Entered at Stationers-Hall.


BY THE LATE MR. GRAY, Author of the ELEGY written in a Country Church-Yard, &c.

To which are now added, by another Hand, Several Additions; also Blank Spaces at the End, to enable every Traveller or Reader to make his own Remarks or Corrections.



THIS Catalogue was originally written on the blank pages of Kitchen's English Atlas, by Mr. GRAY. His own extensive re­searches into the topography of this island fur­nished him with many of the particulars; the Summer tours which he made supplied him with more; and to these he was frequently adding, from the information of such persons on whose taste and judgement he could best depend.

A few copies were first printed, and inter­leaved, with a view that those, to whom they were presented, might at their leisure, make such short remarks as their own personal knowledge of the several counties enables them to do; and in these to add or expunge what they may think proper. Because, as, on the one hand, it is possible some places worthy of note may be omitted, so, on the other, some may be mentioned which are hardly deserving of the traveller's attention. The excellent [Page iv] person before-mentioned, who made the Catalogue, was apprehensive of this; and was therefore far from thinking his manuscript per­fect. Yet, as many of his friends had transcribed it in his life-time, and many more have requested copies since his decease, it was thought best to print it in this pocket form; not only for their present gratification, but as the most likely means of rendering this little work complete, and of fitting it hereafter for the eye of the public.

The present prevailing passion for viewing and examining the beautiful scenes which abound in our native country, precludes every necessity for an apology for the publication now offered to the World, and the name of the Compiler will se­cure to it a favourable reception. What Mr. GRAY thought important enough to engage his attention, those for whose use it is intended will not receive with neglect. Scenes, Situations, Seats, and Antiquities, selected as worthy of notice by the elegant Author of the Church-Yard [Page v] Elegy, will be visited with a degree of re­spect unfelt before. To his taste no person will venture to dissent, and to his judgement few but will readily subscribe.

As the present Catalogue was compiled several years since, some alterations, by change of pro­perty or by deaths, may have happened in the names of the owners of particular seats—these however can be but few, and, it is presumed, of no material consequence; but as the Publisher wishes to be accurate, he will very thankfully receive any corrections which may render the Work more perfect, and by that means more useful.

The copies of the former Edition where inter­leaved, in this the blank leaves are placed at the end, upon a more convenient plan. See page. 63, &c.

(*) This Mark placed before any place, denotes that it is more particularly worthy of Notice.

Just published, Price Four Shillings, sewed, A NEW EDITION, CORRECTED.


"Who did the bloody deed?"
"The deed was mine.
"Bloody I know it is; and I expect
"Your laws should tell me so. Thus, self-condemn'd
"I do resign myself into your hands,
"The hands of Justice."
Oroonoko. V. 3.
"If this be not Love, it is Madness; and then, it is pardonable."
Old Batchelor. III. 10.

It is not necessary to say any thing more, than to desire the Reader, who feels an inclinat [...]on to censure any of these Letters, will recollect the persons between whom they appear to have passed, and the situa­tions of those persons.

[Page]A CATALOGUE, &c.


  • 1 BEDFORD Priory, on the Ouse
  • 2 Warden Monastery, W. of Bigleswade
  • 3 Chicksand Priory (Sir G. Osborne's) W. of Shefford
  • 4 Dunstable Priory, S. W. of Luton
  • 5 Harewood Nunnery, near the Ouse, W. of Chillington.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Ampthill Park, and Church, S. of Bedford
  • * 2 Woburn (D. of Bedford's) S. W. of Ampthill, by Flitcroft
  • 3 Wrest (Marchioness de Grey's) E. S. E. of Ampthill
  • 4 Hawnes (Earl Granville's) N. W. of Shefford
  • 5 Tuddington, N. of Dunstable
  • 6 Luton-Hoo (E. of Bute's) near Dunstable and *its Chapel; it is two Miles from Luton Town


  • * 1 Windsor Castle, and St. George's Chapel
  • [Page 2] 2 Donnington Castle, near Newbury, to the N.
  • 3 Abbingdon Abbey, near the Thames, and St. Helen's Church
  • 4 Wallingford Castle, on the Thames, 18 M.
  • 5 Aldworth Church, E. of East-Ilsley
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Cooper's Hill, near Old Windsor, and Engle­field Green
  • * 2 St. Leonard's Hill, near Windsor
  • 3 Cranborn Lodge, in the Forest, S. W. of Wind­sor
  • * 4 Way from Reading to Wallingford about 18 M.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 The Great Park and Lodge at Windsor
  • * 2 Beaumont Lodge, near Old Windsor, on the Side of Cooper's Hill
  • 3 Hurley near the Thames, N. E. of Reading and W. of Maidenhead
  • 4 Buckland's (Sir Robert Throckmorton's) by Wood
  • 5 Coleshil ( [...]) by Inigo Jones
  • 6 Park Place (Gen. Conway's) near Henley, 1M.

This County is 120 M. round, and contains 527,000 Acres.


  • 1 Eton College, on the Thames opposite to Windsor
  • 2 Burnham Priory, N. W. of the last
  • 3 Cheyne [...]s Church, near the Colne, E. N. E of Amersham
  • 4 Nutley Abbey, near the Tame, W. of Ailesbury
  • 5 Oulney Church, on the Ouse, N. of Newport-Pagnell
  • 6 Stewkelay Church, S. of Leighton-Buzzard (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 3]1 Taplow, on the Thames, N. E. of Maidenhead, Mr. O'Brien's Root-House, and Bapsey-Point
  • 2 Great-Marlow (the Race-Field) on the Thames
  • * 3 Cawley Wood (View from the Hill) near Ash­ridge and Tring
  • 4 Harley Ford (Mr. Clayton's) near Marlow, about two Miles and a Half on the Henley Road
  • 5 Prince Risborough (View from a Hill near it) S. W. of Wendover.
  • 6 Way from Had [...] to [...] Marlow, 5 M.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Langley Park (D. of Marlborough's) near Coln­brooke
  • 2 Stoke-Pogeis (Mr. Penn's) N. N. E. of Slough, near 3 M.
  • * 3 Clierden (E. of Inchiquin's) on the Thames, N. of Taplow, by Archer
  • 4 Hall-Barn (Mr. Waller's) near Beaconsfield, by Mil [...]
  • 5 West-Wickham (late Lord Despenser's) near High Wycombe
  • 6 Shardel [...]is (Mr. Drake's) near Amersham
  • 7 Ashridge (D. of Bridgewater's) S. E. of Iving­ho and Church
  • * 8 Stow (E. Temple's) N. of Buckingham
  • 9 Hedsor (Lord Bolton's) near the Thames, N. W. of Clierden.


  • * 1 Cambridge University, King's Chapel, Trinity College, Queen's, Jesus, St. John's, Great St. Mary's Church, &c.
  • 2 Denny Abbey, N. of Cambridge, near Water Beach
  • 3 Barnwell Abbey, N. E. of Cambridge
  • [Page 4] * 4 Ely Minster and Trinity Church, in the Isle of Ely
  • 5 Thorney Abbey, in the Fens, N. E. of Peter­borough
  • 6 Whittlesea Church, E. of Peterborough
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Maddingley (Sir J. Cotton's) W. N. W. of Cambridge, by Brown
  • 2 Horsheath (Lord Montfort's) N. E. of Linton, by Webb
  • 3 Wimple (E. of Hardwick's) N. W. of Cam­bridge
  • 4 Catledge, or Kirtling, (E. of Guildford's) S. E. of Newmarket
  • 5 Chevely (M. of Granby's) E. S. E. of New­market
  • 6 Chippenham (Mr. Montgomery's) N. of New­market


  • * 1 Chester Castle and Cathedral
  • 2 Frodsham Castle, N. E. of Chester
  • * 3 Halton Castle, N. E. of Frodsham
  • * 4 Norton Priory
  • * 5 Beeston Castle, S. E. of Chester
  • 6 Combermere Abbey, S. of Namptwich
  • 7 Birkenhead Priory, near the Mersey
  • 8 Astbury Church, S. E. of Congleton
  • 9 Stockport Church, on the Mersey
  • 10 Sandback Church and Crosses, N. E. of Nampt­wich, on the Wever
  • 11 Malpas Church, N. W. of Whitchurch
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Delamere Forest (Views from it) N. E. of Che­ster
  • [Page 5] 2 Goït-Vale and Disley-Hill, in the Road from Buxton to Manchester, S. E. of Stockport.
Houses, Plantations, Parks.
  • 1 Eton Hall (Lord Grosvenor's) on the Wever, S. of Northwich
  • 2 Dunham-Massey (Countess of Stamford's) S. W. of Altrincham
  • 3 Crewe Hall (Mr. Crewe's)
  • 4 Lyme Park (Mr. Leigh's)
  • 5 Tabley (Sir John Fleming Leicester's) N. E. of Northwich, W. of Knutsford
  • 6 Vale-Royal (Mr. Cholmondeley's) S. of North­wich

This County is 182 M. round, and contains 720,000 Acres.


  • 1 Launceston (or Dunheved) Castle, near the Ta­mar, and the Church-Yard
  • 2 Tintagel Castle, on the N. Coast, W. of Bos­castle, near Bossiney
  • 3 St. German's Priory (or Port Elliot) on the Lever, W. of Saltash
  • * 4 Trematon Castle, near the last, in View of Ply­mouth
  • 5 St. Neot's Church, N. of Liskeard
  • 6 Fowey Castle, South of Lestwithiel, near the Coast
  • 7 Restormel (or Lestmel) Castle, and Lestwithiel Palace on the Fowey, N. of the last
  • 8 St. Maw's Castle, E. of Falmouth Haven
  • 9 Pendennis Castle, W. of the same Haven
  • 10 Pengersick Castle, on the Coast, N. W. of Hel­ston
  • * 11 St. Michael's Mount, on an Island in Mount's Bay (Sir J. St. Aubyn's) S. of Market Jew
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 6]1 Madern Hills, between St. Ives and the Land's End
Houses, Plantations, Parks.
  • 1 Boconnock (Mr. T. Pitt's) E. of Lestwithiel
  • 2 Trefusis (Mr. Trefusis's) S. W. of Falmouth

This County is 230 M. round, and contains 960,000 Acres.


  • 1 Penrith (or Perith) Castle, near the River Ei­ [...]t, 19 M. from Carlisle
  • 2 Dacre Castle, on the Dacre, S. S. W. of Penrith
  • 3 Kirk-Oswald Castle, near the Eden, N. N. E. of Penrith
  • * 4 Carlisle Castle, and Cathedral, near the Eden
  • * 5 Ro [...]e Castle (the Bishop's) S. of Carlisle, near the Caude, 6 M.
  • 6 Highgate Castle, S. E. of the last
  • 7 Nawo [...]th Castle (E. of Carlisle's) near the Irthing, N. E. of Carlisle 12 M. by the Military Road
  • * 8 San [...]ro [...]st Priory, near the Picts' Wall, 1 M. from Naworth
  • 9 Scaleby Castle, N. N. E. of Carlisle, beyond the Wall
  • 10 Holm-Cultram Abbey, on the Waver, near the Coast
  • * 11 Cockermouth Castle, on the Cocker and the Derwent, 12 M. from Keswick
  • 12 St. Bee's Priory, S. of Whitehaven, on the Coast
  • 13 Egremont Castle S. E. of the last, on Broad River. 5 M. from Whitehaven
  • * 14 Calder Abbey, (Mr. Senhouse's) S. E. of the last
  • 15 Mil [...]u [...] Castle, on the Mouth of the Dudden
  • 16 Warwick Church, near Carlisle, (Sax.) 4 M. on the Way to Corby
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 7]* 1 Lake of Keswick, or Derwentwater, 4 M. long, 2 wide, at the Foot of Skiddaw Hill, S. W. of Penrith, 18 M.
  • * 2 Ulles Water, S. S. W. of Penrith, 9 M. long, ¾ of a M. broad, View from Dunmallert Hill, and along the W. side beyond Water Malloc [...]
  • * 3 Borodale, and the Top of Castle Craig, at the Entrance of it, S. of Keswick Lake, and Law­dour Water-Fall and Grange, 5 M. from Kes­wick
  • * 4 Braithwaite Brewes, N. W. of Keswick, in the Road to Cockermouth, best View of Skiddaw, and over Bassingthwate Water, and a Part of Keswick Lake
  • 5 View from the Beacon Hill near Penrith, 1 M.
  • * 6 Warnal (View from it) S. W. of Rose Castle
  • * 7 View of Bassingthwate Water, on the East Side opposite to Widhope Woods; or from Arm­thwait at its Northern Extremity, near 8 M. from Keswick, near Ews Bridge
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Corby (Mr. Howard's) S. E. of Carlisle 6 M.

This County is 168 Miles round, and contains 1,040,000 Acres.


