THE TRIVMPHS of the Golden Fleece: Gracing the Triumph-day, for the Inauguration of the DRAPERS worthy Brother, Mr. MARTIN LVMLEY, in the Maioraltie of London, for the yeare ensuing.
FIrst, for the water-Seruice in the Morning, when his Lordship taketh Barge for his Conuoye to Westminster, accompanied with the Knights and Aldermen, his worthie Brethren of seuerall Societies, and all the other Companies in their Triumphall Barges, with Drummes, Fifes, Trumpets, [Page]and other Iouiall Instruments: There is readily mounted on a Barge of apt conueyance, a beautifull and curious Argoe, shaped after the old Grecian Antique manner, not with Mastes and Sayles, as prepared for rough and boystrous Seas; but like to the Grecian Argoes, for carriage of passengers, in time of calme and gentle weather, hauing Bankes for men to sit and rowe with Oares, for more quicke and agile passage on the Seas.
This Argoe, figureth that of so great fame and renowne, wherein Prince Jason, and his valiant Argonautes of Greece, passed to Cholchos, to fetch from thence the Golden Fleece; which is the Creast of the DRAPERS Armorie, and therefore the maine motiue, of our imploying the Inuention, alluding to that famous Morall, and auncient Historie.
VVee suppose this Argoe to be returned from Colchos, purposely to honor this Triumphall day, by the rare Arte of Medea the Enchantresse, that kept the Fleece there so long a time, and wherewith she was now the more willing to part; in regard of her affection to the DRAPERS Companie, to whom she gaue it freely, for an honor and Ornament to their Armes.
And to make the Triumph the more ful of Maiesty, she vouchsafed to come her selfe in person, attended with the faire Queene Jrene her daughter, and accompanied with the famous Princes Jason, Hercules, Telamon, Orpheus, Castor and Pollux, all armed with fayre guilt Armours; and bearing Triumphall Lances, wreathed about with guilded Laurell, and curious Shields, all carrying the Impresse of the Golden Fleece.
Sixe Tributarie Indian Kings, holding their seuerall dominions of Medea, and liuing in vassalage to her: are commaunded by her to rowe the Argoe, all of them wearing their Tributarie Crownes, and Antickely attired in rich habiliments.
The Seruice being performed vpon the Water, the like is done on the Land, all the rest of the day following: alwayes attending his honors seruice, and for adding the more splendor to the Triumphs Solemnitie.
Whatsoeuer credit or commendation (if any at all) may attend on the Artefull performance of this poore denise: it belongeth to the Arts-Maisters, Richard Simpson, and Nicholas Sotherne, and freely I giue it to them.