A PROCLAMATION For Calling out of the Heretors, and Requiring the Flanders Officers, and other Officers im­ployed since His Majesties Accession to the Crown, to come to Edinburgh.

WILLIAM by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith,
To Our Lyon King at Arms, and his Brethren, Heraulds, Macers of Our Privy Council, Pursevants Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as by repeated Advertisements, we are informed of an Invasion of Barbarous and Bloody Papists, Designed from France upon this Our antient King­dom, whereby it may become the Seat of a Bloody War: For preventing whereof, and Defeating that Design of Our Enemies, We have already, with Advice of Our Privy Council, Emitted and Published fundry Proclamations and Orders for put­ting the Countrey in a Posture of Defence; and finding it further necessary for the effectual Repressing any such Invasion, wheresoe­ver it may happen to be within this Our antient Kingdom, that the Heretors who have qualified themselves according to Law, should be in readines with their best Horses and Arms, to attend Our Host wherever they shall be imployed for Our Service upon the pre­sent Exigence. Therefore, We with the Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Require and Command all the Heretors with­in the Shires after-mentioned, who have, or will qualifie themselves according to Law, by Swearing the Oath of Allegiance, and Subscribing the same with the Assurance to Us, and the qualified Tutors and Curators of such as are Minors, to send for their said Pupil or Minor, a sufficient Man and Horse well Armed, who with the saids qualified Heretors, with their best Horse and Arms, are to meet and Rendezvouz for the Shires under-written, upon the Days, at the Places, and to be Commanded by the Officers after­specified, viz. The Heretors and these sent out for Minors within the Shire of Edinburgh, upon the Links of Leith the twelfth day of March current: The Heretors and others foresaids for the Shire of Linlithgow, at Evan-Bridge the said day: The Heretors and o­thers foresaids of the Shire of Haddington, at Beinstoun-Muir the day foresaid: The Heretors and others foresaids of the Shire of Ber­mick, at Fogo-Muir the day foresaid: The Heretors of the Shire of Selkirk and others foresaids, at the Town of Selkirk, the said day: The Heretors of the Shire of Peebles and others foresaids, at Peebles the day foresaid: The Heretors of the Shires of Fife and Kinross, and others foresaids, at Edins-Muir the said day: The Heretors of the Shire of Lanerk and others foresaids, at Lanerk and Hamiltonn the day foresaid: The Heretors of the Shire of Dumbartoun and others foresaids, at Dumbartoun the said day: The Heretors and others foresaids of the Shire of Renfrew, at Renfrew-Muir the day foresaid; The Heretors and others foresaids of the Shire of Wigtoun and Stewar­try of Kirkcudbright at Glenluce the day foresaid all at ten Hours in the Forenoon; and the Heretors of the Shire of Air, and others foresaids, at the Burgh of Air the said day. And We with Advice foresaid Require and Command, the Commanders of the saids He­retors respective, to make Lists of such as do appear at the said Rendenzvouz, and to report their Names, and the condition of their Horse and Arms, to Our Privy Council, with all possible diligence. And We with Advice foresaid, hereby Nominat and Appoint the persons after-named, to have the Command of the Heretors within the respective Shires, and who shall Rendezvouz and keep them to­gether, during the space often Days, until they shall be disposed of by furder Orders, directed by Us or Our Privy Council to them there­anent, Viz. the Laird of Kimerghame to Command the Heretors of the Shire of Berwick. The Laird of Stevinson younger these of the Shire of Haddingtoun. Craig of Riccartoun these of the Shire of Edinburgh, Mr. Henry Balfour of Denbug these of the Shires of Fife and Kinross. Lawson of Cairnmoor these of the Shire of Peebles. Cornwall of Bonhard these of the Shire of Linlithgow. Scot of Gilmensclengh these of the Shire of Selkirk. The Laird of Cleghorn elder, and Hamilton of Arkenhead these of the Shire of Lanerk Muir of Glanderstoun these of the Shire of Renfrew. Cra­furd of Kilbirnie these of the Shire of Air. Howstoun of that Ilk these of the Shire of Dumbartoun. Sir William Mack­dowgal of Gartland these of the Shire of Wigtoun and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. And We considering, that at present, there are fundry Officers and others belonging to Our Army in Flanders com'd over to, and dispersed through this Kingdom, for the better making up the Recruits necessary to the Regiments where they serve, and that they may be very useful at this present Exigence if Imployed upon the occasions and in the places where the said intended invasion may happen; as also, severals Who have been imployed heretofore as Officers in Our Service, who are now living in several places of the Country out of Imployment, may be very steadable at this Juncture, in modeling and otherways ordering such Forces as the Country shall affoord to oppose the foresaid Invasion. Therefore We with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Require and Command all the Officers, and others belonging to Our Armie in Flanders now within this Kingdom, and all others who have been Imployed as Officers in Our Service heretofore, and now out of Imployment within this Kingdom with all possible Diligence to hasten and repair to the Town of Edinburgh, and upon their Arival there immediatly to give up their Names to Our Privy Council, or to Sir Thomas Livingston, Commander in Chief of Our Forces within this Kingdom, to the effect they may be Employed in such Service, and put to such Commands as shall be found Necessar, and expedient for the Advantage and Securitie of the Go­vernment; and Supressing the Attempts of Our Enemies by this intended Invasion. OUR WILL IS HEREFORE, and We Charge you Strictly, and Command, that incontinent these our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the remnant Head-Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom; And there in our Name and Authority, make Intimation hereof, that none pretend Ignorance; And appoints Our Solicitor to transmit Printed Copies hereof, to the Sheriff and Stewart-Clerks of the haill Sheriffdoms and Stewartries within this Kingdom, with Copies to be trans­mitted by the said Sheriff and Stewart-Clerks, to the Ministers of the several Paroches within their Bounds, and Ordains the Sheriffs and Stewart Clerks, to cause Publish this present Proclamation at the respective Mercat-Crosses, upon the the first Mercat­day after it shall come to their hands; And appoints the Ministers of the several Paroches to cause Intimat this Proclamation at their Paroch-Churches, upon the Forenoon after Sermon, the first LORDS Day immediately after the same shall come to their hands. And Ordains these Presents to be Printed.

Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. GLIB. ELIOT, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

God Save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM. 1696

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