Vincit qui patitur OR LIUTENANT COLONEL JOHN LYLBORNE Decyphered, in a short answer of Captaine WENDY OXFORD To a most notoriously false pamphlet of the said Lylborns intituled Iohn Lylborne Revived printed at Bruges in Flanders.

With a short letter, which was sent to him in Iuly last to give him satisfaction then, why I printed not what I had then finished for the Press, in answer to his scandalous pamphlet printed at Viana in May last.

JEREMIE 28. vers. 15.16.

Then sayd the Prophet Jeremiah unto the Prophet Hananiah, Heare now Hananiah, the Lord had not sent thee, but thou makest this people to trust in a lie.

Therefore thus sayeth the Lord, Beholde, I will cast thee from off the earth: this yeere thou shalt die, because thou hast spoken rebelliously against the Lord.

With some allegations against the said Mr. Lylborne which the world knowes to be truth, of his writings, actions, plottings, and contryvings, against the late murthered King, his Royal Queene, Posteritie, Nobilitity Spiritual and Temporal, and all others of the learned Orthodox Divines, quite contrary to the advice of Solomon Prov. the 29. vers. 18. Amos the 8. Psalme 19. Saint Mathew the 11. the 10. Corinthians the first, the 6. and the 6. Galath. the 6 and the 6. Acts the 10. Heb. 13. and 17. vers. and in a word contrary to the whole rules of Scripture, so that feaw or none (saying of His owne wicked and per­verse party) will beleeue his reports.

Printed the first of Aprill in the yeare of God 1653.

The Present answer of Cap: WENDY OXFORD To a scandalous Paper of Mr. JOHN LYLBORNE

I Need not to insist much upon my discourse, all people so well know­ing the nature of the object, to answer whom is now my taske in this onely sheet of paper: more monyes I have not to spend so much in vaine (notwithstanding Mr. Lilbornes great reports of Salleryes receiving from England) which is well knowne to the contrary, neither have I such col­lections, beggings, and continual re­cruits which Mr. Lilborne weekly reci­ves from his Brother hood and faction in England, by reasson I give not such advise in my letters to those of England as he doth weekly, which He takes the impudency to Iustifie the same in part of his pamphlets, by a litle you may judge of the rest, He is so much an Englishman as ever He was, not to have King nor States to doe harme to his Brother rebells and traytors in England, to that end he writs to some in England his oppinions concerning sea and Land service which may fall out cross to the designes of the rebells enemies of Eng­land. The Proverb often times prooves truth, That a Standerby sees better then he that plaies, to that end he remaines amongst the Parliaments friends to give aime against both our King, and the States of these united Provinces, being between both. But had I such sumes of moneys as he reports, he should have heard un­doubtedly from me ere this; having had 24. sheets of Paper ready for the press these 9. monthes in two volumes, the one Intituled.
The Banished-mans Complaint, the other Iohn Lylbornes Portaicture with A Hue and Cry after Him.

Nay had I such sumes as he reports, I would not have suffered my booke in­tituled.

The Prospective Glass for King and subjects to have layn Printed 9. monthes in the Printers hands and not sent them into the World imediatly after their birth, where in Mr. Lylborne is more at larg discovered, his cruelty and barba­risme laid open to all readers.

