THE Jacobites Catechism, That is to say,
An INSTRUCTION to be learned of every Person who either desires, or expects to be confirmed by the late Bishop of Ely To which is Added, THE Williamites Catechism, OR, INSTRUCTIONS to be learned of all those who are Well-wishers to the Protestant Religion, and the English Liberties.
Both Written by Benjamin Bird, Rector of Wotton fits Pain, near Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset.
Licensed according to Order.
London, Printed for T. Wesly, and Re-printed at Boston, for Benjamin Harris, at the London-Coffee-House. 1692.
YOu may see by the enclosed that the Jacobite Catechism hath lost nothing by the Obstruction it met with; the Author had no design to Burlesque the Church Catechism, nor to reflect upon the Creed, Lords Prayer, or Sacraments, for those are all Sacred Things, but he was willing it should look something like a Catechism: He hath now omitted their Creed and their Prayer, till he better understands what they believe and when they Pray. Their Sacraments also are left out, because some of them have paid dear for drinking Healths to K. James this last Assizes.
Quest. WHat is your Name?
Quest. Who gave you that Name?
Answ. The WILLIAMITES of this Nation in the Day when I declared my self a favourer of Popery, and promoter of Arbitrary Government.
Quest. Did they promise any thing farther for you to make you keep up your Name?
Answ. Yes.
Quest. Pray tell me what it was?
Answ. They did promise three Things.
1. That as my Forefathers had done, so I should Follow their Steps: in sideing with French Dragoons, and Iresh Cut-throats, against my native Country.
2. That I should renounce the English Laws and Liberties of the Subject?
3. That I should come very short of that love I ought to bear to the Reformed Religion, and my Protestant Brethren.
Quest. Dost thou think thou art any wayes obliged to act, what they promised in thy Name?
Answ. Yes verily, and by Romes help so I will, and I heartily thank our Earthly Father Lewis le Grand, that [Page 2] he has taken us into his protection, and I question not but he will be as kind to us as he has been to the Hugonots of his own Country.
Quest. But your Principles of Government both in Church & State, are not the same which he has taught them there?
Answ. Indeed we are not yet so absolutely refined in neither as 'tis there, but we have endeavoured to instil them into the People of our Nation for above these 30 Years?
Quest. What Principles have you taught them concerning the State?
Ans. We have taught them, that as there is but one God in Heaven, so there ought to be but one Government on Earth, and thats Monarchical both in Church and State, for as 'tis said, by me Kings Reign, so in the Church Bishops ought to govern, and those two are so twisted one in the other, that as 'tis our Maxime, No Bishop, no King, so they who are Enemies to Monarchy and Episcopacy, are Enemies to all Government both in Church and State; for as there can be no State without Kings, so there can be no Church without Bishops, and therefore I blame the New Williamite Church of England, for composing a Form of Prayer for all the Reformed Churches, seeing we ne're own'd them for true Churches, tho we own the Church of Rome for a true Church.
Quest. What do these Principles lead you to follow?
Answ. They lead us to follow and acknowledge Three Things.
1. That our gracious Monarch K. James is our only King de Jure.
2. That his suppos'd Son the Welsh Prince will in due time redeem us and all of our Loyal Principles from [Page 3] our present Bondage to a Prince of the Reformed Religion.
3. That none are truly Loyal who are not of our Clubbs and Societies.
Quest. Is there no Laws or Rule that you are to obey for your better direction, in practizing what you shall learn?
Answ. Yes, there are two particular Orders which we should obey.
Quest. Which be they?
Answ. 1. Render to Caesar the things which are Caesars. And 2. unto God the things that are Gods.
Quest. What do they chiefly teach you?
Answ. Two Things.
Quest. Which be they?
Answ. 1. We are taught what we are to render to our King. And 2. What we owe towards God.
Quest. What is it you render to your King?
Answ. We are to own him for a Caesar, and that he may govern despotically, and is not tyed up to the Laws of the Land to which he has sworn, but that he may impose Taxes, &c. without consent of Parliaments, and the People are bound in Conscience on pain of Eternal Damnation to obey; for we are not to enquire our Duty to our King out of the known Laws of the Land, but from the Holy Scriptures, as they are expounded by those Ancient Fathers of the Church, Sibthorp and Marwaring, &c. that gape after Court Perferment, who would fain Enslave the Subject to advance themselves.
Quest. What have you baen taught that you owe to God?
