⟨James by the grace of god⟩
A PROCLAMATION Anent Elders of Kirk Sessions, 1684.
Forasmuch as by the Supremacy Inherent in Our Imperial Crown, as one of the Prerogatives thereto belonging; It solely Resides in Us, to Enact and Emit such Constitutions, Acts and Orders, concerning the Administration of the External Government of the Church, and the Persons to be Imployed therein, as We, in Our Royal Wisdom shall think fit, [...] [...]ly specified in the first Act of Our second Parliament: And therefore We, and Our Predecessors, have always been careful that the Discipline of the Church, by Kirk Sessions and otherwayes be observed; for preservation whereof, it being necessar, that Persons of good Reputation, and known Loyalty, should assist the Ministers in the exercise of Ecclesiastick Discipline. We therefore▪ with Advice of the Lords of Our Privy Council, Do hereby Impower the Ministers of the respective Parochs, within this Our ancient Kingdom, to give in Lists to the Bishops, their Ordinaries, of such as are fit to Serve as Elders in the saids Parochs, and being approven by them; We hereby Ordain and Command the Persons so Named and Authorized, to Serve as Elders, except they can offer such sufficient Reasons, to be allowed by the Bishop, as may excuse them from Serving in the said Imployment, with Certification to the Persons who shall refuse, not being lawfully excused, as said is, that upon production of the said Nomination, and Instruments taken upon their refusal, Letters of Horning shall be direct, under the Signet of Our Privy Council, Charging them to accept and Officiate, within fifteen Dayes, under the pain of Rebellion: And to the effect, Our Pleasure in the Premisses may be made known, to all Persons concerned▪ Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh; and remanent Mercat Crosses of the head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there, by open Proclamation, make publication of the Premisses, that all Persons concerned may give obedience thereto, according to Justice, as ye will answer to Us thereupon, the which to do, we commit to you, conjunctly and severally, Our full power, by thir Our Letters, delivering them by you, duely execute, and indorsed again to the Bearer.
GOD save the KING.
Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno Dom. 1684.