  • 1 Beauchief Abbey, W. of Dronfield
  • 2 Castleton Castle, in the Peak, 12 M. N. E. of Buxton, 6 from Tideswell
  • * 3 Bolsover (or Bouser) Castle, in Scarsdale, (D. of Portland's) N. E. of Chesterfield
  • 4 Codenor Castle S. W. of Alfreton
  • 5 Dale Abbey, or Deepdale, near Derby, to N. E.
  • 6 Derby, Allhallows Church, 16 M. from Not­tingham, 12 from Ashburne
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 8]* 1 The Devil's Arse o'Peak, near Castleton, 11 M. N. of Buxton, and the Descent into Hope-Dale
  • 2 Pools and Elden-Hole, W. and N. E. of the same Place
  • * 3 Matlock, near the Derwent, 11 M. from Che­sterfield, 16 from Derby, N. of Wirksworth, and the High Torr, 354 Feet in Heighth
  • * 4 Dovedale, in the West Part of the County, 3 M. N. of Ashborn
  • * 5 Monsal-Dale, near Bakewell, 2 M. to N. W. of it
  • 6 Eham (or Middleton) Dale, E. of Tideswell, in the Road to Chatsworth
  • * 7 Upper Dovedale, 5 M. to N. of Ashborn
  • 8 Donnington-Cliff, on the Trent, 5 M. S. E. of Derby
  • 9 Hopping-Mill Ware, on the Derwent, 4 M. N. of Derby
  • 10 Chee-Torr, on the Wie, 2 M. below Buxton
  • 11 Mam-Torr (the View from thence) near Cas­tleton
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Chatsworth (D. of Devonshire's) on the Der­went, W. of Chesterfield 10 M. by Talman and Brown
  • 2 Haddon (Duke of Rutland's) S. W. of the last, near Bakewell
  • * 3 Keddleston (Lord Scarbrough's) N. W. of Derby, by Adam
  • * 4 Stoke (Mr. Simpson's) on the Derwent, N. of Chatsworth
  • 5 Sutton (late Mr. Clarke's, now uninhabited) N. E. of Chesterfield, near Bolsover
  • * 6 Formark (Sir R. Burdet's) and Anchor Church, on the Trent, 4 M. S. of Derby

This County is 130 M. round, and contains 680,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Ford Abbey (Mr. Gwinn's) E. of the Ax, N. E. of Axminster
  • 2 St. Mary-Ottery Priory, S. W. of Honiton
  • * 3 Exeter Cathedral, and Rugemont Castle, Old Guildhall, &c.
  • 4 Tiverton Castle on the Ex, N. of Exeter
  • 5 Powderham Castle (Visc. Courtney's) on the Ken, near the Ex, S. S. E. of Exeter
  • * 6 Berry-Pomery Castle, near the Dart, E. of Totness
  • 7 Dartington Temple, N. of Totness
  • 8 Buckfastre Abbey, S. W. of Ashburton
  • * 9 Dartmouth-Castle, near the S. Coast
  • 10 Buckland Priory, near the Teave, N. of Ply­mouth
  • 11 Tavistock, (the Abbey) N. of the last
  • 12 Okehampton Castle, near the Confluence of the Ocke and Towridge
  • 13 Frithalstoke Priory, W. of Torrington, S. of Biddeford
  • 14 Biddeford Bridge, on the Towridge
  • 15 Barnstaple, near the Taw
  • 16 Torr Abbey, near Torbay, N. of Dartmouth
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Aether Rocks, on the Edge of Dartmore, near Ilsington
  • * 2 Hall-Down, near Exeter and Mam-head
  • 3 The Thatcher (or Datcher) a Rock in Torbay, near Torr Key
  • 4 Babicombe, near Mary-Church, in Torbay
  • 5 View from a Hill, 3 M. from Exeter, in the Road to Tiverton
  • 6 View within a M. of Tiverton, in the same Road
  • 7 Knowles-Hill, near Newton, in the Road from Exeter to Plymouth
  • [Page 10] 8 Bradley, ¼ of a Mile from Newton
  • 9 Asell-Hill, 1 M and ½ from Ashburton
  • 10 Milberdown (or Milburn) near Newton
  • 11 Stoke Common
  • 12 Ogwell-Hill, near Newton
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Mount Edgecombe, W. of the Tamer, S. W. of Plymouth
  • 2 The Haw, a Hill near Plymouth, 280 Feet high
  • * 3 The Fall and Bridge of the Lid near Lidford, S. W. of Okehampton
  • * 4 Castle-Hill (Lord Fortescue's) near Torrington
  • 5 View from the Hill ½ a M. E. of Honiton
  • * 6 Mam-Head (Visc. Lisburne's) E. of Chudleigh
  • * 7 Saltram (Mr. Parker's) E. of Plymouth 3 M.

This County is 200 M. round, and contains about 1,920,000 Acres.


  • 1 Wimburn-Minster (the Church) N. of Pool, near the Stour
  • * 2 Middleton (or Milton) Abbey, S. of Sturminster
  • * 3 Sherborne Castle and Church (Lord Digby's) S. W. of Shaftsbury, on the Evill
  • * 4 Corfe Castle, in the Isle of Purbeck, S. E. of Wareham
  • * 5 East Lulworth Castle, (Mr. Weld's) near the Coast, W. of Corfe Castle
  • 6 Bindon Abbey, N. of Lulworth
  • 7 Sandford (or Sandsfoot) Castle, S. of Wey­mouth, on the Coast
  • 8 Abbotsbury Abbey, on the Coast, S. of Frampton
  • 9 Chidiock Castle, on the Coast, E. of Lime
  • 10 Studland (Church) in the Isle of Purbeck (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 West Lulworth Cove and Dern Door, a Rock, [Page 11] on the Coast, (Yeatman) Walk under the Rocks between them
  • 2 View from a Hill 10 M. beyond Dorchester, in the Road to Exeter
  • 3 Charmouth Hill, E. of Lime-Regis, in the Road from Bridport to Axminster
  • 4 Quarries near the Old Church in the Isle of Portland
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Eastbury (Lord Melcombe's) 4 M. N. of Bland­ford (by Vanbrugh)
  • * 2 Brianstone (Mr. Portman's) 1 M. from Blandford
  • 3 Melbury (Mr. Strangeway's, and now E. of Il­chester's) S. S. W. of Sherborne
  • 4 Incam (Mr. J. Pitt's) on the Coast, S. E. of Lulworth
  • 5 Woolton (Mr. Trenchard's) 1 M. N. of Dor­chester

This County is 150 M. round, and contains 772,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Durham Abbey, and Castle
  • * 2 Finchale Priory, on the Were, N. E. of Durham
  • * 3 Lumley Castle, (E. of Scarbro's) near Chester
  • 4 Hylton Castle, near the Were, W. of Sunder­land (Mr. Bowes's)
  • 5 Tarrow Monastery near the Tyne
  • 6 Brancepeth Castle, (Mr. Bellasyse's) near the Were, S. W. of Durham
  • 7 Bishop-Aukland Palace (the Bishop's) on the Gaunless, S. W. of Durham
  • * 8 Raby Castle (E. of Darlington's) near Stein­thorpe to N. E.
  • * 9 Barnard's Castle, on thh Tees, W. of the last, and the Walk through the Holmes to Toller Hill.
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 12]* 1 The Banks, at Durham, on the Were
  • * 2 Gillygate Church-Yard, above the Race Field at Durham, and the Way through Pellow-Wood to Old Durham
  • 3 Butteroy Hill, S. of Durham
  • 4 The Force in Teesdale, W. of Middleton
  • 5 Winston on the Tees, W. of Piersbridge
  • 6 New Field, E. of the Were, near Old Park, about 2 M.
  • * 7 The Black Halls, on the Coast, N. of Hartle­pool 6 M.
  • 8 Muggleswick Park, near the Darwen, N. of Wolsingham
  • 9 Walk through the Fields to Franklin Wood (1 ½ M. from Durham) and through the Wood (2 M. more) to Brasside-Moor, W. of the Were.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Cockan (Mr. Carr's) on the Were, S. of Lumley
  • 2 Hardwick (Mr. Burdon's) near Sedgefield
  • * 3 Gibside, on the Darwen, S. W. of Newcastle, (Countess of Strathmore's)

This County is 107 M. round, and contains 610,000 Acres.


  • 1 Waltham Abbey, on the Ley, S. W. of Epping
  • 2 Hatfield Broadoke Church, S. W. of Dunmow
  • 3 Saffron-Walden Church, N. E. of Newport
  • 4 New Hall (Lord Walden's) and Boreham Church, N. E. of Chelmsford
  • 5 Lees Priory (Sir Ch. Sheffield's) S. E. of Felsted
  • 6 Earle's Colne Church, S. E. of Halsted
  • 7 Henningham Castle, on the Colne, N. of Halsted
  • 8 Colchester Castle, and St. John's Church
  • * 9 Layer Marney Castle, S. W. of Colcheseer
  • [Page 13] 10 St. Osyth's Priory, at the Mouth of Colne, S. E. of Colchester
  • 11 Hadleigh Castle, on the Thames, near the Isle of Canvey
  • 12 Thaxted (Church) N. E. of Dunmow
  • 13 Greensted (Church) near Ongar, to N. W. (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Dunmow, S. of Thaxted, and the Church
  • 2 Havering (View from it) N. of Rumford, from the high Grounds W. of the Village, and from the Bower
  • 3 Road from Chelmsford to Billericay
  • * 4 Hill near Horndon (View from it) S. W. of Bil­lericay
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wanstead House, near the Roding (E. of Tyl­ney's) by Campbell
  • 2 Copt Hall (Mr. Conyer's) W. of Epping
  • * 3 Audley End (Lord Howard's) S. S. E. of Walden, by Jansen, altered by Adam and by Brown
  • 4 Shortgrove (E. of Thomond's) S. of the last
  • 5 Gosfield, (Visc. Clare's) W. of Halsted, N. of Braintree
  • 6 Mystley (Mr. Rigby's) S. E. of Manningtree
  • 7 Moulsham (Sir William Mildmay's) by Leoni
  • 8 Albin's (Sir Anthony Abdy's) near Ongar, (by Inigo Jones)
  • 9 (Lord Petre's) near Brentwood

This County is 146 Miles round, and contains 1,240,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Gloucester Cathedral, Cloisters, Library, &c.
  • * 2 Tewksbury Church, 5 M. N. W. of Cheltenham
  • * 3 Sudely Castle, S. E. of Winchcombe
  • [Page 14] * 4 Cirencester, or Cisseter Church, on the Churne
  • * 5 Oakley and Lord Bathurst's Woods
  • * 6 Fairford Church on the Colne, E. of Cisseter
  • 7 Beverstone Castle (or Burestone) N. W. of Tet­bury
  • * 8 Berkley Castle and Church, near the Severn Mouth, 15 M. from Gloucester
  • * 9 Thornbury Castle (S. of the las [...]) and Church
  • 10 St. Briavel's (or Breulais) Castle in the Forest of Deane, near the Wye, S. S. E. of Mon­mouth
  • 11 Stroud (Church) N. W. of Cirencester
  • 12 Wickwar Church, N. E. of Sedbury
  • 13 Campden Church, N. W. of Stowe, and S. E. of Evesham
  • 14 Cleeve Church, N. of Cheltenham
  • 15 Down Amney Church, S. E. of Cisseter
  • 16 Hale's Abbey (Lord Tracy's) 2 M. N. E. of Winchcombe
  • 17 Kingswood Abbey, 3 M. N. of Wickwar
  • 18 Lanthony Priory, joining to Gloucester
  • 19 Newark (Miss Scudamore's) near the last
  • 20 Lechlade (the Church) 8 M. E. of Cirencester
  • 21 Westbury Church, 2 M. N. W. of Bristol
  • 22 Winterbourn Church, 5 M. N. E. of Bristol
  • 23 Wotton under Edge (the Church) 2 M. S. of Dursley
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 K [...]sborough Castle Hill, or Castle Godwin, near Painswick, S. of Gloucester
  • 2 Alveston, or Alliston, near Austferry, on a Hill called the Old Abbey
  • * 3 Froceter, or Froster, Hill, S. W. of Stanley, in the Road from Bristol to Gloucester
  • * 4 Road from Gloucester to Newnham in Mon­mouthshire
  • 5 St. Vincent's Rock near Bristol Hot Wells
  • 6 Bibury, in the Road between Cisseter and Bur­ford
  • [Page 15] * 7 Crickley Hill, in the Road from Oxford to Gloucester
  • * 8 Stinchcombe Hill, near Dursley
  • * 9 Birdlip Hills, 5 M. S. E. of Gloucester, on the Cisseter Road
  • 10 Barrow Hill, near the Severn, in Arlingham Parish, N. of Berkley
  • 11 Painswick Hill, 4 M. S. E. of Gloucester, and thence to the left through Prinwick Wood into the Birdlip Hill Road
  • 12 Broadbridge Green, (View from the Hill) near Haresfield, 4 M. S. of Gloucester
  • * 13 St. Blaise's Hill, or Blaise Castle, near Henbury, 3 M. N. W. of Bristol
  • 14 Shunlo Hill, near Shennington, 4 M. N. W. of Banbury
  • 15 Staunton Hill, 3 M. E. of Monmouth
  • 16 Tower Hill, near Tytherington, S. of Thorn­bury
  • 17 Woolston, 4 M. N. of Cheltenham, 3 M. W. from Winchcombe
  • * 18 Broadway Hill, in the Way from Morton to Evesham
  • 19 Clifton Down (View up by the Windmill)
  • * 20 Woolridge Hill, in the Malvern Road, 4 M. N. W. of Gloucester
  • * 21 Robin Hood's Hill, 2½ M. S. E. of Gloucester, (View in the Morning when the Tide is in)
  • * 22 Top of Llancort Cliff, on the Wye, 1½ M. from Chepstow, opposite to Persfield, in Monmouthshire
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 King's Weston, (Mr. Southwell's) near the Mouth of Avon (by Vanbrugh) W. of Bristol
  • 2 Stoke Gifford (formerly Lord Botetort's) N. E. of Bristol
  • 3 Tortworth (Lord Ducie's) S. E. of Berkley, 3 M. W. of Wotton
  • [Page 16] 4 Nimpsfield, (Lord Ducie's) W. of Minchen-Hampton, E. of Dursley
  • 5 Badmington (D. of Beaufort's)
  • 6 Sherbourne House and Lodge (Mr. Dutton's) by Inigo Jones, 2 M. E. of Northleach
  • 7 Knowl, ( [...]) N. of Bristol
  • 8 Highnam, ( [...]) W. of Gloucester
  • 9 Dyrham, ( [...]) S. of Sodbury
  • 10 Easington, ( [...]) N. of Dursley
  • 11 Frethorn, ( [...]) 6 M. N. W. of Dursley
  • 12 Kempsford, (Viscount Weymouth's) on the Thames, 2 M. S. W. of Lechlade
  • 13 Matson (Mr. Selwin's) 2 M. S. E. of Gloucester
  • * 14 The Vineyard (the Bishop's) in the North Ham­lets joining to Gloucester
  • 15 Newark ( [...]) 2 M. E. from Wotton
  • 16 Snead Park ( [...]) near Westbury, N. W. of Bristol
  • 17 Symondshall ( [...]) near Wotton

