Here are several QUERIES Put forth in Print for all, or any of you whose names are here under written, (And likewise for them at Cambridge and Oxford, who are there teaching and training of such up to practice such things as you your selves are now acting in, or any other of your Societies that will Answer the same) and return your Answer in Print, to the view and satisfaction of many people; who are now que­stioning whether any of all your practises do proceed from the true Foundation.


  • Robert Gell. Doctor of Divinity so called, who formerly Preached to the Society of Astrologers; as witness his Book called Stella Nova.
  • William Lilly. Student in Astrology.
  • John Booker. Student in Astrology and Physick.
  • Richard Sanders. Student in the Divine, Laudible and Ce­lestial Sciences, as he calls it.
  • Vincent Wing. Or any other of the Astrologers to Answer.
  • George Wharton. Or any other of the Astrologers to Answer.

And likewise for

  • Francis Prujan. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • John King. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • Charles Scarbrough. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • George Bates. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • Lawrence Wright. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • Jonathan Goddard. Doctors of Physick; And to the rest of that Society to Answer.
  • And Richard Barker.

A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him, neither will he go un­to the wise,

Prov. 15.12,

He that Answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and shame unto him,

Prov. 18 13.

The way of life is above the wise; But he that handleth the matter wisely, shall find good,

Prov. 15.24. and 16.20.

These Queries are put in Print by me, Henry Clark.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Black-spread-Eagle, at the West- [...]nd of Pauls, 1657.

Querie I.

WHat is the Ground of the knowledge of God?

2. Can you cast a Scheam, or a figure, to tell what shall be in the year, which is a hundred years to come? And if you say you can, that be Astrolo­gers, Star-gazers, Monethly Prognosticators; how was it that the wise men of AEgypt, and the Magicians, could not tell Pharaohs Dream? Nor could not tell of the Fa­min that was to come in the years after, which Joseph, which had the Spirit of the Lord, did see, beyond all the Magicians and wise men of Pharaoh?

3. Is the change of the times known by Planits and Stars, Sun, and Moon? Or is the times known with that which lets see the Father, and the time to be in his hand, seeing that the wise men of AEgypt knew not the al­tering and changing of the times and days, and years, that was, and is in the Fathers hand? And whether all this wisdom be not below, that fees no farther then the wise men of AEgypt? And whether all this is not, and was not against the truth, yea or nay; and so cannot see and discern the times in the Fathers hand, and hath not the wisdom which is from above? Is this so, yea or nay?

4. Is not God the changer of times & seasons? and doth not God change the times & seasons, which the Aftrologers and Magicians knew not, in the time of Daniel; neither could they tell Nebuchadnezars Dream; not the into pre­tation [Page 3]thereof, nor the changing and altering of his King­dom: But Daniel, who was a Captive among them, with the Spirit of the Lord; who had the Spirit of the Lord, who had the thing revealed to him: And again Nebuchadne­zar dreamed a Dream, who told the Dream to the wise men of Babylon, the Magicians, Soothsayers, Astrologers, and they could not tell the Interpretation of the Dream; but Daniel, the man of God, did to him declare it: Now what differ you from these Astrologers and Soothsayers which knew not that the most High reigned, the most High ruled in the Kingdom of men; neither Nebuchad­nezar, nor his Astrologers, Magicians, nor Sooth-say­ers?

5. Doth not the Magicians and Astrologers, and Sooth-sayers, all proceed from one root? and what is that root, seeing they that were in this root, knew not the Dream of Nebuchadnezar,, nor the change of his Kingdom; and knew not that the most High ruled in the Kingdom of men, they nor Nebuchadnezar; therefore they that are not come to this knowledge, that the Kingdom of the most High ruleth in the Kingdom of men, consider in what knowledge they and you be in, that be in their steps?

6. And whether your knowledge, which be Astrolo­gers, Soothsayers, Star-gazers, wise men, Magicians; whether your wisdom doth proceed from any other root but that they were in, seeing in these days little more is seen then was seen in them, in the days of Nebuchadne­zar, and in the days of Pharaoh?

