A full and particular RELATION OF The manner of the late besieging and taking of Chepstow Castle in Wales.

By the Forces of his Excellency the LORD FAIRFAX, under the command of Colonel Ewer:

Expressed in a letter from Colonel EWER to the Honorable WILLIAM LENTAL, Speaker to the House of COMMONS.

The Governour of the said Castle within, that be­trayed it to the Kings Forces, was slain in this service, as also all the rest of the Commanders and Souldiers killed and taken.

LONDON, Printed by Matthew Simmons, for Henry Overton in Popes-head-Alley. 1648.

A Full and particular RELATION Of the manner of the late be­sieging and taking of Chepstow Ca­stle in WALES.


LIeuetenant-Generall Cromwell being to march towards Pembrook Castle, left me with my Regiment to take in the Castle of Chepstow, which was possessed by Sir Nichlas Kemmesh, and with him Officers [Page 4]and Souldiers to the number of 120. We drew close about it, and kept strong guards upon them to prevent them from steeling out, and so to make an escape.

Wee sent for two Guns from Gloucester, and two off a Ship-board, and planted them against the Castle. Wee raised the Battlements of their Towers with our great Guns, and made their Guns unusefull for them. Wee also plaid with our Morter­pieces into the Castle; One shot fell into the Governours Chamber, which caused him to remove his Lodging to the other end of the Castle. Wee then prepared our Batteries, and this morning finished them, and plaid all the forenoone with our great Guns very hot. About twelve of the clocke wee made a hole through the wall so low, that a man might walke into it.

The Souldiers in the Castle perceiving that wee were like to make a breach, cry­ed out to our Souldiers that they would yeeld the Castle, and many of them did attempt to come away, I caused my Soul­diers, [Page 5]to fire at them to keepe them in. Esq Lewis comes upon the wall, and speaks to some Gentlemen of the Countrey that hee knew, and tels them that hee was willing to yeeld to mercy. They came and acquain­ted me with his desire, to which I answe­red, that it was not my work to treat with particular men: but it was Sir Nicholas Kemmesh with his Officers and all his Soul­diers that I aimed at: but the Governour refused to deliver up the Castle upon those termes that Esquire Lewis desired, but de­sired to speake with mee at the Draw bridg, which I altogether refused to have any such speech with him, because he refused Lieu­tenant-Generall Cromwels Summons: but being over-perswaded by some Gentlemen of the Countrey that were there; presently I dismounted from my horse and went unto the Draw-bridge, where he through a port hole spake with mee; That which he desi­red was, that hee with all his Officers and Souldiers might march out of the Castle without any thing taken from them, to which answered, that I would give him [Page 6]no other termes, but that hee and all that were with him should submit unto mercy, which he swore he would not doe. I pre­sently drew off my Sould [...]ers from the Ca­stle and caused them to stand to their Arms: But hee refusing to come out upon those termes, the Souldiers deserted him, and came running out at the breach wee had made. My Souldiers seeing them come out, ranne in at the same place, possest them­selves of the Castle, and killed Sir Nicholas Kemmish, and likewise him that betrayed the Castle, and wounded divers, and tooke prisoners as followeth, Esquire Lewis, Major Lewis, Major Thomas. Captaine Morgan, Captaine Buckeswell, Captaine Iohn Harris, Captaine Christopher Harris, Captaine Mancell, Captaine Pinner, Cap­taine Doule, Captaine Rossiter. Lieute­nant Kemmesh, Lieutenant Leach, Lieu­tenant Codd. Ensigne Lewis, Ensigne Watkins, Ensigne Morgan, with other Officers and Souldiers to the number of 120.

These Prisoners wee have put into the [Page 7]Church, and shall keepe them till I receive further order from. Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell. This is all at present, but that I am

Your humble Servant, Isaac Ewer.

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