TO THE King's most Excellent Majesty.

YOUR Majesty's faithful Subjects, the Roman Catholick Nobility and Gentry of your Majesty's Kingdom of IRELAND, out of a deep Sense of those prodigi­ous Afflictions under which the Monarchy of Great-Britain has been, and out of our sad Thoughts, which daily bring more and more Sighs from our Breasts, and Tears from our Eyes, for, not only, the still as yet continued Miseries and Sufferings of the Catholick Natives, of that our unfortunate Country, even amidst and ever since the so much famed Joys and Triumphs of your Sacred Maje­sty's most Auspicious Inauguration, but also of the Causes, whereinto we [Page 2]have made the most narrow Search we could, of these our own peculiar un­parallell'd Calamities: And upon Reflection on that Allegiance we owe, and ought by all Divine and Human Laws, and which we are, and have been always ready to Swear and Perform to your Majesty, our only Sovereign Lord on Earth: And on the Scandal (notwithstanding) which some Persons (who are unwilling to understand aright our Religion) cast upon it, as if it were not Consistent with all dutiful Obedience, and Faith to the Supream Temporal Magistrate: And upon Consideration likewise of a further Tye of Conscience on us for endeavouring, as much as in us lies, to clear your Ma­jesty's Royal Breast from all Fears and Jealousies whatsoever; if any, perad­venture, your Majesty entertain of us, through the Suggestion of such as hate our Communion, or Nation; and to wipe off that Scandal, and allay the Odium under which our Church hath lain this last Century of Years, among other Christian People in these Nations, of a different Way from our's in the Worship of GOD: We humbly crave your Majesty's Pardon to vindicate both our Selves and our Holy Belief, in that Particular, of our Allegiance, by the ensuing Protestation; which (in Imitation of the late good Example given by our CLERGY, and pursuant to the general Doctrine and Practice of the Catholick Church) we make in Sight of Heaven, and in the Presence of your Majesty, sincerely and truly, without Equivocation, or Mental Reser­vation.

‘WE do acknowledge and confess Your Majesty to be our true and law­ful KING, supreme Lord and rightful Sovereign of this Realm of Ireland, and of all other Your Majesty's Dominions: And therefore we acknowledge and confess ourselves to be obliged, under pain of Sin, to obey Your Majesty in all Civil and Temporal Affairs, as much as any other of Your Majesty's Subjects; and as the Laws and Rules of Government in this Kingdom do require at our Hands. And that notwithstanding any Power or Pretensions of the Pope or See of Rome, or any Sentence or Decla­ration of what Kind or Quality soever, given, or to be given by the Pope, his Predecessors, or Successors, or by any Authority Spiritual or Temporal, proceeding or derived from Him, or His See, against Your Majesty, or Royal Authority: We will still acknowledge, and perform to the utmost of our Abilities, our faithful Loyalty and true Allegiance to Your Majesty. And we openly disclaim and renounce all Foreign Power, be it either Papal or Princely, Spiritual or Temporal, in as much as it may seem able, or shall pretend to free, discharge, or absolve us from this Obligation, or shall any way give us Leave or Licence to raise Tumults, bear Arms, or offer any Violence to Your Majesty's Person, Royal Authority, or to the State or Go­vernment: Being all of us ready, not only to discover and make known to Your Majesty, and to Your Ministers, all the Treasons made against Your Majesty, or them which shall come to our Hearing; but also to lose our Lives in the Defence of Your Majesty's Person and Royal Authority, and to resist, with our best Endeavours, all Conspiracies and Attempts against Your Majesty, be they fram'd or sent under what Pretence, or patroniz'd by what Foreign Power or Authority soever. And further we profess, that all absolute Princes and Supreme Governors, of what Religion soever they be, are God's Lieutenants on Earth; and that Obedience is due to them, accor­ding to the Laws of each Commonwealth respectively, in all Civil and Temporal Affairs: And therefore we do here protest against all Doctrine and Authority to the contrary. And we do hold it impious, and against the Word of God, to maintain, that any private Subject may kill or murder [Page 3]the Anointed of God, his Prince, though of a different Belief and Religion from his. And we abhor and detest the Practice thereof, as damnable and wicked.’

These being the Tenets of our Religion, in Point of Loyalty and Submis­sion to Your Majesty's Authority, and our Observance and Veneration of, or Communion with, the See of Rome, in Matters purely Spiritual, no way entrenching on that perfect Obedience, which, by our Birth, by the Laws of GOD and Man, we are bound to pay to Your Majesty, our Natural and Lawful Sovereign.

