Servants of Sin, after the Exam­ple of sundry of the Divinely inspired Tea­chers upon Sacred Record. And it is worth our serious consideration, whether neglects hereof and unskilfulness herein, be not one great cause and reason that Christianity flou­risheth no more in the World.

The second thing that we offer to Estab­lish in believing, that our Salvation is of Meer Grace is, That all our Outward Blessings are freely bestowed upon us ▪ Are we Fed and Cloath'd? It is of the Lord's Mercy we are so. Are we preserved out of the hands of Sa­tan, [Page 12] and are Wicked Men kept back from be­ing thus & so injurious unto us? We must as­cribe it unto the Grace of God. Are we re­covered from Sickness? It is because the Lord is Gracious. Are our Lives preserved when our Acquaintance, Friends & Kindred are cut off by the Sword, Diseases or fatal Accidents? It is because the Lord is Gracious to whom He will be Gracious. All the outward and common Mercies that are dealt out unto us, of what kind, denomination or sort soever they are, flow down unto us, from the inex­haustible Fountain of the Grace and Mercy of God. And this is true not only with res­pect to Mankind, in general, but also of such of the Children of God as are most Loyal, Dutiful and Obedient unto Him. His giv­ing Joseph favour, in the eyes of the Keeper of the Prison, is ascribed to His Mercy, Gen 29.21. And His recovering Epaphroditus from his dangerous Sickness is attributed unto the same cause; Phil. 2.27. And indeed he was Sick nigh unto Death, but God had mercy on him And the Truth is, the more holy any Man is the more thankful is he for, and the more does he admire the Grace of God, in bestow­ing common, and more ordinary Blessings upon him.

[Page 13]3. Christ's working out the Means of our Sal­vation, is an act of Grace He has born the penalty that was due for our Sins. This is spoken of under a great variety of Phrases, and Expressions in the Scripture. It is called a bearing of our Sins in His Body on the Tree. 1 Pet. 2.24. Who his own self bear our Sins in his Body on the Tree. And it is called therein a dying for our Sins. 1 Cor. 15.2. How that Christ dyed for our Sins. And this is implyed when He is said, to have Offered himself a Sa­crifice to God for us, Eph. 5.2. And we are taught the same Truth, when He is called, The Lamb of God, that taketh away the Sins of the World. And this was foreshewn by the Multiplied Sacrifices under the Law. And as He has undergone the Penalty that was due and belonged to us for our Sins; so also He has Obeyed the Law, and wrought out Righ­teousness for us, Math 3.19. Rom 5.19. Both these things were necessary that so we might be Saved. It was not only suitable & conde­cent, that if Man rebell'd and cast unparalled dishonour upon the Soveraign Lord of all things, that he should be cast out of his Fa­vour, and not be admitted into it again, and inherit life, unless his Honour were repaired by the offender, or his Surety underwent a punishment, that would bring as much ho­nour [Page 14] to Him, as the offences committed should detract from His honour, or disparage Him: but the Soveraign & inviolable Con­stitution of Heaven ordained and established, that Man should not be Saved unless His ho­nour were in this way repaired; this is esta­blished in that Law mentioned, Gen. 2.17. For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye. And as Man could not be Saved, unless his Sins were satisfied for, so neither could he obtain Life without a perfect, spot­less, and unblemished Righteousness. Where­fore Christ Jesus has done both, the one and the other of these things for us; He has o­beyed the Law for us, and sustained and un­dergone that punishment, which our Sins de­served. And His accomplishing these things for us, His obeying and suffering, were acts of wonderful, and astonishing Grace. The Fa­thers choosing Him to this Service, was an act of self moving Mercy and Love. And Christs taking upon Him to do, and His Per­forming them for us, were fruits of rich Mer­cy, and His being full of Love to us, Eph. 3.18, 19.