Answ. To render to God the things that are Gods, as are the Ceremonies of our Church, which are in a manner [Page 4] as holy as the Censors of Old, and we are not to part with the least of them to gratifie our weak Brethren, who are so Sacrilegious as to endeavour to robb the Church of the White Robe, the Wife of the Wedding Ring, the Infant of the Invisible Badge of Christanity, which he wears in his Fore-head, and the devout Christian of his genuflexion at the high Altar.
Quest. My [...]od Child, know that thou art not able to do all this of thy self without calling in Forreign Aid and Assistance; Therefore let me here what Endeavours thou will use to thy Power for effecting it?
Answ. I will endeavour it three ways.
1. I will (as we have from the beginning of the Reformation) labour to foment the Differences amongst all Protestants whatsoever, that I may once more blow those Coals to a flame, as may consume them and their Church to Ashes, so as we may once again come to practice those things which I have now learned.
2. I will endeavour to keep the wounds of the Church open and bleeding, and excite the most Furious of both Parties, and villifie moderate Men, and Men of healing Spirits, to make them be look'd on as Lukewarm Laodiceans, and only fit to be spewed out of the mouths of both Parties, whilst we cry aha! so we would have it.
3. I will as often as I can possible, keep up a correspondence with Papists and the French Court, as we have hither to done, by inviting the French last year, and by our continual advertising them of the State of the Kingdom, and what Ships are going out and coming in, that the Immortal Lewis may be in the better capacity to help us for at present; our Cause is so sunk, and low that within these six months, I have seen the melting [Page 5] down of five of our Golden Candlestecks, for the support of the Cause.
Quest. Is there no other Rule that you are to practice?
Answ. Yes, but it has been exploded these thirty years.
Quest. What is it?
Answ. Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self, or do as thou wouldst be done unto.
Quest. Have you any distinguishing Mark whereby you may know who are of the same Profession with you?
Answ. Yes Two, as absolutely necessary to distinguish the Members of our Society.
Quest. What are they?
Answ. I. Health to our old Master King James: And 2dly. Another to our young Master the Welch Prince, who has all our good wishes.
Quest. Why do you so often drink Healths to K. James?
Answ. Because as Mabomet said, there is a Devil in every Berry of the Grape, and when the Devil is got in, we are beholding to them that be a good Fine, will conjure him out again.
Quest. What mean you by the word Health?
Answ. I mean an outward Appearance of our inward and hearty Affection to King James, the Welch Prince, and the Popish Interest.
Quest. What is required of them who enter into these Societies?
Answ. To examine themselves what Devil prompted them to invite in the Prince of Orange contrary to their Doctrine of Non-Resistance and Passive Obedience, and whether they do heartily and unseignedly repent of that thing, and stedfastly purpose to continue their [Page 6] Loyalty to King James for the time to come, and if God should restore their old Master again, whether they would not soon grow weary of him, and Father Peters, and whether they are in Chariry with all men, especially with the Prince of Orange, who came in at their Invitation, but would not be prevailed on to go out again at their intreaty, being loth to leave them in a worse condition than he found them.
Quest. But are you not guilty of great Ingratitude to the Prince of Orange, that ventured all he had to save you from Ruine.
Answ. He did'nt save us only, but Protestant Dissenters as well as we, and is kinder to them than we do desire.
Quest. But must your Eye be Evil, because his is good?
Answ. The truth is, we would have all the water run into our MILL.
Quest. What reason can you Jacobites give that you had rather be Papists than Presbyterians?
Answ. Because we can have more Elbow room among the Papists than amongst those straight lac'd disciplinarians.
Quest. What think you of some of the Fathers of the Church of the Highest Rank, that are for Peace and Agreement with others, since 'tis only in small matters that we differ.
Answ. We snarle and Burlesque and affront them, because we think them Luke-warm in our Religion. For should we give the Dissenters an Inch they would take an Ell, nothing will satisfie them but the ruine of the Church as it is Established by Law.
[Page 7] Quest. Suppose they were tryed and somewhat else would please them.
Answ. I am never for yielding to that, for our Church is Sufficiently Reform'd already to our minds tho' not to theirs.
Quest. How long may we teach Passive Obedience be fore the Great Men of the Kingdom will believe what we say?
Answ. Till Doomsday. For they will give the Parson the hearing, who to get Preferment will Preach up that Doctrine, but are very unwilling to be brought to practise it.