Prostrate at Your Majesty's Feet, We most humbly beg, That all your Majesty's Roman Catholick SUBJECTS of IRELAND, who shall by Subscrip­tion, or Consent, concur to this publick Protestation of LOYALTY, be protected from Persecution, for the Profession or Exercise of their Religion, and all former Laws, upon that Account, against them, Repeal'd.

  • Luke Earl of Fingall.
  • Morrogh Earl of Inchiquin.
  • Donogh Earl of Clancarty.
  • Oliver Earl of Tyrconel.
  • Theobold Earl of Carlingford.
  • Edmund Viscount Mont-Garet.
  • Thomas Viscount Dillon.
  • Arthur Viscount Iveagh.
  • William Viscount Clane.
  • Charles Viscount Muskerry.
  • William Viscount Taaf.
  • Oliver Baron of Lowth.
  • William Baron of Castle Conel.
  • Colonel Charles Dillon.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Ignatius Nugent.
  • Edward Plunket, Esquire.
  • Nicholas Plunket, Knight.
  • Matthew Plunket of Dunsany.
  • Christopher Plunket of Dunsany.
  • James Dillon, Knight.
  • Colonel Christopher Bryan.
  • Robert Talbot, Baronet.
  • Ulick Burk, Baronet.
  • Edward Fitz-Harris, Baronet.
  • Vallentine Brown, Baronet.
  • Luke Bath, Baronet.
  • Henry Slingsby, Knight.
  • John Bellew, Knight.
  • Colonel William Burk.
  • John Fitz-Patrick.
  • Bryan Mac-Mahun.
  • Miles Reily.
  • Gilbert Talbot.
  • Milo Power.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Pierce Lacy.
  • Ulick Burk.
  • Thomas Scurlog.
Esquires and Gentlemen.
  • Jeffrey Brown of Gallway.
  • John Walsh of Ballynvoher.
  • Patrick Bryan.
  • James Fitz-Gerrald of Lacach.
  • John Talbot of Malahyde.
  • Thomas Luttril of Luttrilstown.
  • John Halliwood of Artaine.
  • Henry O Neil, Son to Sir Phelim O Neil.
  • Dudley Barnel of Dunlickny.
  • Henry Druycet of Mornanton.
  • Edward Butler of Monihore.
  • Nicholas Darcy of Platin.
  • Patrick Sarsfield of Lucan.
  • John Macna-Mara of Greatlach.
  • James Talbot of Bela-Connel.
  • Robert Balf of Barrastown.
  • James Talbot of Templeoge.
  • Patrick Archer.
  • Luke Dowdall of Athlomny.
  • Philip Hore of Kilsalcan.
  • James Barnwell of Bremore.
  • James Allen of St. Wolstan's.
  • Thomas Cantwell of Ballamakedy.
  • John Cantwell of Cantwell's Court.
  • Edmund Dillon of Streamstown.
  • John Flemming of Stahallmock.
  • Peter Sherlock of Grace-Dieu.
  • [Page 4]Christopher Archbold of Timolin.
  • Patrick Moor of Dowanstown.
  • Nicholas Haly of Towrin.
  • Pierce Butler of Calan.
  • Pierce Butler of Killvealegher.
  • John Segrave of Cabrach.
  • Richard Wadding of Killarry.
  • Thomas Brown of Glandon.
  • Oliver Cashel of Dundalk.
  • Patrick Clinton of Irishtown.
  • Captain Christopher Turner.
  • John Bagot.
  • William Grace.
  • John Arthur of Hogestown.
  • Marcus Lassan of Greastown.
  • Christopher Aylmer of Belrath.
  • James Plunket of Gibstown.
  • Thomas Saint John of Mortlestown.
  • William Barryoge of Rincorn.
  • Richard Strange of Rockwel's Castle.
  • James Butler of Ballinekill.
  • Anthony Colclough.
  • Thomas Sarsfield of Sarsfieldstown.
  • Pierce Nangle of Monanimny.
  • James Wolveston of Stelergan.
  • Michael Bret.
  • Patrick Boyton of Ballyturnymacoris.
  • James White of Chambolly.
  • Major Lawrence Dempsy.
  • Edward Nugent of Culvin.
  • Patrick Porter of Kinstown.
  • Major Marcus Furlong.

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