GEORGE-MONCK BERKELEY ESQRE. L.L.B. F.S.S.A. [...] of Magdalene Hall, Oxford and Student of the Inner Temple, London. Who during the last eighteen Years of his life was the only Child of the REVD. GEORGE BERKELEY L.L.D. Prebendary of Canterbury. CHANCELLOR of BRECKNOCK &c. The only grand child of the Right Revd. George Berkeley [...] LORD BISHOP of CLOYNE in IRELAND. [...]and the only great grand child of the eminently pious and learned Francis [...] Esqre. of Shottesbrook House in the County of Berks. [...] on the 26th. of January 1793. Aged [...]. Mr. Berkeleys Death was an unspeakable grief to his Parents. [...] the loss of his [...] accomplished Son not quite two Years.





  • THE Author's Preface, p. i
  • Sonnet on the Death of George-Monck Berkeley, Esq. Grandson of the illustrious Bishop Berkeley, (supposed to be written in Cheltenham Church). By the Rev. Charles Dunster, M.A. of New Grove, Sussex, ix
  • Impromptu, on hearing accidentally of Mr. Monck Berkeley's characteristic Sympathy with Wretched­ness, and which was singularly exemplified during a Residence of the last Summer at Hastings, in the kindest Attention to more than three hundred of the French Emigrant Clergy, xi
  • Character of Mr. Monck Berkeley, written by one of the most accomplished Gentlemen of the present Time, xiii
  • Dedication, by the Editor, to the Right Honourable Alexander Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chan­cellor of England, xvii
  • [Page iv]Rumora; or the Maid of Raasa. Inscribed to William Burgh*, Esquire, of York, LL.D. p. 1
  • Elegy. To Almeria, 4
  • Invocation to Oblivion. To Robert Merry, Esquire, 6
  • To Miss [...] of Dublin, on the Death of her Mother, 11
  • To Miranda, on her determining to assume the Veil, 12
  • Epitaph on G. R. Berkeley, Esquire. To Mrs. George Berkeley, his Mother, 15
  • Epitaph on an unfortunate Lady. To the Rev. George Gleig, A.M. 16
  • Impromptu, on hearing, as he was rising in the Morn­ing, of the Death of the Rev. John Duncombe, M.A. Inscribed to Mrs. Duncombe, of Canterbury, 18
  • The Virgin's Midnight Hymn, supposed to be sung by a Chorus of Nuns at Brussels in the Year 1786, [Page v] when the Author was there. Inscribed to the Ho­nourable Miss Molesworths, Daughters of Lord Molesworth; and to Miss Hornes, Daughters of the Bishop of Norwich, 19
  • Evening, a Pastoral. To Henry Grimston, Esquire, of Yorkshire, 21
  • Song. To Almeria, 26
  • Elegiac Ballad. To Henry M'Kenzie, Esquire, 27
  • To Miranda, 31
  • Verses on the Dutchess of Rutland's preferring Mr. Peters. To George Atkinson, M.D. 32
  • Elegy to the Memory of Lady Jane Gray and Mary Queen of Scots. To Judith Lady Laurie, 34
  • Address to the Winds. Supposed to be written by a Lady during the Absence of her Lover. To Miss Munroe*, 36
  • To Miranda, on the Death of her Brother-in-law the Earl of [...], 37
  • The Maids of Morven, an Elegiac Ode, To the Right Honourable Mary Viscountess Ruthven, Daughter of the excellent Earl and Countess of Leven and Melvil, 39
  • Address to the Shade of Shakspeare, on Mrs. B [...]'s visiting his Tomb in company with the Writer of [Page vi] these Lines, August 13, 1787. To the Rev. Henry Todd, A.M. 41
  • Stanzas written at the Tomb of Shakspeare. To Miss Lee, 43
  • Verses on seeing the Tragedy of the Regent. To Ber­tie Greathead, Esquire, 45
  • The Banks of Almond. (Vide Pennant's Tour.) To Mary Lady Clarke, of Pennycuicke, 48
  • Verses on Mrs. Billington's Appearance at Oxford. To Thomas Barrett Lennard, Esquire, 51
  • The Power of Love. To Robert Berkeley, Esquire, Junior, of Spetchley Park, Worcestershire, 54
  • Invocation to Cupid. To Frederick Reynolds, Esquire, 55
  • Inscription for a Gothic Niche lined with Ivy, in the Garden of Dr. Berkeley's Prebendal House in the Oaks at Canterbury, where Mr. Berkeley used to sit and read Greek. The Ladies of the Family named it "The Greek Seat." To the Rev. Dr. Berkeley, Prebendary of Canterbury, Chancellor of Brecon, &c. 57
  • The Birth of Bliss. To the Honourable George Leslie, Son of the Earl of Leven, &c. 60
  • Inscription for the Front of Singleton Abbey. To Miss Malthus's, the beloved, the respected Friends of his early Youth, 63
  • [Page vii] The Fairies. To Miss Grimston, youngest Sister of Thomas Grimston, Esquire, of Grimston, Yorkshire, 66
  • The Immortality of Virtue, To Mrs. Frinsham, 68
  • To a Nightingale in clifden Wood. To Mrs. D. Monck, of Cookham, 69
  • Farewel Stanzas on leaving Cookham, in the Spring of the Year 1781, when Mr. Berkeley was not quite eighteen Years old, two Years after he left Eton School. To Mrs. Malthus, 71
  • The Author. To Arthur Murphy, Esquire, 73
  • Stanzas on Painting. To the Rev. William Peters, LL.B. 83
  • Ode to Love. To the Right Honourable Lady Dudley and Ward, 86
  • Ode to Conscience. To Mrs. Yearsley, 92
  • Ode to Tragedy. To Mrs. Siddons, 95
  • Ode to Genius. To the Rev. William Mason, A.M. Precentor of the Cathedral Church of York, 99
  • Prologue, spoken by the Author, on opening the new Theatre at Blenheim, October 1787. To their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, 101
  • Prologue to Bonds without Judgement, or the Loves of Bengal. Spoken by Mr. Holman, 106
  • [Page viii] Song. Sung by a Chorus of Peasants. To the Ho­nourable Mrs. Hobart, 109
  • Lucy, or the Banks of Avon. Written at the Age of Seventeen, and never meant by Mr. Berkeley for the Public Eye, 111
  • The Rape of the Wig. Written in the Year 1782, 116
  • Love and Nature; a Piece in one Act, performed at the Theatre Royal in Dublin, March 1789. In­scribed to the Right Honourable Monck Mason, 119
    • Prologue. To Charles Berkeley Kippax, Esquire, 121
    • Love and Nature, 123
  • An Epistle to Mrs. Lennard, 155
  • A Morning Hymn, written and printed by the late ex­cellent Bishop Horne, April 5, 1755, 159
  • A Hymn, by Sir Henry Wootton, composed in a Night of extreme Sickness, 163
  • An Elegy on the Death of Master George-Robert Berkeley, second Son of the Rev. Dr. Berkeley, Prebendary of Canterbury, 165
  • The Editor's Postscript of the Poems, 179


P. 21. l. 10. r. "smoak ascending to the skies."


IT is more usual for Poets, than for Writers of any other description, to apologize for present­ing their Works to the Publick. It is not easy to de­termine, whether this arises from a suspicion that their Talents are unequal to support the Character they have assumed, or whether it proceeds from an idea, that (as of Poetical Merit all the world are, or pretend to be, Judges) the utmost appearance of diffidence is ne­cessary to defend the Candidates for the Laurel from the Vengeance of Criticism. The Man who publishes a Treatise in Theology, or an Essay on Farriery, comes [Page ii] boldly forward, and delivers his opinion without ap­parent apprehensions. But such is not the case with the Poet; he generally thinks himself obliged to state, ‘"that the following Poems were never intended for the Public Eye—that they were written for the entertainment of a select Circle, or (how felfish!) merely to amuse himself—that either the earnest intreaties of friends, or a dread lest their zeal might have tempted them to circulate incorrect copies of his works, are his sole motives for appealing to the Tribunal of Public Criticism."’—Such is the general Prelude to Poems. But the Author of this Volume is much at a loss how he may properly deprecate the Public Vengeance, for having aspired to the title of a Poet; as he confessedly comes forward, neither urged by the intreaties of Friends, nor terrified by the threats of Creditors; and he certainly entertains no apprehensions that his slen­der stock of Fame may be injured by the publication of spurious Copies, for none such exist.—He has there­fore [Page iii] nothing to plead in his own excuse, but that the Publick having without disgust received his humble attempts in Prose, he is encouraged by the Protection he has already experienced, to appear once more as an Author, hoping, that those whom he may fail to please, will pardon his having attempted it.

To many the Perusal of these Trifles will restore the recollection of times long past. They will be re­membered with pleasure, though mingled with that re­gret which ever attends the recollection of happy days that are to return no more.

In extenuation of any Errors that may occur in these Poems, the Author has only to say, that they were mostly written from the age of Seventeen (when he commenced his Literary Career) to Twenty-four; that at that time of life the Imagination is more active than the Judgement; and that at present he is so reduced by a long and tedious illness, as to [Page iv] be incapable of improving whatever he has written. For the last four years of his life, those hours that have not been marked with disease have been devoted to studies of a severer nature, in order to qualify him for the practice of a profession, which a Constitution debilitated by disease obliges him now, for ever, to relinquish*.

From a mind exhausted by pain and sickness, ema­nations of splendor cannot be expected. Had the [Page v] Author still possessed that share of health, which once constituted his first felicity, he might have rendered his performances less deserving of censure: but, what­ever be the result of their publication, the writing of them has occupied many an hour that might have been worse employed; and he may add, that his having a Literary turn of mind has procured him the acquaintance and friendship of many, whose superio­rity of Talents he readily acknowledges, and from whose Conversation he has derived at once Pleasure and Instruction. Neither has an Attachment to Poe­try, as is too often the case, prevented his pursuing Studies of a different cast. From the Works of his Friend Doctor Reid (and those of other able Writers in the same line), he has derived a pleasure more so­lid than Poetry can bestow. Poetry may charm with the power of Fancy; but it is Philosophy alone that can strengthen the mind.

[Page vi] As the Author's present state of health renders it probable that this may be his last Address to the Publick, he will not lay down his pen without ad­verting to the Reviews. Those Channels of Literary Intelligence are often censured, as both partial and severe. How far these charges may be just, he will not pretend to determine: but he wishes those who bring the charge to recollect, that Reviewers are men; that some degree of partiality is inseparable from humanity; and that therefore, till we are sup­plied with Reviews from above, they, like every other human invention, must have their imperfections. However, in matters of Religion, the Reviewers may have improper biasses; in matters of Belles Lettres, their opinion will in general be found to be impartial, and by appeals from their decision little is now to be gained. We live in an age when Literary Merit is throughly understood; and the Volumes that are now condemned, will derive little advantage from the award of Posterity.

[Page vii] Having said thus much on the subject of the Re­views, he thinks it right to declare, that he has not the least personal acquaintance with any of the Gentle­men who compile them. Of his connections with the Reviewers, in his literary capacity, he has no right to complain. Where he has merited censure, they have inflicted it fairly; and they have often cheered him with approbation.

Whatever be the result of their Decision with re­spect to this Work, he promises to submit without any appeal. With respect to the Trifles that com­pose this Volume, he has only farther to observe, that, instead of inscribing the whole to one person, he has inscribed the separate Poems to different people, as slight tokens of his esteem. For this mode of Dedi­cation, though now he does not think himself bound to offer any apology, possibly his plan may recall to the memory of his Readers the fable of the Hare and many Friends; and should the Author fail of [Page viii] success in his present attempt, he, like the Hare, may experience the inutility of Friendship. But, what­ever be the success of his Volume, he will still have the satisfaction to reflect, that he has never written a line, which, ‘"dying, he might wish to blot."’


‘"THANK HEAV'N I KNEW THEE NOT,"’ o'er the sad bier,
Of Russell, torn by Death's resistless doom,
From each gay flatt'ring hope of manhood's bloom.
* So sang the Bard—but how restrain the tear
Which flows impell'd by sympathy sincere?
While 'mid these hallow'd walls at evenings gloom,
I pay my votive strain at BERKELEY's tomb,
A Youth to Genius, Science, Virtue dear!
[Page x] For, by thy skill in learning's varied lore,
By thy sweet lyre attun'd with ev'ry grace,
Blest Shade! I knew thee well;—but, ah! still more,
I knew thee in the virtues of thy race;
And while their agonizing grief I see,
Deeply I mourn with THEM who weep for THEE.


AH me! those tears he dried, again shall flow,
Those hearts he eas'd, again shall burst with woe;
The Poor, for him, heart-rending sighs shall heave,
And Gallia's Rev'rend Exiles doubly grieve.


MY first knowledge of Mr. Berkeley was at Oxford. He was then a Gentleman Commoner of Magdalen Hall in that University; and though many very respectable names were at the same time on the list of its members, yet Mr. Berkeley was so pre-eminently noble in his manners, so faithful in his friendships, and so benevolent to his asso­ciates, that perhaps not one of the society envied his high reputation as a man, or thought themseves lessened by the acknowledged superiority of his talents as a scholar. His delight was in searching out merit; and, well knowing that it fled from the glare of day, and should be sought after in the shade of retirement, he there looked for that humble, but valuable plant, and, having found it, transplanted it in­stantly into the richest soil he had access to. The soul of the great Bishop Berkeley seemed in every thing to have [Page xiv] animated the body of his Grandson, and, like him, to have equally deserved the just tribute of praise recorded by the sweet Poet of his day: ‘"To Berkeley every virtue under Heaven."’

Genius marked him in his earliest years for a child of her own adoption; and had not Providence, for some good pur­pose, hidden from our eyes, recalled his spirit from the abodes of men, when it was verging upon the years where youth ends and manhood begins, he would not have needed the impartial pen to have told the admiring world that he possessed every power,

"Whether, by various rules of art,
"To touch the soul, or warm the heart;
"To please the eye, delight the mind,
"With objects simple, pure, refin'd:
"To sound sublime the epic strain,
"Like Falccus charm, or with the rage
"Of Juvenal, chastise the age;
"Sweet as the prophet's vision to unfold
"What sainted breasts have felt, but never told:
"What Bards to us with sparing hand have given,
"Of lib'ral gifts bestow'd on them by Heaven."

[Page xv]Through a long and oppressive illness, he supported with unabated vigour the soul of the Christian, the ties of friend­ship, and the benevolence of the man. Pious without of­tentation, gay without licentiousness, a poet without envy, a man without guile. Such was George Monck Berkeley, Esq. now happier far in the region of his kindred spirits, than all the vain pursuits of this earthly globe could bestow upon him.



PERMIT me to offer to your Lordship the following hasty sketch of the (alas) short life of a most accom­plished young Man, honoured by your Lordship's throughly amiable attention, when introduced to your Lordship by letter only, from an old acquaintance, of whom perhaps ‘"you had not heard even the name for near a quarter of a century."’

It requires an abler pen than that of a poor infirm Female to do justice to your Lordship's highly polite friendly attentions to that lovely young Man, and to his and his happy Mother's gratitude for those attentions. By those who have known her best through life, GRATITUDE has been said to be the distinguishing, the strongest feature in her character, and she is tempted to believe it; for the death [Page xviii] of her angelic-hearted Son certainly blasted every other pas­sion of her mind. But gratitude, perhaps indigenous, if any good in our fallen nature may be said to be so, still blossoms in her heart. No affliction has eradicated, has blasted, or frozen it. Whilst it continues sensible to any sublunary objects, it will reflect with pleasure, with delight, often with extacy, on the goodness of your Lordship, and your incomparable compeer, the excellent Earl of Leven, to the descendant of those two great and good Men, Bishop Berkeley and Francis Cherry, Esquire, and the happiness thereby conferred on her who has the honour to be, with the sincerest gratitude,

Your Lordship's very highly obliged, and very faithful humble Servant, ELIZA BERKELEY.


  • P. xxvi. l. 18. r. "de l'ouvrier."
  • P. lxvii. note, l. 2. for "the learned," r. "the late."
  • P. c. note, l. 4. r. "to the gardener, who is now living, at a great age, in the alms-house at Maidenhead;" and l. 11. for "I cannot," r. "he cannot."
  • P. cv. note, l. 18, r. "Oh! Leoline, be obstinately just:"
  • P. cviii. l. 6. for "with," r. "when worshiping."
  • P. cx. note, l. 1. for "handsome," r. "beautiful painting."—The word handsome was intended to precede the word church. It could not have been prefixed by the Editor to a very beautiful small painting, exactly the size of the frontispiece to the beautiful Elegy on the death of Miss M [...]l [...]s, designed by Mr. Monck Berkeley. Both, elegantly framed, hang in the Editor's dressing-room, to de­light her eyes.
  • P. cxiii. note, l. 1. r. "in good humour half an hour in a week."
  • P. cxxv. note, l. ult. for "I know," r. "I knew."
  • P. cxxxvi. l. 4. for "Itning," r. "Ixning."
  • P. clxx. note, l. ult. for "a future state," r. "a pleasanter place."
  • P. cxcvi. l. 4. r. "Mr. S [...]t [...]z."
  • P. ccxi. note, l. 2. for "Iver," r. "Ives-Place, near Maidenhead."
  • P. ccxii. l. 20. r. "to save us."
  • P. ccxv. l. 16, 17. for "in parts," r. "in any part."
  • P. ccxlv. note, l. 1. r. "the buck-hounds."
  • P. ccxlvii. l. 21. Expunge the words "It was."
  • P. ccl. l. 16. for "John," r. "Johnson;" and l. 19. for "then," r. "there."
  • P. cclii. l. 19. for "brother," r. "mother."
  • P. cclxxxii. note, l. 9. for "where," r. "whose it was."
  • P. cclxxxviii. note, l. 1. for "or," r. "and Spanish;" l. 1, 2, r. "excellent work of that kind—Heloise or (not in) The Siege of Rhodes, a legendary Tale; with the second (not last) edition of which is bound up The Vicar's Tale.
  • Ibid. l. 9. read "my dear Madam;" and l. 13. for "he," r. "the."
  • P. cccix. l. 12. for "as," r. "that;" and l. 17. r. "Prebendaries."
  • P. Dlxxiv. note, l. 10. after "Lord Mulgrave," add, "sent to her by the hands of his excellent eldest brother, the Rev. Richard Harvey, of St. Law­rence, a most amiable respected old friend of the Editor."
  • P. Dlxxvi. note, l. 9. for "Porter of [...] College," r. "Porter of Ch. Ch." The calling Christ Church a College is a vulgarity, which could not have escaped the pen of an aged Matron, 36 years the wife of a Ch. Ch. Gentleman.




GEORGE-MONCK BERKELEY, Esquire, LL.B. and F.S.S.A. was the eldest, and, during the last eighteen years of his life, the only child of the Reverend GEORGE BERKELEY, LL.D. Prebendary of Canterbury (son of George Lord Bishop of Cloyne by Anne eldest daughter of the Right Honourable John Forster, Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland) and Eliza eldest daughter of the Reverend Henry Frinsham, M.A. (by Eliza youngest daugh­ter and co-heiress of Francis Cherry, Esquire, of Shottesbrook House in the county of Berks*).

[Page xx] Mr. Berkeley was born at Bray, in the county of Berks, on Tuesday, February 8, 1763, at half past two in the morning.

It is frequently said by Biographers, that nothing re­markable occurred during childhood. Of Mr. Berkeley this cannot be asserted; for, throughout childhood, youth, man­hood, and till within a very few months of his death, the hair-breadth escapes of losing life were almost innumera­ble; an all-gracious Providence constantly interposing, some­times very remarkably, to rescue him from death, until he was enabled, by free Sovereign Grace, through Redeeming Mercy, to meet that King of Terrors with joy; for he died triumphing in Christ.

A little before the birth of Mr. Berkeley, Dr. Cadogan's "Essay on the Nursing of Children" made its appearance, when the depositing children in cradles was exploded; ac­cordingly a large easy chair during the day was appropriated to his use. When he was about six weeks old, a person going into the nursery in the dusk, before the servant had lighted candles, sat down on this chair; but providentially did not sit quite to the back, it being very deep. She soon [Page xxi] felt something move; the infant, finding itself incommoded, began to struggle with its arms and legs. Mr. Berkeley, from his birth, shewed the very uncommon strength of limbs, which, as he grew up, increased; and he was esteemed the strongest man in England, by those who were judges. Some of his intimate friends have owed their lives, in a tumultuous crowd, to the strength of his arm, joined to his true resolute cool courage, where he did not wish to have recourse to his sword. Mr. Berkeley's strength was muscular, as his bones were remarkably small; his wrist, some time before his death, measuring little more than six inches.

When he was about three months old, his mother was attacked by so desperate an ague, that it was supposed ano­ther fit must have proved fatal to her; yet so unwilling was she, that her darling, her idol (alas) from his cradle to his coffin, should be indebted for his early nourishment to any but herself, that she resolved to attempt the bringing him up by hand; but he had very nearly lost his life in the at­tempt, before a nurse could be procured.

At a very early period of his life he began to shew signs of that uncommon brilliancy of parts, quickness of wit, and soundness of judgement, which so remarkably distinguished him through life, even to its latest period. To relate wit­ticisms of a child to any but a fond parent would be ridicu­lous; [Page xxii] one or two instances, it is hoped, may, however, be pardoned. When about three years old, he was searching the house for his mother, whom from his earliest infan­cy, he passionately loved. Unable to find her, he walked from room to room, calling her. A lady, who was staying in the family, said, ‘"My dear child, what a bleating thou dost make!"’ He instantly turned round, and said, ‘"To be sure I do, for I am bleating for my Dam."’ When he was little more than three years and a half old, he was di­verting himself in the garden. A beggar came to the gate, and, seeing the hall doors and windows all open, and no one in sight, said, ‘"My pretty little Master, what are you doing here alone?"’ He replied, ‘"I am watering some flowers for the gardener."’ The old fox said, ‘"I think I must come in and help you;"’ on which Mr. Berkeley flew to the gate, and bolted it, saying, ‘"No, I thank you, I can do it very well by myself."’ On his maid's asking him why he bolted the gate, he replied, ‘"Why, if he had got into the house now that the men are out with the coach, perhaps the maids and I could not have got him out again."’

Generosity and compassion are indeed very rarely found until instilled into the breasts of very young children: in Mr. Berkeley they were certainly indigenous. When a child in arms, if he was asked to give a piece of cake out of his hand, he would instantly break off three-fourths of it, [Page xxiii] reserving only a very small piece for himself, and be un­happy if the petitioner did not take and eat it. On re­ceiving his orange after dinner, when it was peeled, he would retire to the window ahd carefully separate the quills, then go out into the servants' hall, and force one upon every servant, eight in number. One evening his mother observing that he kept his left hand closed, enquired whe­ther he had hurt it; the servant replied, that he had not, but that he had kept since dinner, full four hours, a quill of his orange to give to the coachman, who had been sent to Windsor on a message, and that no promises of care could prevail on Master Berkeley to entrust her with it, adding, that he assured her, ‘"it would comfort him after his ride."’

Mr. Berkeley had been told, as all children should be, that the poor had a right to a share of all his money; ac­cordingly, the first bright sixpence of which he was master, he procured a hammer, and attempted to break it. On his servant's asking him what he was about, he replied, ‘"Why Mamma says, the poor must have their share of it, so I am going to break it for them."’ This attended him to his latest hour; for the distressed ever shared largely indeed in every guinea he possessed.

Mr. Berkeley's understanding was such as often, when a child, to occasion his Mother to say, she hoped he would [Page xxiv] not, in other instances, resemble the famous Marquis de Bedmar, of whom, in his Memoires, it is said, he had the power of appearing to be entirely taken up with bagatelles, when he was listening to every thing that was saying by va­rious persons, and when he was plotting the destruction of Venice.

Mr. Berkeley, when only five years old, would stand at the window seat, and hum a tune, and three weeks after­wards would relate two different conversations carried on at the same time, and not only relate them verbatim, but take off exactly the action and tone of voice of every speaker. Of this dangerous, however diverting amusement, Mr. Berkeley was early broke by his Mother.

The first eight years and a half of his life Mr. Berkeley had no other instructor than his Mother; and such was the extreme volatility of his genius, the wonderful strength of his understanding, and the natural wilfulness of his temper, that the difficulty of teaching him to read was an Herculean labour, so much as often to occasion him to say, when grown up, that ‘"he was resolved not to learn to read; that he did verily believe his Mother was the only human being who could have accomplished it until he was old enough to feel the necessity of it*;"’—adding, [Page xxv] ‘"I think my dear Mother seemed to have been sent into this world on purpose to teach and govern me, as I at­tended to, nor cared for any one but herself; finding that she alone had that invincible perseverance requisite to go­vern me."’

Before he attained his sixth year, he read incomparably; and his comments on what he read, and what he saw, of­ten occasioned the late George Lord Lyttelton, when staying at his father's on a visit, to declare ‘"he had the strongest, as well as the most brilliant powers of mind he had ever seen;"’ often exclaiming, as did the late learned Dr. Sum­ner of Harrow School, and many other great men, ‘"What a man this very extraordinary child must become!"’ and Mr. Berkeley more than answered the expectations of his childhood, as all the learned and great men who had share in his education bore testimony. His beloved and re­spected tutor at Eton, the Reverend Dr. Norbury, too well known in the learned world to need any eulogium from a feeble pen, used to say, that there were wonderful traits of originality in all Mr. Berkeley's exercises. On this being mentioned one day by a friend to his Father, Mr. [Page xxvi] Berkeley, then a young man, said, ‘"Ah! my dear Tutor (as, to the time of his death, he ever termed Dr. Nor­bury) I do pity him. He used to storm, and say, 'I have thirty dolts, that cannot do any thing; and I have three or four, with that idle varlet Berkeley at their head, that can do every thing, and that will do nothing."’ And when Dr. Berkeley used to complain of his son's idleness to Dr. Norbury, his reply was, ‘"Sir, if your son would apply at all, he must carry the world before him; but I must tell you fairly, such is his genius, that I do not believe that man lives, who can make him apply regularly, until he comes himself to see the necessity of it."’

The very learned Dr. Hill, professor of Greek at the uni­versity of St. Andrew's, (now Dean of the Chapel Royal at Edinburgh,) where Mr. Berkeley did apply, used to say, that he would engage to select Mr. Berkeley's exercise from amongst a thousand, without any other mark than what the French term ‘"le marque d'ouvrier."’

Mr. Berkeley, although he could not be called a man of business, might with propriety be termed a crea­ture of business, from seven years old; for he always felt himself, as he thought, equal to transact any thing that he offered his services to perform. The following little inci­dent may serve to illustrate this: before he was seven years old, his Mother, being alarmed lest one of his front teeth should grow uneven from the old one not being removed, [Page xxvii] had sent him to town to Hemmet, who very honestly said, ‘"All would be right if let alone;"’ and he proved that his judgement was as great as his honesty; for, when Mr. Berkeley grew up, and sometimes went to him for his tooth powder, he often said, that Mr. Berkeley had the finest and strongest set of teeth he ever saw in any head. He returned home with a gentleman who was coming on a visit to his Father's. A lady of very large fortune happened to be in the machine, going on a visit to a friend at Taplow. Finding that he lived in the neighbourhood, she asked him how far it was from Maidenhead Bridge to Taplow? He replied, that it was about ten minutes drive. She said, she must walk, as her friends, not knowing the day of her arrival, could not send their carriage. He replied, that she certainly should not do that; for that his Father's coach would be sent to convey the gentleman and himself; and that he would certainly have the pleasure of taking her up the hill to her friend's house. The instant he got out of the ma­chine he enquired of Mr. March if his Father's coach was come, and had the mortification to hear, that the coach­man had called to say, that the carriage was gone on to carry some gentlemen over Maidenhead Thicket, and would call for him in an hour. Mr. Berkeley, not then seven years old, said, ‘"Madam, it is very improper that a lady should walk on the high road alone; so I will have the honour of walking up with you. I can borrow a stick of Mr. March."’ This protection was, as will naturally be [Page xxviii] supposed, politely declined; and the lady ordered a chaise. As soon as she alighted, her first question was, ‘"Do you know Dr. Berkeley of Cookham?"’ ‘"Yes, intimately."’ ‘"Do you know his little boy? If you do not, you do not know, I very believe, the most sensible little crea­ture in the world, and the politest;"’ adding, ‘"there was a tall young man (of, I suppose, near thirty) with him; but the dear child has twenty times his sense, and forty times his politeness."’ The gentleman was a learned man, who laughed at that pleasing accomplishment, politeness: he was then what fine men are now. Mr. Berkeley was almost idolized by the family to whom the lady was going; so it appeared not so wonderful to them.

In the May after he had completed his eighth year, Dr. Berkeley went to reside at his prebendal house in the Oaks at Canterbury, where he was immediately sent to the King's school, under the care of those two eminent masters, the learned, accomplished, elegant Dr. Beauvoir, and the reverend, learned, and worthy Mr. Tucker. In Au­gust, a gentleman's family going to France to place a son at St. Quintin, to learn the language; his Mother sug­gested to his Father the advantage of sending Mr. Berkeley, who, although she had taught him to read French well, yet found it impossible, with an house full of English servants, to make him speak it; and as it never was the considera­tion of a moment with his parents, whether any thing con­cerning [Page xxix] their children's education was to cost one guinea or one hundred, immediately determined to send him. Young as he was, he was the only one of the party who knew any thing of French; and the sensible amiable lady, whose son was going to learn the French language, at her return, de­clared, that they should have been half starved at the inns and hotels, had not Mr. Berkeley been with them, saying, ‘"That lovely little creature seemed quite inspired; for he began in French telling the waiters it was a shame to let English ladies and gentlemen sit there without their tea and chocolate."’ He used to run to the bar, and drive them in before him with whatever was wanted. In his own language, it may with strictest truth be asserted, that even at that early period of life he was a great profi­cient; for there is not a word in the English language which, at the age of seven years, he could not spell without book; and of most of the difficult words, he perfectly understood their sense, and used them with the strictest propriety; which occasioned the sensible Sir J. Temple, brother of the abovenamed amiable lady, who accompanied her to France, repeatedly to say, ‘"I never saw so sensible a crea­ture. Here is my nephew*, just double his age, who has been under private tuition for five years, is no more capable of expressing himself in the elegant language of [Page xxx] this little creature, than I am of scaling the skies;"’ add­ing, ‘"I shall watch him through life, and bid adieu to all my sagacity, if he does not become one of the greatest men of the age."’ Mr. Berkeley remained somewhat less than a year in France, boarding in the house of a truly re­spectable Roman catholic negociant of the name of Mont­jole, under the kind inspection of the truly amiable Pro­testant family of Fitzou. The unfeigned affection he ever retained for the French friends of his early youth appeared when, at the age of seventeen, he published his ‘"Maria, or the Generous Rustic,"’ by his selecting the names of his actors in that beautiful little volume from the families with whom he lived, and those by whom he was caressed [Page xxxi] and delighted, indeed almost idolized, for he had ever most engaging attracting manners. His heroine took her name from the servant of Monsieur and Madame Montjole, who loved him so tenderly, that when he was to quit St. Quin­tin, at the age of between nine and ten, she was obliged to be sent by her mistress for two or three days to visit her parents, while le petit général Angloise, as he was univer­sally called at that place, from his collecting a number of boys a little older than himself, and exercising them every evening, and marching them with a drum and other mar­tial music about the town, after which he used frequently to entertain them with fruit, cakes, &c. His séjour in France fully answered, as perhaps very few Englishmen were ever more throughly masters of the French language, speaking and writing it as correctly as he did his mother tongue. On being thanked by a gentleman, who had re­quested him to take up his pen, for his elegant translation of "Nina," inscribed to the Honourable Mr. Hobart, he replied, ‘"Sir, the favour was very trifling, for (excepting the sonnet) it employed me only just six hours."’

When a child at the King's School at Canterbury, his mother used to rise at six o'clock in summer, to walk with him out of the city for country air. One morning, about seven o'clock, passing by the city wall, a woman with a child sat begging. As Mrs. Berkeley never gave to tram­pers, she told the woman, she could not relieve her. Mr. [Page xxxii] Berkeley, then little more than eight years old, unobserved, stayed behind talking to her. When he joined his Mother, she began reproving him, by saying, ‘"It is very wrong to talk to such persons without one means to relieve them, and that she was persuaded his yesterday's allowance was all gone:"’ to which he replied, in his sweetly melodious voice, ‘"Why, the poor woman said she had not ate a morsel to-day (the church clock struck seven as he was speaking); and I told her, I had no money; but asked her, if some gingerbread nuts that I bought last night would be any comfort to her and her poor little child; and she said yes; so I stayed that I might get them all out of my pocket for her."’

His mother's eyes filled with tears of gratitude to God for having blessed her child with such an heart; and she has fre­quently declared that had she been offered fifty thousand pounds not to have heard that early ebullition of that (through life) lovely heart, she would have rejected it. The same sweet spirit attended him amidst all his torturing illness. Not many days before his death, a poor family in distress being named, he turned on the sofa on which he was lying, and, not finding in his pocket what he thought sufficient to send them, eagerly desired his servant might be called, to take his keys to get him some more money, to send to them; and, when his mother assured him that they had been already relieved by his father and aunt, he replied, ‘"that a little more would comfort them!"’

[Page xxxiii] When Mr. Berkeley was between ten and eleven years old, a melancholy affair happened at Canterbury. One of those unfortunate orphans who are said to be happy in having CAREFUL guardians, had, in the summer vacation, stepped over from London to Paris, had there spent more than his scanty allowance, had repeatedly applied to his careful guardians (one, I think, his maternal uncle) for a little of his own money. His humble suit was rejected. He, however, reached Dover without a guinea; he again applied, but in vain. Utterly unable to reach London, this unfortunate youth, not yet nineteen, sallied forth on the high road between Dover and Canterbury. He unfor­tunately met with an amiable farmer and his compassionate cara-sposa in what is called an hurdy-gurdy. From the former he took a silver-pewter watch with a greasy leather chain, and a fox's head set in brass; from the other, about seventeen shillings. This worthy pair drove with all speed to raise an hue and cry after their foot highwayman. The poor youth returned to the alehouse whence he sallied out, borrowed a petticoat of the maid servant, got a cork, blacked his face, and escaped into a wood, where he was taken, and in this wretched disguise brought to Canterbury. The news of so extraordinary a figure was soon spread; the children belonging to the King's School went beyond their bounds to see him. Mr. Berkeley soon returned, and told his Mother the lamentable tale. She, of course, moralized on the subject. Soon a violent noise was heard; Mr. [Page xxxiv] Berkeley started to the window; then, sitting down, ex­claimed, ‘"Good God! how can our boys be such brutes!"’ and looked as pale as death. His Mother, who is short­sighted, asked him what it was? He replied, ‘"The justices are sitting, and this poor creature is going to be exa­mined, and our boys are hallooing after him, as if he were a mad dog."’ It being one of those days on which the school hours permit the gentlemen's sons who board at home to dine with their families, Mrs. Berke­ley observed, that her son did not eat at all, but leaned back in his chair. She enquired if he was ill; he replied, ‘"No."’ ‘"What ails you then, that you do not eat? Eat your dinner, I desire you."’ He replied, ‘"I cannot eat a morsel, for thinking of this poor creature, just gone to St. Dunstan's gaol*."’ He accordingly went without his dinner. The next day, when he came in from school at twelve o'clock, he repaired, as usual, to his Mother's dressing-room. He gently approached his Mother, and began as follows: ‘"My dear Mamma, I am sure I should [Page xxxv] be very sorry to ask you to do any thing improper for a lady to do; but could there be any impropriety in your or­dering John* to carry that poor young man a few bottles of wine to the gaol? for my heart bleeds for him, and I have not money enough to buy him wine."’ His Mother told him she would mention it at dinner to his Father, who, she was very certain, would give orders concerning it. Perhaps the poor young man owed the preservation of his life to Dr. Berkeley's philanthropy.

At the age of twelve, he lost his only brother, near four years younger than himself, of whom he was most passio­nately fond, and whose death he ever lamented till he was going to rejoin him in the realms of bliss. As children this was remarkable. The exquisite beauty of his brother attracted the eyes of all beholders, drew persons to their doors and windows to look at him, which, so entirely void of envy was Mr. Berkeley through life, that he used to come home in extacies, telling his mother how every body [Page xxxvi] admired his brother's beauty. When he was about six years old, a lady meeting him one day, who admired him much, asked him if his little brother was like him. He instantly re­plied, ‘"O dear, Madam, not at all; he is a vast deal hand­somer than I am: every body wonders at his beauty that meets him in the street."’ When one was about eight, the other rather more than four years old, the celebrated George Lord Lyttelton, staying some time on a visit at Dr. Berkeley's, said to a gentleman, ‘"that he did really think, that, mind and person, they were the very finest children he had ever seen during the course of his life."’

The death of Mr. Berkeley's younger brother, caused by a dreadful fever which raged at that time in Canterbury, occasioned his being removed to Eton school some months sooner than was intended by his Father; but his Mother, trembling for her darling, the moment the physician pro­nounced his brother's fever infectious, begged he might be sent away immediately, which he was within the hour, under the care of a faithful tender servant, who lived at his Father's family at the time of his birth, and until within about four years of Mr. Berkeley's death, when he married. For this worthy man Mr. Berkeley ever retained the most grateful regard and affection, as did his Parents, for his con­stant unwearied attention paid by him to the health, the manners, the morals, of their ever-to-be-lamented son. To this worthy person's care was he constantly confided, from [Page xxxvii] the time that he began to run alone, until after he quitted Eton school, and had a servant of his own. Mr. Berkeley used frequently to say, ‘"It is not easy to express the grati­tude I feel towards John, for his wonderfully judicious method of managing such a refractory chap as I was, especially when I was from home, and he had not my Mother to call in to his aid."’

Mr. Berkeley, with perhaps as amiable, as lovely a nature as ever God bestowed on any fallen child of Adam, had a very high spirit, and a very uncommonly wilful temper. Mr. Wrightson, by civility, gentleness, and ridicule, as a child and youth could prevail on Mr. Berkeley to give up any project to do any thing. Mr. Berkeley had a very affectionate regard for him; and, when visiting at his Fa­ther's from Oxford or the Temple, if it were but from Saturday to Monday, he used constantly to say, ‘"I must go and sit half an hour with my old friend John in his pantry, and talk over old times, or he will think me unkind;"’ adding, ‘"I am sure I owe it to him, for the judicious care he took of me in childhood and youth."’

Mr. Berkeley's behaviour to servants, as servants, was, from early youth, very remarkably kind; and he never had any servant who would not have risqued almost every thing to serve and oblige him, excepting one Italian, whom he took for a few weeks, after an old servant of his married. This [Page xxxviii] execrable villain threatened to murder him, for having or­dered him to go a journey on the top of a stage-coach, Mr. Berkeley having a friend in the post-chaise with him. Such are foreign servants more frequently than is imagined by the wise persons who confide in them in preference to their own countrymen, who are seldom tempted to rob or murder a master, having no foreign tongue to secure them a safe retreat on the Continent.

Mr. Berkeley's tutor at Eton was, as mentioned above, the learned and respectable Dr. Norbury, under whose tui­tion he had been placed by his Father, at the earnest re­quest of his Mother, who knew his merits as a tutor, having resided at Windsor four years before her marriage, and conceived him particularly calculated to direct such a spirit as her darling son. The event proved that she was not mistaken; for, volatile and idle as Mr. Berkeley was, it is certain Dr. Norbury contrived to make him apply more than ever any one before had done, excepting his Mother, who often regretted, that, finding what cast of genius her eldest son had, she had not set about learning Latin and Greek, that she might have made him apply more closely in his youth. As a proof of Mrs. Berkeley's inflexible steadiness, in teaching her son and correcting his perverse­ness of temper, she once made him say the word "Nico­demus" thirty times, when he was about five years old, which he either could not, or would not, pronounce pro­perly. [Page xxxix] When grown up, he used to say, ‘"Oh! my dear Mother, it was would not; for it was one of my numerous trials of skill with you;"’ adding, ‘"but you were very wise to do it, or God knows what must have become of me!"’

Dr. Berkeley's grand object was to see his son as great a scholar as his father Bishop Berkeley. Never having been at any school himself, but coming immediately from the palace of Cloyne to Christ Church in Oxford, he had conceived that Eton collegers, if they had talents, must necessarily be excellent scholars; and, after his son had been a considerable time at Eton, boarding at the house of the worthy Mrs. Tyrrell, and her truly amiable niece Mrs. Brookland, whom Mr. Berkeley, through his life, termed ‘"that angelic-tempered woman,"’ he dutifully submitted to go into the long chamber, to the extreme affliction of his Mother, who conjured his Father, with many tears, not to remove him; but he consulted, and followed the advice of, the then provost of Eton, Dr. Barnard, although he had, by his accomplished, worthy friend, the late Dr. Sumner, of Harrow, been cautioned against his wiles, in these remarkable words: ‘"Never trust that man: he has a black heart: I had myself been head master of Eton, my friends in power having secured it for me; but, on my asking if Dr. Barnard was to be provost, and being an­swered in the affirmative, I, for that sole reason, begged [Page xl] to decline it."’ The subsequent conduct of Dr. Barnard fully justified the truth of the character Dr. Sumner had given of him. Could any man but Dr. Barnard have treated the first school in England, over which he had so long pre­sided, and which he had, upon the whole*, so well go­verned, with such marked contempt as he did, by not suf­fering [Page xli] his son to be educated at that school, but keeping him at home in his own house, and introducing some per­son to teach him there, never permitting him to associate or play with the fine youths of the school. A few insigni­cant boys were now and then introduced to play with Master Barnard. Could five hundred youths and boys, some of them sons of the first noblesse of these three king­doms, others sons of the first scholars in those kingdoms, degenerate in a few days after the famous Dr. Barnard ceased to govern them, that he could prefer all the un­comfortable inconveniences of an home-education for his only child? Had Dr. Barnard been removed to the pro­vostship of King's College, something might have been of­fered in excuse for this cruel conduct to the new Master, [Page xlii] a man of profound erudition, and, before he became master*, of amiable disposition and gentle manners; but Dr. Bar­nard, the world at that time said, meant to have a foil, as he never could shew his wit without a but; which occasioned his bringing in that poor weak creature, Teddy Betham, fellow of Eton.

Mr. Berkeley, being ever a most obedient son, went into college; but he soon found very different treatment from what he had a right to expect from some of those in power. Dr. Barnard promised Dr. Berkeley, that he would send for him frequently, and pay every attention to the grandson of the great Bishop Berkeley. Mr. Berkeley never entered the provost's house after he became ‘"a poor col­leger ."’ His father, in order to remedy the evil, per­mitted him to spend two hundred pounds a year during the whole time he remained in the college.

[Page xliii] It was evident, that Mr. Berkeley never escaped pu­nishment, when it could at any rate be contrived to inflict it; and as a colleger, he became more liable to it. His Father, learning this from other young men, as well as from his son, offered to take him from college; but, with that fortitude, which attended him through life, through his torturing illness for the last three years of it to his latest breath, he declined it, saying, ‘"It was but for a few years."’ However, when he was a little turned of six­teen, his Father, instead of letting him remain until nine­teen, which was his original intention, took him home to his house at Cookham, determining to become his tutor for two years, until he went to Oxford, whither he in­tended to remove his family during Mr. Berkeley's séjour at that university; and the refusal of a house in St. Giles's was secured to Dr. Berkeley, which was occupied by the very sensible R. Harcourt, Esquire, for the same wise and kind purpose; and it happily succeeded.

On Mr. Berkeley's quitting school, in order to atone for the want of cricket at dear Eton, Mr. Berkeley had a fine hunter kept for him by his Father, and he generally hunted twice a week with the buck hounds. Mr. Berke­ley rode remarkably well.

The village and neighbourhood of Cookham, it should be observed, though a very fluctuating one, happened, very [Page xliv] lukily for Mr. Berkeley, just at that time, to abound with sensible, cultivated, polished families; had his Parents se­lected them, they could not have done it more in general to their wish. These families, viz. the polite Lord Co­nyngham's; the learned, accomplished Daniel Mal­thus's, Esquire; the very sensible Thomas Forster's, Es­quire; Thomas Parry's, Esquire; and those of two very sensible Ladies, in two small houses; lived in the strictest harmony, perpetually meeting at each other's houses; which occasioned Mr. Berkeley's Mother one day to ask, ‘"Where is our next PARISH meeting to be held?"’ and they ever after retained the name. In the summer, parties on the water to different parts of the banks of that beautiful river the Thames; in the winter evenings, music, little dances, and that most amusing of all round games, Pope Joan.

To the above may be added, the large and agreeable society at Taplow; the politest of men, Lord Inchiquin, and the Honourable, Reverend, sensible, and truly wor­thy Mr. Hamilton, with his agreeable family, the sensible, and worthy relict of General Leighton, with her accom­plished daughters. It will naturally be supposed, that Mr. Berkeley could not quit such very agreeable society without a pang*, especially when part of it was composed [Page xlv] of more than half a score such young ladies, of whom it may, without flattery or compliment, be asserted, were very rarely to be met with even then; and Mr. Berkeley was ever a much greater admirer of a sensible accom­plished, than of a very beautiful woman, insomuch that his beloved, respected, revered friend, Miss M-lth-s, used laughingly to tell him, ‘"that HE really did not know a beautiful woman from a plain one;"’ so that it became a kind of cant expression amongst his young friends, if any sensible, plain, young woman was named, ‘"that she was one of BERKELEY's beauties."’

But to return. When the time of Mr. Berkeley's de­parture drew near, he, very humbly and sensibly, requested his Father to permit him to pass three years at the uni­versity of St. Andrew in Scotland; by which time, to use his own words, ‘"All my dear idle Eton friends will have quitted Oxford, and I shall not be tempted to go out twice a week with Lord Abingdon's hounds."’

When Mr. Berkeley took his last farewell of his amiable friends at the Ferry-house, he could not articulate, went out, mounted his horse, and followed the carriage over the Ferry. It was a long, and not a very pleasant journey, [Page xlvi] to quit a beautiful native country, to adopt the language of the poet, speaking of the soul entering the world of spirits,

— to go,
To be she knows not what, she knows not where.

His parents accompanied him to the land of kind hospita­lity, as it must ever be termed by the Writer of this Preface, where Mr. Berkeley passed three years and an half most happily; where he formed a friendship with some of the first characters in that kingdom, with many persons of rank, and also amongst the literati, which ended but with his life. Mr. Berkeley had the honour, the happiness, to be enfant de famille at Melvil House; and he, with heart-felt gratitude, termed the exquisitely pious Earl and Countess of Leven his Scottish parents. The goodness of that illustrious pair not only invited him to visit there for weeks himself, but also to carry any English or Scotch student he pleased with him. Mr. Berkeley was too judicious, and too well-bred, to make an improper use of this condescending goodness, having never introduced any but two or three Englishmen, sons of men of rank or fashion, constantly saying, ‘"Lord Leven must know the characters of the Fathers of young Scottish gentlemen too well for me to introduce them."’ With what delight would he often talk of the happy hours spent at Melvil House, and his gratitude to his honoured [Page xlvii] friend for inviting him attend him to Edinburgh, when his lordship was appointed by his Majesty lord high commis­sioner of Scotland, as also one of his introduced-friends, the son of an English Peer, and his lordship's giving express orders, that Mr. Berkeley should never dine any one day at the purse bearer's table, but always at the com­missioner's! It is impossible to dismiss this article without attempting to celebrate the wonderful condescending amia­bility of the noblesse of Scotland particularly, and in com­mon with the ancient gentry of that kingdom, to strangers of any degree of fashion, and decent character. It was a common remark of Dr. Berkeley, ‘"Were a Scotch gentle­man to settle for some time in any southern or eastern county of England, I wonder how many peers, or men who in fortune equal peers, would visit him?"’ And al­most every peer and man of fortune in Fife have done us that honour; which must ever be remembered with the most heart-felt gratitude by the Writer of this Preface. ‘"Oh! shame to our English pride!"’ used to exclaim Dr. Berkeley. Although born in London, he spent the first eighteen years of his life under the roof of his noble illus­trious-minded Father in the next hospitable country in Eu­rope to Scotland: for the Scotch do certainly exceed even the Irish. As Mrs. Wedderburn used to say to the Wri­ter of these pages, ‘"The Irish give you an excellent dinner and supper, and let you go out to seek a bed; we always find one."’ The remark was just, and worthy the great [Page xlviii] good sense of that throughly hospitable polite lady, who, having heard that Dr. Berkeley's family, none of whom she had ever then seen, were travelling near her house, im­mediately ordered her beds to be prepared, and most po­litely visited them at their inn, telling them that every thing was ready for their reception. This, and numberless other almost similar attentions from numerous other fa­milies of rank and fashion has, for the last fifteen years, caused the writer of this to term Scotland the Land of polite kind Hospitality. Such may it long continue; and they meet a more grateful return than they often do, when they visit England; than did the amiable [...] [...] of Scotland, from the [...] of [...], who went in and hid himself when he saw the equipage of his noble host in his park—one is tempted to wonder that he ever could emerge from his hiding place. One of the amiable sons of Lord Leven, coming from abroad, went to an inn at Can­terbury before he went to Dr. Berkeley's. He reproached him, on Mr. Leslie's saying, ‘"He feared being trouble­some."’ Dr. Berkeley replied, ‘"My dear Sir, if a dog came hither with a collar on his neck from Melvil house, I should feel myself a monster not to entertain him."’

Mr. Monck Berkeley used often to be accused of par­tiality to Scotland, and to his Scottish friends. Indeed he had one of the most amiable hearts that ever beat in a hu­man [Page xlix] breast. It must have been a very cold heart that had not felt such amiable, such respectful, attentions as Mr. Berkeley received in his seven hundred miles tour through the unfrequented parts of the Highlands; which was chiefly performed on foot, although Mr. Berkeley had three horses and two servants, but he often went where they could not follow him; and at Edinburgh, where he generally passed the first part of the St. Andrew's vacation, until the grouse shooting season commenced. Although greatly his su­periors in learning, Mr. Berkeley had the honour to rank amongst his literary friends, Lord Buchan, the pro­foundly learned, highly polished, all-accomplished Lord Monboddo, Mr. M'Kenzie, and Dr. Reid. It is hoped that the introducing here a bon mot of Mr. Berkeley's may be pardoned. Lord Monboddo, when visiting Dr. Berkeley at St. Andrew's, with his usual exquisite po­liteness, pressed the Doctor and his family to visit him at Monboddo, and invited Mr. Berkeley to pass the next vaca­tion there. Mrs. Berkeley said to her son, ‘"Surely you will go: it will be a wonderful advantage to you, to pass so many weeks under the roof of such a man as Lord Monboddo*."’ Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"My dear Ma­dam, [Page l] I am convinced, that if I do go, I shall return home the best Greek scholar in the university; but I have great doubts, whether my heart may not be more injured than my head benefited;"’ alluding to that loveliest of women, Miss Burnett, his Lordship's truly angelic darling daughter, no longer an inhabitant of this sublunary world, but gone to join her kindred spirits. That lovely young lady can be only a very little more angelic in mind than when on earth. Shakspeare's beautiful distich on a young woman in a country church-yard in Gloucestershire might have been inscribed on the monument of Eliza Burnett, rather than on that of Eleanor Freeman:

"Rest here, blest Maid, and wait th' Almighty's will;
"Then rise unchang'd, and be an Angel still."

Perhaps very few females, in any age or country, have united so much beauty, good sense, and amiableness of disposition, ‘"and have borne their faculties so meekly,"’ as the lovely Miss Burnett. She possessed all her honourable father's great superiority of understanding, and all the re­fined [Page li] delicacy and genuine humility of her very lovely mo­ther. She saw, she could not but see, herself the idol of all the young men; yet not one air of superiority, not a grain of affectation, ever appeared in her conduct. A va­riety of diverting little anecdotes of the universal desire of the young gentlemen students of St. Andrew's to appear agreeable, at least not disagreeable, to Miss Burnett, might be related by the writer, to the amusement of the reader.

D [...] M [...], Esquire, one of those few Laymen, as Dr. Berkeley used to observe, who kept up their classical learning after they had quitted the university, (for he ge­nerally redde Greek from four to six hours every day,) was a great admirer of the rising genius of Mr. Berkeley, inso­much that he became sincerely attached to him; and Mr. Berkeley ever retained a most affectionate grateful regard for this gentleman's condescension, as he termed it, in suf­fering a youth from school to enjoy so much of his society, who had children elder than Mr. Berkeley.

As the families lived in the greatest intimacy, in the happiest friendship, they generally met three or four times a week. One evening, at Dr. Berkeley's, the barenness of news­papers was, as was then usual, I think, everywhere lamented; ‘"nothing worth reading in them."’ Mr. Berkeley reached out his arm, and taking Dr. Berkeley's constant paper, the St. James's Chronicle, ran his eye over it, and said, ‘"I think [Page lii] there is something in this to-day;"’ and began reading something, which lasted about ten minutes, that every body agreed was worth reading. At night Mr. M [...] desired permission to take it home, saying, he would return it in the morning. The next day at noon he brought it to Dr. Berkeley's, telling him, ‘"that he believed he had taken the wrong paper, for he could not find what Mr. Berkeley read the evening before."’ Mrs. Berkeley shewed him all the last papers, but in vain. At dinner, Mrs. Berkeley asked her son, ‘"out of what paper he had read the evening before; not out of the St. James's Chronicle, for that Mr. M [...] and she had been searching several of them, and could not find it."’ Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"My dear Madam, I never doubted of yours or Mr. M [...]'s cleverness; but you must both be much cleverer than I take either of you to be, if you could have found it."’ ‘"Why should we not find it?"’ ‘"Because it was not to be found."’ ‘"Where is it then? Tell Mr. M [...], that he may read it."’ ‘"Alas! I cannot; for it never was any where but in your son's brain."’ ‘"What do you mean, child? I do not un­derstand you."’ ‘"Why, my dear Madam, when I hear people finding such fault with the poor newspapers, I of­ten take them up, and help them out, as I did last night. I have done it scores of times before for my Father and Aunt, who only skim a newspaper. You know, they say you study it."’

[Page liii] It must, however, be observed, in order to do justice to Mr. Berkeley's gratitude for the numberless polite, amiable, friendly attentions received from every rank in that land of kind hospitality during his three years and a half séjour there, that he was almost broken-hearted at quitting it, and twice after revisited it, and would have continued to do so had his life been spared. Dr. Berkeley being at that time in an indifferent state of health, the journey was about six weeks in performing, as he rested some time at York; where Mr. Berkeley had, what he ever esteemed an honour, young as he was, of commencing an acquaintance with the truly learned and pious Dr. Burgh, by the polite atten­tions of his Mother's respected friends, Mrs. Moritts*, whose beautifully adorned house is admired by all persons who have any skill in painting. By the very polite atten­tions of the Dean of York, his Lady, and several other families of fashion, which were ever most gratefully re­membered, Mr. Berkeley and the family passed their time most agreeably in that antient city, to which the library of the very civil Mr. Todd contributed in no small degree, one of the delights of Mr. Berkeley's life being to read in [Page liv] a library; a happiness he enjoyed in his Father's house, Bishop Berkeley's library being valued at two thousand pounds at the time of his death. Dr. Berkeley, being in­disposed, rested some time at Newcastle.

In their road to Edinburgh, they passed through the town of Lauder. A very little way out of the town stands Lauder Castle, one of the seats of the late worthy Earl of Lauderdale. As the horses were to bait at least two hours, Mr. Berkeley, after dinner, went down to the castle; the family being ab­sent, he requested the porter to permit him to enter, and look at the pictures. He had from his childhood a wonderfully fine eye for painting. It is probable he owed it to the so often hearing the merits and demerits of his grandfather's col­lection of pictures talked over. The man, who was a tai­lor, and hard at work, said he would call his gewd weef to shew him the castle.

It is hoped the reader will pardon the introducing a dia­logue between the Gewd Weef and Mr. Berkeley.

Gewd Weef.—‘"Pray, Laddie, whence come ye, and whither gang ye, that ye be come to Lauder?’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"I came from England, and I am going to St. Andrew's.’

G. W.—‘"Belike ye come from London.’

Mr. B.—‘"I came from within about twenty miles of it.’

[Page lv]G. W.—‘"Were ye ever at the greet toon?’

Mr. B.—‘"Yes, very often.’

G. W.—‘"Then ye can tell me what they pay there for washing a sark, (i. e. shirt,) for it would be a great savice to me to know. I have always washed my Lord's men's when the family is at the castle, and they will pay me but two pence a sark, and I have been told by a many that they pay nine pence there for every sark; and I sadly want to ken."’

Mr. B.—‘"You have been misinformed; I never pay more than four pence for a full trimmed shirt.’

G. W.—‘"Well-ee wat, that is but little. I have been told, it is always nine pence."’

During this dialogue a young woman entered, with her hair curled and powdered. Mr. Berkeley had asked the Gewd Weef, how many miles it was to St. Andrew's. She re­plied to that, as to almost every thing, ‘"Don-a-ken."’ On the appearance of the young woman, she said, ‘"If you ask this lassey, she can tell you. She knows muckle things."’ Mr. Berkeley, taking off his hat, made the enquiry, and was very civilly informed. The young woman, having dispatched her business with the tailor, went away; and the dialogue recommenced.

[Page lvi]Gewd Weef.—‘"I suppose you 'll gang home this way from St. Anders. Hoo long shall ye tarry there?’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"About three years, if it please God I live so long."’

G. W.—‘"Three years! for what can ye stay there three years*?’

Mr. B.—‘"To study at the university there.’

G. W.—‘"Aye, Laddie! ye ha studied enough. Ye seem to ken a vast deal of pictures, and other larning. No, no: ye had better tarry here, and marry yon lassey. She has houses twa, and parks five. She 'll mak a gewd weef, I can tell ye, and you 'll make her a rare gewd mon.

Mr. B.—‘"I am much obliged to you for your good will to me; but I am afraid my Father and Mother would think me too young to marry and settle.’

G. W.—‘"And where be they?’

Mr. B.—‘"At the inn in the town.’

[Page lvii]G. W.—‘"Aye, there's twa pretty lasseys at the inn. They 'll haa muckle siller. An, aye, take one of them."’

At that instant a coach and four drove down, when the Gewd Weef exclaimed, ‘"What haa we got coming here?’

Mr. B.—‘"The carriage in which I came from England.’

G. W.—‘"Ye come from England in that an-a-carriage; and wha came wee ye?’

Mr. B.—‘"Why, my Father and my Mother, and my Mother's maid.’

G. W.—‘"Aye, Laddie, Laddie; if you came in that an-a-coach, ye 'll not marry oone of oor Lasseys. What muckle siller it must haa cost your Father to bring ye aa (i.e. all) doon here."’

Mr. Berkeley then took his leave of the Gewd Weef, pre­senting her with a bright half crown, with which she was much delighted, and wished him a fine Laady when he married.

About three years after, Mr. Berkeley accompanied his worthy friend, Henry Grimston, Esquire, to the famous contested election for Yorkshire, Mr. Grimston going up [Page lviii] from St. Andrew's, to assist in supporting the interests of his godfather and friend [...] Duncombe, Esquire. They returned by Lauder, when they, together with their learned lively tutor, Mr. Bruce, whom they agreed to treat with a sight of York, visited the castle. Mr. Grimston archly asked the gewd weef, ‘"If she had ever seen that gentleman before?"’ pointing to Mr. Berkeley; when she exclaimed, ‘"Aye, that I have; and he gave me half a croon."’ Mr. Berkeley, at his second visit, doubled the bounty, and used frequently to laugh with his friends, and say, that he had ‘"never met with such a friend since; for that she endea­voured, according to her idea, to procure him a wife with a large fortune."’ Soon after his first visit to the castle, he made a song, entitled, "The Lass of Lauder," and had it set to music by Mr. Jenkins, the music-master at St. Andrew's, but now a teacher of that science in London. Mr. Berkeley used jocularly to remark, ‘"It is very certain, that I had not made so favourable an im­pression on the lassey as I had on the gewd weef at Lauder; for she stayed only to settle her business with the tailor, and then went off."’ Some years after, Mr. Berkeley, being on a visit at Peten-Weem, and going with his friend to drink tea at a gentleman's house, was asked, ‘"If he had not once been at Lauder castle?"’ He replied, ‘"I have been twice there."’ The female who asked the question said, ‘"I had the honour of seeing you there, Sir; and I should esteem it an honour if you would drink tea with [Page lix] me during your stay here."’ Mr. Berkeley instantly re­collected that it was the Lass of Lauder, who did not then know that she had been ‘"celebrated in song."’ Mr. Berke­ley was to have left Peten-Weem the next day, but, with his wonted amiability, postponed it until the day follow­ing, that he might visit the Lass, who was then married to the Relief-minister* of that place. Several families were invited to meet him, and a very gay afternoon was spent; Mr. Berkeley telling Mrs. [...], that she had made a better match for herself than the Gewd Weef at Lauder Castle wished to have made for her. Mr. Berkeley, who had neither vanity nor conceit, here exceeded the truth. Dr. L [...], a friend of his father, and the worthy Sir C. B [...], a very old friend of his Mother, both urged him seriously to visit them, to see after two young ladies of immense fortunes in their respective counties, assuring him that he must infallibly succeed. Mr. Berkeley's uniform reply to all such kind invitations was, ‘"I early resolved, not to be a fortune-hunter. I have no large rent-roll to pro­duce. [Page lx] I will never alarm or distress the anxious Parents of any great Fortunes."’

Mr. Berkeley, from his youth, from his Mother, was an he­reditary admirer and strenuous advocate for the unfortunate INJURED Mary, and a detester of her cunning, cruel per­secutor Elizabeth, requested his Father to go to St. Andrew's by the road of Kinross, that he might visit the castle of Loch-Leven; and he spent some time in wandering about the ruins; so much as occasioned his and his servant's being benighted on a heath, to the extreme distress of his Mo­ther, who was then unacquainted with the exquisite, the amiable hospitality of the Scottish nation, high and low, rich and poor; for Mr. Berkeley could with difficulty force a shilling into the hand of a man who went a quarter of a mile over the heath to put him in the road to Cupar-in-Fife, where his family were to sleep that night, and it was very late before he and his servant arrived there.

The next morning they all set out for St. Andrew's, about eight miles distant; and enjoyed, the prospect from the top of the hill, of the still magnificent cathedral, and the tower of St. Regulus or St. Rule, of which there are four beau­tiful engravings with Cardinal Bethune's Castle by Oliphant, now exceedingly scarce, and very dear, the plates being lost*.

[Page lxi] On entering the city at the Argyle Port, your eye is greeted with a noble wide street, one mile in length, and at the lower end of a noble breadth, with stone houses, most of them disfigured by what is termed a fore stair, that is, an open stair case, on the outside, in a zigzag manner across the front of the house, and an huge smidie, a not inelegant name for a filthy thing, a dunghill; no court, no palisade, no breast-wall or railing, before even the best houses, excepting only what was once the palace of James the First of England; but it is not meant here to give an imperfect description of this once beautiful magnificent city, which has been so well done by Boswell and Pennant, be­fore John Knox preached it into ruins, by removing an archbishop, dean, and eight resident prebendaries, who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and administered to the wants of the sick and needy, who are all now starving. On a full sight of this dreary deserted city, Mr. Berkeley wept to think that he was to remain, if God spared his life, three long years in it. The house taken for Dr. Berkeley's fa­mily, the best then to be had in the town, was without even a back door, the covetous wretch who owned it having sold a little spot behind it to a gentleman at the next house; so the door was stopped up. Dr. Berkeley, seeing Mr. Berkeley so deeply affected, and Principal Watson, whose learning had induced him to prefer St. Andrew's to a fo­reign university, having died a very few days before, made Mr. Berkeley the offer of returning to England the next [Page lxii] day; for which he felt great gratitude, but, with his wonted strength of mind, declared, that, let him suffer what he might, he would remain his three years. It is but justice to say, that Mr. Berkeley shed more tears at leaving St. Andrew's, than he drew sighs at entering it.

So deeply was submission to lawful authority engraven on Mr. Berkeley's mind, that during the three years and a half he was a student at the university of St. Andrew, he never would go out for even two or three nights to his no­ble, truly amiable friend the Earl of Leven's, at Melvil House, without going to ask leave out, as it is termed, of the Principal Dr. M'Cormick, whom Mr. Berkeley always called, ‘"our polite, amiable Principal;"’ or, in his absence, of the Professor, who used politely to say, that, ‘"he living in his Father's house, it was needless to trouble himself."’ His constant reply was, that ‘"the statutes, which he had promised to observe, enjoined it."’

It is hoped that the relation of a little adventure which Mr. Berkeley met with during his residence at St. Andrew's may be pardoned. A very few days before the term began in autumn, Mr. Berkeley, who was at that time a very keen sportsman, was told by the son of the Professor of Medicine, a very sensible young man, now settled in Ca­nada, that, if he wished it, he could lead him to a place where Ptermagants abounded. The youths set out, [Page lxiii] marched several miles; night overtook them, and they wandered in a very dark evening, unable to find the road. At length the moon began to appear, and presented to their view a figure all in white. Mr. Berkeley soon learnt to speak Scotch so perfectly, as at any time throughout his life, to be mistaken, whenever he wished it, for a true Scot; which often amused his friends, or strangers, of that country, which his Mother ever termed ‘"The Land of kind Hospitality;"’ a proof whereof will soon appear.

Mr. Berkeley accosted the young woman with, ‘"Lassey, whither gang ye?’

Lassey.—‘"To yonder house, Laddie.’

Mr. B.—‘"Can we get lodging there to night?’

Lassey.—‘"Hoo can ye ask that question with these wea­pons in your hands? They must lodge ye.’

Mr. B.—‘"God forbid that we should attempt to force any one to lodge us; and, to convince you how harmless we are, I will instantly discharge my piece."’

Mr. Berkeley immediately fired off a fine double-barreled gun, and requested his friend to follow his example. They then escorted the nymph about a quarter of a mile to the house; where Mr. Berkeley refused to enter until permission was obtained by their kind guide, who went in alone. In a minute out rushed ‘"a bevey of fair nymphs,"’ more than [Page lxiv] twenty, with a matron in the rear, who very wisely began examining them, how they came on that wild heath at that hour; who, and what they were. Mr. Berkeley, being spokesman, assured them that they were honest young men, students of St. Andrew's. Still they were distrusted.

At length, fortunately for them, a young woman espied a youth in the highland dress, and, going up to him, asked ‘"Who he was?"’

Servant.—‘"Who? why I am servant to that tall gen­tleman.’

Young Woman.—‘"And who is he?’

Servant.—‘"Who? why Mr. Berkeley, secondary at St. Andrew's.’

Young Woman.—‘"Where does he come from, to keep a servant at college?’

Servant.—‘"Why, from England."’

Young Woman.—‘"From what part of England?’

Servant.—‘"Why, from Canterbury. My Master's Fa­ther is one of the Prebendaries there, and is a gentleman of great family."’

Mr. Berkeley used to laugh when relating this conversa­tion, and say, ‘"All M'Nicoll's account of my Father's dig­nity in the church availed me no more than they will do in [Page lxv] the world of spirits."’ But luckily some one asked Mr. Berkeley's highlander, ‘"Who was his master's companion?"’ to which he, being irritated, replied, ‘"What does that signify? He is son to Dr. Flint of St. Andrew's."’ The magical name of Flint, as Mr. Berkeley used to say, ‘"acted like a charm."’ Dr. Flint is a most incomparable physi­cian. Mr. Flint was immediately examined and cross exa­mined; and it was determined to admit them, they deli­vering up their guns to the nymphs. Mr. Berkeley, with his usual elegant gallantry, instantly delivered his into the hands of their kind guide. They then went into the house, being almost starved with cold, and sadly tired. Plenty of food, and a good fire, soon re-animated them. Still they saw nothing but females, all clothed in white. No male appeared. The men were attending the corn. At length, they all agreed, that it was time to set off—me­lancholy news, as Mr. Berkeley used to say, to a couple of young men. Whither were they to go? ‘"Could not the beaux escort them,"’ they replied, ‘"to a neighbouring har­vest-home, to a dance?"’ Mr. Berkeley, who was a remarka­bly fine dancer, and loved it exceedingly, jumped up, for­got all the fatigues of the day, and said, ‘"that he and his friend would attend them."’ Their hospitable and very sen­sible hostess replied, ‘"Oh, Sir! it is not such a ball as you have been used to in England; there will be only far­mers' daughters. I will have the pleasure of endeavouring to entertain you and Mr. Flint here."’ Mr. Berkeley, [Page lxvi] with his usual engaging politeness, said, ‘"There will be your daughters, Madam, and our kind conductress to your hospitable roof."’ The young men went and danced in the barn till four in the morning; slept soundly, as may be guessed, until near noon; took an excellent Scotch break­fast, (even Dr. Johnson liked the breakfasts in Scotland;) and, after inviting his kind hostess and her son to dine at his Father's house in St. Andrew's, when either business or pleasure called them to that ancient city, took their leave. The young man went once or twice to Dr. Berke­ley's. Mr. Berkeley, who was born with what is com­monly, but often falsely, called a princely spirit, although not to a princely fortune, did not think a few grateful speeches an adequate return for being rescued from sleeping among the heather on the heath; but sent his worthy landlady some fine prints, elegantly framed and glazed, to adorn her parlour, with which he had great pleasure in finding she was much delighted. Some of Mr. Berkeley's intimates among the students laughed at him, saying, ‘"Now, Berke­ley, you have lain out a night without leave."’

The great Charles Leslie, the famous controversial writer, used to say of Mr. Berkeley's maternal great-grandfather, the celebrated Francis Cherry, Esquire, of Shottesbrooke House, in Berkshire, that he believed him to have the most accurate, the soundest judgement, that God had, in these latter days, bestowed on man. A multitude of instances [Page lxvii] might be adduced to prove, that although Mr. Berkeley in­herited but little of Mr. Cherry's immense fortune, he cer­tainly did of a better portion than money.

Mr. Berkeley, on his return from his highland tour, told his family, that he might, he believed, have lived seven years there, on the merits of the ring sent by the old Che­valier de St. George to Mr. Cherry, when he sent Mr. Les­lie, at his own expence, to Rome, to try to convert him from Popery. Mr. Leslie wrote Mr. Cherry word from Rome, that an attempt to make the sun rise in the WEST would be equally successful.

Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"He felt a little ashamed, that the ring should be so well known in the Highlands, and that he, the presumptive heir to it, had never seen it more than once or twice in his life."’ He requested his Mother and Aunt to gratify him with a sight of it, that he might be able in future to give a better account of the famous relic.

It has been already observed*, that one of Mr. Berkeley's friends used to tell him, ‘"that he was as extraordinarily de­scended by his Mother's side, as he was nobly by his Fa­ther's, most of his maternal grandsires having had something [Page lxviii] remarkable about them."’ If Mr. Berkeley had any pride, when a man, which had not been eradicated in his child­hood by the incessant pains raken to eradicate it, it was what is called, I think, very erroneously, family pride; for [Page lxix] one certainly may feel grateful to God, that one's Father was not a Tinker, but a Gentleman, without despising those of very low extraction, if they are not ‘"beggars set on horse­back, riding to the [...]."’ Mr. Berkeley used to say, [Page lxx] ‘"Any monarch may make any man noble, but he cannot bestow on him a long train of coronetted ancestors: that belongs only to the King of kings, who was, as I think, graciously pleased to cause me to be born the son of Dr. Berkeley, rather than the son of Tom Smith, my Fa­ther's butcher."’

It is impossible for the Writer of this Preface not to pay a small tribute of gratitude to the memory of that uncom­monly judicious, amiable, young gentleman, the late Me­redith Price, Junior, Esquire; to whose wisdom, prudence, and humanity, before either had completed his twentieth [Page lxxi] year, Mr. Berkeley owed that he was not either a murderer or murdered. During their residence at the university of St. Andrew's, Mr. Berkeley was one day attacked by Mr. G [...], a student, (he was not a Scotchman,) for an af­front that he supposed Mr. Berkeley had offered to the fame of a Distiller's daughter, who resided near St. Andrew's, to whom, or to whose father's table, Mr. G [...] paid great attention. Mr. Berkeley defended himself by declaring, that, ‘"so far from speaking slightingly of the young wo­man, he had never even thought slightingly of her."’ Mr. G [...] brutally said, ‘"You say so, because you are a cow­ard, and are afraid to fight."’ This Mr. Berkeley re­ceived very calmly, replying, ‘"G [...], those who have known me through life will never say that of me."’ (When a youth, it used to be said of Mr. Berkeley, ‘"He fears nothing but God and his own Mother.")’ Mr. G [...] then proceeded, ‘"I may say whatever I please to you; for you dare not challenge me, through fear of your Mother's displeasure. She never would forgive you if you fought a duel."’ This dastardly vaut-rien was mistaken; for, Mrs. Berkeley's horror of those wretched parents who can cast off a child for ANY crime that fallen man or woman can commit* was so strong, that, from Mr. Berkeley's age [Page lxxii] of fifteen, his Mother used frequently to say to him, ‘"May God give you grace to grow up an excellent honest wor­thy young man; but always remember, that there is no crime you can commit that shall ever make me desert you; and if you should become extravagant, whilst ever I have a guinea you shall have eighteen shillings of it; and I am sure, whilst ever you have one, you would give me twenty out of it."’ Mr. G [...] might with equal justice have added, ‘"your Father;"’ for, Dr. Berke­ley's * horror of that BARBAROUS custom of duelling was at least equal to Mrs. Berkeley's, although he might not perhaps so frequently descant upon the subject. This last outrage was too much for Mr. Berkeley. It roused ‘"all the noble blood of the Berkeleys in his veins."’ He left the room, went home, immediately retired to his apartment, wrote, and sent the challenge. His next care was to pitch upon a second. He determined it should not be his dear friend Mr. L [...], lest it should embroil him with his excellent noble Father Lord [...]. That young gentleman used to say to Dr. Berkeley, ‘"I do not know how to forgive Berkeley's not calling upon me on that occasion, I who have received so many amiable, kind [Page lxxiii] attentions from him and his family."’ Mr. Berkeley went to a gentleman, one of his companions at Eton, to whom he had been particularly attached from twelve years old, and who had manifold more obligations than Mr. L [...]; he was many months an inmate at Dr. Berkeley's. On Mr. Berkeley's requesting him to attend him the next morning, he hummed a little while, and at length stam­mered out, ‘"That he was afraid whether or no his papa might approve of it; so begged his dear Berkeley would excuse him."’ Why his Father should disapprove it, puzzled all who knew his character: it could not be on ac­count of breaking God's holy law; for, Mr. [...] would become wretched if he supposed any body suspected him of believing in God: indeed the conduct of this fine Mr. [...] towards his lady and children has evidently proved it. The description of Mr. [...], in [...]shire, where his great estate lies, is this, ‘"The first time you are in company with him, you are charmed; the second, you like him much less; and the third, you long to kick him out of the room—as he deserves."’ Mr. Berkeley resolved not to call on any friend, English or Scottish, whose for­tunes it might injure, the certain consequence being expul­sion from the university; went to Mr. Price, who owed no obligation of any sort, except permission to attend the ser­vice of the Church of England at Dr. Berkeley's private chapel; and of course being sometimes invited to a din­ner, supper, or dance, in common with other English [Page lxxiv] and Scottish young gentlemen. Mr. Price instantly replied, ‘"He was entirely at Mr. Berkeley's service; but hoped the matter might be accommodated without fighting."’ Mr. Berkeley assured him, ‘"that was impossible."’ They therefore proceeded to the place, where this wise young gentleman again urged the matter so sensibly, so eloquently, that Mr. G [...] offered to make any submission that Mr. Berkeley should require. Mr. Berkeley from his infancy, although a little fury, was surely the most ready to pardon of all the fallen children of Adam; insomuch that his Mo­ther used to say, ‘"That if any one murdered him, and he lived only three minutes, he would freely forgive them;"’ constantly adding, ‘"Alas! he does not inherit that from me."’ Mr. Berkeley, however, was so exasperated at the brutal rascality of, ‘"I may say whatever I please, for you DARE not fight,"’ &c. that for once he appeared inexora­ble. The ground was measured, the pistols were delivered, and the swords laid ready, when Mr. Price, instead of giving the word to fire, stepped in between the combatants, and so wisely, so pathetically conjured Mr. Berkeley to ac­cept Mr. G [...]'s offers of making every submission, that, at length, Mr. Berkeley, with his wonted sweetness, threw away his pistol, and said, ‘"Well, G [...], you shall beg my pardon in no other way than saying, in Mr. Price's presence, before the gentlemen in whose company you insulted me, that you are sorry you provoked me."’ So this frightful affair ended. But not the gratitude of Mr. [Page lxxv] Berkeley and his parents. Providence had placed Mr. Price in a situation to render other return than polite and friendly attentions out of the question. When Mr. Price went to France, they felt unfeigned pleasure in giving him letters of introduction to several very worthy French fami­lies with whom they were intimate, which rendered his séjour in that once delightful country very pleasant. May that amiable young gentleman be now rejoicing in one still pleasanter!

It may, perhaps, be asked by some, ‘"With all these amiable qualities, and great virtues, had Mr. Berkeley no vices?"’ Alas! yes. Mr. Berkeley fell, as David fell*—as Solomon fell;—but, with them, he received grace [Page lxxvi] to repent, and mercy to console his throughly humbled, penitent, contrite spirit. Mr. Berkeley had not sufficiently attended to that admonition of the Wise King, ‘"Use not much the company of a woman that is a singer."’ Mr. Berkeley's enthusiastic love of music drew him into the [Page lxxvii] snares of the celebrated Mrs. [...]. His delight in real sterling wit caused him to fall into the ‘"deep ditch"’ long digging for him by Lady [...]. From both it pleased the great MERCY of God to rescue him. For more than four years before his death, his lovely spirit was supplicating for that pardon promised by our all-gracious Redeemer to ALL who turn to him in faith—‘"Him that cometh unto ME I will in no wise cast out."’ Mr. Berkeley, reflecting on his thoroughly pious education and many other advan­tages, considered himself as a much greater sinner than any of his young friends, who had not been so favoured by Providence, could possibly be. But it pleased the God of Mercy to speak peace to his wounded spirit; ‘"I have heard thy prayer; I have seen thy tears,"’ Isaiah xxxviii. 5; and, for some weeks before his death, to pour the balm of perfect peace into his dear wounded spirit, and most gra­ciously to ‘"lift up the light of his reconciled countenance upon him."’

