❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation concerning Starch.

IT is not vnknowen to most of our louing Subiects, That in the time of the late Queene of famous memory, the making of Starch within this Realme of England, being a thing newly taken vp, and growen in few yeeres very frequent, and to be much vsed, the inconuenience thereof was found to bee so great, by the wasting and consuming of Corne fit for peoples food, That many Proclamations were then made from time to time, for the repressing and vtter abolishing of the same. Howbeit, after­wards some particular persons, hauing procured a speciall License, aswell for the ma­king of Starchwithin the Realme, as also for bringing in the same from Forreigne parts, the libertie of the Subiect was so preiudiced, by reducing of that into few mens power, which in the Common libertie of the Subiect was free to all, That much offence did arise thereby, Insomuch as the said Graunt, being afterwards by her, in fauour to the Subiects, taken away vpon the Complaints of the grie­uance arising thereby, and the making of that stuffe within this Realme being then left to the libertie of all men to vse it at their pleasure, the same hath euer sithence bene continued in many places of this Realme. In which small time of continuance, it falleth out by experience, that the Toleration thereof to bee made here, is accompanied with so much of­fence to our people, as we perceiue by the Information which thereof we haue receiued, That her intent and purpose to represse the making thereof, and to take away the inconuenience of the same, was not without good cause & iust ground. For it appeareth by collection gathered, That the waste of Corne spent and consumed in the making of this Stuffe in most places of this our Realme, is so excessiue, as it is not fit to be spared from peoples Food, to serue in so vaine and slen­der an vse; For that it cannot be, but the spending thereof in Starch (especially in times wherein the plentie of Corne shall not be very abundant) must needs encrease both the scarcitie, and the prices thereof, aboue that which is fit to be suf­fered. And further it appeareth by the Complaints and Certificats, to Vs and our Councell sent from diuers Iustices of the Peace of seuerall parts, (especially about our City of London, and the Counties neere adioyning) That the ma­king thereof is not without exceeding annoyance to the people dwelling neere the places where it is made, by reason of the noysome stench, and vnsauourie smells arising of and by the same: which breeding infectious aires, cannot but en­crease most contagious Sicknesses and diseases, especially in these times of common Infection: A danger fit to be preuen­ted, in that prouidence which we owe to the welfare of our people, as in euery part of the Realme generally, so especially in our City of London, being our Chamber, the ordinary place of our abode for the best part of the yeere, and of the resort of all sorts of our Subiects for their necessary affaires.

Which incommodities, hauing bene by Vs, with the aduice of our Councell, throughly considered, Wee had a determi­nation for the redresse thereof, and for the policie of our Realme, vtterly to take away the making of Starch within it, of what Stuffe, or vnder what pretence soeuer. Neuerthelesse, vpon the humble suit of a great number of our louing Sub­iects lately made vnto Vs, it being apparant, that the vtter abolishing and taking away thereof, would be a great hinde­rance to them in their trades, and bereaue many of them of the meanes of their necessary liuing and maintenance; And being likewise enformed, that there may well be spared, both in our City of London, Westminster, and other the great Ci­ties and Townes of the Realme, great quantities of Branne, and other such courser Stuffes, of which the best and finest Starch is vsually made; We, tendering the good and benefit of our said Subiects, and being wel pleased, in our Prince­ly care and desire of the Publike good, to yeeld vnto them the libertie and free vse of their needfull Trades, and of all due and conuenient meanes of their necessary maintenance, And yet holding it as fit and needfull to prouide for the redresse of all abuses and inconueniences, growing both by the needlesse wasting of the store of Corne within our Realme, and also by the publike annoyance and offence giuen vnto our Subiects, by the noysome making of Starch in most places of our Kingdome as aforesayd, Haue therefore, with the aduice of our Councell, thought it good to giue authoritie vnto cer­taine persons of good qualitie and credite, by Commission vnder our great Seale of England, from time to time to view and suruey, and allow all places and houses within any part [...] [...]r Kingdome, where any Starch is or shall be made, [Page]and with the assistance of the Maior, or chiefe Magistrate of that place which shall be next adioyning to any such place of Starch-making, to see that none be from henceforth made of Wheat, but onely of cleane Branne, and such like courser stuffe; And that none shal be made in any such place, as may be to the iust annoyance and offence of our louing Subiects, but onely in such places, and in such order, as by the discretion and appointment of our sayd Commissioners, and such Magistrates next adioyning, shall be thought fit.

And to the end all men may thereof take knowledge, and may conforme themselues thereunto accordingly, we haue thought it meet to publish our pleasure herein by Proclamation, willing and commaunding all manner of persons what­soeuer, that now doe or shal hereafter vse the making of Starch within any place of this our Kingdome wheresoeuer, pre­sently from henceforth to forbeare to make any more starch of wheat, either whole, bruised, or grosse grounden, or of meale, Rubbles, or any such like stuffe. And we do also will & cōmand all persons whatsoeuer, to forbeare and surcease the ma­king of any starch in any place or places of this our Realme of England whatsoeuer, except onely in such places as by the view, allowance, and appointment of our sayd Commissioners thereunto by vs to be ordayned, with the assistance of the Magistrates as aforesayd, shalbe thought fit and conuenient, vpon paine not onely of the forfeiture of all such Starch so made contrarie to our expresse will and pleasure hereby signified, of which the one halfe shall be to the partie seizing the same, and the other halfe to Vs, our Heires and Successors, but also to incurre such further punishment as for their con­tempt in a matter tending so much to the good and benefite of our people, shall be thought fit to be inflicted vpon them.

And We doe also require all Iustices of peace, Maiors, Sheriffes, Bayliffes, Headboroughes, and all other our Offi­cers, Ministers, and louing Subiects whatsoeuer, that they be from time to time ayding and assisting to our sayd Com­missioners, or such person or perso [...]s as shall be by them deputed and appointed to see this our Ordinance executed, and that they be carefull euerie one within his charge to cause this our pleasure to bee obeyed, and to interrupt and suppresse all persons who shall attempt to make any Starch otherwise, or in any other places then such as shall be so allowed and appointed as aforesayd, after the publishing of this our pleasure to the contrarie. And also to seize their stuffe, or to dis­pose and destroy the same as things noysome and offensiue to all our people. And for the doing thereof, these shall bee to you and euerie of you a sufficient Warrant.

And furthermore for Vs, our Heires and Successors we will and commaund, That all persons now vsing to make Starch in any part of this our Realme of England, hauing a desire to continue the same, of Branne and Pollard onely, vpon the publishing of this our Proclamation, if they dwell within fortie miles of our Citie of London, vpon the last day of September next ensuing, and if their dwelling be further off, then vpon the last day of October now next follow­ing shall make their repaire, or cause their names to be giuen and sent vp in writing vnto our sayd Commissioners, at the Fownders Hall in London, together with a Certificate from some Iustice of peace, or from the Maior, or chiefe Magi­strate of the Citie, Towne, or place in or neere where their dwelling is, signifying thereby their desire and intent to con­tinue the making of Starch as aforesayd, to the intent our sayd Commissioners may take order for the same according to our pleasure hereby signified and expressed. And if any person or persons now vsing to make Starch shall neglect, or refuse to make their repaire, or to giue vp his or their names with such Certificate in writing, so signifying his or their de­sire, and intent to continue the making of Starch as aforesayd, Our will and pleasure is, that all and euerie such per­son and persons shall for euer after be depriued of the libertie to make any Starch of any stuffe whatsoeuer.

God saue the King.

❧ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. ANNO DOM. 1607.

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