A VVarning from the LORD to this Nation.

O England, England, who art departed from the living God, full of wickedness and abo­minations, full of deceit and hypocrisie; how art thou bettered for the judgements of God that have passed thorough thee? where is thy repentance and thy serving of the living God? now when the Lord hath given the Rest, and Peace on every side; the sword of thine enemy is not now within thy land, and thou didst make large promises and protestations, if the Lord did but deliver thine enemie into thine hands, and overturne and cut down thine oppressors, and give the rest, thou wouldest serve the Lord thy God a­lone, to signifie thy thankfulness to him for all his be­nefits towards thee; when thou wast in distress thou sought the Lord and cried unto him, and he delivered thee from those that tormented and vexed thee; but where is now the fear of the living God found in thee; O unthankful Eng­land, thou now fittest quietly under thy own Vyne and Fig­tree, and enjoyest a land that flowes with plenty of abun­dance of all things, but thou art careless and regards not the fear of the living God, Pride and Oppression did never more abound in thee than now it doth, thou art haughty and lifted [Page 2]up in pride more than ever, never wast thou so full of gaudy attire and proud inventions as now; and because of oathes the land mournes, and the cry of the oppressed doth reach the eares of the Lord of Sabbaths; thou hast a name that thou livest, but thou art dead; all thy former zeale which was kind­led in thee in the day of thy exercise, thou now being at ease is turned into pride, and pleasures, and oppression; What are we bettered by you the Powers of the Earth? where is Oppression taken off? how are we eased? Nay you have forgotten the Lord your God who did deliver you from the house of Bondage, and are set down in their seats who were Oppressors, and know not the Lord; therefore the Lord is now witnessing against thee oh England, and laying open thine Hypocrisie, and calling the to repentance, and every one that comes out of thy sins, doth deliver his soul, and his life is given him for a prey; for [...]s Lord is riding on in migh­ty power to cut thee off for ever, and remove the farre away out of his sight, that thou shalt no more be called the People of the Lord; for thou imprisonest the Prophets, and mockest, stonest, and persecutest those that are sent unto thee, and shed­dest inocent bloud; Is this thy reformation, when drunk­ards, swearers, and cursed speakers, goe openly up and down thy streets unpunished in the sight of those who are set up to do Justice, and those thou pretends to be thy Teachers, are fleecing thee, and oppressing and imprisoning those that will not put into their mouthes as the false Prophets of old did, who live in pride and are called Masters, and flatter thee and do thee no good, but divine unto thee out of their own brain for money; Thus thou art all corrupt full of deceit and hy­pocrisie, therefore will the Lord plead with thee by fire and sword, and thy slane will be many heaps upon heaps; then all thy laughter will be turned into mourning, and all thy glory and renown will wither and be consumed into ashes in this day of the Lord which will burn as an Oven, for the Lord is showring down his indignation in flames of fire, to render vengeance upon all that know him not, and that which is for the fire, must to the fire, and that which is for the sword, must to the sword, and instead of well set hair will be bald­ness, [Page 3]and of a sweet smell will be a stink, and an ill savour in your noistrils, and you shall be consumed for ever the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. And this is the day of the Lord which you put of, and continue in wantonness and pleasures, living merrily upon the Earth, marrying and giving in mar­riage, as the old World did who regarded not Noah the Preacher of Righteousness, who foreseeing their destruction, prepared an Ark for the saving of himself and his family, and the Flood came and swept them all away in the height of their abominations, as he will do thee O England, who art war­ned and hardned against the fear of the Lord, increasing in Wickedness, and filling up thy measure of abominations; Therefore will the Lord come upon the suddenly, and when thou cries Peace, Peace, then will come sudden destructi­on; and this thou shalt witness to be the word of the Lord from the highest to the lowest, that you may all see where you are, and how you are running on the broad way that leads to destruction; And return unto the fear of the Lord now whilest thou hast time, that the Lord may repent him of his fierce wrath that is gone out against thee, least thou be consumed in the fierceness of his anger and indignation, which will burn like fire against all the ungodly; and if this anger be but kindled a little, blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Christopher Taylor.

A Warninig, a Warning from the Lord unto you Oh all People.

