The Lord's Voice, Crying to His People: IN SOME Extraordinary Dispensations Considered In a SERMON, [...] Preached 27 d. 1 m. 1715. Occasioned By the Terrible Tragedies of a Man Barbarously Murdering his Wife and her Sister, and then Burning his House, [...] Together [...] Man [...] Living
By Nathanael Clap, M. A. Preacher [...]
Boston: Printed by B. Green. Sold at the Booksellers Shops. [...].
HEAR the Rod, AND Who hath Appointed it.
MAY the GOD of all Grace in our Lord Jesus Christ, by His holy Spirit, so influence our Souls, that by Minding the dispensations of His holy Ordinances, we may come to understand something of the meaning of the dispensations of His awful Providences among us. Then will there be some room for us to hope, that God is making all things to [Page 2] work together for good unto us, among them that Love God.
It would be inexcusable inadvertency in us, and a dreadful token of lamentable Stupidity in our Souls, if we should take no Notice of the late Stupendous, Tremendous dealings of the glorious Lord among us, while the very bars of the Infernal Pit have seemed, as it were, to shiver and the dreadful Smoke of the bottomless Lake hath begun to break out and ascend before our Eyes: And the venemous Vipers of Hell have had a Permission to raise up their heads and after a very uncommon manner, to spit about their Venom upon us, and to shew us a little of their cursed and cruel disposition, by the blood that hath been shed, and the fire that hath been kindled in our Neighbourhood.
What means the heat of this anger of the Lord our God! The Words of God must be attended that we may understand the Works of God. We must regard the Works of the Lord and consider the Operations of His hands, or we shall be destroyed with yet more terrible destructions. But that we may know what God says by His Works, we must mind what He speaks by His Words: The holy Bible is written for the admonition and the information of [Page 3] us upon whom the ends of the World are come, and we shall do well to give heed unto that sure Word of Prophecy: The Oracles of God in His Book are to explain the operations of God in the World. And our considerations upon the Words that have now been read unto us may by the Divine Blessing, help us to know something of the intention of the Most High, in the Works that have been lately done among us.
In the beginning of this Sixty Chapter of Micah, the Lord by the Prophet manageth a Controversy with His People. He enters an Action against them, and in His declaration charges them with unaccountable unreasonable ingratitude For, after the Lord had called for Attention, by saying, Hear ye now what the Lord saith, Arise, contend thou before the Mountains, and let the Hills hear thy voice, Hear ye, O Mountains, the Lords controversy and ye strong foundations of the Earth: for the Lord hath a controversy with his People and he will plead with Israel. Then He goes on to plead with his People, by saying, Oh, my People. What have I done unto thee; wherein have I wearied thee? Testify against me. For I brought thee out of AEgypt and redeemed thee out of the house of Servants, and sent before thee Moses & Aaron, [Page 4] and Miriam Oh! my People remember now what Ba [...]ak the King of Moah consulted, and what Balaam the Son of Beor answered him, from S [...]ittim unto G [...]gal, that ye may know the Righteousness of the Lord. The Lord would have them to consider the tokens of His kindness towards them from time to time; and in one Place after another, that they might be [...]ffected with His goodness toward them, and be ashamed of their Unthankfulness toward Him. He enumerates divers Particularities of his care about them, for the aggravation of their Wickedness in their unanswerable returns to him. And He appeals to their own Consciences and makes them Judges to [...] the case between Him and them. He knew that they could not but acknowledge his Righteousness, and must condemn themselves for their own Sinfulness Nevertheless after the declaration of the Lords controversy with them, and the demonstration, by the clearest and fullest evidences of their ingratitude to him. The People being thorowly convinced in their own consciences, that they were very faulty and that God had just reason to be very angry at them; They seem to demand what they should do to appease the anger of God, by saying, Where with shall I come before the [Page 5] Lord and [...]ow my self before the High [...]? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings and ca [...]es of a year old, will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of rivers of [...] Shall I give my first born for my transgression, the fruit of my [...]eay for the Sin of my Soul? Hereby they seem to insinuate that there will be [...]oundance of difficulty in their endeavours to please God and pacify his Wrath; it would be a difficult thing for them to satisfy his demands to remove the causes of his controversy with them, so as to obtain reconciliation with God. But he there upon tells them. The Lord hath shewed thee, O man, what is good [or who is the good One: may this intend the Messiah, who is the Good One: as if the Lord had said I have found a Ransom, I have provided a Redeemer, who will satisfy my Justice for all that will accept of him for their Saviour, and I have shewed him and offered him to you, that through him there may be a Possibility of Reconciliation Then he goes on, saying] and what doth the Lord require of thee [upon thy accepting the Redeemer, the good One] but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God The terms of Reconciliation between God and Man are plain, easy, possible and highly [Page 6] reasonable. There can be no good objection made against the proposals for accommodation between their God and their Souls But the Sinful People standing out against the offer of Mercy, the Lord shews that he designs a Process of Judgment against them in the Words of our Text.
The Lords voice cryeth unto the City. The Word of God proclaimes Wrath, Anger, Indignation against all Impenitent Sinners. The Wrath of God is by the Word of God revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of them that hold the Truth in Unrighteousness. If Sinners be convinced of their Duty, but will not do it; or convinced of their Sin, but will not forsake it; the word of God is against them. The Lords voice then cryes against them in his Word.
The Man of Wisdom shall see thy Name. It will be Wisdom for every one then to Mind what the Lord sayes in his Word and to see his Name who cryes with his voice: to Mind who it is that speaks to them. And then there is that call. Hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. Something extraordinary is implyed, If the cry in the Word be not regarded, then comes the Rod. And there is a voice in the rod [Page 7] that should be heard by all, and so heard as to excite all to consider who sends the rod, and upon what errand the rod is ordered to come.
To Doctrine then, to be now considered by us, must be this.
DOCTRINE. It would be the Prudence of all People, and will be the Practice of wise People to take such notice of the Extraordinary dispensations of GOD as to learn the design of GOD in managing of His Controversy with Sinners, by those Dispensations.
We have several Propositions to be considered under this Doctrine.
I. PROP. The GOD of Heaven does frequently manage a controversy with Sinners upon Earth for their Misdemeanours before Him. He shews that he is displeased at them. And he shews them that he hath just cause to be so displeased. Their wayes are not pleasing in his sight, and so he walks in wayes toward them, that are not pleasing nor easy to them. So in the Second Verse of this Chapter, it is said, [Page 8] The Lord hath a Controversy with his People and he will plead with Israel. Then he tells them what he had done for them. And they had not done before him, as he might justly have expected, and therefore he was offended, and they should be made sensible of his displeasure. And so it was foretold unto the People of God, in Levit 26, 27 If you will walk contrary unto me, then I will walk contrary unto you. The Lord having told them that if they were willing to obey him, then they should enjoy the blessings of his Covenant. But if they would not hearken to his voice and obey his Commandments and walk in his Statutes, then he would be angry against them, and they might expect the tokens of his anger: Then he shews them that if they would not repent and be reformed by lesser Judgments, then he would bring up on them greater Judgments and punish them yet Seven times for their iniquities and yet Seven times more, and Seven times more, until their Uncircumcised hearts be humbled When he hath begun a controversy with Sinners, he will go on with it until they be reformed or destroyed.
[Page 9] II. PROP. The Lord is often pleased to bring Judgments upon Sinners for their Sins, while He is managing his Controversy with then. He hath threatned them with Judgments for their Sins, if they don't turn from their Sins He must bring the Judgments threatned, that he may appear to be the God of Truth. And he hath done from time to time according to his threatnings, thus in the Thirteenth verse of this Chapter, He declares, I will make thee sick in smiling thee, in making thee desolate because of thy Sins. Thus also in Deut 28 58. Sayes the Lord, If thou wilt not observe to do all the Words of this Law, that thou mayest year the glorious and fearful Name, THE LORD THY GOD. The Lord shall make thy Plagues wonderful. He told them that if they would be obedient, they should enjoy abundance of blessings, but if they would be rebellious, then there should be curses multiplyed upon them. Accordingly it came to pass. The Promises of blessing having been fulfilled, Joshua and Solom [...]n could bring in their testimony for that, so far as to their dayes, [in Josh. 23. 14 1 King. 8 56] The threatnings of curses were also wonderfully accomplished, as both Jeremiah and Daniel observed, [Page 10] [in Lam. 2. 17. Dan. 9 11.] So the Lord often brings various Judgments upon Sinners, while he manageth his controversy with them. They find it a perillous thing to continue in wayes of Sin against the Holy God. But,
III. PROP. GOD in pleased graciously to Warn Sinners, before He brings Judgments upon them in His managing to His controversy with them. And these warnings of God are in various wayes delivered.
For sometimes the Lord warns by his Word. So the Lords voice Cryes unto the City. People that read the Word of God, may discern a cry in the Word which they read, like that in Isaiah 3. 10. We to the Wicked, it shall be ill with him. The Written Word of God plainly cryes, Evil pursueth Sinners, it cryes, The Soul, that Sinneth, shall dye, it cryes, The wages of Sin is Death, The cry of the Word is, God will render to every one according to their Works: To them that are contentious and will not obey the truth, he will render indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every Soul of them. The plain cry of the Word is, The Wicked shall be turned into Hell & all the Nations that forget God. God will rain upon Impenitent Sinners, fire and brimstone, a [Page 11] burning Tempest must be the Portion of their cup. God will find a time to call to remembrance the Sins of Sinners, and will set their Sins in order before them for their Eternal confusion. The plain Cry of the word is that in the a Thes. 1. [...]—The Lord Jesus will be revealed from Heaven, with his Mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; They shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power. And besides and before the terrible things, that will come at last upon all finally Impenitent Sinners, there are awful cryes in the Word of God against them, denouncing terrible things in this Life and World. Would People Read the Word of God, as they should, they might find the Written Word crying against them for their multiplyed Impieties against and before God.
So People that hear the Word of God, may often perceive a cry, like that in Ezek. 18 30. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, that iniquity may not be your ruine. A cry, like that in John 3 36. He that believeth not the Son of God, the wrath of God abideth on him. A cry, like that in Zeph: 2. 3. Seek ye the Lord, Seek Righteousness and Meekness, that ye may be hid in the day of the Lords anger.
[Page 12] The Ambassadours of the Lord Jesus Christ, who are to Preach the Word of God, are commanded, as in Isaiah 58 1. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a Trumpet, shew People their transgressions. And as in Ezek 33 8. 9. Thou shalt hear the word at my Mouth and warn People from me, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely dye; and thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way the wicked shall dye in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn him from it, if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy Soul. Thus must the Ministers of God warn Sinners about their Sins, against their Sins, that they may turn from their Sins. They must cry with earnestness, with vehemency, with solemnity against the Sins and Vices of the Times and Places, wherein they live.
Indeed Sinners don't love to have their Sins cryed against. And if the Ministers of God will venture to cry against the Sins of Sinners, then will Sinners be ready to cry against the Ministers of God. And if the Ministers will not let Sinners alone to Sin quietly and to live in quiet, while they live in Sin, they be sure Sinners will not [...] let the Ministers of God alone, to [Page 13] have any quietness in their Lives o [...] any comfort in the World, if they can help it. Did not Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, and the Apostles of our Lord find it so. But if Ministers do let Sinners alone to live in Sin, to Sin as they please, then God will not let Ministers no [...] Sinners alone very long They shall neither of them enjoy any long time of quietness. For,
So lies the case. If Sinners will Sin against God, and God send his Ministers among them, He will have them to cry against their Sins. But if the Ministers of God will not cry against the Sins of Sinners, but will be silent, then will Sinners be in danger of perishing in their Sins: but negligent Ministers must answer for the Souls of the perishing Sinners. Their blood will be required at the hands of those that should have cryed and given them warning, that they might have turned from their Sins: Therefore the Ministers of God must not dare, for their Lives, to be Silent; They must cry against Sin, if they love their own Souls. They must be as Trumpets thorow which the Lords voice cryes unto Sinners. Thus there is the cry of the Word, by which the Lord is pleased to warn Sinners, that they may turn from [Page 14] Sin, so as to prevent his Judgments from coming.
But sometimes notwithstanding all the cryes of the voice of the Lord by his Word, Sinners will go on still in their trespasses. But what comes then?
Sometimes the Lord warns by His Rod And therefore is it said, Hear ye the rod an [...] who hath appointed it. If Sinners will not hear the Word of God, then comes the Rod of God. If the cry of the Word be despised, then the smart of the rod must be endured. Lesser Judgments come to war [...] Sinners of greater Judgments coming i [...] they continue Impenitent, if they are no Reformed by lesser Judgments. The rod comes to tell that the Sword is coming, in Sinners will not be perswaded of the rod to forsake their Sins. For when God hath begun his controversy with Sinners, the [...] may expect that he will go on, to finish in Righteousness, if they will not be Reformed they must be ruined. The Lord will overcome when He judgeth. Thus we find it with the People of God, of old, it the fore-mentioned 26th of Leviticus, and 28th of Deuteronomy, and in divers other Places of Scripture we find that they were told that if they would not hear the Words [Page 15] of God, they should feel the rod of God. There should come lesser Judgments, and if they did not reclaim them, then there should come greater Judgments. And if they would not be Reformed by the Lord, by these Judgments, then He would punish them yet Seven times more for their Sins. The Lord would break the Pride of their Power, and would send the Sword to avenge the quarrel of his Covenant. So afterwards we find, the Lord began with them as a Moth, by lesser Judgments consuming of them; and then went on as a Lyon, by greater Judgments, devouring of them. So the Lord is pleased to deal with Sinners. The Word cryes unto Sinners. You have Sinned against God, Oh! Turn from Sin, left God bring his rod. But if the Sinners do not turn from Sin, then they may justly look for the rod. And when the rod comes, then the rod cryes unto Sinners Oh! The Word of God has been despised therefore is the Rod come Take heed, lest you despise the rod: For if you don't hear the Rod, the Sword may come next The cry of a lesser Judgment, is, Oh! Be Reformed by this lest a greater come. And if there be no Reformation, a greater does come, and if Sinners continue still incorrigible, it may be still complained according to Isaiah 9 11. [Page 16] The Lord hath brought sad things upon his People, they are environed with Enemies; they know not which way to turn, they are exceedingly distressed, yet, For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still: For the People turneth not [...] him that smiteth them, neither do they seek the Lord of Hosts. By these things we learn that God is pleased to give warning to Sinners, before He brings Judgments upon them He warns by his Word, before he strikes with his Rod. And by lesser Judgments coming, He warns that greater will come, unless there be amendment by lesser. So it is commonly with a People externally in Covenant with God. He speaks by the Word for their Instruction, before he smites with the Rod for their Correction: or strikes with the Sword for their Destruction. But if they will not be Reformed by the Word, nor Amended by the Rod, they may fear being ruined by the Sword.
IV. PROP. It would be the Prudence of all People to take such Notice of the extraordinary Dispensations of God, as to learn what is the design of God in his managing of his Controversy with His People by those Dispensations. We are to remember that the God of Heaven [Page 17] is pleased ordinarily to walk in a way of Mercy toward Sinners, while they live in this World. The Sinfullest People in this World enjoy more Mercies than they endure Sorrows while they live here upon the Earth. And when God begins to bring any Sorts of Judgments upon Sinners: they are strange, uncouth, unusual, unexpected things; and so may be styled the extraordinary dispensations of God. He goes out of his common Road, when he steps into a way of Judgment with Sinners. The judicial dispensations of God may be called His Strange Works, for at their first coming, they are frequently surprizing and amazing unto Sinners. Tho' they have been told & warn'd about them, yet when they come they seem to wonder at them, as new & strange things. Indeed when judgments have continued some time & are grown common, then People grow less and [...]ess affected & concerned with them. So when War, Famine or Pestilence are grown common Evils among a People, then Sinners frequently grow hardened, unconcerned, unaffected. They make light of the Evils. But then frequently the Lord is pleased to bring something that is uncommon. There shall happen some extraordinary things, that shall mightily astonish [Page 18] People, and put them into great confusion at lest for a while.
And the All wise God hath evermor [...] some holy design in His extraordinary dispensations toward Sinners. For He is cause by Counsel, ever acting with Infinite Wisdom. He does nothing in vain. He doth never amuse the World with any strange thing, without some wise aim. He hath some Glorious Intention in all his extraordinary dispensations about his Creatures. For we are sure from Eph 1. 11. He worketh all things after the Counsel of his own Will. And therefore with Infinite Wisdom, consummate Prudence, and exquisite Contrivance. All his Actions a [...] weighed, ordered and contrived with a view at something for the Advancement of His Own Glory.
