A LETTER FROM A Person of Honour, relating the slaughter of a Party of 300 Horse, by the Forces under the command of the Earle of Holland, July 7. 1648.
TO prevent the usuall practice of the adverse Party, to belie us out of Victories, and to encourage their welaffected-ones, who follow onely Power and Successe, not the Justice of the Cause; (for I cannot believe, they can by these Arts, discourage those who are resolved to joyne in vindicating their King, their Religion, their Laws & Liberties) I send you this brief information of what hapned the last night: After a short Skirmish of our Scouts, we understood by them, a Party of Horse were not far off, and the better to entertain them we lined the Hedges (my haste will not give me leave to write you a Relation at large) we lost about 10 men, but amply revenged their deaths, by the slaughter of the greatest part of their 300 Horse. My Lord now marcheth with his full body of Men: this you may affirm to your friends, or any one you meet withall, from your—
JULY 8. From the Head-quarters at Hounslow-heath.
LONDON, Printed in the Year 1648.