This County is about 156 M. round, contains 800,000 Acres. Cotswold (or the East Part) is bleak, naked, and unfertile, but healthy, and famous for its Sheep; it is divided by a long Range of Hills from the Vale (or middle Part) which is rich, warm, and beautiful. The Forest Division (or West Part) is well wooded, not unfruitful, and abounding in Iron.


  • * 1 Winchester Cathedral and College
  • 2 St. Cross Hospital, S. W. of the last
  • 3 Bishop's Waltham Castle, N. N. W. of Fare­ham
  • * 4 Netley Abbey, E. S. E. of Southampton
  • 5 Titchfield Abbey, W. of Fareham
  • 6 Rumsey Nunnery, (the Church) on the Test, N. W. of Southampton
  • [Page 17] 7 Calshot (or Cashot) Castle, W. of the Mouth of Southampton River
  • 8 Hurst Castle, on a Point opposite to Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight
  • 9 Porchester Castle, on the Coast, N. W. of Portsmouth
  • 10 Warnford Church, N. E. of Bps. Waltham
  • 11 Silchester, N. of Basingstoke, on the Edge of Berkshire
  • 12 Holy Ghost Chapel, near Basingstoke
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Portes-Down, 5 M. N. of Portsmouth
  • 2 West Lodge, in Bere Forest, S. S. W. of Soberton
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 The Grange (late E. of Northington's) N. E. of Winchester, by Inigo Jones
  • 2 Warblington ( [...]) E. of Havant, on the Coast
  • 3 Bevis Mount, (Sir J. Mordaunt's) near South­hampton
  • 4 Bellvue (late Mr. St. Andre's) near the same

This County is 100 Miles round, and contains 1,312,500 Acres.


  • 1 Cowes Castle, on the Coast, opposite to Cal­shot Castle
  • 2 Carisbrook Castle, S. W. of Newport
  • 3 Quar Abbey, near Ryd, S. E. of Newport (otherwise Arreton)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 The Needles (Rocks) and West End of the Isle seen from the Sea, with the Cavern
  • 2 Freshwater (View from a Field there) S. S. W. of Yarmouth 6 M.
  • [Page 18] 3 Way from Cowes (by Water) up to Newport and the Walk from Hurst-Stake to Newport
  • 4 Shanklin Chine, on the S. E. Coast, N. N. E. of Dunchurch
  • * 5 Ashey Down (View near the Land Mark)
  • 6 Nunwell Down (View of Brading Haven at high Water)
  • 7 Village of Rida, on the N. Coast, with Trouble­field, (Col. Amhurst [...]s) and Appely (Mrs. Roberts)
  • 8 Undercliff, S. W. of Dun-Nose, on the S. E. Coast
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Appuldore Combe (Sir Rob. Worsley's) towards the Sea-Coast, and the Hill in the Park
  • 2 The Priory (Mr. Grose's) near St. Helen's
  • 3 Steeple (Mr. Stanley's) S. W. of Bunchurch

This Isle is 60 M. round, 20 long, and 12 over.


  • * 1 St. Alban's Abbey
  • 2 Standon- [...], W. of Bishop Stortford (Mr. Plummer's)
  • 3 Kings-Langley Church, S. S. E. of Hempsted
  • 4 Berkh [...]msted Church, W. of St. Alban's
  • 5 Hitchin (Church) N. W. of Stevenage
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 View from Bu [...]y Heath, N. W. of Edgeworth
  • 2 Brockley Hill, near E [...]re, and Stanmore
  • * 3 Little Gadde [...]den (the View near it) S. E. of I [...]ingo, near Ashridge Park
  • 4 Kensworth Green, S. of Dunstable
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Pishobury (Mr Gardiner' [...]) W. of Hockerill, on the Stort (by Inigo Jones)
  • [Page 19] 2 Ware Park (Mr. Byde's) N. N. E. of Hartford
  • * 3 Hatfield (E. of Salisbury's) E. of St. Alban's
  • * 4 Gorhambury (Lord Grimston's) N. W. of St. Alban's
  • 5 Cashiobury (E. of Essex's) N. W. of Watford, on the [...]unton
  • * 6 More Park, (Mr. Dundas's) 2 M. S. of Rick­mansworth
  • * 7 Penley-Lodge ( [...]) near Tring, to the East
  • 8 G [...]ion's (or Gubbin's) [...] S. E. of North Mims
  • 9 Wotton ( [...]) N. of the last
  • 10 Wotton Park ( [...]) N. of Hartford
  • 11 Hunsdon-House (Mr. N. Calvert's) N. E. of Hoddesdon
  • 12 Russel-Farm (Countess of Essex's) 1 M. from Cashiobury
  • 13 Long Leybury (Mr. Amyard's) 1 M. from Rickmansworth

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 541,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Hereford Cathedral, Porch of St. Magdalen's Chapel, and the Castle-Yard
  • * 2 Goodrick Castle, S. of Ross, on the Wye, 5 M. by Water
  • 3 Wigmore Castle, N. W. of Lemster
  • * 4 Brampton Brian, N. W. of the last, near the Tame
  • 5 Branstill Castle, W. of Malvern Hills
  • * 6 Hampton Court, on the Lug (Lady Coningsby's) S. E. of the Lemster, and the Chapel
  • 7 Wilton Castle, W. of Ross, ½ a M. on the Wye
  • 8 Courtfield (Mr. Vaughan's) on the Wye, 6 M. from Ross
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 20]1 The Gilden Vale, on the Dore, W. of Hereford
  • 2 Creden Hill, and Kenchester, W. of Hereford
  • 3 The Ambrey, in Croft Castle Park, on the Lug, W. N. W. of Lemster
  • 4 Ross, upon the Wye, S. E. of Hereford, and the Church
  • 5 Sutton Walls, (View from the Hill) on the Lug, N. of Hereford
  • 6 Brynmawr (View from it) near Hereford, to N.
  • * 7 The whole Way (by Water) down the Wye, from Ross to Monmouth, 20 M. particularly at Goodrick-Castle, Coldwell Rocks, Sy­mond's Yate at River Dean Church, the New Wear, and Longstone, &c.

This County is 102 Miles round, and contains 660,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Bugdon Palace (Bishop of Lincoln's) S. W. of Huntingdon
  • * 2 Hinchinbroke Nunnery, (Lord Sandwich's) N. W. of Huntingdon
  • 3 Connington Church, S. S. E. of Yaxley
  • 4 Ramsey Abbey, in the Fens, S. E. of Wittlesey Meer
  • 5 Somersham Palace, N. W. of Erith
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Kimbolton (Duke of Manchester's) on the Bor­der of Bedfordshire, S. W. of Bugden

This County is 67 Miles round, and contains 240,000 Acres.


  • 1 Eltham Palace (Sir J. Shaw's) S. E. of Deptford
  • [Page 21] * 2 Rochester, the Cathedral, Castle, and Bridge, on the Medway
  • 3 Maidstone, the Palace, College, and Church, on the Medway
  • 4 Allington Castle, S. of Aylesford, on the Medway
  • 5 Malling Abbey, W. of Maidstone, (called Town Mauling)
  • * 6 Leeds Castle, (Mr. Fairfax's) E. of Maidstone 6 M.
  • 7 Cowling Castle, near the Thames, N. of Ro­chester
  • 8 Tunbridge Castle and Priory, near the Medway
  • * 9 Hever Castle (Mr. Humphrey's) W. of Tun­bridge, and Church
  • 10 Feversham Abbey, near the Thames
  • * 11 Canterbury Cathedral, Gates, Walls, Castle, Abbey of St. Ausiin, and a Stair-Case to the Registry
  • 12 Reculver Abbey, on the N. Coast, N. E. of Canterbury
  • 13 Richborough Castle, N. W. of Sandwich
  • 14 Sandown, Deal, and Walmer Castles, on the E. Coast
  • * 15 Dover Castle, and the Maison Dieu or Hospital
  • 16 Sandgate Castle on the S. Coast, W. of Folkstone
  • 17 Saltwood Castle, N. W. of Hythe
  • 18 Barfreston (or Barston) Church, N. of Barham Downs (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Shooters Hill, E. S. E. of Deptford
  • * 2 Northfleet, S. W. of Gravesend, on the Canter­bury Road
  • 3 Chatham, the high Grounds S. of the Town
  • 4 Boughton Hill, W. of Canterbury, in the Lon­don Road
  • 5 St. Margaret's Bay, N. E. of Dover
  • * 6 River, 2 Village N. W. of Dover, a View near it
  • [Page 22] 7 Beachborough, a Hill, N. of Newington, near Folkstone (Mr. Brochman's)
  • * 8 Hills about Shorne and Thong, to N. W. of Rochester (Views thence)
  • 9 Walk from Ramsgate, through Easton and Dump­ton, to Broadstairs
  • * 10 Frend [...]ury N. of Rochester 1 M. and the Walk from thence towards Upnor, on the Medway
  • * 11 Boxley Hill, N. N. E. of Maidstone, 4 M. in the Road from Rochester
  • * 12 Madam [...]urt Hill, N. of Sevenoak, in the Road from London
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Blackheath (Sir Greg. Page's) by James
  • * 2 Greenwich Hospital (by Sir C. Wren), Queen's House (by Inigo Jones), and Park
  • 3 Charlton House, E. of Greenwich (Earl of Ancram's)
  • 4 Foots Cray, S. E. of Eltham, alter'd from Pal­ladio (Miss Cleve's)
  • 5 Cobham Hall (Earl of Darnley's) S. E. of Gravesend, Part by Inigo Jones
  • * 6 Knowle (Duke of Dorset's) S. E. of Sevenoak
  • 7 Mereworth or Mer [...]de (late Lord Despencer's) N. E. of Tunbridge (by Campbell)
  • 8 Penshurst (Mrs. Perry's) W. of Tunbridge, on the Medway
  • 9 Eastwell (Earl of Winchelsea's) S. W. of Can­terbury
  • 10 Comb-Bank (Duke of Argyll's) near Sevenoak (by Morris)
  • 11 Cheve [...]ing (Earl Stanhope's) N. N. W. of Se­venoak (Inigo Jones partly)
  • * 12 I [...]grass (late Mr. Calcraft's) E. of Dartford, Dover Road

This County is 162 Miles round, and contains 1,248,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lancaster Castle, 22 M. S. of Kendal
  • 2 Cockersand Abbey, S. of Lancaster, on the Coast
  • * 3 Whalley-Abbey, on the Calder, S. W. of Clithero
  • 4 Hornby Castle (Mr. Charteris's) on the Wen­ning, N. E. of Lancaster
  • 5 Clithero Castle, on the Ribble, near Pendle-Hill, to N. W.
  • 6 Manchester College
  • 7 Holland Priory, W. of Wigan
  • 8 Cartmel Priory, in Furness, S. W. of Kendal
  • * 9 Gleaston Castle, in Low Furness, E. of the fol­lowing
  • * 10 Furness Abbey, near the Sea Coast of Furness, S. of Dalton
  • * 11 Peel Castle, or the Pile of Foudrey, on a small Island, S. W. of the Isle of Walney
  • 12 Ormskirk (the Church) W. of Wigan, and La­tham near it (Mr. Bootle's)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Dunald Mill Hole, 5 M. from Lancaster, near the Road to Kirby-Lonsdale
  • * 2 Road from Ulverston (O [...]ton) to Kendal in Westmoreland, 20 M. Turnpike-Road
  • 3 Ea [...]-Kirk, a Cavern, near Leck, E. of Kirby-Lonsdale
  • * 4 Road from Lancaster to Hornby, in the Way to Ingleton Turnpike
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Kirby Cross-House, in Furness, N. W. of Ul­verton
  • 2 Coniside (Mr. Braddyl's) at the N. End of Co­ni [...]ton Meer
  • 3 Latham (Mr. Bootle's) E. of Ormskirk (by Leoni)
  • 4 Hooker (Lord George Cavendish's) in Furness, S. W. of Cartmel

[Page 24] This County is 170 Miles round, and contains [...],150,000 Acres; its highest Ground is Pendle-Hill, W. of Colne.