7. And whether there is not now in these days, people trained up from their youth, who weary themselves in the multitude of Astrologers, Star-gazers, Monethly Prognosticators; and whether the Inchantment, and Witchcraft, Sorcery, be not all proceeding from the same root; and whether people doth not under this shelter, and after this hearken, which to them becomes a covering? [Page 4]And whether this doth not keep in the separation from God, in the body of the Elimentary life of the Natu­ral, whether the Counsels of the Heathen doth not carry after the Astrologers and Star-gazers; and whether Star-gazers doth not arise out of the same ground; and whe­ther Philosophy doth not beguil.

8. And whether the beggerly Elements without, hath not an Element within? And whether the ground of the Planits within, be not that which ecchoes to the Planets without?

9. Whether is not the Observer of times, the Star-ga­zers, the Prognosticators, in that which sees not time in the Fathers hand; be not darkened in the Elementaries? And whether or no the wisdom of God doth not see the overthrowing of Kingdoms, and the changing of times, and the Kingdom where there is no end? And whether or no this is not a Dream to all the Magicians upon the earth, Astrologers upon the earth, Monethly Prognosti­cators, Observers of times? And whether or no they that do not see this Dream, be not out of the wisdom of God? And whether or no the wisdom of God do not comprehend the Kingdom of the world, which hath an end? and whether or no those Kingdoms reign, and are set up which hath an end, which seeth not the Kingdom which hath no end?

10. Whether or no hath not all the Astrologers, Sooth-sayers, their shelter under this Rule from whence this springs? And whether or no this be not the power of darkness? if you say this be not, what is the power of darkness.

11. What is the ground of a Dream, and its cause? And what is it that subdues the ground of the Dream, and its cause in the man? Or is the ground of the dream to be subdued in the man?

12. Whether or no doth not Witchcraft, Nigromancy, [Page 5]Familiar Spirits, rise from the same ground as the Star-gazers, Prognosticators, Astrologers, Soothsayers; whe­ther these do not all proceed from one Root?

13. And from whence, and from whom do you give your account; as number of years? whether or no you have it not from Pope, or from some other Authour of Books? and do you not observe the Popes order and rule which he hath given forth, who observe Saints days, and was not he the first Authour of them?

14. And are not they that be in the flesh of Christ, out of the body of Elementary, above the strange flesh; and what is that?

15. Was not the AEgyptian Magicians, and wise men, in darkness? and had they not their power from the De­vil? And wherein doth it differ in our days, and in what?

16. What is it that gives to comprehend the world? can any see the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun, but with that which was before they was?

17. What is the ground of all infirmity and disease?

18. What is the ground of the knwoledge that perish­eth? and from whence hath it its root? and what was the beginning of its ground?

19. Doth not the Stars stand and obey the Command of God, and stand in the Covenant; is not man, which is out of that by which he was made, out of Covenant? is it not he which is out of Covenant; and is he in that true knowledge of them that is out of the Covenant, that saith the Stars are unfortunate, and calls them by such a house, when there is no such thing? is not this jugulation, and is not he unfortunate that is out of Covenant, that is out of the light, that saith the Stars are unfortunate, which are kept in the Covenant; and is not all them, and that which is out of the Covenant, out of the knowledge of the Creation in the darkness, in the earthly sensual, devilish wisdom, in [Page 6]the diseased are Estunfortunate: Must not all this body of Elementary be condemned?

20. And whether or no have you the wisdom of God, what is the beginning of it, and what is it; seeing there is an eye it is hid from, living; and seeing it was hid from Nebuchadnezar, and all his wise men, Star-gazers, and Magicians; and hid from Pharaoh, and his Magicians, and his wise men; but revealed to them that feared God; and is not all other wisedom that is sensual, earthly, and devilish, where lodgeth the Conjuration and Witchcraft to be overthrown, and confounded, yea, or nay? An­swer.

