Anent the Sale of Forefeited Estates, dated the tenth of June, 1681.
AT Edinburgh, the tenth day of June, One thousand six hundred fourscore one years; The Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaury, Considering, that by Commission under His Majesties Great Seal, bearing date at Whitehal, the twenty seventh day of April last. His Majesty, for the Reasons and Causes therein mentioned, hath Impowered them to Sell and Dispone, the Estates, both Real and Personal, which pertained to divers persons, who were in the late Rebellion, and Treasonable Insurrection of that Party, who did rise in the Western parts of this Kingdom, in the year One thousand six hundred and seventy nine, and who were then beat and defeat, at Bothwel-Bridge, or were Accessory thereunto; and doth now pertain to His Majesty, by the Sentence and Doom of Forfeitures, pronunced against them. And to that effect, to Treat and Agree with any person or persons, who shall be willing to Acquire and Purchase the said Estates, or any part thereof, and [...] and subscribe all Dispositions and other Writes necessary for securing them therein, as is more fully co [...]in the said Commission. And the saids Lords Commissioners, conceiving it necessary, for [...] that convenient Dicts be keeped, for Treating with all [...]ch, shall incline to Buy, and acqui [...] the Right of the saids Lands, Teinds, Annualrents, Tacks, Steadings, Rooms, Possessions, and other Estates, Real or Personal, which pertained to the Persons already Forfeited, for being engaged in, or being Accessory to the said Rebellion; Or who shall be Forefeited hereafter, during this present Commission, as guilty of the said Crime. Have thought fit, that Intimation be made to all His Majesties Leidges, that the saids Lords Commissioners, are to meet at Edinburgh, in His Majesties Exchequer-House, the first day of July next to come, for the first Diet, and the eighth day thereafter for the second Diet; and thereafter will continue the Diets, from time to time, as they shall find cause, to Treat and Agree with all such Persons, as shall be desirous to Buy any of the saids Lands, Teinds, and others above written, which belonged to the said Forefeited Persons, or any part thereof; as well to the Price of the saids Lands, as otherways, to appear before the saids Lords, the said days and place, to the effect above-written. And ordains these Presents to be Printed, and Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, Pear and Shoar of Leith: and at the Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of Fife, Roxburgh, Perth, Strivling, Lanerk, Dumbarton, Renfrew, Linlithgow, Dumfreis, Wigtoun and Air: and Stewartries of Fife and Kirkcudbright, and other places needful, that none pretend ignorance.
GOD save the KING, Amen.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to his most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM, 1681.