  • 1 Leicester Abbey (on the Soure) the Newark, and Hospital, St. Margaret's, &c.
  • * 2 Ulvescroft Priory, W. of Mount Sorrel, near Bardon Hill
  • * 3 Olveston Priory (or Oweston) N. E. of Bilsden, towards Rutlandshire
  • 4 Grace-Dieu Nunnery, E. of Ashby de la Zouch, W. of Loughborough
  • * 5 Belvoir Castle (Duke of Rutland's) on the Bor­ders of Lincolnshire
  • * 6 Bradgate, N. N. W. of Leicester (Earl of Stam­ford's)
  • * 7 Ashby de la Zouche, near the N. W. Border towards Derbyshire, and Church
  • 8 Melton Mowbray (the Church) on the Wreke, S. W. of Walton
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Bardon Hill, in Charnwood (or Charley) Forest, W. of Mount Sorrell; the Prospect which ex­tends to the Wreckin, Lincoln, &c.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stanton Harold (Earl Ferrers's) N. of Ashby de la Zouch
  • 2 Grop [...]ll (or Gopsall) (Mr. Penryn's) N. W. of Bosworth (by Woolfe)
  • 3 Donnington Park (Earl of Huntingdon's) near Loughborough, N. W.
  • 4 Stapleford (Earl of Harborough's) S. E. of Mel­ [...] Mowbray

This County is 96 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres.


  • in Lincoln
    • * 1Lincoln Minster
    • 2 — Palace
    • 3 — Castle
    • 4 John of Gaunt's House,
  • 5 [...] Castle, S. W. of Lincoln, near the Heath
  • 6 [...] H [...]ll, on the Trent, S. of Gainsborough
  • 7 Temple [...], Middle of Lincoln Heath
  • 8 Moor Tower, near Horn Castle
  • 9 Barling [...]s Abbey, E. of Lincoln
  • 10 Tupholme Priory, near Lincoln, to S. E.
  • * 11 Tattershal Castle (in the Fens) N. W. of Boston
  • * 12 Boston Church (in the Fens) on the Witham
  • * 13 Thor [...]ton College, near Barton, on the Humber
  • 14 Grantham Church
  • * 15 Crowland Abbey (in the Fens) 10 M. N. of Peterborough
  • 16 Crowland Bridge (in the Town)
  • 17 Kirkton Church, in Upper Holland, S. of Boston
  • 18 [...]outh Church, N. N. E. of Horn Castle
  • 19 Sempringham Monastery, E. of Folkingham
  • 20 Crowle Church (Sax.)
  • 21 St. Leonard's (Church) near Stanford (Sax.)
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Belvoir Castle (Duke of Rutland's) W. of Grantham and Bettersworth Church
  • 2 Grimsthorpe (Duke of Ancaster's) S. E. of Grantham (by Vanbrugh)
  • 3 Uffington (Mr. Bertie's) 2 M. N. E. from Stanford

This County is 180 Miles round, and contains 1,740,3 [...]0 Acres.


  • in London.
    • * Westminster Abbey and Hall
    • 2 Tower of London
    • 3 Great St. Bartholomew's, near Smithfield
    • 4 Temple Church in the Inner Temple
    • 5 Guildhall, in King's Street
    • 6 Somerset House (by John of Padua, and Inigo Jones) now pulled down and rebuilt by Chambers
    • 7 St. John's Gate, near Clerkenwell
  • 8 Waltham Cross, N. of Edmonton
  • * 9 Hampton Court Palace, on the Thames, S. S. W. of Twickenham
  • 10 Hanworth (Lord Vere's) W. of Twickenham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Harrow on the Hill, E. N. E. of Uxbridge
  • * 2 Twickenham, on the Thames, S. of Thistle­worth, and the Meadows
  • 3 Hamstead Heath, N. of London
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Sion House (D. of Northumberland's) near Isle­worth and the Thames, alter'd by Adam and Brown
  • 2 Holland House (Lord Holland's) W. of London (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 3 Gunnersbury (late Princess Amelia's) near Eal­ing and Acton (by Inigo Jones)
  • * 4 Ch [...]ck (Duke of Devonshire [...]s) W. of Ham­mersmith (by Lorrd Burlington)
  • 5 Mr. Wyndham [...] Hammersmith (late Lord M [...]'s) by Morris and [...]
  • 6 Spencer House (Earl Spencer's) in St. James's [...] (by V [...]dy and G [...] G [...])
  • * 7 Dev [...]re House (Duke of Devonshire's) in Pl [...] by Ke [...]t)
  • [Page 27] 8 Chesterfield House (Earl of Chesterfield's) in May-Fair (by Bristol and Ware)
  • 9 Banqueting House at Whitehall (by Inigo Jones and Rubens)
  • *10 Musaeum, in Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury, (by Pouget)
  • 11 Marlborough House, in Pall-Mall (bY Sir Chr. Wren)
  • *12 Queen's House, in St. James's Park (by Capt. Wynne)
  • 13 Lindsey House ( [...]) in Lincoln's Inn Fields (by Inigo Jones)
  • 14 Burlington House (Duke of Devonshire's) in Piccadilly, the Court and Front by the Earl of Burlington and Campbell
  • *15 Northumberland House (Duke of Northumber­land's) near Charing-Cross, by Bern. Jansen, Ger. Christmas, &c.
  • *16 Barbers Hall, in Mugwell Street, near Cheap­side (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 17 Twickenham Park (Duchess of Montrose's) near Twickenham
  • *18 The Exchequer (Duke of Newcastle's) joining to Westminster Hall
  • 19 Ickenham (Mr. Clarke's) near Uxbridge Com­mon, once Sir Robert Viner's

This County is 81 M. round, and contains 247,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Chepstow Castle, on the Wye, near its Junction with the Severn, 3 M. from Aust-Ferry
  • * 2 Tinterne Abeey, on the Wye, and Views from Four-Acre Meadow, beyond the Abbey Or­chard, N. of Chepstow, 8 M. by Water
  • * 3 Caldecot Castle, on the Shrogey, near the Coast and Severn Sea
  • [Page 28] * 4 Newport Castle, on the Usk, near its Mouth, 22 M. from Abergavenny
  • 5 Usk Castle, on the same River
  • * 6 Ragland Castle, N. E. of the last, 12 M. from Chepstow
  • 7 Skinfryth Castle, on the Mynwy
  • 8 Grismond Castle, on the same
  • 9 White Castle, E. N. E. of Abergavenny
  • *10 Llantony Abbey (or Llandevi Nanthodeno) on the Hodeney, among Hatterel Hills
  • *11 Monmouth, at the Confluence of the Wye and Mynwy, and the View from Engligh-Newton Hill, 1 ½ M. from the Town to N.
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 The Road from Chepstow to Ragland, and thence to Monmouth
  • 2 The Sugar-Loaf Mountain (View from its Top) 4 M. fom Abergavenny, otherwise called Pana-y-Vale, 21 M. from Chepstow
  • * 3 Way (by Water) down the Wye from Mon­mouth to Chepstow, chiefly at Whitebrook, Pi [...]on, Llandogger, &c.
  • * 4 Vale of Abergavenny, and Colebrook Park (Mr. Hanbury's)
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Per [...]field (Mr. Morris's) near Chepstow, and the View from W [...]acliff above it

This County is 80 M. round, and contains 340,000 Acres.


  • 1 Lynn (St. Margaret's Church) on the Mouth on the Ouse, St. Nicholas's Chapel, &c.
  • 2 Therford Priory, on the Little Ouse, near the Borders of Suffolk
  • * 3 Castle-Rising Castle, N. E. of Lynn
  • 4 Buckenham Castle, S. E. of Attleborough
  • [Page 29] 5 Wymondham (or Wyndham) Abbey, N. E. of Attleborough
  • * 6 Norwich, the Cathedral, Castle, Churches, &c.
  • * 7 Castle-Acre Priory and Castle, N. of Swafham
  • 8 Walsingham Priory, N. of Fakenham
  • 9 Binh [...]m Priory, N. E. of Walsingham
  • 10 Creak Priory, S. S. E. of Burnham
  • 11 Bromholme Priory, near the Coast, S. E. of Cromer
  • 12 Yarmouth, the Great Church, E. of Norwich 22 M.
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Easton (Mr. Bu [...]ton's) N. W. of Norwich
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stow Bardolph ( [...]) N. E. of Downham
  • 2 Hunstanton (Mr. Styleman's) near St. Edmund's Cape, on the N. Coast
  • * 3 Holkham (Countess of Leicester's) W. of Wells, (by Brettingham)
  • * 4 Houghton (Earl of Orford's) S. W. of Wal­singham (by Ripley)
  • 5 Rainham (Visc. Townshend's) W. of Fakenham
  • 6 Blickling (E. of Buckinghamshire's) N. W. of Aylesham
  • 7 Kimberley Park (Sir A. Wodehouse's) N. W. of Wyndham
  • 8 Oxborough (Sir Richard Bedinfield's) N. of Methwold, or Meweil

This County is 140 M. round, and contains 1,148,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Peterborough Cathedral
  • 2 Fotheringhay Church and College, N. of Oundle
  • 3 Barnwell Castle S. E. of Oundle
  • * 4 Drayton House (Lord Sackville's) W. of Thrapston
  • [Page 30] 5 Luffwick Church, near the last
  • 6 Higham I errers College and Church
  • 7 Rockingham Castle (Lord Sondes's) on the Welland
  • 8 Little Billing Priory, near the Nine, E. of Northampton
  • 9 Daventry Priory, on the Borders of Warwick­shire
  • 10 Holdenby (or Holmby) House, N. of Althrop
  • 11 Brackley (the Hospital Chapel) N. W. of Buc­kingham
  • 12 Queen's Cross, near Northampton, to the S.
  • 13 King's Sutton Church, on the Charwell, N. of Aynhoe
  • 14 Irtlingborough Church
  • 15 Glinton Chapel
  • 16 Brington Church, W. of Althrop
  • 17 Northborough Church
  • 18 Oundle Church, on the Nine, N. E. of Thrapston
  • 1 [...] Geddington (the Cross) N. of Kettering
  • 20 Ecton Church, 5 M. N. E. of Northampton
  • 21 Stow, nine Churches, E. of Fawesley, S. E. of Daventry
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 View from the Hill between Great Billing and Overton, N. E. of Northampton
  • 2 View from Hall Field at Kettering
  • 3 View from Hard-Hill Meer, between Kingsted and Rance
  • 4 View from Bush Hill in Archester Field, S. E. of Wellingborough
  • 5 View down the Nine, from Clifford and Ecton Hills ( [...])
  • 6 View up the Welland from Stamford
  • 7 View down the Welland, from Brampton Park, E. S. E. of Harborough
  • * 8 View from Eltinton Hill, W. of Naseby
  • 9 View from Burrow Hill, near Daventry
  • [Page 31] * 10 View from Rydon Hill, near Hellidon, S. W. of Daventry
  • 11 Walk from the George Inn, St. Martin's, near Stamford, to Wathrop Grove, and on to Easton
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Burleigh (Earl of Exeter's) E. of Stamford
  • 2 Lilford (Mr. Powis's) on the Nine, S. W. of Oundle
  • 3 Boughton (Duke of Montagu's) N. E. of Ket­tering
  • * 4 Althrop (Earl Spencer's) N. E. of Northampton
  • 5 Castle Ashby (Earl of Northampton's) N. W. of Wellingborough, S. of Northampton (Part by Inigo Jones)
  • 6 Fawesley (Mr. Knightley's) S. of Daventry
  • 7 Stoke Park (Mr. Arundel's) E. of Towcester (by Inigo Jones)
  • 8 Whaddon (Mr. Willis's) W. of Stony Stratford
  • 9 Thorp (Sir Robert Barnard's) near the Nine, W. of Peterborough