Mr. Berkeley had too strong an understanding not to be­lieve with his whole heart and mind the truths, the blessed truths, revealed in the Gospel of Peace. He was blessed with an honest mind, as has been said of a very great man still living, as much Mr. Berkeley's superior in years as in rank. ‘"His Lordship is too honest to endeavour to warp the Gospel to his life, and he feels every day that they are at war; which makes him so ill-tempered, with a won­derfully amiable nature; ever acting the kindest things, [Page lxxviii] ever speaking the roughest."’ There Mr. Berkeley resem­bled not the noble Peer; for he was never known from a child to say a disobliging thing to any one. So attached to him was every servant he ever had from the age of seven­teen, as that, to use a common phrase, ‘"they would have gone through fire and water for him:"’ even the poor creature whom he took from his Grace of Bedford, after his beloved Scotch servant married—who now lives most happily with a much beloved, honoured, and respected re­lation of Mr. Berkeley's, the polite, the accomplished, the learned Sir Francis Lumm, Baronet; for whose kind, un­wearied, watchful, attentions to Mr. Berkeley, from his first return to England, Mr. Berkeley, his Father, and Mo­ther, ever felt, the survivor still feels, the deepest gratitude—this poor creature one night robbed Mr. Berkeley in the Temple. On his being pressed to appear against him, he absolutely refused. When strongly urged that it was right, he replied, ‘"It must be so, to be sure, to hang a poor devil, who might have murdered me; for we were in the cham­bers alone, and he only took my watch and a few gui­neas. No, I hope he may live to repent. Poor crea­ture! I am sure I will never appear against him: I wish I could appear for him."’

The present Earl of E [...], when a very young man, was robbed on Salisbury Plain by the famous Dumas, after­wards executed at Oxford. His Lordship, with the usual [Page lxxix] spirit of nineteen, was resolved not to be robbed. Dumas demanded his watch and money. Out sprang his Lordship: down jumped Dumas: Lord P [...], as he then was, at­tempted to fire; his pistol would not go off. He threw it down, and had recourse to the second, which likewise flashed in the pan. Dumas then said, ‘"Sir, you are in my power: you will be pleased to give me your watch and money."’ The request was complied with. In a short time Dumas was taken, committed to Fisherton gaol, and tried. Lord P [...] was subpoenaed to appear. His Lordship's purse was produced. He said, ‘"He could not say that was his purse."’ Then the watch: his Lordship could not say the watch was his. The seals, arms, crest, &c. were produced; but his Lordship said, ‘"It was im­possible for him to swear to them."’ On being asked by his friends, when he came out of court, ‘"if he had lost his wits, not to know his own arms, crest,"’ &c. he nobly re­plied, ‘"Know them? to be sure I do. But do you think I would take away the life of a poor distressed creature, who had my life in his power, and would not hurt a hair of my head?"’ It was immediately said that Lord P [...] was become a Methodist—an high compliment surely to the Methodists. It is not likely that a follower of that arch­hypocrite, John Wesley, should have acted thus, unless some pelf or plunder was to be obtained thereby; at least if they resembled their wretched leader, whose practice was [Page lxxx] to fleece the rich, to feather, finely feather, harlots and rogues. Witness poor Mr. and Mrs. G [...] ths, of C [...], who, were induced to turn their house into a kind of Lock Hospital, until they had no house left in which to shelter their aged heads, only a two pair of stairs lodging in Lon­don. On their first acquaintance with the ZEALOUS apostle of [...] they kept a carriage, and a pair of good horses to draw it, a coachman, footman, and several female ser­vants. A few years reduced them to the situation above described. A letter written by Mrs. G [...]ths, from the London garret, to a lady at C [...], describing their suf­ferings, was sufficient to have distressed any hearer of it. But it was of a piece with his setting Miss B [...]t, with fifty thousand pounds, to wash her own linen, that young harlots might be healed of their bodily diseases, and dressed out to draw in poor deluded young men to marry them. One of the nymphs thus restored to health at Mrs. G [...]ths's was actually married to a person in London, who settled on her a jointure of three hundred pounds per annum. Such were the good works of John Wesley! May his followers cease to practise them! One does not find them recommended in Scripture. St. Paul says, ‘"Charge them that are rich, that they be ready to distri­bute, willing to communicate,"’ &c.; not turn themselves into washer-women, and retire to garrets, with their poor, blind, lame, deluded husbands, as did Mrs. G [...].

[Page lxxxi] But to return. To say that Mr. Berkeley's servants loved him, is too feeble an expression. His own, and the servants of his Father's family, in general old in his service, almost idolized him. His generosity, his condescending goodness to the meanest servant in the house, was so en­gaging, that joy enlivened every countenance whenever he visited at his Father's. He had been very early taught, that, although it had pleased Providence to place him in a different station of life from his Father's servants, yet that he must ever treat them with kind civility. He and his brother were always made, whilst children, to take off their hat to the lowest peasant and washer-woman who passed them in the village: and so habitual was it to Mr. Berkeley to be ‘"courteous to all men,"’ that when he gave orders to his servant, a stranger to him would not have supposed he had been speaking to his own domestic; yet, wonderful to relate, he had one servant, who actually had a desire to lie in wait to murder him: but he was an Italian*. This may be a warning to English and Irish gentlemen to be less fond of foreign servants. Mr. Berkeley, wanting a servant at a time when few were in London; a person who owed Mr. Berkeley much gratitude earnestly recommended this villain. Mr. Berkeley objected, wishing either an English or Scotchman; always thinking it wrong to employ fo­reigners to the detriment of our own countrymen, he how­ever yielded. Dr. Berkeley, at his return from visiting his son in town, said to Mrs. Berkeley, ‘"I think your son [Page lxxxii] seems to have got a Devil in the form of a fine tall fel­low."’ ‘"What does he do?"’ ‘"Nothing, I believe. But such a pair of diabolical eyes I never saw before in my life."’ Mrs. Berkeley, ever anxious for her idol, wrote to her son, who, with his usual benignity, replied, ‘"The poor fellow, to be sure, is not handsome; nor has he a very benign countenance; which made my Father think him diabolical: but he does every thing that I want, although he is not like Ritchie, or M'Nicol."’

When Mr. Berkeley was once ordered to the sea, a day or or two before he set out, accompanied by his excellent unwearied friend H. Grimston, Esquire, he told this ser­vant, that, ‘"as he wished to lounge and change his pos­ture frequently, and as he could not accommodate three in the chaise, it being summer time, he should go down on the top of the coach."’ This Signor re­sented, as such an indignity, that, on his arrival, he utterly refused to act at all; so that, but for Mr. Grim­ston's servant, Mr. Berkeley must have been exceed­ingly distressed. His ill humour increasing daily, Mr. Berkeley at length discharged him without the least anger or reproach. The sweetness of his nature never suffered his anger to rise against an inferior. My superiors, he used ever to say, shall feel it if they treat me improperly. This wretch, instead of returning to London the next morning, stayed the whole of the next day, and when he did set off, said, ‘"He had waited all that day to murder his master, [Page lxxxiii] but he found it was in vain, for that he kept close."’ It providentially happened, that Mr. Berkeley's horse had picked up a nail, and he could not ride into the country, as was his constant custom, to drink milk from the cow, morning and evening; neither did he go to the library or rooms that day; which Mr. Berkeley, when mentioning it, looked upon as the mercy of an all-gracious, over-ruling, particular Providence, in which he ever believed, ever trusted, and was never disappointed. Mr. Berkeley, not having any Italian blood in his veins, could form no idea of this villain's spirit of revenge. He was immediately re­placed by a very worthy honest Englishman, Mr. William Morfey, for whose attentive, incessant care Mr. Berkeley felt himself so much indebted, that some little time before his lamented death, he requested of his Father and Mother, ‘"that he might remain in their family as long as service should be agreeable to him,"’ although he had a compe­tency without it.

It is almost impossible to avoid relating here a little circumstance, that will shew the contrast between the En­glishman and the Italian. For some time before Mr. Berke­ley's dissolution, finding himself unable to fit up through the day, he rose not until after the family had dined, that he might enjoy the society of his friends in the afternoon. He constantly dismissed his servant to eat his dinner in com­fort, ordering him not to hurry himself, and not to return until he rang his bell. One day his bell rang, and Mr. [Page lxxxiv] Berkeley's Mother, conceiving that the servant had not dined, went to the top of the kitchen stairs, and told the servant, she would go up and see what his Master wanted, and if she could not get it, ring for him. He replied, ‘"No, Madam, I must go myself."’ The housekeeper and the other servants urged him to stay, saying, ‘"You have but one single mouthful to finish; do pray eat it; Mr. Berkeley is never impatient, he will wait."’ He replied, ‘"No; I will not stay to eat it."’ His Mother once recom­mending to his care a most affectionate, tender-hearted servant, her old housekeeper, who came into the family when Mr. Berkeley was a lad, to keep in his family, if it pleased God to spare him to settle; he lifted up his fine eyes, and replied, in the tenderest tone of voice, ‘"My dearest Mother, there is no occasion for you to recom­mend Mrs. Marsh to me."’ When Mr. Berkeley's ex­quisitely fine picture, presented to his Mother by his beloved friend Mr. Peters, arrived at Dr. Berkeley's, this amiable-hearted woman hastened to assist at the unpacking it, and, on seeing it, sunk motionless upon it. Heartfelt grati­tude forces the Writer of this Preface to celebrate the incessant unwearied attention of the two above named servants, as also of the very worthy Mrs. Jane Godwin, who has for many years been the happy domestic of Mr. Berkeley's in­comparably kind, generous, excellent Aunt, Mrs. Frin­sham, for the delightful alacrity, and unwearied assiduity, with which they endeavoured incessantly to alleviate Mr. Berkeley's intolerable, all but insupportable, bodily sufferings, [Page lxxxv] as indeed did every other servant in the family: for all which sufferings Mr. Berkeley repeatedly returned hearty thanks to God, frequently saying to his Mother, ‘"I would not have been without them for all this world has to give, as, I am persuaded, nothing short of what I have suffered could have brought me, as I ought, to come to Christ"’ Such universal benevolence may tempt the pos­sessor to feel less need of the atonement.

It is impossible to omit here my most grateful acknow­ledgements to many amiable-hearted persons in the inferior stations in life, to whom Mr. Berkeley was only known by his almost divine philanthropy, and by his severe sufferings—at Hastings, at Dover, and at Cheltenham—who seemed to vie with each other, who should be most active in endeavour­ing to lighten the distress of a poor miserable stomach, that for many months regurgitated every delicacy of every kind*. Persons are often punished in kind.—‘"By what things a man sinneth, by the same also shall he be tormented,"’ speaks the Scripture.

[Page lxxxvi] Mr. Berkeley never was an epicure a moment of his life; frequently, when the family dined out, and he did not choose to accompany them, Mrs. Berkeley would ask him, ‘"What she should order for his dinner?"’ His constant re­ply was, ‘"Oh! my dear Madam, whatever they have in the servants' hall will do for me."’ ‘"But, my dear, they have not any thing yet ordered."’ ‘"Well, then, if it is quite convenient, a neck of mutton and broth, and suet dumplings, and turnips;"’ of which he constantly ate the absolute scrag; which often occasioned his mother's telling him, ‘"However you may torment your wife, if ever you marry, it will not be as an epicure."’

Mr. Berkeley wished exceedingly to have gone to Dover immediately, on his being ordered the third time to the sea, that, together with sea bathing, he might have enjoyed the delightful society of his old, his beloved, his sincerely respected friends, the excellent Sir Robert and Lady Lau­rie, and their throughly amiable son and daughter; but his father wished him to make choice of Hastings; and Mr. Berkeley was the most obedient of sons. As the autumn advanced, the want of a warm sea-bath obliged him to quit Hastings, and he repaired to Dover, accompanied by his excellent relation above named, Mrs. Frinsham; where he received such amiable, such incessant attentions, from the lovely family of Laurie, the angelic Mrs. Firebrace, and the very worthy Mrs. and Miss Payne—although it were [Page lxxxvii] impossible, even if possessed of the mines of Peru and Mexico, to repay their kindness, yet must it ever be, whilst possessed of life, registered in the retentive grateful memory of the Editor; and may HE who rewardeth every one ac­cording to, although not for, their good works, reward these amiable friends an hundred, a thousand fold, in TIME, and through the countless ages of ETERNITY, is a prayer offered daily at the throne of that God who hears and answers prayer, as is often happily experienced by those who believe and trust HIS gracious promises, revealed in the Holy Scriptures. The mention of these particular kind, old, intimate friends of Mr. Berkeley and his family, does not prevent the Writer from feeling the sincerest gratitude to numberless other of the wonderfully amiable inhabitants of Dover, who, high and low, seemed to study who should be most forward in shewing every possible attention to Mr. Berkeley, so much as frequently at this time to occasion the above named worthy domestics to say, ‘"they never saw such de­lightful people as the inhabitants of Dover."’ It has been repeatedly asserted many years ago by the Writer, who has often bathed in the sea at Dover, that the inhabitants, even the very lowest ranks, were certainly the most cour­teous people in Europe, and attributed it to their vicinity to their once amiable, delightfully courteous neighbours on the other side of the water. The streets of Dover are narrow, of course the pavement cannot be wide; and so very attentive are they, that you never see an inferior [Page lxxxviii] take the wall of a superior, or a charity-school child of an elder person. If, looking on the other side, a bricklayer's labourer in a leathern apron stumble on any lady or gentle­man, he instantly steps off the narrow pavement with, ‘"I ask your pardon, Sir, or Madam, for not seeing you were coming."’ Mr. Berkeley's father used to say, ‘"They remind me of the days of my youth, spent in Ireland, where the inferior people are most remarkably respectful to their superiors."’

It would be a vain effort to attempt doing justice to Mr. Berkeley's gratitude to the excellent Mr. Brydges, of Wootton Court, and his accomplished lady; at Dover, at the time Mr. Berkeley was there. He used to exclaim, ‘"How often have they driven over to Wootton Court, to fetch me some fine fruit, as if I had been only brother to both."’ Fruit fit to eat, indeed any fruit, cannot be procured for any sum at Dover: and on fruit, sweetmeats, and old hock, did Mr. Berkeley long subsist. After his ar­rival at Cheltenham, how many fervent prayers did he pour forth to the Almighty, to reward the throughly amiable relations of his Mother, Sir John and Lady Guise; when a servant arrived loaded with the fine fruits of Highnam Court, as also the amiable highly respected old friend of his Mo­ther, Mr. De la Bere, of Cheltenham, in whose pleasing conversation Mr. Berkeley much delighted, during the few weeks of his life after his arrival at Cheltenham; whither [Page lxxxix] he went, in compliance with the wishes of his Mother, to enjoy the advice of the celebrated Dr. Chestern, of Glou­cester. But, alas! Mr. Berkeley fell a victim to duty! He had for near two years before been under the hands of an hy­pocritical IGNORAMUS*, in whom his Father placed great [Page xc] confidence. His Mother saw through the wretch; and what added to her anguish was, that two, perhaps, as skilful me­dical men as any in England resided at the same town; one of whom always attended Mr. Berkeley's Mother when ill, as she frequently declared to Dr. Berkeley that to the third she would not trust the life of her Angola cat.

[Page xci] God's ways are unsearchable; but they are all well ordered for his children, who are enabled to feel, as well as say, ‘"All thy ways are Mercy and Truth,"’ &c. Perhaps few situations have been more distressing than that of Mr. Berkeley's Mother for many weeks. Just at the time when she should have set out to attend her Son at Dover, her tenderly beloved Partner was seized at Cheltenham with a most tremendous disorder, that threatened almost immediate dissolution. Every post brought more alarming accounts from Dover—

—"Dreadful post of observation,
"Darker every hour,"

says Dr. Young, when relating his own sufferings during Lady Betty's last illness. Her agonies every time the post­boy's horn notified his arrival may, by those who have feeling hearts, be more easily imagined than described, and especially as they were obliged to be suppressed. It, however, pleased the mercy of God to grant a reprieve—a short one, alas! to these two, too dear objects. Mr. Berkeley languished to see once more his Mother; Per­haps no Mother ever did love a Son quite so sincerely; and it was supposed by those who knew him well, that no man ever did love even a Mother so exceedingly as Mr. Berke­ley*. That love commenced, as Mrs. Berkeley used to tell [Page xcii] her Son, ‘"the instant she saw his dear homely face;"’ and continued unabated—alas! daily increased—until his fine face was for ever hid from her bodily eyes by the arrival of the Plumber late on Saturday evening preceding his interment on the Sunday evening. God, in love, in mercy, must remove the ‘"idols out of the hearts"’ of his children.

Mr. Berkeley's Mother always flattered herself with the hope, that as she never spoiled, or improperly gratified her children, and constantly corrected them, according to the advice of the Wise King, the Book of Proverbs being her constant directory, that she did not idolize them: but, alas! the wisest are too apt to deceive themselves—how much more then a poor weak Female!

Mrs. Berkeley's first care for her children was the salva­tion of their souls; secondly, the cultivation of their minds and manners; next, the forming their persons; and, lastly, [Page xciii] the advancing her Son in his profession, for the youngest died before he attained to nine years.

When it is mentioned that attention was paid to the immortal part of Mr. Berkeley even before he was born, it will be easily imagined, that, as soon as reason began to dawn, every judicious attention was paid to the direction of the Holy Spirit, delivered by St. Paul, ‘"Bring up your chil­dren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."’ From the time that his Mother perceived that the all-gracious Giver of every good gift was about to entrust her with the care of an immortal soul, that must pass the countless ages of eter­nity, either in bliss unspeakable, or woe unutterable; she never failed to pray daily, that nothing descended from her might ever be separated from that adorable God, who lived and died, that man might live for ever; and she trusts, through free sovereign Grace, and Redeeming Love, to be enabled to say at the great day, ‘"Lo! here am, I and the children whom thou hast graciously given me*."’

[Page xciv] Almost as soon as Mr. Berkeley could articulate, there was discovered in him, what attended him through life, wonderful powers of reasoning, and an incessant enquiry ‘"How can these things be,"’ and a sagacity that it was next to impossible to deceive; which once occasioned a sensible Lady*, mother of many fine children, to say, ‘"Of what [Page xcv] can that little creature's brain be formed? for I never heard any child ask such very extraordinary questions, not even at double his age."’

Mr. Berkeley was early a great sceptic, which alarmed his Mother the less, as she felt it was hereditary; and she pursued the same plan which her eminently pious and wise Mother had so happily used towards herself; and her en­deavours to direct and settle that dangerous tendency of mind were so happily blessed, that, from the early age of fifteen, Mr. Berkeley was a most zealous, ardent stickler for the co-equal co-eternal Godhead of his adored Redeemer, and of the Holy Spirit, with the Father. A most respecta­ble and worthy friend of his early youth, in a letter to his Mother on the death of his beloved friend, says, ‘"How often have I heard him in company battling for the ho­nour of his Saviour, and silencing his Deistical acquain­tance and friends!"’ He had many friends, whom he ear­nestly wished to lead out of their infidel darkness into the glorious sunshine of the Gospel of Christ—several of the great Geniuses of this day*, who may perhaps affect to [Page xcvi] laugh or scoff at this, although they know it to be true, and that Mr. Berkeley did not wait to believe in the Saviour of the world, until driven to him by sickness or the ter­rors of death.

Mrs. Berkeley, when her children were young, and during their being under their Father's roof, whilst at the King's School at Canterbury, devoted her mornings prima­rily to them, never admitting any morning visitor; which occasioned the sensible, the witty Lady [...], an old intimate school friend of hers, frequently to say, ‘"I wish those two nasty little brats were dead out of the way; then your friends might enjoy a little of your company."’ The jocular wish, alas, is realized. That amiable friend was very partial to them, perpetually fetching them to children's card-parties at her hospitable mansion. Mr. Berkeley, when a man, used frequently to say, ‘"I love Lady [...], for her goodness to me when I was a boy."’ Her benevolence was so well known, that all who did not wish to drown puppies and kittens* used in the [Page xcvii] evening to convey them into her garden. Mrs. Berkeley used to tell her, that ‘"she would advise some poor Clergy­man to pack up a child or two in a basket, and lay it at her hall door."’ Lady [...] used to reply, ‘"I de­clare, if ever there is a child found in the garden, I will send it to you to keep."’ The generosity of this Lady needs no eulogium from the pen of an old friend.

Mr. Berkeley, determined to attempt complying with the earnest request of his Mother, took an affectionate, a grate­ful, last farewell of all his amiable friends and obliging neighbours at Dover, including the throughly respectable [Page xcviii] and pious Rev. Mr. Lyon, and his tender-hearted amiable apothecary, Mr. Hanham, who did not conceive that Mr. Berkeley had sufficient strength remaining to reach Canter­bury alive; but the divine tenderness of nature, which shewed itself at the age of three years* in his angelic relation Mrs. Frinsham, and has actuated her through life, deter­mined that excellent friend, who alone could attempt it, not to dissuade him from his purpose. Accompanied by that Lady and the three above named worthy affectionate [Page xcix] attendants, Mr. Berkeley set out, and with difficulty reached Canterbury, where he saw some of his old friends. the very learned Mr. Todd, and some others; and in the evening sent for Mr. Wrightson, now master of the work­house of the sixteen parishes of that city—happy indeed do both high and low express themselves in so worthy, so mild, so able a governor.

The learned and accomplished Mr. M [...] of Cookham used, when obligingly advising Mr. Berkeley, at the age of seventeen, to say, ‘"Well, if you will not attend to me, I will speak to Mr. John, and he will make you do it immediately."’ Mr. Berkeley used to redden, and say, ‘"HE make me do it! How so?"’ ‘"Why, my dear Berke­ley, I had not been intimate with your family six weeks before I saw that he governed the whole family."’ ‘"The whole family! How so?"’ ‘"Why, when Dr. or Mrs. Berkeley say, 'Berkeley, I would advise you to do so or so,' you instantly reply, 'Yes, Sir, or Madam; but I must first hear what John says.' Then on some other subject Dr. Berkeley turns to Mrs. Berkeley, and says, 'My dear, you will speak to John*, and hear what he [Page c] says;' when Mrs. Berkeley replies, 'Yes, I have talked to him already about it.' Now is it not evident that what I say is fact?"’ This gentleman did not mean that Dr. Berkeley consulted his excellent old servant on his Ser­mons, or Mrs. Berkeley on her Letters, although she had [Page ci] taught him the alphabet; he coming very early into Dr. Berkeley's family, and living in it very near thirty years, during which long period he never returned a saucy answer, nor uttered a pert sentence, or grumble, when shutting the door. Notwithstanding he was, when Mrs. Berkeley was not present, the only governor of Mr. Monck Berkeley, yet he ne­ver forgot that he was the son of his Master; but always treated him with the respect due from one in an humbler station. ‘"Sir, you must not, you shall not do that. What would my Mistress say, if she should come into the stable-yard now?"’ Mr. Wrightson was many years coachman to Dr. Berkeley before he became his butler. A stronger proof that persons is an humble station may be thoroughly re­spectable and respected cannot be adduced than in Mr. Berkeley's little brother, when about seven years old, sit­ting very disconsolately: the cause being enquired, he re­plied, ‘"Why, I have been naughty, and John will not be friends with me."’ Mrs. Berkeley, his grandmother, being in the room, replied, ‘"Oh! never mind that, if he won't; but go away to play."’ ‘"Never mind it, indeed Why, if all the world were friends with, and John was not, I could never be happy."’

Mr. Wrightson's powers for governing well, it may be presumed, are not impaired; as the little boys in Canter­bury workhouse, of which he is now master, are made so industrious, at eight years old, as to earn money sufficient to [Page cii] receive a poundage of threepence every week for themselves, to spend as they please, in little innocent trifles. A wise en­couragement this; and it must be wished by every humane person, that it was practised in every workhouse and poor-house throughout the three kingdoms. At Cookham in Berk­shire, where they are remarkably kind to the poor in the workhouse, and most shamefully hard and cruel to those who strive to keep themselves out of it, the lace-making women and girls, and others, have two pence out of every shilling they earn, and permission to work for their own profit after a certain hour in the evening. This is com­forting the hearts of the poor, enabling them to procure a little tea, tobacco, and snuff, which cannot be provided otherwise. Dr. Berkeley has often had his wonderfully fine, tender, feelings soothed, when visiting sick persons in the workhouse, saying, on his return home, ‘"Well, it is a delight to one's spirit to see those poor people in sheets as white, though not as fine, as one's own, and every comfort that human aid can render."’ Tea, wine, &c. were always allowed to the sick, if the apothecary said it was necessary. The very worthy Mrs. Lane was then mistress, with a handsome salary. She lived many years in the family of the late Lord Aylesford. Servants, who have lived in genteel families, are the only proper conductors of workhouses. A butler of the late worthy General Onslow of Cookham was her predecessor. A broken tradesman, [Page ciii] who perhaps knows little, but how to give short measure, and light weight, and eat the best of every thing, till he breaks, is tyrannical and cruel, ‘"laying his weight heavily on the aged; and not pitying children;"’ as speaks the Holy Scripture.

The aid of the very learned, very skilful Dr. Packe had been procured by Mrs. Berkeley, who, in a letter sent to him by her, had desired him to visit Mr. Berkeley at Do­ver, which he did, and saw him again at Canterbury on his journey. It was supposed by all who did see him, that Mr. Berkeley would hardly reach Sittingbourn alive; and he was supposed once to be dead; yet it pleased that all­gracious God, whose mercies are no fewer than infinite, to his faithful, however unworthy, servants, to conduct Mr. Berkeley to Cheltenham, where his family had been for some months, unable to get to him, on account of his Fa­ther's lamentable state of health, as above mentioned. Mr. Berkeley, after reposing part of a day and a night at the palace of those prodigies of KENTISH innkeepers, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, at the Rose at Sittingbourn—indeed they might, with truth, be compared with the Marches at Mai­denhead Bridge; the Red Lion, Henley; and most of the great innkeepers on the Northern Road; whose accommo­dations, obliging assiduities, and reasonable charges, de­serve to be celebrated.

[Page civ] Mr. Berkeley, by slow journeys, reached the metropolis, where he rested two or three days, and collected all those few friends who happened to be in town at that season when London is usually most empty, the beginning of De­cember. He exhibited himself as a man dying in the very prime of life, and besought them to ‘"remember their Crea­tor before the evil days come on,"’ and to fly from tempta­tion. He afterwards proceeded to his Father's house at Cookham; in the garden of which he ever delighted so much, particularly in the Southcote Walk leading to the Thames, as often to say to his Mother, who admired it at least as much as her Son, ‘"Well, if I was Lord Chancel­lor, and could not get the vicar's garden at Cookham, I should be perpetually breaking the tenth command­ment."’

Mrs. Berkeley had written to her apothecary, the very sensible and skilful Mr. Falwasser of Maidenhead, to desire him to meet Mr. Berkeley at Cookham, and endeavour to administer something to alleviate his sufferings, during his journey at least. After a short rest at Cookham, he left his beloved relation, Mrs. Frinsham, so exhausted with tender anxiety, as to be unable then to prosecute her jour­ney to Cheltenham. He proceeded with his attentive ser­vant to Oxford, whither he had written to his bedmaker, and kind attentive nurse in a severe stage of his near five [Page cv] years' illness, Mrs. Leycester*, to procure him a lodging as near the Hall as she could; as Mr. Berkeley, the Hall being full, was obliged, when more than four years standing in the University, to relinquish his rooms to admit younger members.

[Page cvi] It is impossible to omit relating here a most pleasing grateful attention of a much younger gentleman than Mr. Berkeley, over whom Mr. Berkeley had most kindly and wisely watched, in order to prevent his forming, as youths of sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen, are too apt to do, im­proper intimacies and connections; the worthy very ami­able-hearted William Browne, Esquire, Gentleman-com­moner of Magdalen Hall, now the very worthy rector of Horton, near Windsor. That parish was once so happy as to have the excellent Mr. Romaine for curate. This amiable-hearted young gentleman*, hearing from his bed­maker, Mrs. Leycester, that Mr. Berkeley was coming to Oxford, bid her take no thought about a lodging; for that, in Mr. Berkeley's infirm state of health, it must be more agreeable to him to be in his own old rooms, which Mr. Browne had desired the Principal to let him ex­change for his, when Mr. Berkeley was obliged to quit them; immediately took a lodging for himself, and directed Mrs. Leycester and the worthy Mr. William Wells, [Page cvii] one of the scouts, as the college servants are termed at Ox­ford, an early protegé of Mr. Berkeley, to prepare the rooms for his reception, and collected a number of Mr. Berkeley's old friends, to spend the evening with him, and, of course, their beloved and respected tutor, the Reverned Mr. Green, the vice-principal, on account of whose great learning, and strict attention to his pupils, Dr. Berkeley had recom­mended it to his son to enter at Magdalene Hall, rather than at his own beloved Christ Church, or under his old excellent friend, the angelic-hearted Bishop of Norwich, under whose roof, and in whose chearful gay society and that of his worthy Lady and beautiful daughters, Mr. Berkeley passed many happy hours of his Oxford life; the delightfully amiable Bishop always considering the Son of his oldest friend as, to use the French term, enfant de fa­mille. That throughly angelic Prelate would frequently re­late little anecdotes of Mr. Berkeley's gay, lively wit, with greater pleasure than a parent might venture to do, without being suspected of too great partiality. The writer of this Preface cannot dismiss this beloved, respected character [Page cviii] of her incomparable old friend, without saying what the same pen wrote, when the Church of England lost this bright mild star, and the church of Scotland his counterpart: That Bishop Horne, and the Reverend Dr. Gillespie, late Principal of the Divinity College in the University of St. Andrew. ‘"could be very little more angelical now, with wor­shiping at the throne of GLORY, than when on earth, supplicating at the throne of GRACE."’ Two more lovely mild, benign, sweet, spirits have not, perhaps, since the days of Moses, the meekest of meer men, been permitted to shine in this dark world for more than threescore years before they took their flight to join their kindred spirits; and may the Writer of these pages, through Redeeming Love, be admitted, in God's appointed time, to rejoin those sweet spirits, whose society was so exhilarating here. Both were remarkably cheerful agreeable companions; both had, perhaps, attended to that line of Dr. Young,‘"'Tis impious in a good man to be sad;"’ and to a still higher than Dr. Young, St. Paul, ‘"Rejoice alway—and again I say rejoice."’ Could gloomy, pious persons possibly conceive the injury that they do to the Re­ligion of our divine Redeemer, who repeatedly asserts, ‘"My yoke is easy, and my burden light,"’ they would not always, as if, like Manasseh, they were dragging about fetters of brass, or rather lead, for brass would shine too much for such ill-judging gloomy spirits:—

[Page cix]
"As if religion (the religion of the blessed Jesus) ever was intended
"To make our joys less."

Alas! no. It is a slight knowledge of Christ that sheds the gloom. ‘"ACQUAINT thyself with God,"’ says holy Job, ‘"and be at peace."’ It is one thing to get a slight view of any eminently wise person in a croud, and another to ACQUAINT ourselves thoroughly with them, if permitted so to do; and all are invited: ‘"Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will refresh you."’

After passing a couple of days at Oxford, to rest, and bid a last adieu to his friends in that beloved place, he pro­ceeded, by easy journeys, toward Cheltenham. He was met on the road by his Father, Mother, and his Father's cou­sin-german, the generous, amiable, and compassionate Mrs. D. Monck, too well known in the polite circles of London and Bath, for her polite attentions, elegant hospi­tality, and unbounded generosity to her relations, her friends, and the poor, to need an enumeration here. To attempt to do justice to her exquisitely kind, amiable, un­wearied attentions to Mr. Berkeley during the last six weeks of his life spent at Cheltenham, or his and his Pa­rents gratitude to that extraordinary Lady, is a task not to be executed perhaps by any pen, much less by one so very imbecile. Suffice it therefore to say, May God reward in [Page cx] TIME and through ETERNITY; what Mr. Berkeley termed Mrs. Monck's ‘"divine attentions"’ to him. Amen.

Mr. Berkeley's strength daily decreasing, as it had done for many months, he never walked out but twice at Chel­tenham, once to look at the beautiful church*, where he felt his mortal remains would soon be deposited, in hope of a joyful resurrection to immortal life, which he humbly hoped through CHRIST JESUS HIS SAVIOUR.

Curiosity perhaps may have led many to run their eye, for want of something else to do, over this short indigested sketch of the short life of a young Man, of whom it cannot [Page cxi] be said, there is nothing remarkable in it; for, were the account of Mr. Berkeley's life methodically written by a learned, accurate pen, perhaps few lives of double the length of his could furnish more curious matter. The number of astonishing hair-breadth escapes of life, in his very early childhood, used to occasion his Mother to express her fears, that he would resemble Pope Sixtus Quintus, or the celebrated unfortunate Wortley Montague, Esquire; both of whom, it is well known, were incessantly in perils, and escaped most wonderfully. A very worthy woman, that waited on Lady Mary Wortley Montague when he was born, and many years afterwards, in her advanced age lived with an intimate friend of Mrs. Berkeley's Mother, when Mrs. Berkeley was a girl, and was by her frequently enter­tained with the wonderful exploits of Master Montague; and those of Master Berkeley were in many instances so si­milar as to cause the supremest vigilance in Mrs. Berkeley. Her younger son, although a wonderfully lively alert child, never had any danger to encounter, never had any known escape from danger, which occasioned Mr. Berkeley's fre­quent dangers and escapes to be the more noticed by the whole family. The spirit of one ‘"returned early to God who gave it:"’ the other was appointed to travel longer through the thorny wilderness of this world.

A certain description of readers are now about to be ad­dressed, in the words of that noblest of poets, Dr. Young, in his second Night:

[Page cxii]
"Fly, ye profane! if not, draw near with awe;
"Receive the blessing, and adore the chance
"That threw in this Bethesda your disease:
"If unrestor'd by this, despair your cure.
"For, here, resistless demonstration dwells;
"A death-bed 's a detector of the heart.
"Here tir'd dissimulation drops her mask*,
"Through life's grimace, that mistress of the scene!
[Page cxiii] "Here real and apparent are the same.
"You see the man, you see his hold on heaven.

"Heaven waits not the last moment, own her friends
"On this side death; and points them out to men:
"A lecture, silent, but of sov'reign power."

When it is mentioned that Mr. Berkeley's Mother, ever anxious for the salvation of her children, had never failed from the moment they had life, ‘"to pray that God would vouchsafe to make her the MOTHER of their souls;"’ it will be easily believed, that this anxiety did not decrease on the letters she perpetually received from her excellent friends, Lady Laurie and Mrs. Frinsham from Dover, of the declining state of Mr. Berkeley's health; and, dreading lest she might never have an opportunity of conversing with him on earth, she repeatedly wrote to conjure them to procure for Mr. Berkeley's perusal a small volume, that she persuaded herself would pour balm into his humble contrite spirit. These excellent Ladies, incessantly procuring com­forts for his agonized stomach, and well knowing how con­stantly and how frequently Mr. Berkeley redde and studied [Page cxiv] the Book of Books, as good Bishop Ridley, at the stake, termed the Book of God, omitted to comply with Mrs. Berkeley's request; they then never having perused that exquisite little volume, which Mr. Berkeley's Mother, on finishing and closing it, almost involuntarily exclaimed, ‘"My God, I desire to praise thy mercy, that thou hast permitted me to live to read this incomparable little book."’ It expounds some parts of Scripture differently from what many modern Divines of the Church of England understand them, although perfectly consonant to the Arti­cles of the Church of England, and written by one of her brightest ornaments, who may be termed, as the evange­lical Bishop Hall used to style his seraphic friend, the Ho­nourable Robert Boyle, ‘"a Lay Bishop."’ Mrs. Berkeley, knowing that her Son dreaded any thing that he conceived might open a door to licentiousness, and she equally dread­ing any thing that might lead him to despair of God's mercy through Christ to all true penitents, for some days forbore to produce this invaluable little volume. One morning, after breakfast, sitting in Mr. Berkeley's room, he said,

‘"My dear Madam, I wish you would be so good as to read to me.’

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"What shall I read, my dear?’

Mr. B.—‘"Something good.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Shall I read in the Bible?’

[Page cxv]Mr. B.—‘"No; Morsey has just been reading that to me.’

Mrs. B.—‘"What then, my dear, do you choose?’

Mr. B.—‘"Why, pray read to me some of your own books."’

By your own books, Mr. Berkeley meant either Romaine or Hervey, &c. Mrs. Berkeley then drew the little volume out of her pocket, and began; she had not redde far, be­fore Mr. Berkeley put back his curtain, and said,

‘"Pray, my dear Madam, whose book is that?’

Mrs. B.—‘"It is mine, my dear.’

Mr. B.—‘"Yes, yes, I know that: you know what I mean; who is the writer?’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why do you ask, my dear? Do you like it?’

Mr. B.—‘"Yes, most exceedingly! Pray tell me who is the author?’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why, my dear, it is written by my excellent old friend, Sir Richard Hill."’

He then exclaimed, ‘"Oh! best of Mothers, do not make an Antinomian of your poor Son; for, if you do, he is lost for ever.

Mrs. B.—‘"My dear child, Sir Richard Hill is no more an Antinomian than your Mother; and you have long [Page cxvi] known her horror of that dreadful doctrine of DEVILS. As I have always told you, till a certain text can be expunged from Scripture, no real Christian can become an Antino­mian: 'Without HOLINESS no man shall see the Lord.'’

Mr. B.—‘"Pray proceed."’

On the Monday he requested Mrs. Berkeley to read out of it again; and one day asking her to read to him, she re­plied, ‘"My dear, I have just laid it out of my pocket, on the table in my own room."’ He replied, ‘"But, best of Mothers, you can have the goodness to go and fetch it:"’ which request was of course instantly complied with. He frequently exclaimed, ‘"It is a wonderful book, surely."’ The title—"The Deep Things of GOD, or Milk and Strong Meat*."

About ten days before his lamented death, his Mother, sitting in her usual place, close to his pillow, he thus ad­dressed her: ‘"My dear Madam, I have a favour to beg of you. Pray, promise me that you will grant it."’ ‘"My dear child, you know, that if it is any thing in my power, [Page cxvii] you may command it."’ ‘"It is, that you will promise me faithfully to send a copy of this book over to Ireland, for it is a book of a very extraordinary nature indeed—the most wonderfull book surely that ever was written by man, uninspired; and God knows, they lamentably want it in that poor country, as well as in this."’ Mrs. Berkeley en­quired to whom he wished her to send it. He mentioned a particular old friend of his Father, for whom Mr. Berkeley had a very great and unfeigned regard. Mrs. Berkeley pro­mised him, that, if it pleased God to spare her life, she cer­tainly would send it without fail.

The evening immediately preceding Mr. Berkeley's happy departure, as Mrs. Berkeley was sitting by his bed side, he fell into a sweet sleep. A servant came to announce to her, that tea was made. She went silently out of the room. In a few minutes he awoke, and enquired of his servant, ‘"Where is my Mother?"’ ‘"Just gone down to tea, Sir."’ ‘"Go down, and give my duty to her, and say, that when she has quite done drinking her tea, I beg to speak with her."’ Mrs. Berkeley instantly obeyed the summons; he kindly reproached her for having come so quickly, saying, ‘"He feared she had not taken her tea (which he knew was her favourite refreshment) in com­fort."’ On being assured that she had done, he began, ‘"My dearest Mother, I beg that you will have the good­ness to promise me solemnly, that you will send that ex­cellent [Page cxviii] book over to Ireland."’ ‘"My dear, I did promise you, about a fortnight ago, that I would certainly send it if I lived. Did I ever in my life, from your infancy, break any promise, good or bad, that I made to you, or to your dear brother?"’ ‘"No, never, I believe, in your whole life."’ But I thought, perhaps, that you might ‘"promise me, as a dy [...]"’ He was going to say, it is supposed, ‘"as a dying man."’ He stopped short, think­ing it would too tenderly affect his almost broken-hearted Mother, and proceeded to say, to pacify me, and make me easy, again repeating, ‘"It is a most extraordinary WONDER­FUL book surely."’

Mr. Berkeley might most happily term it such; for it was that alone, by the mercy of God, that could, that did, ena­ble him to triumph over the KING of TERRORS.

Mrs. Frinsham used frequently, when visiting at Dr. Berkeley's, to say to her sister, ‘"I am surprized your chil­dren are ever terrified: you promise them a whipping, or a starving, (so she termed a dinner of potatoes and water; for it injures children's stomachs to fast entirely, or go to bed supperless;) in so very good humoured a voice, that I wonder they ever believe you."’ Mrs. Berkeley used to assure her, that there was no need of uttering the promise in the tone of a fish-woman, as they well knew, whatever the voice was, the threat would infallibly be executed.

[Page cxix] A curious little anecdote of Mr. Berkeley's early entering into characters occurred when he was just turned six years old. One day Mrs. Frinsham and Dr. Berkeley, going down the Southcote Walk, he gallopped by them, whip­ping his horse (a fine long stick), saying, ‘"Miss Frinsham, I am to dine upon bread and water to-day."’ His two relatives, both made up of tenderness, lamentably exclaimed, ‘"Oh! I hope not: go, and beg pardon."’ ‘"Oh! that won't do."’ To which his Father replied, ‘"Oh! my dear, go, and try to coax your Mamma."’ With a look of ineffable scorn, he replied, ‘"Oh! my dear Sir, you don't know MY Mamma. When once she has said (imitating the exact tone* in which the threat was denounced) Berkeley! you shall dine to day upon bread and water, if the KING was to come, and go down upon both his knees to her, she would not pardon me. My Mamma is [Page cxx] not like you—when I am naughty, take and give me a good hearty shake or two, and scold me for a minute or two, and then forget it directly."’ The idea of his Ma­jesty's intercession being vain, was a lucky one; or per­haps as his Majesty, in hunting, frequently passed through Dr. Berkeley's grounds, this extraordinary little genius might have thrown himself in his way. He had been told that nobody must ever turn their backs on the King. When about five years old, walking one evening with his Mother and Miss Leigh, a relation of hers, in Kensington gardens, he on a sudden began walking backwards, presently saying, ‘"Dear ladies, why do you not walk backwards?"’ Some gentleman passed, whom he supposed to be his Majesty, whom he had then never seen. But to return.

Mr. Berkeley felt that he had broken God's Law, had fallen into temptation, and considering that he had received a tho­roughly pious education, as he used to tell his consoling Mo­ther, when she repeatedly applied to his broken contrite spirit, that glorious promise, ‘"Though your sins be as scarlet,"’ &c. and that infinitely gracious one of our eternal co-equal Sa­viour God, ‘"Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.—Come unto me, ALL ye that are weary and heavy [Page cxxi] laden, and I will refresh you."’ ‘"Alas! my dear Mo­ther, I have been a more grievous sinner than others, because I have had a more pious education than most persons."’ But, blessed, for ever blessed, be the astonish­ing Love of God the COMFORTER, this blessed little book poured the balm of perfect peace, of joy, into his lovely wounded spirit; and he wished others to be consoled by it.

One morning, after all fear of vengeance on account of the broken Law of God was quite done away, by HIS mercy, ‘"who is MIGHTY to save,"’ and ‘"who trod the wine-press ALONE,"’ Mrs. Berkeley, going into the room, as was her custom, enquired if he had passed a tolerable night. His reply was, ‘"I have had great pain, and have not closed my eyes one minute since I saw you; but I have been in heaven, blessed be the MERCY of GOD."’ A few mornings afterwards the same anxious enquiry was answered in the very same words, with this addition, ‘"Surely, my dearest Mother, it is not an illusion of my GRAND ENEMY, to lull me into security."’ So watchful was he against deceiving himself, especially in the concerns of his soul; to which his Mother earnestly replied, ‘"No, my dear child, NO. That God whom you have laboured so zealously, so faithfully, to serve, although he has per­mitted you to fall, to shew you your own frailty, yet he will never suffer the Enemy of Souls to delude you. Besides, my dearest creature what can the Devil hope to gain by you, [Page cxxii] in your present helpless, languishing state, unless he could tempt you to blaspheme, or despair, as you lie stretched on a bed of languishing? And, blessed be the free grace of God, he has never yet been able to do either the one or the other. No, my dear Son, God has vouchsafed, in infinite mercy, to lift up the light of his reconciled countenance upon you, to answer the constant fervent prayers of your poor unworthy Mother, and your own, on this side the grave."’ At two, three, or four nights distance, Mr. Berkeley had two or three more such blessed nights; for which wonderfully gracious vouchsafement all glory be to FREE SOVEREIGN GRACE and REDEEMING LOVE.

The day before Mr. Berkeley's death, he discovered, by what Dr. Berkeley happened to drop, that Mrs. Berkeley had sat up the whole of the preceding night in the next room. His eyes flashed with indignation, and he instantly spoke to her concerning it. As Mrs. Berkeley never, in the polite in­tercourse of life, suffers herself to falsify*, she was obliged at [Page cxxiii] last to confess, that she had reposed on the sopha in the drawing-room. He earnestly exclaimed, ‘"Good God! so my dear Mother is to kill herself for me: that is at last to be the end of her."’ And, turning to his Father, he said, ‘"Ah! my dear Sir, why would you suffer it?"’ Dr. Berkeley replied, ‘"My dear child, your Mother would have been wretched if I had interposed."’ He then extorted a solemn promise from his Mother, that she would go to rest that night, amiably adding, ‘"and promise that you will un­dress, and go into bed, or I will not attempt to close my eyes all night."’ Mrs. Berkeley retired, with a strict in­junction to Dr. Berkeley's and Mr. Berkeley's own servant, both of whom attended him with wonderful assiduity, al­ternately lying in a tent-bed in Mr. Berkeley's room, and sitting up with him, that she would never forgive them, if they perceived the least change in Mr. Berkeley, and did not instantly call her up.

On the morning of January 26, Mr. Berkeley's servant knocked at the chamber-door, saying, ‘"that he came with his Master's duty, and desired Dr. Berkeley would go down, and pray with him."’ Dr. Berkeley instantly arose, and went down. Just as Mrs. Berkeley had put on some [Page cxxiv] of her cloaths, Dr. Berkeley, returned, announcing ‘"the heavy tidings,"’ that they had lost their earthly treasure. Mrs. Berkeley, although having ever earnestly wished and prayed to witness the last moments of all those beloved re­lations she is doomed to survive, submitted, in she humbly trusts, profound silence to the will of the ALL-WISE Dis­poser of ALL events; acting, as well as daily praying, ‘"Thy will be done in me, on me, and by me."’ Mr. Berkeley, in a letter to his Mother, during his illness, says, ‘"I trust I have learned my dearest Mother's prayer, 'Thy will,' &c.’ Mrs. Berkeley sunk again into her bed. Just as the clock struck nine, she exclaimed to Dr. Berkeley, ‘"If ever I heard Berkeley cough in my life, he has coughed this minute."’ ‘"Alas! my dear, no: you will never hear him any more on earth."’ Mrs. Berkeley's maid entered at that instant, saying, ‘"that Mr. Berkeley was come to life again, and wished to see Mrs. Berkeley."’ It may be easily supposed that she was not long in getting down stairs, where she saw her dear Son looking like an angel, his fine eyes as lively as when in perfect health; and for about a fortnight before his death, his nose became so exactly like the beautiful one of his two grandfathers, Bishop Berkeley and Mr. Frinsham, both having the same fine-shaped nose, that he looked remarkably beautiful. The same change after death took place, in the same feature of Dr. Berkeley's wonderfully beautiful face. Such changes are said, by the learned men of the faculty, often to happen a few [Page cxxv] hours before the separation of the spirit from the earthly mould.

Dr. and Mr. Monck Berkeley both wanted what Mrs. Berkeley always termed the genuine Berkeley nose, and which her own father, without being a Berkeley, had. The present Countess Dowager of Granard has it. When the beautiful lady Georgiana Berkeley, she was a fac simile of a wonderfully fine ivory medallion taken of Bishop Berkeley, at Rome, when a young man. Dr. Berkeley used to say, to Mr. Berkeley, ‘"Aye, your nose is a judgement upon your Mother, for despising mine, because it is not like my fa­ther's."’ Mr. Monck Berkeley had, from pictures in Berke­ley Castle, and from monuments, drawings of all his noble ancestors, and used to show his Mother some few with a short nose; to which she used to reply, ‘"Aye, some ugly mother has introduced it."’ When Doctor Berkeley, in the case of the late brave Admiral B [...], as plain as he was valiant, his lady one of the most beautiful women in Europe,—the sons all resembling the mother, the very clever worthy daughters the good Admiral:—observed, ‘"What a pity it is that those poor girls have all got such an horrid dash of their father in their faces!"’ The young ladies are all well married, and make as excellent wives as their beau­tiful mother. The worthy veteran used to say, ‘"I never thought my wife handsome, until Dr. Berkeley talked so much of her beauty. I know she was a very good wife."’

[Page cxxvi] Mr. Berkeley, who always greatly delighted in the Psalms, desired those of the day, both morning and evening, might be redde to him; in which he joined. The evening Psalms of the 26th day of the month conclude the exixth Psalm. Mr. Berkeley felt the whole well suited to his state, parti­cularly the last verse. His Father prayed with him, the family attending, and pronounced, at the request of his Mother, that delightful absolution of the excellent Church of England, in her office for the Visitation of the Sick. He appeared so much revived, that his friends all quitted the room a little before noon, except his Mother, the medical gentlemen who attended having given it as their opinion that he would remain until about ten at night. In about half an hour, his Mother, perceiving that speaking seemed rather painful to him, and that he breathed rather quicker, said, ‘"We will pray:"’ and, taking out of her pocket Bishop Hall's excellent little book of Devotions for all oc­casions, and all relations in life, from which she petitioned at the Throne of Grace for her Son, as soon as his soul, the breath of [...], entered his body; she now, when she conceived it was returning to God, prostrated herself by the bed-side, and his servant at the foot of the bed, when (oh! the wonderful goodness of Christ,) she was enabled to offer that fine prayer for one just departing out of this world, with a distinct voice, and without one falling tear, which she well knew would have thrown her Son into extreme [Page cxxvii] agony*. Mr. Berkeley joined in that fine prayer, the Lord's Prayer, and ‘"The Lord lift up the light of his re­conciled countenance,"’ &c. Mrs. Berkeley then seated her­self by her Son's pillow; he fixed his still fine eyes most tenderly upon her for about two minutes, then closed them, she conceiving that he was resolved his poor unworthy Mother should be the last earthly object they should be­hold. He then, without calling for the assistance of his servant, turned himself quite round to the other side of his bed, laid his arms down by his side, and made himself quite ready for his coffin; then uttered three distinct as­pirations, as was conceived, to that co-equal Triune God, in whom he had ever so firmly believed from the age of fifteen. After a little time, one single deep breath to [...] as was supposed, his lovely spirit winged its happy flight to the realms of bliss. There may all who loved him, in God's appointed time, join him in casting their crowns be­fore [Page cxxviii] the Throne, and singing, "Worthy is the Lamb," &c. Thus ended the short—long—life of George Monck Berke­ley, Esquire; leaving his parents to—what shall I say?—deplore their irreparable loss. They could hardly be so selfish; and as Lord [...], a near relation of his Father, and Sir [...] [...], an old intimate friend, both with one consent, although in very distant parts, said, in their letters to Mrs. Berkeley, ‘"It is hardly possible to condole: one must rather exult with you on so happy, so delight­ful an exit."’ And his Mother has often asserted, that if a wish would restore to her the sweet society of her beloved Son and Husband, she would not be selfish enough—wicked enough—to form that wish.

Mr. Berkeley prayed fervently to God for three things; and He that heareth the prayers of the contrite, heard and answered him:

First, That the agonies of his stomach might cease one week before he quitted this mortal life. ‘"Oh! spare me a little, that I may recover my strength before I go hence, and be no more seen."’—The mercy of God graciously ordered, that they ceased just ten days before his death; [Page cxxix] and, instead of that craving for fruits and acids, he rather wished to avoid taking any thing, not even orange and le­mon jelly; so as to occasion his Mother's one day saying, ‘"My dear Man, if you do not take a little nourishment, you will be a suicide;"’ to which he hastily replied, ‘"Oh! God, for Jesus' sake, avert."’ He then took the glass of jelly from her hand, and said, ‘"I will take any thing you wish."’

Going into his room one morning, he, as usual, en­quired kindly of Mrs. Berkeley concerning her health, to which she replied, ‘"As well, my dear, as I can expect to be, with this horrid weather."’ Frost has ever been ex­ceedingly inimical to Mrs. Berkeley's health. He, with the mildest, sweetest voice, said, ‘"My dear Mother, is it quite right in us to find fault with any weather, or any thing that God pleases to send us?"’ A few years ago, an Irish gentleman of fortune, of Cork, published a long letter in the St. James's Chronicle, on the same idea. It may, perhaps, be wrong; but one has, from childhood, been accustomed to say, unreproved, ‘"What horrid, or what vile weather this is!"’

Secondly, That he might not die in the night, or in his sleep.—He expired exactly at noon, the sun shining more remarkably bright and clear than is at all usual at that sea­son of the year.

[Page cxxx] Thirdly, That he might retain his senses perfectly to the very last breath he drew. How graciously that petition was answered has been above related.

Monsieur Le Moyne, in a beautiful little work, which, I believe, is not translated into English, says, ‘"La mer nous représent la bonté du bon Dieu au pénitents.—La mer tou­jours sort pour rencontre les rivieres,"’ &c.

Mr. Berkeley was too well known in the metropolises of these three kingdoms to make a particular description of his person necessary. Suffice it therefore to say, that the beauty of his face by no means equalled that of his exqui­sitely beautiful Father, and his still handsomer Grandfather, Bishop Berkeley. He more resembled, in face and stature, his Mother's Father, the thoroughly excellent Reverend Henry Frinsham, A.M. esteemed when at Oxford, and till debilitated by illness, the strongest, ‘"best-built"’ man in England. Mr. Frinsham and his grandson were both six feet high without their shoes: each took care not be in­debted to them for additional height; both their strength was muscular, both having remarkably small bones. Mr. Berkeley was much handsomer than Mr. Frinsham, except­ing his nose*, the great beauty of his face; his eyes much [Page cxxxi] larger, which were decorated with his Father's beautiful dark eye-brows and eye-lashes*.

[Page cxxxii] Dr. Berkeley's family once attending some friends of theirs of too high rank to be left entirely to the verger of the week to view the curiosities of the magnificent cathe­dral of Canterbury; on reaching the tomb of the Black Prince, the sword was taken out as usual, and delivered to the company to admire. When going to be again deposited within the iron railing, Mr. Berkeley took it into his hands, and drew it with as much ease as he would have drawn his own sword. Mrs. Preston, the verger's wife, exclaimed, ‘"Good Lord! Sir, what have you done?"’ Mr. Berkeley's Mother instantly said, ‘"I hope no harm. My dear Berke­ley, why would you draw it without asking if it was per­mitted to be drawn?"’‘"Harm, Madam,"’ replied the worthy woman; ‘"Mr. Berkeley has done no harm, if he has not hurt himself;"’ adding, ‘"Well, Sir; I suppose I have seen more than an hundred gentlemen attempt to draw that sword, but no one ever accomplished it with one hand but yourself."’ Mrs. Berkeley's alarm then sub­sided, and she replied, ‘"He has his Mother's and Grand-father's wonderful strength of wrist."’ So entirely muscular was his strength, that, a short time before his death, that wrist that could lift a man nearly as tall as himself by the [Page cxxxiii] collar of the coat, did not measure half an inch more than his Mother's, who is a very little woman.

Mr. Monck Berkeley's person altogether made what per­sons usually term a very fine looking young man. He was so exactly proportioned, that he never appeared a tall man, except when standing in a groupe. He had a most graceful figure, and was esteemed the finest dancer of his stature in England. At the famous masquerade given by the late Lord Barrymore at Wargrove, where Mr. Berkeley ap­peared as an Highland Chief, most completely elegantly equipped; purse, claymore, dirk, &c. every thing but the kelt, insted of which he wore the trowse; two masks ac­costed him with, ‘"Laird, are you for a Highland reel?"’ Mr. Berkeley instantly gave his claymore to a gentleman to hold, stepped forward, and they began a threesome reel, in which the superiority of Mr. Berkeley's dancing was so marked, as to cause a very great personage, who honoured that most elegant masquerade with his presence, to stand the whole time, and to say, at the expiration of that beautiful dance, when well danced by Scots, ‘"that Mr. Berkeley was the finest figure, and the finest dancer he had ever seen;"’ and praise from those who excel in any art, is praise.

Mr. Berkeley, although not regularly handsome, had perhaps one of the most pleasing countenances any where to be seen—a look of the deepest thought, enlightened by [Page cxxxiv] the sweetest, mildest benevolence, and, when called forth, brightened by the liveliest chastized gaiety; which has caused some of the first characters for learning and sense to assert, that Mr. Monck Berkeley was the most agreeable companion they had ever known. That look of deep thought, and exquisite benevolence, seldom united in the same soul, seldomer blended in the same countenance, are so astonishingly preserved in the beautiful portrait painted by his beloved friend, Mr. Peters, and by that throughly amiable gentleman presented to Mrs. Berkeley after her Son's death, as to delight all who have a soul capable of en­joying the beauties of an exquisite painting. The print prefixed to the Poems is taken from that exquisite painting; but Engraving cannot give the soul like Painting. Mrs. Berkeley esteems herself rich in a most beautiful miniature of her unspeakably dear Son, so small as constantly to be carried in the pocket, taken from Mr. Peters's portrait, by the wonderful, the magic pencil of her excellent accom­plished friend, Miss Johnson, of the Paddock-House near Canterbury. Whoever has an eye for fine painting, and has been treated with a fight of that Lady's performances, must be sensible of the happiness of possessing one of a dear departed friend. It can hardly be said departed. He is present, and does every thing but articulate. Such obli­gations are not to be repaid. The mines of Brazil, if pos­sessed, are not adequate. Mrs. Berkeley was some years ago indebted to the same exquisite pencil for a bracelet [Page cxxxv] of her youngest Son, done entirely from memory; for two indifferent pictures of that beautiful child rather confused than assisted.

At the King's School at Canterbury a common amuse­ment of the lower school was playing at judge and jury. Counsel were regularly retained to plead on each side. By accident Dr. Berkeley discovered the value that was set on his Son's oratorical powers in that mimic court, on first hear­ing of it from the amiable beloved friend of his Son, the late Mr. Thurlow, son of Lord Thurlow, whose play hours were constantly spent under the hospitable roof of Dr. Berkeley, who enquiring how the counsel were feed, he replied, ‘"Oh! we have all the same fee, a halfpenny apiece, excepting Berkeley, and he has always a penny."’ ‘"A penny! (replied Dr. Berkeley,) why should he have a penny? I am sure, he is not covetous."’‘"No, no; but they will give it him, because they are sure to win their cause who have Berkeley on their side."’

Perhaps it may gratify some young gentlemen, his school­felows, in distant parts of the world, and bring the happy innocent days of very early youth to their remembrance, if they should glance their eye over this, to see their names. At the head of this list stands dear angelic-hearted Mr. Thurlow; the gentle, elegant Captain Colombine, of the Navy; the lively, sprightly Samuel Chambers, of Wood-stock-House, [Page cxxxvi] Kent; the Reverend Stephen Tucker; Mr. Charles Hasted; Osborne Tylden, Esquire, of [...] Court in Kent; Mr. Gregory*, son of the Reverend Mr. Gregory of Canterbury; the Reverend Cooper Willyams of It­ning; Mr. Mark Thomas, son of the famous Alderman Thomas; the throughly respectable worthy Reverend Sir Henry-Pix Heyman, Baronet, shame to tell, with only a living, or rather a starving, of about sixty pounds per annum, bestowed on him by the bounty of his present Grace of Canterbury, for until lately that very respectable antient young Baronet had only a curacy—happily for him he in­herits some fortune from his mother;—the vast family estate, except what was left to charity, all went in the reigns of the Stuarts. Sir Henry Heyman may read em­phatically, ‘"put not your trust in princes."’ The great­grandfather of his friend, Mr. Monck Berkeley, is said to have left his curse on his latest descendant who should ever expend a shilling in the service of any King. Mr. Berke­ley's father hazarded it. It is almost incredible what it cost him to advertize his famous sermon, preached on the 31st of January, to endeavour to prevent a reform in parliament,—twenty guineas for advertizing it in one particular News­paper, besides frequently in some others, and in all country papers!—presenting a copy to every member of both Houses, whom, to use his own expression, ‘"he thought had sense enough to understand it."’ It went through five editions within four weeks, as the Doctor mentioned to a [Page cxxxvii] friend a little time before his lamented death. A sixth edition was very lately printed, consisting of one thousand copies, which were all dispersed gratis amongst traders, &c. ‘"to try to teach poor fools to know when they are well."’

It had been always said that Dr. Berkeley's grandfather* set the present Family on the Throne, and that his Fa­ther fixed them there; and that generous, disinterested, [Page cxxxviii] noble-minded man used to say, ‘"By the blessing of God, I will try to keep them there."’ Dr. Berkeley, as well as his father and grandfather, was a very great politician. The sermon was preached in Canterbury Cathedral, on Monday, January 31, and by the orders and contrivance of the preacher, and active acuteness of the well-known Al­derman Simmons of Canterbury, sold in Todd's shop at York, on the next Thursday, in order to defeat Wyville's meeting at that place, which, to the great delight of Dr. Berkeley, it accomplished.

[Page cxxxix] Dr. Berkeley never asked, during his life, but two fa­vours of ministry—equal to the exchanging two half-crowns for five shillings, or two six-pences for a shilling: both, however, were too great to be granted to the grandson of the Speaker of the Irish House of Commons—to the son of Bishop Berkeley. When his son left Canterbury School, he wished to exchange his stall at Canterbury for either Windsor or Westminster, to superintend the education of his Son at one of those schools. He preferred Windsor. Some years after, on his Son's leaving Eton, he again re­quested an exchange for a stall at Christ Church, but met with similar success.

The exquisite amiability of Mr. Berkeley's nature, not his temper, that being naturally wilful, in some sort rugged, was re-formed by EDUCATION, re-generated by GRACE. His nature, as has been shewn, was throughly NOBLE, un­commonly generous. He had by both his Parents, from infancy, been bred up, with an horror of being what is called a TUFT HUNTER at Oxford, or a sneaking LORD COURTER at Eton. His real nobility of blood little needed such cautions.

Soon after his going to the King's School at Canterbury, there came to board, at Dr. Beauvoir's, Mr. Thurlow, only son of the late Lord Chancellor Thurlow, by Miss Lynch, [Page cxl] daughter of the charitable, hospitable Dean Lynch*, and sister to the late accomplished Sir William, and to the hap­piness of the poor and distressed, or oppressed, the present Reverend Dr. Lynch, Prebendary of Canterbury. Each of these gentlemen inherited a very large share of both their parents' extraordinarily charitable disposition, as did the late lovely Mrs. Hey and Mrs. Tatton, their sisters. Mr. Thurlow then about eight years old, just half a year younger than Mr. Berkeley, was sent from under the protection of his sensible, wonderfully kind adopting father, the Reverend Mr. Hey of Wickham, whose lady, above-named, was his Mother's eldest sister. The Writer cannot proceed without heaving a sigh, and dropping a tear of friendship over the urn of that most sensible, interesting of youths, the only son of dear Thurlow's earthly guardian angel, Mr. Hey. She still feels pleasure in recollecting how often he used to say, ‘"Is it not very odd, that, although I have uncles, aunts, and many kind relations, who are very good to me; yet I always feel myself more at home at Dr. Berkeley's?"’ He was about fifteen; a youth of a very singular turn of mind, endowed with all his father's great understanding, [Page cxli] and all the real, mild, not affected, gentleness of his lovely mother. A strong tincture of melancholy was visible to even a common observer. As a child at home, it was said he never loved to play; at school he never played at cric­ket, &c. longer than ten minutes, then retired to read. Mrs. Berkeley's wish to delight the mother of an only child occasioned her telling her servants, ‘"that whenever Mrs. Hey's carriage came to Dr. Berkeley's, some servant man, or woman, must go immediately to Dr. Beauvoir's, where he boarded, to fetch Master Hey."’ Both mother and son felt more than this little motherly attention merited. Mrs. Berkeley told Master Hey, when he felt himself low­spirited, and had no more agreeable place to take his tea, he would find it in her dressing-room at six, where he would, sometimes, enjoy the very improving conversation of that accomplished, that wise director of young men, Dr. Berkeley; if not, he might dissipate his gloom a little, by hearing her raileries on his gravity, &c. at fifteen, Mrs. Berkeley, having been in the same predicament herself, at twelve, with a youth of thirteen. Dear Johnny, as he was always called by Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley, had contrived very early in life, before he was thirteen, to form an attach­ment, that did not contribute to dissipate the natural gloom of his mind, although it often exhilarated him.

The youngest daughter of the celebrated Mr. Airson, although very far from handsome, was blessed with so very [Page cxlii] fine an understanding, that all the uncommonly sensible youths, and even lads, were her devoted admirers, as others were of the great beauty of Dr. Beauvoir's eldest daughter, now married to William Hammond, Esquire, of the Friers, Canterbury. Miss Airson died at the age of nineteen. Mrs. Berkeley used to say of her, ‘"that she had under­standing enough to set up a large country town."’ Her gratitude was great indeed, (that VERY scarce virtue, grow­ing only in an humble heart, and cherished by a strong head;) for what she deemed the condescending attentions of Mrs. Berkeley to her, her father being a Minor where Mrs. Berkeley's husband was a Major. Although very kindly treated at Canterbury to what they are in most other Cathedrals and Choirs, Norwich excepted; the Minor­canons and Schoolmasters, their wives and daughters, are in a very different line of company. In general, their ori­ginal fortunes, and always their church incomes, are undoubtedly so much inferior, as not to make them wish to mix. Mrs. Berkeley, on being once reproached by a Pre­bendary's lady, for introducing Miss Airsons at her routs, and being intimate with their elegant, sweet mother, made this laconic reply: ‘"Why, my dear Madam, Mrs. Airson's father had almost as many thousands a year as my father had hundreds; and if Mrs. Airson chose to marry the first singer in the world, a clergyman and a gentleman, rather than a foolish ignoramus in a red coat, does that make her conversation the less pleasing to me? [Page cxliii] Should Mrs. Airson's elegant accomplished * nephew, with his noble estate, offer to ANY Prebendary's daughter, I dare say, she would not refuse him. I have no daughter, thank God, so am not courting Mrs. Airson for her ne­phew."’ Mr. Airson and his family were so highly, so universally respected, that their small house was the resort of all persons of fashion and good sense. The late amiable Bishop of Norwich, when Dean of Canterbury, would often, when walking out, say, ‘"Come, my dear Madam, suppose we go to Johnny's coffee-house."’ Mr. Airson, a great invalid, never dined, or even drank tea from home. He never confined his lady or daughters; they well knew he would not pass his afternoons alone. His piety almost equalled his musical powers; which he never would use, (except in a private room to his friends,) but in the house of that God who bestowed them. Handel offered him eight hundred pounds per annum, if he would only sing in the Oratorios in Lent, but he refused it. It is somewhat remarkable that the Sunday after his very sudden death, the late Bishop of Norwich, then Dean of Canterbury, la­mented his loss, and celebrated his virtues, in similar words [Page cxliv] to those used by the Writer of this Preface in the Canter­bury Paper the preceding day, when lamenting the loss of that cheerful, gay, heavenly-minded friend, whom she had so far, en gaieté de coeur, prevailed on, to accompany her as far as his hall, in her way to a rout at his next door neighbour's, saying, ‘"She should attract all eyes, and re­ceive the thanks of all the company."’ His gentle, amia­ble, eldest daughter, then his all, since married to Mr. Allen of Hereford, her mother and sister being gone, ob­jected to his having on his old coat, and begging him to put on his smart new one. To this Mrs. Berkeley strongly objected, saying, ‘"It might, tender as he was, occasion his taking cold."’ Had he gone, she would ever have reproached herself, as the cause of his universally lamented death.

It is now more than high time to return from this too long digression; but the reciting the virtues of beloved, re­spected friends, NOW beyond the reach of any other atten­tions, is apt, in a heart susceptible of sincere regard for real worth, to give the pen a disorder, which the French apply to the tongue of one who talks too much, il a une fluxe de langue. The Writer often feels la fluxe de plume. She is sometimes tempted to form the wish of an old friend of hers, whose husband made her, she being a ready pen­woman, write much for him, ‘"Well; I do wish I had never been taught to write at all."’ Perhaps the readers of this [Page cxlv] may form it for her; but it is not necessary to read the whole of every book; and, to use the language of Holy Writ, they may ‘"separate the precious from the vile."’ They may read the fine Poetry of the Author, and pass over the indifferent Prose of the Editor.

Whenever Mr. Monck Berkeley observed any boy, who boarded at either of the Masters, never invited out to dinner on holidays, he would say to his Mother, ‘"Pray, my dear Madam, next holiday invite poor such an one, and such an one. Poor things, they have no relations or acquaintance here to invite them; and it is very dull for them. Pray be so good as to let them come here."’ This whether they were his intimates or not. Indeed his inti­mates seldom did come, having, most of them, parents in the church or city, excepting sometimes the Reverend Cooper Willyams, of Ixning, son of the very worthy Cap­tain and Mrs. Willyams, and Captain Gregory, of the Wiltshire Militia, son of the very learned Reverend Francis Gregory of Canterbury.

Mr. Thurlow happened to come to school in the begin­ning of summer, when all his uncles and aunts, usually re­sident in Canterbury during the winter, had retired to their country residences. Mr. Berkeley soon presented his humble petition to his Mother, that he might bring Thur­low [Page cxlvi] home sometimes. The request was granted; and the good disposition, the propriety, the docility, the worthiness of Mr. Thurlow, soon endeared him so much to Mrs. Berkeley, that she told her Son ‘"he might bring Thurlow, but no other boy, without asking her permission, when­ever he pleased."’ The dear child generally drank tea every evening in winter at Dr. Berkeley's, for in summer they are all ‘"over the hills and far away."’ When he was a little more than nine years old, he, like his friend Mr. Berkeley, was sent to France, for several months, to acquire the French language in perfection. At his return he gave a proof of the exquisite sensibility of his heart*. On his arrival in England, he went from Dover, for a short time, to the house of his kind patron Mr. Hey, who soon brought him to Canterbury for a day. The in­stant he got out of the carriage he flew to the Oaks, knocked at the door, and begged he might be shown up to Mrs. Berkeley. Being told she was in bed with a bad head­ach, he expressed much concern, and enquired what time she [Page cxlvii] would rise; the servant replied, ‘"most likely to dinner;"’ as she never continued in bed, when not exceedingly ill. At a little before the dinner hour he came; Mrs. Berkeley not risen. About five in the afternoon he called again, and, hearing Mrs. Berkeley was not up, begged to see her own maid, whom he thus addressed: ‘"Pray, be so good as to go up to Mrs. Berkeley, and give my tenderest love to her; tell her, I long so much to see her, that I beg she will permit me to go up, and stand a few minutes at her bed side, as I shall not be in Canterbury again these four days."’ The servant came up; Mrs. Berkeley said, ‘"She was very sorry, but hoped she should be able to see him the next time he came."’ The servant replied, ‘"Dear Madam, he is but a child, and he longs so to see you, it will half break his heart if he does not."’‘"Well, poor dear child, let him come up then."’ The moment he reached the bed side he caught Mrs. Berkeley's hand, kissed it, and bursting into tears, kneeled down, and, after sobbing some time, said, ‘"I hope, my dear Madam, that you are not dangerously ill."’ Mrs. Berkeley, with her usual good spirits in illness, replied, ‘"No, my dear Charles I hope in God I am not. I have the old proverb on my side, that nought is never in danger."’ What would not some persons give for a son with such an heart, and a most ex­cellent head? During his last lingering illness, at the house of his excellent uncle, the amiable, generous, kind­hearted [Page cxlviii] Dr. Lynch, Prebendary of Canterbury, where every thing that kindness could suggest, and cleverness could execute, was prepared for him, he would perpetually say, ‘"Go to next door, with my best regards to Mrs. Berkeley, and beg her to send me something, whatever she pleases, out of her store-room; I know I can eat that."’ Mr. Berkeley's earnest request to his Mother, who was to reach Canterbury after their arrival from Scotland many weeks before he could, being obliged to keep term at the Temple, was, ‘"Pray learn, and write me word immediately, whe­ther Thurlow is returned to England; and, if he is, where I may find him."’ Mrs. Berkeley, who used laughingly to say, she was as obedient a Mother, after Mr. Berkeley grew up, as she had made him a Son in his childhood and youth, obeyed, and soon executed her commission, and Mr. Berkeley and Mr. Thurlow came down in the same chaise, one to the Oaks, the other to Wickham, on Christ­mas eve, the most dreadful, cold, snowing day one can re­member. Both were almost literally frozen when they ar­rived at Dr. Berkeley's; and it was an alarming time be­fore they seemed to feel any effect from what was given them.

Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley reproached Mr. Berkeley for not stopping all night at the PALACE of Mr. Simpson, the Rose at Sittingbourne, where every comfort, convenience, and [Page cxlix] elegance, is to be found from the excellent Master, Mistress, and the wonderfully worthy Chamber-maid, Mrs. Mary Humphreys*. It, however, pleased the mercy of God that the two friends received not the least injury from this frightful journey. To adopt the language of the excellent Monsieur De Pontis in his delightfully entertaining, although pious, Mémoires (which that execrable monster, Voltaire, has tried to persuade fools and atheists is a fable, notwith­standing Madame De Sevigné mentions his death, &c. at the time), God waited for them elsewhere; for dear Thur­low was doomed to fall an early victim to ENGLISH INHOSPITALITY, as himself related to Dr. Berkeley, whom he had so frequently heard celebrated the lovely hospitality [Page cl] of Scotland: ‘"I owe, said he, my present illness to the want of it in England. I had been out hunting, was caught in a violent storm, was quite wet through, called at a gentleman's, where I hoped to have been taken in. I was offered wine and brandy, the butler called, but no offer of a bed for a few hours, or of going in to dry my cloaths; so, after having sat on my horse, the storm over, at the gate, in cold, wet cloaths, I proceeded to Cambridge, and went to my rooms; but the cold fixed on my lungs, and no skill has been able to remove it."’ Alas! it not long after removed him, and robbed his friends and the world of one of the most amiable-hearted, grateful of human beings. Adieu, dear youth. Requiescat in pace.

When Mr. Thurlow was about eleven years old, his un­cle, the Bishop of Durham, then Dean of Rochester, when passing through Canterbury to the sea, and conceiving his old friend Dr. Berkeley's house to be the best, as he knew it was the *cheapest inn in Canterbury, drove to the [Page cli] Oaks. No sooner was his arrival notified to Mrs. Berkeley, than she ordered Mr. Wrightson to go and tell his Master a person wanted to speak to him. Mrs. Berkeley conjured him to permit her to send to Dr. Beauvoir's for dear Charles. Dr. Berkeley, with his usual good-will to man and child, complied. John (now Mr. Wrightson), as the best messenger, was dispatched, to beg that Miss Beauvoir would order Master Thurlow to be arrayed in his Sunday garb, and posted off to Dr. Berkeley's, notifying the cause. Mrs. Berkeley ordered Mr. Wrightson to call out his Mas­ter when the little man arrived. Accordingly, in a few minutes, Dr. Berkeley, looking like a beautiful guardian­angel of those ‘"little ones"’ mentioned by our blessed Lord, entered the drawing-room, leading in his little protegé, whom he presented to the Dean. ‘"Here, my old friend, is a very good little man, who is very nearly related to you."’ [Page clii] The Dean looked about as éveillé as usual, stroked his head, and asked him how he liked school, and some other questions generally put to children. In the afternoon he told him to stand by him at the card-table; and when the time arrived for Charles to make his bow and return to Dr. Beauvoir's, the Dean, who had won about a guinea, generously presented poor dear Charles with two and sixpence; for which he made one of his graceful French bows, and re­tired. They never met again, until they met in the regions of departed spirits. Some persons have even doubted whether poor Thurlow could be found worthy of a place to behold the glory of the ‘"ANGEL of the Church of Durham."’ The resemblance in face and person of Mr. Thurlow to the Bi­shop was remarkably striking to all the company, allowing only that the tempers and dispositions of his mind were entirely Lynch and Wake, which threw a look of benevo­lence into his features and countenance, which did not ap­pear in the Bishop's.

About the year 1786 there died at Canterbury a very excellent young man, an old school-fellow of Mr. Berkeley's, Mr. George Hasted, son of the Author of the History of Kent. On Mr. Berkeley's arrival, in vacation-time, Mrs. Berkeley asked her Son ‘"if he was not afflicted at the death of his old intimate, George Hasted?"’ He replied, ‘"I was very sorry for the death of so very worthy a young man; but, my dear Mother, he was never an intimate [Page cliii] of mine. HE was much too studious and diligent for us; was in quite another set: he pitied us for our idleness and folly. George Hasted would never go to cricket, or to Bingley (where the King's scholars swim in summer) till he had done every tittle of his exercise. We all set off, and left it to chance to get our exercise done, or, if not done, get a sound flogging."’ Had Mr. Berkeley, when a boy, been told that nobody could learn Latin or Greek, he would have studied night and day*. Tell him, from five years old, of any thing that it was impossible to accom­plish, and he was indefatigable in labouring at it: his bro­ther just the reverse. Perhaps never were two children, born of the same Father and Mother, more different: Mr. Berkeley would add, ‘"Always excepting my Mother and her only sister."’

Mr. Berkeley, gay, lively, volatile, yet wonderfully solid; his brother, sedate, grave, yet wonderfully witty; [Page cliv] both Poets from the time they could articulate at all; both enthusiastic admirers of music. Neither Mr. Berkeley nor his brother were ever suffered to go to Bingley to swim, without their Mother's leave. Mr. Berkeley used to come regularly, when the masters had given permission to the boys, with his request.

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"I am afraid you will be drowned.’

Mr. B.—‘"No, I shall not.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Do any of the upper school go?’

Mr. B.—‘"Yes.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Who? Does Mr. J. Tucker or Mr. Til­den go?’