21. And you that are Astrologers, and in these things before mentioned, from whence have you learned it; and received the wisdom and knowledge of the Stars, is it not from Books and Authors; if so, must you not all loose it, as they did which came to own the truth, which burned their Books?

22. All you that be Physicians and Doctors, have you the wisdome by which all things was made? have you the knowledge of the virtue of all the Creatures in the Creation: Minister you Physick by the course and order of the Stars and Planets? must he ground of the Planet in the man be removed, before the ground of the Disease be removed, or before he come to the glory of the first body?

23. And what is the glory of the first body? and what is it that leads nature out of its course? and what is it that leads nature into its course? and what is it that sets the whole course of nature on fire?

24. And what is the ground of Mother, Stone, and Collick? and what is the cause of them? and whether or no they do proceed from one Root? and how they do differ in their operation, and working? and what is the door that lets them in, that they come to be bred?

25. And what is the ground, and the first entrance [Page 7]of the wisedom below, that is earthly, and sensual, and devilish? and what is the ground of the knowledg that doth corrupt, and leadeth into the error? and from whence had these their ground and root?

26. Was not all the Magicians, Astrologers, Monthly Prognosticators in the old time, out of the wisdom of God; if you say yea, and what wisdom are ye in now? whether there be not the Charmer in the wisdom, and Inchanter in the wisdom, and Sorcery in the wisdom, and the Witchcraft and Soothsayer in the wisdom, and the Nigromancy? and whether the root of this is not turned from, who comes into the wisdom of God, and so over­throws Root and Branch?

27. And what Rule have you to call them, by the names of Houses, among all them that be in the wisdom of God? and whether this is not a thing flown up into the brain, which is called Magick Art; let that in your consciences Answer, which witnesseth against it: An­swer these Queries, I have many things to write unto you, but I shall not with high things trouble you yet; but these is as to children stumbling about Letters?

28. What is that which must be shaken, before that which cannot be shaken do appear?

29. And doth not the Elementary body, and Elemen­tary life, stain the Virgin? and what is the Virgin that bears the seed? and what is the Hagar that bears the Son? and whether or no is not this state known before the Vir­gin? and whether or no is not this known before Sarah, if that any of you be Sarah declare? if that any of you be the son born of Sarah, let him speak on and declare?

30. And what is the Abraham; hath he any Relation Kindred or Native? doth the Relation, Native or Kin­dred hold up Idolatry? is the Abraham to come out of this? are any of faith but what are of Abraham? are not all who are of faith of Abraham? what is Abraham? [Page 8]and what is that which he comes out of? hath Abraham a foot of ground? had he so much as to set his foot on?

31. Was Christ of the seed of this Abraham, which had no place to lay his head?

32. Is the wisdom, of the flesh from this? or is Abra­ham shut out from the wisdom of the flesh? what is the flesh that the wisdom ariseth out of, and the fruit of it? from whence was it?

33. What is the flesh of Christ, and his bone? what is the flesh, who joins to it becomes an Harlot? how stands a Virgin from this? and by what? and in what is she preserved? is there in the Virgins mouth guile? and what is it that gives to see the flesh; which, who joins to it becomes an Harlot?

34. What is the first principle of that, tha [...] leads to the Virgins life?

35. Is any Abraham, or of Abraham in this age, in this our days, that stands in Relation or Kindred, or hath a foot of ground?

36. What are the Foxes that have the holes? and what are the fowls of the air that have their nests? and whether these habitations be not upon the earth, and in the earth; and with what are they seen? And whether these may not profess Abraham and faith, and a Christ, but be joined to the flesh, and so become the Harlot?

37. And is this she that gives her Cup, that makes Na­tions drunk that they stagger, so doth not Abraham come out of this; And is this it that drinks the Cup of the indignation of the wrath of the Almighty? and is this her that is the Mother of the Harlot, that brings them all forth?

38. What is the strange flesh, and who is joined to it becomes an Harlot? and what is the flesh of Christ; and what are they that this flesh brings forth, and this Mother brings forth, and whether that all the drunkenness be not in it: Now give a plain Answer in short, full, to the things which I write?