But why doe I hold thee in the porch (Courteious reader) when the house is so litle. Therefore welcom to the rest, and in briefe, who so hath, or shall please to read the 8 page of Mr Lilbornes letter directed to Mr D.D. in the united Pro­vinces, may find the tearme he gives me. of Spy of Cromwells and Scotts, and sayeth my booke intituled The unexpected Life, (given by Lilborne and his faction) and the long wished for death of the thing called Parliament in England, is false and on purposs, to have his throate cutt, so that no man must write or speake what he hath done for that cause. But let me tell Mr Lilborne, that what I write in that booke against him, and ten times more then I shall here insert, that those he ter­mes Cavaliers here, and els where, knowes to be too great a truth, there­fore the more he goes about to vaile his former, and still vilany, He will but give him selfe the lye. For hath not many [Page]told him to his face the same; and doth not all know that John Lylborne (when he was but an aprentise boy in London) was one of the very first (if not the first) that ever endeavored to make a separation between the late murthered King and his People: The Dutch also can not be ignorant thereof, for, for that very cause did he fly in to these Lands, and his residence was here in Delph, and my printer was his in those dayes, & he made a Burgur here of Delph at the same time. O yes you (Mr Lylborne) are very well known to be the insurecter in chiefe, and him who brought great tumults to white Hall that had not Capt: Endimion Porter immediatly with his trayn band, the Nobility and Stout-hearted gentery in Court assisted each other, the sence murthered King, his Queene and Royal progenie had undoubtedly been then murthered, so that you had saved the murtherurs at Westminster a great deale of Honor, and costly trouble to the 3 Kingdomes: It is likewise known to all at home and a broad of your owne nation, that after that insurrection against the King &c. in the rebellious city of London and Southwarke you did rayse the same rable, and (had not the traine bands likewise prevented) vio­lently fell on Lambeth House and have kild his Grace of Canterbury, though sence butchered by your bretheren. And doth not the three nations ring of you (Mr Lylborne) for caussing libells to be throun in his Majestyes coach, as he past the streets of London, and doe not all know you were one of the first Actors in the late bloody warre, and death of the late murthered King, ever posting betwixt the Divells in the Ar­my, and the Turks in London, but of this more at large els where; And for the pressent I reffer the reader to your owne workes (Iack) of 44. bookes by you printed, or at least owned (in your Appologie) and sence: in all of which, if there be not Treason, Conspiricie False Doctrine and Herisy, this is not truth, especialy by reason my memory is fresh with your pampehlet from Viana in May last, wherein if any please to view the 12 pag they may find your aspertions on the present King, and your fixe Resolutions against the Scotts King (as you term him) to be irrevocable; and you (Iacke) take presumtion upon you there to set downe the reasons, and in the same page say that you will not lose your party, to set his Interest on foote; in a word all your pamphlets are com­possed of nought elce but seditious names, of Tyrannie and oppression in monarchy, and you cloake all your re­bellion under honest magna Charta, which had those valiant old Britanes thought it should have beene so much abused by such evile Spirits as thou art, they would have made a bone-fire of it, although it cost so deare as it did. Now let me further tell thee (reader) veiw but that pamphlet, and this last of his at Bruges, and you shall see, that he labours covertly to distroy this Kings interest in all States, under covert of the fredome of the people of England, crying it up, which the world knows cannot be with out their King, as well as a King consists in the safety of his people, but not a word of a crowne, or King, (except in detraction and derission thereof) in all his workes, O that is contrary to the motions of his Spirit: which now he would fayn vaile over to cheat true hearts out of their understandings, and if you please impartialy to view Mr Lyl­borns designes in the last page of his let­ter to Mr. D D, wherein he confesseth, the Dutch may be angry with him &c: (a guilty conscience needs no accusser) but sayeth Mr. Lylborne there he is no hearty enemy of the Dutch, but a true borne English-man, and truly if all En­glishmen [Page]really observe that onely page of his, they would have smal cause to thinke well on Jacke Lylborne, for, he shews what he would be at, neither for Dutch, King, nor any elce but him­selfe and his crue, for saith he therein, that he desiers with all his heart, an honest peace may be concluded, and soundly setled between the two States, to the rational securing distinctly, the rights and Priveledges of each nation with out encroachments of either side by stripping the great — on both sides (here in is old Jacke Lylborne revived in ill Language) and Levelling one with an other, (that being his professed game) from their arbitrary and Tyranical power sayth he, (thers an other chipp of the old blocke) and so goes on pro­testing that if his schattered power and interrest, could contribute any thing to the accomplishing of such a peace and a greement, he would heartily venture his Life &c: with more large expressions. Now you may immagine the reasson hereof, and the good which will arise thereon That if a peace &c. the King may seeke his fortune, and consequently all loyal and true hearted Englishmen of great estates, high birth (and too good breeding) to be kept from their old and rightfull possessions: but in deed (Jacke) neither English or Dutch must ever looke to see peace and quietness in the 3 Kingdomes of England &c. nor in deed these Netherlands 2 yeares togeather with out the Crowne be setled on the rightfull Heire, for it will be a pressident and high way to distruction, of all Mo­narchy in the world, and set up oppressive Anarchy in steed thereof which the Lord of Hostes but no doubt will, open the eyes of all Princes (in Christendome especially) for the prevention thereof, and breake the cords of all such unlawful presidents: besides it will be such a moate, in the eyes of the Netherlands, that it will not be soon picked out) for all he clawes the Dutch in the said Let­ter, whose wisdome is too great for his delusive wayes. View what he writes to his Intelligencer Mr. D D. (whom I doe avow if so, to be the Sonn of perdition and not of an honest woman) for, the time is yet to come, that ever I thought, or spake of the Death of John Lylborne, I have other thinges to talke of on, then such a perverse disposition; but as I sayd marke well how he would claw &c: for saith he in the last lines of that letter, what he would doe, if the Dutch would but give Oliver a box on the eare, he would give one on the other in his way, if not, account him a knave▪ (many thin­kes that noe newes, any time his 18 or 20 yeares) but observe the box on the eare, would be both to the English and Dutch, for should they agree, they [...]ust looke to be in warre with all neighbouring na­tions, taking part with such a people whose thirst for blood, is not to be quenched, untill they be served as.A­lexander was, or the 30 Tyrants of Athens, for that the Treasury of these lands will not onely be exhausted, but for ever remaine empty enough: Now where as Mr. John falsely calumniateth me againe in the 4 and 5 pag of his booke, by the name Spy of the English and Dutch, and that He routed me from Amsterdam, many at the Hague, Am­sterdam and elce where knowes to the contrary, for the Landlord, Landlady, and other lodgers in the House wherein our aboad was there, and Capt▪ Rawlins told Lylborne that to be a cruel Lye to his face (as I am Informed by some of them selves) for I long before resolved to depart that Citty, as, [...] being too deare a place, and not s [...] [...]lthfull as where I am, which Citty I designed for my a boade, at my ve [...] first landing: and where as [...]e wickedly and in deed diabolically [...]erses mee wi [...] the con­triving [Page]his murther at Bruges and Am­sterdam, I have more largely cleared that poynt elce where, only give me leave, to let you know his bloody conscience is so guilty, that he feares more then or­dinary, for if I had, had such an intent, and was to have, or had a sallery, for the contriving his murther, I could have dispatcht him long sence, as wee traveld togeather in shipps, in our Iourney from England, or as wee lay togeather often times in Amsterdam, in his or my owne chamber: and as for hiering at the first coming over, or sence, any of the Duke of Lorraignes men, or any elce, I neither could then, or can I well yet, either speake, or un­derstand the languages of forreigne na­tions, or had I, or have I yet any such acquaintance in the Lorraignes army, or any such murthering, bloodthirsty, and bloodminded people, as any those he pretends, and as him selfe hath, and still is to be feared yet remaines, otherwise he could never symphatyze so much with the disposistion of the Devill, the father of all mischiefe, wherefore at present I shall onely make this protesta­tion, against all his particulars and Ge­neralls; That I desier all my other sin­nes may be forgiven me at the last day, saving thoses he charges me with, of murther in a most ample way, of him in particular, and many in the general of both Nations, as also that detestable on of Lasciviousnesse, (no Jacke) I am none of your adimantical romancers neither am I one of your faction, that hold it noe sinne to doe with a sister when the Spirit moves, neither am I so cowerdly as you terme it, to plott, or contrive any mans murther, in a base ignoble way, especialy yours, at that time, when I had not occassion for it, you never deserving from me any unkindness (as to my owne selfe) untill your pamphlet from Viana came forth, yet I scorne to thinke of such heatheniss practices, or Italian lacivious engagements. Where­fore John Lylborne on what grounds these jealouses ariseth I can not conciev of your thus raving, and when you write againe, I pray in your next scu­rilous paper name them outright in your superscriptious, and also in your inward parts of your pamphlets nominate your intelligencers, whoe are not only the blow coales between you and mee but elce where, then I doubt not but it will appeare to the world, thou hast been as erroneously perverse to mee, as thou hast been generaly against all goodness, honesty and sound judgement from thy child-hood; nay against all people (sa­ving of thy owne faction,) againe where as Mr. Lylborne in the 4 and 5th. pages charges me with the name Spy on Dutch and English I leave all to my former bookes of satisfaction, Espicialie my booke cal'd
‘The Hue and Cry, after Iohn Lylborne, Or, O Iacke art thou found.’