And about all the Evils of Trouble that come upon Sinners, all sorts of Judgment whether they be ordinary or extraordinary Ones, it may be demanded, as in Amos 3. 6 Shall there be Evil in the City, and the Love hath not done it? [The Lord has a han [...] in all the Judgments that come upon Sinners] The Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his Servants the Prophets. And else-where it is demanded, Who is b [...] that saith and it cometh to pass, when the Lo [...] [Page 19] commandeth it not? The Counsel of the Lord shall stand, the Thoughts of his Heart to all Generations. Every thing that cometh to pass in the World, is directed by the Infinite Wisdom of God. He knows and sees all, yea He foresees and orders all. Nothing can come to pass without His permitting Will.
Indeed He does not force the Wills of Sinners, nor compel them to Sin against himself in breaking of his Laws. There is no such decree or purpose of God as lays any necessity of compulsion upon the Wills of any of his Creatures, that may be improved as Instruments in the hand of God, in bringing to pass those things that may be called the Judgments of God: For God may appoint what shall be, and may design to direct his Instruments in their Actions, while they act most Willingly and most Wickedly, without his being the Author of their Sin. For we are sure that God 'fore knew, for He 'foretold unto Moses, that the heart of Pharaoh would be hardned so that He would not be willing to let the Children of Israel go out of his Land. Yet Pharaoh did voluntarily harden his heart. Neither the Purpose of God to permit Pharaoh to hearden his heart, nor his Prediction of that purpose unto Moses, had any such Influence upon Pharaoh to harden his heart, [Page 20] as that he had any reason to complain that he was necessitated by any coactio [...] or compulsion upon his Will by the permission of God, to harden his own Sins heart; he willingly hardened his heart Yea though God upholdeth Sinners [...] their Being, and strengtheneth them [...] their Acting about those things that and very Sinful, He is not chargeable with their Sins, while thy do, what they do against his Revealed Will. And the All wise God knows how to govern the Wil [...] of Sinners, in all their Actions for his Own Glory; and hath some glorious Ends all his dispensations about all his Creatures. Thus it was in a peculiar manner observed about the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Servants of God would acknowledge (in Acts 4 28) The Sinner in Crucifying our Saviour, have do [...] What thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done. Him being delivered [...] the determinate counsel and fore-knowledge of God, they had by wicked Hand crucifyed and slain. So our Lord Jesus Christ hath told us, about the Providence of our heavenly Father extending it set unto the very Hairs of our Heads ( [...] 10 29 30) Not a Bird nor an Hair can fall on the ground without the Providence [Page 21] [...] God Governing the World. Then God orders all things, directs all with Infinite Wisdom, designs all for his Own Glory, hath glorious designs in all his Works, and especially in his more extraordinary dispensations about the Children of Men.
But what now follows here upon? Certainly it would be the Prudence of all to like Notice of the extraordinary dispensations of God so, as to learn what is the de [...]g [...]n of God in those dispensations. For [...]is is implyed in Hearing the Rod, and who hath appointed it. The Rod of God [...]ath a voice; it is their duty to Hear [...]at voice, and to Hear it so as to Mind it; to Mind it so as to consider [...] and to consider it so as to understand [...]e intention of the Glorious God in sending his Rod: that by discerning the intention of the Rod, they may be prepared to answer the intention of God in using His God. This would be the Prudence of all people, when they behold the extraordinary dispensations of God in His holy Providence, that they might conform to His designs. For all People are call'd upon to [...]ear the Rod, and who hath appointed it.
[Page 22] V. PROP. This will be the Practice [...] Wise People: They will take such Notice [...] the extraordinary dispensations of God, as [...] learn something of the designs of God in these dispensations, while He is managing of a Controversy with Sinners. The Man of Wisdom will see the Name of God. He will not only Hear the voice of God in His Word; but he will endeavour also [...] Mind the voice of God in His Rod, so a [...] to discern something of the intention o [...] the Rod of God, that he may be prepare to comply with the intention of Him that sends the Rod. They that are furnishes with the best Wisdom. The Fear of the Lord, and are made Wise unto Salvation thro' Faith in Christ Jesus; when the behold any extraordinary dispensations [...] Divine Providence, they will consider such as these things.
(1) They will consider & acknowledge that there is a Providence of God managing [...] things. All things are under the direction of the Glorious God. The People of God will ascribe nothing to blind fate, nor to wild chance, whatever Philistines may do They that are Israelites indeed will Subscribe unto the ancient Acknowledgment of the Church of God, in Psal. 115. 3. Our [Page 23] God is in the Heavens, he hath done what ever the pleased: And in Psal. 135. 6. What ever the Lord pleased, he did in Heaven and Earth, in the Seas and in all deep Places. That is every where. All Creatures, both Inanimate and Animate, both Irrational and Rational, both Good and Bad, both Men and Angels, are so in the hand of God, and so under his Command, that they cannot move nor stir without His Permission. All his Creatures and all their Affairs are [...]der his absolute Government, so that they can do nothing without his leave, Yea, He hath so determined about all their Actions, that he knows What and When every One of them shall be; and He designs to Glorifie Himself in them all, by them all. Nothing comes to pass any where in the whole World, but what the Almighty God hath determined to perform or permit. He performs what is Good, He permits what is Evil, or else it [...]ould not be. And as His Kingdom is an everlasting One: Psal. 145. 13. Thy Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and thy Dominion endureth throughout all Generations; Thus it is an Universal Kingdom, Psal. [...]03. 19. The Lord hath prepared his Throne [...] the Heavens, his Kingdom ruleth over all. Then all things are under the Government [Page 24] of Divine Providence. The [...] High doth according to his Will, in [...] Armies of Heaven, and among the Inhabitants of the Earth; and none can stay his Hand, or say unto Him, What doest thou He sayes, My Counsel shall stand, I will do all my Pleasure. This the People [...] God will consider, and they will acknowledge all things to be under the inspection of Divine Providence.
And then,
(2) They will consider & acknowledge that the Lord manages all things in His H [...] Providence with Infinite Wisdom. We m [...] say as in Psal. 104. 24. O Lord, How many fold are thy works! in Wisdom hast thou [...] them all. The Wisdom of God appear not only in the works of Creation, and more gloriously in the works of Redemption, but also in the w [...]ks of Providence there is the Infinite Wisdom of God appearing. We read in Isaiah 18. 29. [...] Lord of Hosts is wonderful in Counsel and excellent in working. And we read of it purpose of him who worketh all thing after the Counsel of His Own Will. [...] having purposed about all that hath, [...] shall come to pass, the purposes of [...] must be framed with Infinite Wisdom, and He must act wisely in His bringing to [...] [Page 25] all His Purposes. Both Wisdom & Might [...]re His. Nothing can come to pass without the Divine Will; and the Wisdom of God is continually exercised in his taking [...]are about all his Creatures, and especially about his Children: For if things come to pass by an Heatheni [...]h, fatal Necess [...]y, then might the blessed God say to His Children: Such and such Troubles and Sorrows will come upon you, there is no help for you to avoid them, and therefore you must endure them and improve them, as well as you can: But our heavenly Father has provided better comfort for his Children than so; in the advice that our blessed Saviour hath given to his People, in Matt. 10. 28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the Soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both Soul & Body in hell. Are not two Sparrows sold for a farthing, and one of them shall not fall on the ground, without your Father; but the very Hairs of your head are all numbred. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many Sparrows. It means, that if God take care of the Birds in the Air and of the Hairs of our Heads, then be sure he will take care about our Lives and our Souls, and also about all our Affairs in this World. And then surely he does wisely in all that he [Page 26] does. And if an heathenish Empero [...] would acknowledge about the King [...] Heaven, as in Dan. 4. 39. All his works [...] Truth and his ways Judgment; Surely god [...] People must acknowledge and consider and remember he is Wise in Heart as we as Mighty in Strength.
But then.
(3) They will consider and acknowledge that the All-wise God wisely manages [...] things, in His Providence for His own Glory The Glory of God is the Ultimate End [...] all the works of God. He hath designed his own Glory in all his Purposes and [...] his Performances. All his determination from Eternity, and all his dispensatio [...] throughout all Time are levelled at th [...] End, The advancement of his own Glory Thence that Admiration, Rom. 11. [...] Oh! the depth of the riches of the Wisdom [...] Knowledge of God! how unsearchable are [...] Judgments and his Wayes past finding [...] for who hath known the Mind of the Lord, who hath been his Counsellor; for of him a [...] through him, and to him are all things, whom be Glory for ever So the People God consider and acknowledge that Go [...] hath designed his Glory in all the work of His holy Providence.
[Page 27] (4) They will realize unto themselves that the extraordinary Dispensations of God, are set before them for their consideration, that they may learn something from them, for His Glory & their Own benefit. For the Children of Wisdom look upon the God of Heaven as their Father; and they cannot believe that their All-wise Father would present things before the Eyes of his Children, without any design of Honour to his Name or advantage to their Souls. They don't imagine that he only designs to amaze them or amuse them with his dispensations. But they Believe that [...]he would have them to consider of them so as to glorify Him, and get good for themselves. They reckon themselves call'd upon as in Job 37. 14. Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God. They consider, Psal. 111. 2. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of those that have pleasure therein. So they think themselves under obligation to take notice of the works of God. They consider, Psal. 107. 43. Whoso is wise will observe those things. that are done by God in his holy Providence. All the works of God are to be considered, wise Persons are willing to consider them as they have leisure, advantage, ability and opportunity. But the more [Page 28] surprizing, and stupendous works of God call for more close attention to see into the intention of them, and should be mov [...] narrowly considered that they may be more thorowly understood and usefully improved by those that fear God, so the they may answer the expectations of God concerning them. The People of God should bend their Minds to look into his more notable and terrible works.
And therefore,
(5) They must not cease considering the extraordinary dispensations of God until they have learned something of the [...] own duty, unto which they should be excited by those dispensations, that they ma [...] know how to behave themselves under All the awful dealings of God. These thing are implyed in Hearing the Rod and wh [...] hath appointed it: and in seeing the Name of God, when the Lord's voice cryes by extraordinary dispensations: We read [...] Heb. 12. 11. No chastening seemeth, for [...] present, joyous, but grievous; nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruits of Righteousness to them that are exercised thereby When God is by extraordinary dispensations of his Providence chastening a Sinful People, they should so consider of his dealings with them as to bring forth fruit [Page 29] of Repentance, and of Righteousness, that may issue in everlasting Peace to their Souls. And therefore they must consider the works of God so that they may know what He would have them to do: It was a good resolution of a Religious Man, Psal. 85. 8. I'le hear what God the Lord will say, for he will speak peace unto his (holy) People, but let them not return again to folly, (or that they may not return again to folly.) This may imply that as we must mind What God sayes by his Words, that we may be reduced or preserved from Sin; so we should mind what God sayes by his Works that we may be reclaimed or diverted from Sin; Be sure we should mind what God the Lord sayes to us, both by his Words and by his Works, that we may more fully understand what our behaviour ought to be before the Lord. As the goodness of God should lead us to Repentance, that we may do better than we have done; so by the Chastizements of God we should be excited unto more Holiness. And be sure the more Awakening dispensations of the Most High are to be considered and improved for such Ends. While dreadful Judgments of God are in the Earth, the Inhabitants of the World should learn Righteousness. Then would they see the Name [Page 30] of the Lord and hear his Rod. And they are made no better by the extraordinary dispensations of God in his Providence, it may be justly complained against them, they do not as they should, behold the Majesty of the Lord. But that the [...] may be no just reason for any such complaint to be made against us:
The APPLICATION of the thing that have been delivered must now follow in this Use of Exhortation.
Let all of us evidence our selves to [...] the Children of Wisdom, in taking such Notice of the voice of the Lord crying [...] to us in the late extraordinary dispensations of His holy Providence, that we [...] learn the design of God in these dispensations, for his Glory and for our O [...] Benefit.
You need not, now, to be told that there have, lately, happened among us, those things about which we may say, as [...] Psal. 119. 120. My flesh trembleth for fear thee, O Lord, and I am afraid of thy Righteous Judgments. The glorious Lord of [...] has been crying with [...] voice to [...] [Page 31] Town. We should approve our selves the Children of Wisdom, in seeing the Name of God, and hearing the Voice of his Rod, and who hath appointed it, that we may [...]now something of what He would have [...] to do.
May we, in some respects, say the very face of the Earth under our feet, the floor [...]ver the Pit of Hell seems to be so bur [...]ened with our Sins, that it sinks and [...]racks, and begins to break and split and [...]ery dreadfully give way under the burthen? Do the Fiends of darkness begin [...] appear, as it were, above ground, acting horrible Tragedies among us? What, [...]ay we think, would the Devils do, might [...]hey do what they would, and as they would upon the Face of the Earth? Would they not strike People down with cruel blows and stab them to Death, and [...]ry to burn them in their Blood to Ashes, and make the whole Inhabited World a [...]neer Aceldama, a fi [...]ld of Blood & of Fire? Have we not seen some of the horrible [...]parks of the S [...]lphureous Lake rising up and flying about among us? Don't we profess to believe that the All wise God [...]ath permitted these things in His holy Providence? Can we imagine that these things have come to pass without the [Page 32] Divine Permission? But if the glorious God has permitted such things among [...] must we not believe that He has had son Holy designs therein?
Then should we not endeavour to know what God would have us to learn by [...]. Tremendous, Horrendous dispensations Are we not willing to Hear what the voice of the Lord cryes unto us by His Rod with which He hath been scourging of [...] That we may be assisted about this [...]: [and if we are indeed the Children of Wisdom, we shall be glad of any suitable suggestions for our assistance] Let [...] following things be, in the fear of Go [...] Religiously entertained in our Serious Considerations.
I. Does not the Lords Voice cry [...] unto us? Oh! Let all People consider more, than they have done, about the [...] Nature of In-dwelling Corruption, [...] dreadful venome of Original Sin; the Wonderful violence of the evil that doth easily beset us, if the common restraints [...] God be removed from our wicked heart. And let us manifest our selves to be the Children of Wisdom, in duly laying [...] heart the Venemous evil of our Sinful Natures. And why should not the [...] [Page 33] Rod of God upon us make us more sensible, than ever we have been, of our dreadful danger of being ruined for ever, by the wickedness of our own hearts, if the Righteous and Holy GOD should but leave us unto our own cursed inclinations to comply with the cruel Solicitations of the Adversaries of our Souls. For, Alas! We do not all of us enough consider this thing: [...]on't all of us enough consider this thing! Alas! where be any of us that duly consider it, and lay to heart, as we should the wickedness of our own Hearts? Don't [...]ost of us, when we hear of any uncommon [...]illany committed by any of our Neighbours, think within our selves, I hope I [...]all never be so wicked. And are we not [...]clinable to think that we are better Principled than to do such wickedness. And therefore may the Righteous and Holy, God, now and then, suffer a wicked Sinner to run furiously and horribly into outragious wickedness, that we might more consider the dreadful wickedness of the [...] that dwelleth in us.
We do know, we may own, that our first Parents were made Holy and Righteous. They were created in the Image of God. They had no Sin dwelling in them [...] cleaving to them, as they come out of [Page 34] the hands of their glorious Creator: [...] when they had hearkened unto the [...] Solicitations of their grand Adversary, [...] enemy of God and of all goodness, as eaten to the forbidden fruit of the [...] in the midst of the garden, where the were placed, of the fruit of which [...] God has forbidden them to eat; the they were deprived of that Original Righteousness wherein they were created; as in the room of that Righteousness, the [...] had a vicious disposition immediately se [...] ing of them and cleaving to them. The presently became Sinners, hating of the Maker: Their Souls were filled [...] hatred against the God that brought them out of nothing into Being.