This County is 120 M. round, and contains 500,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Tinmouth Monastery, on the Coast, at the Mouth of the Tyne
  • 2 Prudhoe Castle, S. of Tyne, to S. W. of New­castle
  • * 3 Bothall Castle, on the Wantspeck, E. of Mor­peth, and Church and Chapel
  • 4 Warkworth Castle, on the Coquet, near the Coast, and the Hermitage
  • 5 Dunstanburgh Castle, on the Coast, N. of Bow­m [...], and Rumble Churn
  • 6 Be [...]o Castle (Sir William Middleton's) S. W. of Morpeth, 2 M. from H [...]am
  • [Page 32] * 7 Widdrington Castle, on the Coast, S. of Wark­worth (Sir George Warner's)
  • 8 Bamburgh Castle, on the Coast, E. S. E. of Belford
  • * 9 Alnwick Castle (Duke of Northumberland's) on the Alne, with Alnwick Abbey and Hull Abbey near it, to N.
  • * 10 Holy Island Monastery, in an Isle, N. E. of Belford
  • 11 C [...]gham Castle (Earl Tankervill's) on the Br [...], S. E. of Woller, and the Church
  • 12 Horton Castle (Sir H. Grey's) N. E. of Woller
  • * 13 Bri [...]burn Priory, on the Coquet, S. E. of Rothbury
  • 14 Norham Castle, on the Tweed, 6 M. S. W. of Tweed Mouth, and the Church
  • 15 H [...]xham Mo [...]stery and Church, on the Tyne, W. of Corbridge
  • 16 Biwell Castle, on the Tyne, S. W. of Prudhoe
  • 17 Dilston Castle, near the Tyne, S. E. of Hexham
  • 18 B [...]anchland Priory, on the Darwen, S. of Hex­ham
  • 19 L [...]gley Castle, E. S. E. of Beltingeham, 1 M. N. E. of [...]ydon Bridge
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Vale of Tyne, from Newcastle to Hexham (the Bridle Way)
  • 2 Read [...]dale, and the Fall of the Chetlup ne [...] Ca [...]ga (called Chetlup Spout, falls 70 Feet and [...]quire
  • * 3 Top of Cheviot Hill, near Woller, to S. W.
  • 4 Christe [...]bury Crag, on the W. Border towar [...] Cumberland, N. E. of Beau Castle
  • 5 [...]g Lough, to N. of the Roman Wall, nea [...] to [...] Mile-Stone on the Military Road
  • 6 T [...], near Simonburn, N. W. of Wallwick Fall of the Rivulet and Cavern above it
  • [Page 33] 7 Staward le Peel, E. of the River Allen, and the View from High Staward, along the Allen, it lies S. S. E. of Beltingham
  • 8 Newbiggen (View from the Church-Yard) on the Coast, E. of Bothall
  • 9 Kiley, a Village on the Left of the Berwick Road, 5 M. North of Belford
  • 10 Cornhill (Mr. Collingwood's) S. of Tweed, near the new Bridge, the View
  • 11 Tillmouth Chapel, between the Till and the Tweed at their Junction
  • 12 Shidlaw, a Hill near Carham and Wark Castle
  • 13 Watchlaw, a Hill, 4 M. E. of Etall
  • 14 Glanton Pike, near the Woller Road and Wh't­tingham
  • 15 Lintel Law, near Ewslee, N. W. of Morpeth
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Chipchace (Mr. Reed's) near the North Tyne, to N. W. of Wallwick
  • * 2 Beaufront (Mr. Errington's) on the Tyne, al­most opposite to Hexham
  • 3 The Hermitage (Mrs. Jurin's) on the Tyne, opposite to Hexham
  • 4 Bywell, (Mr. Fenwick's) N. of the Tyne, S. W. of Ovingham
  • 5 Ovingham (Mr. Bigge's) N. of the Tyne, op­posite to Prudhoe Castle
  • * 6 Close House (Sir Robert Bewick's) N. of the Tyne, opposite to Ryton
  • 7 Ashington (Mr. Crowe's) on the Wan [...]sbeck, near Bothall
  • 8 Twissell (Mr. Blake's) on the Till, near its Mouth, and the Bridge

This County is 155 Miles round, contains 1,370,000 Acres, and is 62 ¾ M. long, and 47 M. broad.


  • * 1 Nestead Abbey (Lord Byron's) near Mans­field, 10 M. from Nottingham
  • * 2 Hardwick House (D. of Devonshire's) near ditto
  • * 3 Welbeck Abbey (Duke of Portland's) N. of ditto, (by John Smithson)
  • 4 Radford Abbey, near Worksop, N. of the last
  • 5 Newark Castle, on the Trent, and Church
  • 6 Southwell Church and Palace, W. of the last
  • 7 Thurgarton Priory, near Newark
  • * 8 Wollaton (Ld. Middleton's) W. of Nottingham
  • 9 Nottingham (St. Mary's Church) near Trent
  • 10 Blyth (the Church) S. S. W. of Bawtry
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Clifton (Sir Gervas Clifton's) 3 M. S. W. from N [...]ttingham
  • 2 Cresswell Crags, W. of Wellbeck
  • 3 Road from Newark to Nottingham, near the Trent
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Worksop Manor (Duke of Norsolk's) S. of Blythe, (by Payne)
  • 2 T [...]by (Duke of Kingston's) S. E. of Well­ [...]ck (by C [...])
  • 3 Ru [...] (late Sir G. Savile's) E. N. E. of Mans­field

This County is 90 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Oxford University, Christ Church, St. Peter's, &c
  • * 2 Eynsham Abbey N. W. of Oxford
  • 3 Godstow Nunnery, N. of ditto
  • 4 Minster Lovel, N. W. of Witney
  • [Page 35] 5 Ewelm Palace, S. W. of Watlington
  • 6 Clattercote Priory, N. of Banbury
  • * 7 Broughton Castle, S. W. of ditto
  • 8 Dorchester Church, on the Thames
  • 9 Iffley Church, on the Thames, S. E. of Ox­ford, (Sax.)
  • 10 Edward the Confessor's Chapel at Islip, N. of ditto, (Sax.)
  • 11 Chipping-Norton Church, near the Border of Gloucestershire and Rollich Stones
  • 12 Stanton Harcourt House and Church, S. E. of Witney
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Shiplake, on the Thames, S. of Henley
  • 2 Stoken-Church Hill, N. E. of Watlington, View from it
  • 3 Whiteham Hill, N. W. of Oxford
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Blenheim (Duke of Marlborough's) at Wood­stock, [...]½ M. from Oxford (by Vanbrugh and Brown)
  • 2 Ditchley (E. of Litchfield's) N. E. of Charle­bury, 5 M. from Blenheim
  • * 3 Caver [...]ham or Cau [...]n (Lord Cadogan's) N. E. of Reading (by Brown)
  • 4 Cornbury (Duke of Marlborough's) W. of Charlbury, (by N Stone)
  • * 5 Newnham (E. of Harcourt's) 5 M. from Ox­ford to S. E.
  • 6 Hardwicke (Mr. Powis's) near the Tham [...]s, W. of Maple-Derham
  • 7 Kirtlington Park (Sir J. Dashwood's) N. E. of Woodstock, (by Saunderson and Smith, and Brown)
  • * 8 Rousham (Sir C. Cot. Dormer's) N. E. of Woodstock (by Kent)
  • 9 Burford (Mr. Lenthall's) House and Pictures
  • [Page 36] 10 Barrington Park (Lady Talbot's) N. W. of Burford
  • 11 Wroxton's (E. of Guildford's) near Banbury

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 534,000 Acres.


  • 1 Okeham Castle
  • 2 Tickencote (Church) W. of Casterton, (Sax.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 View at North Luffenham, S. W. of Stamford
  • 2 Road from near Stamford to Uppingham
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Burley on the Hill (Earl of Winchelsea's) E. of Okeham
  • 2 Exton (Earl of Gainsborough's) E. of Burley

This County is 40 M. round, and contains 110,000 Acres.


  • 1 Shrewsbury Castle and Abbey, on the Severn
  • 2 Haghmon Priory, N. E. of Shrewsbury
  • * 3 Bildewes (or Billings) Abbey, on the Severn, S. of Wrekin
  • 4 Acton Burnel Castle, S. S. E. of Shrewsbury
  • * 5 Wenlock Abbey, S. of Bildewas, N. W. of Bridgenorth
  • * 6 Lilleshull Priory, S. W. of Newport
  • 7 Stoke Castle, on the Tern, S. S. W. of Drayton
  • 8 Tong Castle (Mr. Durant's) E. of Shiffnal, toward Staffordshire, and the Church where the Vernons, &c. are buried
  • * 9 Ludlow Castle, at the Junction of the Temd and Corve, and the Church
  • 10 Hopton Caste, W. N. W. of the last
  • [Page 37] 11 Clun Castle, on the Clun, N. W. of Hopton Castle
  • 12 Whitchurch (the Church) N. W. of Drayton
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Town of Bridgenorth, on the Severn
  • 2 Caer Caradoc, at the Junction of Clun and Temd (called Quardo [...]-Hill) near Church-Stretton
  • * 3 The Wrekin Hill, E. S. E. of Shrewsbury
  • 4 Colebrook Dale, W. S. W. of Shiffnal
  • * 5 Eudness Woods, 4 M. N. of Bridgenorth
  • * 6 View of the Severn (near Quatford to the W.) in the Way from Kidderminster to Bridge­north, and from Quatford Church-Yard
  • 7 Way from Ludlow to Montgomery
  • 8 View from the Bowling-Green at Ellesmere, N. W. of Oswestry
  • 9 Amen Hill, 5 M. from Shrewsbury
  • * 10 Way from Church Stretton to Ludlow, 17 M.
  • * 11 Titterstones Hill (or the Clee) E. of Ludlow, in the Way to Bewdley
  • * 12 Pimhill Hill, near Shrewsbury
  • * 13 Coed-y-Graig (View from the Rock called Craig-Wen, a Hill near Llan-y-mi [...]ich, in the Way from Welch Pool, 6 M. from Oswestry
  • 14 Kyrn-y-Buch, a Hill near Oswestry
  • 15 The Morf (View from the Corner) a Common near Bridgenorth
  • 16 The Edge (View from it) 2 M. W. of Wenlock
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Hardwick (Mr. Kynaston's) near Ellesmere, S. W. of Whitchurch
  • 2 (Sir E. Blount's) be­tween Bewdley and Ludlow
  • * 3 Okely Park (Lord Clive's) near Ludlow
  • 4 Acton Burnell (Sir E. Smith's) S. S. E. of Shrewsbury
  • 5 Hawkestone (Sir Richard Hill's) N. of Shrews­bury

[Page 38] This County is 134 Miles round, and contains 890,000 Acres. The Wrekin Hall, E. of Shrews­bury, measures 1398 Feet above the Level of the Sea. ( [...]lany [...] in Wren's Pa [...]talia p. 253.) Stiperston Clee, near Norbury to N. is 1800 Feet high and upwards. Ibid.


  • 1 Bath Cathedral
  • * 2 Bristol Cathedral, St. Mary Radcliffe, and St. Stephen's, 14 M. from Bath
  • * 3 Farley Castle, S. E. of Bath
  • 4 Nunye Castle, S. W. of Frome
  • * 5 Wells Cathedral and Palace
  • * 6 Glastonbury Abbey, S. W. of Wells, and the Torr
  • 7 Montacute Priory (Mr. Philips's) W. of Il­chester
  • 8 Stoke Courey Castle, N. W. of Bridgewater
  • * 9 Dunster Castle, on the Coast (Mr. Lutterel's) near Minehead to S. E.
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wokie Hole, in Mendip, near Wells
  • 2 Chedder Rocks, N. W. of Wells, near Ax­bridge
  • 3 Camalot Hill (or Arthur's Palace) N. E. of E [...]l, otherwise Cadbury Castle
  • 4 Clifton (at Mr. Gold [...]ey's) near Bristol, to the W.
  • 5 Quantock Hills, S. S. E. of Watchet, near the Coast
  • 6 Brent Knowle, a Hill, N. E. of Bridgewater
  • 7 Lansdown, N. of Bath, and Claverton (Clar­ton) Down
  • 8 Durdam Down, near Bristol, (keep close to the Wall)
  • 9 View from the Brow of Mendip Hills, in the Way from Sherbourne to Bath
  • [Page 39] 10 Upper Bristol Road, about the 2d and 3d Mile-Stones from Bath
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Prior Park (Mrs. Warburton's) near Bath
  • 2 Hinton St. George (Earl Paulet's) N. E. of Chard
  • 3 Widcomb ( [...]) S. E. of Bath
  • 4 Redlinch (Earl of Ilchester's) S. of Bruton

This County is 150 Miles round, and contains 1,075,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lichfield Cathedral, 24 M. from Derby
  • * 2 Tutbury Castle, on the Dove, next Derbyshire, and the Church, N. of Burton
  • * 3 Dudley Castle and Priory, N. W. of Birming­ham (Viscount Dudley's)
  • 4 Eccle [...]hal Castle, (Bp. of Lichfield's) N. W. of Stafford
  • * 5 Croxton Abbey, N. W. of Uttoxeter
  • 6 Alton Castle, on the Charnet, N. N. E. from the last
  • 7 Wolverhampton Church, W. S. W. of Walsall, on the Penk
  • 8 Burton upon Trent, the Bridge and Abbey
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Stafford Castle Hill, 1 ½ M. from the Town ( [...] View)
  • 2 N [...]rrowdale, N. N. W. of Okeover and Ilam
  • * 3 A [...]od (or Abbot's Castle) View from the Hill. S. W. of Wolverhampton, on the Edge of Shropshire
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Ham (Mr. Port's) near the Dove, N. W. of Ashburn and Thorp-Cloud
  • [Page 40] 2 Ingestre (Lord Chetwind's) E. of Stafford, near the Trent
  • 3 Tickshall (Sir T. Aston's) E. of Stafford, near the Trent
  • 4 Wolsely (or Ousely) Bridge, N. W. of Lich­field
  • * 5 Shukborough (Mr. Anson's) near Rugely, on the Trent, (by Mr. Stuart)
  • 6 Trentham (Marquis of Stafford's) S. E. of Newcastle
  • 7 Beaudesert (E. of Uxbridge's) N. W. of Lich­field
  • 8 Enville (or Enfield) Earl of Stamford's, N. W. of Stourbridge
  • 9 Chillington (Mr. Giffard's) near Wolverhampton
  • 10 Sandon Hall ( [...]) N. N. E. of Stafford
  • 11 Chartley ( [...]) N. E of Stafford
  • * 12 Bromley ( [...]) N. W. of Eccle­shall
  • 13 Prestwood ( [...]) N. of Stourbridge
  • 14 Aqualate ( [...]) near Norbury, S. W. of Eccleshall
  • 15 Broughton ( [...]) N. W. of Eccleshall

This County is 141 Miles round, and contains 810,000 Acres. The Moor Lands (or N. E. Part) is mountainous, interspersed with rich Meadow Land in the Vallies, reaching from Three-Shire Stones to about Draycot on the Moor; the Wood Lands (or middle Part) between Dove and Trent, from Draycot to Burton and Whichner, is a more level Country.


