The Tenth Worthy. Or, Several Anagrams in Latine, Welsh and English, upon the Name of that most highly Renowned WORTHY of Worthies, OLIVER Late LORD PROTECTOR. Together with some Elegeical Verses upon his much lamented Death, who dyed in body Sept. 3. 1658. And also more Anagrams on his now HIGHNESS, and others of that most Noble and Puissant Family.

  • O welcom Reliver.
  • Rule welcom Roy.
  • Com' live our Rule.
Cor verum, vel si Sol.
Cor verum, vel Sol visu.
O. C.
Y Lleu mor Cower,
Engl. The Lyon so true.
Lleu Cower y mor,
Engl. The true Sea-Lyon.
Lleu greu o Cymru,
Engl. The best Lyon of Wales or Welsh-men▪
Be comlier with zeal.
SAd News by th' Post, from Albion, doth me call,
To know what mighty Planet there did fall
So lately down, that all the people were
In darkness, till another placed there.
Some say 'twas Mars, or some such Ruling star;
For they had ne'r his like, to manage War:
Some say 'twas Jupiter; for such was He,
A Juvans Pater to the Nations three.
Planets (we know) do govern Countries, Men,
And other things below; but God rules them:
So here, this Planet rul'd, with awe, and love,
Being always rul'd himself by God above.
Our grief for Him, and joy for his Successor,
We know not which was greater, nor which lesser.
When War was at the height of tears and blood,
The LORD sent OLIVER the Great, and Good,
Who prov'd our Olive-branch, and Peace he got
To all in time, but those that lov'd it not:
Most fit PROTECTOR was he then to be,
To keep that Peace he gain'd the Nations three.
Not resting here, but better to secure
Our Peace at home, abroad he did procure
A Peace with all our Neighbour-Nations, and
With honor much to him, and to our Land.
Then martially did he so act abroad,
He whipt the Spaniard with an English rod;
So that the Popish Donns in several parts
Do tremble in their Kingdoms, and their hearts.
What Plots with vain attempts were 'gainst our Land!
Yet God did prosper all he took in hand;
And he preserv'd by Grace, until become
The worthiest Worthy of all Christendom:
Then Europe's Corner-pillar being grown fit
For Heavens throne, was summon'd there to sit;
Who (as in life his precepts were t'obey)
Being call'd (too soon for us) he went his way.
But here's another Post: What news, my Friend?
Is Albion's HERO dead, as some pretend?
He is not dead; nor can he die, whose Fame
Will ever live in honor, and his Name
So great in Albion, that S. George hath been
Forgotten there, till on a Sign-post seen:
S. David'n Wales, and Andrew for the Scot,
Were ne'r so great as was this Patriot.
S. Patrick was for Ireland renown'd,
And France for glory have S. Dennis crown'd;
Th' Italian Anthony, and James for Spain,
Did ne'r for them, as He for us did gain:
The Dutch-man's Champion that did Trump about,
And for the ninth take in Gustavus stout;
Yet read them all together in true story,
You'll find them short of Oliver his glory:
So that his Enemies can say no less,
He was a Cato, and an Hercules:
His Wisdom, Courage, rul'd our Commonwealth,
And yet took little glory to himself,
But gave it where 'twas due; and so should we
Give thanks to God for him eternally.
Yet greater was his good; He did provide
That we should not be left without a Guide;
But after him find setled here we see
The primest Branch of that fair Olive-tree:
Whose noble vertues fill our expectations,
He'll be a second Glory of our Nations;
As by the Anagrams of both we see
What was the one, the other like to be.
Grieve not in vain then, but rejoyce the rather
For such a Son succeeding such a Father.
Long live brave Richard then! Your help being such,
The LORD takes Care You may by him Rule much.
As by this Anagram: Richarde Cromwell—Lord care, I rule much.

Vivat, videat, vireat & vincat RIC. Pr. semper.

More Anagrams on their HIGHNESSES and their Family.
A much Lordly Curer.
Love mercy'n Rule.
Chast love be my rule.
Lo, I coyn help.
A holily blest peece.
Come Lordly worth.
Free lov'd, Chast love.
O tru gifted beloved.
Begin, Act famous Lord.
Go main careful Bride.
' [...] Richer Fancie.
The LORD protect—our LORD-PROTECTOR.
So humbly prayeth — THO. DAVYES, Pembr:sh.

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