And about the Farther of all the People that have lived since the Flood, we rea [...] (in Gen. 5. 3.) Adam begat a Son, in own likeness, after his own Image, and call his name Seth. And all the Children Seth are born Sinners. About them, well as about the Children of Cain, we read (Gen 6. 5.) Every imagination of the though [...] of his heart was onely evil continually. [...] we read (in Gen. 8. 21.) The imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth. As [...] a Man as Job demands, Who can bring clean thing out of an unclean? As holy [Page 35] Man as David, Confesses, In Iniquity was I s [...]apen, and conceived in Sin. Solomon acknowledges before God, Every man hath the plague in his own Heart. He also demands, Who can say, I have made my Heart clean, I am pure from my Sin? Isaiah acknowledges, We are all as an unclean thing. Jeremiah declares, The Heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Our Saviour says, Out of the Heart proceed evil Thoughts, Murders, Adulteries and other vile Things. What! Do we need any more Testimonies? All the Saints of God must [...]nite and agree in that Acknowledgment [...] Eph. 2 3. We are all by nature Children of Wrath. All of us are Born into the World, with Hearts full of Sin, with Corrupt Natures empty of Grace, ready to Sin, ready only to Sin, always ready to Sin. About all Wicked Sinners we find in Psal. 58. 3. They go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies. And who are not such Wicked Sinners by Nature? We find in Psal. 14. 2. The Lord looked down from Heaven, to see if there were any that did understand and seek God. (But how did things appear? If follows.) They are all gone aside, they are together become filthy, there is none that doth good, no not one. The same things are told over unto us in [Page 36] Psal. 53. People are too unwilling [...] believe so sad a Truth as this, that the have such Corrupt Natures. Be sure Unconverted Sinners don't love to consider it. And may not the best of the Saint of God, by their own lamentable experience, find in their own Souls, too much of Inclination to forget the Wickedness o [...] their own hearts, upon many sorrows Occasions? Therefore the Lord sees [...] often to inculcate the consideration of th [...] Truth in, Rom. 3 9. All are under [...] There is none Righteous, no not one, [...] the World is become Guilty before Go [...] all have Sinned and come short of the Glory of God. And in Rom. 5. 12. By [...] man Sin entred into the World and Death Sin, so Death hath passed upon all, for [...] (in him,) all have Sinned. But alas, [...] considers it, how few duly consider [...] corruption of their Natures, and their clinableness to Sin against God. It should be more considered. Now does not [...] Lord by His Voice, in what He has late done among us, call upon us all to [...] this matter more into our serious consideration, than we have commonly don [...] Oh! think more sadly about the sinfulness of Indwelling Sin. But,
[Page 37] II. Does not the Lords Voice cry this unto us? Oh! Let all People be more Thankful unto God, than ever they have been, for the common Restraints, whereby God has preserved People from that Outragious Wickedness and Horrendous Misery, that their Indwelling Corruption would carry and hurry them into, if they were not so Restrained by God: and remember Christ Purchasing this good. And let us all manifest our selves the Children of Wisdom in giving Thanks to the Glorious God for His common Restraints upon Sinners, and consider, if this may not be one Voice of the Rod of God lately scourging of us. Oh! be more thankful to God for common Restraints from [...]in and from Woe.
Are any People Restrained by a Principle of Grace within them? Hath God put this fear so into their Hearts, that they dare not do Wickedly, but say, upon any Solicitation to Sin, as he in Gen. 39. 9. How shall I do this wickedness and sin against God? Certainly, those Gracious Persons, those Fearers of God will be Thankful to God, every day, for His Grace to their Souls, and for his Preservations of their Souls from Sinning against Him: and they will own Christ procuring [Page 38] this good. If People think that they have Saving Grace in their Souls, but are no Thankful to God for being preserved from Sin; they have just reason to fear, that they have hitherto deceived their own Souls. If you are holy Persons, you will be Thankful to God, in Christ, for His Grace, and will own as in 1 Cor. 15. 10 By the Grace of God, I am what I am. [...] in Gal. 2. 20. I live, yet not I, but [...] liveth in me, and the life that I live in [...] Flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of [...] who hath loved me, and given Himself for [...] This will be the disposition of truly Gracious Persons. But if People have been Restrained from Sin, chiefly, by the Convictions of their Consciences, Oh! [...] them be Thankful to God for those Convictions. Bless the Lord for enkindling those Convictions in your Souls, and [...] keeping them alive. And while you have been preserved from great Wickedness Remember, God may say unto you, as [...] him in Gen. 20 6. I withhold thee from Sinning against me. Oh! What Sins an [...] Woes would Unconverted Sinners quickly rush into, if they were not withheld [...] the Glorious God. If the Martyr (Bra [...] ford) might say, there is that Wickedness in my heart, that would make me do as Wickedly [Page 39] as the Wickedest of Sinners, if God should leave me to my self. And if the Father (Bernard) might say to any, that told him of any fault of another, Ay, he is fall'n, I shall fall next, and then you may fall; if the Lord do not uphold us. And if the Man after Gods own Heart saw cause to Pray, as in Psal. 19 13. Keep back thy Servant, O Lord, from Presumptuous Sins. Then what Sins would Ungodly People fall into, if left unto themselves? And then what reason have all to be Thankful for the Restraints of common Grace afforded unto Sinners.
And if you have been Restrained from Sin, by any sort of Afflictions, Oh! then acknowledge, It is good to have been Afflicted, that I might be preserved from Sinning against God. Hath God so hedged up your way with Thorns, that you could not break into the Paths of Ungodliness, without exposing your self to many, certain, ruining inconveniencies? Be thankful for such Restraints of God.
And be Thankful to God for Civil Government, so far upheld in the World, as it is, that Sinners who have no Grace in their Souls, no fear of God before their Eyes, no Conviction upon their Consciences, nor be they Bridled nor Fettered by, [Page 40] any Afflictions: yet are under some set of the Wrath of the Civil Magistrate, [...] is not to bear the Sword in vain; but should be a Terror to those Evil Doers, that [...] not be terrifyed from their Villanies [...] any other means. How many Sinner would be much more Wicked than they are, if they were not a little awed [...] some good Order, by some fear of the Sword of Humane Justice, that might read them for some or other of their Wickednesses. We find it was very bad with Israel, when there was no King in Israel, [...] every Man did what was right in his o [...] Eves; and very sad with another People when there was no Magistrate [or Mast of Restraint] that might put People shame, by restraining them from at Wickedness. Then should we acknowledge the goodness of God in upholding of Civil Government, so much, in [...] World for the preventing of the Wickedness of Sinners.
But besides all these things, we m [...] consider, the immediate care of the Glorious God, over his Creatures, and m [...] give Thanks unto the Lord for that [...] without which, all [...] means, for [...] preventing of the Wickedness of Sinner would be unsuccessful. We read in Psal. [Page 41] 127 1. Except the Lord keepeth the City, the Watchman waketh but in vain. So we may say, that except the Lord exercise an immediate care about his Creatures, all the common means for their preservation from Sin and Woe, would be insufficient. For we see, we know that some Sinners may arrive to such degrees of Wicked Madness, that they fear neither God nor Man; They care not what becomes of themselves, their Souls or Bodies, for Time or for Eternity. And in their Mad Rage, what Mischief would they not do, if they were not Restrained by the Almighty Power of God? by His more immediate Providence? What Raging Fury do some Sinners discover, sometimes, in their Drunkenness or in their Passion? What Wickedness, would they not do at such times; did not the All Powerful and All-Merciful God hinder them, in Compassion to their Neighbours, that would be very Miserable, if the Wrath of such inconsiderate People were not Restrained by His Power, who alone can keep the World in any good Order, Then let us be Thankful to God, for His continual and immediate care about us, [...]hat we may walk in the Street, and sit in the House ordinarily, without a continual and astonishing dread upon our minds, lest [Page 42] any wicked Sinner near us, might be [...] wicked, as to strike us with Mortal Blow or stick us with Killing Stabs, unawa [...] unto us. Oh! Give Thanks to the Lor [...] for his continual and hitherto-continued Preservations.
But we have not well done with the Article of Thankfulness, until we have Thankfully considered, unto whom [...] are obliged for the purchasing of all the Preservations. They are all from the [...] Grace of God, and they all come to most freely, without any desert in us. [...] deserve none of those Preservations, [...] we, every day, experience. But yet the are purchased by One, that has paid [...] for them. Our Lord Jesus Christ has been exposed unto innumerable Woes an [...] Sorrows and Miseries, and hath been mad [...] a Sin-Offering, that we might be preserve from common Mischiefs, in this Wor [...] as well as from Eternal Misery. And we may readily acknowledge, that Jesus Christ, who is is the Living God, is the Saving of all Men. [All People in the World generally, enjoy abundance of Tempor [...] Salvations, by the Mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ] Tho' we must ever mo [...] firmly believe, that He is the Saviour, specially, of them, that believe in Him. The [Page 43] [...] saved, with Eternal Salvation, while others do experience multitudes of Temporal Salvations, by common Preservations while they live in this World, by means of the Lord Jesus Christ. And therefore should we be Thankful to God, in our Lord Jesus Christ, for common Preservations, while we are living in this present evil World. All People have cause to Thank God for Christ. Now may'nt we hear his Voice of the Lord Crying unto us, Oh! [...] very Thankful to God, in Jesus Christ, [...] that you are yet alive. And
III. Does not the Lords Voice Cry [...] unto us? Oh! Let all People be more concerned, than ever they have yet been, make sure, about saving Conversion, that [...] are turned from Sin to God, in Jesus Christ, that the Body of Sin may be conquered and subdued. And therefore be advised to repair to and rely on the once [...]ucifyed, but now Glorifyed Redeemer, [...] His Life and His Death may bring Life into your Souls, and may bring Death into your Sins; that by vertue of a real [...]ion with Him, your Souls may, by [...] Grace and Power of His Holy Spirit, [...] preserved from the power of Indwelling Corruption. Let us all now manifest our [Page 44] selves the Children of Wisdom in see [...] the Name of God so as to comply wi [...] this Voice of His Rod. Oh! No long delay the Work of serious Conversion [...] God in Jesus Christ. But now turn from all Sin to God, in Christ; now get a principle of Grace in your Souls; now get your Souls possessed with the Holy Spirit [...] God; now Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that you may have Life Everlasting [...] in your Souls; and therefore now Cry [...] the God of all Grace, for His Grace, [...] you may Believe in Christ; now try [...] commit your perishing Souls into [...] Hands of a Merciful Saviour; now co [...] ply with the first and the least Motion of the Holy Spirit of God, exciting [...] to Believe in Christ; and fear to contin [...] one day longer, under the power of [...] a pernicious Principle of Indwelling Corruption. But
Then, if you hope that there is a [...] of Grace, begun in your Souls, & [...]hat yo [...] Souls begin to Live, and the Body of [...] in your Souls, hath received it's Death wound, be not satisfyed with hopes, [...] you are got into a good state, a state Grace; but Pray daily for more strength and for new supplies of Grace from [...] Lord Jesus Christ, that you may be [...] [Page 45] served from all the energy of Indwelling Corruption, that no Iniquity may have Dominion over you, that the remainders of Sin within you, may not be too hard for you; For there is need of the same powerful Grace, to keep a Soul from going in the way of Sin, that is needful to [...] a Soul out of a state of Sin. The [...]est of Saints have so much of Sin, still abiding in them, as long as they abide in [...]s World, that they have need of daily, and hourly, continual, assisting Grace for their preservation from falling into Sin, as well as they had need of the Grace of God [...] turn them from a course of Sin. Tho' [...] be very common for not only Sinners, [...] fear they are not Converted, to think; Oh! If they were once brought into a [...] of Grace and furnished with a principle of saving Grace in their Souls, then they should be able to keep from Sin; [...]ut even real Saints are too often ready to imagine, that they shall be able, by the strength of Grace received, to overcome [...] Temptations, with which they may be Assaulted. But they should remember, how it was with the Fall'n Angels and with our First Parents, before they Sinned. And remember, that some of the best of Saints, that ever lived, in the World, failed, [Page 46] when they were tryed, in some of the graces, wherein lay their peculiar excellency; as Abraham in his Faith, Job in his [...], David in his Tenderness of Heart, [...] in his Courage for his Master. [...] found that they could stand no long than while they were upheld by the [...] Power of God. They needed the [...] of God with them, to keep alive the [...] of God in them. How did Joseph con [...] greater Temptations, than those [...] with David was conquered? Sovereign Grace, coming with seasonable assistance made the difference. Therefore as [...] have heard, the experienced Saint of [...] Prays, Lord, keep back thy Servant [...] Presumptuous sins; and in Psal. 119. Let not any iniquity have dominion ever And the Apostle complains, While I [...] do good, Evil is present with me. The [...] there need for the strongest of Christi [...] while in this World, to Pray for [...] strength, for new Grace from Christ, of whom, they can do nothing (as [...] 15 5) that they may be able to say Phil. 4. 13. I can do all things [...] Christ, who strentheneth me.
IV. Does not the Lords Voice [...] this unto us, Oh! Let all People [...] [Page 47] more carefully than ever they have done, avoid all those things, that would hinder those Duties of Secret, Private and Publick Religion, wherein they might have Communion with God so as to maintain their Victory over Indwelling Corruption. For [...] you neglect Secret Duties, no wonder if [...] as grow secretly, and get strength insensibly. Therefore shun Sloth, Idleness, Indifferency about the Secret Duties of Region. If you are grown slack to or cold [...] the Duties of the Closet, there is need [...] beware. And if you neglect Private duties, no wonder if sin break out into [...]en view, and cause much trouble. Therefore should, Husbands and Wives, carefully shun all sinful strife and contention, [...]ost lovingly agree about every thing, that their Prayers may not be hindered. And [...] you neglect Publick Duties, wonder not [...] sin prevail more and more! Therefore [...] all Pride & Self-conceitedness. Don't [...]ink that because you know so much, Therefore there's no need of your attending [...] Publick Worship of God: For that is [...] be attended, not only, to encrease Knowledge, but also to excite Practise. And [...] the Glory of God as well as for your [...] benefit, and the benefit of others [...] you have, all, need to attend at the [Page 48] means of Grace, that you can attend, that you may improve all the helps for good that you can improve, as long as you liv [...] in this World: Therefore dread forsaking the Assembling of your selves together to the Service of God. For if you leave God God may leave you: But then who will take you? What will become of you? What Wickedness and Misery may yo [...] quickly fall into? And take heed [...] Stifling the Convictions of Conscience as so grieving the holy Spirit of God Grieve Him not by Sinful delayes abo [...] doing good: For if you grieve the holy Spirit, he may go from you. And if [...] goes, who will come? The evil Spirit may come and Possess you. But wo un [...] you, if you are Possessed by Satan.
V. Does not the Lords Voice cry thi [...] unto us. Oh! Let all People be mo [...] careful, than ever they have been, to shut all the Paths of the Destroyer of Souls, that he may never meet them, in any of hi [...] Paths. All Sin gives the Devil an advantage against our Souls. But some Sins, [...] more Peculiarly, furnish him with adva [...] [...]ages to do mischief unto us: Drunkenness Uncleanness, Idleness, Unlawful Gaming Vain Company Keeping, Blaspheming [...] [Page 49] Name of the Lord, Prophaning his Day or his House: And consulting Books, that pretend to help to the Knowledge of any forbidden curiosities about secret or future things. Books of Palmstry, or Chiromancy, Judicial Astrology or Fortune telling, turning, what they call, the Wheel of Fortune; or when People go to those, whom they call Cunning Persons, [...] find their lost or stol'n Goods, or to know [...]ow they shall be Related or Circumstanced in the World. And when they [...] silly Notions about such and such things being Signs of Good or Evil to themselves or others; and when they think some dayes to be Lucky or Unlucky for [...]his or that business. And when they Place a great dependance on foolish Dreams. Too many Sinners, by these things and the like, do (as one sayes) play upon the hole of the Asp. And the Fiends of darkness [...]ake, hold of them sooner, and oftener than they are aware. Let not the enemy of our Souls ever find any of us in any of these Paths of his; but constantly remember the advice, in 1 Pet. 5. 8. Be sober, be watchful, for your Adversary the Devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But if in this Walks, he find any of us nibling at any of the baits, that he [Page 50] hath laid; or playing among his Nets [...] Snares, no wonder if he lay such hold [...] us, as will issue in our lasting Ruin [...] Remember you have been warned, not [...] to resist the Devil, that he may flee from you, but also, to keep out of all his wayes And therefore consider,
IV. Does not the Lord cry this [...] us. Oh! Let all People, more than [...] they have done, beware of all back sliding from good beginnings. For they that begin to backslide from good, are going [...] one of the wayes of the Devil; who [...] begun to do well, to Praise God; once [...] the Sons of God sang together and should for joy, (Job. 37. 8.) But he left off doing well: So they that leave off to do [...] they do like the Devil, they take his [...] and they give advantage to him against their own Souls. Then if you have [...] to Pray to God, begun to Read & [...] the Word of God, begun to take heed [...] to your wayes according to Gods [...] begun to order your Steps in his Word begun to make some Essays about Securing your Interest in the Lord Jesus Christ, as getting assurance of an Union with [...] glorious Redeemer, and begun to be earnestly concerned about the affairs of you [...] Souls, and to work out your Salvation [...] [Page 51] Fear and Trembling. Oh! Take heed of all declensions from such good beginnings, for if you begin to decline from what is good, you begin to incline to what [...] evil: And then will your iniquity get more power over you, than ever, and then will the Adversaries of your Souls get more Possession of your Souls than ever: And then will your condition grow more dreadful than ever: Therefore frequently remember and consider the awful Admonitions that have been frequently mentioned and repeated unto you, in the Name and [...]ear of the Lord, from, 1 Chron. 28 [...] Psal. 73. 27. Psal. 125 4. Prov. 14. 14. [...] 17. 5. Luke 9. 62. Heb. 3. 12. Heb. 10. [...]8. 2 Pet 2. 20—22. 1 Job. 2. 19. And Oh! Take heed of the first and the least Motions to depart from God, or to draw [...]ack or decline from the wayes of God [...]iness. For if your Souls do but begin to decline, there is danger of your declining more and more, unless your do presently endeavour to recover from those beginnings of declensions from God. For the Devil may know more about the Motions of [...]our Sinful Hearts than you do imagine. He may have more of an hand, than you are aware, in moving of your hearts to Sin, [...] turning of them from God & from the, [Page 52] Truths & Wayes of God, and from tho [...] things that concern the Lord Jesus Christ and the good of your Souls; Therefore Oh! Don't give way to any Sinful Motion to a revolt from God. The Motions [...] a revolting backsliding Heart are of a dangerous tendency.