Quest. What made you no more concern'd for the loss of those brave Patriots of your Country, Essex, Russel, &c. who lost their Lives in defence of their Country and its Liberties.
Answ. By reason we thought them not enough bigotted to our ways, tho' they were for the Church of England, yet they were too moderate for to keep our Friendship long.
Quest. What must the poor Protestants in Ireland think of you, who were so near Ruine by the means of your slow Proceedings here.
Answ. They know e're this what one of our Party said of them. Hang them they are a Pack of Phanaticks, and especially Northward Scotch Presbyterians.
Quest. What Opinion will the States of Holland and the Protestant Princes of Germany have of you for your Carriage to a Prince that they assisted with Men and Mony to come to your relief.
Answ. They may think if they had not been in danger themselves, by the growing greatness of the French King, it had been no matter if we had perished.
[Page 8] Quest. What shall the Emperor of Germany think of you, hat you who pretend to be Protestants, should have any kindness for King Lewis that would root out the Northern Heresie both at home and abroad.
Answ. He may easily see that we are only Protestants by the Custom of our Country where we live, & that our Religion (for all our pretences) is to chuse, and say as one of his Predecessors once did, that the King of England is King of Devils.
Quest. Why since you have so great a kindness for King Lewis, will be not attow the English Fugitives a Chappel in your old Masters Pallace for the Exercise of that little Religion they carried over with them.
Answ. He is loath that any Heresie should be preached on Catholick ground, and as for the Doctrine of Non Resistance and Passive Obedience, his People have been taught that sufficiently by the Common Hangman, so that there is no need of our preaching it up there.
Quest. But are you not ashamed that you should be Popish Tools so long as you were in the former Reigns.
Answ. We did not think K. J. would have laid us aside so soon as he did, but he repented of it afterwards, and if he had continued, we should have been his white Boys once more.
Quest. But will not the English and French Papists laugh at you, to see you so willing to be fool'd by them a second time, that have been cheated by them once already.
Answ. We have dine to think of that we are so mad, that we are got under the Yoke of Princes, that are Enemies to Looseness and Debauchery (and as we Jacobites think) smell too much of Puritanism.
Quest. Seeing you are so much for the Papist and the [Page 9] French Interest, what would you do if the French King should at last reject and slight you as he did K. C. and your old Master.
Answ. Then we will march for the Holy Land, for our Master is to succeed Godfrey King of Jerusalem, as soon as the French Monarch has conquered Asia, and to be Crowned with Thorns in that Holy City as Godfrey was formerly.
Quest. WHat is your Name?
Quest. Who gave you this Name?
Answ. A person of Quality, who wrote our Character last year.
Quest. Why did he give you this Name?
Answ. For our sincere Affection to our Royal Majesty King William.
Quest. Why do you bear such Affection to King William?
Answ. For several Reason, as 1. For his great Vertues [Page 10] of Temperance, Chastity, Magnanimity, Veracity, &c.
2. For his great Affection to the English Nation, expressed in putting in for our Timely Relief in 88. Plucking us out of the Jaws, of that Hellish Monster of Rome, who had got us between his teeth, to devour us.
3. For exposing his Royal Person, to great danger, in Ireland, to recover the poor Protestans in that Kingdom, out of that Lost Condition, they were in, being outed of all their strong Towns, and Fortresses, but one, by Popish Treachery, and at the mercy of those Bloody Assassinates, who had murdered 200000 Men Women and Children, of that Profession, in Cold Blood, in 1641.
4. For appearing in Flanders, to head the Confederates Forces raised to Chastise the insolency of the French King, who hath for a long time made his Sword, drunk with the Blood of Papists and Protestants, whose innocent blood Cries to Heaven for Vengeance.
5. For that his Majesty, and his Ancestors, have ever since the reformation appeared more in the behalf of Oppressed Protestants, than any prince in Europe besides.
Quest. How can you own King Willam for your King, Seeing King James is yet living?
Answ. The Lords Spiritual, and Temporal, together with the House of Commons voted, that King James had Abdicated the Government, and left the Throne vacant, which they thought fit, and necessary to fill up, with the next in Blood K. William, and Q. Mary; and accordingly did set the Crown upon their Heads,
Quest. How doth this make King William King de jure, tho he be King de facto.