Mr. B.—‘"Yes.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Well, then, go if you will; but I am afraid. You know Herbert Packe would have been drowned, if young Loftie had not saved him.—(Down he sat, and took up a book.)—Well, child, why do not you go?’

Mr. B.—‘"No, I shall not go.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why not, now that I have given you leave?’

Mr. B.—‘"No, I shall not indeed.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why, what can I do more? Would you have me conduct you thither?’

[Page clv]Mr. B.—‘"No; but I shall not take such a leave.’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why, what leave would you have?’

Mr. B.—‘"Why, say, in your good humoured sweet voice, Yes, my dear Berkeley, you may go to Bingley this afternoon, and I had rather you went than stayed at home; or else I shall not go on any account."’

His brother coming with the same request, and obtain­ing the forced permission, would reply, ‘"Thank you, my dear Mamma,"’ fly out of the room, scamper down stairs, and set off, lest the permission should be recalled, leaving the door wide open, and dart away under St. John's Arch. When passed that, he thought himself quite safe from being remanded. Yet, he was governed by a silk thread, whilst his dear brother required ‘"a threefold cord."’

Mr. Berkeley, when a lad too old for correction, would, when his Mother desired him not to go to such a place, or do such a thing, immediately reply, ‘"Well, then, my dear Madam, command me."’‘"Command you, my dear; I do not love commanding. I never wish to exert my authority: I desire that you will not do it."’‘"Yes, I must; all the desiring in the world will not do."’‘"That is very strange."’‘"I cannot help it. Why won't you say, Berkeley, I command you not to do it?"’—The magic words, by his earnest desire, being uttered, he would say, ‘"Well, now I am happy; now I have not the least wish in the world to do it; would not do it for any sum of money."’ When he was about thirteen years old, the news of the day [Page clvi] was, a run-a-way match of a young man of rank. A gentle­man visiting at Dr. Berkeley's, turned to Mr. Monck Berke­ley, and said, ‘"Aye, in three or four years, young 'squire, you will be playing the same prank."’ It is impossible for any one then present to forget the dignified solemnity of Mr. Berkeley's countenance, whilst he uttered the follow­ing reply: ‘"No, Sir, I hope not. GOD FORBID that I should ever do so important a thing as MARRY without the full consent of my Parents."’

Mr. Berkeley was certainly a very extraordinary proof of the blessed effects of education. A witty friend of the Editor's used to say, ‘"If God will but send Mrs. Berkeley's children a tolerable pair of eyes, and all their limbs, she asks no more*: she will trim them and twist them into handsome faces, and fine figures; but she is not up to making eyes."’ Mr. Berkeley, when grown up, used often to divert his Father and friends, by drawing his Mother's [Page clvii] character—she present. He used to say, ‘"My Mother has no mercy on her own sex; but little for the other. Every fault, every defect, related of any young man, she in­stantly replies, 'Poor creature, that was his mother's fault.' In short, she lays every fault, of every kind, ex­cept not writing a good Greek epigram, or Latin oration, on a man's Mother: but she was an early studier of Lord Halifax's Advice to a Daughter."’ He used to say, ‘"My Mother, I believe, keeps a folio sheet of paper, with all the virtues of her friends emblazoned on one side, and their faults on the other. Whilst they act worthily and honourably, you never suppose they have any fault or foible; let them but act unworthily to any one, and the paper is reversed, and you hear all their faults. My Mother always carries a little cat-o-nine-tails in her pocket; and if any fool blasphemes or ridicules Scrip­ture, out it comes, and he is very speedily made the laugh of all the company. If my Mother was not my Mother, I would bribe her with five hun­dred pounds to become my friend."’ To which Mrs. Berkeley used to reply, ‘"You varlet, you know it would be all in vain; for your Mother would not be bribed to flatter Royalty any more than your Worship, who, thank God, will not condescend to flatter any one, although you often, by your benevolence and great personal since­rity, are led to cultivate intimacies with vaut-riens, male and female, some of rank among your own relations."’

[Page clviii] Of Mr. Monck Berkeley's genius many of those who have redde what he has written may be competent judges. To attempt to do justice to the exquisite amiability, generosity, and nobleness of his heart, and the wonderful strength and soundness of his judgement, even in early youth, requires the knowledge of the Editor, and the pen of his favourite Dr. Johnson.

His attentions to the poor, from his childhood, were un­remitting. The arguments of his Mother to dissuade him from wasting his alms on common beggars, those hor­rid robbers of the honest labouring poor, were all in vain. His answer always was, ‘"My dear Madam, I am fully con­vinced of the truth of your reasoning; and, I do believe, I never did relieve a common beggar in my life that was not a vaut-rein; yet, should I ever hear that any poor creature had perished, who had asked charity of me, and I had not relieved him, I know I never could forgive myself through life."’ So well was his character known to these wretches, that they frequently asked in the village near which his Father resided, ‘"If the 'Squire was at home, for if he is not, it is not worth while to turn out of the way to the house, as the Doctor and the Lady never give any thing to POOR TRAVELLERS."’ The fact is certain, that they never came but when Mr. Berkeley was in the country, which occasioned Mrs. Berkeley's telling her Son, that they were his visitors.

[Page clix] Mr. Berkeley, as has been observed above, was remarka­bly generous, and had what is commonly called a princely spirit. His beautiful brother was very saving, and even co­vetous; he never parted with his money, but to the poor, to whom he was very liberal indeed. So careful was he of his money, that it used to be a diversion to his Father and Aunt to borrow sixpence of him, and then tell him that they were poor, and could not pay him: he would go to his Mother, and desire her to talk to them, and tell them, ‘"that it was not honest to borrow of people, and not pay them again, and that absolutely he could not afford to lose his money."’

Mr. Monck Berkeley, when a child, once went and sold his buckles, to relieve a person in distress. When at Eton, being unable to relieve a very large poor family near Bray­wood Side, to whom his Father had been exceedingly bountiful, and the family being at Canterbury, he wrote to his Mother, ‘"I beg of you to send five or three guineas to these poor creatures. My cousin," (the very worthy Re­verend J. Hayes, then second son of James Hayes, Esquire, Berkeley's amiable protector and director when he went to Eton,) "and myself have given them all the money that we have; but they are very poor still."’ Not getting an answer as soon as he wished, he risqued a flogging, and contrived, in company with an equally daring friend, to scamper over to Cookham; there he sold his little poney, [Page clx] and sent them the money. A youth going from Canter­bury School to Oxford, when Mr. Berkeley was about twelve years old, he presented him with his watch, chain, and seal; for which being sharply reproved by his Mother, he sweetly replied, ‘"Why, I am but a boy, and he is going to be a man; and it must be unpleasant to him not to have a watch, and I know he cannot afford to buy one, and I can contrive to shift without one."’ Such was ever the nature of this lovely young man.

Mr. Berkeley was, from his early youth, destined for the Bar; where, had it pleased God to have spared his life, and blessed him with health, he would, no doubt, have reached the acme of his profession*; for all who heard him speak pronounced him eminently qualified to make a distin­guished figure, unless his very strict ideas of honesty had pre­vented it. In early youth he had been earnestly requested by his Mother, when arguing, never, for the sake of argument, [Page clxi] to improve in logic, to undertake the wrong side of the question, lest it might warp his mind. He had ever most religiously adhered to this advice; and, in more advanced years, always declared, if he lived to speak at the bar, which he early deter­mined he would not do until he had completed his twenty­eighth year*, he would tell every client that applied to him, that, if he found his cause to be an unjust one, he would desert it, even in Westminster Hall. Mr. Berkeley had also firmly resolved never to plead against the fatherless, the widow, or the clergy; and always to plead gratis for them, if their circumstances required it.

It has been observed, that although Mr. Berkeley was highly indebted to what we commonly call Nature, with strict propriety to the God of Nature, for a very uncom­monly fine understanding, quick ready wit, and, what does not always accompany it, a very extraordinary strength and soundness of judgement, so as often to occasion persons to remark, that he had all the brilliancy of Bishop Berkeley's imagination, and all the sound, strong judgement of Mr. Cherry, of whom the great Charles Leslie, the celebrated controversial writer, used to say, he thought God had not [Page clxii] bestowed better judgement on man since the days of Solo­mon. When Mr. Berkeley, with all his great vivacity in early youth, often acted with the supremest caution, Mrs. Berkeley used, to the great diversion of Dr. Berkeley, to say, ‘"It was a happy thing for her children, that she in­troduced a little LEAD into the family; for, although pea­cocks feathers were exquisitely beautiful, yet, unless tipped with a little weight, they naturally flew away to the Moon."’

Mr. Berkeley owed much also to education, to principles very early instilled into him; to which he professed, long before, and during his last illness, he owed his greatest happiness in life, his only hope in the prospect of death, un­til he, through the free sovereign grace of God, and the rich mercy of Christ, arrived, by the instrumentality of a most excellent book, to assurance of faith, feeling the full force of that glorious promise of EMANUEL, ‘"Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."’ He was enabled to trust, to go; and HAPPILY found, as all true penitents will, a most gracious reception. May all true penitents be ena­bled to make the trial, and they will most certainly rejoice through the countless ages of a blissful ETERNITY. But, alas! our adored Redeemer himself says, ‘"YE WILL NOT COME UNTO ME, THAT YE MAY HAVE LIFE."’ The Writer is well aware of the ridicule, contempt, &c. &c. that will be liberally bestowed on her, on account of many things in this preface; [Page clxiii] yet, ever bearing in mind the admonition of an eminently pious Mother, never to be ashamed of that God, who lived, who died, to redeem her; ever remembering his own emphatic admonition, ‘"Whosoever shall be ashamed of ME, and of My words, in this ADULTEROUS and sinful generation, of him (or her) shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in his own glory,"’ &c. At the age of seven­teen, going to spend a few weeks with a near relation, her Mother said, ‘"The first thing for which you will be laughed at, is going to church on Sunday in the after­noon; yet never omit it. Your Mother has been laughed to scorn for it years ago."’ Then the above cited text was repeatedly enforced: and although the Writer, natu­rally the most shy of human beings amongst strangers, al­ways, when young, on entering the room, crowding her little insignificant figure behind the door, that nobody might look at her*; yet the first Sunday of her visit she encountered the loud laugh of ten or eleven gentlemen and ladies, for setting off to afternoon prayers. The lady at whose house she was on a visit, said, ‘"Oh! the young la­dy's Mother has brought her up with wonderfully strict notions of God and Religion; so I dare say she will go."’ Go the young lady certainly did; but she never remembers [Page clxiv] to have suffered more in her whole life, than in that first struggle in the service of her blessed Master, of her own never dying soul. Living many years in the first company cured that painful timidity. Conversing much with learned and good men soon enabled her to become more than a silent advocate for the honour of her blessed Master, when ridiculed by foolish scoffers; insomuch as often to occasion Mr. Monck Berkeley to say to his Father and friends, ‘"Few things delight me more than hearing my Mother trim an Infidel. Some Deistical fellow begins spouting out his nonsensical blasphemy to amuse the company.—On he goes, without interruption; for I make it a point never to say a word, well knowing what he is going to meet with.—At length, down goes my Mother's needle-work; she begins, and in a few words turns the laugh of all the company upon him, and the poor wretch never opens his mouth any more the remainder of the evening."’

This is a proof of the fulfilment of this promise of Christ to his faithful servants*, ‘"I will give you a mouth, and wis­dom, [Page clxv] that all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay or re­sist."’ As Mrs. Berkeley is not an Eliza Carter or a Mrs. Montagu, two of her respected old friends, but an unlettered female, who lost a learned and wise Father when she was eleven years old, who had set his heart on cultivating the minds of his daughters, had God spared his life until their leaving the school of that throughly amiable, accomplished woman, the excellent Mrs. Sheeles; but, alas! they had been in Queen's Square but one year, before he went to hear those blessed words, ‘"Well done, thou good and faithful ser­vant,"’ &c. as perhaps one of the best, the most vigi­lant parish priests any where to be found, even half a cen­tury ago, for so long has he been removed. HE had redde St. Paul's Epistles to Timothy and Titus with good effect*; for he never suffered sin on any of his parishioners, how­ever [Page clxvi] high their rank or station, ‘"unrebuked."’‘"He was in­stant in season and out of season,"’ &c.

It is hoped the introduction of a little anecdote concern­ing the zeal of this worthy gentleman, for the salvation of his flock, may be excused. The wife of Mr. [...], a man of good fortune, in every sense of the word a fine lady, was a little talked of as having a partiality for one of her men-servants. The excellent vicar took an early opportu­nity, when he knew her husband was absent, to call upon her; finding her alone, he soon began the subject. She heard him with seeming attention for some time; at length she replied, ‘"Mr. Frinsham, you may save yourself any farther trouble about me; for I do assure you, Sir, that I mind what you say no more than the COALS on that fire."’ Mr. Frinsham mildly replied, ‘"Mrs. [...], I dare say, that often, during the course of my ministry, I may have met with many as inattentive hearers as your­self; but I must tell you, that you are the first, the only person, who ever told me so."’ Then taking up his hat, he made a bow, and told her, he hoped God would, in time, bring her to a better state of mind. He had the mortification to see her some years after die, as she had lived; but he had the consolation offered to watchful pastors in Ezekiel, chapter xxxiii.

When the late Earl of Bute took Waltham Place, soon after his arrival, Mr. Frinsham, with some other gentlemen [Page clxvii] of the neighbourhood, made him a visit. At taking leave, Lord Bute said to Mr. Frinsham, ‘"Sir, I hope that we shall be good neighbours, as I have taken this house solely on account of your excellent amiable character."’ Perhaps one of the most beautiful letters * ever penned was by Lord Bute, on the death of, as he termed him, ‘"that dear delightful excellent friend."’ The Peer and the Pastor generally met on the hill, or at the vale below, every day. Mr. Frinsham was as witty as he was good; in his youth the idol of all his acquaintance, as what is termed the fid­dle of the company, and to his latest day the most cheerful person of a large circle. He expired with a smile on his benign countenance, without even drawing a single sigh, at the age of fifty-four.

It is hoped, that the following little tribute of a grateful child to the best of Fathers will be pardoned. A few lines shall suffice. Not long after his obtaining priest's orders he became curate of Beaconsfield in Bucks, to a poor man of large fortune, but so weak in his understanding, that, when Mr. Frinsham was one Sunday confined with a rash, Mr. N [...] attempted to do the duty, which he could not get through, and [Page clxviii] therefore came down and went home*. The living being then on sale, Mr. Frinsham much wished his father to pur­chase it for him; the old gentleman stood for about a hun­dred and fifty or two hundred pounds. The Principal and Fellows of Magdalene College, Oxford, hearing of it, instantly paid down the sum demanded; and, of course, for ever pre­cluded Mr. Frinsham from becoming rector, where he was only, not adored as curate; so powerfully had his persuasions wrought on the people of that place, that the wheeler, the blacksmith, the millener, yea, every trader, quitted their occupation, to attend Wednesday, Friday, and Saints'-day prayers, so much as frequently to occasion passengers en­quiring if there was any great wedding, that so many per­sons were coming out of the church.

[Page clxix] Mr. Frinsham being what was called a Tory, and all his own and his lady's considerable relations, who could prefer him, being Whigs; he never obtained any more impor­tant preferment than the vicarage of White Waltham, a parish of sixteen miles round, in Windsor Forest, of which his very learned and worthy successor, the Reverend Dr. Dodwell, Canon of Salisbury, and Archdeacon of Berks, said he never made fifty pounds a year. Thus are many excellent ministers of Christ provided for in this world, enough to make them take up the language of the great apostle St. Paul, and say, ‘"If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of ALL men most miserable*."’

[Page clxx] Mr. Frinsham, perhaps naturally the most contented-tempered of the fallen children of Adam, and the most hospitable, although he wished not for a larger income, wished for a larger, better house, in which to entertain his numerous friends and acquaintance. Rich and poor, high and low, all ate and drank at his house. The vicarage house at White Waltham was literally a very large old barn, with small rooms on each side. The kitchen, how­ever, was not very small, and was payed with curious Ro­man bricks, which might have consoled his grandson, Mr. Monck Berkeley, an enthusiastical antiquary.

An answer of Mr. Frinsham to a letter written by his re­lation Sir [...] [...] to Mr. Frinsham, offering him a living of one hundred pounds per annum, with a good house, if he would promise faithfully, and MIGHT BE DEPENDED UPON*, [Page clxxi] to vote always as Lord H [...] should direct him, is still carefully preserved. His son-in-law, the late, as indepen­dent and spirited, Dr. Berkeley, Prebendary of Canterbury, used to say, it merited to be written in letters of gold. Such were the WHIG ministers of George the Second.

It is somewhat remarkable, that Mr. Frinsham never met with any serious affliction through life. The loss of his beautiful mother, when he was five years old, was so sup­plied by an excellent housekeeper of his father's, that he scarcely felt it; and the death of his worthy father, at the age of eighty-one, not long before his own death, was an event to be expected at that age, although he died, as before mentioned, by casualty. Mr. Frinsham was in­terred close to his honoured father-in-law, Francis Cherry, Esquire, within the railed burial place in Shottesbrooke church-yard. He used to say, ‘"I am God's creature; he sent me into the world when he pleased, and he will take me out how he pleases: and I am sure it will be at the best time, in the best way."’ He dreaded nothing in life so much as losing the best of wives, and the being left with two little girls, whom he humoured in every thing not in itself wrong.

Some proofs how much Mr. Berkeley was indebted to education may be gathered from his amiable humility as a lad, a youth, and a man, when it is considered that he was astonishingly proud whilst a child.

[Page clxxii] When Mr. Monck Berkeley was aged three years and two months, his father went to reside at Acton near Lon­don, a large living, presented to him by his ONLY patron through life, the excellent Archbishop Secker, and which he so nobly resigned, to a man, who, after making him repair the tithe barn, and letting him have about five hun­dred pounds' worth of new furniture and fixtures for an hun­dred and eighty pounds—(amongst which was a harpsichord, that cost Bishop Berkeley seventy guineas, for four pounds—Mrs. Berkeley objected; but the Doctor, with his wonted generosity, said, ‘"he hated disputes among clergy;"’ and therefore permitted him to have it at his own price)—after suffering the house to stand empty from Michaelmas to the end of April—came upon him with a long bill for dila­pidations, and protested a draught drawn on him by Dr. Berkeley for the money for the furniture. This naturally exasperated the too generous mind that had been the ac­tual presenter of the living; for no power on earth, no ho­nour, could have compelled any one to resign it. But Dr. Berkeley one day asking the Archbishop if his Grace meant he should resign Action on becoming Prebendary of Canter­bury, his reply was, ‘"Don't be in haste. You must talk one day or other with Lord Hardwicke about it."’ Before any conference with Lord Hardwicke, the good Archbishop died; and the nice honour of Dr. Berkeley, without ever even seeing Lord Hardwick, made him resign it to a cousin­german of his Lordship—a very different man from his [Page clxxiii] noble relation. A very intimate friend of Dr. Berkeley's, the excellent throughly Honourable and Reverend Mr. Ha­milton of Taplow, felt such resentment, that he conjured Dr. Berkeley to post the man every where. Mr. Ha­milton had one excellent rule; he never would call any man a gentleman, if in any instance he had acted unlike a gentleman.

In a very few days after the arrival of the family at Ac­ton, Mrs. Berkeley heard a most violent stamping and screaming of her then only child. On enquiry into the cause, it was found to be, that Master Berkeley would not go to bed up the back stairs.

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"What ails him?’

Servant.—‘"Why, you know, Madam, there is only one stair-case at Bray. But Master Berkeley says there are two here; and he observes, that my Master, and you, and all visitors, go up the great stair-case, and only the servants up the back stairs; and that he is as good a gen­tleman as his Papa, although he is not so old; and that he will not go up the back stairs."’

An order was immediately made, and strictly adhered to, that he was not, for a whole week, (a long time for a crea­ture of three feet high,) to presume, in the day time, to go up or down the great stair-case to the dressing-room, to his Mamma, to read or play.

[Page clxxiv] When about four years old, Mr. Berkeley received a smart trimming, for a speech to a once famous apothecary in Lon­don, who had retired to Acton, Mr. Sawtell, whose ap­pearance was rather against him. He attended Dr. Berke­ley when unwell, and Charles Stanley Monck, of Grange Gormonde, Esquire, ill about four months at Dr. Berke­ley's with the whooping cough, which he brought from Eton School, and communicated to *poor Dr. Berkeley and his little boy. This proud descendant of fallen Adam thus accosted him, ‘"Sir, if you were ever to stay here to din­ner, you must dine in the servants' hall, for you cannot [Page clxxv] be fit company for my Papa."’ Dr. Berkeley, ready to sink with shame, flew to Mrs. Berkeley, saying, ‘"Surely, that chit is the proudest little being on earth. I must now really ask the poor man one day to dinner, to shew that he has not heard any thing of the kind from you or me."’

Mr. Berkeley was always told, that a gentleman must never do mean or shabby actions. He reasoned on the matter, and, in early infancy, drew such wonderful conclu­sions as those just mentioned.

That both Mr. Berkeley and his Brother were, in very very early youth exceedingly proud is absolutely certain, in their different ways; and that both became remarkably humble, by their Mother's adhering closely to the direc­tions given to parents in that wonderful book the Proverbs of Solomon, is equally certain.

The exquisite loveliness of Mr. Monck Berkeley's nature led him, from an infant, to look with pity on all below him; but his dear Brother naturally looked with contempt. One day, when very young, going in the coach with their Mother to Marlow, as they passed a remarkably small, mean­looking cottage at the foot of the hill, he exclaimed, ‘"My dear Mamma, look there: did you ever see so miserable a looking hut? What kind of creatures must they be that [Page clxxvi] live in it?"’ Mrs. Berkeley threw terror into her coun­tenance, and said, ‘"ROBERT! what have I just heard you say? Do you dare to despise any of your fellow creatures, or any mean-looking habitation? Have not you often redde in the Bible what our blessed Saviour said, 'The foxes—(Now go on; he did so)—have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head."’‘"Why did he come upon earth?"’‘"To save sinners."’‘"Yes, such a poor, proud, little wretch as you. And are you not very naughty to say what you have just said?"’‘"Yes, indeed, Mamma; and if God will forgive me this once, I will never do so again whilst I live."’

Once passing a little chimney-sweeper, about his own size, with the soot-bag at his back, he coiled up his nose, and said, ‘"What a poor dirty little creature it is!"’ His Mother acted terror as before, and asked him, ‘"How he came to be so wicked? and if he knew how it came to pass, that HE was not that poor little sweep, and little sweep Master Robert Berkeley."’ He replied, ‘"No."’‘"Should you have liked it?"’‘"No."’‘"Do you think if God Almighty had asked that little boy, whether he would be Dr. Berkeley's son, or the sweep's, that he would not have chosen to have been born a gentleman? that Christ died to redeem from hell that little boy as well as himself, or one of the King's little sons? that, as [Page clxxv] he had not even the merit of choosing to come to Dr. Berkeley's instead of to old La-Looe, (the nick name of a chimney sweeper, who ought now to enjoy a very good fortune in Bucks, if he had money to contend for it,) he ought to to be humble as a little dove, instead of being proud as Lucifer, and despising those whom Providence, without any goodness of his, had placed below him."’ He wept, and said, ‘"It was very wicked indeed; but, if God would pardon it, he would never despise dirty chil­dren again."’ The worthy woman who brought him up, was remarkably cleanly, and had made him so. He was exceedingly careful to keep his word; for if he were told of any thing that would offend God, no persuasion of the most eloquent could cause him to do it. Such admono­tions, until he grew towards manhood, were heard by his lovely brother, as they are by most other children, to use a cant phrase, ‘"go in at one ear, and out at the other."’

The early ripe for glory are generally soon removed from this vale of tears. To use the beautiful language of Dean Hickes's Reformed Devotions:

"No matter how late the fruit be gathered,
"If it still go on growing better.
"No matter how soon it fall from the tree,
"If not blown down before it be ripe."

[Page clxxvi] [...] [Page clxxv] [...]

[Page clxxvi] Mr. Berkeley and his brother were, whilst children, always made, not to touch, but take off their hats to the poorest labourer in the village who saluted them; if ever they saw an old man or woman with a burden of wood, or leazed corn, to run to open the gate to let them through. They were made to treat the servants with the utmost civility, never daring to order them to do any thing, being always told, that they were not their servants, but their Father's: therefore they must always say, ‘"Pray, John (or Thomas), get me so or so."’ By incessant attention, and the utmost vigilance, their pride was kept under, and, in due time, by God's grace, eradicated.

It was no small delight to his Mother, on his arrival in England, at the age of near twenty-two, that she could scarcely go into any small shop in Canterbury without hear­ing, from the master or mistress, ‘"Oh! Madam, what a fine young gentleman Mr. Berkeley is; so condescending! he met my poor son, stopped, and asked him, how he did? and hoped he went on well in the world. Who would have thought he would have done him the honour to remember him so many years?"’

Let it be remarked here, that Ecclesiastical Bodies do some good. At Canterbury, the Dean and Prebendaries pay for the education of fifty tradesmen's sons, find them books, &c. until they are eighteen or nineteen; and then, if they [Page clxxvii] wish it, raise a subscription to send them to one of the Universities. Many other cathedrals have similar charitable institutions. This produces a sort of honourable equality, as it enables the sons of chairmen, footmen, &c. when ordained, to associate with their superiors in birth, perhaps not in learning.

Mr. Berkeley's amiability was the more remarked, as he quitted the King's School at the age of twelve, and his Father removed his family to his living in West Kent the year following, and returned not to settle in Canterbury until the end of the year 1784; when it became his turn to take the offices. A good old shopman one day said to Mrs. Berkeley, ‘"Ah! Madam, what a charming man Mr. Berkeley is. He was galloping towards Margate, looking like a young Lord, when one of our poor old neighbours was creeping along. He suddenly stopped his horse, drew up to the causeway, and asked him who he was, and if he was comfortable? He took out his purse, and, not finding much silver, bade his servant lend him half a crown; which he gave to the poor man, and told him to call upon him if ever he wanted any thing:"’ adding, his eyes filling with tears, ‘"Lord bless him! where will you find another young gentleman, going galloping on his pleasure, that will think so of the poor?"’ It proved to be the famous old News-carrier, of whom the fine print was sold some years ago in Canterbury.

[Page clxxviii] The poor and distressed were ever the grand objects of his tender care. When at St. Andrew's, one night, at the play, the poor man who acted the king in the tragedy fainted away; and it had nearly been a real tragedy, as he had several small children. On enquiry, it was found to be from inanition*. Mr. Berkeley, on finding that to be the case, posted off to his tutor, the very amiable (now Reverend) Mr. James Bruce, beseeching him to go and relieve him on his account. On Mrs. Berkeley's saying, ‘"Why did not you go yourself, instead of routing out Mr. Bruce?"’ He wisely replied, ‘"My dear Mother, the wo­man was exceedingly beautiful; and my going might have injured her fame, which, I hear, although an actress, is unsullied. So now you know why I got Bruce to go."’

[Page clxxix] Mr. Berkeley had certainly no offensive pride discovera­ble to those who knew him most intimately; for, what is usually termed Family Pride is surely improperly so called. A man, that is descended from a King rather than from a cobler, from a Hero rather than from a Huckster, may feel grateful to his Maker. Mr. Berkeley's Father felt it, his Grandfather felt it, and perhaps he felt it on becoming a Bishop. Some friend said, ‘"Your Lordship must now give purple liveries."’ To which the good Bishop replied, ‘"No, Sir. My becoming a Bishop will not make me give up what the domestics of my ancestors have worn for centuries."’ Accordingly his episcopal livery was the yel­low green coat worne by the servants of his honourable re­lations, the Earl of Berkeley, Lord Berkeley of Stratton, his Brothers, &c. with royal, i.e. red purple waistcoats, &c. and the servants of his Sons he always made wear the crimson waistcoat, &c. that he might not give up his fa­mily livery. Dr. Berkeley's coach being to be new painted, the coach-maker said, ‘"To be sure, Sir, you will have a cypher instead of your coat of arms. It is all the fa­shion."’ ‘"That may be, Sir; but, if you please, put on my coat. It is an old one, to be sure. The cypher is very well for Nabobs and Planters, to save them trouble."’ It was a great diversion, when Mr. Berkeley was seventeen or eighteen, to a lovely young lady, whose death Mr. Berkeley lamented in a most beautiful elegy, printed, but never sold, to wink on Mrs. Berkeley, and say, ‘"Aye, one day or other [Page clxxx] Berkeley will marry a girl with an hundred thousand pounds, and change his name to Hickenbottom."’ (Vide Kit Smart.) He used to storm, and say, ‘"Harriet, hold your tongue: I will not change my name for a million."’ Mr. Addison says, ‘"Ancient family is a feather, but it is a feather that no man possessed of ever disdained to stick in his cap."’

When the vile treatise on Education, written by that learned Atheist, the late Lord Kaimes, made its appearance, it was immediately in every hand. When Mr. Berkeley came to the part where Lord Kaimes speaks of the Eton Montem, he stormed violently indeed; he felt l'esprit du corps so violently as to amuse all his friends. He assured his Father and the gentlemen of the agreeable society of Cook­ham above described, that, had they been educated at Eton, they would feel equal indignation. His mother assured him, that men of forty-seven were rarely as irritable as youths of seventeen; to which Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"Well, Madam, I can tell you at what page of the book you will throw it by, and not read one line more."’ She, laughing, asked, ‘"If Lord Kaimes had abused dear Mrs. Sheeles's school?"’ He replied, ‘"Much worse than that: I assure you, my dear Madam, with all your calmness, you will be ready to throw it into the fire."’ Mrs. Berkeley requested to be in­formed; but her Son politely declined it, saying, ‘"No; read on, my dear Madam."’ It is certain, that when she [Page clxxxi] came to the page where Lord Kaimes says, ‘"I would advise you to be of the Christian religion, because it is (or it happens to be) the religion of the country where you were born,"’ Mrs. Berkeley verified her Son's prediction, for she never thought it worth while to go on with such a wretch on Education. His Lordship's Treatise on Husbandry is an excellent work.

The following anecdote of that dreadful Atheist may be depended on as a fact. It was related to the Editor by a lady incapable of forging it, to whom it was related by an eye and ear witness of the scene. When a divorce has actually taken place, it is no scandal to speak of the di­vorced female as having lost her character. Lord Kaimes's daughter was married to Mr. Heron, a gentleman of very large fortune in Scotland, of most excellent cha­racter, and uncommonly amiable gentle manners, say all who have the happiness of his acquaintance. The Editor was well acquainted with the elegant worthy Major Heron, his younger brother, when that favourite regiment, of Canterbury families of fashion, the Scotch Greys, were quartered at Canterbury. This lady was at length detected, and gently and quietly sent home to her WORTHY father, with a letter from her excellent injured husband, stating her conduct. She reached her father's house in the afternoon. In the evening, after tea, Lord Kaimes walked up and down the room in silence, but appeared greatly agitated. [Page clxxxii] At length he exclaimed, ‘"Good God, child! how could you act thus? How could you bring me to such shameful disgrace?"’‘"Why, my Lord, you have always told me, that there was no other world; that the idea of an here­after was all a JUGGLE of knaves and priests to keep fools in order; and, as I am not to be called to any account, but by the world—I preferred Mr. [...] to my hus­band."’ This silenced his Lordship: he said not a single word more, and soon quitted the room. Mr. Heron, her much injured husband, has, for many years, enjoyed great felicity with a lady very differently educated from the daughter of Lord Kaimes. May he long enjoy it!

In a few days after reading the book above mentioned, when the social meeting happened to be at Dr. Berkeley's, just before tea, the very learned Mr. M [...] either took off the slab behind him, or out of his pocket a newspaper (neither that amiable gentleman nor the Editor can recol­lect which; if it was Dr. Berkeley's paper, it was the St. James's Chronicle, as he was always partial to that paper, on account of his old fellow collegian, Mr. Colman), and began reading a letter to Lord Kaimes, concerning his very severe attack on Eton School, proving to the learned Lord, that he was totally ignorant of what he had been so grosly abusing. Every one admired it exceedingly. Mr. M [...] said, ‘"Why, Berkeley, this letter must delight you prodi­giously, surely. Eton is nobly vindicated indeed. The [Page clxxxiii] Writer is quite of your spirit."’ Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"To be sure, every man educated there must be indignant to find himself and his friends styled Highwaymen!"’ Mr. M [...] proceeded to read on, and said, turning to Mrs. Berkeley, ‘"Why, I believe, Berkeley must have written this letter himself."’ To which Mrs. Berkeley replied, ‘"HE write such a letter, poor dear soul! poor as I am, I would give a thousand pounds that he could, three years hence, write such a letter as that."’ To which Dr. Berke­ley added, ‘"Aye, poor fellow, I hope, if he is not idle, he may, in time, write as well as this Eton champion."’

About seven years afterwards Mr. Berkeley, sitting con­versing with his Mother in her dressing-room, said, ‘"My dear Mother, do you remember, before we went to Scotland, a letter that M [...] redde us out of the newspaper, exposing Lord Kaimes's attack upon Eton School?"’

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"Yes, very well.’

Mr. B.—‘"Do you remember his saying jocularly to you, that he believed that it was written by me?’

Mrs. B.—‘"Yes.’

Mr. B.—‘"And do you remember what answer you made?’

[Page clxxxiv]Mrs. B.—‘"Yes, that I would freely give a thousand pounds that you were capable of writing that letter.’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, my dear Madam, perhaps it may now give you some little pleasure to hear that your Bairn did write that letter, and that Lord Kaimes answered it, ac­knowledging that he had been in an error concerning the Eton Montem; adding, that he must have been an hasty writer to publish such a censure on an ancient custom sanctioned by such a man as Lord Camden, educated there, who always makes a point of attending, and being ROBBED*, as Lord Kaimes terms it, of ten guineas; and of late years his Majesty and the Queen. How any [Page clxxxv] man of any country could suppose, that the sons, of men of the highest rank, and most antient families in England, would be permitted to act as he describes, is marvel­lous."’

Mr. Berkeley, from the time he went to Eton, used very acutely to learn his Mother's opinion of any little thing he was going to publish in a Newspaper or Magazine, without her even suspecting him as the author, by saying, ‘"It was written by an Eton boy of his acquaintance;"’ lest, as he told her when he grew up, maternal partiality might tempt her to think it clever when it was not so; or the same ten­derness might tempt her to wish it suppressed, lest it should expose him to ridicule.

On Mr. Berkeley's printing his "Maria, or The Gene­rous Rustic," written when he was only seventeen, the copies were sent down to him. One day after dinner, he went to his study, and brought a copy of it in sheets, say­ing. ‘"He would read something that he hoped might amuse his Father and the ladies."’ He began; and Dr. Berkeley, who had eyes like a lynx, seeing it in sheets, im­mediately exclaimed, ‘"Good Heavens, child! what have you done? This is written by you. Surely, you have not gone and published some nonsense that will ruin your character as a writer before you are a man."’‘"Why, I have never published any thing with my name yet."’ [Page clxxxvi] Mrs. Berkeley, mother-like, in agony to think that her idol had injured his fame as a writer, began lamenting his temerity. When the indignation of Dr. Berkeley and the lamentations of Mrs. Berkeley were a little subsided, be­cause they were almost out of breath, he said, in the sweetest voice and gentlest manner, ‘"Well, I am very sorry you are all so angry with me. I have done what I could to please you all. I have made the Marquis learned, to please my Father; and I have made Maria pious, to gratify my Mother."’ Mrs. Frinsham here interposed in her wonted way, ‘"My dear, I think it very beautiful; and I question whether either of them could have written such a book at your age. I am sure I could not. Indeed I am not QUITE sure I could do it now, that I am more than double your age."’ Mrs. Frinsham has a wonderful fund of true humour, which breaks forth on every occasion, before the very few with whom she will be intimately ac­quainted, being perhaps the most reserved of human beings now that Lord [...] is dead; an excellent understand­ing, very highly cultivated by reading the best authors in various languages; and, to sum up the character in few words, as it is frequently done by the grateful Editor, per­haps the best woman on earth now that her excellent Mo­ther is removed to heaven.

Matters being a little quieted by Mrs. Frinsham's inter­position, Mr. Berkeley said to his Father, ‘"Well, Sir, al­though [Page clxxxvii] it is printed, I would not presume to publish it without your permission; and, if you disapprove it, I will burn every copy but one. Indeed I have burnt a vast deal many months ago, before I printed it. All the Marquis's séjour in England and Wales, his remarks on English manners, customs, &c. I have destroyed. Indeed I have burnt near five times as much as I have printed; and, if you wish it, I will burn that."’ Here there was a triple cry of, ‘"Oh! no."’ But Dr. Berkeley asked, ‘"My poor simple child, why would you not let me look it over and correct it?"’‘"Alas, my dear Sir, I knew what would be its fate. You would have made a new book."’ A very just remark. Dr. Berkeley never could correct. He could write admirably, as the world has seen; but any thing sent him to correct he always re-made, generally perhaps for the better—but then, as his Son, through life, used to tell him, ‘"Sir, the book is yours, not the man's whose name it bears."’‘"But, if you KNEW that, why not let your Mother read and cor­rect it?"’‘"Why, my dear Sir, for fear of getting my Mother into a scrape, for not shewing it to you."’

Uncorrected as it was, it has been so admired, that, se­ven years ago, half a guinea was paid for a miserable, thumbed, dirty copy, only to be found in those banes of industry, cleanliness, &c. &c. a little country-town circu­lating library. Mr. Berkeley was often pressed to permit a [Page clxxxviii] second edition; but his constant reply was, ‘"No; never whilst my name is Berkeley. I was a great fool ever to let there be one; but I was young, and, of course, foolish."’

That there are great beauties in Maria is generally al­lowed; and that it has some considerable errors is certain. The calling the idea of a Marquis, even a French Marquis, marrying a little farmer's daughter, however worthy, being highly objectionable, ‘"one of the absurd maxims of the world,"’ is what, at twenty, or before, Mr. Berkeley would have ex­punged. And on his Mother's pointing out to him how much better it would have been to have made her the daughter of a reduced officer, he saw the force of it; but replied, ‘"You know, my dear Madam, that by means of the nunneries in Popish countries every peasant's daughter, living in the neighbourhood of a monastery, can, on very easy terms, have as good an education as a Duke's can."’ The styling the wretched consort of the Baron D'Arandar his Wife instead of his Lady, was impro­per; and on his Mother's expressing her astonishment, that he, who from infancy was well-bred and elegant, could be guilty of such a vulgarism, he replied, ‘"Mr. [...] (a gentleman then very intimate with Dr. Berkeley), always ridiculed those who said Lord and Lady [...], or Mr. [...] and his Lady."’ This gentleman, long before it became fashionable, was a great advocate for Equality. [Page clxxxix] Mrs. Berkeley regretted the melancholy catastrophe of the amiable Marquis and the noble-souled Maria.

After Mr. Berkeley's return to England, he came one day to his Mother, and, enquiring if she had a couple of hours to spare, sat down, and began to read, in manuscript, "The Spanish Memoirs," telling her, as they appeared on the stage, who the chief actors were; for Mr. Berkeley, in every novel or poem, celebrated or stigmatized some real existing character: thus, the hero of "Love and Nature," bears the title of Westmorland; Mr. Berkeley having al­ways respected the character of the present Earl of West­morland, for his spirited wise conduct in quitting a great School, where he then could not learn any thing, for one where he could, and did, learn very much, and for other parts of his character. The late Earl of [...], whose pride, whose cruelty to very near relations, Mr. Berkeley from a youth detested, is held up to contempt, to hatred, in the person of the Duke D'Aranda, as he told his Mo­ther. When he had concluded, he desired to hear his Mother's sentiments of the work. She told him, she liked it very well, untill she came to the murder of Don Frederic ‘"Murder!"’ he exclaimed. ‘"My dear Madam, you have not been listening with your usual attention to reading. Why, he is not murdered. He is cast away, and drowned."’

[Page cxc]Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"Well, and what is that but mur­dering him, as you did the poor Marquis de Clerville and Maria? Indeed, worse; for you leave this poor heroine alive to mourn to the end of the chapter. How can YOU practise such cruelties?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, my dear Madam, I am glad you do not disapprove any part but that innocent murder: I shall do myself the honour to send you a copy as soon as it is printed."’

Mrs. B.—‘"And I shall certainly do myself the honour to tuck it in between the bars of that grate, and burn it."’

Mr. B.—‘"Burn it, my dear Madam! No, no. I am sure you will not serve me so."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Yes, I solemnly protest I will, without read­ing one line of it. You know I hate the idea of encou­raging melancholy on the mind. I have often told you, that, with Mr. Addison, in one of his beautiful hymns in the Spectator*, I have always delighted that I could sub­scribe to that lovely line:"Nor is the least a chearful heart, "Which tastes those gifts with joy."

[Page cxci] The next day Mr. Berkeley and his Mother dining alone, after the cloth was removed, he drew out the book, and said, ‘"He had brought the conclusion of the Spanish Me­moirs to read to her."’ Mrs. Berkeley said, ‘"She would not hear another tittle of them."’ He conjured her. She rose to go. He said, ‘"You will catch your death. The fire, I am sure, does not burn well in the drawing-room."’ Mrs. Berkeley, being resolute, got to the door. He pur­sued, and, taking hold of her gown, said, ‘"Well; suppose Don Frederic is not dead, will you stay and hear?"’

Mrs. B.—‘"Aye, but he is dead, and I will go."’

Mr. B.—‘"Will you stay, if I solemnly declare he is alive?"’

Mrs. B.—‘"Yes, because I know you will not deceive me."’

Those who have redde the Spanish Memoirs know how beautifully he is redivivus. Mr. Berkeley added, ‘"You have made me spoil it; but I cannot bear to do any thing that you do not approve."’

It has been mentioned above, that Mr. Berkeley was in­debted to Nature, or rather to the God of Nature, for a most lovely disposition. A very shocking proof that a na­ture perhaps equally amiable (although not blessed with as [Page cxcii] strong an understanding) may, by a bad education, dege­nerate into horrid cruelty of the meanest kind, is now daily seen in the Honourable [...] [...]. It was a common remark of Bishop Berkeley, that the strongest wine, if ill kept, became the sourest vinegar.

The Editor was asked within a few months, if she was not acquainted with [...] [...]; to which replying in the affirmative, the gentleman answered, ‘"Then you know the meanest scoundrel upon earth; for he is now actually employed as a CRIMP."’ She lamented that a creature so lovely in very early youth should, by bad educa­tion, have become so horridly, so shamefully depraved. One or two instances of the sweetness, the delicacy of his mind, when a child, shall be related.

A very honest old woman, who had lived many years at Lord [...]'s, his father's, and had the care of him from his birth, dressed quite in the old style of wise servants fifty years ago; therefore looked a little old-fashioned, about thirty years ago. Lady W [...], who visited his mother often, used to laugh at this little man about the cut of nurse's cap, &c. Children should never be teazed; it in­jures, never corrects their tempers. It is not meant to do it: it only serves to shew the low wit of old simpletons. This hurt his then amiable heart so much, that when, as children usually are, she conveyed her charge to the eating­room [Page cxciii] whilst she dined, he used to say, ‘"My dear nurse, when you have opened the door, slip behind it, for fear that ill-natured woman, Lady W [...], should see you, and laugh at you, and make me cry."’

One day, when he was barely eight years old, Dr. Berkeley happening to be visiting at Lord [...]'s, Lady [...], as ignorant ladies are apt to do, began railing against the university of Oxford. The next time Lady [...] saw the Editor, she said, ‘"I must tell you a remark of your little favourite [...]. Your coach was hardly driven from the door, when he came and said, 'Surely, my dear Mamma, when you abused Oxford so violently, you had quite forgot that Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Berkeley had been educated there a great many years, and must know it well."’ Dr. Berkeley was then about twenty-six years old, and had not long quitted that excellent university; where, to be sure, young fools, if not properly placed, may fall into mischief, as in the army, the navy, and the mer­chant's or banker's counting-house.

Dr. Berkeley used every possible argument that a man of his sense could devise, to persuade Lord [...] to send Mr. [...] to Dr. Glasse at Harrow, underr whose care, a few years before, he being consulted by the two Dowager Countesses, had been placed the late (not the last) Earl of Barrymore, and the present Earl of Massareen, and his [Page cxciv] brothers, the Honourable Messrs. Skeffington. Dr. Berke­ley was desired by the ladies to fix the salary. The two peers paid each four hundred pounds a year; they had horses kept for them: the others paid one hundred. But Lady [...], after deliberating some time, declared she dreaded her son's being made too religious if he went to Dr. Glasse. She lived to feel, bitterly feel, the direful want of religion in two of her sons. The eldest, immediately on his father's death, turning her out of the house in town, and the crimp merchant out of the villa near town; and had not the very worthy Countess of H [...]d, then go­ing out of town to make a visit in the North, kindly lent hers, she must have taken a lodging. Lady [...] was the most indulgent mother in the world; she attended to her children's food, their physic, their warm cloathing, &c. but she left the care of their souls to—SATAN, and HE was not wanting in his attentions. One of them had naturally a good understanding; but neither Lord nor Lady [...] were equal to the task of directing it aright, nor by any means equal to the still much harder task of cultivating and directing weak Minds. Poor Lady!—she lived to feel the threat of the Wise King sorely verified: ‘"A child left to himself bringeth his MOTHER to shame*;"’ which seems to imply, that in those ignorant, unenlightened times the [Page cxcv] care of sons devolved entirely, in the early part of life, on the MOTHER. The very sensible Lord Halifax, in his Ad­vice to a Daughter, speaks excellently on this subject. This book must become very scarce, since a very learned gentleman, about a year ago, assured the Editor he had never even heard of such a book. It is pity that more fa­thers do not put it early into the hands of their daughters. It might contribute greatly in preventing husbands being obliged to exhibit many unhappy creatures at Doctors Commons and the House of Lords. Between the Wise King and the Wise Peer, if both were duly studied, young gentlemen and young ladies might certainly be very dif­ferent beings from what many in the present time are.

Solomon, when he says, ‘"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it,"’ does by no means imply, that he shall not, through life, depart from it; he departed lamentably from it him­self; but having, as we well know, received an excellent education from his pious preceptor, Nathan the prophet, he returned into the paths of virtue and piety before his death. The late Archdeacon of Berkshire, the very learned Dr. Dodwell, in an excellent sermon on ‘"One man in a thousand have I found,"’ &c. told his audience, that pro­bably that great King owed the salvation of his soul to the admonitions of his beloved friend, the son of Nathan, who certainly, in those times, when Monarchs were absolutely [Page cxcvi] arbitrary, ‘"put his life in his hand, to save the soul of his sovereign, by admonishing him to return to the paths of piety."’

It was an high act of friendship in the late excellent S [...]t [...]z, one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber to a King who reigned over these realms not quite a century ago, to admonish his master frequently of the heinous sin of adultery. To do the British Prince justice, although he did not like the Jewish Prince reform, he never resented the liberty taken. The nick-name of this gentleman, before that of Methodist had, like Aaron's rod, swallowed up all others, was, Praying S [...]t [...]z. He prayed on earth; he is now praising in heaven.

So terrifying is the idea of being styled a Methodist be­come of late, that within these few weeks the Editor (who never was in a Methodist meeting but once in her life, about twenty-five years ago, with a large party at Canterbury, to hear some dull abuse from that accomplished old hypocrite, John Wesley) advising a young gentleman to read a small portion of the Bible every day to his servants, replied, ‘"Oh! my dear Madam, I should be reckoned a Methodist if it was known that I did it, and that would be sad you know."’ How wretched must those be who stand thus in awe of mortal man! How happy are they who fear nought [Page cxcvii] but God! That fear in due time will lead to ‘"perfect love, which,"’ as St. John says, ‘"casteth out fear; for fear hath torment."’

To attempt to do justice to Mr. Monck Berkeley's grati­tude to many noble relations, friends, and connexions, from his first entrance into what is called life, would re­quire abilities far superior to those of an almost dying fe­male, by whom he had been taught from infancy, that he had no right to expect any thing but what is usual, the common decent civilities of life, from any but his Parents; that every thing beyond that was to be repaid by gratitude, as more than his due.

His gratitude to the eminently learned Professor Hunter of St. Andrew's, in offering Dr. Berkeley to become him­self Mr. Berkeley's tutor, if Dr. Berkeley did not entirely approve of Mr. Bruce, an eleve of Mr. Hunter, was through life gratefully remembered by him; but Dr. Berkeley found the Professor's character of Mr. Bruce to be perfectly just. Dr. Berkeley accordingly asked Mr. Bruce the value of his whole time, desired him to dismiss all his other pupils, and devote himself entirely to the care of Mr. Berkeley; which he did for a considerable time, until the arrival of his dear friend Mr. Grimston, who came on Mr. Berkeley's account, and entered at St. Andrew's, and an old intimate Eton friend of Mr. Berkeley's in the same form with him there. Being all, as it is termed, reading the same books, they could [Page cxcviii] not interfere; and Mr. Berkeley, amiably wishing to benefit Mr. Bruce, whom he exceedingly loved, requested his Fa­ther to permit him to become tutor to those two gentle­men only, from both of whom he received a large salary, which enabled him, a few years after, to enter at Emanuel College, Cambridge, under the protection of Dr. Berkeley's much loved and respected friend, the celebrated and worthy Dr. Farmer.

Mr. Berkeley's gratitude through life to those who in­structed him was uniform. He used to say, ‘"If I would not learn, that was not their fault."’ He used always to boast to his Father, ‘"Well, Sir, idle as you may think me, I can assert, with strictest truth, that I never have once bowed at Professor Hill's, Hunter's, or indeed at any Professor's lectures."’ An explanation being requested of the word bowing, it was thus given: ‘"Why, if any poor fellow has been a little idle, and is not prepared to speak when called upon by the Professor, he gets up and makes a respectful bow, and sits down again."’

Mr. Berkeley's friendship for his very learned tutor, the Reverend Mr. Green, on whose sole account he was by his Father sent to Magdalene Hall, rather than to his own be­loved Christ Church, was very great. Mr. Berkeley consi­dered him as the most active and vigilant of tutors, who would force young men to learn, whether so disposed or [Page cxcix] not, and the great care he took of their morals, devoting almost the whole of his leisure time to the common room.

Mr. Berkeley was blest with a wonderful sagacity in discerning characters, and often exhibiting them to the di­version of his friends, even when the persons whose cha­racters he drew were present. He used frequently to say to his Father and Aunt, ‘"Now I will treat you with an exhibition of my Mother last night at Mrs. [...]'s rout;"’ and then proceed, generally saying, ‘"Well! to be sure my Mother is a woman by herself; for I believe the Almighty never formed any thing before her, or ever will any thing after her, like herself. The whole world cannot make her say a thing she does not mean, make her answer a question she does not choose to answer, nor visit any body she does not choose to visit, unless once or twice, where my Father has interposed his ROYAL AU­THORITY; then she reluctantly sets off."’ This latter part arose from Mrs. Berkeley's resolution, through life, never to visit any cook, house-maid, &c. who had been kind enough to live with a gentleman six or seven years be­fore she was sanctioned from Doctors Commons to step into the coach and six, and sit at the head of the table, and be caressed by all the amiable virtuous dames in the neigh­bourhood. Mrs. Berkeley is by no means one of those styled by Mr. Addison ‘"the outrageously virtuous;"’ tout au contraire—and her kindness in restoring more than one fallen [Page cc] acquaintance, the wives of gentlemen, they gentlewomen, mothers of large families of young children, is well known to many who will read these sheets through curiosity. But the case is widely different. Mary or Nan, if tolerably cunning wenches, reason thus: ‘"It is hit or miss. If I live with the 'Squire seven years—if I can draw him in to marry me, why, I am a fine Laady for life; and if I can't, why I shall do just as well for Bob the Postillion."’ Agreed: but you ought not to be company for ladies of virtue, birth, and education; nor are ye, or ever shall be, for one insignificant individual, who more than once, insignificant as she is, has mortified titled harlots of this de­scription. One indeed sent to know what she had done, that Mrs. Berkeley would not visit her; and Mrs. Berkeley bade the lady tell her. Whether the lady did tell her or not must be guessed. The wife of a gentleman may be­have very foolishly, very idly; and it may, it must, be very difficult to ascertain whether her conduct is criminal or not; and if her husband (not a known scoundrel) does not give her up, her friends and neighbours ought not to do it. But with Mary and Nan and the 'Squire, there can­not remain a doubt, especially when a poor little base-born brat appears, and is owned every year. It is the bounden duty of every sincere servant of GOD to discountenance vice; let it be seriously remembered, that [...] himself says, ‘"Who will rise up with me against the wicked, and take my part against the evil-doers?"’ Every individual, however hum­ble [Page cci] their station in life, may enjoy that honour by brow­beating vice, as the worthy Dr. C [...]b [...]y, of M [...], did, when his neighbour, the late Lord C. urged him to visit at [...] [...].

In a country where the QUESTION, as the torture used to be termed in France, i.e. the rack, is not allowed; Mrs. Berkeley did not think very highly of her own mental powers in resolving not to answer any home-thrust, as she termed it, however it might excite the admiration of her clever Son, and sensible excellent friend, Mrs. Duncombe, the cultivated, the enlightened relict of the late very learned, amiable, Reverend John Duncombe, M.A. well known in the learned world, and of whom the great Mr. Burke once said, speaking of him, to the Editor, ‘"He was a very considera­ble man indeed."’ This lady, with whom the Editor esteems it one of her greatest earthly felicities that she has lived in the strictest, the most uninterrupted friendship for the last twenty-five years of her life, that is, ever since the commencement of their acquaintance, and to whom she feels herself deeply indebted for a thousand amiable attentions, particularly during her last melancholy visit to Canterbury—any attempt by so feeble a pen to celebrate the elêve of Mr. Richardson, the friend of Mrs. Epictetus Carter, the relict of the abovenamed learned, well-informed Mr. Dun­combe, would be a vain effort, unless it were to sing ‘"a hymn to my own praise and glory,"’ for having been ho­noured [Page ccii] with the friendship of such a woman. Mrs. Dun­combe's own fine pen has, does celebrate her fame, her praise; long may she live to use it, for the entertainment, the improvement, of those who read what is worth reading. Her letters, carefully preserved, if printed, would give the English a Madame Sevignée of their own nation. It is to be hoped, that some time or other they may be collected and given to the world*, although in them would be found some very smart strictures on the Writer of these pages. This lady, like Mr. Monck Berkeley, has often said that the Editor had an art superior to magic, in not being made to speak when she had not a mind to speak. Mrs. Duncombe can, and Mr. Monck Berkeley could, alas! entertain very highly by speaking—the Editor, it should seem, by her silence.

[Page cciii] Mr. Berkeley, having been out of England for several months, on his return, as usual, immediately paid his duty at home. After dinner, as he sat chatting with his Mother, she said, ‘"Berkeley! your old friend, [...] [...], is married, since you left us, to Lord [...]'s niece, a very sweet, pleasing, young lady. But I am sure you won't believe me, when I tell you, that it is a certain fact (no flam or fun * I assure you) that he wept like a child through the whole of the ceremony."’ Never, whilst the Editor retains her reason, can she forget the reception this speech met from Mr. Berkeley. He lifted up his beautiful eyes, and, with the solemnity of a pious judge when he pronounces the sentence of death, said, ‘"Weep, my dear Mother! Well might he weep, poor fellow! I shall wonder if he ever does any thing but weep through life."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why so?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Why so? Why, because three years ago he courted a gentleman's daughter to marry her, when the [Page cciv] Devil put it into his head to prevail with her to elope with him; and when he had got the poor creature to [...] [...] House, he refused to marry her*; and the poor unhappy girl, cast off by her own family, has lived with him ever since, behaving in every other instance like an angel. Might he not well weep, my dear Mo­ther?"’

Mrs. Berkeley assured her Son, that she had never heard a tittle of this dreadful business until he told it her.

Mr. B.—‘"Had I been in England, I would certainly have used all my poor rhetoric to have prevailed on him not to load his conscience through life with such a crime, but honourably, honestly marry her. The poor creature is, I hear, dying of a broken heart, for she really loved the [Page ccv] little scoundrel. With all your saying that girls must beware of men, and take care of themselves, and never trust them, how often have I heard you applaud my grandfather's conduct with regard to his brother, who, having treated a lady of family in a similar way, utterly refused to marry her, and many many years afterwards, when he went to visit him at Cloyne, absolutely refused to see him, al­though he was then become what the world calls a wor­thy man*, but, during his two or three days visit there, dined, as you have often and often heard my Father say, in the library by himself, and no intreaties of my Grand­mother or my Father could prevail upon him to see him, constantly saying, 'He is a genuine scoundrel. I trust God will forgive him upon his repentance; but I will never see him whilst I breathe.' And I am sure you used to have as much horror of seduction as my grandfather, Where honourable proposals had been made, how often have you rung in my ears the worthiness of your excel­lent General H [...], who, having been educated in the most pious way, by his mother, Lady H [...], used to return the ridicule of his friends, when a young man in the guards, for his taking up with any drab, with, 'Well, well, you may laugh as you please; but I would not, for [Page ccvi] all this world has to give, have the ruin of an innocent woman to answer for."’

This excellent gentleman has, for near forty years, done due honour to his, alas! for this poor nation, very uncom­monly pious education,—family prayers every day, with the lessons and psalms of the day—and the Editor hears with pleasure, that his exemplary care of his family is repaid, by that God whose doctrine ‘"he so beautifully adorns,"’ by the excellent conduct of his children. May they be spared to him! Long may he be spared a blessing to them!

Few men, perhaps, have ever been formed with more qualifications to make a complete orator than Mr. Berke­ley; a very uncommonly harmonious musical voice, with, from an infant, the sweetest tones imaginable, which he could at pleasure elevate, like his grandfather, Bishop Berkeley, to tremendous thunder; taught, from four years old, to repeat by heart, without rant or forced action, being told, after he properly understood the meaning of what he had learned, to repeat it as he felt it on his own mind; and being, from seven years old, accustomed to talk with delight of speaking in Westminster Hall; he took every op­portunity of improving himself.

When a boy at Canterbury School, which, as has been already observed, he quitted at twelve years old, during [Page ccvii] the sessions for the city at the Guild-Hall, and for the county at the old Castle, Mr. Berkeley generally went without his dinner, flying off the instant the school broke up to the court, to hear the pleadings. He once prevailed on his Father to permit him to go, attended by Mr. Wrightson, under a strict promise ‘"of doing every thing that John bade him,"’ to Maidstone, to attend at the assizes. On his return home, he related all the causes and pleadings, and a particular in the summing up the evidence by Sir William Blackstone, as accurately as if he had taken it all down in short-hand, which he could not then do. He was, if the French expression fort éveillié may be per­mitted to be translated into English, the most awaked of all creatures. Nothing escaped him; he caught every thing he saw, and wished to know, in a moment. One instance proves it very strongly. Soon after he went to Eton he had a raging desire to learn to fence, which his Father was resolved he should not do, until he attained to a certain age, fixed by him. All Mr. Berkeley's arguments that the Bi­shop had let his Father learn at fourteen were ineffectual; Dr. Berkeley saying, that many youths of fashion were often killed by its straining their lungs when they were too tender to bear it. Mr. Berkeley was, however, resolved to learn what he could, as he afterwards told his Father, saying, ‘"I had little trouble when I did learn; for I used, instead of going to cricket, &c. to go regularly at the hours of learning, and fix myself like a statue at the [Page ccviii] window."’ Whilst the very worthy, respectable, universally respected Mr. Angelo was instructing his pupils, he used to say, ‘"I think I hardly came honestly by my skill in fencing. But Angelo is as worthy, amiable a man as ever lived; and, I dare say, did not grudge me what I so gleaned from his great skill."’

When Mr. Berkeley spoke his Prize Exercise in the Par­liament Hall at St. Andrews, before the then Chancellor of that University, the late Earl of Kinnoul; when all the prize exercises had been delivered, Lord Kinnoul went to Mr. Berkeley, and, embracing him, said, ‘"I rejoice, Sir, to embrace the grandson of my dear old friend, Bi­shop Berkeley, and to be able to say, that I never heard speech so spoken from this pulpit since I have had the honour to be Chancellor here."’ Mr. Berkeley had redde his prize exercise near fifty times over to his Mother. Just before he went out, he conjured her to hear him once more, that he might lay his emphasis exactly right. The request was complied with.

Mr. Berkeley, together with his amiable, beloved friend, the late, learned Sir John Ramsey, and his dear friend, Mr. Lennard, frequently spent part of their vacation very pleasantly at Lord Kinnoul's seat. A droll anecdote or two might be here related, particularly a scene in the Library; but this Preface is already too long, and the reader has, [Page ccix] perhaps, frequently exclaimed, ‘"What is all this chit-chat to me? I wish to read the great actions of great men."’ If so, according to the advice of the great Johnson, and the little Editor, read Sir Francis Knollys's History of the Turks, Marcus Antoninus, &c.

But to return from this digression. It is impossible to omit an amiable attention of a young Scotch gentleman, who, with his wonderfully sensible younger brother Tho­mas, constantly attended the service of the Church of England at Dr. Berkeley's, and who were frequently invited to visit there. The young Laird of Logie-Almon came running into Mrs. Berkeley's dressing-room quite breath­less; he threw himself into a chair, and on Mrs. Berkeley's enquiring if he was ill, and asking whether he would have any thing, he replied, ‘"No, my dear Madam; no. But I flew hither to tell you how delightfully Mr. Berkeley has spoken; and in what extacies Lord Kinnoul (one of the many guardians of this very pleasing, amiable, young gentleman) said to me, I thought it must delight you; so I ran every step of the way, that I might be the first to tell you of it. I was sadly frightened at first, poor Mr. Berkeley *trembled violently, and was so long before [Page ccx] he began to speak, that I expected every moment, the Chancellor would say, Pray, Sir, begin; and that would have made him ten times worse. But when he had once begun, he got courage, and went on nobly; and every body is astonished."’ This young gentleman was at that time barely fifteen years old. May he, as a man, through life, be what he was in youth!

A very extraordinary circumstance happened at the birth of this young gentleman. A very aged domestic of the Drummond family, many years more than an hundred, who lived in a little cot (by the bounty of the excellent Laird) on Logie-Almon estate, as soon as he heard that his dear Laird had a son, walked down about a mile to get a sight of him. He was told the infant was asleep. He re­turned the next day. The Laird walked out; Lady Ca­tharine feared letting the child be carried out of the room. He returned the day but one following: the Laird at home, ordered the infant down, to be viewed by worthy old Steel; who, taking him into his arms, said, ‘"Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace. I thank thee for having permitted me to see (the Editor thinks) the seventh [Page ccxi] generation of my dear old first master*."’ The excellent Laird, equally delighted, ordered him refreshment. He walked gently home, sat down in his chair, saying, ‘"Now I am happy"’—and his faithful affectionate spirit took its flight without even a sigh.

Those medical gentlemen of skill, who heard the above fact (much spoken of at the time) agreed, that had he seen the young Laird on the first day when he went for that purpose, the spirit of the good old man had been freed three days sooner; that his ardent desire had detained it. One has frequently heard of similar instances of the de­tention of the spirit in its earthly prison for hours, even days. What a wonder is the spirit of man! How passing wonder HE who implants it in the curiously wrought prison! The late very sensible, unfortunate, Honourable Colonel Nairne, a great collector, who had a fine print of old Steel, [Page ccxii] which Mr. Monck Berkeley purchased, with many other cu­riosities, after his death, has frequently told the Editor, that the engraver mistook in setting down his age, one hundred and nine, that it ought to have been one hundred and thirty-nine. One cannot help dropping a tear on the la­mentable fate of this very accomplished, well-informed man. His father, Lord Nairne, unfortunately engaged in the Re­bellion; the son fighting for the Hanover family. The first duty to which he was appointed, was to go and batter down his own noble magnificent castle. His late Majesty, who knew him personally, was very desirous to have given him a regiment and other bounties; but the Duke of Cumberland prevented it, by telling his Majesty it was impossible a man who had suffered so much could ever forget or forgive it. Thus the desperate, despairing, poor sinner, thinks of an all-merciful Saviour; although he has repeat­edly declared, ‘"Him that cometh to me (i.e. during the state of trial on earth) I will no wise cast out."’—There is no SAVING repentance after death—whilst we are on earth, he is a Sovereign, ‘"mighty to us: The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world."’ The instant we quit the body, he becomes our Judge—the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The Editor is not a disciple of the acute [...]; she has redde Horbury, and thinks with Dr. Young,

"Not so our Infidels—."
"—A GOD ALL Mercy—is a GOD unjust."

[Page ccxiii] Indeed, so anxious was Mr. Berkeley to improve himself in public speaking, that, with the permission of Principal M'Cormick, of whose polite attentions to himself and the other English gentlemen students he always spoke in high terms*, he instituted a Literarii Viginti, who were to meet and speak for two or three hours in the evening, either once a week, or once a fortnight. The Principals, Profes­sors, gentlemen of the city and neighbourhood, frequently honoured this little seminary of juvenile orators with their presence. Two on each side were generally chosen to speak and oppose; and every one, as in the House of Commons, was permitted to rise and speak on either side. Those appointed to speak on the subject always carried a speech prepared on paper. Mr. Berkeley used always to say, ‘"Hang that paper, I am so glad when I have done with it. When I throw my notes aside, I can speak with spi­rit. I hate to be hampered. I love to be, as the French say, coudes franches. I believe I shall do at the bar; for I feel twice the strength after all my arguments are op­posed [Page ccxiv] and pulled to pieces, that I do at going on without opposition; it animates, it inspires me."’

One morning, after a Viginti evening, Mrs. Berkeley, walking out, was met by Professors Hill, Hunter, Baron, and many others, who all congratulated her on the figure Mr. Berkeley had made the preceding evening amongst the young orators. It would be wasting ink to say how much the heart of the Mother of an only child must have felt this commendation.

A rather laughable circumstance occurred two or three days afterwards. Mrs. Berkeley, taking her usual walk by the sea, was met by a lady, who, after complimenting her on Mr. Berkeley's fine speaking, added, ‘"and my son spoke too, and did pretty well, I hear."’ Mrs. Berkeley, who, as her Son always said of her, ‘"would not flatter Royalty;"’ no, not her favourite ‘"Queen of Sheba, were she now on earth;"’ said, ‘"she was glad to hear that sweet [...] [...] had done so well."’ A most lovely excellent young man he was; and Mrs. Berkeley used frequently to say to him, as she used to say to the angelic Mr. Montgomerie a dozen years before, ‘" [...] [...], if I had a daughter with an hundred thousand pounds in her pocket, and you had only the coat on your back, such as you are, I would beg the favour of you to marry her."’ Should any one read thus [Page ccxv] far, perhaps long ago they have done it, they will probably again exclaim, ‘"The creature is a FOOL! quite an IDIOT!"’ But the Editor never conceived any happiness could arise from setting two sacks of gold together, any more than that bread will be produced by setting two sacks of wheat side by side. But to return. This wise lady proceeded, ‘"Well, Mrs. Berkeley; as both our sons have spoken, and gained credit, let you and I make an agreement, that they shall not speak any more, for fear they should lose the credit they have gained."’ To which Mrs. Berkeley, ob­serving the extreme cleverness of the speaker, replied, ‘"Oh! dear Madam, you know you are sole directress of [...] [...]; but, thank God, my Son has a much wiser director than his Mother. Dr. Berkeley is a most excellent judge, and judicious director of young men's education; and I have no more idea of interfering in parts of my Son's education as a scholar, than I have of sitting down to write a Visitation or Assize Sermon for his Father; BUT I will certainly tell him what YOU, Madam, say."’ Mrs. Berkeley failed not to do it; BUT Mr. Berkeley went on speaking, without losing any of his credit as an orator. Two of the Scotch speakers are now in England, the learned, entertaining, Reverend Mr. James Bruce, Mr. Berkeley's tutor, and the gentle, pleasing Mr. William Kemp, tutor to Mr. Lennard, who was many years ago recommended, through Dr. Berkeley's recommendation, by his amiable friend, the late Lord Dacre, into the family of [Page ccxvi] the Earl of Beverley, where his uncommon merits as a tutor are felt, and most generously, most nobly rewarded, by the noble descendant of the great hero of Chevy-Chace.

Soon after Mr. Berkeley's return to England he began to feel an ardent desire to obtain a seat in Parliament. How was that wish to be gratified? Bishop Berkeley was too generous to amass a fortune. He constantly gave away with both hands. After thirty thousand pounds debt paid by Mr. Berkeley's grandmother, Mrs. Frinsham, and her single sister, Mrs. Cherry, of their grandfather William Cherry, Esquire, and establishing, instead of taking, (as or­dered by him if wanted to pay his debts,) a very good estate left by him to found a charity school in the parish of Bray in Berkshire, where lay a large part of his vast estate*. The South-Sea bubble had, although not beggared, [Page ccxvii] yet wonderfully reduced the large remainder of Mr. Cher­ry's fortune; so that, during the life of Mr. Berkeley's Mo­ther, he could not get a qualification that would sit easy on his conscience. His Mother, on learning this, offered to give up entirely into his hands her whole settlement, adding, ‘"I have, from your infancy, ever said, 'If I must be abso­lutely dependant on any fallen child of Adam, may it be on Berkeley! not on dear sweet Robert; for Berkeley has a generosity of soul that I have never seen in any human being, through my whole life, but in himself alone."’ On saying this he exclaimed, ‘"Jesus avert that I should be SUCH a villian. No; I would, were it ne­cessary, sooner carry a brown musket, than ever touch a six-pence of your settlement. It is too small, we all know. No; never whilst my name is Berkeley, will I ever di­minish it. It may, I hope, please God that I may live to add to it."’

On his coming home at vacation-time, he often men­tioned curious causes at Westminster Hall and the Old Bai­ley. His Father one day said, ‘"Berkeley, it does not seem to me that you go often to the House of Commons. I should think that you would be there perpetually."’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"My dear Sir, I never go at all."’

Dr. B.—‘"Never go. How is that? I am sure you know at least half an hundred members that would take you in."’

[Page ccxviii]Mr. B.—‘"Yes, my dear Sir, I know men enough that would take me in every day if I would go; but I will not go. I dare not trust myself."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Not trust yourself! what, do you think you should spring up and speak?"’

Mr. B.—‘"No, my dear Madam, no; but I am afraid the Devil should tempt me to long so much to get into Par­liament, that I should deceive myself, and reason myself into a belief that a sham qualification had no harm in it; and therefore, the Lord being my helper, I never will set foot in St. Stephen's Chapel, unless I can go thither properly authorized to speak. So you will never hear any account from me of the orators there."’

Mr. Berkeley went perpetually to hear Hastings's Trial. He told his Father, that ‘"after listening with all the atten­tion he was possessed of to the harangues of a certain great Orator, he conceived that his grand argument was a strong arm, which enabled him to thump the table vio­lently*."’ It must here be said, that Mr. Berkeley was a [Page ccxix] strenuous assertor of Mr. Hastings's innocence. He had put himself to considerable expence to procure documents from India, and had prepared for the press, perhaps as ela­borate an investigation of Mr. Hastings's conduct and cha­racter, as beautiful a defence as was ever penned, which he, however, the day before it was to be sent to the press, sacrificed to paternal authority. He brought it to the Edi­tor, and, with tears in his eyes, threw it on her table, say­ing, ‘"There is a sacrifice to duty. I beseech you to take care of it. It cost me many pounds and much time, and might have benefited, I think, an injured man. Do not let it be lost; perhaps it may, some time or other, see the light."’ It is, as requested, still carefully preserved, [Page ccxx] with many other things of Mr. Berkeley's writing; for he was never idle but whilst in company. When at his Fa­ther's, he retired soon after dinner, and immediately after tea. As he very seldom ate any supper, as soon as the cloth was removed, his servant notified it to him, and he came down and entertained his friends with his enliven­ing conversation, and sometimes delighted the soul of his Mother, by complying with her request to sing to her the hymn sung by the Eton College gentlemen. It begins ‘"Salvator Mundi,"’ &c.*. until the servants came in to family prayers; after which he more frequently retired to study than to rest.

Few persons were ever more strongly impressed with the terror of being called into judgement for idleness than Mr. Berkeley. During the latter part of his illness he would frequently exclaim, ‘"Lord, forgive me; what an idle life I do lead! Surely God will call me to account for it."’ His Mother assured him that [...] did not resemble Pharaoh's task-masters; that the work God had then appointed him to, was what he daily performed, bearing with the most perfect resignation, and the sweetest, cheerful submission, [Page ccxxi] his heavenly Father's gracious chastisements, for which, when not in actual agony, he humbly, heartily, thanked God for sending him.

Mr. Berkeley's delicate attentions to his Mother's feel­ings were throughly amiable. When he was about three and twenty, in the summer vacation he went down to his Fa­ther's, and one day said to his Mother, ‘"I might have had a fine summer of it if I had pleased, for my friend [...] [...] pressed me exceedingly to spend it with him. A * charming high phaëton and four in hand, a de­lightful neighbourhood, and near [...] [...]."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Well, my dear child, and why were you such a simpleton as not to go?"’

Mr. B.—‘"No; I chose rather to come and spend some part of it with you."’

Mrs. B.—‘"With me! how could you be such a fool? Have not I always told you, as I used to tell your dear Father when he was young, if any pleasant scheme pre­sents itself, never to think you have a wife, but enjoy it. I will never expect you at home till I see you; only write [Page ccxxii] to me, that I may enjoy your happiness by rebound. So I have always said to you since you grew up. Do not think of your Mother. If you are happy, she is so."’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, but, my dear Madam, the case is this: Some fellow or other would have told you that [...] [...] is a Deist; and they would have told you truth; and then you would have been wild for fear of your poor Bairne.’

Mrs. B.—‘"My dear, I honour, as I ever must, the ex­treme delicacy of your conduct towards your Mother from your childhood. But I should not have been un­easy; for, I humbly thank God, I am persuaded my Bairne is too well grounded to let even the arguments of so learned, so acute a man as [...] [...] have any influence on your faith, founded on the Rock of Ages."’

About two years before Mr. Berkeley's death his Mother said, ‘"What is become of [...] [...]? I think I never hear you speak of him now."’

Mr. B.—‘"Why no, my dear Mother, I very seldom see him. I found it quite impossible for me to do him any good, and I was resolved that he should not do me any harm; so by degrees I gently dropped him, intimate as we formerly were."’

[Page ccxxiii] The blessings of being throughly instructed, well­grounded in the true faith in early youth, is most beauti­fully described in a letter of the late Dr. Kenrick, Preben­dary of Westminster, minister of Hambledown, father of the worthy Lady Gibbon. During Dr. Berkeley's residence in Scotland Mr. Berkeley brought his Mother a very dirty old Edinburgh magazine, with a leaf folded, saying, ‘"My dear Madam, there is a letter that will delight you."’ It was from Dr. Kenrick (the year forgot) it deserves to be printed in letters of GOLD.

Mr. Berkeley, when staying at his Father's house in Berkshire, had books constantly from Bull's circulating li­brary at Bath, or from Hookham's. His amiable spirit led him always to order, that some of the allowed number should be such as would be pleasant to his Mother. He one day coming down into the drawing-room to tea, with a book in his hand, said, ‘"Observe, now, how persons are rewarded for serving their friends. I sent for this book solely on my Mother's account, not meaning to read three pages of it myself; for I am at present very busy; and when I opened it to twirl over the leaves, I have been so charmed by it, that I have redde every line at­tentively; and, when my Mother has finished it, I shall read it over again."’ This book was The CALVARY of the excellent Mr. Cumberland, just then published. Mr. Berkeley spoke of it, as it merits to be spoken of, in all [Page ccxxiv] companies. A learned critic once said, ‘"Sir, I am sur­prized to hear you speak so very highly of it, who are cer­tainly a very excellent judge of poetry,"’ and began ob­jecting to some lines which he termed prosaic. At length Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"Well, Sir, it is possible there may be more piety than poetry in some of the lines; but I think it was worth being born, if it were only to have written that excellent work."’

A gentleman once said to Dr. Berkeley, ‘"I wonder Mr. Berkeley is not as vain and conceited as he is high, so admired, so caressed, and courted, as he is in town."’ Mr. Berkeley, in conversation at the other end of the room, overhearing it, broke off, and said, ‘"Alas! Sir, no; Mr. Berkeley knows himself too well to be made vain. He knows what he is equal to, and can never be fool enough to be vain."’ His humility was great. When abroad, every marked attention that was shown to him by eminent men of great learning or high rank, he constantly, humbly, attributed to his being the grandson of so great a man as Bishop Berkeley, who was extremely well known and highly respected, as a wonderful genius, in France, Italy, and Ger­many. Before what a late blackguard publication has called ‘"a few lucky words of Mr. Pope's,"’ that great man, according to the account of his very old intimate friend, the late learned Richard Dalton, Esquire, of Lincolnshire, who, with Sir John James, accompanied Bishop Berkeley to [Page ccxxv] America, was, at least, sixty-six years old when the said ‘"lucky words"’ were written. Bishop Berkeley was idolized in England—before he set off for America was offered a bishopric—used to go to St. James's, two evenings in a week, to dispute with Dr. Samuel Clarke before Queen Caroline, then Princess of Wales—had a magnificent gold medal presented to him by his late Majesty when Prince of Wales, as a keep-sake, at the time that the Father of the said PUBLICATOR* was employed) it is to be hoped not in cheating) as bailiff by a noble relation of the Bishop's. That noble Goliath in punishing ingratitude and sauciness, Mr. Burke, has most happily introduced holy Job; he has not quoted one verse, quoted below, for which, as he, Mr. Burke, says, ‘"we do not find Job reprehended."’

‘"Whose fathers I would have disdained to have set with the dogs of the flock."’Job, chap. xxx. verse 1.

It is certain that when Bp. Berkeley dined at his noble relation's, Lady [...] [...], the father of this acute UNGRATEFUL Publicator did not dine at the same table with her Ladyship and the Bishop. By the generosity of [Page ccxxvi] Mr. Berkeley * one hundred and eighty-nine pounds, at dif­ferent times, were presented to this Publicator, which must have been a pleasant addition to a poor curacy. Poor Dr. Berkeley seems tacitly censured in the said publication, for giving his honoured Patron ‘"no rest until he preferred a parti­cular friend."’ The Editor has been repeatedly asked who that was? and violent exclamation has constantly followed the answer. A gentleman, within this week, told the Editor, that Dr. Berkeley said to him eighteen years ago, ‘"Until I had gotten preferment for [...], I used to receive all his publications bound in blue or green Morocco, magnificently gilt and lettered; but, since I have never received any even in boards."’ Dr. Berkeley, in procuring from Archbishop Secker preferment for the Reverend Mr. Andrews, the in­comparable answerer of Bishop Warburton, served the most grateful of men—farther this deponent saith not at present.