But if you have uttered any expression about your intentions, to leave any of [...] wayes of Religion, than it is high time [...] look about you. The Devil has gains a dreadful point against you, he has [...] a fearful power over you. And you [...] Repent of your Sinful intentions, and [...] from your Sinful expressions, and confess and bewail them before the Lord, [...] before the World too, as openly as [...] you have discovered them, or you can [...] no assurance that you are clear from [...] power of Satan. For if he hath prevail so far as to perswade you to engage, [...] your Tongue or Pen, for his interest, [...] hath gained a very dreadful dominion [...] your miserable Souls: But if you [...] begun openly to decline from God, a [...] others have seen your declensions, yo [...] danger grows daily greater and greater And if you have been advised and [...] to Reform, and yet you continue [...] a stupid frame, this would be [...] [Page 35] sad Sign upon you. And still more sad will things look upon you, if you can Mock and Scoff at all admonitions or ex [...]ortations to turn to God. And if you have said, that you will never take any Notice of any Reproofs to reduce and reclaim you from the evils and errors of your ways, it will appear yet more sad. But, if, instead of recovering from your own Backslidings, you are endeavouring to en [...]ice and seduce others into the ways of Apostacy and Impiety: and if you begin [...] Persecute and Vilify the holy People of God on account of their Holiness, and hate [...]hem the more, because of their likeness [...]nto the Holy God; then the Devil has [...] fast hold of your Souls, and there will quickly be room for little more to be said or you, than The Lord have Mercy on you. Consider these things ye that forsake the Lord, le [...]t He quickly tear you in Pieces, and there be none to deliver you. But we have not yet heard all the things, that [...] Lords Voice Crys unto us. For
VII. Does not the Lords Voice Cry his unto us? O, Let all People consider, [...]ore than ever they have considered, what dreadful thing it is to fall into the hands [...] Satan! A dreadful thing it is to be under [Page 54] the Power of [...] Devil! A dread thing it is for Sinners to be led Cap [...] by the Devil, at his [...]ill! A dreadful [...] for the Devil to have his will [...] Undone, Miserable Sinners! Have [...] not seen what should make us to this Oh! The dreadfulness of the Misery [...] those, of whom it may be said, The [...] has the mastery of them. He does what [...] pleases with them Dreadful the Con [...] tion of those that are so delivered to Satan that he continually Tyrannizes over th [...]. The holy Apostle would say, Heb. 10 It is a fearful thin. [in a peculiar manner for Backsliders from Christianity!] to [...] into the hands of the Living God. Yet he [...] David would say, (1 Chron. 21. 13.) [...] me fall into the hand of the Lord, (for [...] great are His Mercies,) but let me not [...] into the hand of Man. He consider the tender Mercies of many Men are c [...] elty. But then, what would he think falling into [...] hands of Satan? Be [...] that is dreadful! Oh! how dreadful dreadful!
We learn from the Holy Bible that [...] may be angry [...] an whole People, for [...] Sin: Then he may suffer one Person, [...] occasion that misery, that shall be a Punishment upon the whole People, for [...] [Page 55] [...]. But he may suffer Satan to stir up [...] Person to that thing that shall occasion Misery to the whole People. So the Lord [...]ay be said to do that, as the Supreme A [...]ent which may be done by Satan, as the instrument. And Satan may be said to do [...]at by another, which he moves another [...] by his Temptations: According to [...]hat we read, in 2 Sam. 24 1. where we [...] The anger of the Lord was kindled [...] Israel, and he moved David against [...] to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. [...] when we read the Story, in 1 Chron. [...] 1. We find it thus related;—Satan [...] up against Israel and provoked David to [...] Israel—The meaning is this, the [...] was angry at his People for their Sins, their Unthankfulness for his Mercy might [...] their Sin] Satan was willing to take [...] of any occasion to vent his Malice [...] Venome against the People of God, [...] to shew his hatred against the Lord; the Lord gave Satan leave to move David, (probably by his Courtiers) to Number the People. David numbring the People without any just occasion or direction [...] God, Sinned against God. The Lord punished the Sin of David, by destroying several Thousands of his People: And the Lord punished the Ingratitude of the People for his Mercies, by the destruction that [Page 56] came upon them. What is now to be [...] is this; The Lord may, in some respect be said to do that, which may, in another respect, be said to be done by Satan. [...] Satan may be said to do that, which may move other Sinners to do. And [...] then? Thus also may Sinners be [...] to fall into hands of the Lord, and [...] to the hands of Men, at the same in when they may also be said to fall into hands of Satan.
But now we are to consider, It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of Satan To be Knock'd and Maul'd and Bea [...] Bang'd and Stab'd and Chopp'd, and in Pieces by the cruel strokes of his [...] less hands: Who will not say, 'Tis dreadsful? Then, Oh! Take heed of all [...] keep clear from all Sin: make haste to [...] out of the hands of Satan; make speed [...] get under the Wings of the Lord Jesus Christ. And commit & resign yourself into his Almighty & Merciful hands, ve [...]ture your selves into his Arms; Do [...] NOW, before it be too late. He is [...] to Save to the Uttermost, all that come God, through him, and he will, in no [...] cast out any, that come to him. Then pair to him, rely on him, rest and trust him for all Salvation. Don't abide [Page 57] [...]nger under the power of Satan. Dread [...] a Misery, Be impatient, while so Miserable. God allows you and requires you [...] be impatient, while under such terrible [...]avery. Beg and Cry and Pray, as for our Lives, that you may experience those blessings, in Act. 26 18. To have your eyes opened, to be turned from darkness to light from [...] power of Satan to God, to receive the forgiveness of Sin, with an inheritance among [...]em, that are Sanctifyed through faith in Christ.! And Beg and Cry and Pray unto the God all Grace, that he would glorify his free [...]ace for the sake of Christ, in giving you [...] Faith, whereby you may believe in [...] Son of God with all your Hearts for [...] Salvation of your Souls. And,
Oh! Let the Little Children here get [...] keep clear from the devourer of their [...]! Children! If you would get and [...] out of the hands of Satan, you must [...] sure to hate and [...]hun all the ways and [...]ws of Sin. Don't Speak bad Words; [...] call Vile Names, don't tell Untruths, [...] rebel against your Parents, don't [...]rrel with your Companions, don't Profane the Lords Day, don't Sinfully spend [...]ay your own Young Days in Idleness; [...] honour your Father and Mother Keep [...] Tongue from Evil. Try to please [Page 58] and help all about you. Fear God, Le [...] his Truths, Mind his Wayes, Love & [...] the Lord Jesus Christ Pray to God as you Heavenly Father, Night and Day, in for Secret Place: And earnestly desire of [...] to help you to believe in his Son Jesus Christ. Pray that he would give you S [...] ving Grace in your Souls, Pray that [...] Holy Spirit may dwell in you Pray [...] his Holy Angels may defend you [...] that you may Live in [...] Fear and [...] [...]y in his Love, that [...] and [...] you may [...]e the Lords. Then shall destroyer of Souls have to power [...] you.
[...] not the Lords Voice his unto us. Oh Let [...] People. [...] diligently, prontably and thankfully [...] ever, improve all Opportunities [...] do get good, with all Relations, because [...] not how speedily. [...] suddenly Opportunities may expire. They may [...] Oh [...] now short a time. [...] the call of God, now unto every [...] Ecel. 9 10. Do with my might, [...] that [...] for [...] not now soon all Seasons for do Good may be ever for ever: nor [...] wayes, God [...] out in end [Page 59] any time, to do good, or to get good with thy Relations. Then Children, Be thankful to God, that you have your Parents yet with you. Love them, Honour them, Obey them, carry it Dutifully to them, and make their Souls glad by your walking in the Wayes of God. Walk in the Truth and Walk after Christ, and Walk in the Way to Heaven, that your Parents may have Joy in you, while Living and when Dying. And think, some Children among our Neighbours, had Parents living with [...] this day Se'nnight, but where are they, [...]ow? The Condition of these Children [...] have been yours: Oh! Be Thankful to God that your Condition is better than theirs, and get good by your Parents.
And Parents, Be Thankful to God, that [...]ou have your Children continued with [...] while other Parents are Mourning with broken, bleeding Hearts, on account [...] their Children, whose Blood has been, [...] Inhumanely, shed, within these few [...] and they may now say of them, They [...] For they are gone Oh! Pity those [...] Bereaved Parents and Pray for them, that they may experience the Compassions of Heaven, the Consolations of [...]. And Oh! do all the good you can [Page 60] for the Souls of your Children, while the are continued with you; Adore, Admit the Distinguishing Mercy of God unto [...] in their being hitherto preserved and continued with you, that you may still be doin [...] good for their Immortal Souls.
And Husbands and Wives do all [...] good you can for the Souls one of [...] while you have time to be so doing good. And take heed, lest by Omitts of any Duty of Religion, the God of Heaven be so provoked, as to leave any of [...] unto the committing of some Evil or other that may be fatally pernicious unto yo [...] Souls. Oh! make Conscience of constantly preserving and cherishing [...] Affection that should, in the fear of God be continually maintained by such Relatives. Live together, as Heirs together of the Grace of Life.
And Brothers and Sisters Love one another, and be Thankful to God, for continuing your Opportunities to be helpful [...] the Souls, one of another, and improved your Opportunities, under the Impress [...] of this Consideration, that you know [...] how soon they may all come unto [...] final Period.
[Page 61] IX. Does not the Lords Voice Cry this unto us: Oh! Let all Persons be alwayes ready for Death, for Judgment and for Eternity! And let them all make haste and make sure about their Preparation for those things; because they know not how surprizingly the Lord may call them away by Death, to appear before His Tribunal, [...] receive their Eternally Unchangeable Doom. It was of Old, advised, Mat. [...]4. 44. Be ye ready, for in such an hour, is you think not, the Son of Man cometh. So [...] is very often, The Lord comes and [...]alls by Death, when Persons, least of all think of any such thing. Little or nothing did those Poor Women, Murdered within these Six Days, think of their own Death being so near, but a few Minutes before the Mortal strokes were given. So little or nothing do any of us think about things that may suddenly come upon some or other of us. There may come sudden, awful things, that are now altogether unexpected by any of us. Who, among us all, expected this day Se'n night, what hath happened within this Week? Tho' we had not been without warning [...] look and fit for awful things. And is there not reason still to fear more awful things to come, unless means be attended [Page 62] for the preventing of them? Oh! th [...] they might be prevented! Oh! that tho [...] things might be done, that must be do [...] if they are prevented! But what are the things that must be done, that bad thing may be prevented. Briefly, Three thing must be done, that bad things may be prevented. If any one of these three thing be neglected, generally, among us, [...] may justly fear that sadder things [...] come than all those that have come. Th [...] what are those three things, to be attended? One thing is this; Let Prayer God be more constantly attended by [...] People, than it has, generally, been attended. Oh! That all Persons would Pray ways, [in all Times for Prayer,] with [...] Prayer [all Sorts of Prayer, Publick, Private, Secret, both Ejaculatory and continued on ordinary and extraordinary Occasions] with Supplications in the Spi [...] watching there-unto with perseverance requesting the blessings of Heaven [...] themselves and all their Neighbours, as especially the Saints of God; this wou [...] be a means to preserve the Presence God with us, and then God would preserve us from evil. Another thing is this Let care of Truth be, more commonly regarded by all People than it has, generally, [Page 63] been regarded. Oh! that all Persons would get Truth of Grace in their Hearts, keep Truth of Speech in their Lips, and mind the Truth of God's Word for the ordering of their Lives: Then might we hope that the God of Truth would be graciously present with us, and then what evil could befall us? But there is another thing that must not be forgotten. That other thing is this; Let Love to Christ be, universally, entertained in our Souls and evidenced by our Lives. This would be [...] Token for good unto us. If all Persons among us, would maintain a due Esteem [...]or Christ, in their affections, and express [...] high value for Christ by their Conversations and would be continually and solicitously exercised, upon all suitable Occasions, with serious endeavours to secure their interest in the glorious Redeemer of Souls, and to be promoting the Glory of the Son of God; then we should have God with us, and he would effectually drive the Devils, and all Evils away from us. He would soon chain up those Tygers of Hell, so that they should, no longer, annoy [...], nor do us any real harm. Oh! that these counsels might be followed! But if Sinners will still generally, continue as they have been, Prayerless, Deceitful, Undervaluing [Page 64] the Lord Jesus Christ, neglecting [...] great Salvation, freely offered in his Gospel; then there will sad things come, sadde [...] than all that have come. God knows wh [...] they will be. However it is good for [...] to make sure about our own Preparation for Death, for Judgment, for Eternity, seeing the Lords Voice cryes unto us, You know no [...] how suddenly your Lives [...] end.
X. Certainly, the Lords Voice cry this, very plainly, very loudly unto [...] Let unfeigned Repentance, and evidence Repentance be practised by all People, [...] so their terrible, eternal perdition may [...] prevented. Oh! let us all show our selves to be the Children of Wisdom, in hearkening to this cry of the Voice of the Lord our God, in what he has been lately [...] among us; let all Repent, that so no [...] may perish. This would be to hear [...] Rod, so as it should be heard, to hear well.
After the Lord had told his People [...]old, about several dreadful Judgment brought upon them, and yet they remain impenitent, He tells them thus; I on threw some of you, as I over-threw Sodom a G [...]m [...]rrha, [burning, fiery Judgments [...] [Page 65] been brought upon them; for he sayes] and ye were as a Fire-brand pluck'd out of the burning; yet you have not returned unto me, saith the Lord: They were still incorrigible after all; then he tells them, as in Amos 4 12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee O Israel! [How is that? As he had threatned with an Oath, in the second verse. The Lord God hath Sworn by his holiness, that lo, the dayes shall come upon you, that I will take you away with books, and your Posterity with fish-books. Both Parents and Children should suffer grievous Miseries, and be, generally, miserably destroyed. But yet sayes the Merciful God] And because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel, How better then with deep Humiliation, sincere and fervent Supplication, with penitential Confession of their Sins, with bitterness of Soul, with brokenness of Heart; with Hearts broken for and from sin, so as to be ready and willing to forsake Sin, putting away all their iniquities, far from them, relying on the Great Sacrifice for obtaining Pardon of Sin and Reconciliation with God. Such Preparation to meet the Lord, would well become us, at this day. There should be Repentance for Sin; this hath two things implyed in it, as in Prov. 28. 13. Confessing of Sin with [Page 66] forsaking of Sin. It is not enough to Confess our Sins, if we are not inclined to forsake them: nor is it enough to forsake [...] Sins, if we are not disposed to Confe [...] them. Confessing and Forsaking of si [...] must go together; if Repentance be [...] feigned, if it be, as it ought to be, from thy Heart. But if it be from the Heart, it will be in the Life: Unfeigned Repentance will be evident Repentance. If Repentance be real in the Heart, it will appear in the Life, and it will continue as long [...] Life continues.
Now such Repentance does the Lo [...] call for from us, with a loud Voice: [...] loud Voice of the Lord cryes to us, Oh Repent of all your Sins, with all [...] Hearts, that you may be Saved; And [...] unto the Exalted Saviour to give such Repentance & Remission of Sin. Get you Penitent Souls washed from all wickedness in the blood of the Lamb of God, th [...] you may not perish: And Live Repenting as long as you live; Then dy Repenting when you come to dy. Dy, exercises Repentance unto life, unto Salvation, [...] you have been evidencing a Life of Repentance through the whole course of your life. That our Lord Redeemer calls [...] such Repentance, you may find before [...] [Page 67] Sermon is finished, in Luk. 13 3 5. Where, after some had told him concerning one terrible tragedy of several Persons, that were dreadfully butchered, and their blood mingled with fire, & he had told them concerning another sorrowful Accident, whereby several Persons were suddenly hurryed out of the World; he cautions them against the too common evil of Uncharitably censuring those that had been the greatest Sufferers, as if they had been the greatest Sinners; and then advises them unto the suitablest improvement of such, terrible, sorrowful things, to excite their [...]nfeigned Repentance, that they might void their eternal Perdition. Saying to them, Suppose ye, that those, who suffered such things, were therefore greater Sinners than others, I tell you, no; But except ye repent, [...] shall all likewise perish.