  • * 1 St. Edmund's Bury, the Abbey and Churches
  • 2 Wingfield Castle and Church, N. E. of Eye
  • * 3 Framlingham Castle and Church, on the Ore, E. of Debenham
  • [Page 41] 4 Letheringham Priory Church, S. W. of De­benham
  • * 5 Butley Priory, S. W. of Orford
  • 6 Orford Castle, near the Coast, S. W. of Ald­borough
  • 7 Leyston Abbey, near the Coast, N. of Aldbo­rough
  • * 8 Mettingham Castle and College, E. of Bungay
  • 9 Burgh Castle, W. of Yarmouth (Roman)
  • 10 Lavenham Church, N. E. of Sudbury (or Lanham)
  • 11 Gipping (Mr. Tyr [...]ell's) the Chapel, N. E. of Stow Market
  • 12 Clare, the Church and Castle, N. W. of Sudbury
  • 13 Stoke Neyland, the Church, S. E. of Sudbury
  • 14 Bungay, the Great Church and Castle, E. N. E. of Harleston
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wickham (Prospect from the Steeple) S. of Framlingham
  • 2 Burstal (View from it) W. of Ipswich
  • 3 Stoke, near Neyland (Sir W. Rowley's) S. E. of Sudbury
  • * 4 Way from Ipswich to Harwich by Water
  • 5 View from the high Grounds in Stoke (Part of Ipswich) and from the Parsonage at High Water
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Hengrave House and Church, on the Lark, N. W. of Bury
  • 2 Ickworth (E. of Bristol's) N. W. of B [...]
  • 3 Euston (D. of Grafton's) S. E. of Th [...]
  • 4 Redgrave (Mr. Holt's) N. of Buddesdale (by Brown [...])
  • 5 Brome (E. Cornwallis's) N. E. of Eye, and the Church
  • 6 Rushbrook (Sir C. Davers) S. of Bury
  • [Page 42] 7 Melford Hall (Lady Firebrace's) and Church, N. of Sudbury
  • 8 Henham (Sir J. Rous [...]'s) E. of Halesworth
  • 9 Freston Tower (Mr. Tarver's) S. of Ipswich, on the Orwell
  • 10 Christchurch (Mr. Fonnerau [...]'s) in Ipswich
  • 11 Finbarrow [...] (Mr. Wollaston's) S. of Stow­market

This County is 165 Miles round, and contains 995,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Lambeth Palace (Abp. of Canterbury's) on the Thames
  • 2 Richmond Palace, on the Green
  • 3 Betchworth Castle (Mr. Tucker's) E. of Darking
  • * 4 Esher Place (Miss Pelham's) on the Mole, S. S. W. of Kingston
  • 5 Guilford Castle, on the Wey
  • 6 Newark Priory, on the Wey, E. of Working
  • 7 Waverley Abbey, S. E. of Farnham
  • 8 Farnham Castle (Bishop of Winchester's) W. of Guilford
  • 9 St. Mary Overy's Church in Southwark
  • 10 Kingston upon Thames, St. Mary's Chapel, S. Side of the Church (ruin'd)
  • 11 Rygate Castle and Priory (Mr. Parson's) E. N. E. of Darking
Scenes and Situations.
  • * Richmond Hill, on the Thames, and the King's Gardens
  • * 2 Wandsworth Hill, near Wimbleton (at Mrs. Pitt's)
  • 3 Box Hill, N. of Darking
  • [Page 43] * 4 Lithe Hill, S. of Wotton, and S. W. of Darking
  • * 5 Road from Guilford to Farnham (first 5 M. of it) and View from a Field to the left of the Road, as soon as you ascend the Hill from the Town
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wimbleton (Earl Spencer's) near the Vandal, S. of Wandsworth, by the Earl of Pembroke and Brown (lately burnt)
  • 2 Kew, near the Thames, opposite to Brentford
  • 3 Petersham (Earl of Harrington's) near Rich­mond Park
  • 4 Ham (Earl of Dysert's) near the Thames, op­posite to Twickenham
  • * 5 Roehampton, or Parkstead (Earl of Besbo­rough's) S. W. of Mortlack, near Richmond Park (by Chambers)
  • 6 Claremont (formerly Duke of Newcastle's) S. W. of Esher, near the Mole (by Vanbrugh and Kent) now Lord Clive's and lately rebuilt
  • * 7 Cobham, or Paintshill (Mr. Hopkins's) on the Mole (by Hamilton)
  • 8 Weybridge, or Ham Farm (Earl of Portmore's) at the Confluence of the Wey and Thames
  • * 9 Oatlands (Earl of Lincoln's) N. E. of the last, (by Kent)
  • * 10 Ooburne Farm (Mr. Southcote's) near Chertsey, (by himself)
  • 11 Deepden ( [...]) E. of Darking
  • 12 (Mr. Reeves's) near Darking
  • 13 Sheere (Mr. Malters's) near Guilford, to E.
  • 14 More Park ( [...]) and Mother Ludoe's Hole, S. E. of Farnham
  • 15 Richmond Gardens (the King's) as alter'd by Browne

This County is 112 Miles round, and contains 592,000 Acres.


  • 1 Winchelsea Monastery and Castle, on the Coast, S. of Rye
  • * 2 Battel Abbey, N. W. of Hastings
  • * 3 Bodiham Castle, near the Rother, N. of the last
  • 4 Pevensey Castle, N. E. of East-Born, on the Coast
  • * 5 Hurst Monceux Castle (Mr. Naylor's) N. of the last
  • 6 Begeham Abbey
  • 7 Lewes Castle and Priory, N. E. of Brighthelmston
  • 8 Amberley Castle, near the Arun, N. of Arundel
  • * 9 Arundel Castle, on the Arun, and the Church
  • 10 Boxgrove Priory, N. E. of Chichester
  • * 11 Chichester Cathedral, on the Lavant, near the Coast, and the Cross
  • 12 Boseham (Church) 3 M. from Chichester
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Petworth (Earl of Egremont's) E. of Midhurst
  • * 2 Cowdrey (Visc. Montacute's) E. of Midhurst
  • * 3 Stansted (Mr. Barwell's) N. W. of Chichester
  • * 4 Up-Park (Sir M. Fetherston's) near the last
  • 5 Goodwood (Duke of Richmond's) N. of Chi­chester (by Campbell)
  • 6 Halnaker (Duke of Richmond's) N. E. of Chi­chester
  • 7 Crowhurst (Mr. J. Pelham's) S. E. of Battel

This County is 158 Miles round, and contains 1,140,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Warwick Castle (Earl of Warwick's) on the Avon, 21 M. from Birmingham
  • [Page 45] * 2 Church of St. Mary, in Warwick, and the Priory (Mr. Wise's)
  • * 3 Kenilworth Castle and Priory, S. W. of Co­ventry, 7 M. N. W. of Warwick
  • * 4 Coventry City and its Churches, St. Michael, Town-House, N. E. of Warwick 12 M.
  • 5 Combe Abbey (Lord Craven's) 3 M. S. E. of Coventry
  • 6 Nun-Eaton Nunnery, N. of Coventry
  • 7 Maxtoke Priory, S. E. of Coleshill
  • 8 Maxtoke Castle, N. E. of Coleshill
  • 9 Tamworth Castle, on the Tame
  • 10 Stratford upon Avon, the Church
Scenes and Situations.
  • * 1 Edge Hill (the Views from it) S. of Kineton
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Stoneley (Lord Leigh's) S. of Coventry
  • 2 Bagginton (Mr. Bromley's) S. S. E. of Co­ventry
  • 3 Guy's Cliff (Mr. Greathed's) ½ a M. N. of Warwick
  • 4 Newnham Paddox (Earl of Denbigh's) N. E. of Coventry
  • 5 Ragley (Earl of Hertford's) S. W. of Alcester
  • 6 Meryvale (Mr. Stratford's) N. of Atherston
  • 7 Arbury (Sir R. Newdigate's) S. of Nun-Eaton
  • 8 Shukburgh (Sir C. Shukford's) W. of Daventry
  • 9 Aston House (Sir L. Holt's) N. of Birming­ham, and Church
  • 10 Coleshill (Lord Digby's) E. of Birmingham

This County is 110 Miles round, and contains 670,000 Acres.


  • 1 Brough Castle under Stainmoor, N. of Kirkby Steven
  • [Page 46] * 2 Harcla (or Hartley) Castle, S. E. of Kirkby Steven
  • * 3 Pendragon Castle, on the Eden, S. S. E. of the last
  • * 4 Appleby Castle (Earl of Thanet's) on the Eden
  • * 5 Brougham (or Broom) Castle, S. E. of Penrith, on the Eimot
  • 6 Shap Abbey, on the Lowther, S. of the last
  • 7 Kendal Castle, on the Can or Kent
  • 8 Kirkby Lonsdale, Church and Bridge, on the Lune, S. E. of Kendal
  • 9 Kirkby Steven Church, on the Eden, 4 M. S. E. of Appleby
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Ridall Hall and Ridall Head (a Hill) N. of Ambleside, and Winander Meer, 2 M.
  • 2 The Forces or Falls of the River Kent or Can, 5 M. from Kendal, and near B [...]tham
  • 3 Many Parts of the Road from Appleby to Penrith
  • 4 High Point of Land looking down on the Island in Winander Meer, and commanding the Lake from Right to Left, and 5 M. of Road from Ambleside to Kendal
  • * 5 Road through Ambleside to Keswick, 18 M.
  • 6 Falls of Water near Ambleside
  • 7 Greyridge Hill, in the Way from Brough to Kendall, N. E. of the latter
  • * 8 Grasmere Water, N. of Ambleside, in the Road to Keswick
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Lowther Hall, on the Lowther, 5 M. S. W. of Penrith

This County is 110 Miles round, and contains 510,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Salisbury Cathedral
  • * 2 Wardour Castle, on the Nadder, N. E. of Shaftsbury
  • * 3 Heitesbury Hospital, on the Willey, S. E. of Warminster
  • * 4 Lacock Nunnery (Mr. Talbot's) near the Avon, S. S. W. of Chippenham
  • 5 Chippenham Church, near the Avon
  • 6 Bradenstoke Priory (or Clack) N. E. of Chip­penham
  • * 7 Malmsbury Abbey, on the Avon, near Glou­cestershire
  • * 8 Stone Henge, on Salisbury Plain, W. of Ames­bury (Brit.)
  • 9 Aubury, and West Kennet, to S. W. of Marl­borough (Brit.)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Martin's Hall Hill, N. of Old Sarum
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wilton (Earl of Pembroke's) W. of Salisbury, (by Holben and Inigo Jones)
  • * 2 Longford (Earl of Radnor's) S. E. of Salisbury
  • 3 Amesbury (Duke of Queensbury's) N. of Sa­lisbury (by Inigo Jones and Webb)
  • * 4 Stourhead (Mr. Hoare's) S. of Frome, (by Campbell)
  • 5 View from St. Alfred's Tower, in a Morning
  • * 6 Longleat (Visc. Weymouth's) S. E. of Frome, (by John of Padua and Brown)
  • 7 Witham (Mr. Beckford's) near the last
  • 8 Tokenham ( [...]) S. E. of Marlborough
  • 9 Fonthill (Mr. Beckford's) by Woolfe, 16 M. from Salisbury

This County is 128 Miles round, and contains 876,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Worcester Cathedral, the Commandery
  • 2 Hartlebury Castle (the Bishop's) S. S. E. of Bewdley
  • * 3 Great Malvern Abbey, 9 M. S. W. of Worces­ter, at the Foot of Malvern Hills
  • 4 Hales Owen Abbey (belongs to Shropshire, but inclosed by this County) S. W. of Birming­ham and St. Kenelm's Chapel
  • 5 Evesham (or Esham) the Bell Tower
  • 6 Parshore, the Church, W. of Evesham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Bewdley, on the Severn, S. W. of Kidder­minster, 15 M. from Worcester
  • 2 Parry Wood (View from the Hill) near 1 M. from Worcester
  • 3 Way from Evesham, thro' Piddle, to Worcester, 16 M.
  • * 4 The Clint Hill, near Hagley Park (View from it)
  • * 5 Malvern Hills, 8 M. S. W. of Worcester
  • * 6 Road W. of the Severn from Bewdley to Wor­cester, over the Red Hill, by Ribbesford, P [...] House, Hundred House, and Witley
  • * 7 Crook [...]ury Hill, 2 M. from Worcester, near the Pen [...]ore Road to the Right
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Hagley (Lord Littleton's) S. E. of Stourbridge 3 M. near Hales Owen, 12 M. from Bir­mingham, and the Church
  • 2 Witley Court (Lord Foley's) near the Severn, S. of Aberley Hills, 9 M. W. of Worcester, and the Chapel
  • 3 Ribbesford (Earl Powis's) on the Severn, near Bewdley, 1 M.
  • [Page 49] 4 Crome Abbey (E. of Coventry's) E. of Upton, between the Avon and the Severn
  • * 5 The Leasowes (late Mr. Shenstone's) near Hag­ley, 6 M. by Shenstone (it is in Shropshire)

This County is 130 Miles round, and contains 540,000 Acres.



