FOr much as the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, in pursuance of His Majesties Commands, signified to them by a Letter of the 7. of June, 1669. did confine several outed Ministers to partieular Paroches, with allowance[?] to preach, and exercise the other Functions of the Ministry within the same, and did deliver to them certain instructions to be keeped and observed, upon which they accepted the indulgence granted to them. And albeit [...]hese instructions have been frequently repeated and seat to these Ministers, [...]et diverse of them have contraveened the same, without any manner of reg [...]rd thereto: And whereas, by His Majesties Letter foresaid, it is left to the [...]aids Lords; to allow to these Ministers such parts of the Stipends, as the [...] should think fit, and that from time to time, the Council hath given Order and Warrands to the Heretors and others, lyable in payment of the Stipe [...]d, to make payment thereof as they saw cause, without which special Warrand[?], they could not, nor cannot, warrantably pay the same. Notwithtanding whereof, it is imformed, that several Heretors have payed, or inten [...] to pay these Stipends, without special Warrand and Order. The saids Lords do therefore Prohibite and Discharge all Heretors, Fewers, Lifer [...]nters, and others, lyable in payment of the Stipends of the Paroches where these Ministers are confined, to make payment of any part of the Stipend to them for the Cropt and Year 1677; and in time coming, without a special Order and Warrand from the Council, under the Penalty of being lyable in Payment of the said Stipend again, to such as the Cou [...]cil shall appoint, and further Censured for their Contempt. And Ord [...]ins these presents to be Printed, and Published upon a Sabbath day, at the several Paroch Kirks, where the saids Ministers are confined, that no person pretend ignorance.
GOD save the King.