THE PRINCIPLES OF TRUTH: BEING A Declaration of our FAITH, who are called QUAKERS. WHEREBY All that wants Peace with God may return into their first state, through the Operation of the LIGHT and Power of God in the great Work of REGENERATION.

Written by E. B. J. C. W. D. H. S.

Printed in the Year▪ 1668.

Truths Principles: OR, Those things about Doctrine and Worship, which are most surely believed and received among the People of God, called Quakers.

MAny are the Reports that are abroad concerning this People, not only as to their Practices and Deportments, but also as to other Doctrines and Beliefs.

The former, time having in a great mea­sure resolved and worn out, as being the Refuge of Lyes for the ignorant and unrigh­teous to flee unto; but that stormy and win­try appearance is well nigh over and gone, because the Sun is so far risen, and the true Light so shineth, that most begin to see that those Reports were but Lyes and Scandals, raised as Fig-leaves to cover the nakedness of other Professions, that begun so mani­festly [Page 4] to appear, through the Light that shined in these Peoples Lives and Conver­sations. But though the first be gone, yet the the latter sticks with many as not knowing what they hold as to Doctrine, some saying, they deny the Scripture, and the Resurrecti­on of the Body, and all Ordinances, with the man Christ, and his Death and Sufferings, and imputation of his Righteousness, and faith in his Blood, &c. Wherefore, for the satisfacti­on of all that would willingly be resolved, and know the Truth as it is in Jesus, I have written this short account of their Faith and Belief; and if it were possible to stop the mouthes of the clamorous tongues, before Sentence be given against them by some sig­nal stroke of the Lord from Heaven, which he will undoubtedly in his appointed time re­veal and make manifest, to the trembling of all hearts concerned therein, and tingling of all ears that shall hear thereof, when it shall be said to them, The holy shall be holy still; and he that is filthy let him be filthy still, Rev. 22.11.

We believe, that the God of all Grace, have given a measure of Grace, or some manifestation of his Spirit and Light thereof unto all men, according unto these Scrip­tures, [Page 5] John 1.9. Tit. 2.11. 1 Cor. 12.7. Nehem. 9.20. and experiences of all men, who (at some time or other) do feel some­thing in their Hearts and Consciences, that doth lust against the Flesh, and the Flesh against it, and that these two are contrary the one to the other, one lusting after evil, which is evil; and the other after good, which is good; the one Carnal, the other Spiri­tual; the one from Earth, the other from Heaven, Gal. 5.16, 17.

We believe, By this Gift, Grace and In­spiration of the Almighty, man only can come to know the true God truly, what he is, and how he works in the Hearts and Consciences of people, to regenerate them and make them bear his Image, according to 1 Cor. 1.19, 20, 21. Luke 10.21. and experiences of all that ever were regenerated and born again.

We believe, That all the Errors and Mistakes about God, and the things rela­ting to his Kingdom, sprang and arose from mens wandring from this Gift of God, into their own Imaginations; where­by, though they thought themselves wise, yet they became fools and erred, their foolish hearts being darkened, according to [Page 6] Rom. 1.21. not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of God, as it is written, Mat. 22.29.

We believe and know, That this Gift and Grace of God appears in and unto all men, that all may be without excuse, ac­cusing for the evil, and excusing for the good, according to Rom. 2.15, 16. shew­ing unto man what is good, and reproving of him in his own Conscience for the evil, whether thoughts, words, or deeds: and that this reproof of instruction is the way of life, Prov. 6.23.

We believe, That as the true God and Eternal Life is known only by the light of this Gift and Grace, according unto the Scriptures, from which Light and Spirit of God came the Scriptures, both from the Old and New-Testament, as it is written, 2 Pet. 1.21. so can they only be read, as truly to be believed, fulfilled and practised, in the Light and power of the same; and all that are out of this Spirit must needs be ignorant and unlearned, in the Apostles sense, who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction, as it is written: for Peter and John were unlearned men outwardly, not knowing Letters, but inwardly read in the knowledge of this Light and Spirit of God, and wrested not [Page 7] the Scriptures, Acts 4.13. 2 Pet. 3.16.