[Page 68] New-port on Rhode-Island.
NEver was this Town put into great Consternation, since I came into [...] than that which was occasioned by [...] Terrible Tragedies of the Evening [...] after March 22. 1715.
All the Alarms that have been [...] by the Notices of Enemies upon the [...] have never so Terrifyed the General of People here.
For on that Evening, a Poor [...] having been for some time Exercised [...] Grievous Hurries of Mind, after he [...] sat on his House Top some part of Day, and been in his Chamber much the Afternoon; His Wife and her Sis [...] upon his Invitation, going up into [...] Chamber to him, after Sun-set; while [...] were striving to Perswade him to do [...] with them, or to Prevent his Hurting himself, He Stabb'd his Wife in [...] Throat with a Pen knife, and then [...] her and her Sister down with an [...] Barbarously Murdering them, and miserbly mangling their Bodies with several Dreadful Stroaks, and then stood on Guard, with his Pen knife, and his in his Hand; Knock'd one Man [...] [Page 69] is he was going up Stairs; Others Endeavouring to Apprehend him, by Breaking up the Floor under him and Roof over him, and carrying some Fire Flaming before them, to light their way, He Snatch'd away the Fire, laid it among, [...]ome combustible Matter, got Ready more, quickly Kindled a great fire in the Chamber, made the Room too hot for himself, [...]prang out at the Window, among the people, that were now Surrounding his [...]ouse. And being Apprehended, was imprisoned: And the Court Speedily Approaching, He was Tryed, found Guilty, condemned, and within a short Time Ex [...]cuted, as the World hath been already [...]formed.
This Poor Man had, in his Younger [...]ime, Enjoyed such a Religious Education, that his Conversation was, for a while, accounted by some, that knew him remarkably Religious; before he began [...] leave Religiously inclined Company.
But according to his own Acknowledgments, in the Time, when he seemed to [...]ve the clearest Apprehensions about [...]ings of that Nature, He had grievously [...]un'd against the Light of his own Conscience, in Apostatizing from Godliness: [...]or he own'd that he had Forsaken the [Page 70] Lord, Prophaned His Holy Sabbath, Neglected His Publick Worship, and Mispent Abundance of Precious Time with Ungodly Company. And the Lord had justly Forsaken him, and left him so to the Power of Satan, as to be Guilty of the wickednesses that Brought him to his untimely End.
He said, He would give Thousands of Worlds, if he had them, that what was done might be Undone, that he might Live to improve the Helps for Good that he had Sinfully Despised; But he professed, that he Entirely Relyed on the Free Grace of God in the Lord Jesus Christ for all Salvation.
But now he is gone beyond the Reach of all his Neighbours, to make any Positive-Determination, what Benefit [...] might obtain by the Means of Grace that he Enjoyed at any Time while he was among the Living: It is the During of all that are yet among the Living [...] Try to Benefit their own Souls, by wh [...] they are Acquainted with, concerning Him.
So Great was the Consternation upon the Minds of People, thus occasioned, th [...] not only little Children were affraid [...] Lodge, in the Night, in their usual Place [Page 71] and were willing to have their Beds Remov'd into Places, where lodged bigger Persons; but even up-grown Persons were Affraid, in the Day Time, to go into a Room alone far Distant from the Rest of the Family: Such a Dread was upon their Spirits.
While the Minds of People were under this Dreadful Consternation, the Sermon Published here-with, was Preached in a Congregation, where Divers then seemed mightily Affected, as if Desirous to Know the meaning of the Voice of God in His Providence: and to Comply with His Will.
When I understood that many of the Hearers desired the Publication of the Sermon, as a more Durable Remembrancer of the impressions then made upon their Souls, than their own Treacherous Memories were like to be; I was not utterly, Unwilling to Gratify the Desires of them, who Designed not only their own Benefit, but also the Benefit of Other. In what they Proposed.
If the Blessing of Heaven may so Accompany the Sermon, as to make it, by the Grace of Christ, Beneficall to the Souls of them that have Desired the Publication, or any Others of Gods Elect; and if People [Page 72] may be thereby at all Directed and Assisted and Excited so to Hear and Mind the Lords Voice crying to them, in the [...] things that Occasioned the Sermon, that Sadder things may be Prevented; or that they may be suitably Prepared Profitably to Improve all the sad things that may come, so as to Promote their Everlasting Good, Let the Sovereign Grace of the Glorious GOD in the Lord JESUS CHRIST be continually Acknowledged and For ever Glorifyed.
So Desires,
Some of the Last Words OF Several Dying Persons Considered: In a DISCOURSE On Luke XXIII. 39—43. For the Excitation of Repentance unto Life AND Faith unto Salvation. Delivered On a very awful Occasion. The Last SERMON That ever was heard by the Poor Man Condemned to Dy, for Murdering his Wife and her Sister, March 22. 1714, 5.
It was Preached, Afternoon, April 10. 1715.
By Nathanael Clap, M. A.
BOSTON in N. E. Printed by B. Green. Sold at the Booksellers Shops. 1715.
Some of the Last Words OF Several Dying Persons considered.
¶ And one of the Malefactours, which were hanged; railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ; save thy self and us.
But the other answering, rebuked him, saying, Doest thou not fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
And we indeed justly; For we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this Man hath done nothing amiss.
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him; Verily I say unto thee. To day shalt thou be with me in Paradises;
THE design of my Sermon is, to excite Repentance towards God and Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Repentance unto Life, and Believing unto the Saving of the Soul, [Page 76] should be alwayes designed by all that Preach, and by all that hear the Gospel.
In the prosecution of this design, some of the last words of several Dying Persons are now to be considered.
The last words of Dying Persons have been frequently esteemed considerable.
Of the Persons, that we are now to consider some of the last words; One was a very bad man, he had lived wickedly and then he dyed wofully; he continued wicked unto the end of his Life, and was very miserable in his Death, at his last. Another had been a very bad man too long, but before his Death, he became a very good Man, he shewed and proved, beyond all contradiction, before he dyed, that he was a very good Man; he had the Approbation, the Attestation of Truth it self, that he was become really good. So that tho' some of the circumstances of his death were very doleful, yet he dyed happily he was unspeakably happy in his Death at his End. The Other was the very bell Man that ever lived, that ever dyed; H [...] was more than a meer Man, He was God as well as Man, the Almighty Saviour of Men. Therefore his words, be sure, first and last and all of them are most worthy of our Serious consideration.
[Page 77] Among the Ancient Predictions about our Lord Jesus Christ, registred in the holy Bible, it was foretold by the Prophetical Evangelist, the Evangelical Prophet Isaiah, [whose Name signifies, The Salvation of the Lord. And so clearly does he propose the Methods of Salvation for Sinners, by our anointed Lord, and so plainly does he describe the Person, who is the Author of eternal Salvation, that he may well wear that Name, He foretold,] in the conclusion of the Fifty-third Chapter of his book, That the Lord, our Saviour, should be numbred with Transgressors, while he bare the Sin of Multitudes, and made Intercession for Transgressors. Now we find that all the Four Evangelists, who wrote the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, have taken express notice of the Punctual [...]ulfilment of this Remarkable Prediction.
There were two notable Transgressors crucifyed with our Saviour, while he was hanging on the Cross, bearing the Sins of all Multitudes of his People, making Intercession for the Transgressors that Crucifyed him. One Transgressor was hanging on his Right Hand, another Transgressor was hanging on his Left Hand, He being placed between them, as if he had been the wickedest of all Transgressors.
[Page 78] One of those Transgressors continued Impenitent, manifested his impenitence in the time of his Crucifixion, dyed a miserable Impenitent.'
The other of those Transgressors discovered himself a true Penitent, evidenced his Repentance in the time of his Crucifixion, dyed a truly repenting Believer.
Whether he was a true Convert before his being guilty of the crime, for which he was Crucifyed, or whether he might be Converted after his Apprehension, before his Condemnation; or after his Condemnation, before his being brought unto the Place of Execution; or whether he might receive the Principle of Saving Grace, and might begin the exercise of Repentance, after he was nailed to, and hanging on the Cross; are all of them things not so easily and certainly to be determined, as that he was a true Penitent, before he dyed, whensoever he began to Repent. We have as clear evidence that he was a true Penitent, as we have concerning any Person, that we read of in the whole Book of God. We are sure and certain that he was a true Penitent. Some of the sure signs, the certain tokens of his Repentance are to be considered by us, with some other considerable things, in the Sermon that is now Preaching.
[Page 79] Our Text may be divided, according to the Two Parts of the Speech of the Penitent Sinner mentioned in the Text. And both Parts of his Speech have several things in them, well worthy of our Observation.
1. We have the Speech of the Penitent Sinner unto his Impenitent Companion, with the occasion of that part of his Speech.
The occasion of his Speech to his Companion, was the railing expression of his Companion against the Lord Jesus Christ. It is said, One of the Malefactors, which was [...] r [...]iled at him, saying, If thou be th [...] Christ, save thy self and us.
If the other Malefactor joyned with him, for a while, in reviling of the Lord Jesus Christ, or doubting whether he were the promised Messiah, yet we are sure that he Repented of that wickedness, that sinful In belief, or disbelieving or questioning the. Truth of the Word of God. But there is room for us to suppose that he did not joyn with him at all, in his Unbelieving discourse, nor so much as countenance him [...] all in his railing expression; or at most, not any more than his Silence from reproving him for a while, might seem, in the apprehension of some of the by-Standers, to countenance him in his Ungodliness; [Page 80] however, certain it is, he did sufficiently clear himself, at last, from all communion with him, in his Impiety. For his Speech to his Companion will be his own everlasting Vindication. It will be a perpetual Testimony for him, that he was entirely separated from the Sin of that Sinner, if he had, for any time, at all partaken with him in his Sin. He shewed that he would no longer have any fellowship with him in his wicked expression, but rather would rebuke him for the wickedness of his words. When his Companion she was his Impenitence by his wicked words, he would not suffer those wicked words to [...] unrebuked.
And in his rebuking of his Companion, for his Impenitence, he discovers that he had himself truly Repented, when he sayes, [...] not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the some Condemnation? As if he had said:
‘If all this great Multitude of People should have so little of the fear of God in them, as to revile an innocent Person suffering here, yet THOU shouldest have more of the fear of God in thee, than [...] revile this innocent Person. If thou hast no fear of Man, yet shouldest thou have so much to the fear of God, as to keep thee from adding Sin to Sin. If [...] [Page 81] hast no Love to God, yet the present Execution of his wrath upon thee, should produce in thee some fear of God, so as to hinder thee from going on Impenitently in thy wickedness. Yea, what thou now feelest of the terrible impressions of the Justice of God upon thee, in bearing the Temporal Miseries, to which thou art condemned by Man, should make thee fear the more terrible impressions of the Divine Justice upon thee in bearing those Eternal Miseries, to which thou deservest to be condemned by God, so as to consider how thou mayest be delivered from his anger for ever. Thy sufferings now are dreadful, but they will quickly be more dreadful, if thou do [...]t not fear God so as to use all Means to escape his everlasting indignation.’ So does he advise and reprove his Impenitent Companion.
But here is not all the evidence of his own Repentance, for he does not only rebuke his Companion for his wickedness, but he also acknowledges the Justice of their Punishment; They were justly condemned, for they received the due reward of their deeds. And he justifies the Lord Jesus Christ, acknowledging that He had done nothing amiss. Nor is this all the evidence of [Page 82] his Repentance, We have yet farther evidence in the other Part of his Speech, that he truly Repented. For,
2. We have the Speech of the Penitent Sinner unto his Merciful Redeemer; with the consequent of that Part of his Speech. He sayes to Christ, Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom. He had acknowledged that our Lord Jesus Christ was true Man, while he was confessing his innocence. This Man hath done nothing amiss But now he acknowledges that he is true God, while he is desiring his Mercy: he calls him Lord, Commits and Submits himself of his disposal; he owns that he into King, that he hath a Kingdom, that he was to come into his Kingdom; that [...] had Power to admit whom he pleased into his Kingdom; that he could bring the most miserable Sinner into his Kingdom, as easily as think upon him: and he humbly desires the lowest degree of Mercy, [...] good thought, that he might be kindly thought upon, that the Merciful Saviour would Mercifully Remember him, when he came into his Kingdom. Thus humbly Prayes the Penitent Sinner.
The gracious and comforting answer [...] our compassionate Redeemer immediately follows this humble Prayer of the Penitent [Page 83] Sinner. Jesus said unto him, verily, I say unto thee, To day, thou shalt be with me in Paradise. It means, that immediately after the separation of his Soul from his Body, he should be lodged in a Place of happiness, in a State of blessedness; and should certainly be brought unto the possession of what he humbly desired; he should be remembred by the Lord Jesus Christ, when he came into his Kingdom. The Lord Jesus Christ would have him assured, that he would not forget him, and fully satisfyed that he would Mercifully Remember him. As if he had said, Poor Soul, don't fear that I shall forget thee, I'le certainly Remember thee, and thou shalt be sensible of it, this very day, to thy unspeakable Consolation. Oh! Then let us think well & speak well about our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we find thus ready & willing, in the time of his own bitter sorrows, to shew compassion to a miserable Sinner. What greater encouragement for Faith in Christ, Repentance of Sin, Prayer to God, can be desired, than to have the Lord nigh to us, in all that we call upon him for, and to hear us, and help us, and bestow upon us all that we can desire, as soon as we desire it; yea, to do for [...] exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think?
[Page 84] The Day of Judgment will be the most glorious Day of God, that ever has been: Then will the glorious Perfections of the ever glorious GOD shine forth most gloriously, before the whole World of Men and Angels, in such a manner, as never before. But next unto the Day of Judgment wherein our Lord Jesus Christ will appear upon a glorious Throne, The Day whereon our Lord hanged on the Cross, may seem the most wonderful Day.
For as at the Day of Judgment, there will be some standing Condemned at One Hand of the glorious Judge, and some Acquitted on the other Hand; so on the Day of our Lords Crucifixion, There was one, Impenitent, on one side of Him, and another Penitent, on the other side of Him.
And as at the Day of Judgment, the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will appear glorious in the Salvation of them that are Saved; and his Justice will appear glorious in the Destruction of them that are Condemned. So in the time of his Crucifixion, He appeared glorious both in his Righteousness, and in his Mercy; Righteously suffering one Sinner to continue Impenitent in his wickedness, & leaving him to Perish in his Impenitence; and mercifully enclining & enabling another Sinner [Page 85] to Repent of his wickedness, and receiving him into his favour, and promising to receive him into his Kingdom upon the manifestation of his Repentance.
But having now considered these things about the Text in general, some of the particular Doctrines, that ly plainly before us in the Text, may be mentioned for our Consideration.
DOCT. 1. Persons may be equally favoured with External Privileges, for the Exciting and Assisting of Repentance, and other good things; and yet may be wonderfully distinguished in respect of their Internal Advantages by those Privileges.
They that enjoy the same External Means of Grace, may not alwayes receive the same benefit by those Means. They that are a-like as to their Outward Enjoyments, may not be a like as to their [...] provements of those Enjoyments. This is plain from the Instances in our Text; This Two Malefactors on the Cross, were both of them near unto our Lord Jesus Christ; the dying Saviour was bleeding by their sides, and his blood, for ought appears, offered as freely to one, as to the other; and both of them saw, and heard, and felt very [Page 86] terrible things, that should have imbitter'd Sin to their Souls, and made them willing to have the blood of Christ applyed to their Souls, and their Souls cleansed from Sin with that blood. Yet one remained Impenitent, manifested his Impenitence, proceeded in Sinning against God. The other appeared Penitent, manifested his Repentance, gave glorious demonstrations, that he sincerely Repented of his wickedness, confessed his Sin, acknowledged the Justice of God in his Punishment, pleaded for the Innocence of the Lord Jesus Christ, believed in him for Salvation, shewed the Truth of his Faith by his humble Prayer to the Lord, professed Him before all People; there present, had a speedy, gracious glorious, wonderful & Soul-satisfying answer to his Prayer: A full demonstration of the [...] & sincerity of his Repentance. Thus [...] these two distinguished, as to the be [...] that they obtained by the Means of Grace, notwithstanding their being so much a like in the External Means that they enjoyed. And so in other Instances, Persons that are a-like in External Privileges may be unlike, in respect of Spiritual advantages by those Privileges.