39. Doth not the Scripture say Christ is all and in all? and is not Christ the light? and if he be all, and in all, is not Christ the light, all and in all?

40. How is Christ the Heir of all things, if he doth not enlighten every man that cometh into the world? how should all beleeve if every man be not enlighted? and is eve­ry man to beleeve because he is enlightned? and is every man condemned because he doth not beleeve in the light which [...]a [...]h enlightned him?

41. Whether or no is not the first principle of truth, the light; and whether or no all T [...]ach [...]rs that be out of this light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world be not out of the spirit, in the spirits seducing? and whe­ther or no they have not th [...] Doctrine of Devils?

42. And is not all Astrologers, Star-gazers, Monethly Prognosticators, Sorcerers and Magicians, all from the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world? whe­ther or no the light doth not condemn its ground from whence it comes; and what is the ground from whence all this before mentioned springs?

43. Doth any see the Reign of Christ, but with the light which Christ hath enlightned them withal; and are not all they that be from the light from the Reign of Christ, and sees not him the same, to day, yeste day, and for ever: But they are under the Reign of the Prince of the Air, though they may profess all Scripture, and own not the light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world?

44. Out of what part is it that the Dream ariseth out of a man; and can that part out of which the Dream ariseth, know the Dream, yea or nay?

45. And is not Philosophy, Astrologers, the Star-gazers, the Monethly Prognosticators, have not they their rise from that part which the Dream ariseth out of; seeing that they could not tell the Dream of Nebuchadnezar, nor the Dream of Pharaoh; therefore is there not that which is beyond a Dream, which is out of that part which the Dream ariseth cut of, which shews it?

46. And in what part stands the four Elements; can they discern its ground, or can the Elementary discern by which they stand?

47. Are not all they in the Witchcraft, and Inchanting, that be out of that by which the Stars, the Sun, the Moon stands, and are ordered, and doth obey?

48. And are you in that, by which the Stars, and the Moon and the Sun was made, which was before it was made; answer in plain words, and be ready to give a Reason of your hope, not with high phrases and strange expressions, but in plain words, in English, that every one may read you, and so the people may be satisfied?

49. Do you know the glory of the first body; what is it in its glory; what is it that desaceth it; and from whence had that its rise?

50. What is the earth that is to be rejected, that bears the briars and thorns? and what is the new earth, in which dwells righteousness; and where are these to be seen; and with what, or in these days, yea, or nay?

51. What is the ground of Witchcraft, and Nigromancy; and what is it they rise out of; and Inchanting, and Sorcery, and Familiar Spirits, whether any of these doth deface the glory of the first body; whether these doth not corrupt, and cause the Creation to groan; you that be Doctors, and Phy­sicians of the body, answer: so shew the cause of infirmity, and its door where it entreth, and what it is that is bred and begotten; and how every thing operateth, and gender­eth, and bringeth forth its own: Ye that be Physicians and Doctors, and Ministers to the outward, answer; and Star-gazers, you Minister according to the order of the Planets, you say: Now if you have the wisdom of God, by which all the Creatures was created, then will you shew us, and declare the ground, and the cause of that which burdneth, and bondageth the Creature, in the state, not redeemed from under the bondage of corruption, under which it groans; Therefore, as I said before, give us in your answer, what is [Page 11]the door of the entring of this that doth corrupt, which bon­dageth the Creature; and is not that the cause of infirmity?

52. Is not this that which is in transgression; and are you out of the transgression, that takes upon you to act such things? and can any in transgression know this, but such as be out of transgression, know the door of infirmity, or the glory of the first body; give forth you Answer in Print, you Doctors, you Physicians, that minister Physick: ye Astro­logers, ye Star-gazers, that gives forth in your Books the number of times, give forth your plain answer in Print, to those that hath beheld you formerly to be something to the satisfying the simple?