4. His Converting us is the fruit of free Grace. There are that suppose, that the Lord when He Converts us, and turns us unto himself, Cre­ates in our Souls new qualities, habits, powers, [Page 15] inclinations and dispositions; taking the word Creation in its more proper & restrained signification, and as denoting, Making some­thing out of nothing; and in that sense which it is used, in Gen. 1.1 And God Created the Heaven and the Earth: Meaning that He made them originally out of Nothing; and that which they support this their opinion by, is principally that consideration, That this work of the Spirit is frequently, and very often, cal­led in the Scriptures a Creating, Quickening and making Alive; and a like manner of Speaking is used concerning it therein; as in Eph 2.1, 10. Chap 4.24. and else-where. But there are others, who have other thoughts concer­ning this matter; they readily grant, that it is not effected & brought about by the helps that remained and were left unto Man in the ruined estate that the Fall brought us into, and by the assistances and aids that were pro­per to that estate; but God, say they, upon our Apostacy in His Soveraign Grace, set up and Erected a New Dispensation, and Published the Gospel unto the World, in such ways and manners, as in His Wisdom it seemed good unto Him; until that after the Revolution of more than Four Thousand Years, the World is blessed with that perfect rule of Faith and Manners, contained in the Holy Scriptures, with [Page 16] other helps & advantages directed unto, pro­mised and appointed therein; and that it is in the way of His alwise managing this Dis­pensation, and the concernments thereof, and giving forth Assistances becoming the same, that Men are brought over from a trusting in, living upon, and unto, and seeking rest and contentment in the Creature, unto the liv­ing the life of God. And they look upon it proper speaking to call Conversion a superna­tural work, and fruit of supercreating Grace, but that God does in propriety of speaking, Create any thing in Men when He Converts them, they do not discern, but suppose rather, that this Change is accomplished by a wise and powerful conducting and managing and adapting Providences to the estate of the E­lect, and giving their powers and faculties an assistance proper unto the particular, and ge­neral Dispensations, that they are under. And they say, there is nothing in the Experiences of those that believe, but what exactly agrees with this Scheme of things; and to refer events unto miraculous operations, when it can be shewn they may come to pass, in a more or­dinary, tho' special way of working, is vain. And they understand those and such like Pla­ces of Scripture, as were just now mentioned, as speaking Metaphorically and Figuratively, and [Page 17] what, say they, is more usual then for them to speak popularly, and after this manner of Works of Providence, that are no way miracu­lous, but common and ordinary. See, Psal 104.30. Isai 54.16. Ezek 28.13, 15. 1 Tim 6.13 Psal 71.20. Psal 119 20. Much less need it seem strange, if this special work of God's Spirit be thus expressed. And they say, set­ting this matter in a due light, would abate the prejudice that many, both secret and o­pen Enemies of the Protestant Religion, have drank in against it to the damage of the Inte­rests thereof, and the hazard of their Immor­tal Souls; as if it's Doctrines did not corres­pond with the Scripture, and Experience. But be these things as they are, that our Conver­sion is of Grace, is plain. See, Tit. 2.4. But after that the kindness of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he hath saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost Act. 18.27. Who when he was come, helped them much, which had believed through Grace And the Church Prays for it as being unworthy of it, and a Gift of Grace, Psal. 80.3, 7, 19. And the longer Christians live, and the more they grow in Sanctification and Holiness, the more are they affected with and thankful for, and the larger [Page 18] views have they of the Grace of God, dis­played in this benefit, as is observed by all, that are well conversant in such matters, and especially the Epistles of the Apostle Paul.

5. Our Perseverance in Faith and Holiness, is also from the Meer Grace & Mercy of God. This will appear from these two things laid together,

(1.) It cannot be imputed unto our strength, power, and ability or any creature helps. We watch against Temptation indeed, and the means that we make use of, namely Prayer, Self-Examination, Meditation, Hearing the Word Preached, Baptism, the Lords-Supper, Fasts and Thanksgivings, and the like, have a direct and natural tendency to further and help us in well doing; but means, helps and our power to use them are of God, and if infinite Power and Wisdom be not in us and them, suppor­ting and managing of both, our Faith and Well-doing will quickly be at an end. Let never so wise States-men sit at Helm in a King­dom or Province, unless the Divine Presence be in and with them, conducting and ruling them, and the Governments over which they preside, all things will run to ruine, and the ends of Government will not be obtained. And so if the most Skilful Physicians and pro­per Medicines are in a place, if they and the [Page 19] People, Air and Seasons, &c be not under a Gracious and Powerful and All-wise Dispo­sing, Diseases will break out, that will carry away both them and the People amongst whom they are, as a Flood. And thus it is in the case under consideration, whatever our strength may be, and however proper, and suitable the means are that we enjoy for the Promotion of our Perseverance, our Religion will vanish and come to nothing, if the Lords Gracious Presence and Powerful and All-wise Conduct be denyed. Upon the whole then, the Gracious and Indwelling Presence of the Spirit of God, is the Principal Efficient cause of our Perseverance. This is attributed unto Him, Col. 1.8. Who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit It was the Spirit of God that perpetuated their Love and other Graces. 2 Thes. 2.13. Because God hath from the begin­ning, chosen us unto Salvation, through Sanctifica­tion of the Spirit. Their initial and progressive Sanctification was by the SPIRIT, as the Au­thor and Efficient cause thereof. Which things are not so to be understood as if by the light and tastes given unto Men in Conver­sion, they are not, after a sort, indissolubly fastened unto Divine Objects, nor as if the Efficiency and Operation of the Holy Ghost, to promote our Perseverance, were ordinarily [Page 20] miraculous and beyond the Sphere of His acting to produce other effects and events in their several kinds, that are wrought by Him.

