[...]oole that I was, who had so faire a State
Power or five thousant by the yeare at least.
And was [...] it so as I have done of late.
On Whores and Bawdes and like a filthie beast
Caught fowle diseases, which consume mee sore.
And all proceedes from loving everie whore.
As manie as I ere have laine withall▪
See heere their faces how they face my gowne
Of all sortes▪ little middle sizd and tall
Some Lovelie faire▪ some black and some are browne
Some Wiwes▪ some Maidens some rich and others poore
[...]me old, some young vel overie one a whore.
With all these sometime I have beene acquainted
Which were they in their livelie cullors limn'd,
Some should you see how they themselves have painted▪
How others with their borrowed haire are trimmd
How like this Monkey sick themselves they faine
When in their bones▪ indeede, lies all the paine
But since these daie are done all warning take
How with their wealth they do their bodies wast
And then themselves to Hospitalls betake
Or Scorned Beggars do become at last
Vice▪ then by my example learne to flie
But most of all (the basest) LETCHERIE.