53. And whether there is not something in all men, that will not receive honour of men, and tells them the honour of the world is but Complement, and it is wearisom, and burthensome; and if so, what is it that it burdens; and whether or no there is not such a principle in man; and whe­ther or no you are not all toucht [...]ith? and whether or no that is not of Christ, that will not receive honour of man; whether or no you do not slight Christ, that heed not that; and whether or no any comes to the wisdom or God, but who comes to own that which receives not honour of man; whether is not all the other the wisdom of the flesh?

54. Does all the Tongues proceed out of that which is Elementary and natural, or out of that which is the flesh of Christ? Does not the Tongues and Languages all proceed out of the natural; may not all these lodge in the natural, and in the Elementary, and not know the flesh of Christ nor the Redemption; yea or nay?

55. And is not all Teaching and Learning in Schools, both of Tongues and Languages, to learn Physick and other Sci­ences, or Arts; in and by the Languages, and to learn and to understand by them the rules of Religion and Physick, or Physicians: is not this Latitude natural, and all in the wis­dom below, and not in that wisdom which preserves the body, which the Physicians should have; nor in that which is [Page 12]to rule Religion? Can any know the things of God, by the natural, or by the natural learning; or can any know the wisdom of God by their natural Languages, or Minister Physick to the Creatures; yea or nay?

56. And hath not the effect of the Schools, viz. Cam­bridge and Oxford, more destroyed nature then preserved it, by their natural Arts; and have they not more by their na­tural Learning and Languages more corrupted Religion then preserved it? Does not pride and oppression, and covetous­ness, destroy nature, all for the want of the wisdom of God?

57. Does nature preserve nature, or the Power of God preserve it; yea or nay?

58. How is it that fire and water dwells together in uni­sy: and earth; and the one quenches not the other, but the fire stands ready in the water to serve?

59. What is the seed of the Serpent; and what is the Ser­pent; and what is the part that he hath his being in, and that his seed is received into? and what is the seed of Abraham; and from whence had the Serpent his beginning and Root? and what off spring is he of!

60. And what is the seed of man? what is the woman that brings forth the seed that bruiseth the Serpents head?

61. What is the earth that is rejected, that brings forth briars and thorns; and with what is it seen; and where is it seen; and where is the earth in which dwelleth righteous­ness; and with what is it seen; and where is it seen?

62. To burn the Sword of the earth, will it then bear the better grass?

63. Whether that nature doth know any thing of the wis­dom of God which is lifted up; yea or nay?

64. Doth not the Star-gazers, the Monethly Prognosti­cators, rise out of the Elementary life, which stands in the Elementary stars; is not this from the Elementary ground within?

65. Doth Dreams, and Changings arise from this ground which stands in the Elementary Stars and Planets? doth not [Page 13]here arise the Airy life; doth the ground of the Dream arise out of the Elementary; or out of the flesh of Christ: Can you judge of grounds, or descern of Centers: Answer, or is the flesh of Christ covered from that which the Elemen­tary hath its being; or the Planets that stands in the alterings in the signs of the Sun, Moon and Stars, which stands in the alterings; is the flesh of Christ hid from this life, hid from this Elementary?

66. Doth the Astrologer arise out of the flesh of Christ; or doth the Dream arise out of the natural understanding or wisdom, or knowledge, or comprehension, or reason, or that which the Planets ascending to the Stars; or is the flesh of Christ over all this; or is the flesh of Christ hid from all this, and from them that be in it; yea or nay:

67. Doth the flesh of Christ comprehend this: doth the flesh of Christ reign over all this Elementary: hath any the Wisdom of God but who hath Christ?

68. And what was the wisdom in all ages in them that were in the Stars but knew not Christ, nor knew not the Apostles; and what difference was there between their ground, and the ground of their wisdom, and the wisdom: are Books the rule for Religion, or Physick; or the Spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures of truth, seeing the Devil could get the Scriptures and forms.

69. And doth not that, the earth, that acts and rules, but not in the wisdom of God but out of it, and to set up that to rule nature, and to order worship, and to order Religi­on; which hath got the natural Languages, and out of the wis­dom of God, and of truth, and the Spirit the Devil is out of, and abode not in: whether or no here is not a setting up that which the Devil abode in: and is it not that which the Na­tions drink of?