Thus, near the beginning of the World, Cain and Abel doubtless had the same Religious [Page 87] Admonitions about the Affairs of their Souls given to them by their father Ad [...]. So Shem and Ham in the Family of Noah; so Isaac and Ishmael in the Family of Abraham; so Jacob and Esau in the Family of Isaac. And yet they differed much in respect of the benefit which they received by the means that they enjoyed. And in after-times, did not Peter and Judas enjoy the same excellent instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ? And were not the same Exhortations delivered by John the Baptist, and by our Saviour in the hearing of the Pharisees, and of the Sadducees, that were delivered by them, in the hearing of their other Disciples? And were not the foolish Virgins equally favoured with the wise, in respect of their External Privileges? But how vast the difference between them, in respect of their advantages by those Privileges? And is it not so in our dayes? Don't we see that as the same Sun that softens the wax, hardens the clay; so the same Word which unto some is the savour of life unto life, is unto others the savour of death unto death. And the Seals of the Covenant may be Seals of Salvation to some, and of Damnation to others And the Providential dispensations of God, both Mercies and Sorrows, ordinary and extraordinary, [Page 88] may have a very different operation upon the Subjects of them. Some are bettered and benefitted by what they experience, and furthered in holiness, and prepared for eternal happiness; while others may be hardned and confirmed in their wickedness, and ripened for eternal misery, by what they experience.
This comes to pass by the Sovereign disposal of the All-wise God, who is not obliged to give an account about any of his Matters, unto any of his Creatures. He may do what he will with his own; we are all the work of his hands, He hath brought us out of nothing into being, and so may dispose of us for Time and for Eternity as He pleases. And besides this, we are all Sinners, and by our Sins we all deserve the Wrath and Curse of God for ever, and he would be just, if he should leave us all to Perish eternally in our Sins, He might justly with hold from us oil the Means of Grace, or a blessing from all those Means. It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth Mercy, that any are saved or advantaged by the Means of Grace. Therefore should not any trust in the Means of Grace nor bless themselves in their enjoyment of the Means of Grace, nor imagine that, because [Page 89] they enjoy the Means of Grace, therefore they are in a happy condition: For Persons may enjoy the Means of Grace, and yet Perish in their Sin. Salvation cannot be ascertained to all them that enjoy the Means of Grace. For we see that some who enjoy those Means of Grace, that as far as we can discern, are exceedingly beneficial to others, yet perish themselves. The Impenitent Sinner on the Cross perished in his Sin, tho' he were near unto that Saviour, by whom his Penitent Companion obtained Eternal Salvation.
Yet we are not excused from serious diligence, in all suitable endeavours, to get good by all the Means of Grace, tho' Salvation be not infallibly annexed to those means. We must be diligent in the improvement of all the Means of Grace, that we can improve, acknowledging, that if we obtain saving Grace, in the use of any of the means of Grace, it must be ascribed unto the Free Grace of God, by whose Grace we are saved, through Faith, and that not of our selves, that is the Gift God.
Therefore we must not say, that because others have got no good by the Means of Grace, there is no hope that we shall ever get any good, and so it is in vain for as [Page 90] to use those Means, But we must in Obedience to God and with Dependence on Christ, for assistance and acceptance, improve the Means of Grace, with hopes for benefit, by the Grace of God, whatever has been the effect thereof unto others, whatever may be the event thereof unto our selves.
Had the Penitent Thief on the Cross been discouraged, by hearing the ungodly Expressions of his Impenitent Companion, he would have made an ill use of what he heard. But when he exercised the Grace of God in his rebuking of his Companion for his Wickedness, and acknowledged the Righteousness, of God and the Innocence of Christ, and professed his Faith in the Glorious Redeemer, Prayed to Him for His Mercy, humbly referred himself to His Will; we see that things then issued well to him.
Indeed, that the Impenitent Thief continued Impenitent, is to be ascribed unto the Wickedness of his own heart; and that the Penitent Thief discovered his Repentance, must be ascribed unto the Free Grace of God. There is Wickedness enough in the Hearts of all Sinners, to keep them for ever in their Impenitence, if the Grace of God were not bestowed on some [Page 91] to promote their Repentance. And God [...] under no Obligation to bestow His Grace upon Sinners. But He will be Gracious, to whom He will be Gracious, and He will have Compassion, on whom He will have Compassion. But where God intends to bestow Mercy upon Sinners, He will excite Sinners to improve Means to obtain Mercy: at least, before He makes them sensible that He has bestowed saving Mercy on them. If your Salvation be intended, you shall be excited to use the Means of Salvation. But it will not be enough to enjoy to attend the Means of Salvation; others may do so and get no good by them, as to their Eternal Benefit. But if God has designed your Salvation, He will incline you to improve the Means [...] Salvation diligently, seriously, and to Work out your Salvation with Fear and Trembling. And He will work in you [...] will and to do according to His good [...]easure. And one hopeful Evidence of [...]he Gracious Intention of God, about your salvation, will be your Prayer to Him [...]hat His Grace may be so exercised toward you, and therein glorified.
DOCT II. Impenitent Sinners would be Saved from Eternal Misery, without any Regard to the Glory of God in their Salvation.
There is in all Rational Creatures a Natural desire of Happiness, or Freedom from Misery. They would not be Eternally Miserable. The worst of Sinners have some sort to desire to be Easy and Happy for ever. They think, they pretend, they would be Saved and go to Heaven. They would not be Damned nor go to Hell. If they must leave this World; when they leave it, they would not go to a place of Torment, but to a place of Comfort.
But as for all Impenitent Sinners, while they remain Impenitent, they do not sincerely desire the Glory of God in their Salvation. The Impenitent Malefactor on the Cross cryed, If thou be the Christ, sa [...] thy self and us. He Prayed, after a manner for Salvation, for himself and his Companion. He desired that our Lord Jesus Christ would shew Himself to be the Promised Messiah, by delivering Himself [...] of the hands of His Enemies, and from His present Sufferings, and by appearing for the Salvation of himself and his Companion [Page 93] [...] present Mise [...] [...] regard for the Glory of [...] might be Glorifyed in their Salvation.
So it is with all Impenitent Sinners, might they live in Sin for ever, and be free from Misery: they would have no concernment about being Saved to Glorify God: they would be contented to live in Sin for ever, to the dishonour of God. This is the disposition of all Impenitent Sinners Universally.
Indeed some Sinners do, more plainly, discover this disposition, than some other Sinners. But all Impenitent Sinners have so much of this ungodly disposition prevailing in them, as long as they are Impenitent, that might they be Saved and Freed from Eternal Misery, let who will be concerned for the Glory of God, they take no care about Glorifying God.
Thence it is, partly, that so many Sinners do so Shamefully and Wickedly put off the Work of their Souls, from time to time, and follow their sinful courses, until they think they are near Dying, and then they begin to think something must be done, to get ready for Death, to make their Peace with God, that He may be willing to take their Souls into Happiness, when [Page 94] they go out of this Miserable World. They desire that God would take them to Himself, now they think, they can live no longer. But if God remove the occasion of their present fear of Dying, and they seem like to live longer; they can presently take to the same Course of Sin, that they were in before, they go on still in their Trespasses. They are not concerned For the Glory of God in their Salvation. All the Salvation that they desire, might be separated from the Glory of God.
And so some, that seem to be Mightily concerned for some of the Means of Salvation, Ecclesiastical Privileges, the Sealing Ordinances of God, Baptism and the Supper of the Lord to be Administred to themselves and to others, they are frequently too little concerned for the Glory of God. If they might be admitted to Evangelical Privileges, they would be contented to live in their Sins, to the dishonour of God, and the reproach of Religion. So, it seems, it was with some of the Hearers of John the Baptist, and therefore he advised them to bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance, if they desired to be Baptized now they were up grown. So they that desire Gospel Privileges, in a Church State now, must be concerned to prepare [Page 95] for those Privileges, that they may Glorify God in their injoyment of them. They must endeavour that there may be, at least, room to hope that they do sincerely desire to turn from all Sin to God in Jesus Christ, and to live holily by the Grace of Christ, and to follow and perfect Holiness in the fear of God, for the Glory of God; before they can be regularly admitted unto the Table of the Lord, or unto Baptism, if they are come to years of understanding. I have said, at least, Room to hope thus of the [...].
Indeed, it would be a very awful thing, if any People, Professing the Christian Religion, should be overwhelmed with such Enthusiastical Prophanity, as to live contentedly without the Holy Ordinances of God, and without any care to prepare for those Ordinances, and without any sense of any need of any Preparation for them, and yet think that things are well enough with their Souls, tho' they live in disobedience to the plain, express, positive Commands of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But it would be a no less awful thing, [...] [...]y People, pretending to Christianity should be carried away with such [...] Formality, as to desire that [...] Ordinances of God should be prostituted [...] [Page 96] to the base Lusts of Wicked Sinners; and be Administred unto those that are notoriously unprepared for those Ordinances, and evidently without any care to prepare for the improvement of them, and would be hardened in their Wickedness and confirmed in their Impenitence, and have their Damnation dreadfully Sealed upon their Souls, if they should enjoy them.
Nor would it seem well, if any Persons, manifesting a Zeal for God, should ignorantly encourage poor Sinners to any such impiety. For how can they think that the Lord will hold them guiltless?
For we should be concerned for the Glory of God, in all the remarkable Enterprises of our whole Conversation, but peculiarly in our attending of the Holy Ordinances of His Instituted Worship. And it is not for the Glory of God, for us to neglect the Ordinances of God, pretending that we are not fit for them. Herein we Rebel against God. Nor is it for the Glory of God for us to abuse the Ordinances of God by Prostituting them to the Lusts of Sinners, in Administring them to those, that by their clearly [...] to [Page 97] Ordinances; This would be to Reproach the Lord, who is Glorious in Holiness.
But it will be for the Glory of God, if we mourn for our negligence and carelessness about our Preparation for the Ordinances of God, and beg Pardon for all our sinful Omissions, for the sake of Christ, and Pray for Grace that we may be prepared for the Ordinances of God, according to the Directions of the Gospel.
And when we are so prepared, it will be for the Glory of God, for us to desire to have them Administred unto us, according to the Rules of His Word. This would be for the Glory of God & for the Honour of His People in this World and for their Welfare for ever.
But if People are not concerned for the Glory of God, in their Salvation, He will take care for His own Glory, in their confusion. For He has declared in Lev. 10. 3. I will be Sanctified in them, that come nigh me, and before all the People I will be Glorified. Then if God intends our Salvation, He will make us concerned for His Glory.
DOCT. III. Where there is no evidence of Repentance it may be justly feared that there is no right fear of God.
[Page 98] If People did rightly Fear God, they would Repent of Sin. So thought the Peninent Sinner on the Cross, about his impenitent Companion, hearing him utter his ungodly expressions, that shewed that he had no Repentance, he feared that he was without the Fear of God, and says, Dost not thou fear God. The fear of God will excite Repentance of Sin. So thought the Saint of God, in Psal. 26 1. The transgression of the Wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his Eyes. If Sinners abide in their Transgression without Repentance, we may justly fear that they do not rightly Fear God. Therefore should we consider the Glorious Perfections of God, that we may Fear Him and repent of Sin. For such is the wickedness of our sinful Hearts, that we are not willing to part with Sin, except we are terrifyed from Sin. Job acknowleges in Chap. 31. 23. Destruction from God was a terror to me, and by reason of His highness I could not endure. Tho' he were a good Man, yet he found that there was need for him to be kept in aw, by the Fear of God. Then let us consider the Righteousness, the Holiness, the Infinite Purity, the Almighty Power and the Superlative Excellency of God, that we may [Page 99] be excited to Fear Him, as a God hating all Sin, resolving to Punish all Sin, to destory, Eternally, those that continue finally Impenitent in Sin. But let us also consider the Grace, the Mercy, the Compassion, the Loving Kindness of God, that we may Fear the Lord for His Goodness, and Fear Him, as One ready and willing to shew Mercy for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ unto Miserable Sinners that Penitently repair to Him, in the Name of Christ, for His Pardoning Mercy, notwithstanding all their unworthiness.
DOCT. IV. Penitent Sinners will Desire and Labour that other Sinners may be brought unto Repentance.
This disposition appears in the Penitent Sinner on the Cross; one of the first Evidences of His Repentance, was this, he rebuked his Companion for his wickedness, and laboured to excite him to Fear God, and shewed him that there was great reason for Him to Fear God now he was under Condemnation for his wickedness.
And we read about David in Psal. 31. 123 He promises that upon Gods restoring him unto his Favour, after his great Sin, her [Page 100] would endeavour that Sinners might be Converted unto the Lord.
And we find about the Apostles of our Lord, that were first called by Him, they Invited others to come and partake with them, in the Benefits of the Merciful Messiah.
And our Lord gives that Counsel to Peter, When then art Coverted, (that is, restored from thy Fall) strengthen thy Brethren And he remembred the Counsel and practised it, in advising, Pass the time of your Sojourning bo [...] in fear: he would not have others to be sinfully confident of their own strength, as he had been of his. But he would have them to fear always, and walk humbly with God that they might be preserved from Sin.
This will be the disposition of all truly Penitent Sinners; they will endeavour that others may be brought to share with them, in the benefits of Repentance.
For as Impenitent Sinners have so much of the Spirit of the Devil within them, and the Image of Satan upon them, that they desire and labour to hinder other Sinners from turning from Sin to God, in Jesus Christ, they strive to prejudice them against the Means of Grace, and would all their [...] with base, mean thoughts [Page 101] about the Ordinances and the Emba [...] dours of the Lord Jesus Christ, be [...]e that then they may be kept out of the way of Conversion. So Penitent Sinners, that have the Spirit of Christ in them, and the Image of God reinstamped on them, they desire and labour to further others in turning from Sin to God, in Jesus Christ; they endeavour to awaken them out of their sinful security, and they strive to promote in them, good and right Opinions about the Means of Grace, and would have them love the Ordinances of God, and prize the Embassadours of Christ, because then they will be in a hopeful way unto Repentance and Salvation, they will be in the way where the Lord commands His Blessing, even Life for evermore, to them that walk uprightly in that way conscientiously improving the means of Grace [...] Obedience to God, with reliance on Christ for the Influences of the Holy Spirit, to make those means beneficial for the saving of their Souls.
This may help us to know what sort of People they are that hinder others from repenting of their Sins. They are Impe [...] Sinners themselves, or at best, they [...] much more to be done, than has been done, about their own Repentance! [Page 102] And this will be found the fault of not only the more Prophane Transgressours, who declare their Sin, like Sodom and hide it not, and labour all they can to make other People as bad as themselves; and have their various devices to keep their Foolish Companions fast in the Chains of Death, by holding them in the Cords of their Wickedness: But this will be found the Crime of too many Formal Professors, Persons that have only the Form of Godliness themselves, denying the Power of it, and so labour to make others contented with the Formalities of Religion, without ever endeavouring to experience the realities of Christianity. And this likewise will be found the Crime of some indiscreet Persons, that stifle the Convictions of Sinners, by leading them into some Company, or some Exercise, that shall so divert their Convictions, that they shall never be really Converted, they shall never see their need of coming to the Lord Jesus Christ for Salvation. Abundance of Souls are lost, by having their Convictions diverted without being brought unto the Lord Jesus Christ by a saving Conversion.
They that, notwithstanding all suitable Cautions, will still go on to hinder Souls from repairing to the Lord Jesus Christ for [Page 103] deliverance from their Burthens, will give too much reason to impact that they never yet experienced a Work of Repentance in their own Souls; but taking up with an imperfect work of the Law, having some Convictions upon their Souls, that [...] a little Trouble, and then with an imperfect Work of the Gospel, misapplying some Promises, that give a little Comfort to their Souls; they never come [...] Christ themselves, and so are left unto the Tremendous misery of hindering [...] Conversion of others. Let all of us beware of this Evil and keep clear from [...]very such Evil, that we may not lose our souls.
DOCT. V. It is a great aggravation of their Wickedness, for Wicked People to continue Impenitent in their Wickedness, without the Fear of God, while they are under terrible Punishment for their Wickedness.
Therefore sayes the Penitent Sinner to [...] Impenitent Companion, Dost not thou [...] God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? As if he had said, whatever others may plead, you are inexcusable, if you remain Impenitent in your Wickedness, while God is punishing of you for your Wickedness.