Onely desiering all Dutch and En­glish, Irish and Scotts, to thinke of me as they have hither unto found both my behaviour and inquisitions in Com­pany keepings, and shall begg of them which knowes me not (but by the pen of such a one, whoe never sence he could first hold it would write any thing elce, but that which portented to sedition and conspiracie, against publick or private persons) wherefore I desier all to cast their serious eyes, and make deepe in­quissitions both of my gestures, actions, and dispossitions past and to come, and then to a proove ad probatum. Which I doubt not (if I should be questioned in these lands, by the false suggestions of Lylborne, that there are many persons of Honor of the Nations of Dutch, En­glish, [Page]Scotts, Irish, and French, whoe would give a character of mee as they haue found, having made deepe sear­ches into my waies, for their owne satis­factions, which I forbeare at present, or in future to mention, as not being bound there unto by answer to any Scandalous pen (much less to thine Jacke, whoe is so well knowne cannot touch paper but in letters of blood and maintenance of rebellion, malice, and extreordinary selfe conceit; thinking thereby, either to force, or feare those thou writs against to be of thy in solidi­ty and factiously wicked, and perversly unparraleld nature.) and where as thou givest the terme of whore to one (whoe were she not of so neare a relation unto me as shee is) I should then say more then I shall at present for that the whole world knowes thee to have written against those and cal'd them soe in thy pamphletts, whose feet shee is not wor­thy to wipe, but she is so well known in these parts, of her life and conversation, of her discent and breeding, that thy pen can not injure her, and for her journeys making into England it is so wel known here to the better sort, that shee goes not about any such matter aledged against her, or me in that nature, where­fore when thou writest unto me or any body elce, shew not the eye of misun­derstanding, and sacrifice not they great man hood so much by thee blazed Iacke, in this pamphlet against an innocent creature and on of the weaker vessells. A las Jacke, I throught thou hadst not forgotten the rule of schooleboys soe much: but what shall I say more to all gentlemen, then what I have alredy at present, and to the Jacke Lylborne, more then the copy of the letter under writ­ten, which I desire all to read, and judge accordingly. But Jacke, to witnes they falsitie to the King, let all Gentlemen in quier if thou hast not bought his Pallace of Thibalds which cost the but six thous­sand pounds, of which thou hast alredy made before thy comming over, seaven thoussand five hundred pounds of onely the wanscote, chimney peeces, lead, Glass and Irone, and converted the rest into above a hundred Tenniments.