  • * 1 Beverley Minster
  • 2 Burstall Abbey, on the Humber, near Spurn Head
  • * 3 Kirkham Priory, on the Derwent, S. S. W. of Malton
  • 4 Wreshill Castle, on the Derwent, N. W. of Howden
  • 5 Howden (the Church) in Howdenshire, near the Derwent
  • 6 Hull (the Great Church)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Flamborough-Head, and its Cavern, N. E. of Bridlington
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • 1 Londesburgh (Duke of Devonshire's) N. of Market Weighton
  • 2 South Dalton (Sir C. Hotham's) the Lawn, near Beverley
  • 3 Burton Agnes (Sir Griffith Boynton's) E. of Kilham
  • 4 Housham (Mr. Cholmley's) on the Derwent, S. of Kirkham


  • 1 Helmsley Castle, E. of Thirsk
  • * 2 Scarbrough Castle, on the E. Coast
  • [Page 50] * 3 Whitby Abbey, N. of Scarbrough, on the Coast
  • * 4 Rievaux Abbey, near Hemsley, in Riedale, 3 M. to W.
  • 5 Gisborough Abbey, S. E. of Stockton
  • 6 Byland Abbey, near Thirsk, to S. E. and Gil­ling to W.
  • near Osmotherley, to N. E. of Northallerton
    • 7 Mount Grace
    • 8 Lady's Chapel,
  • * 9 Richmond Castle, on the Swale
  • 10 Easby Abbey, on the Swale, 2 M. from Rich­mond
  • 11 Egleston Abbey, on the Tees, near Richmond, 2 M. N. W. of Rookby
  • 12 St. Martin's Abbey, near the Tees, 1 M. from Richmond
  • 13 Harlsey Castle, near Northallerton
  • 14 Sheriff Hutton Castle, N. E. of York
  • * 15 Bolton Castle, N. E. of Askrig
  • * 16 Middleham Castle, S. E. of Askrig
  • 17 Bowes Castle, S. W. of Barnard's Castle
  • 18 Arden Nunnery, near Black Hambleton, S. E. of Osmotherley
  • 19 Joreval (or Gervis) Abbey, in Wensledale, near the Ure, S. E. of Middleham
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Wensledale, W. of Askrig, on the Ure
  • * 2 Asgarth Force, E. of Askrig, on the Ure, near Swinwite
  • 3 Scartnick, W. of Richmond, 50 Yards to the Left of the Road to Askrig
  • 4 Ounsberry (or Roseberry) Topping, the highest Hill in Cleveland, near Gisborough
  • 5 Rowcliff, on the Coast, N. E. of Gisborough, and Alum Works
  • 6 Hell Gill, near the Head of Eden, N. W. of Askrig, on Cotter Hill
  • * 7 Hardraw Force, W. N. W. of Askrig, with [Page 51] Whitfield Gill and Mill Gill Forces, near Askrig
  • 8 Hackness (the Vale of) 3 M. N. W. of Scar­brough
  • 9 Cam Fell, W. of Askrig (View from the Sum­mit)
  • 10 Whisson Cliff, on Black Hambleton, near Thirsk
  • * 11 Cotter Hill (whence the River Eden rises) on the Confines of Westmoreland, and its highest Part, called Shunner Fell, at the Head of Swale Dale
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Castle Howard (Earl of Carlisle's) near Malton (by Vanbrugh and Sir T. Robinson)
  • * 2 Rookby (Mr. S. Morrit's) near Greta Bridge (by Sir T. Robinson)
  • * 3 Hackfall (Mr. Aislabie's) on the Ure, near Masham
  • 4 Tanfield (Lord Bruce's) near the last
  • * 5 Hovingham (Mr. Worseley's) and the Vale about Oswaldkirk and Slingsby, N. W. of Malton
  • * 6 Hornby Castle (Earl of Holdernesse's) N. W. of Bedale (altered by Carr)
  • 7 Newby (Mr. Weddell's) on the Ure, near Ri­pon (by Campbell) alter'd by Carr and Adams
  • * 8 Duncombe Park (Mr. Duncombe's) near Hems­ley, (by Wakefield)

From Cotter Hill (the highest Part of which is called Shunner Fell, and commands a magnificent View) rise the Rivers Eden, Swale, and Ure; the first runs to N. W. through Westmoreland and Cum­berland; the other two (each in its several Dale) to S. E. thro' Yorkshire. Cotter Hill stands at the Head of Swale Dale.


  • in York
    • * 1 The Minster,
    • 2 St. Mary's Abbey
    • 3 St. Margaret's Porch
    • 4 St. Dennis's
    • 5 St. William's Chapel on Ouse-bridge
    • 6 St. Leonard's Hospital
  • S. of York
    • 7 Cawood Castle
    • 8 Selby Abbey
  • 9 Pontefract Castle, S. W. of Ferrybridge, and Church
  • 10 Chapel on the Bridge in Wakefield
  • 11 Sandal Castle, near Wakefield
  • * 12 Kirkstall Abbey, near Leeds on the Aire, 3 M.
  • 13 Knaresbrough Castle, near Harrogate, and Plumton Rocks
  • * 14 Roche Abbey, near Blythe to N. W. and Sand­beck to S. W. (Earl of Scarbrough's)
  • 15 Ripon Minster, near the Ure, N. W. of Bo­roughbridge
  • * 16 Fountain's Abbey, in Skeldale, near Ripon
  • 17 Sawley Abbey, N. of Clithero, on the Ribble
  • 18 Conisborough Castle, near Doncaster
  • * 19 Bolton Abbey, near Skipton, to N. E. on the Wharfe, and the Strid
  • 20 Doncaster (the Church) on the Don, N. N. W. of Bawtry
  • 21 Harwood (the Church) N. of Bramham, near the Wharfe
  • 22 Addle Church, near Leeds, (Sax.)
  • 23 Sheffield (the Church) on the Don, S. W. of Rotherham
  • 24 Rotherham (the Church) on the Don, S. W. of Doncaster
  • * 25 Laughton (the Church) S. W. of Bawtry, (called Lighton Morning)
  • [Page 53] 26 Tickhill (Church and Castle) W. of Bawtry
  • 27 Arthington Nunnery, on the Wharfe, E. of Otley
  • 28 Esholt Priory, on the Aire, S. of Otley (Mr. Stansfield's)
  • 29 Hampole Priory, N. W. of Doncaster
  • 30 Skipton Castle, in Craven
  • 31 Ripley (Sir J. Ingleby's)
Scenes and Situations.
  • 1 Skipton in Craven, N. W. of Otley
  • 2 The Vale about Aberforth, N. of Pontefract
  • 3 Kilnsey Crag, on the Wharfe, N. W of Burnsall
  • * 4 Gordale, 6 M. S. E. of Settle, at Malham, or Mauham
  • 5 Otley Sheven, a Hill S. of Otley
  • 6 Apperley Bridge, N. W. of Leeds, and Stetin Bank, S. of Skipton, both in Aire Dale
  • 7 The Vale of Calder, and Elland Edge, near Halifax
  • 8 Harwood Castle (the view from thence) N. of Leeds, on the Wharfe
  • 9 Chaverler Hill, near Leeds
  • 10 Brimham Crags, N. W. of Ripley, near the Pateley-Bridge Road to Ripon
  • 11 Road from Ingleton to Settle Turnpike, 11 M.
  • 12 Road from Skipton to Otley, 15 M. in Wharl-Dale (Turnpike)
Houses, Parks, Plantations.
  • * 1 Wentworth Castle, or Stainborough (Earl of Stafford's) S. of Barnsley (by himself)
  • 2 Wentworth House (Earl Fitzwilliam's) N. W. of Rotherham
  • 3 Sprotsborough (Mr. Copeley's) on the Don, near Doncaster
  • * 4 Studley Park (Mr. Aislabie's) and Mackyshaw, Michael Haw Hill (not early in the Morn­ing) and Laver Banks, so to Hackfall, W. of Ripon, on the Skell
  • [Page 54] 5 Haselwood (Sir Walter Vavasour's) near Tad­caster, to S. W.
  • 6 Wortley (Countess of Bute's) near the Don, S. W. of Barnsley
  • 7 Cowick (Visc. Downe's) at the Confluence of the Don and Aire, S. of Snaith
  • 8 Medley (Earl of Mexborough's) at the Con­fluence of the Calder and Aire
  • 9 Temple Newsome (Visc. Irwin's) near Leeds, on the Aire
  • * 10 Gawthorp (Mr. Lascelles's) near Leeds, (by Carr and Adam)
  • 11 Kiveton, or Keeton (Duke of Leeds's) S. W. of Blyth, N. W. of Worksop
  • 12 Nostell (Sir Rowland Winn's) S. of Pontefract, (by Paine)
  • 13 Cusworth (Mr. Wrightson's) near Doncaster, (Part by Paine)
  • 14 Weston (Mr. Vavasour's) N. of the Wharfe, near Otley

The highest Hills of Craven (the mountainous Part of this County) are Penigent, near Settle, from whence the Rivers Aire and Ribble take their Rise, and Ingleborough, said to be still higher than the former, N. N. W. of which it lies near Ingleton.

This County is 360 M. round, and contains 3,770,000 Acres.



  • 1 Hawarden (or Harden) Castle, (Sir J. Glynne's) S. W. of Cheser
  • * 2 Holy-Well, to N. W. of Flint, near the Dee, 11 M. from Rhudlan
  • 3 Basingwerk Abbey, N. N. E. of the last
  • 4 Rhudlan Castle, N. W. of St. Asaph, on the Clwyd, 16 M. from Conway
Scenes and Situations.
  • [Page 55]1 View of the Vale of Clwyd, near Mold
  • 2 Overton (or Oreton) S. E. of Wrexham, near the Dee
  • 3 Gwern Heylyd (Mr. Fletcher's) near the last
  • 4 Caer Gyrly (the Top of a Hill) under Bring­wyn, on the Allyn
  • 5 St. Asaph's (View from the Tower of the Vale of Clwyd)
  • * 6 Road from Chester to Ruthin (best View of the same Vale)
  • 7 Hill near Bodridden, in the Way from Rhudlan to Denbigh, View along the Vale of Clwyd


  • * 1 Conway Castle, at the Mouth of the Conway, near the Coast
  • * 2 Caernarvon Castle, near the Meinai, on the Seiont
  • 3 Dolbarden Castle, by the Lake of Llanberris, at the foot of M. Snowdon, 10 M. from Bethkellert
  • 4 Crickiaith Castle, on the Coast, N. E. of Pwl­helly
  • * 5 Beaumaris Castle, in Anglesea, opposite to Con­way, 7 M. from Bangor
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • * 1 Tal-y-Cavan Ferry, on the Conway, in the Way to Llanrwst, S. of the Town
  • * 2 View of the Castle, 1 M. E. of Conway Ferry
  • 3 Glodworth and Bosketlyn (Sir Rog. Mostyn's) on the Coast
  • * 4 Vale of Bethkellert, S. of Snowdon Peak, 12 M. from Caernarvon
  • * 5 Snowdon (Moel-y-Gwyddon) 6 M. Ascent to the Top of the Mountain 9 M. from Caernavon
  • [Page 56] 6 Rhaidr-y-Wanal, not far from Llanwrst a Wa­ter Fall
  • * 7 Rhaidr-y-Pandy-pen-Machno, near the last, a Water Fall
  • 8 Penmaen-Mawr, between Conway and Bangor, on the Coast, 6 M. from Conway
  • 9 Rhaidr Fawr (a Water Fall) near Snowdon Peak, and Dolbarden
  • 10 Gaunnant (a Water Fall) 3 M. from Penmaen-Mawr
  • *11 Way from Caernarvon to the Ferry of the Meinai
  • *12 View at Bettws-Bridge, and the Confluence of its Brook with the River Conway, and all the Road from thence to Llanwst