[Page 104] To Trespass yet more, in the time of Distress, it is the way to get a Brand fixed upon the Impenitent Sinner to all Generations. This is that King Abaz! that trespass'd yet more in the time of his Distress. Take notice of him! To Sin against God is very bad; to continue in Sin, till God calls to turn, is worse; to proceed in Sin, till God smites with blows for Sin, is yet worse; But to go on in Sin after many blows have been dispens [...] [...]ill makes the case worse and worse. This proceeds from a dreadful hardness of Heart. To receive no Correction; to refuse to be reclaimed, to resolve to continue unreformed, unamended, incurable under and after all the dreadful strokes of Gods Mighty Hand, it is to be going apace toward the Condition of the Devils, that never will Repent.
Let none of us be found among such woful Sinners. Have we been Chastised for our Faults? Then let us resolve that we will not offend any more. Beg of God for the Pardon of Sins past, for me sake of Christ. And beg of God to give His Grace, for the sake of Christ, that you may give to His Glory for time to come, and be [...] for His Glory for ever.
Tremble to think of being given over to such a Mischief, such a Misery, such a [Page 105] Lamentable Calamity as to remain Impenitent under and after Punishment. Dread the thoughts of coming into so sad a Condition, as that of the Impenitent Malefactor upon the Cross, to be without the Fear of God, while under Condemnation.
But what! Are there any Numbers of People in such Danger, that we need to be so Admonished, thus Cautioned? Yes; there is reason to fear some are in Danger. Three or Four sorts of People, at least, might be mentioned, that are in dreadful Danger of being more Miserable than the Impenitent Malefactor on the Cross, because they are in Danger of Perishing in their Wickedness, after they have been warned by his Example. Who are they?
1. Unchast Sinners. They that seem to be given over to the Sins of Unchastity, and are so far brought under Condemnation, that they have brought shame, disgrace, and reproach on their Names, dishonourable wounds, mischiefs and ruines upon their Interests; and yet have so little of the Fear of God in their Souls, that they venture to go on still in their Wickedness. They can't find in their Hearts to leave their Unchastity, nor can they heartily Pray [...] God for clean Hearts. These are in [Page 106] Danger of Perishing under a terrible Condemnation, because that such are seldom reclaimed unto Repentance. The Bible shews about the Sin of Unchastity, that none that go to it, return. So few that they are almost none, they are next to none. They make no shew, they are so very few that be recovered from the Sin. Oh! that the Sinners that feel their Consciences now smiting of them, or should feel the lashes of their Consciences, would beg Earnestly of God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the Purifying Influences of His Holy Spirit, that they might have Grace to Repent, before it be too late.
2. Drunkards. They that are given over to the Lust of Drunkenness, and are so far brought under Condemnation for that their Wickedness, that they begin to feel the Woes, that God has Denounced against Drunkards: Their Names are Blasted, their Estates are Wasting and Sinking, their Bodies consuming, if they don't stagger in the Streets, by reason of Strong Drink, but above all their Souls are dreadfully Destroyed, yea, their Consciences benummed so, that they can't find in their Hearts any the least Inclination to leave off their Wickedness. They must have [Page 107] their Drams, they will have their Drams they love their Strong Drink; so that it they loose their Eyes and all that is dear to them, yet they can't leave it. Are not these under Condemnation? Don't the Wrath of GOD Flame upon their Souls? After they are Drunk, before they are quite Sober, they'l say, they will seek it yet again. They'l Profanely say, they'l take another Hair of the same—, tho' they are Damn'd for it. Oh! Let no Person then abide under such Condemnation: But beg for the Holy Spirit of God, that you may be filled with the Spirit, and then you will mourn bitterly before the Lord, for all your Excesses in drinking Strong Drink, and you'l pray for Pardon for the sake of Christ, and you'l beg that [...]ou may be kept out of the way of Temptation to the like Sin for Time to come and you'l watch against the Occasions of [...].
3. Hypocrites. That have made a Profession of Godliness, but have not been Sincere in their Profession. They know that they endure Terrible Things, their Consciences frequently scourging of them Terribly, for their False Dealing with God. And they find it hard to keep up [...] Shew of Religion, because they have [Page 108] no Root of Grace in their Souls, nor Union with Christ. And yet they can't find in their Hearts to beg of God to change their Hearts. They are loth to leave all their Sins. They have some Sin or other, that they are unwilling to part with. And tho' they know themselves to be Hypocrites and so under Condemnation, yet they will not Repent. Yea, tho' they find God chasti [...]ing of them, in leaving them to sad Falls into great Sins; yet they Repe [...]t not of their Hypocrisy. Let them take heed, lest they come at last into the Condemnation of the Impenitent Sinners, who having no Fear of God, are led forth with the Workers of Iniquity. When will they Pray Sincerely and Earnestly for Integrity and Uprightness?
4. Covetuous Wordlings; who know that their Hearts are set upon the World, [...] that they love the World more than they love God or their Souls, and find God crossing them in their Worldly Designs, disappointing and impoverishing them with one [...] after another. And yet they will not Repent of their Unrighteousness, and their [...] from God more than is meet while they see it brings them to Poverty. Let them take heed lest they be found lying under the Condemnation of Sinners [Page 109] without the Fear of God. And let them remember, that the Covetuous are Abhorred of the Lord. If any Man love the World, the Love of the Father is not in him. Oh! That they would see the Vanity of the World, and choose the Lord for the Portion of their Souls.
5. We might add One Article more, and a very Comprehensive One;
The Ungodly Company-Keepers. Who know, that their Ungodly Company has done them a deal of Damage, rob'd them of abundance of their precious Time, Defaced and so Defeated all their good Convictions, fill'd their Souls with terrible Confusions, deprived them of their once desireable Reputation among the Religious, and yet they can't leave their Ungodly Company. They seem under the Condemnation of them that Fear not God. They have no Inclination to abandon their unnecessary Familiarity, with their Ungodly Company, that never did them any good. Tho' they have heard the awful Warnings of God, A companion of [...] must be destroyed, and they that will not depart from the Tents of the Wicked, shall be consumed in all their Sins. And they that will partake with Sinners in their Sins, will partake with them in their Plagues; and [Page 110] tho' they have seen the dreadful Judgments of God, signally breaking the Knots of Ungodly Company, and wasting away those that belonged unto those Impious Combinations, yet they venture on still in their Wickedness, encouraging one another to hold on their Way, strengthening the Hands one of another for their Evil-Doings, notwithstanding all the remarkable Blasts of Heaven Thunder striking of them, in their Infandous Enterprizes, before all Serious Observers. But,
When will the Ungodly Company-Keepers come to themselves, and forsake the Foolish and Live, and walk in the way of Understanding? When will they become the Companions of them that Fear God, and keep His Precepts, and mind their Souls. Oh! That they would walk with the Wise, and Pray to God for the best Wisdom, that they might appear Wise unto Salvation thro' Faith in Christ Jesus. But leaving them, another Doctrine may now be considered.
DOCT. VI. The Truth of Repentance for Sin should be discovered in Penitent Sinners, not only by their Serious Concernment for the good of others and the Glory of God, as well as their own good; but also by their Humbleness before God, and their Thankfulness unto God.
They must humbly refer themselves unto the Sovereign Pleasure of God, and Thankfully accept and improve the least Mercy from God. So the Penitent Sinner in our Text, not only endeavours to reclaim his Impenitent Companion from his unreasonable Wickedness, but he also sensibly acknowledges the Righteousness of God, in the Punishments that were come on them for their Wickedness. And he humbly Prays unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and humbly Submits himself unto the Will of that Glorious Lord, and shews a willingness to be contented with the least Mercy that might be conferred on him, and waits on the Lord for His own Time to know His Will. So Humble, so Thankful was he in his Repentance:
We might here say, that the Penitent Sinner on the Cross, having Preached a good Sermon, he then made a good Prayer, in the hearing of Jesus Christ. His Sermon was Occasioned by what was Lamentable, [Page 112] the Railing Language of a Sinful Creature at our Suffering Saviour. His Prayer was answered with what was Comfortable, the Gracious Promise of our Merciful Saviour to a Distressed Sinner.
The Converted Sinner concerned for the Glory of God, perceiving his Unconverted Companion to be in a very bad Frame under his terrible Sufferings, for his heinous Wickedness, he Preaches unto him an Excellent Sermon to promote his Repentance toward God, endeavouring to Excite him unto a Consideration of his Duty, under his [...] Circumstances, advising him to Evidence more of the Fear of God, than had hitherto appeared in his Language, and to consider and Acknowledge the Righteousness of God in the Punishment that was Inflicted upon them both for their Wickedness. And then he Preaches about the Lord Jesus Christ, declaring His Righteousness, while he Condemned himself and his Companion for their own Wickedness, and manifested an acceptation of the Punishment of his own Wickedness, and would have his Companion to be so sensible of his Ill deserving that he might accept of the Punishment of his Wickedness. Thus he Preached to [...] Companion.
[Page 113] But it is possible that the Penitent Sinner, seeing little or no Evidence of Repentance in his Companion, he then Addresses himself unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and makes unto him an Excellent Prayer, to entreat His Compassion for his own Soul. But probably with an earnest Desire still for the Welfare of the Soul of his Companion; for he so Expresses himself in his Prayer, that his Companion might be encouraged to Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He plainly discovers before all People, his own firm Confidence in the Tender Compassions of his Gracious Lord, so that he could venture the Everlasting Affairs of his never-dying Soul with Him. This might have been for the Encouragement of his Companion. However, in his Prayer, Lord, Remember me, when thou comest into thy Kingdom; he Acknowledges the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, the Saviour of Souls, and the King of Heaven; that He was then going into His Kingdom, that if He had but a kind Thought about him, and would but think upon him with Compassion, it would be to his Advantage; and he is contented with the smallest Mercy, a kind Thought: And he desires this Kindness of the Lord, when he should come into [Page 114] His Kingdom. He would wait His Will about the Time and Way for the bestowing of any the least Mercy that He should see cause to bestow upon him. Thus he Prayed to his Redeemer.
Now for the USE of this Doctrine.
Let all Persons thus discover the Truth of Repentance for Sin, imitate the Penitent Sinner on the Cross. in his discovering of his Repentance for Sin.
It is not enough to say, that you have Faith in your Souls, toward the Lord Jesus Christ; nor is it enough to say, that you have Repentance toward God in your hearts; but you must endeavour to satisfy others, that you do truly Repent.
All Sinners have dishonoured God, by Sinning against Him. They should therefore endeavour to honour Him by Repenting of their Sins. But some of their Sins have been committed before others, they should therefore endeavour that others may know, as well about their Repentance for Sin, as they have known about their Commission of Sin. The Salve should cover the Sore: and if the Sins of any Persons have been openly committed, then should Repentance for those their Sins, be openly evidenced.
[Page 115] And if God hath, in His Holy Providence, brought Sinners out upon the Stage of the World, to make them to be Examples unto others, then it is their Duty to Glorify God before the World, by confessing of those their more Secret Sins, that have Provoked the Lord to leave them unto the more Open Sins, that have exposed them before the World; that others may be warned against, and so preserved from the like Out-breakings into Sin, so as to prevent further Dishonour from coming [...] the Holy Name of God, by Open Sinning. This agrees with the Advice to [...] a Bad Man, as also with the Practice of David, a Good Man; when their Sins found them out, and they were, by [...] Holy Providence of God, openly exposed. They were then to give Glory to God by making Penitent Confession of [...]eir Sins before the World, that others [...]ight hear and fear, and might no more [...]in so against the Lord.
If one Sinner has been left, by the Sovereign Providence of God, to stumble [...] fall grievously into any great Iniquity, [...] as mightily to Dishonour God and [...]ound his own Soul, and grieve the Hearts [...] his Neighbours; it is for the Honour of [...]od, and the Benefit of others, that he [Page 116] tell them of the Evils, at or by which he began to stumble, and that he warn them against those Evils. Thus,
If Sinners have neglected Secret Prayer to God, or grown slack to, or cold in, or careless about, any other Duty of Godliness, and God has punished them for their secret Neglects, by His leaving them to fall into more Open Sin, that brings them under publick Shame, they should acknowledge how they began to leave God, and should acknowledge the Righteousness of God in leaving them, and should therewithal advise others to take heed, lest they begin to leave God, by giving way to secret Sins of Omission, that are often punished by the guilty Sinners being left unto Open Sins of Commission, that bring the woful Sinners at last unto Open Punishment. If Sinners have been remarkable for their Disobedience to their Superiors, and God has punished them for their Disobedience, by leaving them to further and greater, and more Heinous and Open Crimes, and they come to be cut down by the Sword of Civil Justice, and must Dye before their Time, for their being Wicked overmuch, it is their duty to Advise all and especially Young People, to avoid all sinful Disobedience to their Lawful Superiors [Page 117] lest God cut them off in the midst of their Days, and take them away by some dreadful stroke of His Wrath.
If Sinners know in their own Consciences, that they were very careless about the Religious Observation of the Lord's Day, and God hath left them so to some other Iniquity, that they are Openly Punished, as they justly fear, for their Prophanation of the Sabbath of the Lord; they should warn others, that Sabbath breaking is a costly Sin, that they may dread the Wickedness, the Sacrilage of Robbing God of His own Time, that He hath reserved in peculiar for His Holy Worship.
And if Sinners know, and can truly charge themselves, that they have not kept such a Guard as they should have kept, on their Tongues, nor had so much care of Truth, as they should have had in their speech, but have sometimes talked too much at random, without the Fear of God; and God hath punished them for that their Wickedness, by leaving them to more grievous and ruining Transgressions; They should warn others to take heed to their Ways, that they Sin not with their Tongues, but keep their Tongues from Evil, and their Lips from speaking Guile.
The Penitent Sinner on the Cross may [Page 118] be produced as a good Example for this Thing. The cautioning of Sinners against Evil Speaking. For he was ready to reprove his Companion for his Ungodly Expressions. He would have him to govern his Tongue more with the Fear of God.
The Impenitent Sinner on the Cross, doubtless might be Ignorant enough, and he might have had very little Information about our Lord Jesus Christ; he might only hear some general Report that he was the Messiah, the Saviour of the World, before he came to hang by him on the Cross. And so his Ignorance might be some Occasion of his Unbelief, that he discovered in saying, If Thou be the Christ, save thy self and us. But yet he was not without great Fault in his Ungodly Expressions forasmuch as we know, that he should have been more Confiderate than to make a Doubt, whether One that had so many Tokens of His being the Christ, were indeed the Messiah. But the Penitent Sinner did well to Admonish him for his unfi [...] Discourse. And so should they that have been Faulty, and are brought to Repentance themselves, Admonish others against the ways of Sin, that they have experienced to be Pernicious to their own Souls.
[Page 119] And if Sinners know, and can justly charge themselves [and Oh! what Numbers that live under the Gospel, may so charge themselves, and very justly?] that they have dreadfully despised the Lord Jesus Christ, neglected the great Salvation, delaying to accept the Offers of His Gospel, and to comply with the Motions of the Holy Spirit of God, and so have lived in their Impenitent Unbelief, and are satisfyed that the Righteous and Holy God us therefore given them up unto their own Hearts Lusts, and unto the Power of [...] [...]s the punishment for their wickedly refusing to accept the gracious Offers of [...] Merciful Saviour; They should seriously tell others about the Danger of all [...] delayes, and solemnly warn them against the Evil of all such needless delayes, and earnestly excite them to make [...]aste and make sure about the Affairs of their Souls, and presently give themselves unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and sincerely comply with the Invitations of Salvation immediately, that they may not receive [...] Grace of God in vain, lest the Lord would be provoked to give them up Eternally unto the Lusts of their own Hearts & [...]ower of Satan, who will be ready to hurry them into Soul-Desolating Abomination.
[Page 120] For so it is very often with Sinners living under the Gospel, that have a Day of Grace, enjoying the means of Grace and the strivings of the Spirit of God, urging them to accept the Offers of Salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ, and heartily consent to receive Him as their External Saviour; they are not for a present consent, but they carele [...]ly delay and put off this work from time to time, until the Holy Spirit of God is grieved, so that He withdraws and goes from them; and then the Evil Spirit comes to them and he takes possession of their Souls, and fills them and rules [...] and leads them away Captive according to his will, and they Perish for ever in their Impenitence; and some of them do, before they Dye, become guilty of greater Abominations, than are commonly committed by them that never lived under the Gospel. According to what we find in Psal. 81. 11. Where sayes the Lord, My People would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me [...] gave them up unto their own hearts [...] and they walked in their own Counsels. But when Sinners be so forsaken by God, they may fear that Satan will quickly be their Councellor. Thence have some that once enjoyed the Offers of the Gospel, but rejected [Page 121] those Offers, been given up to an astonishing efficacy of Errour, they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be Saved. And for this cause, doth God send them strong Delusions, that they believe a Lye, that they may be Damned. They take such incurable Offence at the Lord Jesus Christ, or at some thing in His Gospel, or Worship, or People, or Providential Dispensations, that they forsake. Him and His Holy Ordinances, and will never be recovered, never be reduced, never be renewed again unto Repentance.