All the PUBLICATOR's letters, some very curious, were preserved by Dr. Berkeley; some few were deposited in the hands of the Editor, and are models of [...]. In one the PUBLICATOR tells Dr. Berkeley, ‘"I begin to think it time I got some Dignity in the Church, as I wish to keep a Carriage. I think I should like a stall at Canterbury."’ It may, perhaps, not be impertinent to remark, that the [Page ccxxvii] Archbishop of Canterbury has only three stalls to dispose of; and that at this time his Lady's nephew, the polite, elegant Dr. Benson, and the son of his friend Bishop Berkeley, were only poor Vicars, the one of Bray in Berks, the other of Shepherd-Well in Kent. The PUBLICATOR seems to have laboured to pour contempt on the name of BERKELEY; but it was renowned in history before he was born. Every one remembers the answer that poor Sir Roger de Coverley received from the Royalist when he enquired the way to Anne's Church, Soho, ‘"that she was a Saint before he was born, and would be after he was hanged!!!*"’

The Editor hopes that she may not be doing what her honoured Father-in-law never would do, when he refused to make the least answer to any of the scurrilous things written against him by that worse than savage monster Archbishop King of Dublin; Bishop Berkeley saying, ‘"The noticing them would be like preserving a dirty fly in AMBER."’ The Edi­tor has frequently heard Dr. Berkeley relate the following story from his father: This old monster and Bishop Berkeley, then Fellow of Dublin College, a little known in the learned world, were both at dinner in Dublin at the house of an Earl, whose title the Editor does not at present re­collect, but who had a beautiful Lady and an house full of remarkably fine children. During the time of dinner, half a score of servants in waiting, this purpled brute said, [Page ccxxviii] ‘"Whenever I see a parcel of fine children, I always look round the table to see which of the footmen is the father of them."’ With these words he threw his devilish eyes around the room. The Lay Peer must have been a saint not to have ordered his domestics to drag the spiritual one nine times through the kennel, and the Lady must have been either an angel or a fool not instantly to have risen from table. They, however, contented themselves with never admitting his GRACE within their doors any more. The late Dr. Berkeley used frequently to relate this and two or three other stories, in order, as he used to say to Mr. Berkeley, ‘"to call your Mother out."’ To be sure, Mrs. Berkeley used to storm nobly on these occasions, to the great diversion of her amiable husband, who used to ask ‘"What would SHE have done had she been Lady [...]?"’ To which she used to reply, ‘"Why never have visited any woman who admitted that BRUTE into her drawing-room."’ An heavy punishment, to be sure; but the Editor, insignificant as she is, has often mortified fine ladies, even of rank, in that way. She began early. About the age of twenty, soon after the death of her ex­cellent Mother, being with her younger sister at a water­drinking place, Lady [...], who had done [...] [...] the favour to live with him five years previous to her being married to him, came thither, was visited by every mortal; Lady [...], Lady [...], &c. &c. yet all this availed her poor Ladyship, with a set of horses, [Page ccxxix] two men cooks, of whom she made frequent mention, and about twenty thousand pounds per annum, like Haman with Mordecai. These two little insignificant country gentleman's daughters would not visit her Ladyship. They were told, that it was ridiculous, not to do it. Some of their relations, their superiors, told them that they ought to do it. It availed not; they were as stubborn as two little mules. Well; but her Ladyship would, willi nilhi, constantly join the one who drank the waters every morn­ing, and converse with her. She one morning said, ‘"She computed all her ill health to a bad lying-in."’ FAME said, that her Ladyship never had lain-in at all.

The Editor and her sister always went to town every spring from Windsor, where they resided before Mrs. Berkeley married, for about two months or ten weeks, to look about them, and prevent their being rusticated. At Ranelagh, the Ridotto, &c. her Ladyship never failed to find them out, come to them, and make the kindest en­quiries. A woman of quality once, at an installation at Windsor, said to Mrs. Berkeley, then Miss Frinsham, ‘"How comes it that you visit Lady [...]?"’

Miss Frinsham.—‘"I visit her! who told you that I visited her?"’

Lady [...] ‘"Nobody; but just now she happened to see you, and said, 'Oh! there is Miss Frinsham; I must go, [Page ccxxx] and speak to her directly;' and away she bustled. (Her Ladyship's gait was of that description.) I thought, by her manner, that you were very intimate."’

Miss Frinsham replied—‘"It was her own fault that she did not enjoy that honour."’ The poor Lady is now no longer an inhabitant of this world.

Such contempt may the most insignificant pour on VICE. It is not saying, ‘"Stand by thyself; I am holier than thou."’ God avert such pride from every real child of God. The Editor who, during a course of forty years, has been frequently in such skirmishes, has been often asked ‘"If they may not be very penitent;"’ to which her constant reply is, the poet tells us, that ‘" 'Tis best repenting in a coach and six."’

But the Editor has no great idea of the house-maid or the kitchen-maid's repentance in the coach and six. Her peni­tents are such as the late lovely Lady of [...] [...], who, having trusted that most agreeable of wretches too far, was ruined, and he compelled by Authority to marry her. She was, as country-folks in Berkshire phrase it, made an honest woman. But the Editor has been repeatedly told by an inti­mate excellent friend of hers, who constantly added, ‘"I had probably shared the same fate as Miss [...], if my excellent Mother-in-law had not watched over me at eighteen, and [Page ccxxxi] never left me one minute alone with [...] [...];"’ adding, ‘"I am sure, had my Mother been asked whether she would choose to leave me alone with [...] [...] or with a tiger, she would not have hesitated to prefer the tiger."’ How different are mothers now, in these en­lightened days, to what they were fifty years ago! [...] [...] was of the sly tiger kind, and seldom laid wait for his prey in vain. This excellent lady has often told the Editor, that after Miss [...] was married, no one ever saw that she had an eye, for she never lifted those beau­teous causes of her sad fall, from the earth, scarce ever spoke in company, but little to her most intimate friends, and died of grief at the end of two years. Happily her worthy Son resembles his Mother more than his Father. This was repentance although in a coach and six, which Miss [...]'s situation in life might entitle her to, for she was the daughter of a gentleman, and had a very good fortune.

Some few years ago Dr. Berkeley, going to spend some months at [...], Mr. Monck Berkeley said to his Mo­ther, ‘"Now, my dear Mother, as soon as you get to [...], such a lady (naming the name) will visit you, and you must return her visit. You must not know that she broke her first husband's heart by her flirtations with her present husband, whom she [...]."’ ‘"But all that is nothing, you know, to you."’‘"No, my dear; but, I [Page ccxxxii] am afraid, it will be somewhat to her one day or other; and must is a bold word for any body to use to your Mo­ther, excepting it is your Father."’ He turned to his Father, and said, ‘"I wished to hear my Mother's sentiments of that Lady."’

It has been said before, that Mr. Berkeley could not rest if he saw any creature in distress, from which it was possi­ble for him to relieve him. In the year 1787, during the long vacation, Mr. Berkeley, with two of his Temple friends, J. R. Baker, Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, and another, very sensible, amiable, young gentleman, now no more, took a trip to the continent. During their residence there, Mr. Berkeley had it in his power to assist, in a very awkward and unplea­sant situation, a very worthy amiable personage of very high rank, his Serene Highness the then reigning Prince of Saxe Gotha, uncle to the King of England. The circumstances attending this transaction are too long to be related here. In the vessel the Prince saw and admired Mr. Berkeley's wonderfully curious Highland dog of a very scarce breed, so much as to make Mr. Berkeley often regret that he could not prevail upon himself to present him to his Serene High­ness; but adding, ‘"My faithful companion so many hun­dred miles, in so many different countries, I found I could not part with OSCAR."’ Mr. Berkeley's honest Scot, Richie, did the honours of Oscar, told his serene Highness many wonderful, yet actually true, stories of the [Page ccxxxiii] sagacity, fidelity, prudence, of that lovely beast. On the discovery of the Duke's rank, poor Ritchie said to his master, ‘"Laird, Sir, what an a sad thing it is that I must lave ye!"’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"Leave me, Ritchie! Why must you leave me? Have you got a better place, laddy?"’

Ritchie.—‘"No, Sir, no; but I can never go back to England."’

Mr. B.—‘"Why not, Ritchie?"’

Ritchie.—‘"Why, Sir, that elderly gentleman that talked so much to you is the King's uncle: Laird have mercy upon me, and that ever I should not know it, and should dare to talk to him so about the dog—to be sure, the King will have me hanged if I go back to England. I will stay till you go, and then contrive, if I can, to slip into Scotland."’

Mr. Berkeley answered for his Majesty; but some of Mr. Berkeley's English friends, to divert themselves, encouraged poor Ritchie's fears. His Serene Highness at parting ex­pressed his gratitude for Mr. Berkeley's services, and most condescendingly said, ‘"I find, Sir, that you are a great traveller. I hope, sometime or other, that curiosity (al­though we have not much of curious) may lead you to my Court, where I shall be most happy to return your [Page ccxxxiv] wonderfully kind attentions to me by every respect in my power."’

Mr. Berkeley used often to say, ‘"Ritchie is a true Scot, he will not own that he sees (like the pumkins in the * Duke of Argyle's garden) any thing of any kind better in England than in Scotland."’ One day, when Mr. Berkeley came down to dinner, he said, ‘"Well, I must confess, Ritchie has at length vanquished me, just when I plumed myself on victory. As he was dressing my hair, just now, it occurred to me I will ask Richie, if ever he saw a crusade in Scotland, and see if he will answer, O yes, Sir, in the Loodons, i. e. the Lothians. I put the question, Ritchie, did you ever see a crusade?"’

Ritchie.—‘"Crusade, Sir? what an a thing is it? is it any beasty?"’ i. e. a beast.

Mr. B.—‘"No; it is a great number of people collected together to go to Jerusalem to recover it out of the hands of the Infidels."’

Ritchie.—‘"O! yes, Sir; I have seen that in the Loo­dons (his native county). When you were in Edinburgh last, you gave me leave to visit my friends; and I heard [Page ccxxxv] of them, and went to the wood where they were all waiting to go to Jerusalem."’

Mr. Berkeley then recollected to have heard in Edin­burgh, that there were a few deluded poor creatures who had assembled themselves in a wood, expecting to be con­veyed through the air to the Holy Land. Their numbers increased prodigiously afterwards, as was related, and a long account was given of them in some Magazine, the Editor thinks the Gentleman's. What became of these poor de­luded souls she does not recollect to have heard; but Mr. Berkeley, laughing, said, ‘"I must now give it up as a gone cause, the hope of finding out any thing Ritchie has not seen in the Loodons."’

The PUBLICATOR, as mentioned before, very soon found out that he did not like the situation of his living. Poor Dr. Berkeley was worried to besiege good Archbishop Secker to exchange it for another; one with a better house, and much better income, was soon given to this ‘"particular,"’ this GRATEFUL friend; where he commenced his ac­quaintance, and, by the elegance of his manners, soon formed that intimacy with the present Sir Edward Dering, Baronet, of Surrenden, which, for many months, afforded so much amusement in West Kent, and even in East Kent. His contentions with that gentleman, concerning game, could not be that he might send some to his friend, Dr. [Page ccxxxvi] Berkeley; for he never, in his whole life, sent him even a lark.

Some time after the PUBLICATOR had been gratified by the exchange of his living, Dr. Berkeley went, as he frequently did, to make a visit of some weeks at Lambeth. The first day at dinner his Grace accosted him thus: ‘"Dr. Berkeley, I HEAR that your friend Mr. [...] has been in town for about a fortnight. I hear it, for I can­not say I saw him. He did not find his way to Lam­beth."’ Poor Dr. Berkeley sat abashed at, as he termed it, the brutal folly, to say nothing of the ingratitude, of this particular friend, and replied, ‘"I hope that your Grace must have been misinformed."’‘"No, my good young gentleman, I have not been misinformed;" (then quickening his voice, as he frequently did;) "for he was seen driving over Westminster-bridge in a hackney-coach," (the Publicator had not then a carriage of his own;) "and," (quickening his voice still more) "in many other parts of the town."’ To this no answer could possibly be made. A mourne silence followed, until broken by that loveliest of women, the angelic, the incomparable Miss Talbot, who, to relieve her distressed friend, introduced some pleasanter subject, than the marvellous (as Dr. Berkeley termed it) conduct of the particular friend. Dr. Berkeley, at his return home, appeared extemely chagrined on re­lating it.

[Page ccxxxvii] Some time after, on taxing the Publicator with his un­accountably strange conduct, he excused himself very cle­verly, by saying, ‘"Aye, I believe I should have gone, but I had not time; for, to tell you the truth, I went to London (always to a friend's house) to shew Beely and Peggy the wax-work, and the monuments, and the lions, and every thing."’ It was very lucky that it did not occur to him to carry Beely and Peggy to dinner with his Grace on a public day, and shew them the Lollards Tower there.

The Publicator seems to have taken pains to tack at the very end of the list of Bishop Horne's friend's Dr. (then George Berkeley, Esquire)—a real Esquire, from his poor, unknown Father's rank in life, and expending every year at Oxford, as he has repeatedly told the Editor,—not in vice, She is sure, as his excellent Father said, when, on his arrival in Oxford, Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"I am ashamed, my Lord, to say that I have spent six hundred pounds in four months—here is the account."’ The Bishop made the above generous reply, ‘"Not in vice, I am sure, child,"’ and threw the account into the fire. It was great part in virtue. A servant to wait on himself, and a groom for his horses, could not be reckoned extravagant. A young man, who never tasted wine, could not spend more than a thousand pounds per annum; but, having never been, according to his Son, buffeted through a public school, and being quite unacquainted with charac­ters, he was perpetually imposed on by designing, ungrate­ful, [Page ccxxxviii] young men, to whom he was too bountiful, as appears by his accounts, now in the Editor's possession, from the day he arrived at Christ Church. He is receiving his re­ward; they, no doubt, will receive theirs. Much went in charity to real, frequently unknown, objects.

The Editor has frequently heard Dr. Berkeley say, that one morning at Christ Church, his servant shaving him, he redde a sermon preached on charity for lying-in women in Aldersgate-Street. The preacher, the Editor thinks a Pre­late, described the miseries of poor women in those circum­stances so pathetically, that Dr. Berkeley said ‘"I, a young man, had never thought on. I felt it so strongly, that, with one half of my chin unshaved, I made my servant lay down the razor, catched up a sheet of paper, wrote to my banker an order to pay to the treasure of the hospital fifty pounds, to make me a governor for life, for fear I should be at any time unwilling to pay the annual sub­scription."’

Some Scotch friend, the Editor has not been able to dis­discover who has celebrated Dr. Berkeley's charities to the poor, during his séjour with his Son at the University of St. Andrew's, saying, ‘"that he every year gave away above two hundred pounds with his own hands."’ This is a mistake. He very seldom did give with his own elegant hands, unless his wife's may be called his own; for unless, [Page ccxxxix] which was frequently the case, he inclosed in a blank cover a ten, often a twenty pound bank note, to any person, una­ble to ask, though not to receive charity, whose face he had never seen, only heard from good authority of their distress. How often has he thus ‘"made the widow's heart to sing for joy,"’ and with holy Job ‘"the blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon him."’ In other instances, with regard to the surrounding poor, he always left the pleasing task on Mrs. Berkeley; constantly saying, ‘"I never trouble myself; my wife is my almoner;"’ adding, as Mrs. Berkeley once said to her excellent kind friend Dr. Lynch, Prebendary of Canterbury, on his asking her con­cerning a poor old man, ‘"I know nothing of him; when once I have introduced an object of charity to you, or Mrs. Tatton, (one of the charitable daughters of the nobly charitable Dean and Mrs. Lynch,) I never trouble myself any more about them, but search out some new objects, well knowing that they will have ample abundant care taken of them."’

A Scotch minister was once celebrating to Mrs. Berkeley the vast charities of the LATE Earl of Lauderdale—a very worthy Nobleman HE was. He began by saying, ‘"His cha­rities are amazingly great indeed. As surely as you sit there, Madam, that man puts a guinea into the plate, (a plate at every kirk door, guarded by two ruling elders,) [Page ccxl] every Sabbath day, and every year three guineas at the Occasion *."’

Mrs. Berkeley replied, ‘"Lord Lauderdale has, I know, not a large paternal estate; but he married a very worthy friend of mine, the daughter of Sir Thomas Loombe, with an English fortune of four thousand pounds per annum, so that lending fifty-three guineas an­nually to the Lord I do not consider as being so very bountiful as you Sir, do. I will now tell you of a bountiful donor to the poor, the late Dean of Canter­bury, father to our equally charitable, amiable ambassa­dor at Turin, Sir William Lynch. The Dean had a large paternal estate, married one of the daughters of Archbishop Wake with a large fortune, and had consi­derable church preferment: now guess what he gave an­nually to the poor."’

Scotch Minister.—‘"I cannot tell."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Guess."’

Scotch Min.—‘"Why, perhaps he might give them a hundred pounds a year."’

[Page ccxli]Mr. B.—‘"No; but he gave them nearer to a thou­sand; for of all his vast income, it is universally known at Canterbury, and forty miles round, that he constantly gave to the poor ten pounds out of every hundred he received, from whatever quarter it came, beside all sort of good things made for the sick poor in his kitchen and store-room. And to this, that he kept open house for rich and poor; and when the silk manufactory (now, alas! no more) was at a low ebb, he nobly asked, 'Will my new furnishing the deanery with silk damask help to raise it?' and being answered in the affirmative, he instantly ordered five hundred pounds worth of furni­ture damask to be wove, which saved it at that time."’

It is to be hoped, when a score or two more of ladies have been burnt to death by wearing muslin gowns in win­ter (absurd, ridiculous, foolish fashions) that the Editor's poor honest quondam neighbours may again use their looms. If the Editor's leisure had permitted, she would have advised them, in the Canterbury news-papers, not to elect any member to represent their antient city in the new Parliament, who would not promise to make his wife and daughters wear silk gowns, at least during the winter season. The Inhabitants of Canterbury are surely as respectable as those of Manchester, who will not admit of their printed­linens being slightly taxed.

[Page ccxlii] The Editor has had occasion to remark that the PUBLI­CATOR was not very forward to make any grateful return for any favour bestowed on him; for he never presented his friend Dr. Berkeley even with a lark*. It is com­monly said, that in the county of Berks during the partridge season there are as many guns as birds; therefore game is always a most agreeable present, especially to those who keep much company; and frequently, in their several sea­sons, would arrive hares, partridges, pheasants, &c. from the very grateful Mr. Andrews, of Marden in Kent. He never suffered any neighbour to go to London without re­questing him to take some game, and send it down by the Maidenhead coach. The year that Archbishop Secker presented Mr. Andrews to this living, apples sailed in every county of England except Kent; which is no great wonder, since the farmers of that county pay most careful attention to their trees in winter, clearing them of all dead wood, moss, &c. Mr. Andrews packed up his whole crop of apples in hampers, and sent them all, except a very few stinted ones. Apples that year were such rarities, that Mrs. Berkeley suggested to Dr. Berkeley to send them to Lambeth Palace; which was speedily done, a few only be­ing reserved as curiosities; and a most acceptable offering they proved. Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley going to make some stay at Lambeth Palace soon after, the first day after din­ner from some apples being on the table, the Archbishop, with [Page ccxliii] his wonted politeness, said, ‘"Lady and Gentleman, will you not eat some of your own fine apples? How came it to pass that your trees produced this wonderfully scarce year?"’ To which Dr. Berkeley replied, ‘"Alas! my good Lord, we had not a score on all our trees. They are the grateful offering of a very grateful man, Mr. Andrews; and my wife thought that, as we owed the apples to your Grace's goodness to him, they ought, in conscience, to be sent to your Grace:"’ who, with his ac­customed pleasantry, turning to Mrs. Berkeley, who had the honour to be a great favourite with his Grace, said, ‘"Why, my good young lady, I don't know that I ought to accept th [...]se apples. I am afraid they are a little simo­niacal."’ To which Mrs. Berkeley replied, ‘"Oh! no, my Lord: if they had come before your Grace had preferred Mr. Andrews, it might have been a case for Bishop Taylor's Ductor Dubitantium; but, I think, as it is, your Grace may eat them with a very safe conscience."’ His Grace laughed heartily, and said, ‘"I remember Arch bishop Potter used to tell of a man whom he had given a small living, on which grew a remarkably fine pear­tree. He used every year to send the pears to Lambeth. His Grace gave him a second, much better, living; and he used to say, 'Whether the pear-tree died, or the pears were blighted every year, I know not; but I know that I never saw another pear after I gave the second living."’ This GRATEFUL man did not, probably, like the PUBLICATOR, [Page ccxliv] expect one of the three stalls at Canterbury. He was at least modest, if ungrateful.

It is not possible to avoid contrasting two men, both of whom were indebted for their first comfortable establish­ment in life to the exquisite amiability of Dr. Berkeley the Reverend Dr. Glasse and the PUBLICATOR. When Mr. Monck Berkeley was about six or seven years old, Dr. Glasse said, more than once, ‘"If you and Mrs. Berkeley would confide your little man to me, how happy should I be! what care and attention I would pay him! and I am sure, if you would condescend to accept it, I desire neither fee nor reward."’ The last grateful offer was of course thankfully declined; and from Mr. Berkeley's birth his Father determined, that, if God spared his life, he should be educated at a Public School; often lamenting that the good Bishop had not sent him to one, particularly after his son grew up, often saying, ‘"he had then got a second guardian."’ Bishop Berkeley, at one time, for se­veral years paid four hundred pounds per annum to different masters to instruct his children in Music, Painting, Fencing, Riding, and French; the Latin and Greek he entrusted to none but himself. His sons were never suffered either to ride or walk out unattended by a careful servant.

When Dr. Berkeley came to Oxford, at the age of nine­teen, attended by a most respectable worthy Chaplain of [Page ccxlv] his Father's, and his own servant, he had never rode a mile alone; and he had contracted an habit of meditating and composing on horseback, which occasioned his being the most careless of riders, leaving the horse's bridle so very loose, that he was perpetually thrown. Soon after his marriage, Mrs. Berkeley, finding this to be the case, made it a point that he never should ride without a servant. When Mr. Berkeley grew up, he joined in what Dr. Berke­ley called his Mother's persecution, and one day said, ‘"What is the reason, I would fain know, why your Mother lets you ride fifty miles without a servant, and over hedge and ditch, nobody knows where, hunting, and won't let me ride to Taplow or Maidenhead alone?"’ To which Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"Ah! my dear Sir, if you had been buffeted for seven years though Eton School, I dare say, my Mother would have let you ride alone as * quietly as she [Page ccxlvi] does me; but that is out of the question, for ride alone you must not; that is agreed on all hands."’ To which Dr. Berkeley replied, ‘"I am sure, you are obliged to me, Sir. I wish I had been buffeted any where in my youth, as you have been, you rogue."’

But to return from this digression to the contrast of, as Mrs. George Berkeley ever termed him, the really grateful Dr. Glasse. We have seen his kind offer, in the preceding page; we will now proceed to the PUBLICATOR's polite re­fusal. When Archbishop Cornwallis visited at Canterbury, he was of course at the Deanery. It was impossible that the attendant Bishop should be also lodged there. On a consultation concerning the place where he should be re­ceived and entertained, not one of the Prebendaries seemed desirous of that honour. The generous hospitable Dr. Lynch was not then a member of the choir; and it must in justice be said, that numbers of the Prebendaries, who are not in office, let their prebendal houses, and are only visitors or boarders to their tenants; so they have it not in their power to receive any one. It was suggested that the Pre­late must be contented to go to one of the miserably bad, excessively dear, inns in the city. This shocked Dr. Berkeley, although only the son of a poor UNKNOWN Irish Prelate; and he instantly said, ‘"Bad as my house is, it is better than a nasty dirty inn; he shall be my guest."’ As soon as it was known who the attending Bishop was, Dr. [Page ccxlvii] Berkeley wrote a polite letter, requesting the honour of having his Lordship for his guest. Mrs. Berkeley requested her amiable consort to permit her to invite his lady, with whom she had the honour to be acquainted, and whose lovely eldest sister, sweet, beautiful Miss Maddox, was a beloved friend of her childhood. Bishop Maddox, when a Welsh bishop, had for several summers a house at East Burnham, in the neighbourhood of White Waltham. That lovely creature died early. The Editor cherishes, with tender care, a keepsake, a small silver medal, given by the good Bishop to his sweet daughter, to present to her little friend.

Some days before the arrival of the Archbishop, &c. Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"the children (then both living at home and going to Dr. Beauvoir's school) will be horridly in the servants' way, for we must keep open house for a fortnight. What can we do with them?"’ Mrs. Berke­ley said, ‘"She would contrive it as well as she could: they should get a cold dinner at one, and be off to play di­rectly."’ Mrs. Frinsham, then at Dr. Berkeley's, said, ‘"You know I am going to Ramsgate, and I will take one."’ It was Dr. Berkeley replied, ‘"You are very kind; you shall take Robert: and it has just occurred to me that I will send Berkeley to *****; HE will be glad of an opportunity of obliging ME."’ Dr. Berkeley was, alas! ever too apt to judge of others by his amiable self. De­lighted [Page ccxlviii] with this idea, he wrote to the PUBLICATOR, stating his situation, and saying, ‘"On such a day John will deliver into your care my eldest boy for a fortnight; at the expiration of which I shall fetch him home."’ By the return of the post, Dr. Berkeley received a letter from the PUBLICATOR, saying, ‘"that he was very sorry that it so happened that he could not possibly receive his little * bouy; but that he had just settled all matters to take his pupils to the sea, to shew them the shipping, and give them a week's pleasure;—it was unlucky, but it could not be helped."’ Dr. Berkeley flew with this letter to Mrs. Berkeley, saying, ‘"Well, this is the luckiest thing in the world;"’ then redde the epistle; observing, ‘"it will make Berkeley" (just then turned of eleven years old, and, as an excellent judge used to say, "the best-bred properly behaved child of that age in England; no af­fected manly airs, but a sweetly polite lad") "as happy as a prince, poor fellow."’ Dr. Berkeley notified this by letter immediately to the PUBLICATOR, who instantly [Page ccxlix] returned the following elegant, grateful, answer. The let­ter is carefully preserved. ‘"My dear Friend, (his constant familiar address to Dr. Berkeley,) I cannot help thinking you very unreasonable, in wanting to fasten your Son upon me, especially at a time when I have told you, that I cannot take him."’ The letter goes on in the same ele­gant style. Poor Dr. Berkeley was, for the time, very, very angry indeed; and Mrs. Berkeley maliciously laughed at the gratitude of his dear Friend. After some time, Dr. Berkeley wrote a letter to the Publicator; and, as was frequently his custom, when going out to dinner, passing from his study, threw half a dozen letters on the table in Mrs. Berkeley's dressing-room, saying, ‘"I am in haste; I shall be distanced; pray seal these unsealed ones; and send them all; with, yours, to post."’ The letter to the grate­ful Friend was safely sealed; and Mrs. Berkeley, having very little of our grandmother Eve's curiosity in her com­position, did not ask permission to read it; but, hollowing it up, she, with a good pen, wrote, as plainly as she could contrive to do, the little word gratitude. Off went the letter to the post. In a few days Dr. Berkeley, coming into the drawing-room to tea, said, ‘"I have got a letter from *****, in which he seems much disquieted. He asks what could possibly induce some member of my family to write on the edge of the inside of the letter I last wrote to him the word gratitude. My dear, do you know any thing about it?"’ Mrs. Berkeley, from her cradle, to (she [Page ccl] trusts) her coffin, too proud to tell a lie, instantly replied, ‘"To be sure I do; for I wrote it."’—Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"Why would you write?"’‘"Because I think it a mighty pretty word."’‘"Your wrath against *****, like most violent blazes, has abated."’

The Editor cannot dismiss the PUBLICATOR without re­marking, that, had it pleased the Divine Goodness to have spared Dr. Berkeley to have seen the contempt endeavoured to be thrown on his very deeply-learned, justly, universally admired Father, his indignation would not have subsided, as it for some time did, on account of his little Son. Dr. Berkeley never did, never would, forgive a greater man than even the Publicator, for speaking, as he thought, im­properly against his excellent Father; for which great man and his incomparable writings he had through life the greatest respect, ‘"RAMBLER John,"’ as Dr. Berkeley, who generally redde a Rambler once a week, termed that great man. His Son always called him the noble learned Bear. The accident happening at Oxford was too well known then, too well remembered by many gentlemen then present, still living, to be here detailed. Suffice it therefore to say, that Johnson's want of le savoir vivre occasioned his ridi­culing Bishop Berkeley's American scheme, by which he meant to introduce Episcopacy there, always declaring, ‘"if it was not done in a few years, the Colonies would revolt from the Mother Country."’ The event has shown that this [Page ccli] unknown Prelate was not a false Prophet. What the Father could not accomplish, the Son contrived to bring about, by his interest with the Scotch Bishops; the very excellent, very deeply learned Bishop Skinner; the very pious Bishop Falconer, who died soon after; and the amiable worthy Sir John Strachan, Baronet; as now that he is no more may be publicly known. In a letter to a Friend, written some time after, Dr. Berkeley says, ‘"I was well aware that it would never be forgiven, but I rejoice that I have done it."’

Dr. Berkeley selt his amiable heart gratified in rendering every possible service in his power to the repeal of Lord Hardwicke's horrid act after the Rebellion in 1745. Had Dr. Berkeley's advice been adhered to, the first attempt had succeeded, when the three Scotch Prelates came over the first time to solicit it; but in most transactions there is generally a Marplot. Dr. Berkeley was particularly happy in entertaining at his house in Berkshire, and endeavouring to return the very polite hospitality of Sir John Strachan to himself and family at Dundee, and of Bishop Skinner to his Son when at Aberdeen, where Mr. Monck Berkeley had the freedom of the city presented to him, as he had of se­veral other cities and towns in Scotland, and a licence pre­sented to shoot on very manor wherever he went. He spent near a fortnight at Taymouth most agreeably. The Editor fears to trust her once retentive, now, alas! trea­cherous [Page cclii] memory, to say, of sixteen gentlemen who sat down to dinner, every day, how many were John Campbell. This came out accidentally. Some one, not knowing Mr. Berke­ley's partiality for Scotland, said, ‘"How ridiculous they are, calling themselves by the names of their estates!"’ Mr. Berkeley reddened, and said, ‘"Pray, Sir, why so? how would you have them distinguish themselves?"’‘"Why, by their Christian names, as we do."’‘"That will not do, Sir. The mode of distinguishing several brothers in a public school, major, minor, &c. will not do; nor will first, second, third, do."’ He then men­tioned as above related. The worthy learned Laird of Aha­ladar (certainly not spelt right by the Editor, although so pronounced) and his accomplished, amiable, eldest son, both much beloved by Mr. Berkeley were two of near half a score John Campbells. Mr. Berkeley retained a most grateful sense of the kind, elegant hospitality at Ahaladar. Talking frequently, after his return from College, of Jack Ahaladar, his brother asked, ‘"Who is Jack Ahaladar, of whom you talk so much?"’ ‘"Why, the young Laird, a charming young man—YOU would like him."’—Probably now the elegant Laird of Ahaladar, as the Editor thinks she was told the worthy old Laird is dead. He presented Mr. Berkeley with a very curious original letter, which, when the Editor can afford to print the second volume of Literary Relics, will be published in it.

[Page ccliii] To return from this digression. Dr. Johnson had no sooner finished his rude sentence, than Dr. (then Mr.) Berke­ley, then a little turned of twenty, rose from his seat, reached his cap, made his bow, and, to the no small distress of the gentleman who had invited him to meet Dr. Johnson, quitted the room in great indignation before supper. On some of the company, intimates of Dr. John­son, reproaching him for his [...] conduct, HE made a sort of amende honorable, by saying, ‘"Why, I think the Bishop's scheme no bad one; but I abused it, to take down the young gentleman, lest he should be too vain of having had SUCH A FATHER."’ Some one presumed to say Mr. Berkeley was exquisitely well-bred, not at all insolent; to which he replied, ‘"No, not at all, but I thought it might do him good to mortify him a little."’ Dr. Johnson wished to have written the Bishop's life; but Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"he would not furnish him with any documents;"’ which Mr. Monck Berkeley used exceedingly to regret, saying to his Father, ‘"My dear Sir, it will never be so written as Johnson would have written it;"’ to which Dr. Berkeley used to reply, ‘"It may be so; but I was resolved HE should not write it. You may, if you please."’ Dr. Johnson, through a com­mon friend, made many attempts to visit Dr. Berkeley in Berkshire, and once said, ‘"I have a good mind to go down to Cookham, and see what they would say to me."’ Mrs. Berkeley hoped that her beloved partner would have said, ‘"We should be very happy to see him;"’ but his reply was [Page ccliv] ‘"No; the man that could speak slightingly of my great Father shall never be entertained under his Son's roof."’ It is therefore probable, that this respectful mention of Bishop Berkeley by the PUBLICATOR would have completed the business begun by the smothering of the Consecration Sermon for four years.

Dr. Berkeley preserved all the letters he received, except now and then one, which he flung into the fire before he appeared to have redde it through; and, like his Father and Dean Swift, some he never opened at all, but threw them into a drawer. After his lamented death, the Editor found a baker's dozen (fourteen) from a fleecing Ingrate, with the seal unbroken, as she told the man when obliged to hold a short conversation with him. It has been often said of the Editor's grandfather, the celebrated Francis Cherry, Esquire, that he met with more Ingrates than any other man ever did. I suppose of most persons of very large fortunes and very liberal minds, it may, with equal truth, be as­serted. Dr. Berkeley's fortune was by no means large, but his soul was noble. He, by his wise advice and direction, made the fortunes of great numbers. Mrs. Berkeley used often to say to him, ‘"My dear friend, you can make the fortune of every one you take in hand, but your­self and your Son, and you will not stir a stroke for him."’ His reply constantly was, ‘"I cannot help it. I cannot ask or push for myself or for him. If others do [Page cclv] not, it must remain undone by me."’ Both are now hap­pily provided for by ‘"that Friend who sticketh closer than a brother;"’ both are receiving the reward of their labour of love to real friends and base ingrates, whom may God, for Christ's sake, forgive, prays the Editor.

Having been obliged, necessarily obliged, to descant so much on that odious temper of the mind, INGRATITUDE, she turns, with double, treble pleasure, to what her beloved, respected, friend Mrs. Duncombe has ever obligingly observed, is the prominent feature in her character; to whom that lady has repeatedly said, ‘"No one can do any thing for you but give you a dish of tea, (a very delightful solace*, surely, in pleasant company,) without your setting about to think what return you shall make them."’ The Editor ever [Page cclvi] did, still does, labour, as Lord Burleigh, in his letter, ad­vises his son ROBERT, on a very different principle, (to advance his OWN interest,) ‘"to find out something that may be ac­ceptable to his great and noble friends."’ The Editor having been, still being, joint possessor, with her excellent Sister, of some curious things collected by their accom­plished grandfather Francis Cherry, Esquire, a great Anti­quary, and curious Collector, before Antiquarian Societies were formed, has generally been so fortunate as to select some token of her gratitude to offer to her Son's friends of highest rank, more substantial than words, well remem­bering the saying of a witty old servant of her Mother's, who lived with her before the Editor's birth, and died, at near an hundred, last summer. This worthy woman's un­common wit introduced her as nurse to all the lying-in ladies, and sick gentlemen and ladies, in the neighbourhood, whose spirits she, by her wit, kept up when the apotheca­ry's cordial failed to do it, This humane woman, when at her own home, always nursed the poorest of her neigh­bours gratis. She was a pious woman, and is now re­ceiving the reward of her ‘"labours of love."’ She, when persons said much and did little, would, looking archly, sing, from an old song,

"Aye, aye,
"Words, fine words, are but WIND," &c.

[Page cclvii] So has ever thought the Editor, so may she ever think whilst she possesses any thing else to offer. But there are those who withhold even those; witness the learned PUBLI­CATOR, and another infamous INGRATE, who owed to Dr. Berkeley wonderful obligations indeed, being in the receipt of near two thousand pounds per annum at the time of his death; but he is spared for the present, his excellent amia­ble brother having accidentally stumbled once on Mr. Monck Berkeley at Bath, and having there, and ever after, until his death, paid him every polite, respectful attention; and it would wound the lovely tender heart of that gentle­man, to see his worthless brother's corrupt, base, putrid, heart dissected. Some few years before his universally un­lamented death, he CONDESCENDED to visit Dr. Berkeley, He was often, for weeks, within three miles of him without doing it*. On this person's getting his first preferment, Dr. [Page cclviii] Berkeley generously lent him one hundred pounds, to get things a little decent in his house, and had some difficulty, a few years after, to get it repaid. Dr. Berkeley was gone out on horseback. Mrs. Berkeley heard the bell of the front gate ring. Nobody appearing, she rang, to enquire who it was; the servant above named said, ‘"It was Dr. [...]."’‘"How came it that he he did not come in?"’‘"I told him, Madam, that my Master was out: he asked for you; but I thought you did not wish to see him, so I told him that my Master and you were going out to dinner,—and I believed you were dressing."’ This honest man, when waiting at table, had so often heard the Ho­nourable Mr. [...], and other gentlemen of the neigh­bourhood, abuse this INGRATE's shameful inattention to Dr. Berkeley, that he very naturally supposed his Mistress, who ever resented ten times more for her friends than for her­self, was not very partial to him. He is no longer an in­habitant of this world. Dr. Berkeley's goodness probably hastened his removal to [...], another world.

Two very different personages are now coming on the tapis; two grateful, or rather, one gently amiable, the other amiably grateful.

[Page cclix] Some days before Archbishop Cornwallis's arrival at Can­terbury, as before mentioned, one afternoon the servant announced the arrival of that loveliest of women, in mind as well as person, the late Mrs. Tucker. As soon as seated, she began, in her sweetly musical voice, saying, ‘"that, having heard that Dr. Berkeley was to have the attendant Bishop for his guest," she came to beg that Master Berkeley might be her guest for the next fortnight, that she had prepared a bed for him, and that the utmost care should be taken of him."’ THAT no one in the county of Kent could doubt, where her fame, as well as in many other counties, was, as it justly merited, blazed abroad.

A young gentleman of large fortune at Canterbury School, the amiable Richard Tilden, Esquire, who boarded at the second master's, Mr. Tucker's, was nursed by Mrs. Tucker through a dreadful fever. Mrs. Tucker, although then lying-in, caused his bed to be removed into her own chamber, that she might see he got his medicines at the appointed hours. As soon as sufficiently recovered, he was conveyed home, where he had not been many days, when he requested his Mother (he was an orphan) to order the coach to carry him back to Mrs. Tucker, saying, ‘"that he liked her nursing better than home nursing;"’ and the request was complied with. This happened before the Editor was resident at Canterbury, but has been frequently [Page cclx] related to her by her very sensible worthy friend, the late Lady Head, and by many other persons.

Mr. Tilden was a more than father to the Editor's youngest Son, of whom he was so very fond, and to whom he was so very kind, that the little creature one day said to his Mother, ‘"Mamma, I shall never want money; for Dick Tilden (it is the custom at Canterbury School to call the eldest and all the Brothers by their Christian name) "bids me, when­ever I want a shilling, come to him; and if any great boy, that I cannot manage, beats me, he always beats him soundly for his pains."’ Mr. Tilden, when the amiable protector of the beauteous little Robert, was eighteeny ears old; soon going to the university, he staid to mourn the death of his grateful little protegé. How amiable are some youths! what odious savages are others! But the exquisite unaffected sweetness of Mrs. Tucker, (the Editor allows unaf­fected sweetness, gentleness, &c. &c.) not only infused sweetness into her own children, but into most of her boarders, generally sons of the first gentlemen in the county, often from other counties.

The instance of an amiably retentive grateful mind is now to be adduced from one of those boarders. The Edi­tor received the account from such authority as precludes a possibility of her having been deceived; besides, as it is often said, ‘"Facts are stubborn things."’

[Page cclxi] The present Lord Thurlow, immediately on his receiving the Great Seal, applied to a Kentish gentleman, ‘"Has my dear old mistress, Mrs. Tucker, any son that I can pro­vide for?"’‘"No, my Lord; her eldest son is but twenty."’‘"Don't tell ME of twenty; the living of Gravesend shall be held for him till he is four and twen­ty."’ That very learned, worthy, careful, now private, instructor of youth, with his amiable partner, has been many years at Gravesend, blessing the noble gratitude of the generous GRATEFUL Lord Thurlow. Why is gratitude so very rare, so scarce a plant in human hearts? but that MAN is a FALLEN creature. Lions have it, dogs have it, in a high degree; even the feathered tribe have it; some of the wildest of them. The worthy woman above named, as having served the Editor above twenty years, is, as well as her old fellow servant, Mr. Wrightson, wonderfully tender and kind to the brute creation; the Editor's Cook * rather negligent of them, the housekeeper amused herself with feed­ing a parcel of Guinea fowls, in general very wild birds. These creatures, although never fed but once a day, used to run flocking around her every time she went into the meadows [Page cclxii] where they wandered; and more than one Sunday it was with considerable difficulty that she got into the church without near forty of her feathered friends escorting her. She had reared near thirty of them, difficult as the task is, the hens being very bad nurses. They well knew the hour of feeding was past. It was gratitude; shame to human nature! which the famous Dr. Cheyne used to say, ‘"was without GOD'S GRACE, a compound of Brute and Devil;"’ but these poor quadrupeds and winged fowl have not God's grace, and yet they shame mankind.

The incomparable Mrs. Tucker is not held up here as a grateful person in contrast to the PUBLICATOR; for she owed no gratitude either to Dr. or to Mrs. Berkeley, unless it was for uniting with the whole church, city, and neighbourhood, in admiration of the angelic manner in which she treated and attended to the bodies and souls of Mr. Tucker's house full of young gentlemen boarders, aided by her sedate, wise, excellent, eldest daughter, her beautiful lovely second daughter, then too young for any thing but to be universally admired and beloved, which she continues to be in an eminent degree by all who have the pleasure of knowing her; and what is above all, by her throughly polite accomplished husband, Mr. Symonds, a gentleman of large fortune in Leicestershire. Long may she be spared to him and his children.

[Page cclxiii] The Editor regrets that she has trespassed so long on the patience of the Reader. Having delivered her sentiments freely on Gratitude and Ingratitude, it would be unpar­donable in her to close this long Preface, without acknow­ledging the great obligations she feels that she lies under to several amiable friends of her excellent Son, and of her unworthy self, not for any the smallest assistance in scrawling these undigested immethodical pages. It would be injus­tice, it would be more, it would be cruelty, to let it be suspected, that any literary friend, learned male or culti­vated female, had the smallest share in this poor per­formance. The Editor is at present too far removed from the press; and, franking being, alas! almost annihilated, she has not had it in her power even to consult a friend capa­ble of directing or advising her, one only excepted, who was too tenderly affected at hearing half a dozen lines redde, however excellently qualified to direct, advise, or correct any hobbling sentence.

The Editor's Son used often to regret that his Mother would not write Poetry, saying, ‘"he was very sure she could if she would,"’ as did a poetical friend of her youth, whose name often appears in Dodsley's Collection of Poems. Had either lived to see how lamentably she acquits herself in Prose, it had saved her some persecution. Both were more angry at her repeated declarations that she did not love Poetry, very rarely redde it, excepting Dr. Young's [Page cclxiv] Night Thoughts and some parts of Milton, &c. The poetry of De la Crusca must charm a savage.

In Mr. Monck Berkeley's benevolent vindication, in the Author's Preface to the Poems, he exhorts people to re­member that the Reviewers are but MEN. If those Gen­tlemen condescend to review a few pages written by a fe­minine pen, the Editor wishes them to remember, that she is a Woman, a suffering OLD Woman, with most of the accomplishments at threescore that most females have at ‘"the age of man,"’ ten years later—that she served an ap­prenticeship to extreme anxiety and anguish for very near seven years—seeing daily the declining state of health of the two nearest and dearest connections in life, obliged to affect ease, and often cheerfulness, whilst her heart bled at every vein. Unfortunately for her, both Father and Son, through their lives, declared, that if the Editor's constant, even cheerfulness, never high, never low, failed, both would give themselves up to absolute despair. The strong exertions necessary to act the part to their satisfaction have certainly brought on a premature old age; and the Editor, according to the witty, wise, pious, Bishop Taylor, ‘"is quite ready-dressed for the grave,"’ whither she seems hasting apace. The Bishop, in his "Holy Dying," says, ‘"dim eyes, gray hairs, stiff joints,"’ &c. &c. are all so many ‘"dressings for the grave."’ He does not add dulled faculties; I am sure he might, although [Page cclxv] perhaps, HE might not feel it; his own wit being too well tempered to have the keenness of its edge blunted by aught but death itself. That is the lot of but very few. Per­haps the great Mr. Burke may escape it, who yet, ten years ago, complained of his tongue and his fingers. They have, however, enabled him to hold his pen to bestow heavy, although very just, chastisement where it was meet and right to do it. Long may he wield it, a terror, one should hope, to ‘"all who offend through MALICIOUS WICKEDNESS,"’ to whom the Psalmist, speaking by the Holy Spirit, beseeches God the Father NOT to be merciful.

To attempt doing justice to the goodness of Friends (some now no longer inhabitants of earth), to Mr. Berke­ley's, or to his Parent's gratitude, would require a ream of paper, now, like most other things, become a very dear commodity. Through the course of this work, written by hasty snatches, sometimes laid by for many months un­touched, so as to have occasioned much disagreeable tauto­logy, the copy was never transcribed; so that it was sent rough to the press; and much gratitude is due to the Printer, for his patience in decyphering all the interlinea­tions in it, without the aid of the worthy Sir Francis Willes—the same person and the same action brought twice on the tapis when once would have done—but much fault has been found with the author of "Anecdotes of the two last and present Centuries," for not relating every thing at [Page cclxvi] the same time of many of the personages; perhaps they might not come to the author's knowledge until the first part was printed off, as many things have occurred to the now treacherous memory of the Editor after it was too late to insert them in their proper place. She has therefore taken leave to insert them in a less proper one; for which she thinks she ought rather to beg her own pardon for being such a fool as to insert the mat all, than the Reader's, for inserting, perhaps at page 7, what, if method had been attended to, ought to have been placed at page 2.

The amiable, generous kindness of Mr. Monck Berkeley's relations at Eton, the Reverend John Hayes, now eldest son of James Hayes, Esquire, of Holyport, and the laborious endeavours of his brother Charles, both several years older than Mr. Berkeley, of course being excellent scholars, much higher in the school, to make his little kinsman as studious as himself, have been noticed above, as also the partiality of his beloved respected tutor, the learned Dr. Norbury, and the kindness of Dr. Langford whilst in the lower school, who yet once offended him most highly.

Dr. Berkeley finding fault one holyday that he was not advanced in Greek as he ought to have been, he indig­nantly replied, ‘"Ah! I wonder I am not worse; but I am sure I shall be well improved by the next holydays."’

[Page cclxvii]Dr. Berkeley.—‘"How so, child?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Why, I will tell you the truth. At [...] such a time, so many of us were to give in an exercise; and when Dr. L [...] had redde them all over, he said, Berkeley, yours is a very much better exercise than Mr. [...]'s;" (naming a nobleman's son, who, with that elegant wisdom which has ever marked Eton school, and rendered the youths, even the little boys, the best bred polite beings one can see, whilst some other great schools, as a very learned, accomplished man, always used to say, are a set of savages, a nest of hornets, are always styled Mr. [...] the sons of private gentlemen without that very proper distinction.) "Mr. [...]'s exercise is not near so good as yours; but he shall gain the place, because his is as good an one as he is capable of writing, and yours is not your best by any means. Good as it is, I know, and you know, you could have made it a great deal better; therefore he shall have the place. On this declaration, I was so exceedingly angry, that I resolved not to learn a word of Greek for six months. The time is just now expired, and so I shall set to it again."’—Dr. Berkeley exclaimed, ‘"Good God, child, how could you be such a fool?"’‘"I cannot help it, Sir, I was angry, and I made a vow, and I resolved to keep it, come what would."’ Mr. Berkeley was, as has been shewn before, steady as a rock.—Later in life he made a more important [Page cclxviii] vow. One night at Brooks's he and his learned beloved Eton St. Andrew's friend, the learned T. Hobhouse, Esquire, were drawn in to play deeper than Mr. Berkeley, at least, ought to have done. The amiable, worthy Mr. Hobhouse has a very good maternal estate. Mr. Berkeley, as is usual, won a frightfully large sum, soon lost it again, and all the money in his purse, and much more than he had at his chambers to pay it. Very providentially Mrs. Frinsham happened to be in town. Early the next morning he posted off to Duke Street. Mrs. Frinsham, somewhat surprized at hearing from her servant that Mr. Berkeley was come before nine o'clock, went out to him; the case was related, and that generous friend instantly enabled him to discharge his first, his last, gaming debt; telling him, ‘"that she never felt such pleasure arising from having money at command."’ She has, in her youth, often re­lieved so very largely, as to deny herself for months the elegant necessaries of young ladies, to accommodate a particular friend, or an old acquaintance. Mr. Berkeley going down soon after to his father's, on the evening of his arrival, asked his Mother, ‘"If she had heard what a fool her son had been;"’ to which she replying, ‘"That she did not recollect having ever heard him called a fool by any one, but his Father and Mother now and then;"’ he related the above-mentioned circumstance, adding, ‘"My dear Mother, you may set your heart at rest from any fear of your Son's ever becoming a gamester; for, as soon [Page cclxix] as I got home to the Temple, I kneeled down, and be­sought God to cast out my prayer if EVER I again played for any sum more than I could well afford to lose, play­ing now and then with one's neighbours in the country on a winter evening."’ It has, I believe, been mentioned above, that Mr. Berkeley, whenever he did play, which was very seldom, and a very indifferent whist-player he was, almost constantly won.—All his winnings went to relieve the poor.

But to return: Dr. Berkeley told his son that Dr. L [...] acted highly right, and that he should have esteemed it rather a compliment than a punishment. To which he replied, ‘"No, NO, Sir, not if you had ever been at school, and knew what it was to lose a place. He said aloud, 'That mine was by much the best exercise;' and he ought, therefore, in justice, to have given me the place."’ Mr. Berkeley was then a child: he thought differently of the matter a few years afterwards.

Mr. Berkeley certainly did not inherit his wonderful daring resoluteness either from his amiable Father, or from his Mother; but, probably, as well as his fine figure, from his Mother's father, whom the Editor has frequently heard relate the following fact concerning himself: ‘"Mr. Frin­sham lost his beautiful mother at twenty-four, just when he was five years old."’ (His father lived a widower [Page cclxx] near fifty years). Some time before her death, the servant went into the room where they were at breakfast, saying, that ‘"Master would not eat his mess for breakfast, but wanted coffee, like his Mamma."’—Up sprang his Father, saying, ‘"I will give him coffee!"’ went and gave him a good whipping—still the mess was refused—a second whipping, with no better success—at length a third, when his mother called out, ‘"Mr. Frinsham, let him alone, if he won't eat it now, he will eat it when he is hungry, don't whip him any more."’‘"I will whip him till to-morrow morning if he does not eat it before."’ The Editor has frequently heard her father say, ‘"that he had resolved to endure se­ven or eight flagellations;"’ but the declaration, ‘"that they should be continued until the next morning"’ determined him to eat it immediately, which he ac­cordingly did, always observing, how wise it was to break children of stubbornness in their infancy. It pro­bably eradicated it in Mr. Frinsham; for a sweeter tem­pered child never lived, as the Editor has frequently heard a worthy woman declare, who went to keep his father's house, on the death of his Mother—she lived to near ninety, and always made an annual visit at Mr. and after his death at Mrs. Frinsham's—that ‘"he was the most amia­ble of children, and of youths."’ When Mr. Frinsham sent his sons to Oxford, this careful servant went to take care of another, and a third set of poor motherless children; by which means, and the little bounties of her adopted [Page cclxxi] children, she obtained sufficient to maintain her more than decently, genteely. She was ever a parlour guest in all the gentlemen's families whom she had brought up. She had by her father, in very early youth, been married to a gentleman who deserted her, and went to live abroad; she was therefore a safe housekeeper for young widowers. Her first service was Mr. Frinsham's Father's. The Editor has frequently, since she grew up, heard her say, ‘"that her mother, going to visit her soon after she went thither, addressed her thus: 'My dear child, this is a very heavy charge that you have taken upon yourself. If you do not take the utmost care, the same care of these beautiful little children (Mr. Frinsham's younger brother was a re­markably handsome man), never expect my blessing, but my curse shall surely light upon you."’ Poor Mrs. Grove used to say, ‘"I felt horror at the thoughts of my mother's curse."’

It was mentioned above, that a desperate ague obliged Mrs. Berkeley to resign the task of nursing her son to ano­ther. The person who a few years before had nursed Charles Hayes, Esquire, now Fellow of King's College, was by his dear tenderly beloved mother, of whose amia­ble sweetness to the rich, and godlike charity and com­passion to all the surrounding poor, the Editor often thinks, sometimes talks, with extatic delight, when she reflects, that she is gone to Him who inspired, and is [Page cclxxii] now rewarding those lovely tempers. May her sons, when they venture to marry, meet with ladies as amiable, as worthy, as their lovely mother; as sensible as their great grand-mother, not famed for sweet temper, the Editor's great aunt, eldest daughter of William Cherry, Esquire, as a reward for their kind care of their little kins­man at Eton.—The Editor says, ‘"venture;"’ marriage was always a lottery, never resembling Mr. Pitt's—‘"not two blanks to a prize,"’—but where there are not two prizes to two hundred WORSE than BLANKS. How can ill educated girls make good wives? But men must thank their own folly.—This lady was as beautiful as she was lovely, ex­ceedingly resembling a very fine original picture of Anne Boleyn, in the collection of an hereditary friend of the Editor's, the late James Warren, Esquire, great uncle of the brave worthy Sir John Borlase Warren*. Mr. Warren [Page cclxxiii] meeting Mrs. Hayes sometimes at the Editor's Mother's house, always termed her Cousin Anne.

Judge Hayes used frequently to say, ‘"that his son Charles and Dr. Berkeley's both owed their bold intrepid spirits to their nurse, the most courageous of females, having once nearly killed a young man, who attempted to take some improper liberties with her, when she could hardly be styled a woman."’ Mr. Charles Hayes and Mr. Monck Berkeley were very generous to her when they grew up. Mr. Hayes always admired the wonderful genius of Mr. Berkeley, who sometimes passed the short holydays of Whitsuntide at Holyport, with his kind kinsmen. The Judge one day exclaimed, ‘"Well, I never saw such a creature in my life as Berkeley. I am persuaded, that if I were to say I am in distress how to get five hundred pounds conveyed to the Lord Mayor of York, Berkeley would instantly start up, and say, 'Dear Sir, give me leave to go and carry it for you;' not feeling any impropriety at the idea of a boy, of just then thirteen, being so em­ployed; and, what is more, I am sure, if he undertook it, he would execute it as well at thirteen as any man of three and twenty. He is a most wonderful being."’ In­deed his bright genius shone forth in a splendid manner to the last breath he drew.

[Page cclxxiv] Mr. Berkeley ever retained a grateful sense of kind invi­tations from friends at Windsor—the late Lady Colerance; his Mother's near relation, the amiable excellent Mrs. Chessyre; the Lady of his Mother's old very intimate friend, the late agreeable Dr. Bostock, Canon of Windsor; and his relation good Mrs. Hayes, and the very worthy Mr. Trevanian.

Any attempt to enumerate and descant on, as they me­rit, the innumerable, amiable, respectful attentions paid to Mr. Berkeley, even by strangers, to every thing but his name and connections in the Land of kind Hospitality, would fill almost as many pages as the learned accomplished Mr. Malone has filled in defending his favourite, the im­mortal Shakspeare. Had Mr. Monck Berkeley been living, it had doubtless roused the ire of that young Poet; but Mr. Malone needs no coadjutor in any business that worthy gentleman takes in hand.

The Antiquarian Society of Edinburgh did Mr. Berkeley the honour to elect him a member, when he was only nineteen years old, an honour perhaps never before con­firmed on one so very young, on his sending them a most excellent account of a very curious quarry in the heart of the Highlands. Mr. Berkeley had the honour to have the freedom of Aberdeen, and some other cities, and of many [Page cclxxv] towns, presented to him. He constantly delivered them to his Mother, requesting her to take great care of them.

How would Mr. Berkeley's spirit have been roused, had he lived to hear the *gentle, pleasing, mild, Lord Balcarras ACCUSED of hunting men to death with blood­hounds! His able pen would instantly have been employed in vindicating his noble, respected, beloved friend. The feeble one of the Editor ventures to assert, that a few years must have wrought a wonderful change in that very amiable gentle nobleman, if it is not as probable that he would horsewhip his lovely-hearted Countess, (as did the late horrid Colonel D [...] his lady, aided by his still more horrid footman,) or of guillotining his beautiful sister, the Countess of Hardwicke. Those who have had the pleasure of living four years in his Lordship's [Page cclxxvi] neighbourhood* could as readily believe that the sun shone at midnight to light these hunters.

To the introduction of his friend, Mr. Lennard, Mr. Berkeley was indebted for the happiness of enjoying an in­timate friendship with the excellent Sir J. Clarke of Penny­Cuicke, and his charming Lady, daughter of Mr. Dacre of the North, to whom Mr. Lennard was related. He ad­mired their amiable virtues, and revered their goodness. And invitation, whenever he was in Edinburgh, and had no more agreeable engagement, to visit that excellent pair, it was impossible should ever be obliterated from the memory [Page cclxxvii] of Mr. Berkeiey, or his greateful Parents. The goodness of their very agreeable worthy countryman, Commissioner Wharton, and the excellent Lady Sophia, to Dr., Mrs., and Mr. Monck Berkeley, on their first arrival in Edin­burgh, to whom they were introduced by the worthy he­reditary friends of Mrs. Berkeley, Mrs. Edlins, daughters of the excellent Baron Edlin, whose pious Lady and daugh­ters, remarkably bountiful to the poor, are still the subject of admiration and praise in Edinburgh, are still dwelt on with unfeigned gratitude and delight. Happy the poor who reside near the few still surviving ladies of that worthy family.

When at St. Andrew's in Scotland, Mr. Monck Berkeley used to say, ‘"Well, it is a mercy that I am not quite so much in love with Lady Elizabeth Lindsey as my Mother is. If I was, I must run away with her; not, as we say, to Scotland, but to England; and that would be a fine story."’ The lovely, polite, unaffected, sweet, real, gen­tleness of that lovely Lady, are doubtless the source of much domestic felicity to her Lord. Her Ladyship is, the Edi­tor verily believes, or nothing should cause her to write it, one of the very few genuine gentle spirits scattered here and there to be admired, and (alas! for poor unlucky simple men) to be counterfeited. Dr. Berkeley used always to say, there was nothing he disliked so much as ‘"a mighty pretty sort of young woman."’ Mrs. Berkeley used to reply, ‘"that [Page cclxxviii] she hoped nobody would ever style her such, when he was present."’ He used to say, ‘"that he detested insipidity."’ Such as she was, he had her ‘"for better for worse"’ thirty-four years. One of those horrid horse leeches, ever draining her too too generous husband, having since his death told her, at her lawyer's cham­bers, ‘"That Dr. Berkeley married her for her money."’ Wonderful assertion! as Mrs. Berkeley's fortune was only a few odd thousands; and when he was urged to take a lady, much in love with him, who had more than a hun­dred thousand pounds. The Editor feels herself obliged, after this WONDERFUL assertion from a low-lived Divine, who, educated by John Wesley, perhaps never saw any University until at Dr. Berkeley's expence, to say, that Dr. Berkeley has repeatedly declared to his son, in her presence, ‘"Have not I told you, over and over, that had I been Duke of Norfolk, or Robinson Crusoe, your Mother is the woman in the whole world that I would have chosen for a wife;"’ adding what it is impossible for the Editor to write; ‘"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * and she could and would make matters comfortable, pleasant on that island;"’ adding, ‘"I have always told you, I believe your Mother has the best temper to live with for happiness of any person in the world."’ Not many weeks before his lamented death he said to several persons, friends, and servants, ‘"She is the [Page cclxxix] best wife in the world."’ God knows that she feels, ever did feel, how far she fell short, in most relations of life, of the resolutions she made very early in life, to labour, if ever she did marry, to make the best wife in the world, and, if God blessed her with children, the best mother. Alas! she repeats it, she feels, that she fell short; and yet, such is the frailty of our fallen nature, that, were the time to be gone over again, she fears she could not much mend her hand. As mistress of a family, she, from early youth, resolved to treat her servants just as she would wish them to treat her, were they instantly to exchange stations. Per­haps this has sometimes gone rather too far. A beloved friend of her's, nicknamed by the Editor in her youth, the Centurioness, ‘"I say to my servant do this, and he doth it,"’ frequently told the Editor, she was a most incompara­ble governess of her children, and of dogs and cats; but that her servants did, or did not obey her orders, just as it suited their own convenience; adding, ‘"I think they are mighty good kind of people to do any thing; you ask them so quietly, Pray now will you do so?"’

The Editor, as above shewn, with her children did not deal in shewing authority; with servants as well as children, when she set about any thing in good earnest, calmly say­ing, ‘"I will have this or that done."’ She has ever, with both, found that her word was a law. Servants are much to be pitied; they have often jobs to finish as well as their [Page cclxxx] superiors; it is grievous to a generous mind to drag them away when half an hour later may do just as well. The Editor, perhaps, is weak, ill-judging, in that, as in many other things. She had been married more than seven years, when her amiable Partner, a little warm, as the Honourable Mrs. [...] says ‘"ALL men are,"’ (they cer­tainly are LORDS of the creation, and how much is warmth of temper to be preferred to sullenness!) came up into her dressing room, saying, ‘"Do go down stairs, and try, once in your life, if it is possible for you to find fault with a servant or not. Richard has done [...]" (or has not done [...]")’ the Editor does not recollect which. This worthy man was sometimes a little slow in his motions; his master was very quick in his. His surname was Hyde. He was related, and as many gentlemen learned in the law supposed, heir to a vast unclaimed property in the funds, left by a General Hyde, who died in the reign of George the First. If it were duly considered by masters and mistresses of families, that they and their domestics must one day, ere long, stand together, at the same RIGHTEOUS bar, they would surely prepare to answer, when asked, if they had taken care to instruct them in their duty to their Master in Heaven, or spent the time that might have been so employed, in reproaching them for neglecting their duty to their Master on earth. These governors of families will be asked, ‘"Did you not allow them time to read [Page cclxxxi]some portion in the Book of God every day? If so, why did you not, at stated hours*, compel them to assemble together, and hear it redde in your own presence."’ Then, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear, ‘"Thou, Master, or Mistress, hast delivered thine OWN soul,"’ as speaks Holy Scripture.

Where there is no learning, little logic, little time, the faculties of the mind and body both debilitated by ill-health brought on by severe afflictions, as in the Editor's case. The word severe ought to be expunged, if another could be substi­tuted: it must be heavy; for nothing can, ought, at least, to be termed severe, that is inflicted in love by our heavenly Father, on, alas! a lamentably ungrateful child, whose heart is, however, perpetually quoting, from the inspired Prophet, ‘"Wherefore should a man complain, a living man for the punishment of his sins?"’ By which the Editor, for very many years past, has conceived the Holy Spirit meant to imply, by a living man, any one on this side the grave. any one who is out of hell; for if, through Grace, MERCY is at the latest period sought, it will infallibly be found, witness the Thief on the Cross; and a modern Thief—alas! no; poor wretch, he was only a murderer; for he had not the heart to rob when he beheld the blood he had shed; con­verted, [Page cclxxxii] brought to Christ, not, alas! by one of those who rush into the priestly office*, that they may remain idle and igno­rant, or that ‘"they may eat a morsel of bread ."’ This was effected by that brave excellent officer, General Rooke, who kindly, amiably offered the very old friend of the Editor, the sensible, pious T. Hughes, Esquire, when a few years ago high sheriff for Glocestershire, to rise at four in the morning, in March, to accompany him on his dreary jour­ney of sixteen miles to attend the execution. He felt the unpleasant dreary journey Mr. Hughes must have, and amiably offered to accompany him. His sweet nature was shocked, on their arrival at Gloster, at seeing the poor wretch quite hardened, that he begged Mr. Hughes's permission to talk to the poor creature a little; to which the pious, amiable Mr. Hughes, who related the happy tale to Dr. Berkeley, and repeatedly to the Editor, re­piled, [Page cclxxxiii] ‘"My permission, dear Sir, aye, and my best prayers for your success."’ The execution was de­layed; and the blessed General, to whom the Editor re­grets that she has not the honour, the happiness to be known, succeeded, so effectually succeeded, that a poor creature, who at seven in the morning said, ‘"he had ne­ver heard of the Saviour of Sinners,"’ expired at noon be­lieving in him with all his heart, asking, ‘"And will HE save such a WRETCH as I have been?"’‘"rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory"’—to the great com­fort of the Jury, as the High Sheriff told Dr. Berkeley; for he had constantly denied the murder, and, the man being not robbed, they were uneasy at having found him guilty. The preceding and succeeding context might be here with propriety inserted; they may be sought, and the whole chapter redde with advantage by those who have never murdered a man. The Editor, however, feels herself obliged to vindicate herself from the bare suspicion of Antinomianism by quoting No. XLIV. of "The Deep Things of God." Though a child of God glories in this, that ‘"where sin hath abounded, grace doth much more abound;"’ yet no child of God can ‘"sin that grace may abound."’

On this one of the selected numbers being redde to Mr. Monck Berkeley by his Mother, he exclaimed, with an earnestness hardly to be described, ‘"God forbid! Oh! [Page cclxxxiv] God forbid!!!"’ It was mentioned before, that the Edi­tor, constantly, on quitting her Son's chamber, wrote un­der every number his comments, ejaculations, &c. upon it. She most carefully selected what she felt suited the then state of the soul.

Mr. Berkeley did not want instruction in his duty to God or his neighbour. He did not want to be awakened, to be shewn how direfully he had broken the ‘"Holy Law of God,"’ nor to be made sensible of the penalty to be in­flicted for such breach; but to be convinced that Christ had received him, which his deep humility prevented him from believing, although the hope of it was his sole support.

One night, when he supposed himself expiring at Dover, Mr. Berkeley desired his friend, Mrs. Frinsham, might be called out of bed to him: he said, ‘"I beseech you to pray for me. You see me going, perhaps from misery here to everlasting misery;"’ adding, ‘"I yet feel some hope, that God hears my Mother's prayers, and that Christ will not quite cast me off."’

It ought to have been mentioned in its proper place, that Mr. Berkeley wrote to his Mother from Oxford, de­siring her to summon all her fortitude to her aid, and pre­pare her mind not to be shocked at seeing the shadow of [Page cclxxxv] what was once her Son. The original idea was, that of Mr. Berkeley's going to Gloucester to be constantly under the eye of Dr. Chestern. He therefore wrote, requesting his friends to meet him on the road; accordingly, the mi­nute the post arrived, they, accompanied by their incom­parable friend, Mrs. D. Monck, set out and reached the inn at Burford about five in the afternoon, and about seven Mr. Berkeley arrived, attended by his own servant, and a youth of about eighteen, the son of an old Irish friend of Dr. Berkeley's, then staying with Dr. Berkeley, who had been dispatched to meet Mr. Berkeley, who had done amiably, as he ever did, to warn his Mother not to be shocked, &c. It required ALL her fortitude to see her idol with difficulty get out of the chaise, and enter the room, supported, rather difficultly supported, by his servant, a man about his own stature.

Mrs. Berkeley had gone to town to visit her Son, and dear, excellent Mr. Grimston, whose goodness caused his remaining in town all the summer with Mr. Berkeley, un­til August, when they set off for Hastings. Five months of almost unabated torture had wonderfully weakened Mr. Berkeley's ‘"earthly tabernacle."’ Dr. Berkeley's great weak­ness apologized for his appearing dispirited; and Mrs. Berkeley forced herself to appear not to feel supreme an­guish of mind at the sight of her IDOL thus debilitated.

[Page cclxxxvi] Dr. Berkeley, rising about ten o'clock, said to his Son, ‘"My dear child, I am so weak, and so wearied, that I must wish you a good night; I am quite unable to sit up any longer."’ Mr. Berkeley, begging his Father's benediction, wished him a good night, as he did his excellent friend Mrs. Monck. On his Mother's going to shake hands with him and retire, he said, ‘"Best of Mo­thers, you have not been ill, like my poor Father: you can sit up, and I greatly want a little conversation with you."’ The above mentioned youth was of course making his bow, when Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"You need not retire, Sir; I rather wish you to stay;"’ when Mr. Berkeley thus commenced, ‘"I am probably now not far from the end of my course; and I wish to say some things to my dear Mother; to bless her for having forced me to be regular and constant in my attendance at public worship and at family prayer, long before I felt or saw the necessity of it myself, I am convinced, well convinced, that it is the only way to train up a child, and, as my Mother, has quoted a thousand times to us, (taking in his little bro­ther,) so convinced am I of it, that, of which there is very little probability now, should I live ever to have a family of children, or servants, I will force them to at­tend, I will drive them before me to the house of God, and to family prayers."’ The young man stared to hear the energy with which Mr. Berkeley uttered this sentence; [Page cclxxxvii] he turned round, and, looking stedfastly at him, said, ‘"Yes, Sir, so convinced am I of the wisdom of it, that if I could get them no other way, I would kick them before me, (driving out his foot with amazing strength;) it is the only way to make them wise unto salvation in their youth."’

It is has been before observed, that Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"I have some little consolation in thinking, that if all I ever printed, and all I ever wrote, lay on the table, and a standish by me, and I knew that I had but half an hour to live, I would not erase one word of it; for, from a boy, I always resolved never to write ‘"A line which, dying, I would wish to blot.’

‘"In all I have ever published or written, I have laboured to render vice odious and ridiculous, and to hold up vir­tue to respect and admiration*. But, alas! what is that? [Page cclxxxviii] How have I fallen! God help me! and how often have I envived my dog as he lay sleeping by my bedside, and said, 'Ah! thou dear happy brute, God will not call THEE into judgement, as he will thy wretched master."’

Mrs. Berkeley quoted many gracious promises from Holy Scripture, and the promise of promises, ‘"Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out;"’ but all this was in some degree in vain. It was reserved for her excellent [Page cclxxxix] friend, Sir Richard Hill, by his incomparable book* above named, to pour the balm of perfect peace—that peace of God which passeth ALL understanding—into the dear, humble, contrite, troubled spirit of her unspeakably dear Son—that peace for which the generality pray at least once a week, but which so very few labour to obtain; when obtained, they feel that ‘"the yoke of Christ is easy, and his burden light."’

[Page ccxc] It was near two o'clock in the morning, before Mr. Berkeley, apologizing to his Mother, told her that he would detain her no longer, fearing that the want of a good night's rest might injure her health. Mr. Berkeley always knew that the loss of sleep is almost death to his Mother, whose Mother and Sister could, and the dear survivor can, pass weeks in health, with scarce any sleep at all. Mrs. Berke­ley in that, as in other things, resembles her Father.—When young, her Mother used to tell the Editor, that she thought she could not be her child, because she used to wish to leave a ball-room at four o'clock—her Mother telling her often that she used to stay till eight, then drive home several miles, exchange her ball-dress for her morning one, and not go to rest till twelve next night, or rather morning; for her mother, Mrs. Cherry, never retired to her chamber till twelve, and constantly rose, winter and summer, at six, until within two years of her death, at sixty-eight, when she rose not until seven o'clock. It was little likely that Mrs. Berkeley should enjoy much sleep after so interesting a conversation of four hours.

Mrs. Berkeley is said, by all those who have known her most intimately from her childhood, to be of the most hopeful temper they ever knew: she preserves with tenderest care a hair ring given by her dear Son; an elegant figure of Hope leaning on her anchor, one hand pointing up to [Page ccxci] heaven, with this motto in hair, ‘"Heaven's best gift to man."’ It is very certain, that until she saw her Son the day after his happy spirit had quitted his fine form she did flatter herself, that the mercy of God would spare him to her; under the idea of having laboured from her youth to obey, oblige, delight her own excellent Mother, in order to make her feel less poignantly the loss of an al­most adoring husband, that God would vouchsafe to reward her in KIND, and spare her Son. But, alas! her Son was her idol; and idols must be given up. The Editor was supposed to be idolized by her Mother, of whom it used to be said, ‘"Mrs. Frinsham loves her so much, that she never lets her walk across the room without looking at her (little insignificant figure) with pleasure in her eyes."’ That delight must have arisen from thinking she bore some resemblance to her excellent Father. The Editor has the pleasure to reflect that there was nothing she would not have sacrificed to please the best of Mothers, and that she always prayed to God that he would be pleased to spare her life, if it were only for one week beyond her Mother's, that she might be spared the affliction of seeing her go before her. The Editor felt that she was the cause of much sad anxiety to her Mother, not having had the small pox, as her excellent sister had when a child, at Mrs. Sheeles's school, and its being la­mentably fatal in Mrs. Frinsham's family, her eldest sister being one Saturday esteemed the most beautiful creature in [Page ccxcii] London*, and the next the most deplorable object, mor­tified all over, and much blacker than an Ethiop. In the latter part the Editor has no doubt but she had resembled her lovely Aunt, had she not been inoculated by Mr. Sutton himself, who attended her at her own house at Acton, with great assiduity, Dr. Berkeley being then rector of that parish. They were sensible of the blessing of such a Preacher. Multitudes came every Sunday to Acton church, to hear one who, according to St. Paul, did not, as, he observed to the Editor in his last illness, ‘"preach himself, BUT CHRIST JESUS THE LORD;"’ adding, ‘"HE knows I [Page ccxciii] preached him in SINCERITY, always dreading to be a popular preacher, a pleaser of the people."’

The following observations are intended solely to benefit some few unfortunate families where the small pox is worse than the plague. Mrs. Berkeley having not long weaned her second son, and duly prepared by Mr. Sutton, her friends all conceived that inoculation would be to her what, by the blessing of God, it is to thousands, to mil­lions, not to herself; she conceived, if she escaped with life, that would be all; but the sufferings, her not having had that frightful disease had occasioned to her Mother, did constantly occasion to an almost adoring Husband, and the tenderest of Sisters, determined her one way or other to deliver them from their incessant anxiety; accordingly she, together with Mr. Monck Berkeley, then between four and five years old, were both inoculated on the same day, with the same matter. The latter had only three pustules, and did not lose half an hour's play through indisposition. His Mother had but few in her face, those on her nose pitted to the bone, a vast number on her head, a fright­ful quantity in her throat, and several on her arms, fingers, and feet; all shewed their malignity by being confluent, and not turning until three and twenty days—a plain proof, but for Mr. Sutton's method of treating the small pox, she had shared the fate of her beautiful aunt Miss Cherry. Mr. Sutton asserted to Dr. Berkeley and others, [Page ccxiv] Mrs. Berkeley's friends, that he had never before had such a patient. He was much alarmed, and exceedingly atten­tive, saying, ‘"that had Mrs. Berkeley caught the small pox in the natural way, she would have mortified in a few days; that had Mr. Monck Berkeley caught it in the natural way, it had probably never have been known that he had had it."’ Mrs. Berkeley's mother, Mrs. Frinsham, had only ten pustules, when a child about eight years old. A singular symptom attended Mrs. Berkeley's small pox, that of her eyes being, for more than three days, set in their sockets, so fixed that she could not move them at all, could only see in an absolutely straight direction; yet she had not one pustule in her eyes, or on her eye-lids; it was quite internal.

Mrs. Berkeley had been at first at Sutton House; but, having always a wonderful partiality for her own home, which she conceives would be the case if her home was a neat clean barn, begged Mr. Sutton's permission to return to her own house, with which he very obligingly complied, on condition of her going to him when he could not call on her, which she punctually did, her horses having no­thing else to do, but drag her then wretched frame to take the air, as directed, half a dozen times in the day, she be­ing unable to walk. Mrs. Berkeley, in her visits to Sutton House, used to enquire of the sensible well-bred Reverend Mr. Houlton, chaplain to Mr. Sutton, when her eyes would [Page ccxcv] be better? his constant answer was, ‘"Oh! dear Madam, you will be in heaven to morrow, I assure you."’ The next day Mrs. Berkeley, on entering the drawing-room, enquired of her fellow patients where Mr. Houlton was, that she might tell him, ‘"She did not like HIS, Mr. HOULTON's, heaven at all."’ The very witty Canon Bowles, of Salis­bury, being one of the patients, opened the door, and called out, ‘"Houlton, come down; her is Mrs. Berkeley, the lady of a Divine, that declares she does not even wish to go to heaven;—come down, man, and talk to the poor lady."’

A lady, whose name is not at present remembered by the Editor, came down one morning, looking much dis­tressed, saying, ‘"I am very ill indeed."’ She sent for the sensible, clever, consoling housekeeper, and exhibited her chest covered over with a most tremendous erysipelas. The housekeeper said, ‘"Do not fear, Madam; if it please God, you will get safe through;"’ the lady, turning to Mrs. Berkeley, said, ‘"If I do, I shall be the first of my family that ever did."’ It did please Providence to bring her safely through, and spare her to a most anxious husband, who visited her with trembling tenderness per­petually.

Mrs. Berkeley suffered much from the kind persecutions of Dr. Berkeley and her Sister, to suffer Sir William Duncan [Page ccxcvi] and Dr. Addington * to be sent for; which Mrs. Berkeley resolutely opposed, fearing it might injure the cause of in­oculation, the greatest blessing surely that ever was granted to the terrestrial part of man. Mrs. Berkeley resolved to live or die, as it should please the all-wise Disposer of all events, by Mr. Sutton alone. Being at that time a little in the world, and a little known, she conceived, that calling in regular medical aid would easily be turned into, ‘"Mrs. George Berkeley would certainly have died by Sutton's me­thod, if so and so had not saved her life."’ Mr. Sutton felt himself so obliged by her conduct, that he, at different times, inoculated poor people gratis, whom she recom­mended to him, obligingly telling her, ‘"One line from her at any time, sent by a poor person, should be sufficient introduction to his care and his kitchen."’

