His Majesties LETTER FROM St. GERMANS TO THE CONVENTION, IN ORDER TO Settle these Kingdoms: That was Refused to be Open'd.
WE think Our Selves Obliged in Conscience to do all We can to open Our Peoples Eyes, that they may see the True Interest of the Nation in this Important Conjuncture; and therefore do think fit to let you know, that finding We could no longer stay with Safety, nor act with Freedom in what concerned Our People, and that it was absolutely necessary for Us to retire; We left the Reasons of Our with-drawing under Our own Hand, to be Communicated to you, and Our Subjects in the following Termes.
HIS MAJESTIES REASONS For With-drawing Himself from ROCHESTER. Writ with His own Hand, and Ordered to be Published.
THe World cannot wonder at my with drawing my Self now this Second time. I might have expected somewhat better Usage after what I writ to the P. of Orange by my Lord Feversham, and the Instructions I gave him; but instead of an Answer, such as I might have hoped for, What was I not to expect [Page 2] after the Usage I received by the making the said Earl a Prisoner, against the Practice and Law of Nations; The sending his own Guards at Eleven at Night to take Possession of the Posts at Whitehall, without advertizing me in the least manner of it; The sending to me at One a Clock, after Midnight, when I was in Bed, a kind of an Order by three Lords, to be gone out of mine own Palace, before Twelve that same Morning? After all this, How could I hope to be safe, so long as I was in the Power of one, who had not only done this to me, and Invaded my Kingdoms without any just occasion given him for it, but that did by his first Declaration lay the greatest Aspersion upon me that Malice could invent, in that Clause of it which concerns my Son. I appeal to all that know me, nay, even to himself, that in their Consciences, neither he nor they can believe me in the least capable of so unnatural a Villany, nor of so little common sense, to be imposed on in a thing of such a nature as that. What had I then to expect from one who by all Arts hath taken such pains to make me appear as black as Hell to my own People, as well as to all the World besides? What effect that hath had at Home all mankind hath seen, by so general a defection in my Army, as well as in the Nation amongst all sorts of People.
I was born Free, and desire to continue so; and tho I have ventured my Life very frankly; on several Occasions, for the Good and Honour of my Country, and am as free to do it again (and which I hope I shall yet do, as old as I am, to redeem it from the Slavery it is like to fall under) yet I think it not convenient to expose my self to be Secured, so as not to be at Liberty to Effect it; and for that reason do with-draw, but so as to be within call whensoever the Nations Eyes shall be opened, so as to see how they have been abused and imposed upon by the specious Pretences of Religion and Property. I hope it will please God to touch their Hearts, out of his infinite Mercy, and to make them sensible of the ill Condition they are in, and bring them to such a temper, that a Legal Parliament may be called; and that amongst other things which may be necessary to be done, they will agree to Liberty of Conscience for all Protestant Dissenters; and that those of my own Perswasion may be so far considered, and have such a share of it, as they may live peaceably and quietly, as Englishmen and Christians ought to do, and not to be obliged to Transplant themselves, which would be very grievous, especially to such as love their own Country; and I appeal to all, who are considering men, and have had experience, whether any thing can make this Nation so great and flourishing as Liberty of Conscience, Some of our Neighbours dread it.
I could add much more to confirm all I have said, but now is not the proper time.
Rochester, Decemb. 22. 1688.
BUt finding, That, not taken to be Ours, by some; and that the Prince of Orange and his Adherants did maliciously Suppress it, We thought fit sometime after, to renew the same; and likewise to Write to such of your number, as were of Our Privy Council, in the Terms following.
HIS MAJESTIES LETTER TO THE Lords and others of His Privy Council.
MY LORDS, When We saw that it was no longer safe for Us to remain within Our Kingdom of England, and that thereupon We had taken Our Resolutions to withdraw for some time; We left to be communicated to you and to all Our Subjects, the Reasons of Our withdrawing: And were likewise resolved at the same time to leave such Orders behind Us to you of Our Privy Councel, as might best suit with the present state of Affairs: But that being altogether unsafe for Us at that time; We now think fit to let you know, that tho' it has been Our constant Care since Our first Accession to the Crown, to Govern Our People with that Justice and Moderation, as to give, if possible, no occasion of Complaint; yet more particularly upon the late Invasion, seeing how the Design was laid; and fearing that Our People, who could not be destroy'd but by themselves, might by little imaginary Grievances, be cheated into a certain Ruine: To prevent so great Mischief, and to take away not only all just Causes, but even pretences of Discontent; We freely, and of Our Own Accord, redressed all those things that were set forth as the Causes of that Invasion: And that We might be informed by the Councel and Advice of Our Subjects themselves, which way We might give them a further and full satisfaction, We resolved to meet them in a Free Parliament: And in order to it, We first laid the Foundation of such a Free Parliament, in restoring the City of London and the rest of the Corporations to their Antient Charters and Priviledges; and afterwards actually appointed the Writs to be issued out for the Parliaments Meeting on the 15th. of January: But the Prince of Orange seeing all the ends of his Declaration answered, the People begining to be undeceived, and returning apace to their Antient Duty and Allegiance; and well fore-seeing, that if the Parliament should meet at the time appointed, such a Settlement in all probability would be made, both in Church and State, as would