FOrasmuch, as a considerable number of Brewers for themselves, and in behalf of the remanent Brewers within the Town of Edinburgh, and the Shires of Edinburgh and Haddingtoun, have proposed and desired, that they may be allowed to sell the Ale and Drinking-beer for this present year, at twenty pennies the pynt, with the addition of the Excise and Imposition granted in behalf of the Town of Edinburgh: And seeing, according to the proportion setled by the late Act of Parliament, and Proclamations, for regulating the prices of Ale and Drinking-beer, when the Ale and Drinking-beer is sold at twentie pennies the pynt, with the addition foresaid, the Bear ought to be eight pounds scots the boll. And the saids Brewers have proposed, that in regard they have some old Victual upon their hand not yet consumed, so that for this year they cannot come the whole length of eitht pounds, which is the Rule and Standard appointed by the Proclamation; and therefore desiring the Council might dispense therewith so far, as that they may be able to brew with some small advantage: and seeing the saids Brewers have consented that the price of the boll of good and sufficient rough Bear, shall be seven pounds scots money, for all rough Beer that is to be browen and made in Malt of the Cropt 1677. last by past; And it being most just and reasonable, [...]hat all Brewers, great and small, should be in an equal and like condition, as to the price of the drink to be sold by them, and the price of the Bear of which the same is made; which cannot be practicable, if they should be permitted to buy Bear at different prices; in respect, these who buy Bear below the foresaid price, may under-sell these that do buy the bear at the same, and so may inhance and engross to themselves the trade and benefit of brewing, to the prejudice and ruine of others; and for preventing the inconvenience and prejudice foresaid, It is thought necessary, and is proposed and desired by the saids brewers, that the said price should be setled as a just and uniform price to be payed for this year by all Brewers and Malt men, who shall buy Bear for brewing or making of Malt within the said Town and Shires, and that of their own consent they should be obliged, and grant Bonds to the effect foresaid. And because divers persons, who sell and tap Wine, or are Cooks or Stablers, do brew; and upon occasion of their Trades and Employments foresaids, do tap and sell Ale and Drinking beer, browen by themselves, whereby they may sell their drink with greater advantage [...]han other Brewers, that must share and divide betwixt them and the Tapsters, the benefit that the saids persons will have intirely to themselves, and so may undersell the other brewers to their prejudice and ruine: and whereas, notwithstanding of the said Proclamation, the smal [...]er brewers, whose [...]urvey rolls were under two bolls, have not given bond to the Commissioners of Excise of the said Shire to that effect, and obtained licence betwixt and the day therein appointed, and so have forfeited the benesit of brewing. The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, in prosecution of the said Act of Parliament and Proclamations foresaids, do hereby discharge any person or persons, brewers great or small within the burgh of Edinburgh, Leith and Cannongate, or suburbs thereof, or within the saids Shires of Edinburgh or Haddingtoun, to take upon them upon pretext of any former licence granted to them, or upon any other pretext or ground whatsoever, to brew any Ale or Drinking-beer, untill they first subscribe the said bond; and upon subscribing thereof, obtain a licence for that effect from the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council, or Committee appointed by them, which persons, subscribing the said bond, and receiving licence as aforesaid, are hereby allowed, not only to brew single Ale at the price of twentie pennies the pynt, with the addition as aforesaid, but also to brew double or three shilling Ale: provided that they who brew the double Ale, shal be obliged also to brew the single Ale, in which case, the saids Lords have in so far dispensed with the said Proclamation in the behalf of the saids Brewers upon the considerations foresaids, untill the 1. day of August next to come, in this instant year, 1678 And whereas Malt-men and others, who take upon them to make Malt within the saids bounds do exact far greater rates, betwixt the price of the boll of Bear, and the boll of Malt, than what is allowed by the ancient Laws made in that behalf; The saids Lords do hereby discharge any person whatsomever within the saids bounds to make Malt, untill they find caution acted in the Books of Council, that they shall buy the Bear at the price foresaid for this present year: and that they shal take no more but half a Merk betwixt the boll of Bear and the boll of Malt, conform to the Acts of Parliament, and obtain licence for that effect as aforesaid, as they will be answerable on their perill. And in regard, that divers persons within the City of Edinburgh, Leith, Cannongate, Abby, Caldtoun, Craigend, Yeard-heads, New-haven, Pleasants, and St. Ninians-raw, who are Vintners of Wine, Cooks or Stablers, do both brew, and tap and sell Ale and Drinking-beer browen by themselves, whereby they may sell their drink with greater advantage then other Brewers, and so may undersell the other brewers to their great hurt and prejudice; The saids Lords do hereby discharge any Vintners of Wine, Cooks or Stablers in the saids bounds, to vent or retail any Ale or Drinking-beer, or if they continue in retailing, to quite their brewing as they will be answerable at their perill. And whereas both Brewers, Vintners and the Leidges sustain great dammage by the unequal measure of barrels, some being above measure, and some under, occasioned chiefly by the neglect and fault of Coupers: The saids Lords do hereby ordain all Coupers that makes any brewers casks, to make their casks no bigger, than with the addition of a chopin to each Gallon: Ordaining every Couper to put his own mark upon his own work, that the contraveeners may be known; and that all casks already made, be justed and made equal, betwixt and the first day of May next, as the saids Coupers and Brewers will be answerable at their perill. And ordains these presents to be printed, and published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and other places needful, that none pretend [...]gnorance.
GOD save the King.