70. What is Christ: and what is that which was offered, seeing the Jews offered that which was natural, in their na­tural state, and knew not Christ the everlasting offering: Christ Jesus that perfected for ever them [...]hat were sanctified, [Page 14]therefore what was that, and what is the everlasting offer­ing that overthrows the Jews, and the first Priesthood, and the Heathen both: what is this offering which perfecteth for ever them that are sanctified: give in the Answer: and whether it be known by Letter, or by that which was be­fore Letter was given forth: or whether sin stands unblot­ted out in the second Covenant?

72. Doth all the Tongues and Languages proceed out of that which is to be confounded, out of the natural, yea or nay: and did all the Language proceed out of that which was confounded: and was that confounded out of that which the Languages proceeded: or did the Languages proceed out of the flesh of Christ: are they that be in the flesh of Christ redeemed out of Languages; yea or nay?

73. Hath not a Beast out of the Sea, the Earth, and the woman, the mother of the Harlots, which hath all risen since the days of the Apostles, proceeded from one ground and root: yea or nay?

74. And whether or no this hath not been it that hath persecuted and oppressed, and slain the just: whether this be not the same as was since the beginning of the world: yea or nay?

75. And whether ever the just did slay the just, or persecute the righteous, or oppress it: answer, let the just that satisfies many, but the contrary doth not satisfie many, but is to be bruised with the just:

76. Whether or no [...] there is not the Rock, and the stony heart, fire and water: and whether or no fire will not strike out of the Rock and stone, and kindle in the Elementaries, and set on fire the course of nature: and then whether or no the unruliness doth not rise there: yea or nay?

77. And how is this Rock and Stone bred, in which there is fire and water, if the former Queries be by you granted: and what is the ground of that which changeth the tempers of bodies: and what is that which brings in the deseased state, and causes the pains: in what is men and people li­ving in while they are in that state?

78. Whether or no, while the Rock and stony heart is not removed, the garment that be old be not on it: and whether or no this is not it that is speechless at the voice of Christ; and whether or no the Talent be not there hid: where there is speechless at the voice of Christ.

79. What is the old man that shall dream Dreams: and how many sorts of Dreams are there in the natural; is there true Dreams; is there living Dreams: and from whence have each of these their ground; shew each their operation, and the cause of each, every one in their place, distinct one from the other; then speak to the thing, and you will speak something to the purpose: and what is the cause of all Dreams?

80. And Christ saith, Ile put my sheep forth: what is that there put forth of: and what is the bottomless pit; and where is it to be seen, and in what place; and where is Hell, seeing the Prophets and holy men of God that gave forth Scripture, often spoke of it: Now if you have the wisdom of God declare it, where it is, and how it may be shuned, and where people may see it, and whether or no all writings and speakings forth of Scripture, is not to this end; if not to this end, that the end of them might be enjoyed:

81. Whether or no any doth witness sanctification or re­demption, but who witness that eye that sees before the world was:

82. Whether any know the Resurrection of the just, and unjust, but who owns the light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world; whether you do own that to be the true Christ that doth enlighten man that cometh into the world: and whether or no that Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world; yea or nay:

83, Had the Serpent a beginning, if you say he had: whence had he it; and are not all people being in him, in sin: Can any worship God differing from the Devils worship, but who are in the truth, the Devil is out of: and must not all they that worship God in the spirit, and in the truth, be [Page 16]in that the Devil is out of; and is there any sin or unrighte­ousness in the truth: ‘Man shall blaspheme because of the Plague and vehe­ment heat.’

84, What is man gone from that there is not unity, that he pains, and is sore, and is corrupt; and into what part doth the Plague and heat enter into man: into that part that is out of unity, yea or nay:

85. And is there transgression in the flesh before the Plague, hear, healing, entreth: and is not this flesh above the seed, and must not this be known, and the flesh of Christ, before healing is known; yea or nay:

G. F.

In Page 6. line 1. read diseased Estate unfortunate.

The End.

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