It is the fashion with persons of a certain description to disbelieve what they cannot comprehend, and to laugh at what they do not understand, and many persons ex­plode [Page ccxcvii] the idea of the small pox generally proving fatal in some families.

Several years after, one night, at a large rout at Canter­bury, there was universal lamentation over a family, who had lost a darling child by inoculation in the common way. Mrs. Berkeley naturally said, ‘"Alas! poor people! why did they not let Sutton attend it? He is the man, where it proves so fatal in families."’ A Canterbury phy­sician, not remarkable for his worth, now no more, mean­ing to turn Mrs. Berkeley to ridicule, said, ‘"And so, Ma­dam, you believe the doctrine of the small pox proving more fatal in some families than in others;"’ and pro­ceeded to harangue, at a wonderful rate, against the absur­dity of that doctrine, when, amongst other ladies and gen­tlemen, approached the elegant Mrs. P [...] t, saying, ‘"Surely, Dr. [...], Mrs. Berkeley is right, at least she thinks exactly as Baron Dimsdale does; for, when he inoculated my daughter, he expressed his astonishment that a little creature so healthy, with so fine a com­plexion, should have it so much more severely than was the case with inoculation in his method with one in five hundred."’ Mrs. P [...] t told him, ‘"She could assign no reason for it, unless it could be admitted as one, that her father (the worthy Dr. D [...], Prebendary of Canterbury,) died of it, a desperate sort."’ To which, she said, the Baron replied, ‘"You have fully accounted [Page ccxcviii] for it, Madam. In the few patients I have had, who have suffered much with it, I have always found that some of their families, on one side, have, for generations, died of it."’ The Editor knows one family, where, for above two centuries, not one attacked by that tremendous disease ever did recover, until the introduction of inocu­lation; and in such unhappy families their children should be carefully kept out of the reach of infection, until old enough to take remedies to prevent being choaked, as it usually attacks the throat, and infants cannot take reme­dies to ward off that frightful attack; as was the case with the Editor, her throat being quite lined with pustules.

We have an high authority for knowing, ‘"He that wa­tereth, shall himself also be watered again."’ Mr. Berke­ley experienced it, at least, in one very pleasing instance, his introduction to his noble, highly-honoured, respected friends, their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Marl­borough*, for which he was solely indebted to his very [Page ccxcix] old friend, the Reverend Dr. King, now Chancellor of Lincoln. Mr. Berkeley happened to be at his father's, when Dr. King was appointed to Dr. Tanner's vacant stall in the church of Canterbury. Immediately on hearing it, he, with his wonted sweetness, when asking a favour of either of his parents, said to his Father, [Page ccc] ‘"My dear Sir, I should take it as a very great favour if you would have the goodness to invite Dr. King to be your guest when he comes down hither to be in­stalled; as I believe, although a most excellent scholar, he is entirely ignorant of all matters of this kind, and you are au fait in them. He was exceedingly kind and good to me when I was at Eton, and when we used to go over together to Lord Inchiquin's," (that elegant no­bleman, one of the friends of Dr. Berkeley's very early youth at Cloyne, most amiably kind to Mr. Berkeley when at Eton,) "and to Sir Adam Gordon's," (a very old friend equally kind,) "and it would delight me to have it in my power to shew my gratitude to him."’

Dr. Berkeley desired his Son to write immediately to Dr. King, and say, ‘"that, although he, Mr. Berkeley, must probably be absent, Dr. Berkeley requested the favour of his company."’ Accordingly, at the proper time, Dr. King arrived at Dr. Berkeley's house in the Oaks, accompanied by his sensible brother, John King*, Esquire. Dr. King expressed his sense of the little attentions it was in Mrs. Berkeley's power to shew him, more highly than they merited. She requested him, if it was in his power, to do her Son the honour to introduce him at Blenheim; Mrs. Berkeley, having ever, from a young woman, be­fore [Page ccci] she married, declared, if ever she had a son, she would try to introduce him to that noble family, in preference to any other in England. His Grace's father, the late Duke, was very uncommonly amiable, and had much worth.

The Editor cannot avoid dropping a tear over the too early grave of a most amiable young gentleman, who accompa­nied Dr. King in his second visit to Dr. Berkeley's, his bro­ther-in-law, [...] Manby, Esquire, secretary to the Duke of Leeds. Any attempt to do justice to the amiable, mild, gentle, elegant merits of this young gentleman, would require an inspired pen, instead of one dulled, blunted, by age and affliction. Probably all who knew him would be ready, with the Editor, to take up the lan­guage of Shakspeare, and say,

"I ne'er shall look upon his like again."

Good Dr. King, more learned than attentive, had brought Mr. Manby down with him to the Summer audit; and, knowing that Dr. Berkeley's house was not very large, had deposited him at one of the wretched inns at Canterbury. After being at the Oaks two days, one morning at break­fast, the good little Doctor said, ‘"He must go before he went into the audit room, and see after his young man."’ Mrs. Berkeley, knowing that the Doctor had no son, en­quired, ‘"What young man?"’

[Page cccii]Dr. King.—‘"Why, why, he is Mrs. King's brother; I brought him down to see Canterbury."’

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"Where is he?"’

Dr. K.—‘"Why, at one of your inns down in the city."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Who is with him?"’

Dr. K.—‘"Why nobody; that is the thing!"’

Mrs. B.—‘"How old is he? A man grown up, or a youth? Surely it is not *dear Dick, after whom I heard my Son enquire of you so kindly, and charge you so strictly to give his affectionate regards?"’

Dr. K.—‘"No, no; he is older than Dick; it is his eldest brother."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Well, who shews him the lions of Canter­bury?"’

Dr. K.—‘"Why, poor fellow, nobody: that is the thing."’

Mrs. B.—‘"The THING indeed!!!"’

It will, by this time, be easily perceived by those who have the pleasure of knowing intimately the learned Doctor, [Page ccciii] that Mrs. Berkeley had taken upon herself the government of this little great man; Mrs. Berkeley always asserting, that although we are forbidden by the Apostle to govern our own husbands, that prohibition does not extend to our neighbour; and Mrs. Berkeley is, by her friends, esteemed a pretty good hand in that, often very necessary * business. But, to quit this folaterie, which the Editor brought into the world with her, and which, maugre all her afflictions, her present exceedingly indifferent health, seldom well a whole hour together in a week, she seems to feel will never quit her, like the excellent Sir Thomas More's wit, and good old Lady Banister's humour, who, dying at an hundred and nobody knows how many more years old, told all her great grand-children, ‘"not to stand crying over her, for that they could not think that she was dying an untimely death, in the prime of life."’

The dear lively Bishop of Norwich, one day, at dinner at Dr. Berkeley's, said, ‘"My dear Madam, how came you [Page ccciv] to let my brother King go to church this morning with­out a band?"’‘"Oh! my dear Mr. Dean, if you did but know the trouble it costs me every day, to prevent his keeping your Eminences (a title bestowed by Mrs. Berkeley many years before on the Dean and Prebenda­ries) waiting dinner for him, you would pity me; all my eloquence cannot inspire him with due veneration for the collected body—the CONCLAVE."’

Mrs. Berkeley, feeling the unpleasantness of Mr. Manby's situation, besought Dr. King to bring him to Dr. Berkeley's. Mrs. Berkeley, her Son being in London, sent immediately to a very amiable worthy young man, who felt great grati­tude for some very essential services rendered him by Mrs. Berkeley, repaying his attentions, when a boy, to her little boys, much younger, at the King's School, the worthy Mr. William Jackson, son of the Collector of Excise, and afterwards an Alderman of Canterbury. This grateful, well-informed young man died, after a very few days illness, universally lamented, as he was universally beloved and re­spected. His wonderfully low-lived parents gave rings of his hair, set with diamonds, to many of the ladies of Can­terbury, who would not have known that he existed, as himself used to say, but for Mrs. Berkeley's gratitude; which when he, at nineteen, quitted the King's School, led her to invite him to play at cards at the round table with the younger ladies and gentlemen at her routs. Mrs. Berkeley [Page cccv] introduced him to her learned friend the Reverend John Duncombe and his Lady, and requested them, when she left Canterbury, in 1777, to take to him. His mind re­ceived much cultivation from that learned, worthy, well-in­formed pair. To Mrs. Berkeley the old woman sent into Berkshire, Mrs. Berkeley being there at the time of his death, a piece of catgut worked with her son's hair, saying, ‘"that Mrs. Berkeley did not want diamonds."’ Poor young man, he often, when living, felt her low absurdi­ties, when she insisted on exhibiting to her son's company. He repeatedly said to numbers of people, ‘"But for Mrs. Berkeley's goodness, and I had been in such a set,"’ (naming several aldermen's sons, &c.) some now vio­lent Democrats, who were kept in their own line of company, whilst Jackson was in the first company in the church and county. His father, at his death, left legacies to all his son's friends, excepting to Mrs. Duncombe and to Mrs. Berkeley, to neither of whom an hundred guineas for a ring would have been unacceptable. But the new Legacy Bill will never affect Mrs. Berkeley; for, as Mrs. Frinsham says, when any of her rich relations die childless, ‘"Sister, to be sure they forget that you and I exist, or that we know how to spend a little money, for none of them ever name us even for a ten guinea ring."’

But, quitting this subject for a much pleasanter, Jackson immediately presented himself in Mrs. Berkeley's dressing­room, [Page cccvi] when she introduced him to Mr. Manby, requesting him to become his guide, to conduct him to every thing worthy notice in the church or city, to repair to the Oaks every morning at breakfast, and every day at three to take their dinner with Mrs. Berkeley, and spend the afternoon; the Prebendaries dining together at each other's houses, during the audit, the tables generally being full; and taking their tea in the audit-room.

On the day when they dined at Dr. Berkeley's, on Mrs. Berkeley's entering the eating-room, the dinner served, the Bishop of Norwich, then Dean, going up to her, presented her with a pamphlet, saying, ‘"Madam, entirely in obedience to your commands, there is the sermon that I preached on Trinity Sunday. If it pro­duces any good, it is entirely owing to you, for it has been often preached, and never was intended for the press. but you insisted upon its being published; and I have obeyed your orders."’ Many of the Prebendaries said, the public were very much indebted to Mrs. Berkeley. The Bishop, when sitting at dinner, said, ‘"I must request you, my dear Madam, to give me a list of your friends whom you wish should read it, that I may send it to my bookseller."’ Mrs. Berkeley felt, as it merited, this very polite attention from her most excellent old friend, and said, ‘"She would request a few to send to some of her friends in Scotland; that her English friends could pro­vide [Page cccvii] themselves:"’ then said, ‘"I must pull this incompara­ble discourse all to pieces; and get some of my pocket M.P.'s;" (so Mrs. Berkeley always styled two amiable Baronets, who used at all times to convey her simple chit­chat to her friends;)’ adding, ‘"I do wish to convey one en­tire to dear Lord Leven. What method can I take, my dear Mr. Dean? Can you advise me?"’ Sweet Mr. Man­by, with pleasure in his eyes, replied, ‘"My dear Madam, I can render you that little service, and shall be most un­feignedly happy to do it. You know we can send any thing from the Secretary of State's Office."’

When the audit was ended, and the good little Doctor* and his brother going to quit Canterbury, this most amia­ble of young gentlemen thus addressed Mrs. Berkeley: ‘"My dear Madam, what can I do? what can I say to you, for your throughly polite attentions, for your won­derful goodness to me? I am utterly unable to express [Page cccviii] in any degree, the sense I must ever retain of it. If at any time, in any way, I can render you any service, you will delight my spirit by only pointing it out to me."’ Mrs. Berkeley conjured him not to distress her, by saying a syllable more to her, for having only done just what every other person, not a savage, had they known his situation, would have done.

The Editor cannot here forbear relating a little anecdote of her Son's lovely amiability, of which she was only very lately informed, he never having mentioned it. A lady, who was a stranger, visiting at Mrs. Berkeley's, happened to sit opposite the fine portrait of Mr. Berkeley, painted by his amiable accomplished friend, Mr. Peters; she, in a low voice, said to the lady who sat next to her, ‘"I never saw so like a picture in my life."’ Mrs. Berkeley, although she cannot see, yet hears remarkably quick, (thanks to God's blessing on the skill of Mr. Maull in Piccadilly, ex­erted about twenty years ago,) said, ‘"I did not know, Ma­dam, that my Son had the honour to be known to you."’ To which the good old lady very politely replied, ‘"Ma­dam, I had the honour to be known to Mr. Berkeley. One year returning from Margate, we wished to see the cathe­dral of Canterbury; we walked up, and could not see any one to tell us where to find the person who showed it. We saw a great many gentlemen walking backwards and forwards by the side of the church. After some time one [Page cccix] of them, detaching himself from the rest, came up to us, and, in the politest manner, said, 'Ladies, are you in any distress, in which I can assist you? The ladies told their wish to see the cathedral, and their utter inability to find out how to do it. Mr. Berkeley said, 'If you will have the goodness to wait two minutes, I will get the verger to attend you.' He stepped into a shop, sent off a lad for the verger, and again joined the ladies. On the ar­rival of the verger, Mr. Berkeley escorted them into the church, pointed out to them some particular beauties of that glorious temple of God, charged the verger not to omit shewing them some things as he named; then, saying 'he had an engagement,' made an elegant bow, wished them a pleasant journey, and took his leave."’ The ladies enquired of the verger who that young gentleman was to whose politeness they were so much indebted. He replied, ‘"that it was Mr. Berkeley, son to one of the Pre­bends."’ The ladies expressing gratitude, the verger said, ‘"Yes, Madam, every body loves Mr. Berkeley exceedingly, he is so kind and condescending to every one."’

Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley both had been for some time wishing to obtain for their worthy old servant, Mr. Wright­son, when he should marry and quit service, the place of one of his Majesty's messengers, he having repeatedly flown, with incredible velocity, over this kingdom, and to and from Ireland, on Dr. Berkeley's business; and probably, [Page cccx] had it not pleased the ALL-WISE Director of ALL things, small as well as great, to remove to the society he so strongly resembled on earth the angelic Mr. Manby, the poor of Canterbury had not been blessed with quite so excellent, so judicious, and so kind a governor, as successor to their former very worthy master, Mr. Nott. It is surely a de­light to every feeling heart, to see the aged poor made happy, the young instructed and brought up industriously, the way to be happy here and hereafter.

The Editor is much addicted, wherever she resides or stays, any little time at a place, to visit the work-houses, feeling tender pity for those who have not a penny to buy tobacco, snuff, or a little two shilling tea, and sweetened sand, called sugar, to season it. Her feelings suffered much whilst at Oxford; as she really conceives, from what she herself saw. The relation of two of her old servants, whom she frequently sent thither, that most well-regulated Bride­wells are Paradises compared to the Oxford Work-house; in short, nothing out of the infernal regions can be worse, or worse conducted. Mrs. Berkeley's maid, sent thither one day to see after a poor sick woman, was obliged to take shelter in a room some poor creature opened to her; an audacious harlot flying through the house with a great knife to murder the then poor, stupid, ignorant mistress. They have no poundage from earnings: once in the year, at the Races, they have, some two-pence, some six-pence, [Page cccxi] given them, as one of the guardians told Mrs. [...], to figure away with on the Course.

Mrs. Berkeley, one day, on going out, gave a poor woman, who had called the mistress to her, and shewn her the uncultivated wretched garden, a shilling. The poor wo­man's gratitude and extacies were sorely distressing, adding, ‘"I have not seen a shilling before for two years."’ This poor creature had lived comfortably in London, her hus­band a mason, killed by the breaking of a scaffold, when alas! she was wretched enough to belong to some parish in Oxford. Mrs. Berkeley enquired whom among the guar­dians were tenderly disposed towards the poor, and was told, Mr. Slatter the baker, and Mr. Ayton the grocer. Mr. Slatter serving Dr. Berkeley's family with bread, she instantly set off to call on him, and never recollects to have seen a more sensible, well-behaved, humane person in humble station; he would make a better figure in an higher, than many who have scrambled up to it. He assured her, that, unable to combat with the majority of the guardians in defence of the poor, he had in despair relinquished it entirely.

She then went to Mr. Ayton, and received a similar an­swer. She exhorted both, but, she fears, in vain. How­ever unpleasant it might be to continue to fight the battles of the poor, she assured them there would come a time [Page cccxii] when they would rejoice that they had done it. Their an­swer was, that the lowest and most mercenary of the trades­men were appointed guardians, and there was no opposing them. How different from Canterbury! two most re­spectable tradesmen out of each of the sixteen parishes are annually chosen; sometimes, she conceives, rechosen; as, when she wished to get a poor creature going in com­fortably deposited, she constantly went to Dr. Berkeley's baker, the very worthy, sensible well-bred Mr. Johnson, educated at the university of Cambridge. On the death of his father he most dutifully and affectionately went home, to assist his worthy mother in carrying on her business. Mr. Johnson, if not in office himself, constantly took care to apply to some worthy man who was. The Editor is no Democrat; feels horrors at the vile idea of Equality—but such direful inequality as a rich bon-vivant Oxford tradesman—and the poor, almost poisoned poor creatures in that vile workhouse, must hurt every heart who has ever redde in the Bible, ‘"Who maketh thee to differ from an­other?"’ &c.

The Editor, after delivering her sentiments very freely on one class of people in Oxford, cannot quit the place without taking notice of a very different class, whom she once had it in contemplation to address in the Oxford Mercury, as she did not feel happy to quit Oxford without offering her very grateful acknowledgements to them—the [Page cccxiii] young gentlemen of the University. It is a general, an al­most universal complaint amongst the Fair Sex. The Edi­tor begs pardon for a misnomer; she ought to have written the RED SEX; for almost all now resemble Rouge Dragon in Heraldry; to be sure, the present dress makes them re­sembles Heraldic animals, and Swift's yahoos. The Edi­tor, famous amongst her friends for never wearing any cap or hat that did not become her sort of face, nor any colour that did not become her complexion, and was perpetually consulted on that subject by her friends, cannot help think­ing, that the Father of Mischief has been the inventor of the present mode of dressing, particularly the vile, scooped out hats, or rather straw caps; she therefore styles them Diabolls. It is no wonder that husbands go astray from wives so odiously disfigured.

That all polite attentions from gentlemen to ladies is at an end, is a charge perhaps too well founded. An excel­lent exaltedly pious friend of the Editor's, but lately gone to glory, the lady of the late very worthy amiable Thomas Baber, Esquire, of Sunninghill Park, and who had the hap­piness to be the mother of Edward Baber, Esquire, well known to all in the East for his inflexible honesty. He had the happiness of throughly pious, as well as accomplished parents. This lady, once a most celebrated beauty, used to say, ‘"The young men of this day are quite Hottentots; all I expect of them is, that, if I happen to fall down, [Page cccxiv] they will be so good as to kick me aside, and not walk over me."’ The Editor fears the charge may be too true; but she feels it a duty incumbent on her to say, ‘"that if politeness to females is banished from every other place, it has taken up its residence amongst the young gentle­men of the university of Oxford—true politeness extending ever to aged females."’

The Editor, as has been mentioned before, has at sixty every accomplishment that some are without at eighty; frequently, if walking alone, stepping into a grey puddle, mistaking it for a nice clean broad stone. The polite at­tentions from young gentlemen in assisting her to cross the street, sometimes accompanying her half a street's length to direct her to a shop, opening the door for her, always giving her the wall, not driving her off the pave­ment, as two officers did a few years ago at Newcastle, she leaning on her husband's arm—he being dressed in a short cassock, they supposed him a bishop, as they said en passant, and knew (worthy wights!) he could not challenge them, but he severely reproved their brutality. The Editor happened to hear that the wife of one of them amply re­venged her quarrel. He almost deserved it.

The Editor certainly owes her life to the polite humanity of one gentleman, whose name, although she took much pains to learn it, she never could find out, until the even­ing [Page cccxv] before she quitted Magdalene Lodge, at the close of November 1795, or every grateful, respectful attention would have been rendered to the Reverend Mr. Williams, Sub-warden of Wadham College.

A Lady of fashion, well known in the polite circles, now of an age, as well as the Editor, to dress for comfort, not for shew, having an house in the neigbourhood of Oxford, often walking in the street with the Editor, said, ‘"Your remark is very just, that the young men here are certainly very well-bred; if they were not, they would laugh at us—for, to be sure, you with your black beaver gypsey hat, tied down and hiding half your little (politeness prevented her adding, withered) face, and your rusty black cloak; and I in my old hat and old great coat, are two curious enough figures."’ The Editor's excellent relation and herself are both old-fashioned, in making it a point to pay their butcher and baker every Monday morning. And the Editor used always to tell Dr. Berkeley, and her Son, when she got a lecture for walking out in a morning without a servant, that she did not like a footman attending her, when she did not appear as if she could pay him his wages.

The Editor never met with any impertinence, but twice, during her sejour in Oxford.—One day walking by Baliol College, a poor creature in (she supposes) a servitor's gown, [Page cccxvi] expressing his dislike of her hat, and after she was passed, said, ‘"he would give a crown to know who she was,"’ the Editor languished to have turned on her heel, and have said, ‘"Young man, save your crown to buy Trusler's edition of 'Lord Chesterfield's Advice to the amiable Phil. Stanhope.'—I will tell you, without reward, that I am the wife of Dr. Berkeley, Prebendary of Canterbury;"’ but, having with her a lady who always returns pertness by silent disdain (which affects not fools, it may wise persons) the Editor's generosity in gratifying the poor low-lived crea­tures curiosity gratis would have hurt her dignity. The other was, one very hot evening, the Editor had taken in her hand a para-sol; a shower coming on, she held it over her head, to protect a very good hat. Not far from Christ­church she met a number of gentlemen, pushing home from the shower, who all passed her with their usual politeness, stepping off the very narrow pavement, to avoid incom­moding her; the rear was brought up by a little insignificant looking animal in a gown, who in a voice, resembling any thing but that of a young man, squeaked out, ‘"Look, look, here is a lady holding a para-sol over her in this violent shower—what a fool she must be!!!"’ The Editor heard two or three of the gentlemen say, ‘"Not at all—it did not rain (she supposes they added) when she set out."’ The name of this wise little miss, in a black gown, is concealed in pity to his poor parents—it is enough to be burthened with such a poor little [Page cccxvii] creature, without seeing him held up to public con­tempt.

A very worthy friend of the Editor's, whom she has not had the delight of seeing for many years, Mrs. M. Jeffries, of Richmond, used formerly to say, ‘"One has no pleasure in hearing scandal from Mrs. George Berkeley, for the little d [...]l will never tell one the name, until all the town rings with it."’ The exquisitely kind attentions of this wonderfully agreeable, worthy lady, to the Editor's angelic friend, the late Mrs. Catharine Talbot (when her excellent friend, the Marchioness de Grey, lent her house at Richmond to Mrs. Talbot), during her lingering illness, must ever endear her to the Editor, although it is little likely she should every see her again, until they meet in the region of spirits, as both are much attached to their own abode.

Quiting these two curious beings, the Servitor and squeaking Miss, to thank themselves for these animadver­sions, the Editor returns her best thanks to all, and every sensible polite young gentleman of the University. They resemble, in some respects, holy Job, who says, ‘"Eyes was I to the blind, feet was I to the lame,"’ &c. The Editor sincerely hopes, that they may never be afflicted as he was; and that those of her polite assisters, who choose to marry, may meet with wiser and more pious wives than [Page cccxviii] at first fell to the lot of, certainly a favourite of the ALMIGHTY's; HE naming him one of the three with Noah and Daniel, who should deliver their own souls. This is mentioned to shew, to those who believe the in­spiration of Scripture, the folly of supposing the history of Job a pious fable, and that holy man an ideal person. See poor Dr. Durell's simple book; and, in all other respects, the accomplished Mrs. Chapone's wise one, on this subject.

Since writing the above, the Editor has had the distress to hear of the almost sudden death of a throughly amiable man, who accidentally meeting her at tea at a neighbouring gen­tleman's house, and learning, not from the Editor, who is not addicted to entertain her friends or visitors with lamen­tations, that she had much intricate*, unpleasant business to struggle through; visited her the next day, saying, ‘"he [Page cccxix] was going to town in a few days. and if it was possible for him to render her any service, in any way, he should esteem himself very happy if she would, as he po­litely said, honour him with her commands."’ The Edi­tor accepted most gratefully his kind offer, and took leave to employ him in a very fatiguing matter, in which his amiability led him to be indefatigable. That it is not yet accomplished, nor probably ever will, was not to be attri­buted to want of every exertion of the amiable Dr. Ser­grove, master of Pembroke College. This produced a de­gree of intimacy. Mrs. Berkeley, ever wishing, with little ability, to benefit all her friends children, took the liberty to recommend to his attention and protection, a very sen­sible, fine youth of his College, a son of the very worthy Mr. Andrews, surgeon at Stanmore in Middlesex, one of fourteen olive-branches to whom this throughly amia­ble hearted, benevolent man was exceedingly attentive and kind, and told the Editor, ‘"that it had pleased him, and he dared say would please her, that young Andrews had, on Dr. Johnson's rooms becoming vacant, earnestly so­licited to have them assigned to him."’ Young Andrews and his whole family, have as strong understandings as Dr. Johnson. They are famed for it. May he make as good use of it as did his predecessor in the rooms! This agreable friend visited at Magdalene Lodge three days be­fore he went to town—to return, alas! no more—request­ing Mrs. Berkeley and Mrs. Frinsham earnestly to honour [Page cccxx] him, as he politely termed it, by drinking tea, and spend­ing the evening at the Master's lodgings, saying, he would invite some ladies, whom he named, the rector of Lincoln, and some other sensible, agreable friends to meet them. The very tender state of Mrs. Berkeley's health forced her to decline it, which she now regrets. He promised to visit Datchet; alas! may his obliged friend meet him in a still pleasanter place.

Mrs. Berkeley, on her revisiting Oxford for a few days, offered for the Reverend Mr. Williams's acceptance, and which she hopes he received, one of the copies on royal paper, gilt, &c. (so decorated for some Lords Spiritual and Temporal,) of Dr. Berkeley's famous long smothered sermon, preached at Lambeth Palace Chapel, at the consecration of his beloved old friend Bishop Horne, which she solemnly promised Dr. Berkeley on his death bed, at his earnest in­junction, should be published.

The Editor, as perhaps she may have before mentioned, never had any very great dread of the disapprobation of sin­ful mortals like herself; and, as she one day said to her beloved partner, ‘"the removal of her dear Son had anni­hilated that little fear."’ If she can approve her conduct to what Dr. Young, with his wonted energy, terms ‘"the God within us, and to God in heaven;"’ she little re­gards the censures of any Prelates or Potentates on earth. [Page cccxxi] This non chalance of the opinion of, what is called, the WORLD, she by no means recommends to young persons of either sex, or to mothers who have daughters that they wish to marry off; tout au contraire, she dehorts them from it. A proper respect for the then WORLD, she is persuaded, did, in the last century, prevent some of our great-grand­mothers being exhibited at Doctors Commons, and before the House of Peers. To be sure, they had also a little fear of a great PERSONAGE, that our modern belles and beaux, many of them, never even heard of from their wise, pru­dent parents.

The late excellent Lady [...] once said to the Editor, ‘"My father and mother were what the world called mighty good sort of people; and yet I do declare, neither of them ever mentioned any thing of religion to me, nor ever even told me that I had a soul to be saved."’ Upon the Editor's saying, ‘"they must have done it, but you have forgotten it;"’ she reddened with anger, and answered, ‘"No, no; you are the only human being that ever talked to me on the subject of religion."’ Her father lived till she was twenty-three, her mother until she had a grand­child of this daughter marriageable. The minister of her father's parish was what the world termed a very good cler­gyman; probably he had not studied, he must have redde, as it is a Sunday lesson, the thirty-third chapter of the pro­phet Ezekiel.

[Page cccxxii] The once gay (as vicious is too frequently termed) Lord Holland, in his account of himself, written a little before his execution, praises the wonderful mercy of God in the following words: ‘"Oh! the astonishingly gracious mercy of God, that I should owe my salvation to a child * of my OWN—I who have so sadly neglected the instruction of my children and servants in piety and the knowledge of God. I always did take care to have a good chaplain in the house to read prayers daily, and instruct my children and my servants in religion; BUT I OUGHT also to have done it myself, as ehildren attend much more to what comes from a parent, than from others not so interested for them,"’ &c. &c.

The Editor, some years ago, returning from Scotland to Canterbury, amused herself with visiting every nobleman's house in her road, or that did not take her too far out of her road, to view the fine pictures, &c. She saw a chapel at every one, and constantly said to the attending servant, ‘"I suppose that you have prayers here every day."’‘"No, Madam, never."’ Here must be excepted the chapel at [Page cccxxiii] Alnwick Castle. The question asked, was answered by the sensible obliging Mrs. Carr, the housekeeper: ‘"O yes, Madam, every day, excepting Sundays, when his Grace (the late Duke of Northumberland) always goes, attended by all the family, to the parish church."’ His Grace's children and servants will not rise in judgement against him at the LAST GREAT DAY, when every PEER, as well as every PEDLAR, must meet every Servant they have ever had under their roof. May they do it with joy, and not with grief!

The reason assigned by God for his regard of an holy Patriarch was, ‘"For I know Abraham, that he will com­mand (not civilly desire) his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD,"’ &c. The LORD printed in capitals always implies [...]‘"It is great pity, as sweet Dr. Watts observes, that our transla­tors have not always translated it, as in some few places, Jehovah."’ It would have prevented the writing of many volumes and much cavilling. Let them divert themselves with cavilling as long as they can—there are no Socinians or Arians in HELL. Let the honest ones among them read Mr. Hawtry, and the astonishingly curious treatise of the late very learned Reverend Meredith Jones, chaplain to the present father of the Bench, the Reverend Sir William Ashburnham, Lord Bishop of Chichester, whose exquisitely polite, amiable attentions to the late Dr. Berkeley were [Page cccxxiv] were ever so gratefully felt by him, that he constantly brought his Lordship's letters to the Editor to preserve carefully.

After an absence of some months from England, on his return, Mrs. Berkeley said to her Son, ‘"Oh! my dear Berkeley, I can introduce you to the most delightful of women."’

Mr. B.—‘"Pray, my dear Madam, do it then; for you know how much I admire a woman of superior under­standing; and I am sure, if she was not such, although you never despise those who have not, you would not style her delightful."’

Mrs. B.—‘"She has indeed; and it is so cultivated, and so wonderfully well informed, by much travelling; so highly polished, and withal 'bears her faculties so meekly,' as your idol Shakspeare speaks, that you will be in raptures with her."’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, my dear Mother, who is she?"’

Dr. B.—‘"Why she is a Jewess. You know I often tell your Mother, that she has friends amongst 'Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics.'’ (See one of the Good Friday Col­lects—alluding to Mrs. Berkeley's having one beloved friend, alas! who believes not in God, some Roman Ca­tholic, [Page cccxxv] and some Presbyterian friends.) ‘"She has really now a Jew friend, and a most pleasing woman she is."’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, but her name, my dear Sir. Who knows but I may make up to her, convert her to Christi­anity, and marry her; for, to be sure, she is rich, being a Jewess."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Marry her; why, although the Levitical Law allows of polygamy, much as you and I have both studied it, I do not find that it allows the ladies to have a plurality of husbands. That is only allowed to one cast in the East Indies, where the woman is allowed four, who all, like wise men, vie with each other, who shall be most assiduous, most agreeable, present her the best gifts; whilst we European women, that is, some few old fashioned creatures, are studying perpetually how to please our husbands, as that horrid old fashioned writer, St. Paul, directs, 'The woman that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband."’

The wonderfully witty sister of the Editor often says, ‘"Aye, aye, it might be so in St. Paul's time; but their care now, seems to be to please every man but their husband; and he, poor soul, is left to please himself as well as he can. Well, well; there must be a reckoning for it some time hence, poor silly creatures!"’

[Page cccxxvi] Mrs. Berkeley told her Son, that if he was ambitious of uniting himself with a descendant of the Father of the Faithful, the FRIEND OF GOD,—delightful title which all should strive to merit—all who do strive in earnest may at­tain—he must look out for himself; for that her lovely friend had been many years the happy wife of the sensible, learned, highly accomplished, throughly polite Raphael Brandon, Esquire.

Mr. Brandon writes English as correctly, and very much more elegantly, than many eminent English scholars. The Editor has letters of this gentleman's carefully preserved, that prove the truth of this assertion; she expressing some surprize at it, was told by Mr. Brandon, that on his coming from Portugal to England, at about seventeen, the master appointed to teach himself and brother English, re­commended it to them to study diligently Bishop Lowth's English Grammar, which he has done to excellent effect. The Editor advises all youths, sons of her friends, who are going into navy, army, or the East, unable to enjoy that great, solid blessing of an English university education, to purchase, and study it. Many have followed the advice, and blessed her for it. It distresses one to hear a brave Admiral, or valiant General, speaking as incorrectly as an Abigail.

[Page cccxxvii] The writing the word Jew, brings to the Editor's recol­lection, and she cannot deny herself the pleasure of writing, and, she hopes, some few feeling hearts the pleasure of reading, a little anecdote of Mr. Monck Berkeley, and some Canterbury Jews. About the year 1785, the shop of a very respectable woollen-draper and master-tailor was broke open, and robbed of goods and money to a large amount. Every one was at a loss to guess who had done the deed, excepting the worthy sufferer. A gentleman of large for­tune, of strict integrity, on whom the Editor bestowed the title of RHADAMANTHUS, as apt to say unpleasant things, as his sweetly amiable son is to utter pleasing ones, thought proper to say, ‘"Mr. [...] (the name not recollected by the Editor) had robbed himself."’ This naturally rouzed the honest man, who said, ‘"he must now find out the burg­larian at any rate."’ He immediately procured a war­rant to apprehend his journeyman, who had served a seven years' apprenticeship to him, and behaved himself in the most exemplary manner. He immediately accused his accomplice, a journeyman hair-dresser. They were both examined by the Mayor, and committed to prison. Mr. Berkeley coming home, the Editor at dinner asked him ‘"if he knew this young Jew who had committed the robbery;"’ to which he replied, ‘"Poor creature, he had never committed this, nor probably any other robbery, if he had not been drawn in by a vile rascal of a Chris­tian, as he is by courtesy styled, a villain. It was [Page cccxxviii] moving to hear how excellent a character his worthy master gave of him, until, he said, within these last few months, that he became acquainted with this Christian rascal, when he became idle, and, of course, vicious."’ No human being, surely, ever had a greater dread of idle­ness than Mr. Monck Berkeley; and often, during the lat­ter part of his illness, used to exclaim, ‘"What an idle life I lead! Surely God will, I fear, call me into judgement for it. I do nothing; I write nothing."’

Mr. Berkeley lamented, that, through the stupidity of the then town clerk, the poor creature had not been admitted to bail. After dinner he retired to his own apartment, and consulted his law books. He was to leave Canterbury very early the next morning, in company with his very amiable neighbour, William Deedes, Junior, Esquire, of St. Stephen's, Canterbury, both being obliged to keep term that day at the Temple—Mr. Deedes, that he might not idle away a large estate, which he now possesses and spends most worthily; Mr. Berkeley, that he might get one, as he probably would have done, had it pleased God to have blessed him with health.

About eleven o'clock at night Mr. Berkeley came home, and thus accosted his Mother: ‘"My dear Madam, you must be pleased to promise me, that you will go to-mor­row morning, the minute you have breakfasted, before [Page cccxxix] you go to church, to this poor creature's parents, and tell them, that if they do not retain Garrow to plead for their son, he will certainly be sentenced to death—that Gar­row can and will get him off. I know he has a cause this assize at Maidstone, and if they will give him sixty guineas he will come on to Canterbury. Don't let them hackle with him; for he will not come for a less fee, and I know he will come for that; and I repeat it, and I de­sire you to say, that nothing else can save their son—poor fellow!"’

Mrs. B.—‘"I know not even where they live."’

Mr. B.—‘"Oh! John will find that out for you."’

Mrs. B.—‘"I do not know them; and they would think it very odd in me, an ignorant woman"’

Mr. B.—‘"Odd or even, best of Mothers, if you don't this minute promise me solemnly that you will go, and say what I have desired you, I will take my hat, and knock them up, and tell it them myself."’

To prevent her Son's going, Mrs. Berkeley, though with but an indifferent grace, made the promise, and after prayers the family retired. In the morning, a little before five, the hour the chaise was ordered, Mr. Berkeley crept into the chamber like a zephyr, that he might not disturb his [Page cccxxx] Father, a very bad sleeper, and repeated in his Mother's ear all she was to say. The promise once obtained, he had no uneasiness on that score. The Editor, after breakfast, set off for Best's Lane, where she witnessed such a scene, as (her dear compassionate Son being removed) she trusts, and thinks, no one can ever again compel her to witness.

On entering the house, she saw affliction personified in the figure of a decent middle-aged woman. Mrs. Berke­ley, conceiving her the mother of the unfortunate young man, began condoling with her. Soon coming to the point, telling her who she was, and delivering her Son's message, the poor woman exclaimed, ‘"My God, what goodness! that such a gentleman should condescend to think about such a poor wretch as I am. Oh! may God reward him!!! Well! to be sure, somebody did tell me that a fine young gentleman, one of the Prebendary's Sons, did say, walking on the Parade with other gentle­men, that my poor boy need not have been committed to gaol."’ She instantly rose, and called her husband. On his entering the room, she repeated Mr. Berkeley's message with delight—when, horrid to relate,—what can one call him? not a descendant of Abraham by Sarah, not a Sara­cen, as the descendants of Esau style themselves, that they be not mistaken for the descendants of Abraham by Hagar. he must have been an Ishmaelite, worse than an Ishmaelite; for not only his hand, but his HORRID tongue, was against [Page cccxxxi] his own child; for, in an hoarse surly voice, he said, ‘"No, no; I shall do not such thing; let him take his chance; if he can't get off, he must be hanged."’ Mrs. Berkeley, on seeing the agonies of the poor distracted mother, longed to have said to him, ‘"You will be damned."’ She did, however, re­strain her indignation a little, and joined the supplications of the wretched Mother, elevated with Mr. Berkeley's message into confidence of her poor son's life, now thrown into the deepest despair. Never did the Editor so much wish for a large fortune as at that moment, to have given the mother the fee for the counsel that Mr. Monck Berkeley so earnestly recommended. After finding all soothing utterly in vain, she gave a loose to her indignation, saying every thing that it suggested to her. At length, bidding farewel to this wretched mourning mother, she returned home, without deigning to look at the old father. Much it may be sup­posed he felt this. Not so his kind adviser, Mr. Monck Berkeley. One of the Editor's minor punishments for her children, when young, until ten or twelve years old, was, ‘"You have not behaved well, in so, or so; I will not look at you until to-morrow dinner time."’ This was so keenly felt by her eldest Son, Mr. Monck Berkeley, that he would often, in the sweetest voice, supplicate, ‘"Now do forget it, and look at me a little."’ A proof this, of what the Editor frequently asserts, ‘"That a little common sense, and great steadiness, may rescue children from much cor­poral [Page cccxxxii] punishment, and make a more lasting impression on their minds."’

Compassion carried her, sometimes, when taking her morning walk, to visit this ‘"House of moarning."’ This melancholy affair happened several weeks before the assizes. The wretch remained inflexible, and the poor mother in such a state of despair, as never to wash her hands or face, put on or take off her cloaths, sitting the whole day without uttering a word. At length, just before the trial was to come on, some more powerful orator than Mrs. Berkeley; probably some modern TERTULLUS, prevailed on the old wretch to send and retain Mr. Garrow, who came on from Maidstone to Canterbury; and, as Mr. Berkeley had fore­told, got the poor young Jew off for transportation for life. Some kind Christian neighbour (for she and her children were esteemed by all, as the poor soul justly said, for more than twenty years past) flew out of the Guildhall, and told her the ‘"joyful tidings."’—She started up, fell on her knees, thanked God, went up stairs, dressed herself neatly as formerly, went out to the fish-market, and ordered hom her matters for her family as usual.

Dr. Berkeley, on hearing it, as all the city was talking of it, expressed his astonishment, that the mind could so soon, after such length of time, recover its wanted energy. The Editor, it may be supposed, did not fail to call in Bests [Page cccxxxiii] Lane, and obey the delightfully pleasing injunction of the Apostle—‘"Rejoice with them that do rejoice."’ The worthy woman's gratitude, ascribing the temporal salvation of her son to Mr. Monck Berkeley's judicious, amiably kind advice, in which all agreed, was very delightful to the fond heart of his happy mother.

It is impossible to omit mentioning here, that, in the year 1793, Dr. Berkeley had with him, at Canterbury, Mr. Patrick Satterley, eldest son of the skilful, successful, humane Mr. Satterley, surgeon and apothecary, of Hastings, for whom Dr. Berkeley had taken a lodging, accidentally, at a silversmith's in Palace Street, whose worthy wife was sister to the young man rescued from the gallows by Mr. Berkeley. Mr. Satterley getting a violent fever, and Dr. Berkeley going to him, they discovered that he was the father of their brother's benefactor, and immediately declared that no nurse was necessary, for that they esteemed it their duty to render every possibly attention to any friend of that dear good Mr. Berkeley, who had been the means of rescuing their poor brother from an ignominious death.

Mr. Berkeley, on going to Hastings, was told by his surgeon in town, Mr. Blicke, that he would find a most skilful, attentive, medical man in Mr. Satterley. This gentleman is famous for rescuing persons from ‘"the house appointed, at length, for all the descendant of Adam,"’ [Page cccxxxiv] ‘"Apostate Adam,"’ as good Dr. Joshua Smith styles him, in his "Hickes's Psalms." The aged, he, by God's blessing, on his great medical skill, preserves, in comfortable health, to extreme old age—the dreadfully rash young, who presume to rush, uncalled, into the presence of ‘"the great Judge of quick and dead,"’ by his great chirurgical skill. The Editor knows two thus happily rescued by him; and she knows of several others—one old wretch, the late ***********, the murderer of her amiable accomplished friend, the late Judge Advocate of *******.

Mr. Satterley, presuming to give himself a few holydays, to make a visit to his eldest son, a very elegant amiable young man, at Oxford, of whom he said to Mr. Monck Berkeley, ‘"That young man, from a child, has never done that thing that I wished him not to do;"’ this horrid old monster dismissed Mr. Satterley, and called in other medical aid, who, in one short fortnight, dismissed HIM—to a place whence he will never return, until called to meet the amiable, throughly Honourable Mr. *******. This old monster had prefixed to his name (by birth) that pretty elegant word, which should remind all who possess it, not to disgrace it, Honourable *****.

The Editor is sometimes, by one or two of her gnat­straining, although not camel-swallowing friends, accused of want of charity, in guessing at the place of abode of some [Page cccxxxv] departed spirits; to which she replies, from her old-fashioned book, ‘"The HOLY SPIRIT declares, that without HOLINESS no man, or woman either, however beautiful, &c. shall see the LORD."’ Do you think that General [...], or Mrs. [...], were HOLY persons? The Editor has no doubt, but that many very * good sort of people will declare, that the Editor's Preface deserves to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman; but, if it benefits or consoles one single soul, she will esteem herself happy.

The last time the Editor visited Canterbury, alas! she called on the worthy Israelites, to thank them for their kind gratitude shewn to Mr. Patrick Satterley; when they re­peated to her what they had, as above related, said to Dr. Berkeley. There are certainly some ‘"double distilled superfine elegant"’ CHRISTIANS in Canterbury, who might have learned gratitude from these Jews in humble station.

When Mr. Monck Berkeley was a very little boy, the very respectable [...] Henchman, Esquire, of the India House, losing his worthy father before he was fourteen, was sent off to India. On bidding adieu to his elegant mo­ther, he threw his arms about her; saying, ‘"Farewel, my dear mother; God only knows whether we shall ever meet again in this world. But comfort yourself with this, [Page cccxxxvi] that as I leave you an honest boy, whether I live or die, by God's blessing, you shall never hear of me but as an honest man."’ So saying, he quitted the house; and, from what the Editor gathers from her news-paper, Mr. Henchman seems to keep his charming early promise. The Editor has not the pleasure of being at all acquainted with him, having never seen him since his return from India, The above little anecdote is related verbatim, as it was told to Dr. Berkeley and herself at the time, by their sensible agreeable friend, the late Reverend Humphrey Henchman, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Both these gentle­men were grand and great-grandsons of Bishop Henchman of London. This story was very frequently told to Mr. Monck Berkeley by his Mother, during his childhood and youth, with exhortations to make the same resolution. Mr. Berkeley used frequently to say, ‘"Whatever faults I have, I thank God, and my dear Mother, that I am an honest man."’ He was in truth so; and, it may with equal truth be asserted, a man of the strictest honour*.

[Page cccxxxvii] The Editor has to return her most grateful heartfelt ac­knowledgements for the wonderfully kind, amiable atten­tions of the Reverend Dr. Lynch, Prebendary of Canter­bury, for his incessant unwearied exertions in endeavouring to lighten her heavy business at Canterbury. It was her mis­fortune, not his fault, that he happened to pitch upon the last man in England whom she would have appointed her surveyor, and more particularly as he owed very great obli­gations to Dr. Berkeley. The Editor, some weeks ago, being advised by a printer to apply to a paper-maker, a very rich man, for paper to print off the second volume of Lite­rary Relics prepared by Mr. Monck Berkeley; the sup­plying it was civilly declined. The Editor remarked, that she was sure, before she wrote, that it would, because he was under very important obligations to Dr. Berkeley. The very worthy bookseller, the obliging Mr. Cook, of Oxford, said, ‘"Do I understand you right, Madam?"’‘"Yes, Sir, I have, in repeated instances, since my loss of Dr. Berke­ley, [Page cccxxxviii] experienced it; as, through the goodness of God, I have met with numerous instances of real friendship, where neither on Dr. Berkeley's or my own account I had any right to expect any attention but civility."’ It is impossible for the Editor to pass on without inserting here the name of the witty, worthy William Hey, Esquire, Commissioner of the Customs, for his unwearied exer­tions to serve her: the noble, the angelic conduct of the worthy Mrs. Taylor, of Clarges Street, Piccadilly, an eléve of the lovely Mrs. Catharine Talbot, who had the hap­piness to live with her many years; who, hearing that the Editor (not caring to coin) was in some difficulties, most generously wrote to her, offering to sell out her whole for­tune to lend to Mrs. Berkeley, the stocks then at sixty-five. It may easily be guessed what answer the Editor returned to this wonderful offer—may HE who seeth in secret, reward her openly!—Indeed she has as many friends as acquaintances. Yes, may HE who rewardeth every man according to his works, reward these worthy compasionate friends—com­passionate I repeat; for an aged matron, without a son, although not quite a beggar, may be, very often is, a great object of compassion.

The Editor's thanks are particularly due, her prayers are daily offered at the throne of Grace—may they be heard, and answered an hundred, a thousand fold, on them and theirs—to her excellent old friend, Sir Richard Hill, for [Page cccxxxix] the trouble he has taken, is perpetually still taking, con­cerning her affairs, English and Irish. To the amiable Dr. Lynch, as above mentioned, to the very learned, grateful Mr. Sawkins, student of Christ Church, for literally forcing money upon her, when she could not procure a guinea from Ireland, enabling her to pay a quarter's salary to one of Dr. Berkeley's Curates, who wrote twice before Dr. Berkeley had been dead three weeks. The salary became due on the 21st of December, 1794. Mrs. Berkeley lost her beloved Partner on the 6th of January, 1795, exactly sixteen days after. Dr. Berkeley, whether he received money or not from Ireland, was always most scrupulously, conscientiously, careful to pay his Curates' salary, from the time that he had the happiness at twenty-six of having his beloved, re­spected friend, the very learned Mr. John Whitaker*, the able, the unanswerable Vindicator of Mary Queen of Scots, in that relation to him, as also the excellently pious Philip Gurdon of Assenwick Hall, in Suffolk, both gentlemen of [Page cccxl] fortune; but the idea of detaining a Curate's salary, how­ever rich he might be, always hurt him. It is supposed the worthy man who applied so expeditiously to his relict, conceived that she could not be hurt, but by a pair of red hot pincers.—A young Sprig of Divinity also, too old to have acted thus, whose worthy father ever gratefully ac­knowledged himself under high obliations to Dr. Berkeley on many accounts, pecuniary as well as other, employed a [Page cccxli] LAWYER to write to the Editor, before the interment of her beloved Partner, demanding the payment of—a not very large sum, borrowed by Dr. Berkeley of his father during Dr. Berkeley's Chancery suit in Ireland. The Edi­tor is indebted to the goodness of Dr. Berkeley's worthy old friend, the Reverened the Dean of Hereford, for answering the Lawyer's Letter, and adjusting matters with this grate­ful Divine, who, in his early youth was one of the many quarterers on Dr. Berkeley's wonderful hospitality. Pity to the FATHER of the Divinity Sprig prevents his name from appearing in these pages. The Editor involuntarily ex­claimed, with the antient Sage, ‘"Thrifty, careful of the MAIN chance, as this young man is, I had rather have my dead son, than two such living ones."’ He wrote a very fine letter apologetic to the Editor for his prudence; to which, as she was not by her friends permitted to answer in her own style, when wounded, she never returned any answer at all; and, only laments, that his zeal to recover so speedily a sum, considerably under two hundred pounds, should have reduced him to the meanness of falsifying; as the attorney, however clever, could not by inspiration have dictated the carefully preserved epistle to the Editor, with­out orders from his employer. Indeed he therein says he had orders, &c—Should this Preface happen to be redde by the Curate, or the Sprig of Divinity; if they keep their own counsel, the Editor means not to publish their names, nor to make them known to more persons than their own [Page cccxlii] wonderful conduct naturally introduced them to.—Quitting these prudent persons, the Editor turns to more pleasant ones.

The worthy friends of Mrs. Berkeley, who in that very early period of her affliction visited ‘"the house of mourn­ing,"’ laboured to heal, not to tear open, her deep wounds. They thought not, they acted not, like these two Divines; but, as was most elegantly expressed in a polite kind letter of enquiry to a friend, from Mrs. Trenchard of Hendon's House: ‘"My heart bleeds for those two [...] ladies; before their deep wounds for the loss of Mr. Berkeley are healed, to have them thus torn open afresh*."’ Mrs. Trenchard cannot, probably, translate Greek, nor write La­tin, quite so well as these Divines; but she has a highly cultivated mind, and a most feeling heart.

The names, as above mentioned, are not communicated, because the Editor believes the hasty Curate a really worthy man, although not blessed with quite so much delicacy as the wor­thy daughter of farmer Strange, of Heddington near Oxford, who, about five months after the death of Dr. Berkeley, presented a bill to the Editor for corn and hay. On her coming into the room to receive her money, a pretty con­siderable [Page cccxliii] sum, Mrs. Berkeley, enquiring of her why she had not applied before, as she might probably have been glad of it; with the spirit of a princess, of an angel, she replied, ‘"Good Madam, how could I think of troubling you for a few pounds in your deep affliction? I wonder I could do it now; but I heard you were about to leave Oxford, and I thought perhaps you might not know of this bill; but, if it is any inconvenience to you to pay it now, I am perfectly willing to wait for it."’ May this worthy woman never experience the loss of her good husband, and an only child!

The forming this kind wish for this amiable-hearted wo­man brings to the Editor's mind what occurred many years ago. Walking out one evening, she called at a farm-house, to enquire for some pigeons. The mistress presented her­self. Mrs. Berkeley, wishing to shorten her walk home requested the good woman to direct her the nearer way in crossing the fields. Mrs. Berkeley, not to appear proud, began enquiring what family she had? The reply made, she added, ‘"Ah! Madam, I have thrice known the sorrows of widowhood."’ It had not much injured her health. She was remarkably plump and ‘"well favoured;"’ perhaps she may have suffered the same sorrows again. She might, perhaps, be as great a philosopher as her daughter, who kept a shop in the next parish, where Dr. Berkeley's family bought many odd things, whose daughter, a fine girl of se­venteen, [Page cccxliv] was dying of a consumption. Mrs. Berkeley, one Sunday, at church, enquired after the young woman. On hearing there were no hopes of her recovery, she condoled with the mother, who made the following reply: it is set down verbatim. ‘"Good lack-a-day, Madam, why she and I did not come into the world at the same time; and why should we think to go out at the same time?"’ Probably these good women mourned the loss of relatives, as did a tenant's wife of the late worthy agreeable Capt. Bartlam of Moore Hall. The day after the death of her husband Mrs. Bartlam called to see her, and began condoling with her, to whom she replied, ‘"O good lack-a-daisy, Madam, 'tis a sad thing, to be sure. I have been CRYING all the morn­ing long; and as soon as ever I have ate this bit of bread and cheese, and drank this drap of ale, (a pint,) I must go to it again as hard as I can for my life."’

How often has the Editor seen a table full of company, at Dr. Berkeley's, laugh until unforced tears bedewed their cheeks, when this story was related, and acted by that best of story-tellers, the late delightfully witty Reverend James Hamilton, grandson of Lord Abercorn, formerly named in this Preface. As also, that he spent the whole of the summer at Dr. Berke­ley's, his curate constantly going to Mr. Hamilton's house in Warwickshire, in May, and remaining there until November, in order that Mr. Hamilton might, as Dr. Berkeley used to say, ‘"give him all the time he could spare from his friends, [Page cccxlv] the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, and the fishes of the river."’ Mr. Hamilton, although an excellent scholar, was wonderfully fond of hunting, shooting, and fishing. Dr. Berkeley, living on the banks of the Thames, had al­ways a large pleasure-boat of his own, in which Mr. Hamil­ton, an excellent sailor and rower, was perpetually on the water, alone, early in the morning, but frequently took Mr. Monck Berkeley with him. Mrs. Berkeley, dreading his too volatile agility, feared that, in attempting to ASSIST Mr. Hamilton in sailing or rowing, he might be drowned; notwithstanding her strong opinion, still retained by the Editor, although often laughed at by Mr. Hamilton, that infants, if put into the water, would swim naturally, as well as puppies, kittens, calves, &c. He often urged her to try the experiment on her own little boy. Mrs. Berkeley told him she was not an experimental philosopher, and was terribly afraid he might be drowned, with his garments, not provided by nature like kittens, &c*. begged Mr. [Page cccxlvi] Hamilton to reject his suit, and leave him on the terrass. One day, seeing Mr. Hamilton preparing to sail, [Page cccxlvii] he screamed, ‘"Oh! dear Jemmy, pray take me with you."’‘"No, I must not; your Mamma is afraid you will be drowned."’ Mr. Berkeley immediately walked into the Thames in his petticoats, being then little more than three years old, and pursued the boat. Mr. Hamilton, instantly putting back, asked him, if he was not afraid of being drowned, as he must have been if he had not put back. The spirited little creature replied, ‘"Aye, aye; but I considered, before I walked in, that you would certainly come back and take me before the water got up to my chin, because Mamma would have been so grieved if I had been drowned."’ The same sound judgement and resolute spirit accompanied him through life.

A Scotch gentleman of consequence one day, at St. An­drews, said to Dr. Berkeley, ‘"Sir, I last night saw your agree­able Son as fou with water as most of the company were with wine."’ Dr. Berkeley, who himself drank nothing but water, expressed his wonder at it. Mrs. Berkeley, sup­posing the gentleman was a dealer in the marvellous, men­tioned it to her Son in that way; to which he replied, ‘"Yes, my dear Madam, it is very true; I am often as drunk with water as others are with wine; with this, however very material difference, that when it is pro­posed to break bottles, glasses, and burn chairs, tables, &c. I instantly become as sober as a judge, and have sometimes prevented much mischief."’

[Page cccxlviii] When Mr. Berkeley entered at the university of St. An­drews, one of the college officers called upon him to depo­sit a crown to pay for the windows he might break. Mr. Berkeley said, that ‘"as he should reside in his Father's house, it was little likely he should break any windows, having never, that he remembered, broke one in his whole life."’ He was assured that he would do it at St. Andrews. He therefore made the deposit; the cause of which he some time after learned. On the rising of the session, several of the students said, ‘"Now for the win­dows. Come, it is time to set off; let us sally forth."’ Mr. Berkeley, being called upon, enquired what was to be done? They, with one voice, replied, ‘"Why, to break every window in college."’‘"For what reason?"’‘"Oh! no reason; but that it has always been done from time immemorial."’ Mr. Berkeley sedately replied, that he begged to be excused joining the party: having never, when a boy at Eton, and sometimes with more wine in his head than was good for him, performed such a valiant feat, he should feel himself exceedingly ashamed to be guilty of it as a young man. He spoke so sensibly on the subject, that the practice was from that time entirely given up, and has probably never been revived. The money continued to be collected, as the following little aneodote will shew. A very good kind of man, formerly coachman at Lord Balcarras's, the College Porter, was the collector. He one day told a very intimate friend of Mr. Berkeley's, the young Laird of Kincaldrum, ‘"I am just [Page cccxlix] come from a poor student indeed. I went for the win­dow croon; he cried, begged, and prayed not to pay it, saying, 'he brought but a croon to keep him all the session, and he had spent six-pence of it; so I have got only four and six-pence.' How he is to live I can't tell, for they are very poor."’ Away flew the amiable young Laird, saying, ‘"I must make a collection for him."’ Amongst the students he first met Mr. Halket, eldest son of Sir J. Halket, a beloved Scotch friend of Mr. Monck Berkeley. This charming youth said, ‘"Here, take these few shillings; it is all I have till I hear from home again."’ The young Laird said, ‘"Such an one will give a shilling, and such an one half a crown; and I will make my dear Berkeley give a crown."’ The idea of his saying make, diverted the whole university, who all knew Mr. Berkeley's wonderful liberality to the poor. He soon met Mr. Berkeley, who not only tossed out the crown, but said, ‘"We will make a good collection; go you, Bower, (the young Laird's name,) to the Scotch, and I to the Eng­lish."’ Mr. Berkeley posted home, and made his Father, Mother, and Aunt subscribe largely, as also all the English gentlemen students. The subscription, when closed, was a very noble one. This poor youth was the son of a la­bourer, who, having two fields, about eight miles from St. Andrews, kept three cows; one cow was sold to dress him for the University, and put the lamented croon in his pocket, to purchase coals. All the lower students study by [Page cccl] fire light. He brought with him a large tub of oatmeal, and a pot of salted butter, on which he was to subsist from the 20th of October until the 20th of May, the space of five months, but for this lucky affair of the croon, and the lovely nature of the young Laird of Kincaldrum, as accom­plished as amiable. In what is called in Scotland an high dance, this young gentleman could keep himself more than half a minute—near a minute—in air. No one, who has not seen a company of Highland soldiers dance, can form any idea of it, more than our great-grandsires could of electri­city before Dr. Franklin's time.

The very humane worthy college cook agreed with the young Laird and Mr. Berkeley to provide him a good din­ner of flesh or fish through the session. The Editor is sorry to say, some of his countrymen said, ‘"that it was not quite roight of these young gentlemen to make this subscription—they might be made every day."’

This brings to the Editor's mind the indignation of, she is very sorry to say, a Divine, against her Son at Hastings, for a similar offence. On the arrival of the three hundred French clergy, within two days, at Hastings, Mr. Berkeley said to his friend Mr. Grimston, ‘"It is impossible to let these poor persecuted strangers starve in a foreign country; we must try and make a subscription for them."’ Mr. Grimston, jelon son coutume, tossed down his guinea. Mr. [Page cccli] Monck Berkeley cried, ‘"Stop, stop, my dear friend, not so fast, you will ruin all! No, I will draw up their case, and you and I will set down against our names half­a-crown each; half-a-crown cannot distress any one who has any thing to give. We may give as much more as we please, but set down only two shillings and six-pence."’ They accordingly did so, and amongst their acquaintance got many subscribers. The paper was left at one of the circulating libraries. The following account was related to the Editor by a gentleman who was an eye-witness of the transaction. The door opened, and a stout man entered, saying, ‘"Who is this MR. BERKELEY, that makes himself of such consequence, picking people's pockets for these French ragamuffins? who is he? what is he?"’ Mr. Berkeley, happening to be in a corner of the library, read­ing, rose, and, advancing with a very graceful bow, in the mildest voice replied; ‘"Sir, Mr. Berkeley is a man of no sort of consequence, nor pretends to be of any; but, (quoting the Latin line, 'as a man I must feel,' &c.) he felt it impossible not to try to alleviate the sufferings of these poor unfortunate servants of our Blessed Master; and, as by your habit, Sir, you appear to be of the clerical func­tion, I should have hoped you would rather have forwarded than abused the attempt to relieve their real necessities: no one is compelled * in cases of subscription. Mr. [...] [Page ccclii] (name not at present recollected) the Librarian kindly permitted it to lie here."’ Mr. Berkeley then bowed, and retired to his book again, leaving the oratorical PARSON (the Editor always styles an unworthy clergyman a PARSON) ready to faint with shame. One day, after Mr. Berkeley's arrival at Cheltenham, his family all in the drawing-room, he asked, ‘"Pray, my dear friends, do any of you know Mr. [...], of [...]?"’‘"No,"’ was the unanimous voice. ‘"Well, you have no great loss: I am sorry to add, that he is a Divine."’ Mr. Berkeley then related as above.

Had these poor people applied to this Divine, as they did to Mr. Berkeley, on the death of a French Marquis (whose title the Editor forgets), they had not, perhaps, been as much consoled as they were by a young Lawyer. They came to Mr. Berkeley in great anxiety, to know whether it was possible for him to get the Marquis buried in con­secrated ground. He assured them it would be impos­sible for him or any one else to prevent it; adding, ‘"We Protestants are certainly better Christians than you Papists; for, had I died in France, you would have buried me in a cabbage-garden, or on the ramparts."’ This point settled; the next, ‘"would le pauvre cher Marquis [Page cccliii] have aucune office said over * him?"’Oui certainement.‘"Ah grace, au bon Dieu; quoi, Monsieur, quoi?"’—Mr. Berkeley said he would shew it them. But he went too far, there was not a French Common Prayer Book to be procured in [Page cccliv] Hastings. He therefore most amiably took his pen, and translated the whole of our delightful burial-service into French for them, excepting the Lesson and Psalms, which he shewed them in his Greek Testament and Latin Bible. [Page ccclv] They were in extacies with it. They wished to attend the Marquis to the grave; but feared, as the French ever did, being knocked down by the English. Mr. Berkeley assured them, the English were not such savages. But all in vain [Page ccclvi] was his rhetoric, unless Monsieur Berquelée would ‘"avoir la bontée"’ to walk at their head, as chief mourner for le cher Marquis; which, by the undertaker's omitting to bring a cloak, he did in his Royal Archer's coat. In a letter to his mother, he says, ‘"Do think of your son, marching in pro­cession at the head of three hundred French Priests, as chief mourner to a poor persecuted French Noble!"’

The elegant accomplished Bishop of (the Editor thinks) Avranches, on quitting the house of a very respectable clergyman, who kindly received and entertained him, and requested Mr. Monck Berkeley to visit and converse with him, the gentlemen not speaking French, his gratitude to Mr. Berkeley, for what his Lordship termed his etonante bonté to his poor brethren, and exquisitely polite attentions to him­self, he declared himself at a loss for words to express. He conjured Mr. Berkeley, when things were again settled in France, that he would visit him at his palace. Alas! thou elegant amiable Prelate—thou wilt probably visit Paradise before thou doest Paris,

Mr. Berkeley often mentioned with pleasure the worthi­ness and propriety of many of the three hundred clergy. Not a man would receive a shilling who had brought any money with him: others, who had friends in town, would only take barely enough to defray the expence of their journey to London.

[Page ccclvii] Had the Editor time to look over her Son's letters, she would give his account of the landing of the good old Curate of Dieppe, aged 84; the farewel between him and his flock of sailors. The Editor remembers, Mr. Berkeley says, ‘"There was not, I believe, one dry eye, English or French, on the shore. The good old Pastor is now gone to London. I have the delight of thinking, that GOD will go with him wherever he goes."’

But to return to the subject of dancing, in which the young Laird of Kincaldrum has been already noticed. How delightfully do the Scotch dance every thing but a mi­nuet! The first time the Editor saw her Son (esteemed a very good dancer, having learned in England and in France for ten years de suite) dance a country-dance and cotillon in Scotland, it turned her quite sick. She thought he danced like a ploughman, until some mi­nuets were attempted between the country-dances; which a little consoled her. The next morning she requested Mr. Berkeley to let her treat him with a master, that he might learn to dance like a Scotch­man. The offer was gratefully accepted; and the very able Mr. Jenkins attended Mr. Berkeley every day, greatly to the improvement of Mr. Berkeley, as has been above mentioned, and exceedingly through his kindness, to the finances of Mr. Jenkins, who, just before, or soon after, Mr. Berkeley quitted St. Andrews, by his wise [Page ccclviii] advise, migrated to London, where he attended, by Mr. Berkeley's recommendation, many young persons of high rank and fashion.

Mr. Berkeley made it a point, when at Oxford, and the Temple, to spend every Christmas vacation with his Pa­rents. They, although the house in the Oaks was not pe­culiarly calculated for a ball*, could not bear the idea of Mr. Berkeley's dancing at many of their neighbours' houses, and not seeing them in return. The house could not hold all their numerous acquaintance in and about Canterbury; so of Dames d'une certaine age, as the French speak of a middle­aged lady, none were invited to cards but the mothers, and of course the fathers, of dancing-young-ladies; Mrs. Berkeley, saying, like the old father mentioned by Mr. Addison in the Spectator, that she did not feel it right to invite young ladies to be made WHIRLYGIGS, without in­viting their natural, their best chaperons, their mothers, to attend them. One year a most throughly respectable lady [Page ccclix] said to the Editor, ‘"Madam, I have a great favour to re­quest of you."’‘"You may command me, Madam."’‘"It is, that you will permit me to come to your house next Tuesday, for one hour. I do not wish you to in­vite me to the ball, or the card-party; I know you cannot do it; but I hear so much from every body of Mr. Berkeley's wonderfully fine dancing, that I do long to see him dance; and I never go to any assembly, so that I have no chance but your admitting me for one hour. I will not stay any longer, say what you will, I am re­solved."’

The very worthy Dr. Lambe, Prebendary of Worcester, became Principal of Magdalene Hall not long after Mr. Berkeley's entering there. He happened to be in the hall when Dr. Lambe arrived; and most of the other mem­bers were absent. Mr. Berkeley instantly waited on his new superior, and with his usual polite benignity offered his services in every way in which they could be useful. The Editor recollects to have heard her Son say, that, after certain necessary things performed, and dinner ended, the new Principal asked Mr. Berkeley, ‘"if they ought not to go to chapel?"’ to which Mr. Berkeley replied in the affirmative, if they could get a reader, and muster a con­gregation. The Editor thinks it was either the com­mencement or the end of the term, and that there was only one member in the Hall besides Mr. Berkeley, who, [Page ccclx] she thinks, was the very worthy amiable, now Reverend, Mr. Sloman, a beloved, respected friend of Mr. Berkeley's, who has frequently delighted the Editor by saying, ‘"that he conceived he owed his life to Mr. Berkeley, as did many other gentlemen at the same time."’

A party of gentlemen, many of them members of the Hall, had agreed, that on the first fine day they would sail down the river some miles—the Editor does not recollect to what place, but thinks it was to Godstow Abbey. The party consisted of eleven; and Mr. Berkeley, ever delight­ing to give pleasure to young and old, begged to take with him a lad, son to a lady, a relation of his Mother's, at home for the holydays. Accordingly, on Easter Monday they set out; when they had sailed two or three miles, some accident happened to the boat; the waterman saw it coming, and threw himself out; for which Mr. Berkeley always, when mentioning it, styled him a sad villain, add­ing, ‘"He left the whole number to perish, for he did not know that any of us could swim."’ The boat instantly overset; only two of the party could swim, Mr. Pearce, nephew to the late Bishop of Rochester; and Mr. Monck Berkeley; being both Eton men, they were good swim­mers, and soon escaped to shore, when Mr. Pearce humanely said, ‘"Berkeley, we must try to save them all. Let us go in instantly."’ To which Mr. Berke­ley replied, ‘"If we do, we are dead men, Pearce. No, [Page ccclxi] we must wait till they are more spent, or they will in­fallibly cling so fast, that they will sink us."’ This wise advice was followed. Mr. Berkeley first rescued his little kinsman, as considering himself in some sort responsible for him, as a lad of eleven years old, of whom he had taken the charge. After some little time, Mr. Pearce and Mr. Berkeley plunged in, and, by the blessing of God, brought every one safe on shore. They sent to Oxford for coaches, and on their arrival getting rid of their drenched cloaths, Mr. Berkeley immediately wrote to his Mother, assuring her, that whatever lamentable history the newspa­per might happen to make of it, by the mercy of God, he had still the happiness to be able to subscribe himself her dutiful Son, &c. His attentions to the feelings of his Mother, ‘"for an only Son,"’ were incessant. The Editor had, from his youth, told Mr. Berkeley, that, if he should be expelled from Eton, or get his name entered in the Black Book at Oxford, she was very sure that she should lie down and die of grief, as she and he verily believed she would have done. He would frequently through life say, ‘"If I do so, or so, I shall kill my Mother."’ He is receiving his blessed reward. It may perhaps be said, by those who were intimate in the family, that Mrs. Berkeley was a kind, obliging Mother*. She laboured [Page ccclxii] to be such after the time ceased when she was to be held up to Mr. Berkeley in terrorem, that is, when he grew up to be a fine sensible youth, when, Solo­mon tells us, ‘"a word enters more into a wise man, than a thousand stripes into a fool."’ A very tight rein in early youth, no rein at all after a certain period; no influence but what arises from friendship. The Editor never could conceive, that if a young man, or young wo­man, chose to live single till thirty years old, or till twen­ty-five, or under, that God, speaking by MOSES, or by St. PAUL, meant they should be treated as at thirteen or fourteen. The Editor has repeatedly observed that Irish parents are very apt to suppose, that their authority is to continue to the end of life. The Editor, in early youth, ad­mired and revered the conduct of that wise, worthy Lady, the Duchess of St. Alban's, who, on her amiable daughter, that humblest, sweetest of women, Lady Diana Barrington, [Page ccclxiii] first Lady of the very amiable Bishop Barrington, com­pleting her twentieth year, thus addressed her, ‘"My dear Lady Dy, from this day we cease to be mother and daugh­ter. We commence beloved friends. When you wish to go into public, if I am able, I shall be happy to at­tend you; if not, you have many friends who will."’ Her wise (very early wise) Grace, as the Editor has fre­quently heard her mother relate, and Lady Dy, ever after lived as most affectionate sisters.

One of the Magdalene Hall gentlemen, of the party who had escaped, being congratulated by the Principal, some of them said, ‘"We meant to have gone yesterday, but Berke­ley would not be of the party, because it was Sunday,"’ meaning to divert the Principal at Mr. Berkeley's expence. That worthy gentleman replied, ‘"I honour Mr. Berkeley exceedingly for it. I wish all paid the same reverence to the Lord's Day; it would be well for them; and they will wish it some time hence."’

The dear excellent Bishop of Norwich used to say to Dr. Berkeley, ‘"We all say, that Mr. Berkeley is Princi­pal of Magdalene Hall; and a very good Principal he is. Dr. Lambe's own good sense makes him admire Mr. Berkeley's good judgement and propriety, so much, that we all tell him he may do whatever he pleases."’ Mr. Berkeley certainly used this delegated power most respect­fully [Page ccclxiv] to his excellent governor, and wisely, at least, in one instance. At the time of his entering, every Gentleman-Commoner's dinner cost him every day three shillings and six pence. Mr. Berkeley, although generous as a prince, was a very good oeconomist; he enquired, and found, that at no other Hall or College any thing like that sum was paid, he immediately set himself to rectify it, made all the ne­cessary proper enquiries, then applied to the worthy Prin­cipal, who felt the force of Mr. Berkeley's reasonings, and summoned the Provider of these costly slices of beef and mutton before him, who declared, (meat not then at the frightful price it is now, on Holy Thursday, the 5th of May, 1796, seven pence per pound*,) it was quite impossi­ble to furnish the dinners in the Hall cheaper, without ruin­ing himself. Mr. Berkeley, being present, said, ‘"That [Page ccclxv] would be a cruelty, which he was sure the gentlemen of the Hall would be exceedingly sorry for."’ Then turning to the Principal, he told him, ‘"that, apprehending Mr. [...] (name forgotten by the Editor) might object to the reduction, he had applied to a person, who would be very glad to supply the gentlemen every day with a good dinner at one shilling per head."’ On hearing this, the honest Provider begged some time to consider of it, whe­ther it would be possible for him to do it or not. Mr. Berkeley, a pretty tolerable accomptant, said, ‘"The calcu­lation would be easily made;"’ and requested the wor­thy Principal, that it might not be long delayed, as, not­withstanding his father's generosity in giving him a large allowance, he knew there were several gentlemen who felt the pressure of this heavy daily sconce very inconvenient to them, as well as himself. The honest man returned at the time appointed, to the Principal's lodging Mr. Berkeley, by appointment being present; when he said, ‘"That, al­though he should lose much by it, yet, as he had served the Hall, (he might have added so well,) he did not care to give it up, and would accept the terms offered."’ For this service every gentleman of the Hall acknowledged that they were indebted solely to the wisdom, spirit, and acti­vity of Mr. Berkeley—all complained aloud; but he alone attempted to redress the grievance.

[Page ccclxvi] The good Bishop of Norwich, then Dean of Canterbury, always coming at the two audits, towards the end of June and November, Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley used of course to enquire when their Son talked of visiting Canterbury; to which that facetious, witty, as well as wise, amiable man once replied, ‘"Come hither! I don't know that he can come at all."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Not come at all! What do you mean, my dear Mr. Dean?"’

Bp. of Norwich.—‘"Why I don't know how Magdalene Hall could go on without him. The good Principal loves and admires him more, I think, than you do: he talks more of him, however; and they have a poor unhappy gentle­man * there, who is more than a little deranged at times, and nobody can do any thing at all with him, as a gentle­man of the Hall told me some time ago, but Mr. Berke­ley—he has a method of his own, of soothing and quiet­ing him, and persuading him to do just as he wishes, to the no small comfort of the Hall."’

[Page ccclxvii] This accomplished gentleman, of an ancient family, had very nearly run through a large fortune in dissipation, and, alas! vice. He felt too pungently his then situation; and, contrasting it with what it might, but for his own fault, have been, and the having involved in misery a very worthy lady, it frequently dethroned his reason.

The Editor, when listening to the melancholy accounts sometimes related to her, by her compassionate Son, of this gentleman, has thought of what the wits of that day said of the Bishop of Peterborough's Funeral Sermon on [Page ccclxviii] the Duke of Devonshire, ‘"That a man of sense could re­pent more in half an hour, than a fool could in seven years."’ In that sermon the Bishop says, ‘"that the sen­sations of a man of superior understanding, on seeing the error of his ways, would be so much more pungently felt, that it is an evil and bitter thing to depart from the LORD, than one of less naturally strong, less refined understanding could possibly do."’

Some of Mr. Berkeley's intimate friends used to say, ‘"He knew how to manage every person of every descrip­tion."’ A very intimate, beloved, and respected friend of Mr. Berkeley, a very brilliant genius, whose Elegy on the Death of Dr. Johnson was universally allowed by all the great judges of poetry to be superior to any published on that occasion—this gentleman, apt sometimes to be hipped, had been some time a close prisoner in his cham­bers, declaring to all his friends that he was extremely ill, and in a very bad way. On Mr. Berkeley's arrival in town, every common friend began lamenting the unpleasant situa­tion of Mr. [...]; Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"I suppose he is really very ill."’‘"No; he ails nothing at all."’‘"Oh! very well, then; I will cure him, I promise you, in a few minutes."’ Off set Mr. Berkeley, from Harcourt Buildings, to the King's Bench Walks. On entering, the usual enquiries of health being made, a numerous list of ideal maladies were mentioned, Mr. Berkeley, assuming a very [Page ccclxix] solemn countenance, said, ‘"My dear friend, I am ex­ceedingly grieved to find you so very ill. To be sure, you have sent for a lawyer, and made your will, as I know you do not mean your heir at law should enjoy your fine estate."’‘"Made my WILL! my dear Berkeley, what do you mean? Made my will! Why then, you really think me very ill."’‘"To be sure I do, very dangerously ill."’‘"God bless my soul, I am not ill."’‘"Let you and I go to the Opera directly."’ Up he sprang, rang his bell, told his servant that he must dress that minute, for that he was going with Mr. Berke­ley to the Opera. Accordingly Mr. Berkeley escorted him thither in triumph, to the great joy, and no small diversion, of his numerous friends; for he is exceedingly amiable. The next day, in the Hall, Mr. Berkeley was complimented on his skill as a physician. Another very ludicrous anecdote of Mr. Berkeley's extricating the same friend from a disa­greeable situation, some time after this, might be related. It is certain, that Mr. Berkeley, after he grew up a man, never undertook the management of any difficult affair, that he did not accomplish it to the satisfaction of all the parties concerned. Not long after Mr. Monck Berkeley's arrival at St. Andrew's, he went one afternoon to the shop of the (to St. Andrew's students) well-known Mungo Dick. To his no small surprize, it was shut up. He knocked re­peatedly; at length a neighbour appeared; and Mr. Berke­ley [Page ccclxx] enquired, whether Mungo was broke and run-away.—‘"No Sir, he has locked himself in, he is bating his gewd weef."’‘"A villian, how dare he lock the door?"’‘"He must, Sir, or the neighbours would see it*"’‘"To be sure they would, and prevent it, a rascal to beat a woman."’‘"Aye, Sir, so men always lock their doors, that nobody may ever say they have seen them do it."’ Mr. Berkeley called aloud, and vowed vengeance if he did not leave off beating her. Mr. Berkeley went the next day, and gave him such a lecture, as prevented his chastizing her again during Mr. Berkeley's séjour at St. Andrew's. On the Edi­tor's asking her Son, if he thought he would mind what such a youth as he could say? Mr. Berkeley replied, very [Page ccclxxi] seriously, ‘"I hope he will, for I made him heartily ashamed of himself."’