Repent, Repent oh all People, repent, and return to the Lord speedily now when he is calling you, and giving you all Warning and space to Repent, oh Repent, repent spe­dily, and fear the living God, the day of the Lord is at hand, the mighty, dreadful, and terrible day of the Lord to all the ungodly is nigh at hand, and then must all the Tares, and un­profitable ones, and fruitless Trees, Drunkards, Swearers, Lyars, Blasphemers, Slanderers, Scoffers and Scorners, and all proud and lofty ones, and lustful ones, Couzeners, and [Page 4]Cheaters, and Dissemblers and Hypocrites, and all Earth­worms, and Raylers, and Persecuters of the innocent, be called to an account before the Almighty God, who will sit upon the Thron of Justice, and reward every one according to his works, and will be no respecter of persons, Kings, and Rulers, Judges, Justices, and Magistrates, Lawyers, and Gentlemen, or however they be called or stiled, all that are proud and do wickedly shall be cast out and consumed for e­ver: Howle, howle, howle and lament yee tall Cedars, who are proud and lofty, who live in pride and pleasures, ye strong Oakes the Lord is coming to make ye bow before him, and tremble in his presence, the terrible and dreadful Judgments of God will be poured forth upon you; Oh bow before him, ye that have the stoutest looks you shall be as stubble in the fire, and chaffe before the wind, and all your glory will wither, and your remembrance will shrink, the mighty powerful God will dash you a sunder, oh all ye Hea­thens, Hypocrites, and ungodly ones, and cast you out of his presence for ever, and give ye your portion in the Lake that burns for ever; And you that laugh now and live mer­rily upon Earth in pride and pleasures, shall then howl and mourn, and lament and weep and roar, and there shall be none to pitty you; Oh Repent, repent spedily oh all yee workers of iniquity, Priests and People sigh and bow, the day of the Lord is at hand, from the Lord God Almighty do I declare it unto you; fear, fear, tremble, tremble, tremble before the Lord, least you all be consumed utterly and cast out into everlasting misery; Oh all People prize, prize your time, and come down, and fear the Lord, and mind his voice, and teaching, the light in thy conscience which shewes you sin and evil, and be obedient, and cast off the deeds of dark­ness; Terrible fearful and dreadful will the Lord be to all the ungodly; merciful and loving to all that speedily return unto him; Now you have time oh all People prize it, this is the day of your visitation; Woe, woe, woe for ever for e­ver will be your portion if you harden your hearts, and live in carelesness and do not regard the day of your visitation; knowest thou oh fool but this night thy soul may be requi­red [Page 5]of thee, thou that puts the day of the Lord a farre of, and cries peace, peace: Therefore oh all People mind and con­sider how you spend your time, and prize the everlasting health and peace of your souls, before the enjoyment of earthly vanities, which will vanish away in a moment, and to you all this is the word of God.