  • 1 Holt Castle, on the Dee, N. E. of Wrexham
  • 2 Ruthin Castle, on the Clwyd, S. S. E. of Den­bigh, 8 M. in Dyffryn-Clwyd
  • 3 Denbigh Castle, near the Clwyd, 20 M. S. E. of Conway
  • * 4 Valle, Crucis Abbey, near the Dee, to N. in the Parish of Llangollen, (in Welch Llan-Egwest) in Ial, 1 M. from Dinas Bran
  • * 5 Dinas Bran Castle, N. of Dee, and N. W. of Chirk
  • * 6 Chirk Castle (Mr. Middleton's) S. E. of Llagollen
  • 7 Wrexham Church, 12 M. S. of Chester
Scenes, Situations, &c,
  • 1 Gresford Village, N. of Wrexham, on the Ta­gidog, and Marford Hill
  • * 2 Vale of Llanrwst, on the Conway, 12 M. from Conway
  • 3 Erthig (Mr. Yorke's) near Wrexham
  • [Page 57] * 4 Pistil Rhaidr, a Water-Fall on the Consines of Montgomeryshire, in the River Rayder, 8 M. from Llanwilling
  • 5 The Craigs-y-Gluseg, Rocks near Dinas Bran
  • * 6 View of the Dee at Rusbon, and near Wynne­stay
  • * 7 Llangollen, a Town near the Dee, 15 M. W. of Chirke
  • * 8 Vale of the Dee, from Llangollen to Corvan, 8 M. N. W. of the last
  • * 9 View of the same, 3 M. E. of Llangollen, on the Oswestry Road


  • * 1 Harleck Castle, on the Coast, S. of the Bay of Treeth-Bychan 10 M.
  • 2 Cumner (or Kinner) Abbey
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • * 1 Vale of Ffestioniog, 20 M. S. of Llanrwst, to W. of Llyn-Conway
  • * 2 Plain of Bala, near Pimble Meer, 3 M. long, 1 broad (or Llyn-Tegid)
  • * 3 Cader-Idris Mountain, the Ascent from Dolgelly
  • * 4 Pont-Aber Glasllyn, N. of Harlech, 1 ½ M. from Bethkellert
  • * 5 Approach to Bala from Llandrillo Hill, Way 8 Miles
  • * 6 Mount Berwin (the View) in the Way from Welch-Pool to Bala, 10 M.
  • 7 Vale of Tanybulch and Descent to it, 11 M. N. of Harlech, on the River Dwryd


  • * 1 Montgomery Castle, near the Severn (View from it) and the Hill with four Tops above it
Scenes, Situations, &c.
  • [Page 59]* 1 Powis Castle, 1 M. above Welch-Pool, on the Severn
  • * 2 Vale of the Dovy, S. W. of Machunlleth
  • * 3 Same Vale continued, and the Whole Road to Dolgelly
  • 4 Hengurt (Capt. Vaughan's) near Dolgelly 1 M.
  • * 5 View from a Hill about half Way between Llanvilling and Welch-Pool
  • * 6 Way from Montgomery to Welch-Pool
  • 7 View from a Bridge 1 M. S. of Dinasmouthy in the Machunlleth Road
  • * 8 Way from Pistil-Rhaidr, by Llan-Rayder and Llanvilling, to Welch-Pool
  • Flintshire is 40 M. round, and contains 160,000 Acres
  • Denbighshire is 116 Miles round, and contains 410,000 Acres
  • Merionethshire is 108 Miles round, and contains 500,000 Acres
  • Caernarvonshire is 95 Miles round, and contains 370,000 Acres
  • Montgomeryshire is 94 Miles round, and contains 560,000 Acres
  • Cader-Idris, in Merionethshire, is 2910 Feet high; Penman-Mawr, in Caernarvonshire, is 1545 Feet. The Peak of Snowdon, in the same County, is 3720 Feet, there call'd Widhoa, or Moel-y-Gwydd [...]a.



  • * 1 Brecknock Castle, on the Usk, and the Priory Grounds
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 Bùalht, on the Wye
  • [Page 50] 2 Fall of the Hondy.

This County is 160 Miles round, and contains 620,000 Acres.


  • 1 Cardigan Castle, on the Tivy, near the Coast, 26 M. from Harford-West
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 Llannarth, a Town N. E. of Cardigan, 18 M.

This County is 24 Miles round, and contains 520,000 Acres.


  • 1 Caer-Kenin Castle, S. E. of Llendilovawr
  • * 2 Denefawr Castle, near the Towy, S. W. of ditto
  • * 3 Caermarthen Castle, on the Towy
  • * 4 Green Castle, near the last
  • * 5 Kidwelly Castle, S. E. of Caermarthen, near Sea, 10 M.
  • * 6 Llanstephan Castle, W. of Towy-Mouth, 9 M. from Caermarthen
  • 7 Laugharne Cesttle, W. of the last, near the Mouth of Tave, 12. M. from Caermarthen
  • 8 Aberguilly Palace (Bp. of St. David's) E. of Caermarthen, near the Towy
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 Grongar Hill, 8 M. from Caermarthen
  • 2 Road from Llanimdowry to Llandilovawr
  • * 3 Newton Park (Mr. Rice's) 1 ½ from Llandilo­vawr
  • * 4 Road from Llandillo to Neath, over the Moun­tain

This County is 102 Miles round, and contains 700,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Caer-Phily Castle, near the Rhymny, and the Borders of Monmouthshire, 8 M. N. of Car­diffe and Llandaff
  • 2 Coity-Castle, N. of Bridge End
  • * 3 St. Donat's, on the Sea Coast, near Nash Point (Mrs. Vernon's)
  • * 4 Margan Abbey (Mr. Talbot's) on the Coast, S. E. of Abenavon, 5 M. from Pile
  • 5 Kynsig Castle, S. E. of the last
  • * 6 Cardiff Castle and Church, near the S. Coast, and the Tave, 12 M. from Newport
  • * 7 Neath Abbey, W. of Neath, N. E. of Swan­zey, 6 M.
  • 8 Llanblythian Castle, near Caer-Phily
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 Vale of the Tave, seen from the Mountain of Rugomrock in the Way from Brecon, and the Bridge of Tave at Lantrissant, 8 M. from Caer-Phily, it is 140 Feet Diameter
  • 2 (Mr. Lewis's) the View from it near Cardiffe
  • 3 The Knoll (Mr. Mackworth's) N. E. of Neath
  • * 4 Brecon Ferry, S. of Neath, and E. of Swanzey
  • * 5 Road from Bride-End, and to Cowbridge, and by the Heights of Clanditham * to Caerdiffe

This County is 112 Miles round, and contains 540,000 Acres.


  • * 1 Tenby Castle, on the S. Coast, near Caermar­thenshire, 10 M. from Pembroke
  • * 2 Carew Castle, N. W. of Tenby, 3 M. from Pembroke
  • 3 Lantphey Court (Sir Arth. Owen's)
  • [Page 61] 4 Narbeth Castle, E. of Haverford
  • * 5 Llehaiden Castle, E. N. E. of Haverford
  • * 6 Manorbeer Castle, W. of Tenby, on the Coast
  • * 7 Pembroke Castle, E, of Milford Haven
  • * 8 Haverford-West Castle, or Harford, on the Cledhew, 10 M. from Pembroke
  • 9 [...] Priory near the former
  • * 10 Picton Castle (Sir J. Philips's) S. W. of Haver­ford
  • * 11 St. David's Cathedral and Palace, on the Coast
  • * 12 Newport Castle, near the Mouth of the Nhefern
  • * 13 St. Dognael's Priory, near the Teivy, W. of Cardigan
  • * 14 Kellgarren Castle, on the Teivy, S. S. E. of Cardigan, and the Fall of the Teivy near it
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 (Mr. Campbell's, Hooke's, Lord Lion's) near Haverford-West
  • * 2 Milford Haven, up Pembroke and Haverford Rivers
  • 3 St. Gowon's Cave, 3 M. from Pembroke to S. W.

This County is 93 Miles round, and contains 420,000 Acres.


  • 1 Castle-Payne, S. S. W. of New Radnor
  • 2 Castle-Colwen (or Maud's Castle) N. E. of Bûalit
  • 3 Abbey of Cwn-Hir, N. E. of Rhaiadr-Gwy, near the Ithen
Scenes, Situations, Houses, &c.
  • 1 Rhaiadr-Gwy, the Fall of the Wye, in the N. W. Part of the County
  • 2 Knighton (a Town) on the Temd, N. of Pres­teign

This County is 90 Miles round, and contains 310,000 Acres.


  • 1 Castle Rushin at Castletown, the S. End of the Isle
  • * 2 Peel Castle and St. German's Church, on a small Island to N. W. of Peel
  • 3 The Nunnery, near Douglas, to W.

It is about 29 Miles long and 9 broad; the prin­cipal Mountain in it is called Snafield, and said (in Gibson's Camden) to be 1740 Feet high.


Its principal Curiosities are,
  • * 1 Beaumaris Castle
  • * 2 Place Newydd (Sir Nic. Bailey's)
  • 3 Baronhill (Lord Buckley's)

It is 60 Miles round, and contains 200,000 Acres.

THE following Leaves are added to enable every Reader, or Traveller, to make Remarks from their own Knowledge, or the Information of others, of the several Counties.

One page is appropriated to each County, di­vided under the general Heads, and in the Order observed in the foregoing Part.

There are also References to the Folios, shew­ing where these Additions should be placed in a future Edition.

KEARSLEY begs leave to assure every Gentleman who contributes to the Improvement of this useful Vade Mecum, that their Information will be gratefully acknowledged, and punc­tually attended to.

[Page 64]

BEDFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 1.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

BERKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 2.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. (Continued from Page 2.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. (Continued from Page 3.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

CHESHIRE. (Continued from Page 4.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

CORNWALL. (Continued from Page 5.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

CUMBERLAND. (Continued from Page 6.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

DERBYSHIRE. (Continued from Page 7.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

DEVONSHIRE, (Continued from Page 9.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

DORSETSHIRE. (Continued from Page 10.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

DURHAM. (Continued from Page 11.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

ESSEX. (Continued from Page 12.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 13.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

HAMPSHIRE. (Continued from Page 16.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of WIGHT. (Continued from Page 17.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

HARTFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 18.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

HEREFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 19.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 20.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

KENT. (Continued from Page 20.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

LANCASHIRE. (Continued from Page 23.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

LEICESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 24.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

LINCOLNSHIRE. (Continued from Page 25.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

MIDDLESEX. (Continued from Page 26.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

MONMOUTHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 27.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORFOLK. (Continued from Page 28.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 29.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTHUMBERLAND. (Continued from Page 31.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. (Continued from Page 34.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

OXFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 34.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

RUTLANDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 36.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SHROPSHIRE. (Continued from Page 36.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOMERSETSHIRE. (Continued from Page 38.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

STAFFORDSHIRE. (Continued from Page 39.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SUFFOLK. (Continued from Page 40.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SURREY. (Continued from Page 42.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SUSSEX. (Continued from Page 44.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

WARWICKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 44.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

WESTMORELAND. (Continued from Page 45.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Hous, Parks, Plantations.

WILTSHIRE. (Continued from Page 47.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

WORCESTERSHIRE. (Continued from Page 48.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE, EAST-RIDING. (Continued from Page 49.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE. NORTH-RIDING. (Continued from Page 49.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

YORKSHIRE. WEST-RIDING. (Continued from Page 52.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. FLINTSHIRE. (Continued from Page 54.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. CAERNARVONSHIRE. (Continued from Page 55.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. DENBIGHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 56.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. MERIONETHSHIRE. (Continued from Page 57.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

NORTH WALES. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. (Continued from Page 57.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. BRECKNOCKSHIRE. (Continued from Page 58.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. CARDIGANSHIRE. (Continued from Page 59.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. CAERMARTHENSHIRE. (Continued from Page 59.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. GLAMORGANSHIRE. (Continued from Page 60.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. PEMBROKESHIRE. (Continued from Page 60.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

SOUTH WALES. RADNORSHIRE. (Continued from Page 61.)
Scenes, and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of MAN. (Continued from Page 62.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

ISLE of ANGLESEY. (Continued from Page 62.)
Scenes and Situations.
Houses, Parks, Plantations.

BOOKS lately published by G. KEARSLEY.

The four following Pocket Volumes will be found exceedingly useful to those who make Excursions into the Countries they describe, and are the only portable Accounts that can be depended upon. The MAPS are accurate, and the new Regula [...]ions relative to Travellers by Post or otherwise, are all carefully corrected.


With a correct Map of all the Post Roads, the Expence o travelling [...] a Post-Chaise, Stage-Coach, or inland Water Carriage. Also, the Distances of the Towns, and the best Houses of Accommodation.

The Ninth Editition, with considerable Additions.

Price 3s. 6d. half bound.


With a correct Map, and Directions for travelling in that Country; with a L [...] of the best Inns, t [...]e Distances of the Towns and Villages, the value of the different Coins; and a Description of every Place worthy a Stranger's Notice, par­ticularly Rome, Naples, Venice, Genoa, Florence, &c.

Price 4s. 6d. half bound.


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