At the age of nineteen, Mr. Berkeley had the honour of being elected a corresponding member of the Society of Antiquaries in Edinburgh, in consequence of a very accu­rate, sensible account, transmitted to that Society, of a cu­rious quarry of marble, discovered some years ago in the heart of the Highlands. It had some curious particularities, but of what nature they were the Editor does not recol­lect: probably they were not understood by her, although so excellently investigated and described by her Son. She, however, means to present that Society with a valuable antique in her Son's collection.

[Page ccclxxii] Mr. Berkeley was a member of the Royal Archers; and during the war in 1783 a number of Scotch gentlemen of rank and fashion formed themselves into a corps. The Editor thinks they were styled The Royal Edinburgh Volunteers. Mr. Berkeley accepted a commission. They were sum­moned once, if not more, to assist in quelling a riot, the mob being employed in demolishing some mills, when flour was little more than half its present price. This oc­casioned a gentleman's asking Mr. Berkeley if he had thoughts of going into the army; on which he replied, ‘"No, Sir; I am much indebted to the wisdom of my Fa­ther, who would not suffer me to enter on a military or naval life, when I was a boy leaving Eton. There is but one thing now that can ever make a military man of me, his Majesty's erecting his standard, when I should feel it my bounden duty to repair to repair to it."’

Mr. Berkeley, in the year 1789, visited the, accidentally, native country * of his renowned grandfather. The atten­tions Mr. Berkeley received in that kingdom from all ranks [Page ccclxxiii] and degrees must have been exceedingly flattering to any man less humble than Mr. Berkeley, who, in a letter to his Mother, speaks thus, ‘"I am indebted to my grandfather for this honour*. I have little merit of my own; but I am the grandson of Bishop [...]erkeley, the representative of Archbishop Usher. I hope I feel as I ought the honour conferred upon me, and trust, that although I cannot equal, I shall never disgrace, my famous ances­tors."’

That Mr. Berkeley should meet with much attention in the hospitable polite kingdom of Ireland, celebrated, as well as her sister kingdom, for pleasing conduct to strangers, is not to be much wondered at, his Father having the ho­nour to be related to many of the noblesse of Ireland. His [Page ccclxxiv] gratitude was great for the throughly amiable polite atten­tions of the excellent Marquis and Marchioness of Water­ford. His Parents felt it as it merited. The survivor still feels it, as she does the very worthy Lord John Beresford's amiability, for so condescendingly interesting himself in her intricate affairs in Ireland. She must ever retain the most grateful sense of the exquisitely polite condescension of the excellent Lady Isabella Monck, the highly respected mother of the Marchioness, ever since she had the honour of being connected with her Ladyship by her union with Dr. Berkeley. That excellent lady once taking leave of the Editor, on her quitting England, spoke as follows: ‘"As I fear, Madam, that there is little chance of my ever having it in my power to pay you the respect that I wish to do in Ireland, and that your very great attention to all Dr. Berkeley's relations I am sure demands; I beg that, if ever you have any relation or friend that visits Dublin, you will be pleased to let me know, that I may at least have the pleasure of paying them the attentions, that I should be happy to pay you there."’

The Editor trusts that she felt this amiable conduct as it merited. She availed herself of this goodness but once (it is not to be supposed that she would introduce every country gentleman's daughter of her acquaintance, who, being smitten with a red coat, followed the camp to Ire­land) when the sensible, elegant Miss D'Oyley, daughter [Page ccclxxv] of the late Sir Thomas D'Oyley, married Dr. Newcombe, then Bishop of Ossory: the Editor wrote to her Ladyship, requesting permission to introduce Mrs. Newcombe, who, added to her great personal merits, was descended from one of the most antient families in England. On Mrs. Newcombe's arrival in Dublin, to the amazement of all the ton world of Dublin, her Ladyship visiting very few persons but of her own family and connections, and making no new acquaintances at all of any rank she immediately ho­noured Mrs. Newcombe with a visit*.

The Editor had the pleasure of adding much to the happiness of that excellent incomparable woman, the late Lady D'Oyley, whose whole life, from the age of seven­teen, when she married the worthy Sir Thomas D'Oyley, was one continued uninterrupted journey in the path of duty. She lived, alas! to lose the only child she ever had.

[Page ccclxxvi] The Editor, visiting her not long before her death, found her, as ever, resigned and cheerful, much wishing Mrs. Berkeley to see, what she wished, a strong resemblance between her fine little grand-daughter, about seven years old, and her departed mother. There certainly was a re­semblance. Miss Newcombe was handsomer than her ele­gant mother. This young lady is lately married in Ire­land, and, it is said, means to prove her claim to what the Editor has always heard from her youth, that her mother, of course herself, had an undoubted right to, after the death of her two uncles, Sir John and Sir William, both dead childless—the barony of Hook Norton in Oxfordshire; as, the late Lord Dacre used to say, a clergyman on a small living in the vale of Berkshire, whose name the Editor does not recollect, had to that of Berners. How much wiser are the Scots, in many instances, than the English; every al­manac has the list of dormant titles, with this wise addi­tion, ‘"The representative of this family is [...] [...]."’ Surely this is very wise; for an ancient hereditary title is certainly no unpleasant thing for any family to possess, however Nabobs, Slave-merchants, and upstarts, may AFFECT to deride it in words, for in actions they do not, being very fond of uniting their plebeian blood with noble. The Editor will not say, as Sir [...] [...] said on a match made some time ago, ‘"Oh! he has, I find, taken a Rag of Quality."’

[Page ccclxxvii] The excellent Lady D'Oyley took great pains to make a very happy match for her eldest brother, a very worthy gentleman of large fortune in the West of England, with a very sensible, most highly accomplished young Lady, with­out any fortune. This noble, disinterested Lady lived to see the lovely, the only offspring of that marriage, the first lady of [...] Cresswell, Esquire, Member of Parliament for Cirencester, left an orphan by the death of both parents before she was two years old, a beloved friend of the Edi­tor, grow up; adorned with every thing that could render an uncommonly fine, wonderfully strong understanding cul­tivated to the height by her maternal aunt, her more than mother—she had in fact been a more than mother to her half-sister, the young lady's mother, ten years younger than herself—the excellent Mrs. Woodford; who died in April 1795, in very advanced age, at the seat of her other niece, the amiable worthy Lady Guise, at Highnam Court, in Gloucestershire, full of days and full of piety. The Editor laments that it is not in the power of her feeble pen to do justice to the very rare merits of this wonderfully wise accomplished, excellent friend, nor to her own great gra­titude to her, and to God, for having put it into the heart of this excellent lady to attach herself to the Editor (fifteen years younger than herself) when a girl of ten years old. She had, however, then sense enough to listen to the wise advice of this extraordinary lady, as to an oracle of wisdom and prudence, and continued to do so, until she [Page ccclxxviii] bade her adieu for the last time, in 1792, at Highnam Court; trusting to meet again, when the Editor hopes to be as wise as her ever respected beloved friend. Her powers, with regard to the education of young women, were so highly esteemed by the Editor, that she had conjured Dr. Berke­ley to promise her, that, should she die leaving a young daughter, her highly respected friend, Mrs. Woodford might have the direction of her education, rather than her own excellent Sister, whose exquisite compassion for a mo­therless child would have caused her to humour such an one in every thing she wished, and have so ensured a mi­serable life, a melancholy death for her*.

[Page ccclxxix] Last year, a very short time before the death of this revered friend, the Editor had the real pleasure to become acquainted, under the throughly hospitable roof of her very excellent, amiable, kind, old friends, the very learned, sensible Recorder of Canterbury and his sensible worthy Lady, with the amiable, very highly cultivated, and accomplished Miss G [...]l [...]d, neice of Mrs. Robinson, to whom the Editor has been much indebted, for introducing her to the knowledge of a very worthy man, who has been of great service to her in some of her difficult, unpleasant busineses. This young lady one day asked Mrs. Berkeley, ‘"if she was not acquainted with Mrs. Woodford?"’ The Editor replied, that ‘"she had that felicity very early in life, and esteemed it one of the numberless gracious vouchsafements of PRO­VIDENCE, having owed to that dear friend's wise, pious advice, that, together with many other things, she had frequently escaped, the most unpleasing of all reproach, [Page ccclxxx] self-reproach, by having, early in life, left entirely to the All-wise Disposer of events every concern of real impor­tance, never to pray or wish anxiously that events might turn out to one's own wish."’ This excellent lady would fre­quently say, ‘"Behold me a monument of the folly of anxi­ously wishing, praying, for any thing, of presuming to carve for ourselves. I besought God, at different times, when young, to vouchsafe to grant me three requests."’ All were granted—and they have every one brought on me such distress, as I hope all my young friends, taking warning by me, may escape*.

Miss G [...]l [...]d, by some accidental meeting, had the happiness, such she professed to esteem it, to become ac­quainted with Mrs. Woodford, late in her journey towards the realms of bliss. Her wonderful powers of mind ap­peared as strong as ever, the last time the Editor saw her; but her earthly tabernacle was debilitated most lamentably in­deed. For the present, adieu, thou beloved, thou revered, thou excellent Friend. May at least one bright jewel be [Page ccclxxxi] added to thy crown of glory, for the benefits received from thee by thy throughly grateful, affectionate friend, &c. ELIZA BERKELEY.

On Dean Swift's introducing Mr. (afterwards Bp.) Berkeley to the then Earl of Berkeley, it was in this singular way: ‘"My Lord, here is a fine young gentleman of your family. I can assure your Lordship, it is a much greater honour to you to be related to him, than it is to him to be related to you."’ The Earl of Berkeley was then Lord High Admiral of England, the last nobleman who had that ho­nour, which some of his descendants pleaded as the cause of their great pride—some of the uncommonly sensible grandsons of the Honourable Colonel Berkeley. A person, whose name was not originally Berkeley, one day talking to one of the most amiable of those brothers, said, ‘"My dear C [...], what is the cause that you BERKELEYS are so diabolically proud? Is it because, for its great antiquity, no noble family in England has had quite so many h [...]ts and s [...]ls in it?"’‘"No, my dear Madam, no; it is because we are so horridly poor. We are afraid of being trampled upon."’‘"Never fear that, my dear C [...]; no man of so ancient, so noble a family as yours has cause for such apprehension from persons of sense, if it is not his own fault."’ St. Paul, speaking by the Holy Spirit to Timothy, says, ‘"Let no man despise thee."’ It is therefore absolutely in our own power to prevent our being [Page ccclxxxii] despised. It is one thing to dislike to hate, and another to despise. The inspired Writer therefore does not say, ‘"let no man hate thee, or persecute;"’ but ‘"let no man despise thee,"’ is a command given from an aged to a young Bishop. There are countries where, perhaps, the younger Prelates might so admonish the elders to their profit. To the admonisher of Mr. C. Berkeley, when saying, that no persons of sense would despise him, &c. might, had he known it, have retorted the famous Dr. Rock's answer to Sir Edward Holse, Physician to his late Majesty, who, driving one day down the Strand, was stopped by the mob, listening to the oratory of Dr. Rock in his gaudy equipage. Seeing Sir Edward Hulse look out at his chariot window, he instantly took a quantity of boxes and vials, gave them to one of his belaced lacqueys, saying, ‘"Give my compli­ments to Sir Edward; tell him, these are all I have with me, but I will send him ten dozen more to-morrow."’ Sir Edward, astonished at the message, and effrontery of the man, actually took them into his chariot; on which the mob, with one consent, all cried out, ‘"See, see, all the Doctors, even the King's, buy their medicines of him."’ In their youth, they had somewhere been fellow students; Rock, not succeeding in a regular way, metamorphosed himself into a Quack. In the afternoon he waited on Sir Edward, to beg his pardon for having played him such a trick: to which Sir Edward replied, ‘"My old friend, how can a man of your understanding condescend to harangue [Page ccclxxxiii] the populace with such nonsense as you talked to-day. Why, none but fools listen to you."’‘"Ah! my good friend, that is the very thing. Do you give me the FOOLS for my patients, and you shall have my free leave to keep the people of SENSE for your own."’ This anecdote of these two different Doctors was related to the Editor by a medical friend of great eminence, who had often heard Sir Edward Hulse relate it to divert his friends, adding, ‘"I never felt so like a fool in my life, as when I received the bottles and boxes from Rock."’

Mr. Berkeley felt himself much indebted for numberless polite amiable attentions from Lord Durraghmore; for which he was probably indebted entirely to his own personal merit, and the great good sense of that young Nobleman, to whom, should he chance to read this, it may not per­haps be unpleasant to observe, what Mr. Berkeley's Father once said to the Editor, on her saying, ‘"How very lucky Berkeley is, in becoming acquainted with so many learned men, so much his superiors in years and knowledge!"’‘"Lucky; to be sure he is lucky if you call it so, in having an understanding that must make him admired by those who have very superior understandings themselves; that is the luck of it."’ They did not, perhaps, as Mr. Berkeley; who, having dined out in a large company, at his return asked his Mother, if she was acquainted with a young Ba­ronet, [Page ccclxxxiv] whom he named; she replied, ‘"Yes, that she had known his mother very well."’

Mr. B.—‘"I am resolved to become acquainted with him."’

Mrs. B.—‘"Why?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Because two of the most empty fox-hunting coxcombs I ever met with have been laughing at, and abusing him to the company all the afternoon; so I con­clude he is a man of sense and worth."’

Mr. Berkeley also felt himself much obliged, as the Edi­tor does, by the very polite friendly attentions of his Fa­ther's Honourable relation Sackville Hamilton, Esquire, of Dublin Castle. He felt himself flattered by the attentions of the learned Reverend William Hamilton, B.D. who presented to him his very curious entertaining work, printed during Mr. Berkeley's residence in Ireland. In his return from Ireland, by the way of Scotland, he made some little stay with his amiable old intimate friend, Sir William Morres, at his seat in the county of [...] (name forgot­ten). He could not contrive to reach the house of his learned friend, Mr. Taylor of Noan. Several translations from the Greek Poets of this gentleman's were published when he was about nineteen.

[Page ccclxxxv] In a letter to his Father, whilst in Ireland, he says, ‘"My Grandfather and Swift are still remembered with gra­titude in this kingdom; by some their memory is ve­nerated as they merited."’

Mr. Berkeley having been always told by his Father, that Dean Swift was the introducer of his Grandfather when he came young into England, to the learned and the great, occasioned his, from a boy, being a great admirer of that wonderful man, and his so zealously labouring to vindicate his fame in the Preface to his Literary Relics from some horridly false aspersions, and palliating his sad conduct to Stella and Vanessa*. Mr. Berkeley was not in England [Page ccclxxxvi] when that book was published; but a copy, by his order to his bookseller, was sent to every member of his family. On his arrival in England, he immediately paid his duty at his Father's; and, after dinner one day, said to his Mother, that he hoped she had received the Literary Re­lics, which he had ordered to be sent to her before they were published.

She replied, ‘"that she was much obliged by his attention."’

Mr. B.—‘"Have you redde them, my dear Madam?"’

Mrs. B.—‘"To be sure I have, my dear Child."’

Mr. B.—‘"Well, and what do you think of my account of Swift?"’

Mrs. Berkeley, with what her Son used to term ‘"one of my Mother's wicked looks,"’ replied, ‘"My dear Son, it has determined me, if ever I should have a desperately bad cause to plead, to retain you for my Prime Counsel."’

[Page ccclxxxvii] To which Mr. Berkeley, in a sweet melancholy voice, replied, ‘"Ah, my dear Mother, don't say so! I have not defended his wrong conduct: I have only said all that my conscience would suffer me to say in extenuation of it. You know his kindness to my Grandfather in his youth, when he came first to England. It grieves me that you say that I should be your Prime Counsel."’

Mr. Berkeley shewed his gratitude in another instance to Dean Swift. During his short séjour in Dublin, he dis­covered that the old servant, Mr. Richard Brinan, in whose arms Dean Swift expired, was poor as well as aged: he re­lieved him, and ordered his Father's agent to pay him a small sum every month, to lighten the unavoidable suffer­ings of old age; which needs not the aid of POVERTY, to render it unpleasant. Dr. Berkeley continued this annuity, as does the Editor; at least, she trusts, that the poor man receives it, as she sees it constantly in her accounts; she hopes, for his sake, it is not as difficult to get a small sum paid in Ireland, as it is to get any sum out of it.

It has, perhaps, been before mentioned, that Mr. Berke­ley resembled his unworthy Mother in never forgetting a favour received, and his lovely self in never remembering an injury done to himself. Any done to his Father he would not pardon, as too plainly appeared in his "Siege of Rhodes," [Page ccclxxxviii] which the Editor never saw until it was printed, or she had certainly made it a point with her obedient Son; as in another instance, where only themselves were concerned, not many months before his death, saying, ‘"Here I stand, my dear Madam, ready to obey whatever you shall be pleased to command."’ The [...] of [...] had certainly treated Dr. Berkeley like a [...]; and Mr. Berkeley ever now and then threatened him. Dr. Berkeley used to say, ‘"The man that can act as he has done, is beneath your notice; do not soil your paper with such a [...]."’ Mrs. Berkeley begged him off, on account of his worthy family, with whom in her youth she had been acquainted. Mr. Berkeley used to say, ‘"No man shall maltreat my Father whilst I can hold a pen, any more than asperse my Mother's fame whilst I wear a sword."’ Mr. Berkeley used laughingly to tell a very intimate friend of his, ‘"You are so apt to boast of being will with the ladies of all ages and all descriptions, that I am sure the only thing that prevents your hinting that my Mother is partial to you is, that you know I would run you through the body immediately."’ Had Mr. Berkeley lived to read the grateful mention of his Father in the curious life of Bishop Horne, he had certainly resented it as it merits to be resented. Dr. Berkeley was a too generous friend to numbers, whose present pride and covetousness has quite obliterated from their minds the poverty from which the amiable generosity of Dr. Berkeley long since rescued them. [Page ccclxxxix] HE is gone to receive his reward: THEY must in due time follow to receive theirs.

It has been mentioned, that Mr. Berkeley, in his first nove, "The Generous Rustic," has shewn his love and gra­titude to the French friends of his early youth. In his se­cond, "The Spanish Memoirs," many of the characters are the real ones of English and Scotch friends and acquaint­ance. In that of Father Alberto, the reader is made ac­quainted with the very sensible, highly accomplished, won­derfully entertaining, polite, pious, Bishop Geddes, who had spent many years as a Bishop in New Spain, and has often delighted the Editor, when visiting at Dr. Berkeley's, with accounts of the wonderfully affectionate, respectful attachment the amiable Peruvians still retain for their Inca and his royal progeny, supplying him with fish, venison, game, &c.; and the stratagems the Spaniards were obliged to employ to convey the then Inca from New to Old Spain, where he is a grandee. His two sons hold considerable rank in the King of Spain's guards; they are fine young men, although one draws a sigh over their reversed fortune. They are, perhaps, happier to guard, than to be guarded. The Editor has often listened with delight to accounts of conver­sations related to have passed between the Inca and himself tête à tête in old Spain, al hough the Inca is not a man of very shining abilities, perhaps, for politic reasons, very little [Page cccxc] cultivated. He was not dead to what he was, nor to what he ought to have been.

This excellently wise, mild Prelate, by the great wisdom of the then Pontiff, replaced the flaming Popish Bishop, who presided over the Roman Catholics of Edinburgh, when the zeal of John Knox's disciples burned down the chapel, to the great distress of the amiable liberal Dr. Robertson, the worthy witty Dr. Webster, father of the excellent Colonel Webster, the agreeable Dr. Carlyle, and many other worthy Scottish ministers of Edinburgh. On that occasion the zealots of the party exhibited a caricature print, of which the Editor has a copy, of Dr. Johnson's beloved "Willy Robertson," with the triple crown on his head, a label, &c. &c. May that sensible, agreeable head be now more suitably crowned!

Mr. Berkeley's superiority of understanding led him to feel great gratitude for Bishop Goddes's devoting so much of his time to Mr. Berkeley when in Edinburgh in vacation time. He felt that it was condescension in a very learned man of between fifty and sixty, to say to a youth of nineteen, ‘"Whenever you please, Sir, visit me at all times; I shall be most happy to see you, to give you any information you may wish that I am capable of affording."’ The Edi­tor is aware, that persons may say, ‘"Oh! that was to [Page cccxci] make a Papist of him*."’ Bishop Geddes very soon dis­covered, before he had ever seen Mr. Berkeley, only an anonymous piece of his, without the least clue to find out the Writer—‘"This is written by a very uncommon genius indeed, be he whom he may."’—The Duke D'Arundina, Mr. Berkeley told the Editor, was the late Earl of [...]; whom Mr. Berkeley never forgave for turning his own un­fortunate nephew, his brother's son, from his door. The amiable Miss [...], daughter of Lord [...], told Mr. Monck Berkeley, that the poor unfortunate young gentle­man's father was at Lord [...]'s, when his only son was chased from the door. The Editor hopes that the young Lady had been misinformed, as he was an highly respected friend of Dr. Berkeley and the Editor. Alas! alas! that parents would consider, in their anger against their perhaps ill-educated offspring, how will this action appear to me when I come to lie on my death-bed. God himself says, ‘"Oh! that they were wise, that they would consider their latter end."’—But most, so far from considering it, banish it from their mind, lest it should make them melancholy. This ill-fated young gentleman reached a wretched ale-house [Page cccxcii] in Northumberland, and there ended his miserable mortal pilgrimage. There is a day coming ere long, when the Edi­tor thinks she would, of the two, rather choose to be the poor, very weak, shatter-brained nephew, than the sensible, solemn, pompous uncle, who is well characterized in the person of the Spanish Don (Duke). Oh! that parents and near relatives, whom God has blessed with understanding, had some compassion on those to whom he has not been so gracious, and consider that there are very many who want guardians through life; and the father and mother of a shatter-brained man, or simple daughter, should look out for a proper guardian in a wise husband or wife, like the late Mrs. [...] of [...] [...], who soon after the death of her excellent husband, said to her very un­commonly sensible daughter, a very old friend of the Edi­tor, ‘"We must now cast our thoughts about for some very sensible young lady of small fortune, who will take your brother; or else, before we have left [...] [...] six weeks, either the cook or the dairy maid, whichever has most cunning, will marry him."’ The plan was pur­sued. He lived some years a very happy respectable life, with one of the sensible daughters of the worthy Sir [...] [...], Bart. His son does not squander the six thousand pounds per annum, which the wisdom of his grandmother (esteemed a stingy woman, because she paid her bills regularly,) rescued from Molly Dairy, and entrusted to the wise management of Miss [...] [...].

[Page cccxciii] The unfortunate young man, driven from the door, was once very desirous to have married the daughter of a clergy­man, a Dignitary of the Church of [...], well educated, but no great fortune. The joy of his mother on its being prevented was so great, as to occasion Dr. Berkeley's calling her FOOL, and saying she would live to repent it. It is hoped she did, for she must meet her injured son at the last great day.

Mention has been made before, of Mr. Berkeley's being sent, when he was little more than six years old, to town, to get a tooth inspected by that very honest dentist, the late Mr. Hemmet, who happened to be out of town. The amiable friend who took the charge of him said, ‘"Well, we will go to Mr. Beardmore, or some other emi­nent man."’ To which Mr. Berkeley replied, ‘"No, Sir; if you please, I will go to no other; for I heard my Mamma tell you, that Hemmet was the best; and I am sure SHE knows; and I will go to him."’ This occa­sioned his being detained a few days longer in town; and his wise kind host, fearing that a child, who lived all day in the open air, might suffer in town, sent him every day to walk in the Park with his own worthy careful valet de chambre. This man, happening to be intimate with the gentleman of the late excellent Lord Berkeley of Stratton, one day, in returning from the Park, called in Berkeley Square with Mr. Berkeley in his hand, who, of course, [Page cccxciv] went into the steward's or housekeeper's room, where his sweetly engaging manners soon so won the hearts of all present, that they asked his kind guardian permission to lead him up, to shew him to Lord Berkeley and the excel­lent Mrs. Anne Egerton. He was introduced as the little grandson of the great Bishop Berkeley. His noble relation was charmed with the great good sense and propriety of the little man; and, after he had been there a short time, his sensible guardian telling him it was time to go home, he rose, made a very graceful bow* to the Lady, and then [Page cccxcv] to my Lord, who, untying his purse, was presenting him with five guineas, to buy him a fine horse, saddle, &c. at the toy-shop; Mr. Berkeley having told him, that he had a live horse at Cookham. His worthy guardian stepped up, saying, ‘"I must beg your Lordship to excuse Master Berkeley. He must not take it. His Mamma never suffers him to take a guinea, or a six-pence, from my Master, when staying there for months, not even from his Grandmother or his Aunt, telling him how shamefully mean it is to accept money from any one but his own Parents, when they are at hand."’ This injunction was withdrawn when Mr. Berkeley went to Eton, near an hun­dred miles from his Father's house; that then, if any old friend of his family called, and tipped him a guinea or two, he might accept it; as his Father and Mother had often tipped the sons of their friends. He then declined it, telling [Page cccxcvi] his Mother, ‘"I don't like it somehow, not having been used to it; and John Hayes (his amiable relation) is a good-natured fellow, and will always lend me a guinea whenever I ask him, till I see my Father or John."’ A Gentleman once expressed his astonishment to Dr. Berkeley, that, calling at Eton, to see Mr. Berkeley, he could not persuade him to accept money.

Mrs. Berkeley, having always a dread of her children's being led to practise any meanness, of any kind, never suf­fered either of them to receive any sum, small or great, from any one but Dr. Berkeley or herself: from either Pa­rent they were at full liberty to receive as much as ever their eloquence could extract. The Editor, from early youth, al­ways declared, ‘"However well she might like a smart cap, or elegant gown, that she would much rather wear an old gown, and a rusty cloak, as she does at present, than not pay the butcher, baker, &c. every Monday morn­ing."’ The doing that, in these blessed times of plenty, is hardly sufficient; and such is the shameful selfish covetous­ness of most English traders in that class, that they make those pay to the full as much for their commodities, who pay every seventh day, as those who do or do not pay after seven years credit. In Scotland, the traders, al­though in general the rudest in the world, excepting the Dutch; if you pay ready money, twenty pounds or thirty pence, they always throw you back a considerable discount, [Page cccxcvii] as did always the late Mr. Goodchild, the great linen-dra­per at Charing Cross. The Editor, when buying, at St. Andrews, even a common chequered apron, for ‘"a pure auld gewd weef,"’ value half a crown, has repeatedly had three halfpenny worth of white silk, nicely folded in paper, pre­sented to her by the very worthy, really respectable Dean of Guild Kaye, the first shop in St. Andrews, saying, ‘"Be pleased, Madam, to take your discount; I will not bur­den you with halfpence."’ He had been long enough in England to learn the civility of our traders, not long enough to learn their cunning, of making those who do pay, pay for those who do not. Whilst Dr. Berkeley's family was at St. Andrews, they were told by several of their neigh­bours, that a certain Earl, who has a mansion near Perth, one day walked in, and purchased half a guinea's worth of tea and sugar, laid down the money on the counter, which the grocer took, and put into the till. The Earl asked, ‘"Where is my discount?"’‘" Oh! my Lord, I thought your Lordship had lived so much in England that you would not take it."’‘"NOT TAKE IT! I have not lived long enough in England to learn their FOOLISH customs."’ This nobleman is remarkable for a strong understanding; was educated at Westminster and Christ Church College, Oxford; and, being a most able speaker in the House, would do the honest part of English gentry and traders an essential service, if he could introduce this wise Scottish custom South of the Tweed. The Editor has one Scottish friend, who resides [Page cccxcviii] much in England, who constantly, when he purchases any thing, puts the cash or notes in a paper, writes on it what it is to pay, and constantly keeps it in his desk twelve months, because the English traders will not allow him discount, saying, ‘"that they are a set of rascals for not doing it."’

After Mr. Berkeley grew up, some one, speaking highly, and justly, as he deserved, of Lord Berkeley of Stratton, Mr. Monck Berkeley said, ‘"I am sure he was a good-na­tured man; he would once have made me the happiest of mortals, but for my Mother."’‘"How so?"’ Mr. Berke­ley then mentioned what has been related above.

On which Mrs. Berkeley said, ‘"Bless me, my dear child, do you remember that?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Remember it, my dear Madam; why, I never felt such happiness before, nor ever expect it again on earth, as the half minute that the five guineas were chinking in my paw, until Mr. [...] (the name of Mr. Johnson's valet forgotten) told me that I must give them back to my Lord, for that you never suffered me, &c."’ as before mentioned. ‘"I had, in idea, purchased half the globe with those five guineas. Lord Berkeley said, I was the grandson of a great good man*; but that de­lighted [Page cccxcix] me not, like the guineas chinking in my hand."’

Mr. Berkeley, as well as his parents, had a most affec­tionate regard for his eminently worthy, agreeable, re­spectable, and it may, with the strictest truth, be asserted, [Page cccc] universally respected relation, Major James Berkeley, one of the grandsons of the Honourable Colonel Berkeley; whom, on his dreary journey from Dover to Cheltenham, he was sadly disappointed at not finding at Rochester, he being then in barracks at Chatham, now, alas! abroad, in a situation of great danger. May God, in mercy, spare that best of sons and brothers to his worthy mother, elegant sister, and to his idolizing, beautiful, accomplished lady! [Page cccci] May their son, if he lives to grow up, be, if an officer, as wise and worthy as his father, and as valiant as his mo­ther's illustrious ancestor, ‘"valiant John Talbot *."’ Pro­ceeding on the road between Rochester and Dartford, a post-chaise drove most furiously by the coach. Mr. Berke­ley's quick eye saw it, and said to Mrs. Frinsham, ‘"There goes dear James and his lovely lady; I wish to speak to him."’ His servant, on horseback, endeavoured to over­take and stop them; but in vain, for they out-stripped the wind. He was affected, as he wished exceedingly to bid a last adieu to his sincerely beloved, respected kinsman.

Major Berkeley has a younger brother, a very uncommonly sensible man; in mind, not person, a genuine Berkeley. On the famous 27th of July every man between himself and the Earldom of Berkeley were engaged in actual service. The Honourable George Berkeley, only brother of Lord Berkeley; Captain Velters Cornwall Berkeley, of the Navy; Major Lionel Berkeley; and Major James, above named. Should Mr. George Berkeley marry a Lady with a mind like his own, their offspring may discover what is transacting in the stars discovered by Dr. Her­schel. [Page ccccii] Mr. George Berkeley has, as the Editor used to tell Dr. Berkeley and her Son—they had eyes that could see an insect a mile off. A learned friend of the Editor, not short-sighted, used to say of his Lady, ‘"She can see a crow upon a church-steeple when I cannot see the steeple."’ It must, surely, be very pleasant to be blessed with such eyes. The Editor was always anxious to find out, when infants, whether her children had their dear Father's fine eyes, or their mother's. Both could, like Mr. George Berkeley and their Father, see the mountains in the moon.

This very sensible young Divine once, when staying at Dr. Berkeley's; the Editor, seeing him very careless of his health, said to him, ‘"If you don't take more care of your­self, Berkeley will come to the title at last."’ He briskly replied, ‘"Surely, I think, there are enough of us to keep your son from it."’ The Editor well remembers to have frequently heard her very sensible, agreeable, intimate friend, Mrs. Jones, sister to the present highly worthy, excel­lent Marquis of Winchester, say, that ‘"When he was a little boy of five or six years old, and intimate friend of his mother, used to say, stroking his head, 'Aye, my dear George, this little white head of thine will one day wear a coronet: I am old, and shall not live to see it; but, I promise thee, thou wilt one day be Marquis of Winchester."’ The present HONOUR to that very ancient title was then the seventh from it. The manner in which his Lady's wise [Page cccciii] father recommended it to her, with her vast fortune, to marry Mr. George Pawlett, then a younger brother, does him more honour than even his very ancient title promised to him by the old lady. In this instance it can hardly be urged that prescience is unpleasant; for a coronet, if honourably obtained, is no unpleasant prediction. Yet, how merciful is God! in hiding from his creatures the FUTURE, unless by fore­seeing we could prevent. How gracious was God, in the year 1760, and several subsequent years, in concealing from the unworthy writer of these pages, she then spending from the beginning of May to the end of September at Cheltenham, on account of her dear sister's health, by no means in a dan­gerous state, which must have prevented her enjoying balls, parties, &c.—had it been made known to her, that in the year 1792 and 1793 she should pass as many months of extreme anguish of spirit, and at length lose an only child, one of the finest young men in England, it would, it must, have totally destroyed her innocent mirth and gaieté de coeur enjoyed there above thirty years before.—The Honourable Mr. Finch, great uncle to the present Lord Aylesford, being told by a fortune-teller, that he would die by means of a grey horse, occasioned his living twenty-five years in miserable anxiety; but did not prevent his being killed the twenty-sixth by a grey horse, in a very remarkably odd way, as some West Kent gentlemen have related it to the Editor.

[Page cccciv] Mrs. Berkeley takes this opportunity of returning her grateful acknowledgements to many amiable acquaintances at Cheltenham, at the time of Dr. Berkeley's long con­finement, after the extreme danger of his illness be­fore mentioned was over; who used obligingly to give up the rooms, and afford him the pleasure of their pleasing society; the very agreeable Miss Nevilles; the worthy Mrs. André, mother of the amiable unfortunate Major André, and the delightfully sensible, highly cul­tivated Miss Andrés; the wonderfully well-informed, pious Mrs. Wells of Cheltenham; the Editor's old friend, the very amiable, worthy Mr. De la Bere; the worthy Mr. Llewelwyn; Mr. Fitzgerald, the sensible, agreeable son of an old friend of Dr. Berkeley's; and his very learned brother­in-law's old friend Mrs. Boswell, sister of Lord Bellamont, and the highly accomplished agreeable Miss Boswells.

After Mr. Monck Berkeley's arrival at Cheltenham, little society could be kept up; but the attentions of the worthy Captain Abbot and his Lady at the next door, to prevent extraordinary noise in the house or court, are gratefully remembered; and the unwearied, polite, tender attentions during Mr. Berkeley's short life, and the polite, tender, at­tentions after his lamented decease, of the very learned accomplished Mr. Dunster, and his elegant lady, were most gratefully felt by Dr. Berkeley, and will be for ever registered in the retentive memory of the Editor.

[Page ccccv] It has been mentioned, that Mr. Berkeley never went out but twice at Cheltenham: he had therefore never the pleasure of conversing with Mr. Dunster; which he la­mented, for he was a great admirer of his writings*.

[...] de la Bere, Esquire, father of Mr. De la Bere, died only a very few days before Mr. Berkeley, who felt very sensibly the amiable delicacy of Mr. De la Bere, in ordering only a few strokes of the knell, lest it should affect Mr. Berkeley. Alas! it affected his relations more than himself. He constantly enquired every day what account had been received of Mr. De la Bere; and one day said, [Page ccccvi] ‘"I wonder which of us God will call first."’ He was, through Redeeming Mercy, as before mentioned, prepared for that journey that ALL must sooner or later take. May ALL who read take the advice of our adored REDEEMER, ‘"Be ye therefore ready,"’ &c. The invalids in the elegant houses in St. George's Place are considerably incom­moded by the ringing of bells a considerable time before service begins on Sunday morning.

When Mr. Berkeley passed a bad night, and could have slept in the morning, the noise so very near prevented it. Dr. Berkeley sent to the exceedingly obliging Mr. Edwards, one of the churchwardens, to request that they might ring less time. He most politely sent word, that he would take care that no bell should move through the week, only just one bell toll five minutes before service began.

Mr. Berkeley felt so much gratitude for this favour so amiably conferred, that he desired Mrs. Berkeley would call on Mr. Edwards, and return him his best thanks.

Dr. Berkeley.—‘"I have sent a message of thanks to Mr. Edwards."’

Mr. B.—‘"A message, my dear Sir? No; I beg that my dear Mother will go herself. She will say what a message or card cannot say. She will express what I feel. I therefore intreat that she will go."’

[Page ccccvii] Accordingly, to gratify the amiable heart of her dear Son, Mrs. Berkeley went immediately, and endeavoured to express to the worthy Mr. Edwards how sensibly Mr. Berkeley and his parents felt his kind amiability.

Mr. Edwards, the wine-merchant, had been many years gentleman to Bishop Johnson of Worcester; whose angelic gratitude to the relict and daughter of his earliest friend, when reduced to poverty, can never be forgotten by any who have heard it, and to which he, by God's appoint­ment, owed his wonderful rise in the Church.

The excellent Lady Heskett's delightful society and im­proving pious conversation assisted the Editor much, in drawing off her mind from incessant meditation on the suf­ferings of her dearest relatives. Her Ladyship was a COW­PER. She is worthy to be nicee of the Editor's Mother's excellent neighbour in Berkshire, the excellent Mrs. Madan, mother of the present Bishop of Peterborough.

The poor unhappy female, the infamous Lady Vane, in her latter days, after she had lost the use of all her limbs, took a house in her native Country of Berks, in order to be near a very eminent German apothecary. So extremely was her Ladyship afraid of culinary fire, that she had a machine made to twirl her instantly out at her window, in case of any such accident in the night.

[Page ccccviii] The Editor has been twice awakened out of a very sound sleep to escape from fire: the last time when Wriggles­worth's, the great Inn at York, was on fire. She has no machine; but her garments are regularly every night so placed, by herself and her maid (with her at York), as to be ready for instant flight.

From dread of culinary fire, as Lady Vane travelled down the vale of years towards the cold mansion appointed, sooner or later, for all the daughters of Adam, however beautiful in youth, however strongly varnished in age; her poor Ladyship began to apprehend, that one part of her might soon be in danger of A FIRE from which NO machine could possibly twirl her. The very worthy, witty, agreea­ble Mr. Henchman, Fellow of All Souls, used frequently to ride over to Cookham, and take a family dinner at Dr. Berke­ley's. Some time after Lady Vane had taken her house in Bray church-yard, he diverted all the company present by relating a dialogue that had the day before passed between her Ladyship and his worthy neighbour, the German medical man, who had just told Mr. Henchman how much her Ladyship had distressed him the day before by asking him if he thought it possible she should be saved. The worthy man, in broken English, said, ‘"Upon my vord, my Lady, I cannot tell—should hope that—that—that— God voud not—voud not—I did not know vat to say to her, p [...]ir Lady; she seemed so troubled, so frighted—so I said, [Page ccccix] Your Ladyship had better ask somebody that understands such tings better dan I do. I was quite ashamed I did not know vat answer to make to her at all."’ Mr. Hench­man said, I told my good neighbour, that he should have said, ‘"To be sure it was impossible that the Almighty should think of d [...]g so public spirited a Lady."’ The Editor greatly wished her Ladyship's Parish Minister, or some well­instructed Divine, to have visited her, and have shewn her, that one gracious promise of the Saviour of great, as well as of LITTLE sinners—‘"Him (or her) that cometh unto ME, I will no wise cast out—come unto me ALL ye, &c. &c."’

She was once going to take the high house at Cookham; but, being an absolute cripple, the structure of the stair-case would not admit of her men carrying her chair up and down. If she had taken it, the Editor, having no daugh­ter, and thereby feeling herself at full liberty to visit, or not visit, whom she pleases, declared, to the no small amusement of many of her friends, that ‘"she should infallibly visit Lady Vane."’ Alas, poor soul! she, like most of the chil­dren of Adam, was a self-deceiver, always declaring, that, ‘"had her dear Lord William Hamilton lived, she had re­mained as chaste as Diana."’ The Editor knows, from too good authority, that, for some time before the death of that singularly amiable, worthy, young Nobleman, her La­dyship's conduct had made him often very wretched. He [Page ccccx] was removed hardly in time for his own peace of mind. His stay would not have prevented her sad fall. She had run away from her proscribed father (South Sea Hawes) with Lord William Hamilton; and the Editor has, from her youth, delivered it as one of her maxims, that the lady who will run away with a man, will generally run away from him; perhaps it may be said, tant mieux. There are, to be sure, some few exceptions to all general rules; but, a girl of fifteen or sixteen must be a bold little wretch, to quit a parent's house, and set off with ‘"that persidious creature man."’ It requires some courage to set off to the Altar, led by a tender Parent or kind Guardian—at least so thinks the Editor.

Mr. Monck Berkeley, descended from two men so famous in their generation as Bishop Berkeley and Francis Cherry, Esquire, in whose person all that was mortal of those ex­cellent men ended; neither having now any lineal de­scendant that can carry their eminent amiable virtues to posterity. Should the Editor at any time have it in her power to erect a monument, as Dr. Berkeley intended to do, in Cheltenham church, by the wonderfully powerful chissel of her worthy old acquaintance, J. Nollekins, Esquire, the broken pillar must, alas! compose a part. It cannot, however, be recorded that the light of those two great men was extinguished in smoke. Blessed, for ever praised by the mercy of God, the blaze was brighter in [Page ccccxi] death than even in life. And those two excellent spirits must have hailed with pleasure, on his arrival in the region of happy spirits, the lovely spirit of their last descendant, who, in one respect, a very unimportant one* many may say, excelled themselves—the having had, at least, a faith­ful sketch of his life given to those of the publick who may choose to spend an hour in reading it. Of every attempt of a life of Bishop Berkeley yet published, his Son used to say, ‘"they are lamentably imperfect;"’ when Mr. Monck Berkeley, as above-mentioned, used to regret Dr. Berkeley had not permitted Dr. Johnson to write the Life of Bishop Berkeley.

There are a thousand very curious, very diverting, some very ludicrous ancedotes of that great and good Prelate, [Page ccccxii] that Dr. Berkeley and his Mother used to relate of the good Bishop even from his childhood throughly diverting. The Editor is much addicted to watching children, before either the masque is fitted on to hide, or grace infused to suppress to rectify—the lamentable dose of Original Sin.

The Editor has more than once heard the late Lord [...] say, ‘"that he often pressed a beloved friend of his to marry."’ He at length said, ‘"I have long resolved not to marry, that I may not be the means of propagating a race of Devils."’‘"Of Devils, my dear Friend! Is it probable, that any thing sprung from such an angelic be­ing as yourself should be Devils?"’‘"Yes, my dear Friend, to be sure I do, for I am one myself. All that you and [Page ccccxiii] many others so much admire in me is God's Grace; for I am by nature (and it bloomed most direfully in early youth before you knew me) the most ill-humoured, bad­tempered, malicious, diabolical being, I believe, ever born into the world. I think I must have sprung from the insernal regions. Now, as I am sure, if I should have children, they will, at least some of them, inherit my horrible temper; and as I am by no means sure that the same measure of Grace may be granted to them, as has, through the great mercy of God, been vouchsafed to me; I am resolved to let my vast estate, about which you are so anxious, go to my uncle's family; they may perhaps be better than, I am sure, mine would be. No­thing can ever shake my resolution; it has been long un­alterably fixed. Examine the lines of my face attentively, and you will be convinced of the truth of what I tell you."’ His Lordship said, ‘"there appeared some lines sub­dued of what the excellent man asserted to be in his spi­rit."’ Every one knows how honourably Socrates justified the skill of a famous physiognomist, who, on coming to Athens, and pronouncing Socrates almost every thing that was bad, was treated as an impostor, until that noble phi­losopher declared him an excellent judge, &c.

On the commencement of the hard frost in 1739-40, the Bishop went down to breakfast the first Sunday without a grain of powder in his wig; Mrs. Berkeley, the Chap­lain, [Page ccccxiv] and some company staying in the house on a visit, all called out at once, to enquire ‘"what ailed his Lordship?"’

Bp. Berkeley.—‘"A great deal ails me; for our poor are all about to be starved. We shall have a famine. We shall have a very long frost; and I am sure it has already killed all the potatoes in this kingdom; therefore the poor must depend upon flour; so no powder will I, or shall any individual of my family wear, until next harvest."’

They assured him that it disfigured him exceedingly, and that the men would look dirty. All persuasion was vain. He, during the frost, and until the summer, gave, either in gold or in a bank note, every Monday morning, twenty pounds to proper persons, to distribute amongst the poor of the little town of Cloyne, besides what they received daily, hourly, out of his kitchen and housekeeper's room.

It was a ludicrous message enough which the Bishop re­ceived from one old woman: ‘"Her duty to his Lordship, and she was very sorry that she had not lived better."’ The good Bishop sent her word, that ‘"he hoped she would send for Mr. [...], (the name forgotten,) and talk with him, and lead the short remainder of her life differently."’ She returned for answer, ‘"that his Lord­ship mistook her quite. She had no trouble about her [Page ccccxv] sowle, but was sorry, as she now (in her dying state) got such good things from his house, that she had not con­stantly enjoyned them before, and could enjoy them so short time now."’ It is to be supposed that this good woman's ideas of the joys of Heaven were very low.

The Editor has been often told by a very intimate sensi­ble friend, that HER ideas of Heaven are very high, VERY singular. Such as they are, some of her intimate friends now and then conjure her to treat them, as they are pleased to term it, with HER account of Heaven. She was once brought to public shame for this private conversation; for it is not to be supposed, that the Editor is quite fool enough to cast her precious pearls, that seem to deck her wings for flight to those delightful regions, before such S [...]ne* as frequently surround a drawing-room, or card­table.

A very fine lady once requesting dear Dr. Berkeley and two other learned men ‘"to hold their tongues, that she might hear more distinctly Mrs. Berkeley's account of Heaven, it was so enchanting;"’ this so shamed poor Mr. Berke­ley, that it almost turned Heaven into H [...]l. Dr. Berke­ley, laughing, said, ‘"It is wonderful, how many people love to hear my wife talk of Heaven. She has never been [Page ccccxvi] there yet. But [...] (calling her by her name) knows the Bible by heart from end to end."’ There is certainly much to be gathered from that sacred volume concerning the state of happy spirits, much more than can be imagined by those who do not read it very attentively, and with a view to discover the hidden treasure. With regard to what relates to our salvation, ‘"He that runs may read;"’ blessed be the mercy of God!

A smart young Divine, a relation of Dr. Berkeley's, had one day after dinner a contest with Mrs. Berkeley about a text of Scripture; when he, very intimate in the family, said, ‘"My dear Madam, is it not very strange, that you will contend with me, who am a Clergyman, concerning Scripture?"’ (He was then about twenty-three.) Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"Oh! George, it would be very happy for you, and many other Divines, if they were as throughly acquainted with the Holy Scriptures as that lady is. I fre­quently apply to her."’ The Editor has little other know­ledge to boast of; and that knowledge must, in every instance, EXCLUDE BOASTING; but, had she not some of it, she must have been a doleful dolt indeed; having been made to hear or read four chapters every day of her life at family prayers at her Father's, with her leading-string at her back, (as mentioned in a letter in the St. James's Chronicle near eighteen months ago, combating the learned Dr. Beattie's treatment of his son, with regard to the existence of a [Page ccccxvii] Supreme Being,) and thenceforward until this present day; and, she humbly trusts, to the last hour of her life; besides every day's private reading, alone, some portion of that all-informing volume.

But to return from this long digression to Mr. Monck Berkeley's noble and non-noble* grandsires. The Editor does not recollect to have redde, in any of Bishop Berke­ley's lives, that mention is made of his utterly refusing to inclose the great common at Cloyne, where the poor used to cut their peat, turn their cows, pigs, and poultry; the doing which had nearly cost the present Earl of Bristol his life, he being obliged to be guarded out of Cloyne by an old friend of Dr. Berkeley, Mr. Lumley of Ballymaloo Cas­tle, riding with a cocked pistol close to the CHARITABLE Prelate's ear, declaring that the first man who threw a stone [Page ccccxviii] was a dead man, as that gentleman's mother told Dr. Berkeley in his drawing-room, the Editor being present. It were to be wished that worthy-spirited gentleman, or some as worthy and fearless, had been on the jury who acquitted C [...]ld. How often has the Editor rejoiced to hear her Son thank the goodness of God, that the said support of the poor was not united to his small patrimony by his episcopal grandsire!

No regular life of Mr. Cherry has ever been attempted, as of Bishop Berkeley, to be written. A short sketch ap­peared, in 1782, in Mr. Nichols's "Leicestershire Collec­tions*," where his Chaplain, the Rev. Francis Brokesby, is mentioned. The Irish Demosthenes once did him the honour to say, ‘"It is a shame, Madam, that the life of your grandfather has not been written."’ Mrs. Berkeley once met with a small diverting humiliation, on account of being descended from that excellent man, to the no small diversion of Dr. and Dr. Mr. Monck Berkeley. Returning from her morning walk, clad as usual in the morning (the Editor never wastes the morning in walking but in winter, [Page ccccxix] she being now too tender in excessive cold weather to venture to walk after dinner for health, although it is wonderfully beneficial for those, who, dining at a reasonable hour, at three o'clock, can do it, as the Editor does experience, and has seen in various persons), with a black beaver hat tied under her chin, and wrapped round in a rather rusty black mode cloack, she stroled into Dr. Berkeley's room, not knowing that any one was with him. There happened to be a person more esteemed in the world for his great learning and true worth, than for his title and rank in society. In the course of conversation, Mr. Cherry was named. Dr. Berkeley said, ‘"A relation of my wife."’ The visitor, probably wishing to hear some anecdote of that excellent man, turned to Mrs. Berkeley, saying, ‘"Pray, Madam, do you know any thing of Mr. Cherry?"’ supposing her, as it should seem by the sequel, a distant relation. She replied, ‘"He was my mo­ther's father."’ He started astonished, and said, ‘"What, Madam, are YOU a grand-daughter of the great Mr. Cherry?"’ Mrs. Berkeley, smiling, said, ‘"She had that honour."’ The enquirer's politeness and good sense pre­vented [Page ccccxx] his apologizing, by saying, ‘"Madam, I ask your pardon; I did not conceive that such an insignificant, un­dressed, little being could possibly be descended from the very handsome, noble-looking Mr. Cherry"’—universally esteemed the most completely accomplished fine gentleman of his time. A picture of Mr. Cherry by Richardson is in the Picture-gallery at Oxford*, presented after his death by his lady and daughters.

[Page ccccxxi] The Editor and her Sister have a very fine picture of Mr. Cherry, painted by Riley, in a full-bottomed twenty-guinea wig, when Mr. Cherry was a Gentleman-Commoner of Edmund Hall not quite seventeen years old. This tremendous peruke does not so absolutely disguise him, but that, on attentive inspection, he appears a very beauti­ful youth.

Mr. Cherry married soon after he was twenty. His house, which, at the Revolution, made up seventy beds for the officers and soldiers quartered on him, was the ho­tel devoted to friendship, to learning, to distress.

With Sir Constantine Phipps, grandsire of the present Lord Mulgrave, he formed an acquaintance at Oxford. He was a native of Reading, and went off from Archbishop Laud's school to St. John's College, Oxford. It was a very advantageous connection for the barrister, who, until his ap­pointment by Queen Anne to the seals in Ireland, had no country residence but Shottesbrook House, where himself, lady, three girls sometimes, the amiable T. Phipps, his angelic eldest son, their coach-horses, saddle-horses, and [Page ccccxxii] three or four servants, constantly spent four months every summer.

The respected and respectable friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cherry, [...] Bowdler, Esquire, his excellent Lady and family, grandfather, &c. of the pious resigned Miss Bowdler, author of the Essays.

The seraphic Bishop Kenn* found a second home at Shottesbrook House, dividing his time between the Mar­quis [Page ccccxxiii] of Bath's grandfather's famed mansion*, and Mr. [Page ccccxxiv] Cherry's. Dr. Grabe, and many other learned foreigners, spent much time at Shottesbrook House.

The very learned Charles Leslie was concealed six months by Mr. Cherry in regimentals, not under his own roof, but at an house of Mr. Cherry's at White Waltham, then called the Hill House, now Waltham Place. He went to Rome at Mr. Cherry's request, and at his expence, to at­tempt to convert the old Chevalier de St. George. A won­derful idea to enter into the heads of two so very sensible men, to convert an ignorant Papist, forbidden by his cunning Confessor to search the Scriptures, lest he should see the ALL-sufficiency of Christ to save lost sinners. In a letter from Rome to Mr. Cherry, he says, ‘"It would be much easier to turn the course of the Thames at London Bridge, than to convert his Majesty."’ This Prince's health was constantly given every day at Mr. Cherry's, when only Nonjurors were present. After the death of several of the conscientious non­juring Bishops, the few remaining pious nonjuring Prelates, who were anxious not to continue the schism in the excel­lent Church of England, and all the pious Nonjurors agreed, throughout the kingdom, to go to their respective parish churches on the same day, always taking care to avoid praying for the Queen as Queen.

The Editor has frequently heard her Mother laugh at the different dispositions of Mr. Cherry and his friend Mr. [Page ccccxxv] Dodwell. Every time during the service that the Queen was prayed for, her Father rose from his knees, (fine gentlemen kneeled to God in those old-fashioned times—the Editor hopes they will take to it again, to distinguish them from the profane ladies of these times, who almost all now sit when they should kneel, although they do not worship—alas! for them, poor souls!), and stood up facing the congrega­tion. Mr. Dodwell used to slide off his knees, and sit down upon his hassock.

Mr. Cherry, a native of Windsor Forest, was, to the end of his life, perhaps the keenest stag-hunter in England, esteemed to ride better than any man in the kingdom, al­ways in at the death of the deer. He had one hunter, a very fine iron grey, an entire, who never suffered any one to mount him but Mr. Cherry. The groom was always obliged to lead him to water. He once, crossing Maiden­head Bridge, got himself and master half over the rails, and there remained, no one daring to go near; all trembling for Mr. Cherry, the idol of Berkshire. Boats in abundance put out, to endeavour to save him, when this spirited beast should throw him off. In that tremendous situation he remained near a quarter of an hour, and then got the beast on the bridge again*.

[Page ccccxxvi] Archbishop Potter told the late Archdeacon Dodwell the following anecdote of his father's excellent friend.

‘"King William, who valued himself much on his horse­manship, was frequently mortified by hearing his courtiers admiring Mr. Cherry's wonderful skill in riding, and re­solved at length that he would follow Mr. Cherry every [Page ccccxxvii] where. After some days, Mr. Cherry, finding that it was not chance that constantly kept his Majesty just behind him, determined to try to serve his, as he conceived, lawful Sovereign, by breaking the neck of the Usurper. He went over many very dangerous places. The King, excel­lently mounted, and a very good horseman, still followed. One day, when the stag took the soil, Mr Cherry instantly plunged into a frightfully deep and broad part of the Thames. The King went to the brink, looked, and looked again, then shook his head, and retired. His Majesty thought the actual possession of three kingdoms better than the fame of being as good a horseman as Mr. Cherry, thus yielding the palm to Mr. Cherry. He never followed him afterwards, to the great comfort of his Majesty's attendants."’ The late Sir Robert Gayer*, of [Page ccccxxviii] Stoke Park, near Windsor, absolutely refused to let King Wil­liam in to see his house, his Majesty waiting in his coach at the door—poor Lady Gayer supplicating—His answer, ‘"No, he is an Usurper. Every man in England is King in his own castle. He shall not come in."’ So his Majesty re­turned to Windsor, and died without seeing Stoke House.

[Page ccccxxix] During the reign of King William, Mr. Cherry always on hunting days rode up to the Princess of Denmark's ca­lash, (the chaise in which her Royal Highness hunted was so called,) to pay his respects. The Princess admired his conversation, his uncommonly fine understanding, and ex­quisitely high breeding, as politeness (now said to be HOR­RIDLY old fashioned*) was termed in those AWKWARD [Page ccccxxx] days. On her obtaining a crown, she lost the conversation of Mr. Cherry, who was too correctly well bred to think of approaching that throughly respectable Princess to insult her; and no bribe could ever have induced him to ac­knowledge himself her subject, whilst her father and brother [Page ccccxxxi] were living; Mr. Cherry took great pains, as far as the oath of a woman of the bed-chamber to King James's Queen could ascertain it, to be fully convinced that the Chevalier de St. George was actually produced by his Queen. The oath of the facts to which the lady swore was care­fully preserved by Mr. Cherry; and accordingly, the first day that her Majesty hunted after her accession to the throne, Mr. Cherry kept aloof from Royalty. Her Majesty called to her officer, known in those days by the name of the Bottle-man, saying,

‘"Peachy, if my eyes do not deceive me, I see Mr. Cherry upon the field."’

Peachy.—‘"Yes, please your Majesty, he is yonder."’ (pointing with his whip.)

The Queen.—‘"Aye, he will not come to me now. I know the reason. But go you, and carry him a couple of bottles of red wine and white from me; and tell him, that I esteem him one of the honestest gentlemen in my dominions."’

The Editor, although not so nobly descended as her be­loved Partner, sometimes feels a momentary pleasure in knowing she is descended from honest ancestors; and the character always given by the sensible, elegant, lovely Mrs. Sheeles of the Editor and her sister, when girls at school, [Page ccccxxxii] was, ‘"They are honest to the bone *; they have no deceit in them."’

When Mr. Monck Berkeley sometimes saw persons acting polite deceits, he used to say, ‘"Well, whatever faults I have, thank God and my Mother, I am at least an honest man."’ A very witty friend of the Editor's youth, well known in the world for his bons mols, now no more, used to say, when men of a certain rank in the world acted like scoun­drels, ‘"Well, he will not be hanged; for no poor wretch ever goes to the gallows, whose confession does not begin, That he was born of poor, but HONEST parents."’

But to return to Mr. Cherry. He did not return his duty to a Sovereign he did not acknowledge as such; he [Page ccccxxxiii] requested Mr. Peachy to present his very humble respects and best thanks to his (Mr. Peachy's) Mistress, for the high honour conferred on him. The favour was frequently re­peated.

Mr. Cherry died just one year before the Queen. After the Rebellion in 1715, Mrs. Cherry in her coach, with her two daughters, driving down Ludgate Hill, met several coaches filled with the unfortunate gentlemen who had been in the Rebellion returning to Newgate after their sentence: she exclaimed, ‘"Oh! my dear girls, bless the goodness of God, that your excellent father is dead, or he had been amongst those unhappy men; for, I am sure, he would never have worn a sword without drawing it in this cause; and he would certainly have been hanged."’

King William sent repeated offers of any thing, and every thing, to Mr. Cherry, if he would go to Court, and take the oaths. Queen Anne, it should seem, was too well acquainted with Mr. Cherry to make him any such offers, She shewed her esteem for that throughly honest man in other ways.

A considerable part of Mr. Cherry's very large estate lay in Windsor Forest. It is to this day a lucky circumstance for the beautiful county of Berks, that Mr. Cherry's won­derfully [Page ccccxxxiv] acute father, when in the country, resided there rather than at his estate in Surrey.

On the first laying on the land-tax, meetings were called by the Sheriffs in every county in England. At Reading, nearly central, always the county town, until the old Lord Harcourt contrived to get electors and jurymen dragged down to Abingdon, the last town—parish—in the county—At Reading the whole county met, and were harangued by a ministerial orator, telling them ‘"that the tax was only to be levied ONE year, and every gentleman and yeoman was to give in the full value of his own estate."’ Some few of the gentlemen, zealous friends to the new government, (for Berks was always an honest Tory county) and others from motives of vanity, gave in the value of their estates more than double, saying, ‘"Come, let us do the thing handsomely, generously."’ When an entry was about to be committed to paper, that * acutest of barristers stepped forth, requesting to be heard a few words. His oratory was different from that of many modern barristers; it was [Page ccccxxxv] rather laconic. The Editor remembers to have heard it often repeated, always applauded, since she was seven years old.


"We are told, that this tax is laid on for only one year. It is POSSIBLE it may be taken off at the expiration of the year; but it is much more probable, that our great­grandchildren may see it trebled, and then they will not bless the wisdom of their forefathers in having so greatly over-rated the value of their estates, as, I well know, many of you have done."

The great-grandsire of the present Lord le Despenser cried out, ‘"Mr. Cherry speaks like an Oracle. I am sure, in my hurry, I have given in my estate too high."’ It lay in what is called the antient demesne of Bray; and the Edi­tor has frequently heard her Mother say, that Sir William Paul's * estate at Bray was then called a good four thousand [Page ccccxxxvi] pounds per annum. Almost every other gentleman fol­lowed Sir William Paul's example, and all gave in their estates much under par, many not half their real value; by which means Berkshire is, next to Yorkshire, said, by those who have really investigated that matter, to be the lowest taxed county in England; and accordingly it is, in the upper part of it, Windsor, Maidenhead, &c. the dearest, the farmers, butchers, gardeners, mealmen, &c. the most covetous and griping any where to be met with.

[Page ccccxxxvii] Mr. Cherry's great-great-grandson, George Monck Berke­ley, Esquire, lived to see, although not to feel, in his own person, (his Mother and Aunt, alas! surviving him,) the fulfilment of his grandsire's prediction.

The Editor, having trespassed too long on the Public with her own imbecil pen, in order to make some amends, presents her readers with two letters from very superior pens, the two abovenamed great and good men from whom Mr. Monck Berkeley had the honour to be descended; one from Bishop Berkeley on the death of his favourite Son, the other from Mr. Cherry to his Lady, ordering his own interment.


My dear Lord,

I was a man retired from the amuse­ment of politics, visits, and what the world calls pleasure. I had a little friend, educated always under mine own [Page ccccxxxviii] eye, whose painting delighted me, whose * music ravished me, and whose lively gay spirit was a continual feast. It has pleased God to take him hence. God, I say, in mercy, hath deprived me of this pretty, gay plaything. His parts and person, his innocence and piety, his par­ticularly uncommon affection for me, had gained too much upon me. Not content to be fond of him, I was vain of him. I had set my heart too much upon him, more perhaps than I ought to have done upon any thing in this world. Thus much suffer me to say in the overflowings of my soul, to say to your Lordship, who, [Page ccccxxxix] though distant in place, are much nearer my heart than any of my neighbours.

Adieu, my dear Lord; and believe me, with the utmost esteem and affection,
your faithful, humble servant, G. CLOYNE.
Uncertain whether it is addressed to Lord Egmont or to Bishop Benson. This letter, as well as Mr. Cherry's, is borrowed from amongst those of Potentates, Princes, and Plebeians, of the second volume of the "Literary Relics, by George Monck Berkeley, Esq." all ready for the press at the time of his death. When they will see the light is now uncertain. Amongst them is one of Bishop Berkeley's, to his beloved friend Bishop Benson, written on February 29, a few hours after the death of his son. The Editor has heard her beloved Partner say, that on his entering his Father's room, to announce the heavy tidings, he had one arm in his night-gown, rising to go to his Son (four in the morning) he drew it out again, saying, ‘"the Lord gave,"’ &c. and lay down in his bed. On the day of the funeral, his brother and attending friends dined with him, and no one would have supposed that he had lost his idol. The Bishop used fre­quently to say to Dr. Berkeley, I see him incessantly before my eyes.
Mr. William Berkeley played incomparably on the violin, as his brother Dr. Berkeley did on the violincello.
Mr. William Berkeley was as beautiful, as finely made, as his elder bro­ther, Dr. Berkeley; taller and more slightly built; a most uncommonly elegant youth; danced, as did his brother, remarkably well.
The Editor sometimes consoles herself that even the great Bishop Berkeley, and the eminently pious Mrs. A [...], had not been able, at least had not avoided, ‘"setting up their idols in their hearts;"’ (see the prophet Ezekiel) how much less could she hope to avoid it! The pious Prelate speaks himself to his friend by letter. The good lady has frequently, vivd voce, said to the Editor, ‘"Ah! my dear friend, God has been gracious to me; he has taken away all my idols, one by one. My eldest son (a lovely youth); my angelic daughter, the first lady of the present Lord [...]; my son's first lady, on whom I doated."’ Then adding, cheerfully, ‘"God has spared my son, whom I love very much; but the squire is not a thing to make an idol."’ He is a very worthy gentleman.

[Page cccxl] The following letter is inserted with the notes, as it was made ready for the "Literary Relics:"

Letter from FRANCIS CHERRY, Esquire, of Shottesbrook House in Berkshire, to his Lady, eldest daughter and one of the five rich co-heiresses of JOHN FINCH*, Esquire, of Fiennes Court, Berks.

My dearest Creature,

I have several times begun to give you some directions for your behaviour after my death, but always found you so impatient of any such [Page ccccxli] discourse, that, I have reason to believe, you remember very little of what I have said to you upon that subject, and therefore think it necessary to leave in writing the few directions following: with which (how unreasonable soever they may seem to you) I assure myself of your ready compliance, from the long experience I have had of the greatest duty and affection that ever woman shewed to an husband, and for which I return you these my last and most hearty thanks. First, as to my funeral, which will be the first trouble; I desire to be buried, if it may be, the morrow night after I shall die, and so private, that I would have no person know it, or be invited to it, ex­cept four of the poorest of your tenants to carry me to my grave; to each of which I desire you to give five shillings in money. I would have no atchievement, [Page ccccxlii] escutcheon, or pall. I desire to be buried in the church­yard of Shottesbrook House, between the vault where my father lyeth, and the chancel belonging to Shot­tesbrook House. I would have a brick-work of two or three foot raised over my grave, and a plain black marble laid upon it, without any arms, name, or other inscription but this which followeth,

ANNO · DOM. M.DCC . . . . .

supplying the date of the year of my death*.

Second. I desire you to take warning by me, and not to engage yourself or children in any of my trouble­some concerns, which have broke my heart, and will never suffer either you or them to enjoy any happiness or quiet if you meddle with them. I therefore beg of you (as the last and greatest instance of love that I can shew you) to content yourself with what was settled upon my marriage, and the addition settled since by my father [Page ccccxliii] in pursuance of our marriage settlement articles*. There you have a RIGHT to both, in LAW and CONSCIENCE, antecedent to any debts either of myself or my father, and therefore may, with a good conscience, claim and enjoy them. But, as to the rest of my estate, both real and personal, I desire you to let it go to the payment of debts. This will draw down a blessing upon what you have left, and vindicate, in some measure, the honesty of

Thy unfortunate, but Truly loving husband, F. CHERRY.
Copia vera verbatim.
Eliza, the eldest, married Francis Cherry, Esq. Mary, the second, mar­ried John Sawyer, Esq. of Henwood House, Berks. Dorothy, the third, married William Wright, Esq. a Welch Judge, and Recorder of Oxford, father of that very learned, upright, English Judge, the late Sir Martin Wright, of Barton Stacy, Hants. The worthy Recorder has still one most worthy descendant, the excellent lady Guise, relict of the amiable Sir John Guise, of Highnam Court, Bart. in the County of Gloucester. May the fine olive­branches round her table resemble the parent stock! The fourth, Sarah, mar­ried to William Yorke, Esq. of Pirton, in the county of Wilts, who left no child: and, fifth, Johanna, married to John Dalby, Esq. of Hurst Park, in the County of Berks, nephew to Bishop Juxon. The family of the late J. Dalby, Esq. had a fine original picture of his pious uncle. The idea that the picture of the Bishop, drawn after his death, and in the gallery at Lambeth Palace, being the only picture ever painted of that pious Prelate, is erroneous. The good Bishop had one of the six rings given by King Charles at the block, which is exceedingly curious indeed, and is still carefully preserved by the Editor's worthy relations Mrs. E. and Mrs. S. Dalby, now residing at Reading, who obligingly permitted the Editor to take a drawing of it, which she keeps with a lock of the Royal Martyr's hair in a snuff-box, with a very fine enamelled picture in the lid, of his unfortunate grandmother, the murdered Mary.
Mrs. Cherry was supposed to have made the greatest match of all Mr. Finch's daughters, though her grand-daughters are now the poorest of the family; but they have enough. ‘"Man wants but little, nor that little long,"’ says the Poet. They bless God that they have so much, instead of murmuring that they have not more. A famous old ferryman at Bray Island used to say, ‘"We were not all born to live in Cheapside."’ His ideas of Cheapside must have been entertaining. ‘"We cannot all have coaches and six,"’ as good Bishop Taylor says. The Editor, when a very young woman, used always to assert, that she had rather have an income of eight hundred pounds per annum, than one of eight thousand, to the diversion of her friends and her sister. She still continues in the same mind, knowing that, little or much, we must ‘"render an account of our stewardship."’ Mrs. Frinsham, with her wonted wit, often says to the Editor, ‘"When you have your eight hundred pounds, and I my eight thousand, you may do so, or so; but, I promise you, I will do—."’ She might, with truth, add, ‘"good to every distressed creature that I could hear of, far or near."’
Mr. Cherry died in September 1713. His directions to his excellent lady, were, in general, complied with. The burial-ground was, after his interment, railed-in, with iron railing, and planted with cypress, and other funeral shrubs; which the present Lord of the Manor, and the late Rector, conceiving to be in­jurious to the church, they removed them, to the great regret of his descendant the late George Monck Berkeley, Esq.
Mr. Cherry marrying before he was of age, could only enter into articles to sign, fulfil, &c. when of age. Part of Mrs. Cherry's fortune was in land, which could not be properly shared until her four younger sisters became of age.
Mr. Cherry's honesty wanted no vindication. A short time before the death of his father he happened to see in his father's study a book, containing a list of his debts. He purchased one estate with debts upon it, which he knew, had life been lent him, he had soon wiped off. On the servant's announcing in the night to Mr. Cherry, that his father was released, three days after the glass of the chariot was taken out of his head, he said to his lady, ‘"I am now thirty thousand pounds in debt; for I am resolved to pay every shilling that my father owed."’ So far was quite right, surely; but, alas! he immediately took up his father's bonds, and gave his own. Mr. Cherry's fine judgement certainly failed him here. Almost every one pressed on him to be paid imme­diately, knowing, that, should he have a son born (he had buried two), the estate was so entailed, that it could not possibly be sold. As it was, with only daughters, they were obliged, after the death of their excellent father, to get an Act of Parliament to sell it. At a meeting of creditors one day at a Judge's cham­bers, the Editor has often heard her mother say, that Mr. Spinckes, author of "The Sick Man visited," one of the creditors, came up to Mrs. Cherry, and said, ‘"It may, perhaps, Madam, be an odd thing for a clergyman to say; but I must say, that Mr. Cherry was a too honest man. Why not let us wait, and re­ceive out interest punctually, as we always had done from old Mr. Cherry?"’ The celebrated Mrs. Barbara Porter arrested Mr. Cherry for her debt of only two hundred pounds; for which his grand-daughter, the Editor, always hangs her beautiful small picture in the store-room; his other grand-daughter often threatens to hang it in a more ignoble place, the temple of [...]. To be sure, she had a fine face and a clever brain; ‘"but the beast had no heart."’ She was Mr. Cherry's god-mother. He certainly did not learn his exquisite kindness to the distressed from this lady. The respectful sheriff's officers conjured him to go to Reading gaol in his chariot; but he would not, took his cane, and walked with them. He remained there but a few days; but the Editor has frequently heard her mother say it cost him above an hundred pounds, for all the noblemen and gentlemen of the county went to visit him. Mr. Cherry experienced the truth of one text of Scripture on this event. A nephew of his lady, who was under very great pecuniary obligations, as well as a thousand amiable attentions in his youth, begged to be excused being bound for Mr. Cherry, saying, ‘"that he had promised his wife, when he married, "that he would never be bound for any one." What a convenient thing a wise sometimes is to [...]!"’ The very worthy Vicar of the poor pitiful living, or rather starving, of White Waltham, in the gift of Mr. Cherry, set out immediately to a gentlemen who had married a near relation of Mr. Cherry, desiring him to be joint bondsman with him for Mr. Cherry. The gentleman, not a very brilliant genius, hesitating a little, Mr. Griffith said, ‘"Sir, Mr. Cherry would be torn to pieces by wild horses sooner than fly from his bail."’ The Clergy are certainly, in general, some few exceptions of Digni­taries of the church of **********, a very liberal body of men. The Editor takes this opportunity of making her public acknowledgements to the polite amiable Mr. Hambley of Herts, the present vicar of Cookham, for his very pleasing conduct to Dr. Berkeley, when Dr. Berkeley quitted that lovely spot, and to the Editor since. Dr. Berkeley always left all unpleasant business to the Editor, as he always made her open letters that he suspected to be unpleasant. He charged her to write him word how she liked his successor. She wrote him word, that in Mr. Hambley's bearing armorial was a lion, but that she thought he ought to apply to their friend Sir Isaac [Heard] to exchange that ferocious animal for a dove or a lamb. As also to the exquisitely polite Mr. Barker, who succeeded Dr. Berkeley as Chancellor of Brecon. But he has only ten children; and he has the excellent Bishop Stuart, of St. David, for a patron, at which the Editor most sincerely rejoices. Those that are judges know that Mr. Barker is a gentleman of profound erudition, and that the good Bishop has honoured himself by preferring Mr. Barker, a stranger to his Lordship, as his very polite son, of Christ's College, told the Editor, until he became his Diocesan.

[Page ccccxliv] No date. It was written several months before Mr. Cherry's death, which he had seen approaching with such entire confidence in the glorious promises of our all-graci­ous Redeemer, that on the Saturday preceding his death, [Page ccccxlv] which happened on the Wednesday, he danced until the clock struck twelve. (His beloved nephew (eldest son of his eldest sister) James Hayes, Esq. of Holyport, father of James Hayes, Esq. late one of his Majesty's Judges for North Wales, then recently married.) Mr. Cherry said one day to his lady, ‘"We have not had the new-married couple to dinner: yet we must have them; the last venison we shall have this season is fit to dress for every body but myself;" (Mr. Cherry frequently had a haunch hung up, like his nephew Dr. Cherry Hayes, of Windsor, until it was ready to shake from the bone). "Send over a servant to invite them for Saturday."’ Of course some other families in the neighbour­hood [Page ccccxlvi] were invited to meet them. During the time of dinner Mr. Cherry said, ‘"It is just come into my head, that I must have a dance with the bride."’—Mrs. Cherry objected, lest it might injure him. He replied, ‘"My dear, I am as well able to dance now as I was the first time I had the happiness* to dance with you."’ The young lady, one of the most amiable of women—(the Hayes family are remarkably lucky in choosing sweet-tempered women, at least Mr. Hayes and his son were so; may their worthy descendants [Page ccccxlvii] be as fortunate as their father and grandfather!—when these gentlemen lost their lovely mother, the Editor lost a most sincerely beloved friend; and ALL the surrounding poor a real visible Guardian Angel. Adieu, sweet spirit!)—this lady may, perhaps, like to think that she has danced with her old uncle* (Mr. Cherry died at 46). Then, turning to the [Page ccccxlviii] butler, he ordered him to send the groom over to Woo­burn, to fetch the music: it soon arrived, and to dancing they went, and continued their dance until the clock struck twelve. Mr. Cherry went to church on the Sunday, and died on the Wednesday morning following. His intimate friend Mr. Nelson* went over from Cranford House to spend the day with him, and found him dying. He stayd as late as he could, to have carried the news to Lord Berkeley that his friend Mr. Cherry's noble spirit had taken its happy flight to the realms of bliss, which it did at four in the [Page ccccxlix] morning of the next day; and, it may be hoped, the worthy Earl some years after; if he attended to the rules given to him at his own * request by his angelic friend Mary Countess of Warwick, the favourite sister of the SERAPHIC Robert Boyle.

It is impossible to dismiss the short account of that real Patriot, Bishop Berkeley, without mentioning his voyage to America; one grand design of which, no doubt, was, to introduce Episcopacy, unadulerated Episcopacy, that of the incomparable Church of England into the Western Hemis­phere; his Lordship frequently declaring, ‘"If Sir [...] [...] and Lord [...] do continue to succeed in defeating every scheme to introduce it there; that noblest, grandest part of the British Empire of the WHOLE world will be lost; they will shake off the Mother Country in a few years. Nothing but introducing Bishops amongst them can keep them together, can keep them loyal. Church [Page ccccl] and State, in every country, must stand and fall toge­ther."’ What the learned Father so ardently wished, so earnestly laboured after, the acute Son happily accom­plished; but it was ‘"after the steed was stolen that the stable door was shut;"’ for America IS lost. Now that he is gone to receive the reward of this ‘"good deed,"’ and can no longer be ‘"brow-beat*"’ for it, it may be known to those who did not oppose it, as it has long been to those that did, that Dr. Berkeley, Prebendary of Canterbury, by his wise argu­ments, persuaded the learned, sensible, pious Prelates of Scotland to consecrate Bishop Seabury, to their honour, and the delight of his own amiable spirit; and, it may be hoped, to the everlasting happiness of many thousands of souls; for, when the opposers saw that one Protestant Bishop had been furnished to America, notwithstanding all their opposition, they e'en sent a few more. Why such opposi­tion has been made to the conferring of that invaluable bles­sing [Page ccccli] on the Western World for almost three quarters of a century, the OPPOSERS best know; and at a certain day we shall ALL know; perhaps some may venture a guess before the arrival of that great day—‘"That day for which ALL other days were made." Dr. YOUNG.

The Editor has frequently heard Dr. Berkeley, and his mother, who was there, say, that in Rhode Island, about twenty miles in circumference, there were, at the time of the Bishop's residence there, no less than sixteen different sects in religion, Presbyterians, Baptists of various sorts, &c.; and it was customary for strangers to ask their visitors, ‘"Pray of what religion are you?"’ and discourse with them on the subject of their dissent from the other FIFTEEN. All, how­ever, excelled the majority, alas! in England at present, in agreeing, that it was necessary to keep one day in seven holy to the Supreme Governor of the universe. Accordingly, on the Bishop's making this usual enquiry, it was sometimes answered, ‘"I am a Friday-man—I a Saturday-man,"’ and others acknowledged themselves SEEKERS—that they were seeking for the best religion, and had not yet found it. These, it is to be feared, excel thousands in England, who never * seek at all. When two persons of different sects mar­ried, [Page cccclii] a bargain was constantly made, that, if they changed their religion, which they often did twice in six weeks, if they did not turn to the husband's or wife's, and would exchange it for a new one, that new one should be the Church of England; so tacitly acknowledging that to be best of FIFTEEN different religions. Surely ladies who are fond of new fashions would find it mighty pleasant to reside sometimes at Rhode Island—a quite new watering­place.