C. T.

Oh all People who have eares and cannot hear, eyes and see not, who run on headlong to your utter destruction in the broad way that leads to perdition, acting contrary to the pure law of God, the light that shines into the conscience, which shews you sin and evil, and yet can rejoyce in your pleasures and delights, and in the midst of your abominati­ons, the Drunkard rejoycing and delighting in drunkenness, the Swearer in oaths and cursed speaking, the Scorner in scor­ning, the proud and Lustful one glorying in their unclean­ness and abominations, as if there were no God, tracing out their time without the fear of the Lord, and yet make a pro­fession of God and godliness, but deny the power and spirit which should cleanse them from their sins, and destroy the works of the Devil, and purge out the old leaven, and make them a new lump; and are warned from the Lord God to return from their iniquities, and put away the evil of their doings from before the Lord, that they may come to inhe­rit eternal life, and are directed to the true light in the con­science, the light of Christ, wherewith he hath inlightned every one that comes into the world to be guided by it, in what it makes manifest, which light doth search the heart, and layes before every one that turns within to mind it all that they do in secret, every secret evil thought and action; and calls every one that minds it unto true repentance, and the fear of the Lord, and leadeth into the waies of holiness all that hearken to its voice and are guided by it; and you who are exhorted to hearken to the teachings of the Lord within the conscience, the light there which is true, and doth truly if you mind it shew you all your vain course of life, & cheks you for all sin and evil, and shews the way unto [Page 6]God, and will shew you that without holiness no man shall see the Lord; and evcept you be born again of the spirit you cannot enter into the kingdome of God, for no unclean thing enters there, but is shut out. And you who are exhorted to cease from man whose breath is in his noistils, & to mind that secret voice behind you, which checks you when you turn to the right hand or to the left to sin against the Lord, which saith, this is the way shewing you that you should repent and return from iniquity, and fear the living God, and not live in hypocrisie, in profession and not in possession: And this light lets every one see that minds it, plainly where the world lyes, how all the world lies in wickedness, in pride and envie, in covetousness and oppression, swearing and drun­kenness, and lying, and all manner of uncleanness, in scof­fing and scornfulness, and have light minds, living merrily and wantonly upon Earth, sporting themselves in the day time, living in fraud and deceit, couzening and cheating, and over reaching one another for filthy lucre, the rich op­pressing the poore, and exhauncing and treasuring up the Creation unto themselves, and are devourers, and devours the Creation upon their lusts, whiles the poor are oppressed, and go begging up and down the streets, they are inventing what they shall eat, and what they shall drink, and what they shall put on, feeding upon the lust, living in pleasures and pride, and going in gaudy attire, making their fellow crea­tures who are their equals dust and ashes, all of one mould and nature, to be their slaves, and to give them worship and honour, which is due unto God, unto whom alone belongs all glory and honour for ever. And to all you who take no warning nor do not repent and return unto the Lord, but turn the grace of God which hath appeared unto you into wantonness, and mind not the law of God written in the heart to be obedient to it, but walk contrary to it, living in pleasures and hate to be reformed, thus saith the Lord, my furie shall surely come upon you to overturn you and cast you out of my presence for ever, and give you your portion in the lake that burns, I am calling upon you and you regard not, I am waiting and am a God of long suffering, and of [Page 7]much patience, and do not desire the death of a sinner, and you return not, but you harden your hearts from my fear, you hate to be reformed, and do cast my law behind your backs, and every one doth that which is pleasant in your own eyes, my wayes you abhor, my messengers you hate and persecute, stone and imprison, and shed inocent blood, scof­fing, scorning, and deriding, woe be unto you, you that in­habit the earth, whom do you contend against, shall the clay strive with the potter, my sword is drawn out against you to cut you all down ye fruitless trees which cumber the ground and are unprofitable, and who shall deliver you out of my hands, you that are careless and mind not to return when I call, but put the evil day a farre of, and cry peace, peace, when you call and cry out of the lake and pit I will not hear your cry, but will surely turn away from you, and woe and misery shall be your portion for ever; the Lord by his mighty power will pull down all that are proud and lofty, and all that live wickedly, though now they regard not; there­fore woe unto England if thou continue in hardness of heart, ye Judges, Rulers, and Lawyers, Priest and People, the light of God is arisen, and iniquity is found in you, the decree from the Lord is gone out against you to cut you down, you who fight against the Lord and know him not, who should punish evil doers, and be a terror to them, and encourage and cherish them that do well; but the hands of evil doers are strengthned by you, who are one with them in the same na­ture, living in pride and envy, and feeding your selves fat for the day of slaughter, whiles you imprison the just, and scorns those who are sent of the Lord to forewarn you of all the e­vil to come, and to declare unto you the day of the Lord, which is nigh at hand upon all the ungodly, and yet you and the deceitful proud Priests say, let the Lord be glorified, but he will appear to their everlasting joy, and you shall be ashamed, and better that a Milstone were hanged about your necks, you proud ones, and you cast into the Sea, than to of­fend one of these little ones that believe in Christ, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, for the Lord will surely come to reward every one of you according to your doings, you can­not [Page 8]escape. And that power which you now despise & blas­pheme, & cal the power of the devil, which makes proud flesh to tremble before the Lord, O all ye cursed blasphemers will rent you all to peices, and spoil you of all your glory, and pull down all your pride, and lay you in the dust, and you shall know there is a God who will render vengeance upon you, and hew you down ye fruitless trees. And that simple and despised light by you in your consciences, which showes you sin and evil, & cals you to repentance, which you cal natural, will be your eternal judge, to condemn all your natural abo­minations & inclinations to evil, & the servants of the living God whom you despise & scorn, shal rejoyce and sing praises unto the living God, when you shall howle and mourn for the misery that shall come upon you; therefore tremble, tremble thou earth before the Lord, thou that art exhalted, bow down before thy Maker, and humble thy self in dust and ashes, come down and stoop before the Lord, and give glory to him, least you be all consumed in his fury and indignation; for the loftiness of man shall be laid low, and the crown of pride shall wither as the flower of the field in a moment, and then where are you, and what will all your glory avail you, when the Lord will reward you according to your deeds, and cast you into the lake that burns, who is no respecter of per­sons, but he that worketh righteousness is accepted with him; Now you have time prize it, and mind the light and be obe­dient to it, which if you do, it will lead you down into humi­lity, and the fear of the Lord and cleanse your hearts, and purge out the unclean nature and bring you to true happi­nes, and if you disobey it, it will be your eternal condemna­tion. And whether you hear or for bear all people, you shall witness this to be the eternal word of the Lord unto you.

Christopher Taylor, a Prisoner of the Lord in outward bonds for the truths sake, at Appleby i [...] Westmerland.

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