To all those that VVorship in Temples made vvith Hands, but more especially to them of PAVLS, as a VVarning to them to Repent.
THis Testimony have I to bear for the true and living God, against all the Idolatrous Worship that is now set up in this Nation of England; but more especially is this Message, and Warning, and Visitation from God sent amongst those people who often meet at Pauls, against whom, and against their Worship the Lord God commanded me to goe and cry with a loud Voyce, and cry, Woe against you Worshipers of Images and dumb Idols, the Lord God is arising to confound and to throw down all the Idolatrous Worship that is now standing, and to break the Images to pieces, and to destroy the Worshipers of them, if they repent not: And woe from the Lord God of vengeance is gone forth against all Idolatry, and against all Idolatrous Worships and Worshipers; God is now come to set up and establish his own Way and Worship, which is in the Spirit, and in the Truth; and the day is now come, and is known, wherein the living and true God is worshiped again in the Spirit, and in the Truth: Although there hath been a time of darkness and ignorance, wherein the Vaile of darkness hath been spread over the Nations, and in that time a Worship hath been pretended unto God, whilst they have been scattered upon the barren Mountains as Sheep having no Shepherd; but now in this day of the breaking forth of the Glory of God, is the Shepherd of Israel come to lead home again unto the fold of everlasting rest, all that will hear his Voyce, and obey his Call; and unto all he saith, Come, drink freely of the living Water, and feed upon the living Bread which cometh down from God, and feed no longer upon husks with the Swine, neither spend your money, nor your precious time any longer for that which is not bread, that cannot satisfie. Therefore come out of Babylon, which is in confusion, for God is risen to destroy her, and her builders, who are daubing with untempered Morter; God will lay her desolate, and not one stone of her building shall stand upon another, but all shall be thrown down and scattered by the Whirlwind of the Lord God, whose day is come and broken forth, and by the Light thereof we are come to see the darknesse, and the thick darkness that hath been over the Nations, notwithstanding they have been professing God, and Christ, and a Form of Worship, whilst they have been alienated and strangers from God, and such have Worshiped upon the barren Mountains: But the day is come, and now is, wherein the Father will be worshiped in Spirit and Truth, and no more at Jerusalem, nor no more in the Mountains; but God is gathering all Nations home to within, to know Truth set up in their inward parts, and to establish his own righteousness in the hearts of the children of men, and all people must come unto the true Light of Life which God hath placed in them, which Light hath a long time shined in the darkness, but now is broken forth out of obscurity, and the day-starre is arising, unto whose Light the Nations must be gathered; and this is the day wherein the free love of God is sounded forth, that all may hear the Voyce and Call of the true Shepherd, that their souls may come to live: So that which giveth the knowledge and Glory of God in the face of his Son, is the Light, which is the Way unto eternal life; so Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and this is the foundation of God which is laid in people, the Light which Christ hath enlightned them withall; so him hath God given for a Light unto the Gentiles, and to be his salvation unto the ends of the earth: And this is the Leader of all that are saved, they must walk in the Light of the Lord, he leadeth into all Truth, and all that are led by the Spirit of truth, they come to worship God aright; and none else can worship the true God, but they who know him in the Truth, for God is Truth, and he is Light, and in him is no darkness at all.
So all people, try your wayes, and search your hearts by the Candle of God, which is the Light of his Son, and see whether or no you are led by the Spirit of Truth, which leadeth into all Truth; but all who are not here are out of the Way and Worship of God, and so are without, crying, Lord, Lord, and so come not to enter into the Kingdome of Gods Glory, wherein is Life, and Peace, and Joy in the holy spirit. So this is unto all you who are yet without God living in the World: I say, it is the Warning of God, and the Visitation of his Love in this the day of his power and appearance, wherein he is risen in his glory and in his brightness, for the gathering home of his Sons and Daughters from the ends of the Earth, that they may come to lye down in the fold of everlasting Rest, and to know Christ the true Shepherd set over them; for God is bringing all into one Fold, and to know the one Shepherd, which is Christ the living Minister, the Bishop of the souls, the High Priest of God: and God is gathering people from the Shepherds of the World, and from the deceiving Priests, and God is bringing them unto the High Priest, the everlasting Prophet, which Moses prophesied of, saying, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up like unto me, him shall you hear in all things; and whosoever will not hear this Prophet, is to be cut off from amongst the people. So in this day God hath poured forth his Spirit according to his promise, and his Sons and his Daughters, his Servants and his Handmaids are come to prophesie, and such are sent to cry against all Idolatry, and to preach Repentance unto the people, that they may come out of their ignorance and blindnesse, that they may come to see the Light of the day of God, which Abraham saw, who was blessed, who was just, whose Faith justified him, and was accounted unto him for righteousness: So the living Faith purifies the heart, and this is the living Hope, and all that have this Hope purifie themselves, as God is pure; such are made clear by the Word, such walk in the Way of Life: And the same Word of Faith we now contend for earnestly, because we know the Truth, and the Truth maketh free. So this is one tender Visitation of God sent amongst you all, and unto all people whose eyes are yet blind. So this is to be sent in and amongst the people who meet at Pauls, as the Warning of God in Bowels of love, from the movings of the Holy Spirit in one who feareth the Lord.