This account has been confirmed to the Editor by the very worthy, amiable Samuel Johnson, Esquire, of Connecti­cut, before mentioned in this Preface, who was a Privy­counsellor of Connecticut, the only Church of England-man that colony had ever elected. He was sent over here, before we lost America, to solicit a cause before his Majesty's Privy Council. He was many years here—about seven. His father, Dr. Samuel Johnson, a very learned man, an emi­nent Presbyterian minister, was convinced by Bishop Berke­ley's arguments, and saw the Divine right of Episcopacy. He preached several Sundays upon it, and at length told his congregation, that he was so fully convinced of it, that [Page ccccliii] the next Sunday he should attend Episcopal worship, and wished them all to accompany him, (which most of them did,) telling them, that ‘"he should not PRESUME to minister any longer in things sacred, until he had obtained Episco­pal ordination;"’ which he soon did. He wrote several very learned treatises, and a very good Hebrew Grammar. His excellent son had the degree of LL.D. conferred on him by the University of Oxford during his residence in Eng­land. He always spent great part of every summer at Dr. Berkeley's, and constantly, until after the breaking out of the American war, sent over two immense double barrels of fine American New-Town pippins, the finest grow­ing on Long Island, of which his elder brother was proprietor.

The Editor used to delight all her friends and neighbours by presenting them with some, and herself by making her gardener every year sow some pips in the melon-frame, and at proper times plant them out. There are now eight fine trees, thicker than herself, bearing six different fruits, only one of them resembling the parent fruit; one quite through the colour of an orange, exquisitely finely flavoured for about six weeks, when it becomes so nauseously sweet, that nothing but her Chinese pigs will eat them; one a green, strong, sour apple, that keeps till May. The Edi­tor is a great gardener, and made her children such, telling her friends, that "when God created man, HE placed him [Page ccccliv] in a garden, not in a house. It was SIN that made an house necessary as well as cloaths. The young women now con­trive to do without cloathing. The Editor wishes some contrivance could be found out for aged matrons to do without houses, as rent and TAXES run away with much of a small income.

In one thing, however, the different sectarists, both men and women, all agreed, viz. in a rage for finery, to the great amusement of Bishop Berkeley's two learned, ele­gant friends, Sir John James, and Richard Dalton, Esquire; the men in flaming scarlet coats and waistcoats, laced and fringed with the brightest glaring yellow. The sly Quakers, not venturing on these charming coats and waistcoats, yet loving finery, figured away with plate at their side-board, or rather beaufait. One, to the no small diversion of Bi­shop Berkeley, sent to England, and had made on purpose, no such thing being to be found, a noble large tea-pot of solid gold, and enquired of the Bishop, when drinking tea with him, whether friend Berkeley had ever seen such a ‘"curious thing?"’ On being told that silver ones were much in use in England, but that he had never seen a gold one; Ebenezer replied, ‘"Aye, that was the thing; I was resolved to have something finer than any body else. They say that the Queen (Queen Caroline) has not got one."’ The Bishop delighted his ridiculous host, by assuring him, ‘"that his was an unique;"’ and very happy it made him.

[Page cccclv] Oh, the fools! say rather the knaves! If the Kingdom of God, as speaks St. Paul, ‘"does not consist in meat and drink;"’ can it signify whether an insignificant individual wears a coat or gown of one colour or another?

The Editor once met a rich Quaker woman at tea, at the house of a person of quality in her neighbourhood, and happened to have on a pair of very fine point ruffles, pur­chased at the time of her marriage, for she loved her chil­dren too well to buy fine point or lace afterwards. After tea, the company, as is surely pleasant in summer, went out to stroll in the garden; when the lady of the house called the attention of the Quaker to the Editor's lace. She piously shook her wise head, and said, ‘"I doubt thee beest proud of them, vain of them."’ The Editor quietly replied, ‘"I hope not: why should I? I am a gentleman's daughter, and a gentleman's wife; and I have, from my cradle, been dressed as such; and if thee"—(the Editor always thees and thous them—they like Sir or Madam much better; but, if they will not give it, they ought in CONSCIENCE not to receive it)—"and, if thee wilt excuse me, I do not think that I have half the vanity that thou hast; for I have not once called the attention of any of the company to my ruffles, and thou hast gone to every individual in the room, to shew them that bauble at thy watch, telling them, it was given to thee by Lady [...], and taking that op­portunity of shewing a very fine watch; besides, as that [Page cccclvi] is a solid pebble, not an egg that opens, to hold some­thing to regale thy nose, I fear it must be deemed a VAIN ornament. Now ruffles keep my arms warm."’ A circle gathered round the Lady who exhibited the ruffles, Friend [...] and Mrs. Berkeley. They all laughed much; and the poor Quaker said, ‘"Thee beest right; it is of no use; I will take it off when I go home, and lock it up."’

When Dr. Berkeley was rector of Action, a female Qua­ker, who lived in the next parish, and was said to rouge her cheeks, hearing the same of Dr. Berkeley's preaching, desired to go to Acton church with Mr. and Mrs. W [...]. A day or two after, Mr. W [...]'s family dining at Dr. Berkeley's, Mrs. W [...] said, ‘"Mrs. [...] was a little out of luck last Sunday;"’ then related as above; adding, ‘"that ever she should come to hear her people so tuned!"’ The sentence alluded to was, ‘"All Christians, of every communion, agree in this point, ex­cepting the Quakers, if indeed they can be styled Chris­tians, who have no sacraments at all, and who do not al­low of Water Baptism, despising that important denunci­ation of our adored Redeemer, 'Except a man be born of WATER and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven."’ The Friend, however, told Mrs. W [...], that Dr. Berkeley was a very fine Preacher.

[Page cccclvii] Bishop Berkeley was a real Patriot, not a PAT-RIOT, as that Prelate always wittily styled his own bawling (as he called them) countrymen, the contrasts to himself, Dean Swift, Dr. Madan, and a very few more temporal * sa­viours of Ireland. The power of the Drapier's Letters all know. Bishop Berkeley's letter to the Roman Catho­lics of the Diocese of Cloyne, as mentioned above, had its deserved attention from the wise Clergy of that communion throughout the nation. The lower rank of Roman Catholics, all round the neighbourhood of Cloyne, with one voice used to declare, that they did not trouble them­selves who had the best right to the Crown, King George, or King Charles; ‘"but my Lord, i.e. the Bishop, knew very well—and they would therefore fight for whoever his Lordship bid them."’ One Popish gentleman, alas! for­feited his vast estate, at the age of only eighteen, for having raised some of his tenants in the service of King James [Page cccclviii] just after the battle of the Boyne: he had not marched them off his own estate; but unluckily that estate lying conveniently for two of his Protestant relations, it was for­feited, and HE reduced to extreme poverty, residing in a cottage, with a wife and two daughters. When Bishop Berkeley went to reside at Cloyne, in the year 1734, he found the unfortunate Mr. Fitzgerald as above described, and in his grand climacteric. He habited him comfortably, gave him an invitation to dine at the palace every day, bought him a quiet horse, on which he rode out in fine weather, the Bishop keeping it, and one of his grooms attend­ing to it. When any person dined at the palace beside the Bishop's family, Mr. Fitzgerald, at his own entreaty, always dined at the steward's table; to whose room he every day retired to smoke his pipe. Dr. Berkeley and his brother, when there was not company, frequently at­tending this ‘"Cullen of other times,"’ to hear, as youths and girls of sense always wish to do, what was transacted before their parents were born.

Mr. Fitzgerald had a small potatoe ground, and two cows. The Editor honours the lower ranks of people in Ireland for their kindness to their fallen superiors. As Mrs. Fitzgerald kept no maid, the neighbouring poor women milked her cows, made her butter, scalded her vessels, &c. saying often to the Bishop's Lady, ‘"that it was not fitten the poor Laady and her daughters should do such drudgery:"’ so [Page cccclix] they, amongst them, did it for them. Bishop Berkeley, on his leaving Ireland to go to reside at Oxford, to super­intend his Son's education there, left a certain establish­ment at Cloyne. Mr. Fitzgerald dined there every day as usual, his horse being kept, &c.

On hearing of the death of Bishop Berkeley, he exclaimed, ‘"My only friend is gone!"’ leaned back on his chair, and in­stantly expired. He died speaking the truth*, as he con­ceived; for the Editor has frequently heard Mrs. Berkeley say, that neither of the Earls, his kinsmen, who divided his [Page cccclx] estate, ever gave him a shilling. It was not pleasant to them to hear him named.

One day, when they, their ladies, and families, had dined at Bishop Berkeley's, just as the coaches were driving out of the court-yard, a violent clamour, was heard scolding, screaming, crying. It was, alas! poor Mrs. Fitzgerald and her daughters, reproaching their noble, rich, (not, alas! very ‘"rich in good works, &c.) kindred with ‘"avarice and cruelty, enjoying their estate, and leaving them to starve, but for the good Bishop."’

The very grateful Mr. Fitzgerald had made a will*, which was sent to Mr. Berkeley at Christ's College, bequeathing, in case the House of Stuart should ever come to the throne, and [Page cccclxi] the poor PROPRIETORS have their estates restored, his WHOLE property, excepting fortunes to his two daughters, to Bishop Berkeley's eldest son, and requesting the possible King to grant the title conferred on him by King James, of Baron Mont­eagle, on the Bishop's son.

Neither Doctor Berkeley nor his Son could ever be per­suaded by their friends to go to Court, and be presented, without any cause calling them thither. Both laughed at the idea of almost every Country 'Squire, and unpreferred Divine, going to St. James's. He used to answer one old friend, who often urged him on the subject, by saying, ‘"When his Majesty wants me, he will send for me; he knows who I am, and where I live: and my curate (that surely finest of all fine Preachers, the late pious Mr. Harmer,) goes frequently, and that is enough."’

Dr. Berkeley felt gratified by a gentleman of his Ma­jesty's household once telling him, that, on asking leave of absence for a few days, his Royal Master asked whither he was going, he replied, ‘"To Dr. Berkeley's at Cookham."’ His Majesty said, ‘"His Father was an honour to human na­ture."’ His Majesty had not a more active, zealous friend than Dr. Berkeley; nor certainly a more disinte­rested one.

[Page cccclxii] Dr. Berkeley was at a very great expence to disperse his famous Sermon on the thirtieth of January. Only a few months before his lamented death he printed the sixth edi­tion, on common paper, and had one thousand of them dispersed over England. On its first publication, it went through five editions in four weeks. He has repeatedly told the Editor, that the notes of the fifth edition, in small duodecimo, not now to be purchased for any sum, are all, except one, answers to letters, from ‘"Lords and Gentle­men,"’ some admiring, some with Nicodemus, enquiring, ‘"How can these things be*?"’ To have answered all the letters received on that Sermon, he said, would have taken a ream of paper. One from the Editor's, not Dr. Berke­ley's, old acquaintance, Soame Jenyns, written a very short time before the death of that entertaining, agreeable, great genius, and, at length, devout Christian, is carefully pre­served by the Editor, who lately found an odd glove in her cabinet, that happened to be dropped by a beloved friend the last time she ever visited her, about twenty years ago. The Editor has a picture of her friend, and other souve­nirs; yet the glove is still preserved with care. Why is it? perhaps it brings the last idea of the beloved object to the mind. One knows not why else. Perhaps the mind of [Page cccclxiii] man can never be fully defined by man; yet it is a delight­ful study surely, next to observing the wonderful ways of PROVIDENCE. Of both, like the late Queen of Prussia on her death-bed, as related by her Royal Descendant* before his acquaintance with Voltaire, the Editor hopes ere long to know more.

Perhaps two sincerer, more disinterested patriots, have not existed in any country, at any time, than Bishop Berke­ley and his son Dr. Berkeley, both very great politicians. The Bishop publicly, his son more quietly, frequently suggested hints to the minister for the time being, for the benefit of the country, some of which he had the pleasure of seeing were attended to, although the let­ters, when the advice was thus conveyed, were generally anonymous, he using to say, ‘"If the advice is wise, a man of sense will attend to it, come how it may;"’ adding, ‘"I write frequently to Mr. Pitt, and sometimes send him a message."’ Dr. Berkeley suggested, and it was attended to, some additional benefit for the poor common soldiers. The Editor is no politician—not that she does not esteem females equal to politics. Sir Robert Walpole used to say, that an old friend of the Editor's Father, Mrs. Waller, of Hall-Barn, near Beaconsfield, grandmother of the pre­sent [Page ccccxliv] Mr. Waller, ‘"understood the interests of this nation better than any man in it."’ Mrs. Waller, a daughter of old Aislabie's, had a very superior understanding.

Dr. Berkeley was universally admired as a letter-wri­ter; he wrote such * numbers so alertly for his friends and [Page cccclxv] common acquaintances to serve them: indeed the chief business of the trio, Father, Son, and Grandson, seemed to be, to assist, serve, and benefit every one but themselves.

It is supposed, by many that knew him through life, in early life, and until nearly the latest period of life, that Dr. Berkeley had, by his advice, direction, and assistance, made the fortunes of more men, than any private person, not in station to do it, than any man in the three king­doms, so as sometimes to occasion Mrs. Berkeley to say to him, ‘"My dear friend, you can make every man's fortune, or put him in train to do it himself, but your son's: why do you not try to get some appointment for him, to help him, until he can, at least will help himself, by going to the Bar?"’ His constant reply was, ‘"Alas! no, poor fellow; I cannot ask any thing for him, or for myself. He must make his own fortune for me. God may raise him some friends."’

[Page cccclxvi] Mr. Monck Berkeley, by his Mother's earnest advice to him in youth, never meddled with politics; she always telling him, it was time enough if ever he should be in a station to require it. How many creatures stamp them­selves for fools, by bawling for or against a party, when they have hardly left bawling for a good whipping!

A gentleman, many years ago, said to the Editor, ‘"What a man Dr. Berkeley is!"’ The day before yes­terday, at [...], some public dinner, it was said, that an officer, one of the company, was going to Ireland. Some one asked, ‘"if he had many acquaintances in that king­dom."’‘"Not one."’—Dr. Berkeley politely asked, ‘"in what part the Colonel's regiment was quartered?"’ and then said, ‘"I will do myself the pleasure of giving you two letters, Sir, that perhaps may be of some little ser­vice to you, although they are very hospitable in Ireland."’ He called for pen, ink, and paper, twirled his chair round to a small table, and in, I think, little more than five mi­nutes, produced two such letters to the Colonel, (we all talking and babbling the whole time,) as I am sure I could not have written in five hours. ‘"My G-d! what a clever fellow he is!"’

Mrs. Frinsham sometimes, when going into the library, and seeing half a score letters lying on the table, would say, ‘"Well, well! what a pity it was your father did not put [Page cccclxvii] you 'prentice to be Secretary of State. You would have scribbled away so finely to all the princes and potentates, that it would have done their hearts good to read your epistles."’ To which, as when many persons have said, ‘"How re­markably Dr. Berkeley's talents seem calculated for the diplomatic line!"’‘"My dear Donna Anna, (Mrs. Frin­sham's nick-name amongst her intimate friends,) I would not have been put 'prentice to any thing but a clergyman, no, not if at twenty-two and an half I had received a re­velation from Heaven, that I never should have had any thing more than a curacy of forty pounds a year through life."’

Not many days before Dr. Berkeley's lamented death, the Editor consoling him with the delightful thought, that he had been a most zealous preacher of Christ, not elegant MORAL essays from Plutarch or Seneca; he lifted up his still ex­quisitely fine eyes on her, and replied, ‘"I have, my dear, and HE knows I preached him in SINCERITY. You know I always dreaded being a popular preacher. I never wished to please men from the pulpit."’

Bishop Berkeley and his grandson both assumed an additional motto of their own choosing, as did Mr. Cherry—‘"CONSCIENTIA MILLE TESTES."’ Dr. Berkeley contented himself with the beautiful blessed one of his ances­tors, ‘"DIEU AVEC NOUS."’ The Bishop's was, ‘"NON [Page cccclxviii] SIBI, SED TOTI."’ Mr. Monck Berkeley's, assumed by him when he was about or rather under twenty, on an al­most miraculous preservation of the life of himself, two other gentlemen, his intimate friends, still living, and their postillion and horses, ‘"VIVAT POST FUNERA VIRTUS;"’ which he engraved in the strings of his crest, as is seen in the print prefixed to the Poems. That Mr. Berkeley, from his cradle, or rather no cradle, as has been before stated, to his coffin, had numerous hair-breadth escapes from death, has been mentioned. Some time after his death two very extraordinary things occurred, which will not be here related; one very soon after his interment, to an entire stranger to every thing but his name, having never even seen him; the other to his Mother, about five months after his decease.

The Editor again begs pardon for trespassing so long on the public; and wishes that she resembled her excellent Son in many instances, particularly in burning without mercy, not, as he did, whole quires at a time of beautiful Essays, Poems, &c. for in early youth her manuscripts consisted only of innumerable letters to friends, which she trusts they consigned to the flames, and a diary of her own very unimportant life, from the age of seventeen, when, being a very early riser in summer, and her mother never coming out of her closet to breakfast until ten o'clock; for the family prayers at Mr. Frinsham's were (the Editor [Page cccclxix] thinks very inconveniently) not offered up until after break­fast, when trades-people are coming, and the door must be answered, in private families—excepting at the house of the late excellent Mr. and Mrs. Peirce, of Windsor Forest, who, either in town or country, never suffered even the kitchen-maid, or groom, to answer the door until prayers, lessons, and psalms, were gone through. At Lambeth Palace, during Archbishop Secker's life, every servant, in­cluding the porter, went into the chapel at nine in the morning. Dr. Berkeley and the Editor, when resident at Acton, were one morning a very few minutes too late—the footman dismounted, and knocked violently—Dr. Berkeley assured him it was in vain; so the glasses were drawn up, and in about half an hour the gates were opened. The Editor, on her marriage, found the custom at Dr. Berkeley's much better, that of assembling before breakfast, at nine o'clock, perhaps not always quite so punctually to a minute; as did, for more than half a century, the pious mother of that just Judge Sir W. H. Ashhurst. What a blessing to individuals, sometimes to thousands, is a wise, pious mother!

The Editor has frequently heard her mother say, ‘"that the mother of Judge Buller, although the daughter of Bishop Trelawny, was an angel on earth"’—she has been one in heaven almost half a century. The late worthy, charitable Marchioness of Abercorn was a grand-daughter [Page cccclxx] of this lady. The poor lamented bitterly at the death of both these ladies.

The Editor's idea is, perhaps, in most things, an almost universal one, to take most care of the most valuable things. She takes more care of a little fine Dresden china, than she does of her milk-pans; and, as she used frequently to tell her dear, amiable, old friend the late Lord [...], when he used to tell her, ‘"that she took too much care of her soul, going to church on week-days and Sunday after­noons; that it were better to stay and chat with her friends."’ Her constant reply was, ‘"This little, insigni­ficant frame of mine must be laid in the dust one day or other, sooner or later; but the little spark within must exist FOR EVER: therefore I must take some little care about it, say what you will; and if I cannot make you take a little more care of the spark that animates your noble case, why hereafter I shall be noble, and you ignoble."’ Alas! dear amiable friend, my mind cannot follow thee with delight be­yond thy grave, but leave thee in the hands of HIM that ‘"judgeth right."’ Thou certainly wert not of the number of those to whom the Psalmist prays God ‘"not to be mer­ciful;"’ for thou didst NOT ‘"offend of malicious wickedness."’ Thou wert neither profane, Deist, nor Arian. Thou hadst a simple, ignorant, thoughtless mother, and no father from five years old.

[Page cccclxxi] If the Editor, by any thing contained in these sheets, should induce any, in a certain rank of life, of her fair (she corrects herself, she means her RED countrywomen, for al­most all are now become ROUGE DRAGONS,) to attend a little to the education of their children, and not devolve that very very important charge upon, in general, a poor, ignorant, low-lived, foreign animal, with no other recom­mendation than that she cannot speak English

It has been of late years much the fashion to decry schools for girls. The Editor, (notwithstanding the wish of her amiable friend Lord Lyttelton, that she might have ‘"half a dozen girls to educate,"’) having neither daughter nor niece, and not very intimate with many of her kindred that have girls, knows little of schools; but thus much she knows of Swiss and French governesses, that the schools must be bad indeed, if not better than these gouvernantes.

The Swiss gouvernante at Lord [...]'s used regularly, when Lady [...] was in the country, and gone visiting, to take the young ladies in the evening, to visit, and drink hot elder wine, with the hucksters, the bakers, the butchers wives of the neighbouring village, and sometimes to drink tea, &c. with some of her more distant friends, the farmers' ladies. This the Editor knows from ocular demonstration. The follow­ing [Page cccclxxii] fact was many years ago related with horror to the Editor by Lady P [...]:

Going one morning in town to call on her cousin-ger­man, the late Lady [...], who not being up, sent her little girl, aged eight years, to entertain her; the young lady soon began such a conversation as was terrifying. On being asked, ‘"what could make her talk thus?"’

Young Lady.—‘"Why, to make you laugh."’

Lady P [...].—‘"Make me laugh, child! Why, I am ready to run up the chimney, I am so frightened to hear you. Whom have you ever heard talk so? tell me directly, or I will tell your Mamma."’

Young Lady.—‘"Why Mademoiselle, and Papa's Gen­tleman; and they do laugh so at it, that I thought it would make you laugh."’

This ill-fated, ill-educated young Lady, when com­pletely educated, made Mamma weep, instead of Made­moiselle laugh.

The unfortunate Lady [...], soon after she married Lord [...], told several of her friends, ‘"that she won­dered she was not a street-walker, for that she generally [Page cccclxxiii] spent every evening, whilst the family were in town, in a night-cellar with her governess, when her careful mother thought her in bed."’

This unhappy woman has been long divorced, and is not re-married. She was some few years ago at a water-drinking place, no living soul noticing her, an object of great com­passion to the Editor, who, never doing any thing in haste, was meditating on calling upon her; but a very few days ended those charitable meditations; for her Ladyship, alas for her, poor creature! was soon exhibited leaning on the arm of an hostler. Ah me! her careless mother must one day meet this injured, cast-off daughter, and hear her call aloud for vengeance on her horrid cruel negligence. What will she then do!!!

A few years ago, a lady asked the Editor, if she was acquainted with Lady [...]. She answered, ‘"I have not that honour. I only know and revere, as all must do, her great worthiness of character."’ The Lady re­plied, ‘"Alas-a-day! a friend of hers is almost frantic on her account. She has got a devil incarnate for governess to Lady Charlotte. It is certainly known that in her own country she was an adulteress, and, many assert, the murderer of her husband; and she is so artful, so in­sinuating a creature, and has so wound herself in by her seeming worthiness with Lady [...], that she will not [Page cccclxxiv] believe a syllable against her, although she has heard it from several of her friends; and, I think, you might perhaps find some method to convince Lady [...] what a wretch she is."’ The Editor assured Lady [...] that she was unequal to the task; it must, for her, be left to God. Probably his mercy kept the wretch's mask on; for Lady Charlotte has been married several years, and the Editor has not seen her name in the newspapers, as being handed up to Doctors Commons. May she never carry any grist to that mill, not for grinding old women young, but reducing young women to a worse condition than even old ones!

Does not the Almighty exclaim, by the Prophet Jere­miah, ‘"Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this*?"’ The Almighty does not expressly confine that TREMENDOUS threat of His being avenged to the Jewish nation, but on any which is guilty of that dreadful crime, placed second to murder in the Decalogue, written by the finger of GOD himself on Mount Sinai. It would ex­ceedingly delight the Editor, if she thought that any of the fine ladies and fine gentlemen, described in the first ten verses of the fifth chapter of the Prophecy, of Jeremiah, who may chance to read this whilst their hair is dressing, may be benefited by it; it being customary with many [Page cccclxxv] people to read some trumpery book at that time; the Editor generally reads in an old thumbed Bible, for the powder and pomatum would spoil a good one, to her maid, which, she hopes, benefits both parties; she means it should, as she explains as she reads, or rather when she is requested to lay down the book, because, while the frizzing, &c. is performing, the reading cannot go on, especially as the Editor is short-sighted.

It is now and then some consolation to the Editor, (who hopes these nations may be spared from French brutality a little longer, at least till she has made her exit,) when she hears these lamentable divorce bills sued for, that she recollects that, at the time of publishing a magnificent edi­tion of the works of that patron of ADULTERY, that vile inciter to it, that MONSTER Voltaire, it was said, ‘"every CHRISTIAN Prince in Europe had subscribed to it, but the King of England."’ The Editor very well remembers her beloved Partner's comment on it, ‘"I am sure HE has shewn himself a Christian by not doing it, and God will re­ward him for it*."’

[Page cccclxxvi] The old Prophet Jeremiah would be a very excellent tutor to many very fine people of both sexes, as the third chapter of Isaiah would to many of the quondam fair (now RED) sex. The Editor recollects that there is a text in her old-fashioned book, a kind of THREAT to ladies: ‘"thou rendest thy face with PAINTING."’—It is, we see, so very old-fashioned, one wonders that fine ton ladies practise it. The poor old immensely vulgar Editor does honestly own, it ever did, ever must, whilst she retains her senses, occasion her not respecting, although she loves, some who do it.

As the Editor is writing this, her sister is reading to her the direful catastrophe of Lord C [...] T [...]. About three years ago, the Editor was told by her friends, that she ought to write a Preface to her dear Son's Poems; when she deter­mined to give the opinion of two wise men, and her own, al­though an imbecile female, of a book which Dr. Berkeley declared he esteemed to be the first, the best, work of this century. Mr. Monck Berkeley said, that if young men of sense [Page cccclxxvii] would read it only cursorily, that it must prevent their gambling. The Editor, charmed with it on reading only thirty-five pages of the first volume, then at Canterbury, laid it down, put on her hat and cloak, and posted off into the city, to the bookseller's, to subscribe, for herself,—her sister, then at her own abode,—and her Son, then abroad. Mrs. Berkeley, ever delighting to benefit her fellow creatures, in her very narrow sphere, did many of her friends the kindness to compel them to subscribe to "A Treatise on SUICIDE, GAMING, and DUELLING, by the Reverend Charles Moore, of Boughton Blean, Kent." The Editor used con­stantly, when soliciting subscriptions, after the publication of the first incomparable volume, to say, ‘"It is for your own sake, not Mr. Moore's, although he is a very old ac­quaintance, a very highly respected friend."’ On Dr. Berkeley's going to Cookham in the summer, Mrs. Berkeley invited several of her Berkshire friends and neighbours to subscribe. Among these was her very worthy respected neighbour Lady Y [...], who replied, ‘"Oh! my dear Mrs. Berkeley, I can't afford it."’ ‘"Can't afford it! Poor soul! Shall I lend you a Guinea?—Why, I did not bring my husband quite fourscore thousand pounds, and yet I have afforded it, who laid it down as a rule, since I had children, never to buy a book but at a stall. I do not think my friend Sir George will either thrash or scold you."’‘"No, no; but I can't afford it."’ Mrs. Berkeley declared she would not lend it her, unless she [Page cccclxxviii] would subscribe; another neighbour did, as the sequel of the little tale will shew. Two or three evenings after Mrs. Berkeley called on Lady Y [...], to ask if she would take a walk with her, to view the progress of her Ladyship's cas­tle of [...], then building. On the servant's an­nouncing Mrs. Berkeley, her Ladyship sprang from the so­pha, exclaiming, ‘"My dear Madam, I am so happy to see you, you cannot imagine. I have been this hour deter­mining every minute to go to you, to ask if I am too late to subscribe to Mr. Moore. It is surely the most ex­cellent book I have redde a long time. Do pray take my Guinea"—(all that Mr. Moore would suffer to be paid for those two excellent volumes in quarto.)—"I was not able to quit it; and luckily you are come!"’

The Editor would not take this Lady's subscription; for she never receives any money but what is her own due, lest, as she tells her friends, as we say in Scotland, ‘"She is not o'er rich,"’ she should forget, and spend it on herself; to prevent which, when compelled to be treasurer for any friend for a few weeks, she always seals it up, and writes on it to whom it belongs. She, however, promised to write directly to her worthy old acquaintance, Mr. Rivington, to learn about the matter; and the name of POOR Lady Y [...] appears in the additional list of subscribers.

[Page cccclxxix] Some time afterwards this worthy friend of the Editor, at her request, procured a very advantageous appointment in the army in India for the eldest son of Mr. Moore, who, although a very excellent scholar, as Dr. Berkeley told the Editor, was resolved to be a warrior; and we had then happy days*, no war of our own in Europe. Mr. Moore and his Lady, and, the Editor dares believe, the young gentle­man, felt great gratitude to good Lady Y [...], for exerting her influence with her brother-in-law, Sir J [...] C [...]. The Editor wishes that, for the benefit of society, Mr Moore would put forth an edition in half-crown numbers. There are anecdotes enough to furnish a fine print for every num­ber; for, as Mr. Monck Berkeley used to say, ‘"it is as en­tertaining as a novel, with this difference, that the facts are real, and as pious as Thomas à Kempis."’ Thousands would then read and profit by it, who otherwise will never hear of it.

Bishop Berkeley used to say, ‘"If I had the voice of Sten­tor, I would become hoarse in calling on all, particularly on persons of high rank, Take care of the education of your children."’ If my Lord M [...]s has done so, he may [Page cccclxxx] meet his children in a more august court than that of St. James's without horror*; "if not, perhaps it might be wise in him to place himself in the situation, before the throne of mercy, in which, thirty-six years ago, in the summer of 1760, he thought proper to place Mr. C [...], a very respectable Gloucestershire gentleman, at the Swan Inn at Cheltenham, on both his knees, begging this GREAT man's pardon; not only all the gentlemen who dined there witnessing it, but all the town, the sashes being up, standing on each others' shoulders, to behold so wonderfully NOBLE a conduct.

At the time when this circumstance happened, the Edi­tor and her sister were returning, from drinking tea at the rooms, to their lodgings below the Swan Inn, such a crowd none could pass; after waiting some time, they desired their footman to push through, and learn what occasioned this violent concourse. After some time, the servant returned (he was a very worthy Gloucestershire man, so knew Mr. C [...]) saying, ‘"Oh, Madam! it is young Mr. C [...], upon his knees, begging pardon of an Officer."’

Both the Miss Frinshams at the same instant.—‘"Upon his knees?"’

[Page cccclxxxi]Servant.—‘"Yes, Madam; and he is making a long speech; and all the gentlemen are standing round them, looking very grave."’

The next morning the walks echoed with this wonderful transaction.

Three of the Editor's old, intimate friends, the late Sir William and Sir Septimius (then Colonel) Robinson, and the sensible, worthy Philip Sharpe, Esquire, Clerk of the Privy Council, lamented over Mr. C [...]'s having unluckily said, ‘"that he understood not the use of the sword, could not fight;"’ that declaration, all present agreed, produced the genuflexion. Cheltenham rang with this NOBLE deed during the season. It determined the Editor, then a young single woman, that if ever she did marry, and should produce a son, he should learn to use a sword, although she trusted he might never meet with a son of the noble M [...], never draw it in any private quarrel.

Mr. Monck Berkeley had the honour, the pleasure, to be well known to the ‘"sweet, amiable Lord L [...],"’ eldest son of the M [...], as he termed him, on the Editor's asking, in her wonted way, ‘"What is he or she like?"’ It may be hoped, this dire calamity may bring this NOBLE M [...] on his knees.

[Page cccclxxxii] The idea of a nobleman or gentleman upon their knees to any BUT God, brings to the Editor's mind a circumstance of a noble Duke upon his knees (not to beg pardon), re­peatedly related to her by her Mother.

It has been mentioned before, that the great controver­sial writer, Charles Leslie, great-grandson of the excellent Bishop of Rothes, the only Scotch friend of the unfortunate Queen Mary, as good Sir Nicholas Throcmorton was her only English one, spent much time at Mr. Cherry's*, where she had often heard the following little anecdote related by Mr. Leslie; as the origin of Mr. Leslie's ‘"FOUR SHORT MARKS"’ to ascertain the truth of historic facts re­lated [Page cccclxxxiii] as having past long since; and which, the Editor has repeatedly heard from many learned men, cost the late Dr. Conyers Middleton twenty years' trying, but all in vain, to refute.

An excellent lady, a friend of Mr. Cherry, was very inti­mate with the then Duke of Leeds, who was a Deist. They often disputed on the subject. The lady happened one day to lament that, although the Duke would never per­vert her to Deism, she should never be able to convert him to Christianity, for he took all her arguments to pieces. In short, his Grace was a better logician than the lady, who said, ‘"Now, if Mr. Leslie would teach me some arguments, I could urge them, and perhaps rescue my noble friend from his sad error."’ Mr. Leslie replied, ‘"I will endea­vour to furnish you with some arguments, that, if his Grace has an honest mind, will convince him of the truth of Revelation."’ Accordingly, the four marks were given to her, and she soon produced them to her noble friend.

The next morning, as early as it was proper to send to a fine lady, perhaps rather earlier at the end of the seventeenth than at the close of the eighteenth century, the Duke sent to request that the lady would have the goodness to desire the gentleman who had written that paper to visit him with her. On Mr. Leslie's entering the apartment the [Page cccclxxxiv] Duke went towards him, and, like Cornelius to Saint Peter*, fell on his knees, burst into tears, thanked him, and besought him to pray to God to forgive the having lived so long in ignorance and error; said that he had sat up the whole night, reading it over and over, impa­tient for the arrival of the morning, to see and bless the hand that had rescued him from eternal misery.

Whoever has as honest a mind as this wise excellent Duke, may read these FOUR MARKS, almost verbatim, tran­scribed by the pious Mr. Nelson, in the Monday and Tuesday in Whitsun-Week, in his "Feasts and Fasts." The very learned late Reverend Meredith Jones, Rector of Guestling, Prebendary of Chichester, Chaplain to the present Bishop of Chichester, in a most incomparable work of his, written when a young man, without his name, and printed for B. White in 1758, says, ‘"I defy any honest Arian not to be convinced by the proofs here produced."’ The book is almost as scarce as it is excellent. It proves that the filiation of the SAVIOUR of the WORLD did not commence until after the angel Gabriel had been sent to the Blessed Virgin. The excellent and very deeply learned Mr. Romaine says, that the distinction in the Trinity, of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are only office names; for he was old-fashioned enough to believe that, in this Trinity, none was [Page cccclxxxv] greater or less than another, &c. (See the Anathasian Creed*. The very learned Mr. Hawtry has lately published a similar work for very learned persons. Few females of the Editor's acquaintance, excepting her two old friends and namesakes Mesdames Eliza Carter and Eliza Lawrence—the latter styled by Dr. Johnson ‘"The English Sappho"’—are, perhaps, qualified to understand all its merits. Probably not the learned Miss [...], (of whom the Editor has heard her son speak,) who have a little Greek, ‘"a little learning is a dangerous thing,"’ would always call the Roman orator Kickero.—A boy should have received a kick for such folly. Mr. Monck Berkeley detested every kind of affection as much as his Mother. He delighted much in the conversa­tion of the two above-named, uncommonly sensible, as well as very learned ladies. The Editor has frequently heard Dr. Berkeley say, he would prefer, were he to publish a Greek work, the criticism of Miss Eliza Lawrence, now [Page cccclxxxvi] Lady of the member for Canterbury, to most men he knew. These two really learned ladies are also two of the best housewives that the Editor knows.—She thinks that, in that absolutely necessary knowledge, both these learned ladies equal her ignorant self!!!

The title of Mr. Meredith Jones's work is, "The Doctrine of the TRINITY, as it stands deduced by the Light of REASON, from the DATA laid down in the SCRIPTURES; to which are added, some Remarks on the ARIAN CON­TROVERSY; also a POSTSCRIPT, containing some Observa­tions on the Writings of Justin Martyr and Irenaeus."

The Editor trusts, for her own sake, as well as that of others, that she draws near a conclusion of this very long Preface, not quite unexampled; for one of the acutest wri­ters of the latter end of the last century, that wonderful genius Charles Leslie, in his incomparable book, intituled, "THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS*, has made his preface con­siderably [Page cccclxxxvii] longer than the Work itself. The Editor is con­scious that she ought hardly to presume to write her name in the same paragraph with that great man; yet is certain that she has the happiness to resemble him in one thing—a most ardent wish to advance the glory of GOD and the salvation of souls. She hopes for pardon, at least from those ‘"who never give themselves the time or trouble to consider whe­ther they have souls to be saved or not."’

A young man, now no longer an inhabitant of this sublu­nary world, on being one day asked if a friend of his had any religion, replied, ‘"Of all the young men of my acquaintance, I do not in my conscience believe that, excepting [...] and [...], there is one that ever gives himself the time or trouble to think whether he has a soul to be saved!"’ Every one has redde the request of a pious dying father to a thoughtless dissipated son—to retire for one half hour every day into a room, without either pen, ink, or book. We are told it had the desired effect—he was COMPELLED to THINK.

The Editor being old-fashioned, and vulgar enough to believe a future state of rewards and punishments, and wonderfully addicted, when she loses a friend or an ac­quaintance, in idea to follow them over ‘"the dark irremiable flood,"’ the river of death, and to rejoice that, ‘"whether they would hear, or whether they would forbear"’—for [Page cccclxxxviii] the generality are most ‘"thoughtless,"’ that she has suggested to them, that it might be wise to think a little about it now and then, lest, like the wretched Lord Chesterfield, they should, when too late, experience what he certainly said, ‘"If I believed one word of the Bible, I would live like [...] [...]."’ And some years after, not long before his death, ‘"I have a frightful long journey to take in the dark, and I do not know one step of the way."’ Could one of those friends return to earth, how would they reproach those who forbore to warn them to flee to the only TRUE con­solation in TIME, and through the countless NEVER-ending ages of ETERNITY.

The Editor, ever addicted to scribbling, to composing—for she amused herself with writing two sermons at eleven years old—has long been in the habit of composing prayers for her own sole use, not for her own sole benefit—takes leave here to subjoin a part of one used by her every morn­ing, as soon as she opens her eyes, and, to her wonder, finds herself an inhabitant of this thorny wilderness.

‘"* * * * * Grant, I earnestly beseech thee, O my God! that I may not pass this day, or any succeeding one of my life, without doing some good to the souls, bodies, or fortunes, particularly the souls, of my relations, friends, benefactors, servants, neighbours, and acquaintance, or those that I may [Page cccclxxxix] chance to meet with; and this I beg, for the merits, death, and passion's sake of Him who went about doing good to all—who died for all who truly call on him—Jesus Christ the Righteous."’ The Editor daily uses the very short beau­tiful prayer of ARMINE NICHOL, the famous pious German maid servant, now as much higher, as she was here holier, than, perhaps, any of her contemporary Princesses of the whole Germanic body. That every one who reads this may profit by it, is the ardent wish of the Editor, Eliza Berkeley.

Of Mr. Monck Berkeley's genius many of those who read what he has written may be competent judges. To attempt to do justice to the exquisite amiability, generosity, and nobleness of his heart, the wonderful strength and sound­ness of his judgement, the brilliancy of his imagination and ready wit, his wonderful wilfulness in youth, the great steadiness of his temper, and the exquisite loveliness of his nature, even in very early youth, would fill a small volume, which would be an entertaining one, and would require the knowledge of the Writer of this Preface, and the pen of his favourite Dr. Johnson.

Mr. Berkeley, like the excellent, Honourable Captain Hamilton, of the Lancaster man of war, father of the Marquis of Abercorn, never could behold a cloud of distress on any brow, even on that of a perfect stranger, without [Page ccccxc] not only wishing, but even endeavouring, to remedy or alleviate their sorrows, in which they both often succeeded with high and low; many curious instances of which might be related.

Of the excellent, amiable Captain Hamilton, the Editor has frequently heard his very worthy brother, the Ho­nourable and Reverend Mr. Hamilton, Canon of Windsor, relate the following story, which shall be given in his own words.

‘"My brother was going one day from town, to dine with several of his friends at Lord [...]'s (name forgotten by the Editor). It was at the time when Westminster Bridge was either building or repairing. Captain Hamil­ton got into the great ferry-boat; after having seated himself, he observed a middle-aged farmer-like man sitting with his arms folded, regardless of all that passed; no one, perhaps, but my excellent brother would have thought of enquiring into the cause. He spoke to him two or three times. His answers were as laconic as might consist with civility. This only served to convince my brother that the man was under some distress, which it was possible he might alleviate, if he could but find it out. Ac­cordingly he requested one of the passengers to exchange seats with him. He now placed himself close to the poor man, and said, 'My friend, you seem unhappy."’

[Page ccccxci]Farmer.—‘"Yes, Sir, I am so.’

Capt. H.—‘"Can I do any thing to relieve you?’

Farmer.—‘"No, Sir, I thank you.’

Capt. H.—‘"Do, my poor friend, tell me your distress; perhaps I may be able to assist you.’

Farmer.—‘"No, Sir, you cannot."’

‘"Nobody but my brother would, after this, have perse­vered. He intreated the man to tell him the cause of his distress; who began thus:’

"Oh! Sir, you are so kind, I must tell you. About a fortnight ago a man came to my house in Devonshire, telling me, that a relation of mine had died very rich, and left me and my brothers his money, but that I must go to London to see after it, or we should lose it. I took him in; made him very welcome; and, in a few days, set out with him for London, mounted on two of my best horses. He said I must carry a pretty good bag of money*, just to fee the lawyers, and bear my expences in town. I paid the road all the way up. The morning after we came to town, he took me to Westminster Hall, where we saw a vast many lawyers in black gowns; but [Page ccccxcii] he said his lawyer was not there that day, and we must go again; but advised me, as he was more used to Lon­don than I was, to let him carry the money-bag. We walked about, a day or two, to look at fine places, and yesterday we got in one place into a great crowd, and I lost him. I have been looking for him, and for the inn where we lodged, and cannot for the life of me find ei­ther. I am afraid the man is a rogue, and I shall lose all my money; but that I do not value, if I could but have got my poor horses; for they are very fine, and worth a deal of money."

"My brother asked him, in what part of the town his inn lay."—He replied, "That, never having been in town before, he knew not, nor the sign of the inn, only that it had great gates.'—My brother said, 'Well, my friend, instead of going to my friends, you and I will go back to London in the boat, and try to find your inn and your horses.'

"The poor man's countenance brightened. They returned, set out on this benevolent wild-goose chase, my brother charging the man to keep fast hold of him if they got into any crowd. Every inn, from Whitehall, quite through the City, the Strand, and Holborn, was shewn to him. After some hours they got into Aldersgate Street, at the upper end of which the poor man exclaimed, 'Oh! God bless [Page ccccxciii] you, Sir, this is the inn!' He flew into the yard, went to the stable, where stood his two fine horses, which the sharper had not taken away. My brother enquired if he did not want money to take him home; the honest man replied, 'No, God reward you, Sir; luckily I took three guineas loose in my pocket, before I gave him the bag to take care of."

The angelic-hearted Captain Hamilton left his party to dine without him, and joined them not until the next day. It is almost superfluous to add, that, whilst he resided at Bear-hill House in Berkshire, he was the idol of all his neighbours, high and low.—He enjoyed the ‘"Peace of God,"’ which made him ever chearful, and he had wonderful good-will towards man. An attempt to de­scribe the sincere lamentations at his early (one must not presume to add untimely) death* would be as vain as fruitless.

[Page ccccxciv] This excellent man lived to Christ, was owned by him in death, and is now rejoicing with him in glory. Captain Hamilton was convinced, that not every one that saith, ‘"Lord, Lord!"’ shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven. He acted, as well as talked, like a Christian, having con­stantly prayers twice every day on-board his ship; and, when on land, his family was constantly assembled as often. An eminent Divine says, although Adam's sin does, yet grace does not, run in the veins. Captain Hamilton's mother was NOT a saint, i. e. sancta, like himself!!!

Mr. Berkeley's mind, from the time he could articulate, appeared to be of so very extraordinary and singular a turn, as determined his Mother to watch over him with the utmost vigilance, during the time that, to use the language of the wise Lord Halifax, in his Advice to his Daughter, ‘"We are entirely under your government, and indeed through life you have so much influence over us, that it behoves us to take the greatest care that you (females) are well educated."’

Mr. Berkeley, when grown up, used frequently to say, ‘"Let a man commit whatever he can, except the not being [Page ccccxcv] a good Greek or Latin scholar, my Mother constantly says, That was his Mother's fault, poor young man!"’

Mrs. Berkeley as constantly charged the improper beha­viour of young ladies on the father, if he was a man who had lived in the world. It would be cruel to charge it on a man entirely devoted to study; but there are few such now amongst persons of a certain rank in society.

Mrs. Berkeley, from long observation, saw how naturally youths are attached to the mother, and girls to the father. The reason is obvious. The mother is not finding fault with her Son's slovenly Latin and Greek exercises; nor the father of the young lady's monkey-tricks, when she should be learning History, Geography, Drawing, Music, &c. so much as often to occasion the late excellent Lady P [...], the bosom-friend from early infancy of the Editor, to say ‘"It was impossible that children, particularly girls, should love a mother that did her duty as she ought by them."’ She, as her friend always assured her she would, expe­rienced the contrary. Her children, when they grew up, were lovely, and loved her much. She was indeed lovely; she has frequently wept with vexation, that she had not the clam, not to be shaken, steadiness of mr. Berkeley's mo­ther. It was perhaps, according to the old French pro­verb, ‘"Dieu donne la robe selon le froid."’ Mr. Berkeley's maternal grandfather, with the same lovely nature as Mr. [Page ccccxcvi] Berkeley had, when a child of only four years and an half old, on his father's whipping him the third time for wil­fulness, resolved, as the Writer of this Preface has often heard him say, to tire his father out; and he thought that about seven or eight times would do it. Luckily for him his mother intreated his father to give it up: to which he replied, ‘"No; I will whip him till to-morrow morn­ing, rather than let him get the better of me."’ THAT he thought would be rather too long; so instantly sub­mitted.

It was really entertaining to hear from Mr. Berkeley, when grown up, his wonderfully deep-laid schemes to conquer his Mother; but he used to add, ‘"I never did once succeed; yet still I persevered, till reason, pretty early in life, convinced me of my folly."’ He would fre­quently exclaim, ‘"Oh! the Wise King was inspired, when he gave his lessons for education in the book of Proverbs; and, blessed be God, MY Mother had the sense to make his directions the rule of her conduct. God knows what would have become of me by the time I had been ten years old, with my sort of spirit and temper."’

From two years old until the last breath he drew, perhaps no one ever loved a Mother with such exquisite tenderness as Mr. Berkeley; of which a million of instances might be related. Mrs. Berkeley used often to say, on shewing any [Page ccccxcvii] curious thing presented to her by Mr. Berkeley, ‘"I am persuaded, if my Son visited any odd place, where no­thing was to be procured but tanned bulls' hides, he would say, Pray pick out the very best, and send it di­rected to Mrs. Berkeley, the Oaks, Canterbury."’

Mr. Berkeley's gratitude to his Father was very great on several accounts, particularly on two. Mr. Berkeley from a child, and through life, was an enthusiastic lover of music. Like most, he was exceedingly anxious to learn to play the violin, which his Father early, very wisely, told him he never should do; and Mr. Berkeley used always to say, ‘"He was sure, had he learned, it would have been his destruction."’

In the early part of Mr. Berkeley's life, he played on the German flute; but an hereditary illness, the asthma, at­tacked him at the age of about seventeen. The advice of the very judicious, worthy Dr. Biddle of Windsor, so entirely cured him, that he never had a second serious attack. The Doctor said, ‘"Mr. Berkeley was the youngest patient he ever attended in that frightful disorder."’ He bade him lay aside his German flute, and charged him never to give the view halloo. Mr. Berkeley at that time hunted re­gularly twice a week with the buck-hounds*. He wisely obeyed both injunctions.

[Page ccccxcviii] The father and mother of Bishop Berkeley, although not at all related before their marriage (Mrs. Berkeley was aunt to old General Wolfe, father of the famous General of that name,) both died in the same week of the asthma, and were interred at the same time in the same grave. They were a happy pair through life, and happy in not being divided in death. It cannot be said, that they died an untimely death, both being near ninety. They lived to breed up six sons, gentlemen. They lived to see the eldest a Bishop some years before their death—a Bishop who did honour to episcopacy, by his learning, his munificence, his piety, his wonderfully well-judged charities.

[Page ccccxcix] The Sunday after the hard frost set in, the Bishop ap­peared at breakfast with his Cloyne-made wig. All the Bi­shop's own cloaths, as well as his liveries, were constantly made at the little village of Cloyne. He permitted his sons to employ a Cork tailor. The Bishop's wig was without a grain of powder. On his Lady's expressing her astonish­ment at his wonderful appearance, he replied, ‘"We shall soon have a famine; and I have expressly ordered, that none of the servants put any powder into their wigs, neither will I."’ The chaplain, secretary, and all, took the hint. A certain Bishop, as soon as the tax was laid, took out a licence for three men, and his Lady's maid. Bishop Berkeley, during the frost and scarcity, gave, every Monday morning, twenty guineas to the poor.

Primate Boulter gave to the poor that winter ten thousand pounds. The then Lord Bishop of Cork, (Dr. Peter Brown*, uncle to the late agreeable Archbishop of Tuam, and great uncle to the Editor's young—old friend Jemmet Brown, of Riverstown in the county of Cork, who fre­quently spent his holydays when at Westminster at Dr. Berkeley's,) a single man, gave thirty pounds every week. One day the mayor, his almoner, came, when, the mo­ney being all gone, the good Prelate gave all his plate.

[Page d] The Bishop of Cork was great uncle to the Reverend James Brown of Rivers Town, the present possessor of the fine ring, the only jewel which his truly honourable grand­sire would accept from the Spanish lady, after Colonel Brown had said,

"Cease, fair lady, cease this strife;
"I have in England a fair lady wife.
"I would not falsify my vow for gold or gain;
"No, not for all the fairest dames in Spain."

To be sure, Colonel Brown had some odd ideas, perhaps from his grandmother, from which most of our modern heroes are entirely free. As to the generality of our fair dames of these days, if they chance to meet with a humour­some or unkind husband*, they fly to an Officer of the [Page cli] Guards, instead of to some old reverend Divine, for counsel and consolation, as our great-grandmothers were wont to do; for, to suppose that there were no unpleasant husbands in the last century, would be to suppose that miracles had not then ceased; but the beauteous young dames were then differently educated, and decently attired.

A few years ago, Mr. Brown taking his ring off to wash his fingers after dinner, three ladies hid it from him. For three days he supposed it lost, and was, as he well might, exceedingly distressed. They deserved a trip at least half way to Botany Bay for their cruelty; since which he has never worne it, but keeps the invaluable jewel locked up, and only shews it to those friends who wish to see so noble, so honourable a curiosity.

In one of Mr. Berkeley's idle fits, he was wild to go into the Army, that he might take a handsome leave of Greek and Latin; and, by a noble connexion of his Father's, he had the offer of a Cornetcy in the Oxford Blues. This, at the age of fifteen, put him into an extacy; and he used all his eloquent rhetoric on his Father to obtain his per­mission; but, as he used to say, ‘"Happily in those things [Page dii] my Father was as steady as my Mother in other respects where she was concerned."’

Dr. Berkeley used to say to his Son, ‘"If, after you have left Eton, and spent four years at Oxford, you wish, as it is possible you may, to go into the army, you shall have my free consent."’

Dr. Berkeley valued an English, i.e. not a foreign uni­versity education, as highly as did the Editor from the age of fifteen. Nothing could have tempted her to marry a gentleman who had not passed some years either at Oxford, Cambridge, or Dublin. It certainly infuses something into the brains even of the most hair-brained youths that they very rarely get elsewhere. Several gentlemen of the different regiments of cavalry constantly quartered at Can­terbury had received that advantage; and Dr. Berkeley, who sometimes dined at the mess with his military ac­quaintance, at his return home used to say, ‘"I wonder all the young men, when they see the deference paid by the whole regiment to Captain or Major [...], do not use their time of absence at the University."’

Mr. Berkeley, during his residence in Scotland, accepted a commission in the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, raised to quell some riots in the neighbourhood of that city; which occasioned a gentleman's asking him, ‘"if he had not some [Page diii] thoughts of going into the army."’ He replied, ‘"No, Sir, my Father's wisdom kept me out when I was an idle boy, and my own will keep me out now that I am a man. Nothing but his Majesty's erecting his standard will ever make me a military man; in that case, I should feel it my DUTY to repair to it."’

One trait more of Mr. Berkeley's singular temper shall suffice. Like all other children, he had been early told, that it was utterly impossible to form a syllable in any known language without the aid of at least one vowel. It was Mrs. Berkeley's constant custom to go every night, before she sat down to supper, to the rooms of her chil­dren (for she never suffered them to sleep together) to see if they lay straight, and had closed their eyes before they went to sleep, as many eyes are injured by sleeping without this necessary care. One night, on entering Mr. Berkeley's room, she saw his fine eyes rolling about, and began to give him a lesson for not going to sleep as soon as he went to bed, at seven. He replied, ‘"I cannot sleep for think­ing"’—(the misery of too many older persons; it cer­tainly occasioned the death of that wonderful genius, the late agreable, amiable, excellent Mr. Gainsborough, Dis­senting Minister at Henley upon Thames, elder brother to the justly celebrated painter, Mr. Gainsborough of Bath; but it may be in general avoided by care;) as the Editor [Page div] knows by experience, and, when grown up a man, taught her Son—for which he blessed her *.

Mrs. B.—‘"How dared you set to thinking? What are you thinking on?"’

Mr. B.—‘"Why you have often told me, that it was impossible to form a syllable without a vowel; and there­fore I have long resolved to do it, and to-night have been thinking till my head runs round; and I believe I have tried five hundred words, throwing out the vowels, but I have not yet compassed it."’

Before six years old he could spell every word in the English language without book, and before he had completed his eighth year knew how to introduce them with propriety when occasion served, which rendered his language re­markably elegant—not all mono- and dis-syllables, as is often the case with children, insomuch as to make the learned, accomplished Sir John Temple, of America, say, [Page dv] ‘"My nephew, at near sixteen, a pretty good Latin and Greek scholar, can no more express his sentiments in the language of this little creature, than I could scale the skies;"’ adding, ‘"I shall watch him as he grows up; and farewell to my sagacity if he does not make a most ex­traordinary man indeed."’ The worthy Sir John needs not bid adieu to that trait of his fine strong understanding. The Editor has not heard of any of her beloved respected American friends for many years.

Mrs. George Berkeley, being little addicted to going from home, and Dr. Berkeley's hospitality very great, Mr. Monck Berkeley, when any of his ton friends or acquaint­ance were going to the Continent, Margate, Ramsgate, &c. &c. used to give them a letter of introduction to his Father, or his Mother, which occasioned the latter to say, ‘"that she was the good woman who kept the sign of the Berkeley arms."’ This so tickled the fancy of Mr. Monck Berkeley, that the next time he visited at home, he brought a print of Lord Berkeley's arms, framed and glazed.

The next day Mrs. Berkeley, passing through the hall, seeing something that she had not been accustomed to see, called to Mr. Wrightson to know what it was. He replied, ‘"that Mr. Berkeley had ordered his man to hang it up*."’

[Page dvi] Mrs. Berkeley, having recourse to her glass, soon disco­vered her Son's fun; and, on seeing him, told him, ‘"that his Father's ten crosses had no right to supporters, except himself and his Mother, who ought to take care not to make the ten twelve; that, if he wished for crowned supporters, he must begin to open his mouth in West­minster Hall."’

Mr. Berkeley conjured his Mother to let it hang up; to which she consented, on condition of its being removed from the hall into the anti-room leading to the eating-room in the Oaks.

The arms still hang up—and if any of the Editor's old friends, Scotch or English, should wish to breathe a little [Page dvii] of the soft air of Chertsey, and happen to recollect that she lives at that beautiful town, and call, she cannot, with truth, say, that ‘"Here is good entertainment for man and horse;"’ but she can, and does say, that there is hearty welcome to—if they are in luck—a slice of leg of mutton—if out of luck—hashed mutton and a tart;—and, whilst the Editor's now small stock lasts, a bottle of good old port or sherry; but, after her one glass per diem has exhausted it, she be­lieves they must bring their bottle under their arm, as the new wine-tax has quite scared her.

Mrs. Berkeley cannot pretend to assert, that the BERKELEY ARMS is the best inn at Chertsey; for the Swan, kept by the uncommonly sensible, clever Mrs. Daniel, mother of the Messrs. Daniel, who have lately published some fine things, which the Editor cannot afford to purchase, and if she could, has not time to contemplate and admire, as she hears all others do, certainly excells the BERKELEY ARMS at present, for the Editor conceives, that Mrs. Daniel, the post-mistress here, could conduct a post*, and pro­cure [Page dviii] a post-horn, the pleasantest music imaginable, without sending every letter to and from Staines. Some days there are more than fourscore, as the Editor is in­formed.

Mrs. Berkeley one day received a letter from her Son, saying, ‘"that in about a fortnight she would receive a visit from the Princess de Lambelle, and that he was sure she would have pleasure in making her Highness's few days séjour at Canterbury as agreeable as possible."’ In answer to which epistle, the Editor wrote as follows:

My dear Son,

If you will inflict Princesses, as guests, upon your poor Mother, I hope you will at least have the goodness to instruct her in what manner she is to com­port herself towards them. She has had the honour to entertain Baronesses, &c. &c. up to Duchesses; but when she comes to Princesses, she is quite out of her Dio­cese * indeed. Who is to be invited to meet her? What is to become of her suite? To be sure, they are too fine for John, &c.

This sentence was a cant phrase in the family. A poor lady in the neighbourhood of Cloyne, being seized with a phrensy fever, and continuing long ill, Bishop Berkeley, being out early one morning, before enquiry had been regularly made, stepping into the coach, asked his faithful old coachman if he happened to hear how Mrs. [...] did? He replied, ‘"Oh! very ill indeed, my Lord; she is quite out of her Diocese."’

[Page dix] To which an immediate answer was returned, of the following purport:

‘"Only [...] [...] must be invited to meet her. With regard to her suite, they will all be at the Lyon, whither I have recommended her Highness. The Mar­chioness of [...], and the Count and Countess of [...](names forgotten,) will dine with her Highness, at the same table, in the humble eating-room at the Oaks."’

Matters thus adjusted, the Editor, who, during Dr. Berkeley's life, always kept an excellent cook, set her spi­rit quite at rest, expecting, in due time, the arrival of a fine French lacquais, announcing when she must go to the Lyon, request the honour, &c.

One morning, before the expiration of the fortnight, on going down to breakfast, Mr. Wrightson delivered to her a letter, which she saw was directed by her Son. It con­tained only:

My dearest Madam,

You will have the honour to receive this from the hands of the Princess de Lambelle; and I am persuaded, that my Father, to whom I request you to present my duty, and yourself, will have great [Page dviii] [...] [Page dix] [...] [Page dx] pleasure in doing yourselves the honour to pay every pos­sible attention to her Highness; in doing which, you will greatly oblige

Your most dutiful, affectionate son, and obedient servant, GEORGE-MONCK BERKELEY.

It may perhaps be asked, how became Mr. Berkeley so well acquainted, so interested, for this lovely unfortu­nate Princess? His noble friends at Blenheim did him the honour to invite Mr. Berkeley, during her Highness's visit at their delightful abode. Mr. Berkeley escorted her to Nuneham, and waited on her whilst she viewed all the noble buildings, paintings, &c. at Oxford. She said she much wished to see Cambridge; but that, if she went, she feared she should not find a Mr. Berkeley there.

Mr. Berkeley, with his wonted amiablility and alertness, told her Highness, that ‘"if she wished to go thither, he would, with great pleasure, give her a letter of intro­duction to the Vice-chancellor, who was a very intimate friend of his Father, and with whom he had the happi­ness to be well acquainted, the very learned, accom­plished, polite Dr. Farmer, Master of Emanuel Col­lege."’

[Page dxi] He accordingly did so. She said, ‘"She wished to see every thing that was curious during her stay in England;"’ adding, ‘"I hear that there is a curious Cathedral at Can­terbury. I saw nothing but a very old city, and a vast multitude of people."’

Asking Mr. Berkeley, as he seemed to have a large ac­quaintance, ‘"if he happened to know any one at Canter­bury, to whom he could be so good as to give her a let­ter of introduction—just to shew her what was worthy attention there?"’

Mr. Berkeley told her, ‘"that he could most certainly do, for that his Father and Mother resided there, and would have great pleasure*,"’ &c. &c.

[Page dxii] On hearing this, her Highness exulted, expecting, probably, to find as good a show-man in the Father as she had found in the Son. Dr. Berkeley could most elegantly, most highly, entertain his friends in almost every other way; but, as a show-man, he was so notoriously bad, that a gentleman, a very near relation of his, used to say, ‘"George is the idlest dog upon earth. One may come from Ireland, stay a month at Cookham, live on the fat of the land, and, but for Mrs. George Berkeley, go back again without seeing even either Cliefden's 'proud alcove,' or Windsor Castle, to say nothing of half a score other beautiful places within a drive of his house, to which, with much ado, Mrs. Berkeley drags him, as she will not leave him to dine at home without her."’ The Editor laid it down as a rule when she married, and she strictly adhered to it, never to go any where in a morning, that would not admit of her placing herself at table at three o'clock, unless Dr. Berkeley ordered dinner later.

Dr. Berkeley was famous, when at Oxford, for not going on parties; so as to occasion Mr. James Hamilton afore­named to say, ‘"Berkeley had always one answer at Oxford. 'Oh! not I indeed; I have seen Blenheim.'—So now it is, 'I have seen Windsor Castle,"’ &c. The fact is, Dr. [Page dxiii] Berkeley, on his arrival at Oxford, the first long vacation, flew half over England; added to which, any bodily exer­cise brought on with him, as with his Father, who used no exercise at all, but in the easiest hung coach, for many years, a constant hectic feverishness.

Mr. Berkeley did not at all resemble a late worthy Fel­low of All Souls College. The Editor one day, many years ago, asking a very witty Fellow of that College, if he was acquainted with Dr. B [...]r of his College; he replied in the affirmative, adding, ‘"he is a very worthy man, but never throughly happy when he has not some Prince of the GERMANIC BODY to escort about the University."’

The Princess de Lambelle, although she did not see, was seen at Canterbury. The day after her passing through Canterbury from Dover, the Editor met her old, very highly respected friend Captain Gostling*, who reproached her for not having stepped down to the city to look at the Princess de Lambelle, saying, ‘"I think every body but yourself was [Page dxiv] there."’ To which the Editor replied, ‘"that she was too old and too stupid to go to SEE any body;"’ (she did not add ‘"hear any thing;"’ for she would, if she could afford to hire horses, willingly drive twenty miles, at least once every week, to listen to the conversation of Mr. BURKE;) adding, ‘"I dare say, the wise folks were all disappointed."’ To which Captain Gostling replied, ‘"I was not; for, I think, in my conscience*, that she is altogether the very finest woman that the Almighty ever formed."’ The Edi­tor begged, as she always does, to except her lamentably curious grandmother EVE before the Fall. Why would the silly woman wish to know evil? As much good as you please, Sir Serpent, but NO evil for me.

[Page dxv] A gentleman, very many years ago, mentioned to the Editor, that he had been taught by a very learned anatomi­cal gentleman a method of separating the soul from the body, without a possibility of being suspected of suicide; adding, that he would tell it to her: she begged to be ex­cused hearing it, lest, at any time of deep affliction, the enemy of her soul might tempt her to practise it. She also conjured him to let it die with him, as angelic BOYLE did his secret of discharging ink. The Editor believes her friend took her advice, as he is dead, and she has never heard any thing of this dangerous secret.

Mr. Monck Berkeley, in one of his letters to his Mother, speaking of her after much eulogium, adds, ‘"I am afraid I am really in love with her without knowing it."’

Some pains were taken to conceal from Mr. Berkeley, just then within a few days of his death, the dreadful fate of this lady, and of poor Louis the Sixteenth; but in vain. It was said, ‘"that the monster who murdered this lady received the wages of his iniquity in England, at the banking-house of an old amiable friend of Mr. Monck Berkeley, Mr. Chambers in Bond Street, one poor hun­dred pounds only."’ Our Blessed Master says, ‘"What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"’ But few Papists are permitted to read the Book of God.

[Page dxvi] This brings to the Editor's remembrance a dialogue that many years ago passed between the late King George the Second and the French Ambassador at Herenhausen, one day at dinner, when a relation of the Editor, the late Ri­chard Powney, Esquire, Fellow of All Souls College, had the honour to dine with his Majesty, who, when abroad, laid aside royalty, and wished his guests to forget that he was a King.

The Ambassador, a lively man, said, ‘"YOU poor Kings ne­ver made so pitiful figures as when Joshua had seven of you shut up in a cave together."’

The King replied, ‘"Ah! you Papists do not read the Bible, or you would know that he had but five of us in the cave."’

Mr. Powney, who entertained a table full of company at Dr. Berkeley's with this anecdote, said, ‘"Every one ad­mired the ready wit of the King;"’ and all the company laughed heartily.

This lovely—must one style her unhappy or happy?—Princess could not avail herself of Mr. Monck Berkeley's politeness.

An order arriving in England from the unfortunate Louis XVI. for all his subjects to return to France, an express [Page dxvii] followed the Princess to Cambridge. The Editor thinks she recollects hearing her Son say that she had been there some days.

This order was so urgent, that the Princess only stayed in Canterbury to change horses for Dover, at three in the morning. At eight Mr. Monck Berkeley's letter, men­tioned above as to be received from the fair hands of the beauteous Princess, was brought to the Oaks by the honest hostler of the Lyon, and delivered with ‘"Mrs. Lambelle's best compliments to Mrs. Berkeley, and she was very sorry she could not visit her as it was so early, but that she should be in Canterbury again very soon, when she would come—and that Mr. Berkeley, the gentleman who wrote the letter, which Mrs. Lambelle charged him to deliver safe, was very well."’

The Princess's degradation by the honest hostler afforded much diversion to Dr. and Mrs. Berkeley and their friends. Alas! what degradation did her lovely, lifeless from suffer after it was lifeless? for, it is very certain she ‘"never saw,"’ although she tasted, as every mortal must, death; for her sweet spirit was dismissed from the lovely casket in a single instant. Happy if found washed clean in the atoning blood of God, cloathed with the robes of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and her spirit renewed by that Spirit which HE died to purchase for all that throughly turn to HIM! See the viiith [Page dxviii] chapter to the Romans; which glorious chapter, the Editor has heard Dr. Berkeley say, his great-grandfather, Mr. Monck of Grange-Gormond, when old, and visited at times, perhaps not very often, by his fine young lady and gentle­men grandchildren, used, his large Bible always lying on the table, to request them to read to him, which occasioned their supposing that the old gentleman doated.

The late very pious Dr. Booth, Dean of Windsor, was so addicted to talk on the same delightful subject, that the Editor well remembers a gentleman coming in one evening to her house, when she resided at Windsor thirty-six years ago, and, happening to say ‘"he came from the Deanry,"’ a gentleman asked, ‘"Did you hear any news?"’

Mr. Trevanion*.—‘"No."’

Gentleman.—‘"What did you talk about?"’

Mr. Trevanion.—‘"Why on the Dean's beloved topic, the great blessing of REDEMPTION, the wonders of RE­DEEMING LOVE. Aye, aye, good man; he never seems to enjoy any other conversation."’ How happy in age to resemble the friends of St. Paul! ‘"whose conversation,"’ the Apostle tells us, ‘"is in Heaven,"’ &c. &c. May that of the Editor, and all her beloved aged friends, be daily more and more so, is her ardent wish.

[Page dxix] When last at Canterbury, the Editor requested her wor­thy friend, the throughly elegant amiable Mrs. Hughes, to say to her relation, the Reverend Mr. Hambley, the pre­sent vicar of Cookham, how very sensibly dear Dr. Berke­ley and herself felt that universally beloved gentleman's po­lite, generous, pleasant conduct, on Dr. Berkeley resigning that lovely spot. Lest it should have slipped that lady's me­mory, the Editor inserts part of a letter of hers to Dr. Berkeley, who, as well as her Son, preserved all her scrawls: ‘"You bade me draw the character of your successor (at Cookham). You observed that he had LYONS in his bearing armorial: to that they are confined, I really believe. He seems to have much of the Lamb in his nature and man­ners, and I do not suspect that he is a wolf in sheep's cloathing; which I abhor. Suppose we get our worthy friend Sir Isaac to exchange the noble Savage for the lovely Lamb for him?"’ Mrs. Berkeley gladly embraces this opportunity of holding up to its merited praise so amiable a character.

It may be asked, ‘"What could Mrs. Berkeley have to do with dilapidations during the life of Dr. Berkeley?"’ She has, alas! had too much to do with them since his lamented death. Dr. Berkeley never took dilapidations, but at Acton a very trifle, and at Canterbury not forty pounds, and immediately expended on the Prebendal House [Page dxx] more than two hundred pounds. The Editor asked him how he came to take any, as he never had before, and Dr. Sted­man did not die rich; he sweetly replied, ‘"Because I had not you here to remind me not to do it."’

Dr. Berkeley used always, from the time he married, to leave all business that he thought might have any thing at all unpleasant in it to Mrs. Berkeley, laughingly saying. ‘"it was the pleasantest thing in the world to have a wife, that one could metamorphose into a steward; that although [...] (calling Mrs. Berkeley by her name) had always declared, when she was single, she was resolved never to marry any man who took a woman merely as a disinterested housekeeper, to see that the servants did not cheat him from morning till night, and to bring him an heir; yet she had not declared against being a steward; as was the case of the little quiet mother of a worthy Baronet, now a Peer, whose father had at least twenty thousand pounds per annum."’

One day, an amiable Countess, a lovely friend of the Editor's youth, dining at the said wise man's, with other company, after the ladies were retired to the drawing-room, the butler came, whispered the lady; after some time he re­peated his visit, and, ‘"Oh! beware of the third time,"’ says the old proverb, he entered, and whispered loud enough for every one to hear, ‘"Madam, if you do not please to [Page dxxi] come, and weigh out the hops, they cannot go on with the brewing, and the beer will be all spoiled*".’

Beer is generally spoiled by hops; and the Editor has been repeatedly told, that there is still an act of Queen Elizabeth unrepealed, forbidding the ‘"planting or culti­vating that pernicious weed called hop."’ (The Editor has heard from her youth that the law for extinguishing fire on the tolling the curfew bell is also unrepealed—She is some­times tempted to wish it was enforced.) Perhaps there are few persons who fully know the wholesomeness of aged hard beer. The Editor has frequently heard the late ex­cellent Mrs. Tucker, of Canterbury, say, that when her father was head master of the King's School, the second masters, and the other boarding houses, had, summer after summer, a very bad fever amongst the boys; but her father, Mr. Gurney, had not a boy ill, which he attributed en­tirely, under God, to their drinking very hard home-brewed beer. He brewed, as they do in all wise gentlemen's fami­lies, only twice in the year, in March and October. All the world have of late found out the virtues of beer without hops. New, or as it is commonly called sweet-wort, is ex­cellent [Page dxxii] for worms in children, and for scurvies in men; and when the poison of the strong rank weed, hop, is gone off, it is aqua vitae to many, to the Editor, even when al­most vinegar; but a table spoonful of stale brewer's beer is almost death to her. Qu. Why is this?

The lady, however, begged excuse, went, and did her duty as housekeeper. Her husband built a very fine house, but would have no back door, that he might see the mo­tions of his half hundred of servants all day long. The Editor, then about seventeen, offered to lay a wager with a gentleman, that within two years he would break out a back door; he did it within one.

The Editor now experiences the want of a back gate at least. She has few servants, but, thank God, they are not eye servants, so want not watching, but there are many beggars who do; for ‘"these beasts of the people,"’ on being constantly refused relief, leave the front, the only gate, open, for the beasts of the common, to rout the garden direfully indeed.

The Editor, and a lady with her, went a few weeks ago into a shop: a girl, about thirteen, shabbily dressed, came in, asked for a pennyworth of gingerbread; it was cut; and also for a pennyworth of sugar candy; the mistress of the shop sensibly asked, ‘"Would you have both?"’

[Page dxxiii]Beggar.—‘"Yes, I eats um together."’

This being at the time when bread was at its very highest price, and WISE people believed we had no corn in the na­tion; the Editor asked, ‘"If she lived at D [...], that she might avoid relieving her family?"’


Mrs. B.—‘"Where then?"’

Beggar.—‘"No where; we travels the country."’

Mrs. B.—‘"What do you sell, laces and pins?"’

Beggar.—‘"No, we only travels about."’—That is, we are common beggars; can it be charity to relieve such?

The Editor, at length getting sight of most of the sheets at once, is confirmed in what she suspected; that she has been guilty of tautology, of Egotism, or rather Editorism. It is said of the excellent Lord Chancellor Clarendon, that, in his incomparable History of the Rebellion, the Chancel­lor of the Exchequer is too often introduced.

The Editor has always thought that there is at least as much, if not more, in the circumlocution often practised, and she is certain a vast deal of affectation, which she ever [Page dxxiv] abhorred, does still abhor, especially in matrons, and pities in girls, in persons relating transactions, in which they were necessarily principal actors, front figures, who cannot be thrown into the back-ground without ruining the picture, as is done by [...] at [...], by using circumlocution in mentioning themselves. It is like a very plain woman decking herself violently; it calls attention, but does not, according to the Editor's humble opinion, in either case, create respect. It must be considered that through life there was so constant an intercourse, whether present or absent, between Mr. Berkeley and his Mother, that She has, during the writing these sheets, frequently studied how to put her­self in a dark corner, which has been much more difficult than the doing that kind office to her dear Son, until he attained to the age of five, when that mode of punishment ceased, and another somewhat similar was substituted.

The Editor, perhaps, (having described herself as the most resolute of all females, where her children or her conscience were concerned,) owes it to herself to say, that it is most certain that she is not cursed with a stubborn or a saucy spirit: both were pretty easily by her wise mother nipped almost before they were in bud. When she was not quite four years old, being very busily employed in underssing her doll, to put it into the cradle, in an arbore at the far­thest part of a very long walk, her mother called her: thus importantly occupied, she, conceiving that it could not be [Page dxxv] heard, uttered the following soliloquy, ‘"I won't come till I have done."’ Very soon appeared the amiable woman who had taken care of here from a month old, (for, thank God, her mother was her nurse,) with ‘"Oh! fie, Miss, how came you to say such a naughty word to my Mistress?"’‘"What word?"’‘"Why you know, Miss, you said I won't come."’ Miss did not deny it, knowing, from the time she could articulate, that a LIE, even with her father, was a threat of being whipped, ‘"all but to death."’

The little culprit was delivered to her mother, standing at the garden door to receive her. She can almost fancy that her wrist, when she thinks of it, feels the grasp of her mo­ther's elegant long fingers, and hears her say, ‘"You won't come, MADAM, will you?"’ In she was taken, shewn a nice slice of bread covered with currant jelly on the table. ‘"Look you there, I called you to give you that for your supper. You will now go to bed without any supper, but a good whipping;"’ which was instantly administered, to teach her never to say ‘"I won't"’ again to her mother or father. It proved effectual; for, the Editor can, with strictest truth, assert, that this was the first and the last time that frightful word was ever pronounced by her, to either parent.

It pleased the gracious Giver of every good gift to spare that excellent mother until her daughter was twenty years [Page dxxvi] old, although at the time of her father's death no one would have given half a year's purchase for her life; and she has frequently told her daughters, when grown up, that every breaking up, when she returned them to Mrs. Sheeles's, that she conceived she had taken her last leave of them. The Editor often cannot refrain exclaiming, to her excellent sister, ‘"How gracious was God to us in sparing our angelic Mother!"’

To shew that the Editor needed not much discipline to bring her to submit to lawful authority, a simple little story may, she hopes, be excused. The fault is obliterated from her memory; the punishment never can, and her consequent sufferings. One of the Fathers, describing woman, says, ‘"She is an animal delighting in finery."’ A very pretty pale blue (the Editor's favourite colour, from her cradle, for her­self, to this time) bonnet had just arrived with some things of her mother's from town; which she had contrived to get sight of half a dozen times during the morning, and was told she was to wear it in the afternoon to go visit Miss Sloper, sister of General Sir Robert Sloper; Mr. and Mrs. Slo­per then lived at Waltham Place. (This young lady died at Mrs. Dennis's school.) Whether elated by so frequently contemplating the beautiful bonnet, or in what else she of­fended, whether by flying up one pair of stairs and down the other of the old house, a favourite amusement with both sisters when their Mother was out of the house. Be this, [Page dxxvii] however, as it may, the culprit was called, well-jobed, and told, that instead of going out visiting in the new bonnet, she was to stay at home tied by the arm to, she believes, the first fly-table ever made in England, made according to Mrs. Frinsham's own directions given to a country cabinet-maker, and which she (the culprit) could have drawn all over the house. She supplicated for pardon, but in vain; she was made to sit down on the floor under the table, tied by the left arm. She was tied with a good long nee­dleful of common white silk, taken from a ball in her mother's Indian work-bowl. She wept much a little while, but, being naturally of a very cheerful disposition, soon dried her eyes, and began to amuse herself with scratching a tree and some flowers on the shining old oak floor, with a large pin that she had coaxed out of her frock behind.

The Editor's delight in drawing and mixing colours com­menced, she remembers, before she left off her back­string. Thus amused, she forgot that she was a prisoner, and had crawled quite to the stretch of her tether. On finding it, she was in such terror lest the silk should break, and that her mother should think that she had dared to li­berate herself, that she crept so close to the leg of the table as to let the silk hang in a loop for considerably more than an hour, not amusing herself in any way but the delight arising from her happiness that the silk had not broke.

[Page dxxviii] It may perhaps, by some, be thought strange, that a very docile girl should make so very resolute a mother. Her disposition is naturally yielding, except when duty called for steadiness, as in the case of Mr. Berkeley. His brother was as easily governed as his Mother.

The Editor had the happiness, she still feels it such, that her mother bore testimony to the amenableness of her temper a very few months before her ‘"slow sudden death."’ A beloved friend of the Editor was strenuously asserting, ‘"that every human being was stubborn, and would, if possible, get their own will; that nothing but superior absolute force prevented it;"’ adding, ‘"shew me any man, woman, or child, that is not stubborn, and I will shew you a black swan."’ Some late travellers have discovered this rara avis.

The Editor constantly opposed the doctrine of universal stubbornness, and insisted, that, although she had MANY faults, she was certainly not a wilful being; and respectfully requested her mother to say whether she thought her so. Mrs. Frinsham laid down her work, and, lifting up her sweet eyes, which exactly resembled Dr. Berkeley's, said, ‘"Oh! no, my dear, indeed you are not stubborn; you never gave me five minutes trouble in your life from wilfulness."’