(2.) It must be added, that the Lords cau­sing us to Persevere is a Gratuitous and Gra­cious Part in Him. 1 Thes. 5.23. And I pray, your whole Spirit, Soul & Body be preserved blame­less, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ And it has been the way of the Godly in all Ages to go unto the Lord, as unworthy Suppliants for help in this respect. How often does Da­vid in the Psalms implore His Mercy in this regard. I shall quote only one Text, where­in he Prays for this Mercy, as most unwor­thy of it. And that is, Psal. 139.23, 24. Search me, O God, and know my heart, and try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. And let it be considered, how that notwith­standing the Glory of His Perfections, the right that He has unto their Service upon the account of the Relation that they have unto Him, as Creatures, His taking them into an estate of Grace, the endearing Obligations He lays them under in the course of His Pro­vidence, their Love to Him is so very small and imperceptible, their Humility and Evan­gelical Submission so defective, and in general their Conversation and Deportment towards [Page 21] God and Man really so Carnal, however lau­dable it may be in appearance, that were it not for their more sensible actings of Faith, they would call their Sincerity God-ward in­to Question; and what is the desert of the least Sin, and it must be acknowledged, that it is from astonishing Grace & infinite Depths of Mercy and Kindness that He does not ut­terly abandon them and suffer them to go down into endless Misery.

Lastly, The Scriptures of both the New and Old Testament, so ascribe and refer the whole and every part of our Salvation, and all the concernments thereof, as our Election, Vocation, Justification, Peace of Conscience, and Glorification, unto the Love, Rich Grace and Undeserved Kindness of God, and especially the New, and remarkably the Epistles of the great Apostle of the Gentiles, who manifests himself even asto­nished thereat, and was mightily carried out to display the glory thereof; as that if there were not a wonderful dislike of this Doctrine in the hearts of Corrupt Man, and Men were not besotted with empty fading Vanities; and Hell did not use all it's Artifice and Skill to conceal it, it would never have been so detracted from, and clouded by Men of Cor­rupt Minds, in various degrees and manners, and so little believed in the World; as it has [Page 22] been in all Ages, and particularly, that where­in we live. I shall only cite Three Text, wherein the whole thereof, and Two where­in some particular parts of it (which the Cunning craftiness of Men, hath endeavoured by various Sophisms & other Wicked devices to perswade and make us believe, that they come, at least, in part from other causes,) are ascribed, and the glory of bestowing them is given over unto the Grace of God, in full and very expressive terms; And they are these, Psal 116. throughout; where the Psal­mist speaks both of Temporal, but Principally of Eternal Salvation, and he refers all to the Grace and Mercy of God. See also, Tit. 3.5. Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he hath saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost Eph. 2.8, 9. By Grace are ye saved through Faith, and that not of your selves, it is the gift of God, not of works, least any man should boast And our Justification is in a most in­disputable and declarative manner of speak­ing, ascribed to God's Mercy. Rom. 3.24. Being justified freely by his Grace, through the Re­demption, that is in Jesus Christ And the Holy Ghost speaks to the same purpose, of our Conversion, 2 Tim. 1.9. Who hath called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but [Page 23] according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ, before the world began Wherefore these things being so.

1. The Gospel way of Salvation is contrary to the now Natural Inclination and choice of Man Not but that, should the darkness, that is up­on his Mind, and Natural to him in that estate that Sin, and the Curse of God have cast him down into, be removed; and should things be set before the eye of his Mind & he helped to view them as they are, he would, the Lord giving him such an assistance as is proper to such an illumination fall in there-with. He ever more does so. So far forth as the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ is revealed to us by the Gospel, and we believe it in such degrees do we fall in therewith. 2 Cor. 3.18. But we all with open face beholding, as in a glass the Glory of the Lord are changed into the same image, from Glory to Glory. 9. d As our pros­pect into the Glory of the Lord by the glass of the Gospel advanceth; so our taking of him and accepting him in Christ, as our Sa­viour and Portion; and our Sanctification is furthered. But our Natural condition is an estate of darkness, and until we are brought out of it, we Sacrifice and burn Incense unto and serve that greatest Idol in the World, [Page 24] Self; even all People, Nations and Langua­ges, and hate and abhor all that tends to con­found its interests, spoil it of its honour and bring it to nothing; which the Doctrine of Salvation by free Grace does, as effectually, as can be imagined Wherefore it is not to be wondered at, if the Patrons thereof are mis­represented, and persecuted, the Preaching of it disliked, and the affairs thereof discoun­tenanced; and that even by those that wear the honourable Name of Christians, and parti­cularly amongst Protestants, in very sensible degrees.

