At a Quarter-Session, held at Air, the 5th day of February, 1657.
By his Highness OLIVER Lord Protector his Justices, assigned to keep the Pub­lick-Peace in the Shire of Air.

HIS Highnesse Justices of Peace for the said Shire, in the pursuance of the Trust reposed in them, and for remedy of several abuses, not formerly rectified, have ordered as followeth:

  • I. That the Constables in their respective Towns and Parishes within the said Shire, shall call for two or three best knowing and skilful men, in the discerning of the sufficiency and insufficiency of Meal, Malt, Fleshes, and Shoes, And to survey and sight the same each Mercat-day in time of Mercat, or any other day and place of the selling of the foresaid Commodities; and if any insufficient Goods be found, to bring the seller thereof before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be punished as the said Justice shall think fit.
  • II. That no Veals be killed or sold under fifteen dayes old; And if any be found to contravene this Order, the Constables are autho­rized to bring the killers and sellers thereof before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be punished in manner foresaid.
  • III. That the Constables in their respective Towns and Paris;hes, with the Surveyors or Visiters aforesaid, are to take notice and make diligent search of all insufficient Ale and Beer that is vended and sold, and to bring the venders and sellers thereof before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be punished and fined at his discretion.
  • IV. That no White-bread be sold by the Bakers and sellers thereof, above twelve penies Scots, at twelve ounces weight, it being good and sufficient Bread, of good and sufficient flower, which is to be surveyed and sighted in manner aforesaid; And if it be found above the said price, or under the said weight, or made of insufficient flower, that they shall be convened and punished in manner foresaid.
  • V. That no insufficient Shoes, made of insufficient Leather, be sold, which is to be surveyed in manner foresaid; And if it be found otherwayes, that the makers and sellers thereof are to be convened and punished as said is.
  • VI. That all sorts of Measures and Weights made use of by Merchants, sellers and buyers, to be conform to the Act of Parliament, which is to be sur­veyed and sighted in manner foresaid; And if found otherwayes, to bring the owners and havers of the same, before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be pu­nished as he thinks fit: And in the mean time to take the wrong Measures and Weights from them, and to dispose thereof at the said Justice his order: Alwayes this being without prejudice of Measures betwixt Masters and Tennants for uplifting of their yearly Farms and Rents, as hath been formerly in use and wount.
  • VII. That no Smith take any more for working of each pound weight of Plow-Irons, or of any other rough work whereupon the File cometh not, but ten penies Scots, and no more: And the givers and takers of more to be punished in manner foresaid.
  • VIII. That the Weavers are to have for weaving each Ell of Harden or round Linen, under ten heers in the pound (being sufficiently woven) but twelve penies Scots and no more, without bountieth. And for each heer of Yarn above ten heers in the pound, one peny Scots and no more: And the givers and takers of more to be punished in manner foresaid. As also, it is ordered, That the Weavers not only make good and sufficient Cloath upon the respective prices aforesaid; but likewise that they work it timously, and keep their Agreements with all persons. As also, That no Weaver refuse to take in Webbs upon the prices here set down, in contempt of the foresaid Order: And who ever shall be found to contravene the same, shall be punished in manner fore­said. And as for the price for weaving of Woollen-Cloath, Serges, Camlets, Floured-Stuffs, Coverings, and such like; together with the breadth of the foresaid Linen-Cloath, is to be taken to consideration at the next Quarter-Session.
  • IX. That the Candle-makers, or sellers thereof, take no more for each pound of good and sufficient Candle, nor four shillings Scots: And the givers and takers of more to be punished in manner foresaid.
  • X. VVhereas there is no particular price of Herds Fees set down in the late printed Acts made anent Fees, &c. Therefore it is ordered, that the Justices in their several Divisions shall have power to determine therein as they think just.
  • XI. Ordered, That no VVomen be permitted to travel with Men through the Shire, under pretext of Marriage, without having a Certificate of their Marriage, and a Passe from two or more of his Highnesse Justices of Peace.
  • XII. That no Men nor Women that are fit for service, or have used to serve for Fees or Wages, be permitted to live alone in houses by themselves, or in the family of others not in actual service with them, in any place of this Shire; but that they be caused to serve for the Fees that are appointed; and if they refuse, to be punished as aforesaid.
  • XIII. That the persons foresaids, called for by the Constables to be assisting to them in surveying the whole particulars above-mentioned, are to make faith for their faithful discharge of their Trust, as Surveyors or Visiters, before the nearest Justice of Peace in that Division; And if any of them refuse to accept of the Office in manner foresaid, the Constables are to bring them before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be fined and punished at his discretion.
  • XIV. Whereas there are many strange, strong, sturdy and idle Beggars, whereof some are lame Souldiers, others Vagabonds and idle persons; as coun­terfeit Aegyptians, and such like, still haunting and begging within this Shire; through which several Thefts and Robberies are committed, notwithstanding of several Acts of Parliament made to the contrary: It is therefore ordered, That all such persons shall forthwith be apprehended, and brought before the nearest Justice of Peace, to be punished conform to the Act of Parliament made there-anent.
  • XV. Whereas there are several poor Orphans that have no livelihood, as also many indigent weak and aged persons begging through the Shire, not con­fining themselves to their respective Parishes where they were born, or have cohabited, contrary to the Act of Parliament made there-anent; It is therefore ordered, That all such persons shall forthwith return to their said respective Parishes, and there give up their names to the Constables, and others autho­rized for that effect within the said Parish; And the names so given up, are to be brought in to the Clerk of the Peace betwixt and the next Quarter-Session held after the publication hereof, to the effect some regular course may be taken for their maintenance in all time coming; And in the mean time ordains the respective Parishes to maintain their respective Poor until that be done; And if any faile or neglect to give up their names, as said is, they shall be holden as strangers and vagabonds, and extruded the Shire.
  • XVI. That if any Parish wherein any Theft or Robbery is committed, do not answer the Hue and Cry raised upon the committing thereof, and follow the Constable in the pursuit till he return, such Parish shall be liable for payment of the Goods and Geir robbed and stolen, or so much thereof as the saids Justices shall find cause for.

ORdered, That the several Articles concerning the particulars above-mentioned, be forthwith Printed, and Pub­lished at the Mercat-Crosses, and respective Parishes within the said Shire. The several Constables of each Town and Parish are hereby ordered to see the same done accordingly.

Mr. WILLIAM CALDWELL, Cl. of the Peace.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, 1657.

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