A PROCLAMATION, Anent Officers and Souldiers paying their Quarters.
Whereas We are certainly informed, that Complaints have been made from several parts of this Our ancient Kingdom, that some of Our Souldiers have been, and still are deficient in paying their Quarters, and that there has been cause given for the like applications from some other places, although such complaints have not been made; Which Disorderly and unjust Practices cannot but be very displeasing unto Us: Wherefore We have now thought fit, (for Redressing such Disorders already committed, and preventing the like Abuses for the future) With Advice of Our Privy Council, hereby strictly to Require all the Officers of Our standing Forces of this Kingdom to take special care, that all such Souldiers (now alive, and serving in the Army) as ow any Moneys for their Provisions in any Quarters, forthwith to pay the same, and to use their outmost Diligence and Care for the future, to see that the Souldiers under their respective Commands, from time to time, pay what Money shall be due by them for Provisions in their Quarters; and particularly, that before their removal from any place, there be nothing left unpayed in, their respective Quarters, either by Officers or Souldiers, except where they are so suddenly called that they cannot stay to fit accounts; in which case the Commanding Officer is to leave an Obligation for paying of what shall be justly owing, within the space of twenty dayes thereafter, at furthest; With Certification to all such Officers who shall be negligent or remiss in the Execution of this Our Royal Pleasure, and especially in severely punishing all such Souldiers, under their Charge, who are, or shall be guilty of such Disorderly Practices, that they shall not only be Carshired, but also further punished according to their demerits: And to the end it may be the better known, what Moneys are, or shall be owing by the Souldiers for Provisions in any of their Quarters, We hereby ordain the persons who have, or shall furnish the Provisions, To state an account thereof, in the way and manner prescribed by the third Act of the last Parliament of Our dearest Brother; and that Our standing Forces may be sufficiently furnished with all necessary Provisions, and not unjustly imposed on for the future, nor unreasonable Rates exacted of them by the Country, for such things as they stand in need of, either in their Quarters, or on their March from place to place; We with Advice foresaid, Require and Command the Sheriff Principal, and his Deput, or Deputs, in the respective Shires of this Kingdom, with any two or three of the Commissioners of Excise or Supply, forthwith, where rates are not already appointed, and yearly thereafter, at their Michaelmas head Courts, to set reasonable rates and prices upon Hay, Straw, and Oats, and for Grass, betwixt and the first Thursday of May, that it may be known what is to be payed for the same, and to report exact accounts of their Diligence, and of the saids rates, to the Clerks of Our Council, within fourteen days after appointing thereof, at the Dyets respective above-written, with Certification to them, if they failȝie herein, they shall be called and pursued before Our Council, and punished as they find cause. And to the effect Our Pleasure in the Premisses may be known to all persons concerned; Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly-and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there, by open Proclamation, make publication of Our Pleasure in the Premisses, that all persons concerned may have notice thereof, and give obedience thereto.
GOD save the KING.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Maje [...] Anno DOM. 1685.