But God may suffer some, that have neglected the great Salvation a long time, to ill so grievously into Sin, that their Falls may awaken them out of their sinful security, and when they are thorowly awakened so as to see their Miserable Condition, He may by His Holy Spirit, lead them unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and help them to repair to Him with their distressed and burthened Souls for Salvation. The Prodigal Sinner may go far from his Fathers House, & may bring himself into grievous distresses, and while he is under those distresses, he may come so far to himself, that he may bethink himself, and call to mind how things were with him [...] former days, and how he enjoyed the [Page 122] Offers of Mercy, but refused then to accept those Offers; and he may, by the Grace of God, be assisted to seek the Face of God, and Pray to the Lord in the time of his Affliction, so as to obtain Mercy and be received into the Favour of God, for the sake of Christ, after a long time of wandring from the Lord! Was it not so with Repenting M [...]asseh? Was not he such an Instance of the Sovereign Grace of God? He had enjoyed a Religious Education, but he had sadly abused what he had enjoyed, he became a very Wicked Sinner; and among other ways of his Wickedness, he Wickedly shed abundance of Innocent Blood, and maintained Conversation with some who dealt with Familiar Spirits and was very Wicked before the Lord and before the World. And God brought him into Trouble for his Wickedness, but in the time of his Trouble he sought the Lord, and the Lord was entreated of him, and he knew that the Lord was God. He acknowledged Jehovah, the God of Israel for his God. It is hop'd that he became a true Penitent, that he truly Repented of his Sin.
But when Sinners become true Penitents, it becomes them to evidence the Truth of Repentance by their endeavours [Page 123] that other Sinners may be brought unto Repentance. They must not say, What can we do? People won't care to mind any thing that we say to them. They will but reproach and revile us, if we should say any thing to them concerning Repentance. They must not excuse themselves thus. For the Penitent Sinner-on the Cross did not excuse himself, tho' the Lord Jesus Christ was between him and the other Malefactor; yet when he discerned a convenient Opportunity for him to say something for God and for Christ, he then said what he thought proper for him then to say, for the convincing of his Companion of his Wickedness, and the reclaiming of him from it. He did not plead, That Wicked Sinner has rail'd at the Lord of Glory, and therefore it is in vain for me to say any thing to him. There's no hope that he'l mind any thing that I say. But he was willing to do his Duty, whatever might be the Success. He leaves that with God. And one Event of his going his Duty, is this that it is Recorded for his Everlasting Commendation, that he pleaded against Sin, and for God, and for Jesus Christ, in the saddest condition of Humiliation, that our Lord was ever in, while He was living upon Earth, before He gave up the Ghost. [Page 124] And tho' the Penitent Sinner did not prevail with his Impenitent Companion to Repent, that we can discern, yet it tended [...]o the Glory of God and his own honour, that he attended his Duty. And so it will be with others, that will attend their Duty in their Season. They shall not lose their Labour. And besides this, Repenting Sinners do owe more than this unto the Glorious God, for what He has done for them, in granting unto them saving Repentance. They should acknowledge their Thankfulness unto Him for His Grace, by endeavouring that others may be Partakers with them in His Grace, or at least, that He may have His Grace Glorifyed, in helping them to perform their Duty.
But this must not be all that Repenting Sinners do for the Glory of God, to endeavour that others may be brought unto Repentance; But they must Pray to God for their own Souls. Thus did the Penitent Sinner on the Cross, he not only suitably advised his Companion to what would have been for his benefit, if he had taken his advice; but he also took time, while there was time, to Pray unto the Glorious Redeemer to remember him, and he showed his humility in his Prayer, and [Page 125] his Resignation to the Will of Christ, in Praying for the smallest Mercy, acknowleging the Sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ, referring himself entirely to His Pleasure. So should others do But Omitting other things, One Doctrine more may be mention'd, and it is a very comfortable One.
DOCT. VII. The Gracious Lord Jesus Christ will readily admit into His Favour all truly Penitent Sinners, and will certainly receive them into His Kingdom.
Let sinful Persons be sure that they truly Repent of all their Sins, with unfeigned Repentance, and let them endeavour in all fit ways to shew the Truth of Repentance; and they may justly expect that the Merciful Saviour will not only be ready to Pardon all their former Sins, without upbraiding them with any of them, and willing to admit them into His Favour immediately upon their manifestation of Repentance; but also He will certainly receive them, at last, into His Kingdom. No sooner had the Penitent Sinner made his humble Prayer unto his then Crucifyed Lord, but immediately thereupon our now Glorifyed Lord presently shews Favour [Page 126] unto him. receives him into His Favour gives him a favourable Answer to his Prayer; graciously answers the humble desires of his distressed Soul, assuring him, To day thou shalt be with Me in Paradise. In a state of Bliss and Ease, and Rest, and wonderful Satisfaction. Thence might the Apostle Paul be fully satisfyed (as well as by what is other wayes Revealed) that Believers on Christ will be with Christ, in happiness, immediately after the Dissolution, the Separation of their Souls from their Bodies. The Lord assured the Penitent Sinner, it should be so with him
It was one mentioned for the Disgrace, but it is indeed for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, That he Receiveth Sinners. Penitent Sinners will ever be welcome to Him, he will in no wise, cast out any of them, that come to Him with Repenting Souls. Never did he turn away one Soul, never will He turn away one Soul, that comes to Him, desiring Deliverance from Sin. He is most ready, forward, willing to receive such. And he says, in Mat. 9. 13. I am come to call Sinners to Repentance. Then be sure he will not reject them that Obey His Call but will receive them.
[Page 127] It was declared of Old, in Prov. 28. 13. It was advised and promised, in Isa 55. 6, 7. We are advised and assured, in 1 Joh. 1. 7, 9. And elsewhere abundantly in the Sacred Scriptures, we find that God is ready and willing to Pardon Sinners, that sincerely Repent of all their Sins, for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in Him to be Reconciled unto them. And that the Lord Jesus Christ is ready and willing to receive [...]to his Favour Penitent Sinners, that are coming to God by Him. And that He will certainly guide them by Counsel [...] bring them to Glory.
Then let all Sinners be Advised to make haste, and make sure about their unfeigned Repentance, upon the first Invitations to Repentance. Does our Lord Jesus Christ readily admit Penitent Sinners into His Favour, immediately upon their Expressions of Repentance, and speedily assure them of Admission into [...]is Kingdom? Then let Sinners be [...]eady and willing to comply with the [...] Invitations of the Gracious Lord [...] Repentance.
[Page 128] And if there be those that have slighted many Invitations, Let them comply with the present Invitations to Repent. Oh! Repent Now and turn from all your Transgressions that so Iniquity may not be your Ruin. Consider God's Laws and Examine your Souls and Lives, Confess and Bewail before God, what you find contrary to the Laws of God in your Souls and Lives. Acknowledge that you deserve to be Destroyed for ever, because you have Transgressed the Laws of God. Beg Pardon for your Transgressions for the sake of Christ. Repair to the Blood of Christ for Pardon of all Sins past, and look to Him for Grace to Glorify God, in Time to come, with an Holy Conversation. These are some Things belonging to Repentance, and some of you have been often advised about such Things. But if you have never attended them, you should Now attend them and Repent Now.
If the Penitent Sinner had not heard about the Lord Jesus Christ, before he was hanged on the Cross, then it seems that this was the first Invitation, the ever he had unto Gospel Repentance And he complyed with it. And if he had neglected to comply with any former [Page 129] Invitations, we find that his. Now complying with the present Invitation, was not in vain. Therefore
Let us all now comply with the present Invitations to Repentance. You are now Invited in the Name and Fear of God to Repent; but none of you know that you shall have another Invitation, if you don't comply with this.
And remember, tho' true Repentance be never too late, yet late Repentance is too seldom true. Those that have been brought under fearful Expectations of speedy Death, and have seemed mightily concerned about their Souls; and have made their promises, how well they would live in time to come, if God would be pleased to spare their Lives and continue them longer in the World, and have been delivered from their Fears; Few of them have discovered [...] Truth of Repentance by their after Conversation. I say very few of them [...] appear true Penitents. The most of [...] quickly forget their Distresses and [...] Promises, and are as bad as ever, [...] some worse than ever, before many Months pass away.
Therefore should we take heed lest we [...]eive our own Souls, by pretending [Page 130] or supposing that we may safely put off Repentance till we come to Dye, and then may, in drawing some of our last breaths, do enough about Repentance, to secure the welfare of our Souls: for there is danger about those who delay Renpentance, lest they be hardened for ever and confirmed in Sin. They, that think Repentance may be attended and performed well enough in a short time, discover too much of Ignorance about Repentance. Indeed the Thief on the Cross had but a short time to Repent, if he began there to Repent. But if God enabled him to Repent in a short time, on such an extraordinary occasion; yet this may not encourage others to delay Repentance with an imagination that they can well enough Repent in a short time. Nor can we be sure that the Thief then began to Repent, while he was Hanging on the Cross. He might have the Foundation of Repentance laid in his Soul, a great while before then, so that the Principle of Grace in his Soul, being then excited, he might then go on to Build upon the Old Foundation that was laid a long while before that time. However it is utterly uncertain that he was ever guilty [...] delaying his Repentance with an Expectation [Page 131] to Repent, well enough, at last. But very certain it is, that our Lord Jesus Christ will never come again to be Crucifyed any more, to give any other Sinner such an Opportunity to Repent. On this Instance we may say, as hath been said a long Time ago. If the Penitent Sinner on the Cross began his Repentance there, then there was one Sinner that began to Repent in some of the last Hours of his Life, and is gone to Glory; and but one such Instance recorded in all the Hystories of more than four thousand Years. There was One, that none might Despair; and but One, that [...] might Presume. And we should remember that God hath alwayes promised Pardon to the Penitent; but He hath never promised Repentance to the Presumptuous. Therefore let all of us Repent Now, make haste and make sure Now about Repentance, hoping for the Pardoning Mercy of God for the sake of Jesus Christ.
And YOU that have no expectation at all to hear another Sermon about Repentance, Publickly Preached unto you, throughout Eternal Ages. Oh! Repent Now and be Awakened & Encouraged unto Repentance by what you have heard.
[Page 132] You have head something about the broken heart of a Repenting Sinner, that will be acceptable with God through Jesus Christ (in the former Part of the Day) God can Glorify His Grace in giving you such an heart, and in healing your broken heart. And you have heard now (in the later part of the Day) about some of the last Words of a very bad Man, that Dyed (for ought we know) with an hard, stupid, unbroken, impenitent Heart. Oh! Be not you like him, without the Fear of God, while under Condemnation. You have heard about some of the last Words of one that, tho' he had been a very had Man, yet he became a very good Man before he Dyed. Oh! Be you like him, Do you follow him in Repenting of Sin, Evidencing the Truth of Repentance, Being sincerely concerned for the Glory of God, and the good of others, Humbly committing and resigning your self into the Merciful Hands of the Almighty Redeemer of Souls And you have heard about some of the last Words of that Almighty Redeemer of Souls, and how ready and willing he is to receive into his favour truly Penitent Sinners, and to heal their broken hearts, and fill their wounded & troubled Souls with the sweet [Page 133] Consolations of his Holy Spirit, and to admit them at last, into his Glorious Kingdom of Life, and Light, and Joy, and Peace and Eternal Blessedness.
Be assured, that our blessed Lord has the same Heart now He is in Heaven, that He had while He was upon Earth. And He is now as full of Grace, and Mercy, Love and Compassion as ever, toward Miserable, Unworthy Sinners, that humbly Cry to Him for Grace and Mercy. He hath not forgotten to be gracious, now He is in Glory. Then, if notwithstanding all his Griefs and Pains, that he endured while he was hanging on the Cross, He had leisure to take notice of and shew kindness to a distressed, broken hearted Sinner, making his addresses to Him for his favour; We may be sure he will not now disregard those, that humbly seek to Him for his Mercy, how unworthy soever they are. He did not upbraid the Penitent Sinner with his Unworthiness, when he cryed to Him for his Merciful Remembrance.
Let this Consideration be for your encouragement. If you sincerely Repent, the Lord Jesus Christ will certainly have Mercy upon you. Remember David and Manasseh that were guilty of Murder; and yet they Repented and Obtained Mercy. [Page 134] Remember that some of the Murderers of our Lord Jesus Christ Repented and Obtained Mercy, and their Sins were blotted out, and their Souls were Washed & Saved by the blood, which they sinfully shed: Tho' no Murderer hath eternal Life abiding in him, yet they, that have Grace given them to Repent of their Murders, with Unfeigned Repentance, will have their Souls cleared from the guilt of their Murders by the Righteousness of Christ, and so shall be blessed with Life Eternal.
But now you are going to hear the last Words that ever I expect to Speak to you in this Place.
What shall I say unto you! Oh! Be not deceived about the Affairs of your Soul. Be not deceived by trusting to your own Righteousness. Be not deceived by making a Righteousness of your own with any thing that you think you do about Repentance. You cannot but know that if you had Lived without Sin, all your Days ever since you came into the World, (had such a thing been possible) Yet you brought with you into this World enough Sin to deserve your Eternal Destruction. You cannot but know that all your best endeavours about Repenting of Sin, have so much of sinful Pollution cleaving unto [Page 135] them, that they deserve the wrath of God for ever. And you cannot but know that all your own Righteousness will come Infinitely short of the Righteous Demands of the Holy Law of God. Therefore when you have done all that you can, to endeavour that Things may be well between God and your own Soul, and all that you can, to endeavour in all fit Ways to evidence the Truth of Repentance before the World, by Confessing and Bewailing your Sins, Mourning Bitterly for them all, and Lamenting your Miseries before the Lord. Acknowledging His Righteousness, and Warning others upon all suitable Occasions to take heed of all the Paths of the Destroyer, against which you may Advise them, and by begging the Prayers of all that Fear God for you, and Praying to God for your own Soul; Don't imagine, that by any of these, or any such Things, you deserve any the least Favour from God. Renounce all Confidence in your own Righteousness. Remember it is a great Sin to go to Establish a Righteousness of your own, by any of your own Doings, or by Repentance for Sin. But when you have done all that can be done, acknowlege that you are Unprofitable before God, and that [Page 136] you deserve nothing of Good from God, and that God must Glorify His Free Grace unto you, if you are Saved. And keep still relying on the Lord Jesus Christ for all Good; for Pardon, for Healing, for Assistance, for Acceptancce, for every Blessing, that is needful for your Soul. And beg of God, that whatever He denies you, yet you may not be Deceived about your Soul, so as to lose your Soul for ever; that whatever He denies you, yet you may be remembred by the Merciful Redeemer, and received into His Kingdom, tho' a Miserable Sinner. And if it should be so, that after all your Endeavours about your Soul, the Righteous and Holy Lord should see Cause to hide the Light of His Countenance from your Soul, so that you must go out of this World in the Dark, without any comfortable Satisfaction of his being Reconciled to your Soul, or Assurance of the Pardon of your Sins; yet be sure to Justify Him in all, Acknowlege His Righteousness and Holiness to the last; and try to keep the Eyes of your Soul upon the Lord Jesus Christ, remembring that He is able to Save unto the uttermost, all that come to God thro' Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them, and [Page 137] He can Save at the Last. And remember what the Penitent Sinner on the Cross hath Experienced, at the Last, for your Encouragement. God can take from the Cross into Paradise, and from the Gallows into Glory; and He can help you so to Repent of all your Sins that you may Glorify Him before you Dye.
And so far as you may be Encouraged by this (and this may be some Encouragement) you may be satisfyed, that they that Fear God will not cease to Pray to the Lord for you. They will continue to take all proper Seasons, both in Publick now, and in Private and in Secret to Pray for you, as long as you continue a proper Subject for Prayer. But if you would have any saving benefit by their Prayers, you must be sure to continue to take all Times to Pray for your self, and continue Repenting of Sin as long as you Live, and continue Believing on Christ as long as you Breath, and keep longing for such Manifestations of Gods Love in Christ Jesus unto your own Soul, that you may be able truly to say (as in Psal. 49. 15.) God will redeem my Soul from Hell, and he will receive me.
NOw you have seen, (if you have Read the preceding Sermon,) some of the things that were Preached in the Audience of a Poor Man hearing for his last. GOD knows, if he got any good by what he heard. But we know that you and I should get good by what I have Preached, and you have Read. If you hope that you get any good, Ascribe the Glory of all to the Free Grace of God, in Christ, (for there it is all due) and Praise the Lord for His Grace to you, and Pray that the Riches of His Grace may be so Glorifyed to me, that I may be Saved and they that hear me.