2. It will be bootless and we shall come off with frustration, and disappointment, if we go about to seek Salvation, partly by our own righteousness None of Mankind that are concerned in their Spirits about Salvation, are so destitute of right apprehensions and convictions of the irregu­larity of their Lives, the desert of Sin, and the Holiness of God as that they dare venture the Eternal well-being of their Souls upon that single plea of their own goodness, or obeying and suffering in Gods cause; but they all have some dependance upon the Grace and Mercy of God: but they generally seek it partly by their own righteousness. This way go the Mahometans, the Papists, and all other Heretical Sects of Christians; and this is the [Page 25] path that vast numbers of the Orthodox go on in; however they profess to seek it meerly by Grace; they seek it partly by works, in an higher or lower degree: tho' Alas! for them, they are so unhappy as not to discern it and thus they go out of the World, and never observe that Error until it be too late to mend it. And this comes to pass, as from many other causes and reasons, so especially from a want of a due Examining into, and searching the temper and frame of their own Spirits, and their not being well taught the Doctrine of the Grace of God, with what be­longs there unto; and were they well in­structed in these things, this unhappiness would be in part prevented.

3 From these things we may learn, Whe­ther to go and repair, for the Personal, Private and Publick Mercies & Salvations; whether Spiritual or Outward, that we, our Country, the Church of God, or the World want. We must repair unto the free Mercy of God, for them. Few or none well instructed Protestants, plead in words, their own righteousness in their Prayers, but it is common for them to plead both their own Positive, but especially their Negative righteousness in the Secret recesses of their hearts. See, the Parable of the Pharisee and [Page 26] Publican, Luk 18. And believers themselves may have too much of such a Spirit. Matth. 19.28. Then answered Peter, and said, Behold we have forsaken all, and followed thee, What shall we have therefore? But when such workings of heart cannot be charged upon us, yet through the prevailings of sottishness and unbelief, we fail of trusting and hoping in, and repai­ring unto Gods Mercy as we ought. The way to obtain what we desire, is under a view of the excellency and greatness of His Loving Kindness, by Faith and Prayer to ad­dress our selves to Him for them.

And let it be suggested as Motive there­unto, That one of the great designs, that the Lord our God hath upon His heart is to Glorify Himself in His Goodness and Kindness towards Sinful Man. As He magnifieth and rendereth illustrious His Wisdom and Power, in the Works of Creation and Providence, and He does and will Glorify His Justice and Holiness in the Judg­ments, that He inflicts upon the World for their Sins and the ruine that befalls the Wick­ed, and the Apostate part of fallen Angels, espe­cially in the other World; so it is upon His Heart to render Glorious, and get large Re­venues of Honour and Praise unto His Mercy, and Kindness, by being Good, Gracious and [Page 27] Kind unto us vile and abominable Men; ac­cording to that of the Apostle, Eph. 2.7. That in the Ages to come he might shew the ex­ceeding riches of his Grace in his kindness towards us by Christ Jesus And there are certain sea­sons and times, wherein this His Projection and Design, puts forth it self and blossometh, in an especial manner. As there are Periods wherein He remarkably chastiseth the World or great Parts thereof, for their Wickedness, such as that when the Babylonish Forces con­quered and subdued, and brought under their Yoke, and miserably Slaughtered the Jews, the Egyptians, the Moabites, Ammonites, Phi­listines, and the other Nations in those parts of the World; And that when the Goths, Huns and Vandals and other Northern Nati­ons made irruptions into the Roman Empire, and occasioned its overthrow and ruine; so also there are certain Seasons, wherein the Lord by Peace, Health, Plenty, and other common Blessings, as also by Spiritual Bles­sings, allures Men unto a good Opinion and Serving of Him, and there is an hopeful appearance, that we are entering under such a Dispensation, and He may be about to try what good effect kindness will have upon that part of the World wherein we are espe­cially concerned. Wherefore, if we now re­pair [Page 28] unto His Mercy for Blessings for our selves and others, its not unlikely we shall come in a good Day; and that we shall have occasion to say, in the issue, in an acceptable time he has heard, and in the day of Salvation, he has helped us. Onely we must always remem­ber that when we draw nigh unto Him, and make our Supplications and Addresses to Him, for the Communication of the Effects of His Grace, we must do it in an humble manner, and after the Example of the Publican, Luk. 18. Namely, Hanging down our heads & smiting upon our breasts, and saying, God be merciful un­to us Sinners; and to encourage our selves hereunto by thoughts of His Mercy.