A Copy of a Letter sent to Mr. Lylborne &c.

Liut: Col: Lylborne

By your uncivil pen and haire braned folly you haue caused mee (as much as in you lyes) to stand charged and guilty of many ungent­leman like actions, the burthen whereof (was not your pearsson and faction: so well knowen that they Honor more then dishonour by rayling &c. against those you write) would be too heavy long to beare, but having the patrocing of Iohn Lylborne, it is not felt at all, which were an other the authour, I might then express a no less eassy, then I doe now a safe issue and good success in the vindication of my owne innocency, which I desier thoses that know us both, and such us know neither of us, but by our lines, that neither my rash­ness may plead my innocencie, nor your brasseness my guilt, but [Page]that all true hearted gentlemen would conceive of my defences as they are of them selves with out reference to either (as I shall endeavore so to present them,) and I doubt not but when ever I shal re­solve to goe out of these countres, I shall goe as cleerly justified, as I am at present in the testimony of a good conscience concerning your allegations: and I doubt not with the blessing of God, but to pul out those poysnous arrowes of base and unworthy actions which you indeavour to feather in the hearts of Gentlemen of all nations purpossly to make me odious in the nostrils of those heroicke Spi­rits who hitherto abhorre to heare your name or bookes spoken of. Sr you would make hogsheads and whole tunes of some one or two cupps of wine, to the end, that some petty miss alledged errors of mine may be so intoxicated, that they are put in the elevation of the highest and damnable crimes of mankind: but really it hath not been in my genius to discerne such monsters in my breast, as you by your sinisterous informations endeavor to stick to heart: but had I the least suspition in my selfe of any thing you charge me withall, I would spare you further writing, confess all, and through the first stone at my selfe, nay pass sentence of condemnation also. Which if you write more, I shall answer more at large. Then have at you in the name of the Lord, sit as fast as you can, I will dismount you from your saddles of refuges of Viana &c. out of these Lands: and when I have hunted you out hence, I shall send further hue and cryes into those Lands where ever you are residing. So resolves

Your forgiving Enemy upon re­pentance to God, and Wendy Oxford

This letter made him forsake Viana as you see and goe to Brugges, to the countreys of his bretherens friend the Spaniard, which no Prince in Christen­dome but refuseth to correspond with them and Lylborne, nay the heathenish Princes, onely the Spansh, but it may come in time to his owne pallaces the same which hath happened by rebellion in my Land, if soe noe pitty by my con­sent on him nor his.


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