A Third party, generally of a contemptible and base condition, without and contrary to all Authority, have lately audaciously adventured to rise in great numbers to the disturbance of the publique peace and tranquility of this formerly one of the happiest Kingdoms in Europe, if not in the whole world, untill their elder Brethren became evil Councellors unto His Majesty, and placed many thousands of their kinde to joyn with them; and being arrayed and armed in a most hostile manner, have invaded, and endeavoured to spoil and destroy the Subjects, together with their Rights, Liberties and Religion, which to every honest man is far more precious then any, nay all other earthly things; they having procured a pretended Authority from His Majesty, to accomplish their inordinate and most hideous desires.
But this third party, not having the least shew or pretence of any Authority, and contrary [Page 4] to the chiefest power of this Kingdom the Parliament, called by His Majesty at Westminster, have tumultuously assembled themselves together, not onely in the West, but also through their instigations have caused many thousands of the ignorant in the adiacent counties to rise up together with them as far as Hampshire, divers of which said county, not contented with their own preposterous courses, have proceeded to inveagle divers people of the [...] adjacent county of Sussex to follow their evil courses, amongst which they have prevailed with one Aylen, son to one Mr. Aylen formerly Captain of a Trained Band, also one Mr. Peckham, besides some of the Fords, and some others Yeomen of the said county, to joyn together as Ring leaders [...] confederacy with the Vulgar multitude, who being ignorant of manners, much more of such things as concerns their Liberty and [...], Did accordingly proceed to send forth divers Warrants unto the severall Towns and Hamlets next adjoyning to Hampshire, as also [...] and about Midhurst, to joyn with [Page 5] them in keeping of a generall Rendezvous upon Ronckon hill, which is betwixt Midhurst and Chichester in the said county, which was done accordingly upon last Wednesday: Since which time, they have further proceeded to call in the rest of the country betwixt Chichester and Arundel to joyn with them in a generall Rendezvous, to be held at Berry hill within one mile of Arundel upon Munday the two and twentieth of this present, many people of the said places, especially about Ister gate and Wabberton; and so down to the sea-side, and upon the Western side of the River of Arundell towards Petworth have joyned with them, and drawing themselves into great numbers upon Saturday the twentieth of this present, they kept their quarters at Mabberton and divers other places thereabouts, their number being greatly increased, and they rendring no accompt of their said tumultuous proceedings; the Honorable Col: Morley, Capt: Morley Governour of Arundel castle, & Major Yong, upon consultation thought fit to fall on them in their quarters at Mabberton, [Page 6] as being the next place to them, and within five miles of Arundel, hoping thereby to dishearten and disappoint them in continuing their tumultuous proceedings; and accordingly upon Sunday morning about three hours before day, Major Yong with about ten horsmen and forty Footmen fell upon them in their quarters at Mabberton, killed him who went to ring the Bells as the most dangerous man, by his doings, to call in the rest of their adherents to their aid, which by his death was prevented; whereupon the rest of them so far lost their courage, that every one shifted for themselves, & fled all, saving two Malignant Ministers, and some other strangers to that place, who were taken prisoners, and are committed in safe custody unto Arundel castle, where it is believed they shall receive according to their demerits, such exemplary punishment as will give good warning to the rest of their Tribe to beware how they follow them, and proceed in the like preposterous courses.
But if they be so fool-hardy as not to take warning, they will be sure to feel the force [Page 7] of publique Iustice very shortly, which will be a sure way to reduce them to a more civil condition at a dearer rate then any wise man will be willing to partake of; And doubtles the said proceedings of the Governour of Arundel (if it prevail not to do good on them as I hope it will) will prove but a Mole-hill to that mountain of sorrows which they are like to suffer; but I wish they may consider in time to reclaim themselves and return to their callings, and not let Gods speciall providence and goodnes, in sending them an early Harvest, produce so great an evil, as spending the remainder of their precious Autumn, in sowing such Seditious seed as can produce nothing but a further crop of Judgement, into vvhich this Nation is so far plunged, vvhich God for his great names sake vvithhold and remove.