Answ. We look upon him, that is King de facto to be [Page 11] King de jure; for we are told by a good Historian (in his answer to Varillas) of a Law made by Henry the 7th That whoever is in possession of the crown, is to be acknowledged as the Legal King, and the Author of that late Farce called the Royal Flight, or the Conquest of Ireland, tell us, that to distinguish between a King de jure and de facto; is a Jesuitical Nicety, and works like Butter in a Cows Tail.
Quest. But if King James both abdicated the Government, how can this Prejudice his Son the Prince of Wales? doth not his Right continue good still?
Answ. We have no Good Assurance that there was ever any such Prince, born of the late Queens Body, the whole Management of that affair, looks like a Popish Juggle and Cheat, put upon the Nation. Father Peters, giving out that 'twould be a Son long before the Pretended Birth, a plain Evidence that it was a Jesuitical Contrivance to carry on Popish Designs, because Rome they saw would not be built in a Day, they thought to take two days about it.
Quest. But why did you pray for him as Prince of Wales, in your Parish Churches, for some Considerable time?
Answ. We knew not but that he was born of the late Queens Body, till we were informed by the Protestants Remonstrance, that no Protestant Lady was at his Birth, and the whole business was managed by some French Madams, whom we can no more believe then we can their Master Lewis Le Grand.
Quest. But may not this entail a War upon the Nation?
Answ. We have had war with France before now, [Page 12] and may have again more than once, tho' this had never been; and if we must all turn Quakers for fear of a War with France, 'tis as much as Mou [...]er looks for.
Quest. But may he not have too much Advantage against us, by reason of a Party that may be made amongst us, for this pretended Young Prince;
Answ. The Papists and Popishly affected may be troublesome, but a little wholsome severity will make them pluck in their Horns and be glad to be quiet.
Quest. But what if any trho' Tenderness of Conscience conceive themselves obliged to this Young Prince, and that he ought to have all their good Wishes?
Answ. Wishes and Woulders are no good Householders; let them hold there and not disturb the Peace of the Nation, and no body will molest them for the Tenderness of their Consciences.
Quest. But will not this reflect upon the Protestant Religion, that Princes of a different perswasion should be barred from their Right meerly because of their difference from us in Religion?
Answ. I. A Popish Prince is not qualifyed by the Laws of this Land to Govern, nor so much as to live amongst us, if the Law be followed against him. Now the Protestant Religion doth not oblige us to abandon our Laws and Priviledges, (which we enjoy as English Men) and hold up our Throats to a Popish Executioner, as long as we are sufficiently secured by the Laws of this Land from Popery and Tyranny.
2. A Popish Prince, can give us no Security to Govern us according to the known Laws of the Land; for the Popish Clergy will absolve him from his Oath, and make [Page 13] him their tool wherewith to ruine both us and our Religion.
3 This cannot in the least reflect upon our Religion For here a great Prince apprehending a surreptitious prince, set up by Papists to debarr Him and his Princess of their Rights, comes in with his Sword in his Hand in his own Vindication, and the Lord of Hosts came in before him, which struck such a terror into his enemies, that they fled, and carryed Young Perkin into another Land, a sufficient argument of their guilt; for it could be no Crime in the Midwife to deliver the Queen of a Son; neither had the pretended Young Prince, been in any danger among Protestants, who hate the Popish ways of sending Young Princes out of the world by Italian arts.
4. We have no reason to Repent, that we suffered this brave Prince to enter quietly, according to our Doctrine of Non Resistance; for we have chan'gd Masters to our better Advantage, having now a King that governs by Law, that invades no Mans Property, that no Jesuites in his Council to beard the Reverend Bishops of the Kingdom, that have right to sit there that doth not waste the Treasure of the Kingdom upon his Lusts, but adds all his own to it to promote the publick welfare that seeks the good of the whole Nation, and to this end, hath endeavoured to unite Protestants, which would be a great disappointment to Popish Designs, who catch most Fish by troubling our Waters; a Prince that doth not side with one Party against another [...] some have formerly done, to the ruine of both [...] let JACOBITES and WILLIAMITES, Protestants and Protestant Dissenters, join together to bless God for such a King, and let them all meet together half way in order to a good Agreement, [Page 14] that they may love as Brethren, and keeep the Unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, which will no doubt be a rejoycing to the heart of our good King and Queen and all the Protestants beyond the Seas, and add much to the Infelicities of King Lewis who must needs be much cast down already to hear of the ill success of his Brothers Forces in Flavonia, and of his own in Ireland, and a little more such News out of Flanders, Piedment, and Catalonia, may make him as weary of the World, as the World hath been a long time of him.