Lastly, Is it so that all our good things and our Eternal Salvation come down from the Free Grace of God? We have the greatest reason to Love, to be very Thankful unto, to walk holily before, and to be to the Praise of the Lord His Superlative Excellency and Native Glory, and our dependence on Him exact and de­mand these things at our hands, and had He refused to cast the least Eye of Pity towards us, the neglect of loving Him above all things, even with all our Heart and Soul and serving Him with utmost Chearfulness, Rea­diness, Humility and Thankfulness, had been [Page 29] monstrous Wickedness and unaccountable Injustice, as well as madness and folly: But by His freely saving us out of the depths of Misery that we had plunged our selves down into, and by bestowing upon us the common good things of this Life, we are under doub­led Obligations to be to Him and for Him. To do then as has been counselled is that which all should fall in with.

If it be said, this Advice is verily good and what is proposed is highly reasonable, but how shall we attain to follow it, and be obe­dient to the Exhortation? In Answer to this Enquiry, only these things may be offered.

1. If we would hearken thereunto, We must get and keep and live under a permanent, and an abiding, powerfull and close Conviction of our ineffable Sinfulness and the desert of Sin. Our Sinfulness not only before, but also after Con­version is so great, as that those Words of Solo­mon, Eccl. 1.8. concerning the Labour, that is under the Sun, scil. Who can utter it, may with an Emphasis be applyed thereunto, and is more remarkably true of this then that. Our Transgressions are for Number like the Sand upon the Sea shore, Psal. 40.12. To say no­thing [Page 30] of the heinous nature of them, and the inhauncing and aggravating Circumstances that do attend them. And the desert of the least Sin, is Death, as we may be sensible, if we consider who it is that is thereby dishonoured; and especially this is taught by the Death and Sufferings Christ under­went to make Expiation for Iniquity. Due apprehensions of these things would be con­ducive unto our hearkening unto this Ad­vice, and without them a compliance there­with cannot be expected, however uneasy some may be under them, and whatsoever some may fancy to the contrary.

2. We must believe, and grow & encrease in our knowlege and belief of the Doctrine of the Grace of God. It is fit and very well that a great many other Arguments, Motives and Considerations be used to perswade Men, thus to glorify God and comply with their Duty; but let the most accomplished Ora­tours use the best of their skill; let them sum­mon all their faculties and powers, and use the most flowing Metaphors and charming and ensnaring figures and forms of Speech, and argue from Interest, Honour and Justice, in the most affecting taking and obliging [Page 31] manner, that the wit of Men and Angels can invent, they will not be able to make so much as one Convert; all that their Oratory & Skill will be able to compass, is to make Men spe­cious and well drest Hypocrites. But let a Man well believe the Love of God to us, and the adorable and astonishing actings thereof for us, past and to come, and this will unhinge him from his natural bottom, and melt down his frozen and stupid heart into a loving of Him above himself, and humble thankfulness unto Him, and make him cry out with David, Truly I am thy Ser­vant, I am thy Servant: and the greater our acquaintance is to these things, the more do we love Him and are enlarged in the way of His Commandments, and therefore it was that the Apostles, in their day, so Preach­ed up, and dilated and insisted upon the Love, Grace and Kindness of God in their Writings and Discourses, and Sermons unto the People. If then we would get and grow in our love to God, & walk acceptably before Him▪ and abound therein, we must believe the Love of God, and increase in our belief thereof. And as other Expedients are to be used that we may be thus hap­py, so the Lord Himself is to be in hu­mility [Page 32] and with self judging applyed unto and importuned for help in this respect, for Faith it self, and the increases thereof are His Gifts, as well as other Blessings. Eph. 2. 8, 9, 10. For by Grace are ye saved through Faith, and that not of your selves, it is the Gift of God. Not of works, least any man should boast, for we are his Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, unto good works 2 Thes. 1.3. We are bound to thank God alway for you Brethren, as it is meet, because your Faith groweth exceed­ingly


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