totally defeat his Ambitious and unjust Designs, resolved by all means possible to prevent the meeting of the Parliament: And to do this the most effectual way, he thought fit to lay a restaint on Our Royal Person; for as it were absurd to call that a Free Parliament, where there is any Force on either of the Houses, so much less can that Parliament be said to act Freely, where the Sovereign, by whose Authority they Meet and Sit, and from whose Royal Assent all their Acts receive their Life and Sanction, is under actual Confinement. The hurring of Us under a Guard from Our City of London, whose returning Loyalty We could no longer Trust, and the other Indignities We suffered in the Person of the Earl of Feversham, when sent to him by Us; and in that Barbarous Confinement of Our Own Person, We shall not here repeat, because they are We doubt not, by this time very well known; and may, We hope, if enough considered and reflected upon; together with his other Violations and Breaches of the Laws and Liberties of England, which by this Invasion he pretended to restore, be sufficient to open the eyes of all Our Subjects, and let them plainly see what every one of them may expect, and what Treatment they shall find from him, if at any time it may serve his purpose, from whose hands a Sovereign Prince, an Uncle, and a Father could meet with no better Entertainment. However the sense of these Indignities, and the just apprehension of further Attempts against Our Person, by them who already endeavoured to murder Our Reputation by Infamous Calumnies (as if We had been capable of supposing a Prince of Wales) which was incomparably more Injurous, than the Destroying of our Person It Self; together with a Serious Reflection on a Saying of Our Royal Father of Blessed Memory, when He was [Page 4] in the like Circumstances, That there is little distance between the Prisons and the Graves of Princes (which afterwards proved too true in His Case) could not but persuade Us to make use of that, which the Law of Nature gives to the meanest of Our Subjects, of freeing Our Selves by all means possible, from that unjust Confinement and Restraint. And this We did not more for the Security of Our Own Person, than that thereby We might be in a better Capacity of transacting and providing for every thing that may contribute to the Peace and Settlement of Our Kingdoms: For as on the one hand, no change of Fortune shall make Us forget Our Selves, so far as to Condescend to any thing, unbecoming that High and Royal Station, in which God Almighty by Right of Succession has placed Us: So on the other hand, neither the Provocation or Ingratitude of Our Own Subjects, nor any other Consideration whatsoever, shall ever prevail with Us to make the least step contrary to the True Interest of the English Nation; which we ever did, and ever must look upon as Our Own. OUR WILL and Pleasure therefore is, That you of Our Privy Councel, take the most effectual Care to make these our Gracious Intentions known to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in and about Our Cities of London and Westminster, to the Lord Mayor and Commons of Our City fo London, and to all Our Subjects in general; And to assure them, that We desire nothing more, than to return and hold a Free Parliament, wherein We may have the best opportunity of undeceiving Our People, and shewing the Sincerity of those Protestations We have often made of the preserving the Liberties and Properties of Our Subjects and the Protestant Religion; more especially the Church of England as by Law Established, with such Indulgence for those that Dissent from Her, as We have always thought Our Selves in Justice and Care of the general Welfare of Our People, bound to procure for them. And in the mean time You of Our Privy Councel, (who can Judge better by being upon the place) are to send Us your Advice, what is fit to be done by Us towards Our Returning, and the Accomplishing those Good Ends. And We do require you in Our Name, and by Our Authority, to endeavour so to Suppress all Tumults and Disorders, that the Nation in general, and every one of Our Subjects in particular, may not receive the least prejudice from the present Distractions that is possible. So not doubting of your Dutiful Obedience to these Our Royal Commands,
VVe bid you Heartily Farewel.
Given at St. Germans en Laye the 4/14 January 1688/9. And of Our Reign the Fourth Year.
ALl which, We sent with a Servant of Our own to be delivered, as it was Directed; but as yet We have no Account of it.
We likewise Directed Copies to several of you, the Peers of Our Realm; believing that none Durst take upon them to Intercept, or open, your Letters; but of these likewise, We have no Account.
But We cannot wonder that all Arts are used to hinder you from knowing Our Sentiments, since the Prince of Orange, rather chose, against all Law, to Imprison the Earl of Feversham, and to drive Us away from Our Palace; than to receive Our Invitation of coming to Us, or Hearing what We had to propose to Him; well knowing, that what We had to offer, Would Content all Reasonable Men; and was, what he Durst not Trust you with the Knowledge of.
We think fit now to let you know, that whatever Crimes shall be Committed, or whose Posterity soever shall come to Suffer for those Crimes, We are resolved to be Innocent.
And therefore do Declare to you, that We are Ready to Return, (when Safely We can) and to Redress all the Disorders in Our Kingdoms in a Free Parliament, Called according to Law, and held without Constraint: More particularly, To Secure the Church of England, as by Law Established; and by the Advice of that Parliament, give such Indulgence to Dissenters, as Our People may have no Reason to be Jealous of. We will likewise by the Advice of that Parliament, Heal all the Divisions, Cover with Oblivion all the Faults, and Restore the Happiness of Our People; which never can be Effectually done by any other Power; and which We expect you will seriously and speedily Consider: And so We bid you heartily Farewel. Given at St. Germans en Laye, the 3d. of February 1689. And of Our Raign the fourth.
The Letter to the Commons was of the same Tenure.