[Page dxxix] The mentioning of these things brings to the Editor's recollection a conversation with her Son not many months before his death, telling a friend, who had a violent-tem­pered little boy, ‘"that she should contrive to prevent his crying and screaming so violently as described, as it was dangerous, and often productive of bad consequences to boys' health;"’ adding, ‘"that she always took care to pre­vent it with her own boys; that when she had locked them into a light room, (no child should ever be shut into a dark room; sad consequences have arisen from it;) and got the key in her own pocket, that no servant might kindly administer consolation, she always stood to listen till the roaring ceased."’

Hereupon Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"My dear Mother, did you, could you think that I was fool enough to scream a moment longer than I thought you were in hearing? I strained my lungs that you might hear as long as I conceived it possible you should hear." (Mrs. Berkeley had often observed that the last shout was the most violent.) "I then immediately reached down some book, (the prison was generally the Editor's book closet,) to amuse me till the hour, or the two hours, according to my sentence, was elapsed, I never shed a tear;"’ (that his Father often remarked;) ‘"I only roared like a wild bull, to, as I con­ceived, punish you for punishing me—blessing on you for your wisdom!"’

[Page dxxx] The Editor, on perusing the sheets quite ready for pub­lication, finds that she has omitted many anecdotes that must have heightened the ideas of Mr. Monck Berkeley's wisdom and amiability, and his undaunted courage. His rescuing a poor little child late one night near Covent Gar­den, as he was going home to his chambers. He met the thief soon after at the Old Bailey, and she was transported. His rescuing an amiable friend of his from the Jews, whose wise guardians did not, at twenty, allow him as many hun­dreds per annum as, the next year, he was to inherit thou­sands; and, assisted by his learned, amiable friend, Mr. H [...], from the Gentiles at four in the morning, when going along Covent Garden they saw a coach, and some kind of bustle and struggle.

Hereupon Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"It is very late, let us go and see if all is right there."’

On drawing near, they saw a gentleman lifting—drag­ging into a coach by three females, assisted by the coach­man. Mr. H [...] exclaimed, ‘"Good God! Berkeley, it is your friend [...] [...]."’

Mr. Berkeley sprung forward, and said, ‘"My [...] [...] [...], where are you going?"’

[...], extremely intoxicated, replied, ‘"I do not know."’

[Page dxxxi]Mr. B.—‘"Yes, you do; you are going with us."’

Mr. B.'s Friend.—‘"Yes, yes."’

The Nymphs began raving, and said, ‘"The gentlemen had no right to take their guest from them. [...] [...] was going to spend the evening with them."’

The Coachman said, ‘"The gentleman belonged to the ladies. They had taken his coach to carry him home."’

Mr. Berkeley said, ‘"Have-a-care, my friend, I have taken the number of your coach already; and if you act like a villain, as surely as I live till morning, you shall appear before the Lord-Mayor. I fancy the ladies can walk home by themselves; and do you assist us in putting [...] [...] into the coach; and at your peril drive to any place but where I order you."’

They accordingly drove to [...] [...]'s lodgings, where they delivered him, his bourse bien chargée, not des louis, but guineas, and his very fine watch, safe into the hands of his valet de chambre, with directions to put him to bed.

The Editor rejoices very sincerely, that PROVIDENCE has some time ago delivered his Lordship into the hands of a very sensible worthy Lady, who has brought him a son [Page dxxxii] and heir to his vast estate. May he grow up as amiable as his father, as sensible as his mother!

The Editor, on perusing the sheets of this wonderfully long Preface de suite tout ensemble is hurt to find, that her memory is become so treacherous as to have permitted her to be so guilty of tautology, at the distance of little more than six months, to have twice quoted some favourite lines of Mr. Addison. This, however, may be pardoned, for they are beautiful, and she repeats the hymn of which they form a part every day; but repeating her own remarks or comments she laments, as she does her seeming ingratitude, when, mentioning the amiable hospitality of Scotland, she perceives she has omitted to mention the very highly polite attentions received by Dr. Berkeley's family, from the very elegant sister of the worthy Lord Newark, resident at St. Andrew's when Dr. Berkeley's family went to reside there; ‘"although last, yet not least,"’ &c.

A lady, the other day, said to the Editor, ‘"that our Nobility wanted a little humbling; that to be sure they had carried the matter much too far in France; but a little humbling would do them service for both worlds."’ The Editor begged that the Scottish in general, excepting some few, might be spared; and, as they took the advice of our blessed Master, and amiably ‘"humbled themselves, that they and some few English might be exempted from the said humbling."’

[Page dxxxiii] The Editor has not the honour to be known at present to many Noblesse, ‘"The world forgetting, by the world forgot;"’ but she is apt to think that modern Nobility are addicted to set more value on a coronet than those to whom it has de­scended by hereditary succession through several genera­tions.

Mrs. Berkeley some years ago had the honour to cor­respond with some English Nobles of both sexes, now no more. Very many of their letters are preserved—as polite as if she had been noble.

Several years ago the Editor took leave to write to a modern Peeress, requesting a very small favour for a young lady, very very much Mrs. Berkeley's superior, not to say by birth the Peeress's. The answer was returned on an half-sheet of common paper, sealed with a wafer pricked with a pin, expressing astonishment that the Editor could suppose she could do what she requested,—use her interest to procure a vacant twenty pounds per annum for a poor lady, who must have had the PAS of the Peeress until her Lord was a few years ago created a Peer. What made it still stranger to the poor simple Editor was, that when the Peeress and herself were both girls, the Peeress's lovely mother felt, at least expressed herself (she had the grace of humility) [Page dxxxiv] obliged by the Editor's mother's attentions to her and her little girl, now the little Peeress. This occured not long after the Editor's return to England, and she supposed that some great revolution in politeness had taken place during her absence, and that poor untitled gentry must approach Nobility as Swift makes the subjects of Japan approach their Emperor, and ‘"lick the dust as they crawl towards him."’

The Editor's ideas concerning a revolution in manners were, however, soon corrected, by her having the honour to receive letters à l'égarde de son cher fils from her amiable friend, Lord Loughborouh. An instance of his Lordship's amiability, related to her by another old friend, the agree­able Mr. Berridge, the hospitable master of John à Gaunt's Castle, emboldened her, at the distance of near a quarter of a century, to write to his Lordship to introduce that dear young man, telling his Lordship, ‘"that naturalists as­sure us, that the most timid animals become courageous where their young are concerned, that she felt the truth of the assertion."’ His Lordship's, and good Lady Lough­borough's attentions are carefully registered in her grateful memory. His Lordship's answer was most polite and friendly. Their amiable Graces of Marlborough, and the late excellent Lady Effingham, who have chanced to honour the Editor with letters, have written on whole sheets of gilt paper, most condescendingly subscribed, and sealed [Page dxxxv] —as to a gentlewoman—not to be mantua-maker. Indeed the Editor used to write more respectfully to the famous Mrs. Munday, her old playfellow, niece of John Breedon, Esquire, of Bear-Court, Berks, when she wanted a new négligée.

The poor lady for whom the Editor supplicated the Peeress's interest, for only a poor vacant twenty pounds per annum, has the honour, at least her grandfather had, and upwards for very many centuries, the honour to have two crowned heads, put on mourning at their decease, (as, whilst there was a King in France, was always done by that King when the head of the Courtney family died,) which the Editor is very sure no crowned head ever did for her an­cestors, nor, as she verily believes, for those of Captain [...], father of the Peeress. The poor young lady shewed her high birth, by submitting with, the Editor really thinks, unexampled fortitude and true unaffected dignity, to the distresses to which an imprudent match, in very early youth, had unavoidably subjected herself, her elegant husband, and lovely little girl. Although Mrs. Berkeley failed to obtain relief from the courtly, COURTEOUS Peeress, the amiable Dr. Berkeley's pocket failed not to alleviate their deep distress; for which the young gentleman blessed him when dying. His sensible, grateful relict and lovely daughter continue to bless his sweet memory. Dr. Berke­ley [Page dxxxvi] is receiving his reward; the Peeress still enjoys her new coronet.

Mr. Monck Berkeley, a great herald from ten years old, was consulted at twenty-two by a noble, amiable Peer, a great herald, a friend of the Peeress's Lord elect, about supporters to be added when the arms of [...] were to be tipped with a coronet. Mentioning the selection Mr. Monck Berkeley first made would too plainly mark out the Peeress, who, it is hoped, although she is now turned three­score, may live to grow older—and wiser. The Editor ne­ver wishes ‘"her pocket cat-o-nine tails"’ to wound any but the vicious and the ungrateful, and only to make the insolent tingle a little. The Editor has some letters, which she pre­serves, from ancient noblesse, male and female, for their in­ternal as well as their external merit. The assumed motto of the excellent Countess of L [...], round her Lady­ships cipher-seal, is always carefully preserved; ‘"HOLINESS IS HAPPINESS."’ Oh! that this were the motto of mil­lions, noble and non-noble!

The two following letters of the late George-Monck Berkeley, Esquire, were written at different periods; the first, when he was just about to return from his last vist to Scotland in the end of the autumn of 1789, not then, alas! thinking it was his last visit; for he frequently used to say, ‘"If God spares my life to settle, I shall every now and [Page dxxxvii] then, once in three or four years, in summer vacation, make a visit to Scotland for a few weeks."’ Although an enthusiastic admirer of Johnson in his writings, all on the side of virtue, his integrity, &c. he used to say, ‘"He be­haved like a savage in Scotland, where every respectful attention was shewn to him by every one."’ Mr. Berke­ley constantly styled Dr. Johnson the noble learned BEAR. His own abhorrence of what is called rudeness, even when persons are ever so much inflamed by resentment, he con­tracted very early in life from his Mother, who added to Shakspeare's ‘"Speak daggers, but use none,"’ let those daggers, for your own sake, be gilded; never use coarse lan­guage, nor make a coarse simile. The second was written at Dover a very few months before his lamented death.


Reverend Sirs and Gentlemen,

Presuming, that by this time you are all sufficiently informed with respect to the steps that have been taken by your Bishops to pro­cure [Page dxxxviii] a repeal of the penal laws, and that you are also acquainted with the TOTAL failure of their undertakings; I shall only trespass on your attention whilst I suggest the propriety of a second application to Parliament, and pro­pose to your consideration a plan of proceedure, of which the expediency will, I doubt not, be sufficiently appa­rent, to require little or no assistance from argument.

The plan, for which I wish to procure your sanction, is as follows: That each of the two orders I have now the honour to address, should elect a representative to su­perintend on its behalf the next application to Parliament, for a repeal of those laws, which it is no longer the inte­rest of any man to enforce*.

[Page dxxxix] To direct the attention of the inferior clergy to the pre­servation of their own rights, as connected with that church to which their services are devoted, would have appeared to me wholly unnecessary, had I not witnessed their supineness on the late occasion.

That the Bishops undertook their embassy without the concurrence of the Clergy and Laiety over whom they preside; that they constituted themselves, SOLE AND AB­SOLUTE GOVERNORS of the Church IN Scotland; that they concerted measures for the relief of that Church, without the advice or approbation of the inferior Clergy, who, with themselves, were equally interested in the success of these measures; and, that they have plainly evinced their utter incapacity to execute their own plans; are facts I need not call to your recollection. But, as a man much interested in the welfare of that Religious So­ciety in which he hopes to die; I think it a duty incum­bent on me, to suggest to you the necessity of preventing a second encroachment on your privileges, and of at­tempting, in concurrence with our Prelates, by a PROPER and RESPECTFUL application to Parliament, to procure for that Church, of which you are at once members and guardians, the protection of Government, whose autho­rity it acknowledges, and whose lenity it has long ex­perienced.

[Page dxl] Do not, Gentlemen, however suppose, that, to lessen the respect due to the Episcopal character, or to circum­scribe the authority of the Bishops by improper limits, is the object proposed by the present Address. Such is by no means the case. But when any authority, however venerable, presumes to invade the rights of others, it is the duty of those whose liberties are endangered, to de­fend that blessing, for which an equivalent has never yet been discovered.

Let me, therefore, Reverend Sirs and Gentlemen, entreat you, without delay, to elect, each of you, a re­presentative, who may attend such Bishops as may be disposed to go upon a second embassy to London; for, if you reject this measure, errors, similar to those which have already disappointed your hopes, may again frustrate any exertions that may be made in your favour, and you may for ever lose that relief which the present govern­ment so readily affords to all its suffering subjects. This advice will, I fear, lose much weight, as coming from the pen of an Anonymous Writer; and I should certainly subscribe my name, were I vain enough to suppose it could in the least influence those to whom it is ad­dressed.

I have the honour to remain, Reverend Sirs and Gentlemen, Your sincere well-wisher, A LAY-MEMBER of the Episcopal Church in Scotland
Not suffering more than four persons, excepting the family of the Clergy­man, to assemble at one time to attend the reading of the English Liturgy, un­der a severe penalty indeed. The Editor has heard a reverend old Divine say, ‘"That he has read it so repeatedly over to only four, that frequently by evening he has scarce been able to speak to be heard."’ It was not a sabbath of rest to him, poor man. This is something like persecution. The noble charitable Lord who framed the Bill wittily said, ‘"He had got a bill passed that would starve one half of the Scotch and d [...]n the other."’ Perhaps it did not occur to his Lordship that an English Peer (bred a Presbyterian, as his Lordship was) could invent any thing TOO severe for Scottish Episcopalians. To the honour of the Editor's Presbyterian neighbours at St. Andrew's, she never saw the Episcopalians incommoded, although they assembled in much larger numbers at Mr. Lindsey's chapel. The spirit had quite subsided, and Lord [...] had been gone some years before to join—either the starved, or the d [...]d Scots!

[Page dxli] After the above address was published in Edinburgh, and dispersed through Scotland, Mr. Berkeley sent up a printed copy to his Mother, desiring her to shew it to his Father, and learn his sentiments of it; and after he left Scotland it was immediately known who was the writer.

Mr. Berkeley was early convinced of the Divine right of Episcopacy. His Mother, lest she might die, had engra­ven in his mind that one text, which nothing can whittle away, spoken by God incarnate himself—‘"Whosesoever sins YE remit they are remitted. Whosesoever sins YE retain they are retained. Lo! I am with you alway even unto the end of the world."’ A Bishop's being a vaut­rien, a Socinian, &c. &c. does not affect the office of a Bi­shop, as our blessed Lord plainly shewed, by consecrating the traitor Judas. He who redde every heart certainly knew his, and, no doubt, chose one a DEVIL*, as he styles Ju­das Iscariot, on purpose to shew us that it is the office, not the man. The Editor has often made persons stare, by asserting, ‘"that she had as lief been baptized, or received the sacred elements, from the hands of Judas Iscariot, as from St. Peter, or the beloved Disciple."’ We may wish Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Ourselves, more piety, less worldly-mindedness, and more to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour.

My dear Parents,

As reiterated relapses leave me no hopes of a speedy recovery, if of any at all; and as I long to embrace those who are most dear to me, I pro­pose, whilst I have strength left to accomplish the jour­ney, to set out for Cheltenham this day se'nnight. Weak as I am, the journey will take me a whole week * to accomplish. On this day fortnight I hope to receive your blessing at Cheltenham; and possibly, when so near, I may see Dr. Chestern, who may hit on something to palliate sufferings that are almost intolerable: but that GOD who has supported, will support me through it all. With kindest love to Dolly, (i.e. Mrs. Dorothy Monck,)

I remain, Your unalterably dutiful devoted Son and servant, GEORGE-MONCK BERKELEY.
It took him more than a fortnight. He was two or three times supposed to be dead in the coach by his incomparable aunt, and the two affectionate worthy female attendants named in the Editor's Preface. What a journey, for three, perhaps, as tender-hearted persons as can be any where found!

A very vexatious suit commenced against the Editor, as sole executrix to Dr. Berkeley, to which she did not prove [Page dxliii] till the middle of May, although he died on the 6th of January, and from a quarter she little expected, and could hardly be persuaded to believe it by the very Reverend bringer of the intelligence, who repeatedly assured her, in the presence of her Sister, that the whole affair was to be carried on in the most amicable way.

The Commencer of this suit and the Editor have fre­quently had very warm, amicable disputes concerning the lawfulness of going to law with your brother, your neigh­bour, or any one; the commencer of the suit against the Editor constantly declaring that She thought it so very wicked, that she would sooner give up every shilling she possessed; the Editor constantly saying, ‘"That, seeing it no where forbidden in any part of her old-fashioned book; and seeing St. Paul, in one of his Epistles, blaming his converts for carrying their litigations before Heathen tribunals, Heathen judges, and recommending them to select some wise Chris­tian to decide in matters of law, she should, if attacked, certainly defend her right."’ To which the Commencer of the suit used uniformly to reply, ‘"Oh! fye, * * * * *; you cannot be a Christian."’ Here follows a proof, how lit­tle we know ourselves, how little we can judge how we shall act, until called upon to act. The Editor was called upon to relinquish. The very Reverend the [...] of [...], her Lawyer, the WORTHY Agent employed by [Page dxliv] the Commencer of the suit (a near kinsman both of his employer and Dr. Berkeley), all know that Mrs. Berkeley in­stantly declared, she was ready to do it; and, fearing lest Death might overtake her before the forms could be completed, she instantly added a codicil to her will, bequeathing the sum in dispute*: it could not be witnessed until past ten at night, as is well known to her excellent Sister, her ser­vants, and a worthy neighbour called in to witness it, who came not home untill that late hour. The [...] of [...], who brought her the intelligence, said, ‘"She must oppose it."’ The Editor, ignorant in many things besides law matters, enquired why? being ready to do every thing that was wished. ‘"It must be pleaded,"’ was the answer. The Editor then obeyed, made a horrid hot jour­ney from Oxford to London on the 17th of August, and has in this amicable way been taking journeys, feeing coun­sel, swearing—nothing but truth, God, the searcher of ALL [Page dxlv] hearts, well knows*—at different times ever since, until now June 30, 1796.

The Editor has heard from some real friends, that she is much blamed for the opposition she has, by the Com­mencer's friend, the [...] of [...], been told she must make: but she feared to share the fate of an amiable relation, who neglecting to obey a summons from a Law Court, on a suit instituted against her, by her WORTHY son, for neglect of paying a small annuity left by his father to [Page dxlvi] his aunt, he, enjoying then a paternal estate of two thou­sand pounds per annum, and knowing he must inherit that of his uncle, at least six thousand pounds per annum more, suffered his unfortunate mother to be dragged to Winchester jail. Mr. Monck Berkeley, on hearing it, said, ‘"I will ne­ver speak to him again whilst I breathe."’

What a contrast between this rich [...] Squire, and Richard Rainsford*, Esquire, whose father lived many years ago in Windsor Forest, whose mother's beauty the Editor admired at five years old, who some years ago, on his mo­ther's jointure suffering some considerable diminution, went immediately to her receiver, and amiably charged him not to let his mother know it, but pay her as usual; that he would constantly make up the difference, and never tell her, lest she might think he could not afford it, as he was married. The Squire was married; and Fame gave his Lady the credit of this pious deed to a most amiable parent, who had suffered very much, for him and his really worthy sisters, from her tyrant savage husband; he the Editor's relation, and whom she used to tune a little for his bearish conduct as a [Page dxlvii] husband, when she was only eighteen years old, staying in the house on a visit to his lovely suffering Lady. Mrs. Berkeley cannot now read over his eldest sister Mrs. [...]'s letter, giving her an account of the dreadful situa­tion in which she and her accomplished partner, who flew day and night to her, found her, without wetting it with a tear.

Some persons were apt to disbelieve the above astonishing conduct of this Gentleman* (pardon this misnomer,) to his Lady; for he was a very good son until after his marriage. On his becoming of age, he was very desirous to have made over his paternal estate to his sisters, and their heirs, to take place on his coming into possession of his uncle's estate, after the death of Lady [...]: to which his worthy mother ob­jected, saying, ‘"No, Tom: no wife or child of yours" (thank God, he has no child; so the race, it is to be hoped, will be extinct in his own sweet little person,) "shall ever have it in their power to say, that your mother and sisters fleeced you when you were a boy. Your father has left your sisters very ample fortunes, and they shall not have a shilling of your estate."’ This, as was observed, happened previous to his marriage with the daughter of Sir [...] [...].

[Page dxlviii] Some years ago the Editor was applied to, by the lawyers of her WORTHY relation, to give information, when, where, and by whom, his father and mother were married, it being necessary to prove it before he could be­come seised of his grandfather's vast estate in * * * * * * *. After repeated applications to Dr. Berkeley to make the Editor tell, and her Son's assuring her that, if she did not tell them, they would summon her into Westminster Hall, she wrote a letter that scared, yet diverted her beloved Husband and Son, when she shewed it to them before she sealed it, in which she pathetically laments, ‘"having ne­ver heard, or read in History or Romance, of but two Monsters, at whose suit those who bore them were im­prisoned; that one of them should be her kinsman; the other the tender, the soft, the delicate, the compassionate Sterne, the seducer of ELIZA, and the distractor of her husband, the support of eight fine young children;"’ as some worthy wise man related in the Gentleman's Maga­zine at that time.

The letter given us by Mr. Walpole, signed, ANNE DOR­SET, PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERIE, is perfect milk and water, compared with the Editor's. She preserves the copy (a rare thing with her to make or take one) in an ele­gant box, for the amazement of an old friend or two, who admire the spirit of the Editor, who trusts that she attends to the advice of her blessed Master, ‘"Be ye angry, and sin [Page dxlix] not."’ Does not God say, ‘"Who will rise up with ME against the wicked, and who will take MY part against the evil-doers?"’ The Editor ever has, and hopes she ever shall, when she thinks it necessary, not in her own cause, but her friends or her neighbours.

Many arguments were used, by Dr. Berkeley. and her Son, to blunt the sentences of this letter, but all in vain; and Mr. Monck Berkeley said, ‘"Well, Sir, if my Mother will not write another, this will prevent her being called up to give evidence in person, as it will prove that she knows that Mr. [...] was married to the daughter of Bishop [...]; which is all that is necessary."’

The Editor, naturally rather a coward, was once very near being murdered, at least knocked down, a tremendous thing to befal a poor little female. One morning in winter, (the Editor never wastes the summer mornings in walking) returning from her morning walk at Canterbury, passing through the Cloisters, there issued from the dark chapel, called St. Mary in Criptis, violent blows—on a nearer ap­proach, dreadful groans, On turning to look into it, the following words were heard, ‘"Because I am old and feeble, you take this time to abuse me, when all the men are gone off to dinner."’‘"Yes, you old dog, I'll do for you, I promise you."’ The Editor, much nimbler than at pre­sent, flew in, and there saw a sturdy young villain giving such [Page dl] blows as she never saw before, and hopes never to see again, to a poor, old, silver-haired man. She called out, ‘"You wretch, leave off: how dare you beat the poor old man in this shocking manner?"’ He instantly replied, ‘"I'll beat him to death, what business is it of yours? I'll teach you to meddle:"’ and, clenching his fist, advanced, saying, ‘"Who are you? I'll teach you [...]."’‘"Who am I? Nobody: but my Husband is VICE DEAN, and I will go home, and send him to trounce you, for beating this poor old man, you vile wretch, I promise you."’

The Editor never felt pleasure before from Dr. Berkeley's local dignities; on this occasion, it made her happy. The Monste turned as pale as death, flew by her, and was quite out of sight in an instant. She took the poor old man home to her house, and desired her careful, compassionate servants to see to him, and give him some wine, &c. to com­fort him.

The Editor feels it incumbent on her to declare, that, from the age of about seventeen, when she began to consi­der seriously, that Time is a point, Eternity A NEVER-END­ING circle; that she resolved to endeavour to discharge the relative duties of life, as she felt she should wish at the aweful hour of death, as a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mistress, a neighbour, a wife, and a mother.

[Page dli] As a daughter, the extremely tender attachment she felt for her mother from childhood, added to gratitude for a very liberal expensive education, rendered the stu­dying to obey and delight her a pleasant task.

As a sister, Mrs. Berkeley owned much, for the tenderest love; and never had, when a girl, the least idea of acting in character of eldest sister, which she ever reprobated.—The idea of brothers and sisters being ANGRY at an imprudent match is to her wonderful; they may be grieved. Had the Edi­tor's sister, who early in life resolved never to marry any man, as she told a friend some little time ago, chosen to unite hereself with a chimney-sweeper; the Editor would have kept up friendship with her sister, and civility with the quondam SWEEP. The Editor conceives that the authority of PARENTS is not meant by God to extend to children of twenty-five, thirty, or forty years old.

As a friend, the Editor is certain she was faithful and secret; she constantly laboured to be agreeable; and she trusts she was obliging and complying. It is a little re­markable, that almost quite entire strangers to the Editor have requested to deposite important secrets to her keeping. She never could conceive the reason. She indeed has been told, by more than one physiognomist, that the lines of honesty are strongly marked in her countenance. She never wished to know a secret, lest, as she used jokingly to say, she [Page dlii] should reveal it in her sleep; she was well assured she should not when awake.

As a mistress, which she became very early in life, she endeavoured uniformly to treat every, even the meanest servant in her house, so as, were she and they to exchange situations the next day, she would wish them to treat her; which once occasioned a very faucy, very wicked vile housekeeper's saying to her, ‘"You may be loved for aught I know, and I believe you are, by your servants; but, I promise you, you will never be obeyed, nor well served, whilst you consider them so much*."’ But the Editor ever [Page dliii] kept in mind the words of holy Job, ‘"If I despised the cause of my man servant or my maid servant,"’ &c.—‘"Did not HE that made me make them,"’ &c.

[Page dliv] As a neighbour, Mrs. Berkeley rejoiced always to render any little kind services in the power of so unimportant a person in the scale of beings as herself to do. She had al­ways a sort of giving spirit. Dr. Berkeley's very large gar­den, at Cookham, excellently planted and cultivated, enabled the Editor to oblige her neighbours, high and low. Some­times her dairy or her larder were a convenience to her neighbours. Had she had a park, fish-ponds, or a pidgeon­house, she could have done more.

An high Authority says, ‘"To whom little is given, of them shall be little required."’ Had the Editor been placed in a high station, with a large fortune, to account for at the Great Day of Account; which she most heartily thanks the mercy of God she has not; she must have la­boured more*. When a young, single woman, she always declared, ‘"that if the great Disposer of riches would suffer her to choose, as a single woman, maid or widow, she would prefer a fortune of eight hundred pounds per [Page dlv] annum to one of eight thousand*.’ Somewhat of the same spirit was visible in an housemaid of old Lady Draper of Sunninghill Park, grandmother of the late amiable pious T. Baber, Esquire. Old Sir Thomas and Lady Draper were neighbours and intimate friends of the Editor's grandfather, the very worthy John Finch, Esquire, of Fienes Court, in whose clothes King Charles escaped with Lady Jane Lane. They met often; and Lady Draper, not a modern fine lady, but one of Solomon's, looking well to the ways of her household, finding sometimes occasion for a little objurgation; one of her honest old housemaids used to say, ‘"Aye, well, my Lady may threaten what she will: BUT, thank God, she can never make me Queen of England, that's my comfort!"’ Perhaps this honest woman had lived at Court, and seen good, quiet, mild Queen Mary milling the old Dutchman's chocolate on her knees until her face perspired, so as to need wiping. This, the Editor can assert, is a fact, it having been repeatedly told to her by her Mother, to whom it was related by Mrs. Lee, daughter of Mr. Lee, page of the back-stairs; this lady was the Queen's god-daughter, was perpetually with her, used [Page dlvi] to read the Bible to her some hours every day. Every one remembers, ‘"Henrietta of Bourbon, come and draw off my boots."’ Set a beggar on horseback, and he will ride to the d [...]l. It is to be feared, one is almost tempted to say hoped, such low-bred tyrants will ride or fly to him.

As a wife; when a young woman, she always resolved, if she ever did marry, she would labour to be, what her ex­cellent mother was universally said to be, ‘"The best wife in the world."’ The Editor has often said, ‘"if she had been married to BELPHEGOR*, she would have tried to have made him a good wife, that the poor Devil might, at least, have served out his time on earth."’

As a mother; if God vouchsafed to entrust her with the great blessing of children, which she humbly hoped he would, to be indefatigable in attending to their souls, their minds, their manners, their persons, and their fortunes. It pleased the Divine Goodness to prosper her labours in every in­stance but the last, certainly in her estimation the least. She applied to one considerable gentleman, whom, she flattered herself, gratitude (for what he had twenty-five years before deemed great favours) would have induced to have introduced her son to Mr. Pitt; who could, had he been introduced, and she doubts not would, have effec­tually served him, and himself at the same time; but she [Page dlvii] found verified, ‘"Put not your trust in any child of man*."’ This gentleman, exceedingly intimate with the Premier from early youth, wrote the Editor, (for Dr. Berkeley said he could not write to him,) a very polite letter of DECLINA­TION—in it speaking of his gratitude for Dr. Berkeley's favours. But she did put her trust in HIM who has never yel failed her, and to whom she daily offers praise, for having provided, in his own BEST way, for her beloved Son; who used often to say, ‘"What is to become of me, if my health does not permit me to go to the bar?"’ To which his mother constantly replied, ‘"Never fear, trust God's word: Yet never saw I the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging their bread . I have not the smallest doubt, if it pleases GOD to spare your life, that the descendant, in fact (as your father, mother, and aunt are out of the question) the only descendant of Bishop Berkeley and Mr. Cherry, will ever be suffered to want either the conveni­eces or the comforts of life, necessary in the station of life in which Providence hath been pleased to place you. You know how often I have repeated to you the speech of the late Admiral Haddock to his children on his death­bed; and how much oftener one of my favourite texts, A small thing that the righteous hath, is better than great riches of the ungodly."’

[Page dlviii] So fearful was the Editor left her children, when they grew up, should be tempted to marry some girl, whose thirty, fifty, or an hundred thousand pounds had been ob­tained by gambling, contracting, will-making, and various other honourable methods of obtaining a vast fortune, ever hoping money so gained might never be brought by marriage into her family—So strongly and so early did she inculcate this and some other important matters on the minds of her chil­dren, that one little angel, who took its happy flight before it had lived eight years and a half, one day said, ‘"Mamma, I have been thinking that if you do not live till I am old enough to marry, I shall never marry at all."’

Mrs. Berkeley.—‘"Why not, my dear?"’

Little boy.—‘"Why, I am resolved you shall choose my wife for me; then I am sure she will be a good one*."’

The Editor, ever a friend to that holy institution, or­dained by God to complete man's felicity even before he fell, replied, ‘"Oh! my dear, if you pray to GOD, he will direct you to a good wife."’

[Page dlix] The little boy shook his little head, and said, ‘"No, no; if you die, I will NOT have a wife; that will be the safest way for me, I am sure."’

The repetition of this curious dialogue at dinner, the children not present, being gone off to school, afforded great diversion.

Many persons will probably laugh at the Editor, for fre­quently talking to her children as if they were grown up. She followed, in that instance, the plan pursued by her wise mother, who, never expecting to live to see her daugh­ters grow up, gave them various rules of conduct, that, could she have ensured her life, she might rather have told them at fifteen than at eleven. One the Editor, as she thinks it very wise, will here set down.

‘"If ever you marry, and are not blessed with good health, always keep it to yourselves, unless you are too seriously ill to keep about. Nothing wears out a man's love like hearing a woman always mewling and languishing, and crying, 'Oh! my head aches sadly, my stomach is disordered, I am nervous to-day,"’ &c. &c.

The Editor, had her daughter lived, would have added, ‘"Never weary your husband with the faults of the servants, [Page dlx] or any family matters, of which the lady, if wise, should bear the burden, always taking care to make home as pleasant as possible to her husband."’ That children at a very tender age attend seriously to what their parents say, particularly if they love their parents, may be proved by looking into Dodwell's* life, by Brokesby, at the age of [Page dlxi] five; and Mr. Newton's life, in his letters, at the age of six.

The Editor could now, she believes, write down verba­tim her excellent father's description of the infernal regions to her, one Sunday evening, when she was not quite seven pears old. It is, she well knows, the beginning * of what is now her sole delight, ‘"The LOVE of CHRIST,"’ for rescuing her from misery, so finely painted by her pious parent.

Admiral Haddock, when near his death, thus addressed his family: ‘"My dear children, considering the situation I [Page dlxii] am in, and the advantages I have had, I do not leave you as large fortunes as you might, according to the world, reasonably expect; but what I do leave you, I promise you, my dear children, will prosper, will wear well; for I have the comfort of knowing, that it is not watered with the tears of one seaman's widow or orphan."’ Wise, happy Admiral! Two or three very remarkable instances might be adduced from his family, to shew that the second command­ment is not yet repealed, the promise of, ‘"Shewing mercy, &c."’ as well as, ‘"Visiting to the third and fourth genera­tion *,"’ &c.

The late Lord [...] got a clause inserted in the Militia Act, some years ago, as Dr. Berkeley and several Kentish [Page dlxiii] gentlemen told the Editor, on purpose to enable a very highly respected friend of the Editor, Captain Haddock, the good Admiral's second son, to qualify him to hold some commission in one division of the Kentish Militia—His attention to the men, and their profiting, none can forget, who frequented Canterbury Cathedral about twenty years ago, when they were quartered in that city.

The Editor cannot here forbear relating a curious anec­dote of this excellent gentleman. Very many years ago, when we were at war with Spain, and some considerable town was taken, the Churches were despoiled of their fine pictures; four or six very large exquisitely fine ones were purchased by a Captain of a man of war, lying near the city, and at his return to England presented to Admiral Haddock, who had a good collection at Wrotham-Place, the Admiral's seat: they remained in the drawing-room many long years, the admiration of all whose eye can be delighted by fine paintings.

A few years ago, on the death of the very worthy [...] Haddock, Esquire, the good Admiral's eldest son, the estate, house, &c. devolving to the Editor's pious friend; he wrote over to the Church in Spain, whence the fine pictures had been pillaged when the town was sacked, desiring to be informed by what method he might restore them to the temple whence they had been torne. The righteous offer [Page dlxiv] was gratefully accepted; and Mr. Haddock has, to his real unaffected piety, the delight of thinking, that, instead, of robbing God, he has restored what even his ancestors did not wrest from the temple of God. Oh, that all who have robbed GOD in Tithes* would make restitution! Our poor Clergy of the Church of England would not then be so straightened, even those with what are called good livings, of three or four hundred pounds per annum, as they now are. What is three hundred pounds per annum, after taxes, &c. are paid, to keep and dress decently a gentleman, his wife, five children, (to be educated) and three ser­vants? ‘"If in this life only they (the Clergy) have hope in Christ, they are of all men most miserable,"’ says St. Paul.

On the Editor's congratulating her friend on his worthi­ness, his happiness on so doing; he replied, ‘"My dear Madam, I only wonder that my father and brother left it for me to do; but, I dare say, it never occurred to them that it was practicable, or I am sure they would not have failed to do it."’ What makes Mr. Haddock's merit double is, that he loves fine pictures of sacred history, as well as the Editor, and is an excellent judge of painting; [Page dlxv] and had a small collection before he became possessed of Wrotham-place, when he resided at Canterbury, where Dr. Berkeley and the Editor became acquainted with him, his worthy lady, and family.

It has been already mentioned that Mr. Berkeley used to say, that ‘"The Editor laid all the faults, aukwardness, &c. that any man committed, on his MOTHER, excepting what related to him as a scholar, bad Greek or Latin."’ The Editor has, through life, asserted and maintained, against some of her friends, that there are certain elegances to be learned in the house of a father, in a certain rank of society, before the age of fifteen, which, if not learned before that age, are never attained; certainly the dining-room, the drawing-room conversation of persons of good education, must necessarily be very different from the table-talk of good honest people in the parlour behind the shop in an Alley in Cheapside; or in Cities where the Grammar-school is supported by the Dean and Prebendaries, as at Canterbury, York, Gloucester, &c.

The Editor's Canterbury chairman's son is, she hears, a very worthy Divine; the son of Mr. B [...]h's footman is a very learned Divine; and Dr. Berkeley told the Editor, a very few years ago, that ‘"the very learned Mr. Naylor, upper master of the King's-school at Canterbury, told him, as did some other gentlemen, that the best scholar [Page dlxvi] in the school was the son of Dr. Berkeley's butcher, Ste­phen Couchman, then eighteen, fit for the University; but his mother would not suffer his very rich father to send him thither; but made him stay at home, knock down oxen, and carry out meat."’ The Editor saw him, with a basket on his shoulder, during her last visit to Can­terbury. This youth will be tempted to curse instead of bless his [...] mother. The sons of such, sometimes very worthy persons, if sent to St. Paul's, or Merchant-Tailors-School, may be at least as good, often better Latin and Greek scholars, than the sons of noblemen or gentlemen; BUT they cannot have listened, the three holyday months of the twelve, to refined, elegant, cultivated persons' manner of expressing their ideas and sentiments. It is not possible that the wife of a butcher, or baker, &c. should attend to the manner in which her son pronounces the vowels, the few vowels introduced into our English language: the melting them all down, as the Editor frequently remarks to her friends, may make a very good hodge-podge; but SHE prefers, the component parts separate. The Editor well remembers that when the WORTHY Mr. Blacowe was, for his ZEALOUS services at Oxford, preferred by the Ministers of George the Second to a Canonry of Windsor (sure it had been wiser to have exalted and hidden him in some less elegant place); a very learned, refined, cultivated friend of the Editor's said, ‘"The man reads like a bargeman."’ To which the Editor replied, ‘"He reads like a low-born man, [Page dlxvii] for he has been taught only two of the five vowels."’‘"What do you mean?"’‘"Why, he melts the E, the O, and the U, all into one; so has only A, with which in reading he constantly couples W, and, except when used for ego, always metamorphoses I into U; 'He gUrdeth him­self, &c.' and the 'GUrdle of his lines,' for 'loyns;' 'He makUth the cloWEds.' The U he turns into EW, 'TREWLY, God is loving unto Israel."’‘"Well, to be sure,"’ re­plied the gentleman, ‘"he does just what you say."’ The late agreeable H. B [...] B [...], Esquire, when dining with Mr. Blacowe's next-door neighbour, used to say, ‘"C [...]r, is Blacowe at home? if he is, I must mind and not take a glass too much, for fear I should say something and have an informaWgion against me."’

The Editor's father having taken incessant pains with his girls, (they lost him, alas! when the eldest was just eleven years old;) the Editor bestowed the same attention on her children, which undoubtedly adds wonderfully to the beauty both of speaking and reading; and she found a most incomparable coadjutor in the exquisitely elegant Dr. Beau­voir, who, as Mr. John Hey, above named, frequently told the Editor, was wonderfully strict in making the boys at the King's school mark their vowels in speaking English so very sharply; admiring much, how accurately Dr. Berke­ley's children pronounced them. Dr. Beauvoir was really a fine gentleman, as well as a very great and elegant scholar, [Page dlxviii] (of the former the Editor was a judge, her amiable partner of the latter;) his father and mother both, as the Editor has frequently been told, ‘"exquisitely elegant persons, of antient families."’ Dr. Beauvoir was an exceedingly grateful man to the family of his kind generous patron, Dean Lynch; and also to the Editor, for the little attentions bestowed on his daughter, Mrs. Hammond, such as some­times crowding her, an eighth, into her coach from a coun­try as well as a city rout. Dr. Berkeley used good­humouredly to say, (for he was ever ready to oblige, as well as serve all,) ‘"My coach is the CANTERBURY HACK."’ Yet, on Mrs. Berkeley's last melancholy visit there, she found that some of those, with whom she had frequently crowded her coach, and been reproached by Mrs. [...] and Miss [...] for so doing, could not find an uncrowded place for her, supposing it good for an infirm, tender, half-blind, aged matron to walk about that antient city in the dirt and rain.

The Editor thinks that she cannot bid adieu to Canter­bury without making mention of the conduct of some of old and new friends there; of the lovely studied attentions of the throughly amiable Mrs. Piercy—of the NEW, sweet Mrs. Weston; and to Dr. Luxmore, from whom Mrs. Berke­ley, an entire stranger, on the strength of the character gi­ven of him by her dear Son, presumed to ask a favour for a friend, which he most politely, most amiably granted.

[Page dlxix] To the little Auditor, for NOBLE gratitude to the Wi­dow of the gentleman to whose indefatigable zeal he ob­tained that lucrative situation, when little more than a [...] boy, for ordering the thirteen rings for his patron, instead of being guinea rings, to be moidore, i.e. twenty-seven shilling rings. On Mrs. Berkeley enquiring if those of any for­mer Prebendary or Dean had been so costly? He replied, ‘"No, but that the widow of a worthy Apothecary, lately deceased, had ordered such for her cousins."’ To which Mrs. Berkeley replied, ‘"That, as, Dr. Berkeley was not an Apothecary, nor the Prebendaries her cousins, guinea ones might have done."’ He said, ‘"He had also ordered one for himself."’ Ulysses exclaims, ‘"Gods! how the sons degenerate from the sires!"’ Mrs. Berkeley really believes the father of this little man to be one of the most gene­rous of men; of what is his own, he presented to his brother six thousand pounds. Mrs. Berkeley cannot avoid contrasting this provident little batchelor with his near neighbour and brother lawyer. Mrs. Berkeley, having some law business to transact, applied to Mr. Cummyn*, [Page dlxx] brother of Captain Cummyn, who accompanied Admiral Byron to Patagonia; who executed the business speedily and well. On Mrs. Berkeley's calling one morning, to desire her bill, he observed, ‘"That it was really so trifling that it was not worth while to charge any thing."’ On Mrs. Berkeley's remonstrating with him, he very po­litely, amiably replied, ‘"That it had been discharged before it had been contracted, by Mrs. Berkeley's atten­tion to his wife and daughter."’ They were, alas! trifling. Mrs. Berkeley was of too little importance in the world, to benefit any one much: however, finding that although she could not get money out of the Auditor's hands, eleven pounds, until she had proved Dr. Berkeley's will, she could not possibly get any into the hands of the worthy ge­nerous Mr. Cummyn, she found amongst her things a little offering, which he was so obliging as to accept as a souvenir of an old neighbour.

On Dr. Berkeley (then in Scotland) announcing Dr. Beauvoir's marriage with Miss Sharpe, he said to his son, ‘"Berkeley, you do not seem much astonihed at it."’ [Page dlxxi] On which Mr. Monck Berkeley replied, ‘"Why no, my dear Sir, I am not astonished at all; for, if a lady wished for an agreeable companion, I do declare, I do not know where she could possibly have found a more agreeable man than my old master; and I am very glad he has got the lady, that he may not toil on, as he used to do with us idle dogs."’

Mr. Berkeley revered those who, in his youth, laboured to FORCE him to learn. Mention is made in the Mémoires de le Duc de Saint Simon, of one of the Princes of the Blood, who never would forgive his preceptor's not having compelled him to study in his youth. He was certainly a man of strong understanding, if not of learning.

The Editor feels that, had not her Parents bestowed the best education on her that money could procure, she never could have loved them living, or respected their memory; if she did not profit by it, the fault was her own. Mr. Monck Berkeley was quite of his mother's mind. A rather di­verting anecdote, shewing Mr. Monck Berkeley's ideas concerning education when a boy, is here subjoined.

The very grateful agreeable Mr. Taswell, Rector of Aylsham, in Norfolk, wrote to Dr. Berkeley, saying, ‘"That he meant to wait on him for two or three days in his way to town, and he hoped Mrs. Berkeley would permit [Page dlxxii] him to bring his little girl, who was going to town to visit an aunt."’ The day before their arrival Mr. Monck Berkeley said to his father, ‘"I suppose, as soon as ever breakfast is over, and Mamma has been to the larder, and ordered dinner, she will take Miss Taswell up stairs, get the French and Italian grammars and the maps, and teach her all her lessons over, and examine her throughly."’ Dr. Berkeley was wonderfully diverted with his son's idea, (not then thirteen years old, as Mrs. Berkeley always told her children, ‘"that as soon as ever they entered their teens, the words Papa and Mamma were to be laid aside for my Father and Mother when speaking of their parents—Sir, and Madam, as usual, when speaking to them;"’) and ex­claimed, ‘"You monkey, do you think, because your Mamma worries herself every day of her life to teach you, that she will plague herself to teach other children? No, no; nothing but her violent love of you could make her slave as she does. Your mother's delight is in learning, not in teaching. I wish to God you had your mother's rage for knowledge: it would be a happy thing for you."’

Mrs. Berkeley certainly had that rage from her very early youth, and it continued with her until she lost her idol. It is not yet quite extinct; the flame is out, but the embers still glow a little.

[Page dlxxiii] A wonderfully, well-informed, respected friend, the Lady of the late Governor [...], being in the Editor's room (many years ago) mentioned something in Astronomy that was new to the Editor; she sprang out upon the stair-case, and called out to Mrs. (then Miss) Frinsham, ‘"Sister, sister, come hither this minute, and Mrs. [...] will make you as wise as SOLOMON."’ Mrs. Frinsham, dressing for dinner, said, ‘"I am without my cloaths."’‘"Never mind your cloaths, but come directly."’ The worthy lady laughed so violently, that it recovered Mrs. Berkeley from her extacy of joy on gaining some addition to her delight­ful, if not useful, knowledge. It has often been the sub­ject of mirth to the three friends. Mrs. Berkeley, also dressing, disengaged herself like lightning from under the hands of her maid.

But to return to the uncommonly sensible, amiable, very highly accomplished Miss Taswell. She needed no instruc­tion from Mr. Berkeley's mother. Her own excellent father, throughly sensible of the blessing of a good education, has spared no pains, no cost, to bestow it on his daughters. The young lady above named, her father a few months ago, when he visited the Editor, told her, he was going to lose. Happy the young gentleman who gains her. The Edi­tor knows him not; but, if he is not a happy husband, she is firmly persuaded that the fault must be entirely in himself.

[Page dlxxiv] The Editor has known and admired the merits of Miss Taswell since she was seven years old: at that very early period, by the wise care of her mother, she was absolutely better qualified to conduct a moderate sized family, than most of the [...] Misses of seventeen are now.

The Editor often wishes to be told what it is that mo­dern young ladies are taught; but nobody that she meets with can tell her, except it is a little music, whether they have ear or no ear matters not; and to speak a sort of gibberish, something in short that is not English, for English very few of them can speak, fewer write. The Editor now sees no beautiful worked gowns or aprons; all is COBBLE-stitched, which the dairy-maid could perform as well as Miss*.

[Page dlxxv] The Editor admires the wisdom of Colonel [...], who a few (five or six) years ago, carried his daughters to [Page dlxxvi] York for the winter. Some one said, ‘"I see, Sir, you have brought the young ladies, that they may have a little pleasure."’‘"No, indeed; I have brought them that they may get a little profit, that they may spend their mornings at Mrs. [...] (name forgotten, a famous pastry-cook, &c.) in order that they may know how to make good wives, if ever they marry, and, by under­standing the management of a family, try to keep their husbands out of a jail. If their mother pleases, she may take them to some diversions in an evening sometimes."’ The Colonel is a wise man; probably his daughters will not ‘"hang on hand."’

The Editor does so loath the present horridly ugly, bold, indecent * dress of the young females; she cannot, will not, prostitute the pretty elegant words young ladies, to bestow them upon beings resembling Swift's YAHOOS.

[Page dlxxvii] God Almighty, when speaking in the Holy Scriptures of any thing remarkably lovely, condescends to compare it to a beautiful Virgin; certainly the most lovely being created in this lower world—not a modern English young woman;—virgins they will probably remain, even were war to cease, ‘"and the fire not to consume our young men."’ OUR maidens would not, however given to, be taken in marriage*.

The Editor, one day at the Oaks, hearing three young men on a visit to her son, two of high birth, the other has attained much in his profession of arms, talking of the charms of the [...] Belles, the Editor said, ‘"What sig­nifies talking and sighing over them? You had better marry and settle down quietly."’ One replied, ‘"Why, my dear Madam, one cannot afford to marry, the young ladies are become so horridly expensive."’ He has ven­tured on a Country Baronet's daughter, very prudently edu­cated by a wise worthy mother; and the Editor pronounces her Ladyship a very happy woman, if it is not her own fault; for [...] [...] unites with the gentleness of the dove the prudence of the serpent, and he has a noble estate. She trusts that he does not suffer her Ladyship to dress like a Yahoo.

Whoever remembers Twickenham forty years ago, if they had not the felicity of visiting Mrs. Isham, eldest daughter [Page dlxxviii] of Sir Justinian Isham, must have envied those who did visit her. This agreeable worthy lady is introduced here on account of a repartee of hers to her father, when it is probable young ladies dressed so as to make conquests of worthy sensible men. Alas for sweet Mrs. Isham and a most amiable young gentleman, she did! BUT, by the perverse­ness of a father on one side, and the covetousness of an uncle on the other, it was decreed they were not to be united. The gentleman died of a broken heart very soon; the lady survived about forty years, resolved never to marry. The lovelorn tale, too long to be inserted here, is never related by the Editor without filling her eyes with tears, after which she amuses herself and her auditors by execrating the father and uncle.

After the death of Lady Isham, ald Sir Jus (as he was always styled) thought, very unwisely, he would abridge the young ladies of their annual visit to London. They gave several broad hints. At length the abovenamed lady said, ‘"Dear Sir, I hope you will let us go to town this spring."’

Sir Jus.—‘"To town, girls! What should you go to town for? No, no; you are very happy here in the country."’

Young Lady.—‘"But we want to buy some new cloaths, Sir."’

[Page dlxxix]Sir Jus.—‘"New cloaths, indeed! Why the Scripture tells you, that the KING'S DAUGHTER was all-glorious within."’

Mrs. Isham.—‘"Yes, Sir; but it also tells us, that her cloathing was of wrought gold; and we wish to resemble her outwardly, as well as inwardly."’

The wit of the young lady prevailed, one cannot say over the wisdom of the father. To do justice to Sir Justi­nian, finding, that, by his parsimony, he had doomed his lovely daughter to perpetual celibacy, he bequeathed her a much larger fortune than he gave to any of his other younger children; but, to be sure, one must say, that, had Botany Bay been discovered, he deserved to have been exiled thi­ther; and the sensible, amiable Mr. R [...]'s rich old uncle ought to have been hanged outright, without benefit of clergy, for forcing a rich fool into the arms of his nephew. Alas! the actors of and in this tragedy are all now retired behind the scene!

It always provokes the Editor to hear a stupid father or mother telling poor girls that they are happier at their el­bow, than at the race-ball. No, let young people have a reasonable share of innocent amusement. Why should man be more rigid than God, who says, by his Prophet Jeremiah, ‘"Thou shalt again go forth in the dances of them that make merry!"’ It cannot therefore be SIN.

[Page dlxxx] The Editor never suffered Mr. Monck Berkeley to call her Mamma after he entered his teens, telling him it was like a lamb, but, when speaking of her, always "My Mo­ther;" of course, from the time he could articulate, "Madam," when speaking to her.

The Editor holds in detestation the idea of children, of whatever age, calling their parents Mr. or Mrs. when speaking to them; insomuch that, sometimes, when the Editor, after Mr. Monck Berkeley was grown up, has been inattentive to what her Son was saying to her after he had called Madam two or three times, he would say, ‘"Well, Madam; if you will not listen to me, I protest I will call you Mrs. Berke­ley."’ It has always had the desired effect, procuring an answer; ‘"And I protest, if you do, I will knock you down."’

The last ridotto before the Editor married, at about eight in the evening, thus late by her own request, the famous Mr. [...], hair-dresser, attended her, to try to make her wonderfully curling hair, like an African's, keep straight, as was the fashion then, for a few hours. Observing the poor man ready to faint, she asked, ‘"if she should order the servant to bring him a glass of wine."’ On its arrival, the Editor asked, ‘"if he would have a bit of toast."’ He re­plied, ‘"She was very good; and if it would not be too much trouble to Mr. Joseph," (a very worthy grey-headed servant of Mrs. Frinsham and the Editor before her mar­riage,) [Page dlxxxi] "he should be very glad, for that he had not tasted bit or sup since eight in the morning—had been flying over the town to ladies."’ The Editor pitying him, he said, ‘"He was used to it all the Winter, in a greater or less degree—that he seldom got hom to dinner till six o'clock, a ton hour now—that he often begged Mrs. [...] (his wife) not to wait for him."’

This so struck the Editor, that the next day she conjured Dr. (then Mr.) Berkeley, that if ever she became his wife, (which she did on the Easter Tuesday following), he would never call her MRS. BERKELEY, but his WIFE, when he spoke of her, and by her Christian name when he spoke to her, wishing to be ‘"some how,"’ as we Berkshire folks say, distinguished from her hair-dresser's lady, who a few years after, by the death of a rich old miller, his uncle, kept a chariot, and saved Mrs. [...] the trouble of waiting dinner for him. He then ceased to wait on the ladies. He was an excellent hair-dresser—the Editor hopes he made a good Esquire.


THE EDITOR takes this opportunity of publishing her heartfelt gratitude to several excellent friends, who have most generously, most kindly, most amiably, assisted her in various ways, since her being left forlorn and desolate, to struggle, to wade though much intricate, unpleasant, some quite unexpected business.—Her gratitude to her old excel­lent friend, Sir Richard Hill;—to Dr. Berkeley's old friend, the Dean of Hereford;—to the throughly amiable hearted Dr. Lynch, Prebendary of Canterbury;—and to the very grateful Reverend Charles Sawkins, Student of Christ Church, have been already noticed.

The Editor wants an abler pen than her own to express what she feels for the exceedingly great kindness of that unwearied friend, Commissioner Hey of the Customs; with whose exquisite wit the Editor's spirit has not been regaled for many years, until an opportunity presented it­self of shewing, what the Editor has long known, that brilliant as that gentleman's wit is, his worth exceeds it, as numbers benefited by it can testify. The amiability of [Page dlxxxiii] that gentleman's heart was ever admired by Dr. Berkeley. What does he now feel towards him and every kind wor­thy friend of his perplexed Widow!

The excellent, generous Mr. Wilberforce, the Editor, although very highly obliged to his goodness, has never yet seen.

To the very obliging, polite Mr. Edwards, Bookseller in Pall Mall, the Editor is much indebted, for very judicious, kind advice, given in a matter of which the Editor had not a competent knowledge, and of which Mr. Edwards was an excellent judge.

The Editor is likewise much indebted to the very worthy Printer of Mr. Monck Berkeley's Poems, and to his Compo­sitors, for the patience they have shewn in deciphering the crowded, interlined, generally ill-written sheets of this Preface, in which are few errors of the press, although many of the pen.

The Editor, when writing a common letter in haste, sometimes leaves out three words of a sentence, occasioned by a vile trick contracted in early youth, of softly saying her sentence as she is writing; and, dull as her wits now are, they reverse the old Proverb, ‘"of not letting one's tongue run before one's wit;"’ for the Editor wishes that her pen could only keep pacc with her wits: slow as they now are, it [Page dlxxxiv] would save her friends, the few who are still visited by her letters*, a vast deal of trouble—and herself also, if she [Page dlxxxv] has leisure to run them over, the lamenting and correcting her nonsense.

[Page dlxxxvi] The Prophet exclaims, ‘"Are there none amongst all the sons that she hath brought up, to take her by the hand to guide her?"’ The Editor replies, ‘"No, not one."’

There are four Irish gentlemen, every one men of large fortune and appointments, whose only home, for very many years' residence at Eton and Harrow School, (for the three months holydays of every year,) was the house of their relation, Dr. Berkeley.

To the Etonian, a gentleman of many thousand pounds a year, for ages in the family, his sweetly amiable father constantly took care to make Dr. Berkeley's Irish debtors pay with tolerable punctuality. If they did not, by the [Page dlxxxvii] generosity of his excellent, kind relation Mr. Monck of Grange Gormond, father of the Marchioness of Waterford, it was pretty much the same to Dr. Berkeley; Mr. Monck saying to his amiable brother, ‘"Whether Dr. Berkeley's people pay or not, remit his money regularly on my ac­count; they will pay some time or other."’ Such favours can never be obliterated from a grateful mind. The three others had no such claim, nor any claim—and on their arrival at Harrow School in the year 1766, their uncle said they were to remain seven years, the year round, holydays and all, as school-boys. The Editor felt for them, and besought Dr. Berkeley to let them come to him. He replied, ‘"I will not have YOU tormented with all the BRATS of my Irish relations, turning yourself into a boarding dame."’ Mrs. Berkeley conjured Dr. Berkeley to send the coach to fetch them for three or four days, that she might see what sort of geniuses they were, and, if they were well behaved, a little mutton, &c. would not be much expence in a family of thirteen or fourteen persons. Accordingly she prevailed—as women generally do, with wise men, if their aim is worthy, and they set rightly about it*.

[Page dlxxxviii] Mrs. Berkeley is sorry to be obliged to say, that neither of these gentlemen, who used to weep bitterly when leaving her to return to school, ever wrote to Dr. Berkeley on the loss of his excellent Son, or to the Editor since, to offer to assist her in her Irish affairs.

[Page dlxxxix] Mrs. Berkeley feels herself indebted to the goodness of Charles-Berkeley Kippax, Esquire, great-nephew of Bishop Berkeley, whom the Editor never saw until about three years before the death of Dr. Berkeley, and whom she, with all her rhetoric, could not persuade Dr. Berkeley to invite to his house at holyday times, he saying, ‘"You shall not be de­voured by my relations. Kippax has uncles in England."’ To this gentleman she has, since her loss of Dr. Berkeley, been obliged for some assistance in her Irish affairs, and she has endeavoured to shew her gratitude otherwise than by mere words.

The Editor, before she finally closes this Postscript, wishes to repeat to her few remaining friends in distant parts, (for, alas! numbers have, within a short space, gone to those distant shores whence they cannot return until TIME shall be no more,) her change of abode since the writing and printing the Dedication*; that—although she cannot now boast of keeping, as she used to do when resident at the Oaks, the best and cheapest inn at Canterbury, where she had often the pleasure of returning the amiable atten­tions paid to her Son in town by persons to whom neither his Father or Mother had the honour to be known, and as [Page dxc] they sometimes found the pleasure of being acquainted with—she resides at present at Chertsey; where, when she receives any money from Ireland, to pay the butcher and baker every Monday morning, she will be happy to see any real friend, and poor desolate females, whether widows or mai­dens, who are too poor to be courted, too old to be flat­tered—they need not dread being crowded with company. An amiable friend of Mr. Monck Berkeley's youth frequently does the Editor the honour to say, ‘"that he should esteem it an honour if she would spend some weeks at his seat, with himself and his lovely lady."’ The Editor wickedly, it is wickedly as she is persuaded he is sincere, laughs, and says, ‘"Invite on; press, Tommy. You are very safe, I as­sure you; for I shall never visit you."’ If the Editor's life should be spared until next summer, and she can prevail on her sister to accompany her, she means to go for one week; as, were it not so distant, she would be happy to accept the throughly polite invitation of Mr. Monck Berkeley's highly respected old Eton, St. Andrew's, friend, the very amiable, very grateful (for slight favours received at St. Andrew's), Mr. Hume, son of the late Lord Bishop of Sarum, nephew to Lord Kinnoul. Mr. Berkeley always spoke in high terms of Mr. Hume's worth when an Etonian. The Editor re­joices to hear that he is so happily married. Long may he enjoy his felicity on earth! late exchange it for higher felicity!


THE Editor having publicly declared war with one of her favourite amusements from ten years old, at present her only remaining one, letter-writing, rather letter­ scribbling; unluckily for her, for her friends, she too early in life lighted on that passage in one of Dean Swift's Letters, ‘"that he never leaned on his elbow, when writing a letter, to study or think what he was to write, but set down just what came into his head, or occurred at the mo­ment."’ The Editor then thought it very clever; so it might, perhaps, for such a brilliant genius as Dean Swift, but not for Miss Frinsham. At fifteen, however, the habit was unluckily contracted, and every one who has ever redde only once Dr. Johnson's delightful VISION of THE­ODORE, must remember the astonishingly beautiful de­scription of HABITS. Perhaps good ones, in early life, are almost as easily contracted as bad ones, at least so a learned beathen Philosopher tells us: but he knew not the doctrine [Page dxcii] of ORIGINAL SIN, although all thinking impartial Beings must feel it in themselves.

Mrs. Berkeley here takes leave to recommend to those Friends to whom she may not yet have recommended them, as she knows she has to many, to purchase, and read, every day, two little books—BOGATSKY. When recom­mending that excellent little volume (the York edition is correct) to her old neighbour, Mr. Bristow of Canterbury, to fell, he assured her, ‘"that BOGATSKY was all the fashion; that vast numbers of LADIES (not Gentlemen) bought it."’ Mrs. Frinsham uses wittily to say, ‘"The reason that Men do not kneel at Church, or attend to their souls out of Church, is, because GOD has made them LORDS of the Creation."’

The second book is the "Hymns," not "Psalms," of the seraphic Dr. Isaac Watts, and read one Hymn every morning. The Day of Bogatsky, and the Hymn of Watts, may both be dispatched in less than seven minutes. Mrs. Berkeley supposes, that in near thirty years she has scarce missed thirty times, invigorating her Faith and Love to Christ by Dr. Watts; and her blood boils with indignation at the caution she lately saw in the Saint James's Chronicle against a SOCINIAN edition of those divine Hymns. It appears to her impossible that they can be garbled by those wretches, where every fourth or fifth line does so exalt the [Page dxciii] Saviour of Sinners. Surely none have exceeded, few equalled, that Divine Man in, incessantly in his writings, holding up to view the co-equal co-eternal GODHEAD of the SON and SPIRIT as Dr. ISAAC WATTS. His sweet spirit has been long worshiping


Why is not that emblem over every altar in every country church, as the Editor has seen it in some few little obscure village churches, particularly in that of West Peckham in West Kent, surrounded with a beautiful nimbus. Children, babes of sense, would then ask what it was?

There has long been a train laid by the Socinian and Arian Friends of Satan to undermine good Dr. Watts. There was a hint in a set of Bampton Lectures several years ago, that latterly that pious man was not quite so strenuous, &c. as formerly. The fact is, for many years his fine faculties (too much used) failed, and villains got in and asked him ensnaring questions, which he forgot before he answered. It had been happy had he done as poor, pious, very weak, Bishop Latimer did, when examined by the PIOUS, charitable Papists of bloody MARY: ‘"I am be­come old and foolish. I won't answer a word to any question you ask me. Go, and read what I printed when [Page dxciv] I was in vigour; and, if you don't like it, burn me for that."’ And so they very kindly did, shortening his then dull journey to glory.

As this sheet is not written for the Publick at large, but en­tirely for Mrs. George Berkeley's Correspondents, i.e. her kindly curious friends, who want to know ‘"what sort of place she has thrust herself into;"’ she here, sine postage, thus writes: Her dear friend Mrs. Duncombe has, ‘"many a long year ago,"’ celebrated the beauties of the environs, the exteriour of Chertsey: if she will be pleased to insert her account in the Gentleman's Magazine, she will oblige her numerous friends, and delight many readers of that very sensible work. For the interiour, the Editor has already described the excellent Preacher; and in all times hitherto CHURCH has the precedency of State. The Editor will follow ‘"the good old way."’ The building has but one AILE, so it will not probably fly away; and she hopes the DEMOCRATES will not pluck its one aile and level it with the ground; for Mrs. B. had rather hobble to it on the little * round pebbles, than walk smoothly over its [Page dxcv] foundation, as she did the last time she was in France over a Cathedral, where she had some few years before worshiped GOD in her own way, whilst a noble organ was playing the service during the celebrating, not [Page dxcvi] L'OFFICE DE SAUVEUR, in which she could well join. To tell you that we have no organ at Chertsey, would be to tell an untruth; as Mrs. Berkeley hears, by report, that the Presbyterians have so far given up the ideas of their ancestors as to suffer the ‘"Devil's whistle"’ to be played constantly in their Meeting-houses in many places, adopting, 'tis to be feared, the Popish doctrine of doing and hearing EVIL that good may come, drawing thereby many from the Church of England worship. However, to con­sole US in the Parish Church for the want of an organ, we have a most extraordinary Clerk, who, no doubt, con­ceive [Page dxcvii] that his prayers are as prevalent as those of ELIJAH THE PROPHET. On my arrival here, Mrs. Frinsham told me that we had a very extraordinary Clerk indeed; but that she was told she would, in time, get used to his mode of praying. She expressed her wonder that it did not perplex the Officiating Clergymen. She would not tell me what it was, saying, ‘"I should hear for myself."’ Ar­riving here on the Saturday evening, I, of course, at­tended Divine Service twice on Sunday, as also on week­days and the following Sunday. Having been taught, from early youth, always to follow, never precede the Clerk in the Confession, Psalms, and Responses, I was exceedingly puzzled indeed when I came to the Litany. I rubbed my eyes, wiped my glasses, but all in vain, to find out what the poor honest Clerk said, as the words WE and FOR are so very different in their sound, and, thanks be to God, my ears are as quick as my poor eyes are dull—very remarkably quick always; that it was not, till several times after giving the utmost attention, that I discovered that this good man, probably conceiving that HIS prayers, as Clerk, being louder than the rest of the Congregation, are better heard in Heaven, he very kindly, in the Litany, instead of saying, ‘"We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord,"’ says, FOR I beseech Thee to hear US, good Lord. Most of the great Churches in town have what is called a Clerk in Orders; I believe they seldom officiate themselves, but ge­nerally by deputy; but if they do, although in Priests [Page dxcviii] Orders, I fancy they do not supplicate for the Congregation as this zealous Clerk does. There are several other curious varieties, but this may suffice to shew how happy we are in a Clerk. Pews are here exceedingly scarce; and the good Lady who rented this house before I took it, when she quitted the town, bequeathed her non-right in the pew in which she sat to a little valiant Sea-officer, not now in employ. He, perhaps, considering himself as at sea, crowded himself and three cousins in with Mrs Frinsham and myself (the pew is small for four persons); blustered so violently, and swore in Church, and at length prevailed, by his eloquence or his oaths, on the respectable Vestry (after all the gentlemen were retired), to write me a very curious letter indeed (it is carefully preserved by Mrs. Frinsham amongst her odd curiosities), forbidding me to sit in the seat any more, they having given it to Captain BLUS­TER, and his uncle the Coal-dealer, who are much too genteel ever to go to Church in an afternoon, or on week­days. I was beginning to fear we must attend Divine Ser­vice as used to do the excellent Mrs. Yorke of Pirton, my mother's aunt, who, for some years before her death, being a cripple by the gout, was constantly lifted in and out of her coach to take the air, or make a visit, but could not drive into the Church; she was therefore regularly carried to Church twice every Sunday, and every Saint's day, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in her sedan-chair, placed in the aile, and the poles drawn out, not to incommode persons [Page dxcix] passing to their pews; but, having at present no sedan­chair, it occurred to me, that, unless the amiable Prelate of this Diocese was wonderfully altered for the worse in a few years, he would be happy to assist an old friend. I accordingly wrote to him, stating our hard case. His Lordship honoured me with a very polite answer, inclosing one to the Churchwardens of Chertsey, recommending it to them to provide me with a pew; which they immediately did, near the little Captain's, where we hear him talk, but not now swear and curse.—So much fore cclesiastical matters; only remarking, that the title bestowed on the Curate of Chertsey, as Mr. White told us, is the Journeyman Parson. I have often heard my Mother and Archdeacon Dodwell's mother say, that the Clerk of Shottesbrook, a master shoe­maker, used to roar out, in the Psalm, I am a journeyman, as all my Fathers were; and Mr. Cherry's comment was, ‘"Frith always struts when he hollows it out, feeling his own superiority over David, who, he conceives, never attained to being a master workman."’ We never hear an oath, or see, or hear, a drunken person, man or woman, in the street.

Mr. Whitaker told Mrs. Frinsham and Mrs. Berkeley, that the reformation in the manners of the lower class of people in this place, within these last eight years, since Mr. White was curate of the place, is quite astonishing to all the neighbourhood. The higher and middling ranks of [Page dc] people, in most places, are too wise and too genteel to be anxious about the salvation of their immortal souls!!!

Perhaps a few weeks spent at Dover by the great boys and girls, and some of their parents, might suggest to them, that it would be better to walk next the kennel, and ‘"leave the wall to elder persons;"’ as the very wor­thy Mrs. Neal, of the tea-warehouse at Dover, taught her wonderfully civil, clever, little girl, of eight years old, who, shewing slipped behind, to give me the wall at every turning.

Enquiring the way once of a sensible-looking little charity-school girl, she said, ‘"I will wait upon you, Ma­dam, and shew it you."’ She received, as she merited, my kind thanks. We set out;—she turned back to the little girls that she had quitted, slipped off her pattens, saying, ‘"Pray take care of them; I shall walk quicker without them, and not hinder the Lady."’ It was impos­sible for the Lady, who ever delighted to pay attention to real humble merit in humble station, and try to benefit the possessors, to avoid rewarding her little conductress, and enquiring who she was. She did not reply, as washer­women's, &c. children in these equalizing days generally do, ‘"I am Mrs. Draggletail's daughter."’ She replied, ‘"My name is Susan Ellendor, Madam. My mother is a [Page dci] widow, and keeps a publick house;"’ I think, the Flying Horse. This being the last time I was at Dover, I have not learned, but hope, that the sensible, civil little Susan is now a worthy servant in the family of some gentleman who has a worthy lady, who takes a little care of the souls of her servants, as, I trust, will all the friends to whom I address this farewell epistle.

ADIEU, my good Friends: May we ere long meet in a country where neither Mr. Pitt, nor Mr. Pond, nor any Mr. can tax poor letter scribblers.


For the Errors of herself and the Devil; i.e. the Printer's Devil.

THE learned acute Dr. Young says, ‘"Flaw in the best—The many flaw all o'er."’ To which party the Editor belongs has been by this time pronounced: by many, perhaps, as in most other cases (where sentence is pronounced without seeing the whole of the evidence), the judgement may be wrong. She conceives, as in most other things, fortune, station, &c. &c. she is in the middle way. That she ap­pears sometimes to have written superlative nonsense is most certain, for which she is not famous. ‘"But this sentence is absolute nonsense,"’ says a Reader; ‘"no one can make head or tail of it."’ Agreed, good Reader: yet the Editor did not write it nonsense; but her once good hand, now, when writing in haste, degenerated into a very small scrawl, must have often puzzled even the poor Devil, or the Compo­sitor. A witty clerk of an uncle of hers, a very eminent Barrister, used to say, ‘"My master writes three hands; one that I can't read, one that he can't read himself, and one that the Devil can't read."’

[Page dciii] The Editor, from an ugly trick contracted in very early youth, always speaks in a very low voice what she is writing; and, although her pen moves very quick, yet, the little red­rag, ‘"the unruly member,"’ moves still quicker; by which means she frequently leaves out three or four words in a sentence, which she is obliged to interline. She never whilst writing tittles the third vowel, crosses her t, or makes any stop but at the beginning of a new paragraph. All this is left to be done after the letter, &c. is finished; and, like most other things postponed, is frequently not done at all; which, to those unacquainted with her horridly heedless manner of writing, makes her letters very valuable Etruscan MSS.

The Editor thinks she may now proceed, without be­ing guilty of injustice, to accuse the Devil. Whenever the Editor has had occasion to use the word perpetually, the Devil knows, or perhaps does not know why, the word (as lately in an article in the Gentleman's Magazine*) is con­stantly printed PERSONALLY; which makes it in some in­stances very extraordinary nonsense indeed.

In some places the note is introduced into the text, and the poor text cast down into the note; as it is at the bottom of p. cccc; where the last three lines are superfluous, but were intended to have accompanied the little anecdote of poor unhappy Lady Vane, in p. ccccvii.

[Page dciv] Mentioning a very beautiful little painting of Cheltenham Church, taken from the Well, by Miss Hamilton*, at the request of the Editor, and which hangs constantly within ken of her short-sighted-eye, to soothe her wounded heart, of a size answering to the frontispiece designed by her dear Son, and engraved for his beautiful Elegy on the death of Miss M [...]; the poor Devil has turned the word beau­tiful into a handsome drawing; which raises the idea of vul­garity in her mind—perhaps, as a Berkeshire woman, having in early youth heard the lower people of that beautiful county ridiculed for frequently saying, ‘"A handsome-bodied man, or woman, as you shall see, Sir!"’

[Page dcv] The Editor fears that most of the errors of the press must go uncorrected; as although, thanks to the mercy of God, she has still eye-sight sufficient to scrawl by day-light, and read a sensible, clever book by candle-light, she cannot six her eye, by any light, to count lines, and find out in which the error lies, without injuring her eyes very much. The casting up her (now) very small weekly book of accompts strains her eyes, more than reading or writing five hours de suite, when she has not occasion to fix them.

The Editor has been from very early youth, by her nearest, her dearest surviving friend, told, ‘"That she is of a temper too sanguine—that she never ceases to hope, in despite of disappointment repeated, and re-repeated."’ The Editor has ever found it pleasanter than to go quietly into the Castle of GIANT DESPAIR, (vide Pilgrim's Progress, the delight of her very early childhood—the new edition of which with the excellent notes by the very pious, and surely very liberal-minded Mr. Burder, Dissenting Minister at Co­ventry, improves and gladens her declining years; if the Editor was rich, she would dispense as many of an incom­parable little work of his, intituled, "THE GOOD OLD WAY," as the ZEALOUS Democrats did of Tom Paine's Rights of Man. As it is, although that incomparable little tract is sold as low as one penny, she half beggars herself in distributing them; having generally some in her pocket, for [Page dcvi] rich and poor, who will accept them*. Reading that won­derful little volume, she is ready to retract having so often joined that witty Monarch Charles the Second, saying, that ‘"Presbyteranism was not the Religion of a GENTLEMAN;"’ in Mr. Burder, it appears the Religion of a most liberal­minded man)—But to return to that cheering temper of the mind, HOPE. The Editor has really so very often hoped that every page of very many would be the last of her [...] LONG Preface, that she is almost led to DESPAIR. Grati­tude for amiable attention, she knows not how to avoid celebrating, as perhaps, few persons feel more sensibly, more gratefully, amiable, unmerited attentions, paid to her­self and those she tenderly loved.

[Page dcvii] THE Editor wonders at herself, that, in mentioning the great amiability of the noblesse of Scotland, she could have omitted to notice the very pleasing politeness of Lord Glas­gow to Mr. Monck Berkeley, during his séjour at St. Andrew's.

As the family were sitting at tea en famille in Mrs. Berkeley's dressing-room, the door opened, and the servant, Mr. Wrightson, announced Mr. Bower to Mr. Berkeley. Mr. Berkeley sprang up, saying, ‘"My dear good fellow, I am very glad to see you with all my heart. What can have brought you hither?"’

Mr. Bower.—‘"I came, Sir, to pay my duty to my Fa­ther."’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"Who is your Father?"’

Mr. Bower.—‘"He tells me, Sir, that he has the honour to be known to Dr. Berkeley and to you, Sir."’

Mr. Berkeley.—‘"What! not Patrick Bower?"’

Mr. Bower.—‘"The same, Sir. I should not have taken the liberty to have waited on you, Sir, but that my Lord [Page dcviii] Glasgow, hearing that you were at the University here, charged me to wait upon you with his best compliments, and to tell you that he hopes you will visit him next va­cation at [...]."’

The Editor must add here, that Mr. Bower, the book­seller of St. Andrew's, was a very worthy man, and, as she used frequently to say, as civil as an English tradesman; a very rare thing in Scotland, where the traders are, in general, the most uncourtly, she believes, of any under the canopy of Heaven, the Dutch* always excepted. The French and Flemings are in general rude; the English are certainly the civilest, the most patient of men. Every one has heard the wager laid, to try if it were possible to wear out the patience of Mr. Mann, the great woollen-draper, [Page dcix] brother to the Ambassador at Florence some years ago. The Editor one day in the shop of an old huckster at St. Andrew's, she is sorry to say that he was an Episcopal of the name of Noarey, a young gentleman of very remarkable, gentle, sweet manners, as before remarked; the young Laird of Logie Almon entered the shop. Seeing the old wretch engaged in serving either the Editor or her Sister, he politely forbore to ask for the article he wanted. The old wretch thus addressed him (his hat cocked like a Kevenhuller, bolt upright, in a parallel line with his surly shoulders): ‘"Well, young man; why do you stand there? What is that you wants? Why doan't you tell, instead of standing there?"’ The Editor instantly replied, ‘"I don't know what Logie Almon wants, as his politeness to the Ladies in your shop prevents his telling whilst you are serving them; but I can tell you what you want; and, if this young gentleman and you were at Eton, what you would get, as you richly deserve—your fierce hat thrown into the fire, and your saucy self well rolled in [Page dcx] the kennel."’ The old Hottentot growled, and Mrs. Frinsham and the young Laird laughed very much.

The Editor, whilst in Scotland, used frequently to afford great diversion to dear Dr. Berkeley, her Sister, and Son. The latter used to divert their friends in England with his Mother's labours and troubles, about spinning, and weaving table-cloths, napkins, &c. saying, ‘"My Mother really turned herself into a very gewd Scotch weef, counting her spinning when come home, measuring, marking for bleaching, just as if she had been booarn a Scot."’

Mrs. Berkeley, going one day to purchase some fine Dutch flax, the man was wonderfully surly and saucy; Mrs. Frin­sham said, ‘"You are the rudest being I ever saw in my life. Were I the Lady, I would go without flax till the resurrection sooner than purchase it of such a wretch as you are."’ He replied, (his hat cocked, and his arms a-kimbo,) ‘"Why, now, there is nothing in the world that I likes so much as affronting a woman; I always did; and if she is a Laady *, I likes it ten times the better."’ [Page dcxi] Mrs. Frinsham said, ‘"You are a brute then;"’ and walked out into the street, saying, ‘"My dear Sister, come away."’ Mrs. Berkeley, however, stayed, and purchased her flax, as it was the best in the city. He had a lad, about four­teen, the civilest gentle creature one could see; his name forgotten. He lived in North Street, and was a true dis­ciple of the brutal John Knox.

The Editor does not recollect the name of Lord Glas­gow's very beautiful seat*, although Lord Balgonie lent her [Page dcxii] a charming Elegy in MS. written by Mr. Bower* on seeing the monument, in the great wood of [...], of the late Lord Glasgow, his noble pupil's excellent father, as it should seem, by the character given.

Mr. Bower, the bookseller, presented the Editor with his son's Elegy on the death of sweet Lady Helen Boyle, aged fourteen. The beautiful little red print of that lovely creature Mrs. Berkeley has put into a frame, and it now hangs in her dressing-room: but, in frequent removals, she h