We believe, according to the Scripture, 2 Cor: 4.3. That wheresoever the Power of God is not known within, there the Go­spel is hid, and unknown, unto them that are lost, in whom the God of this World hath blind­ed the minds of them that believe not, lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the Image of God, should shine unto them, and God should heal them; because it is only by the Light of Christ, the Power of God, that the Creature comes truly to see him­self in his lost and undone estate; from which sight ariseth the true sense in the heart of the Creature, that makes him cry out of his wretchedness by reason of the body of Sin and Death, which necessitates him to look out for a Saviour, whom God manifesteth in and by the same Light, that shines in the heart, on purpose, to give the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, God's Image, where­by God healeth the Soul: And therefore doth the Devil, the god of the world, strive so much by the gifts of the pleasures, pro­fits, vanities, and lusts that are in the World, which he presenteth to men and women now, as he did to Christ, in the [Page 8] dayes of his flesh, when he shewed to him all the world, with its glory; which glory is the Lust of the flesh, the Lust of the eye, and the Pride of life, whatever may make this Life happy (as it were) in the things that may pride it, or lift it up to sit as a Queen: And as men and women take and receive these gifts from the god of this world, their minds are blinded because they believe not in the Light which sheweth them the vanities of all the gifts of the god of this world; which gifts the Devil knows (if they be received) will so blind the minds of them that receive them, that they will not come to be sensible in the true Light, of their lost conditions, so as to cry unto God from the deep and true sense; for then God, out of the depths of his Love and Mercy, could not but heal them: And therefore, lest the true Light should shine into them, to give them the sensible know­ledge of themselves, and God should heal them, the Devil (as god of the World, by the things of the world) endeavours to blind the mind (not the brain-knowledge, but the hearty-feeling sence within in the mind) lest the Light within should so shine as God should heal them; and all the buslings [Page 9] of Satan with his gifts, are but to blind the mind within, lest God should heal the soul, that complains to him from the true sight and sence of his Misery, as in himself.

By this Grace and Gift within, we be­lieve, That to Ʋs (though in the world there be Lords many, and Gods many) there is but ONE GOD, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, witnessed within man only by the Spirit of Truth, that manifests both the Father and the Son, and yet these three are one, and agree in one; and he that honours the Father, honours the Son that proceeds from him; and he that denies the Spirit, denies both the Father and the Son, and is Anti-Christ; but he that believes in the Spirit, and is led by it, is the Son of God; Rom. 8.14. As many as are the Sons of God, are led by the Spirit of God.

We believe, The Scriptures bare wit­ness unto, and testifie of Christ; but they say, The Witness of God is greater than them; The Spirit it self bearing witness with our spirits, that we are the Sons of God: for it is not the Scriptures without the Spirit, nor the Spirit contrary to the Scriptures, but the Spirits discovering the Will of God in the [Page 10] heart, or opening of the Scriptures in its own time and way, and not in or by the will of man, but as it self pleaseth (who searcheth all, even the deep things of God, and manifests them unto the Soul) which giveth the perfect sound and saving know­ledge: for, said Christ, The Spirit shall take of mine, and shew them unto you. And as holy men gave forth the Scriptures 2 Pet. 1.21. so holy men, and they only come truly to understand them, and not proud and ungodly men; because their hearts and lives do not answer the hearts and lives of those that gave them forth, a [...] face answereth face in a Glass. And this we believe to be the reason, why so long preaching (by men of corrupt minds, who have, and do handle the words deceitfully for selfish ends, and filthy lucre sake) hath brought forth so little fruit, and been to so little purpose, except to their Purses and Bellies; for had they believed, and therefor [...] spoken, and stood in Gods Counsel, they shoul [...] have profited their Hearers, Jer. 23.21, 22 23, to the end.

Through this Gift we believe, Tha [...] Christ Iesus (the Son of God) was manifest in the flesh in the fulness of time. And [Page 11] this we know by the same Spirit, by which our Fathers believed he should come, and Abraham saw his day, by the same we do believe he is come, and do see his day; as also by the Prophets and Apostles Writing; which twofold Cord is not easily broken.

We believe also according to the Scrip­tures of Truth, That this same Jesus hath God highly exalted, and given him a Name above every name, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life; and that there is not another name where­by man can be saved, than this Name of Jesus Christ; nor is Remission of Sins to be preached by any other name But as we do not believe that the outward Letters and Syllables are that Name that is to be bowed to by the outward knee, no more than the Letters or Syllables in the words, God, or Spirit, seeing the Scripture saith, Ʋnto God, who is a Spirit, every knee shall bow, Isa. 45.23. but the Name which saves is the Power and Arm of God, that brings Salvation from Sin, and makes every Soul that names it, to depart from Iniquity, This is that Name which was preached, and which is preached through Faith, in which Name Remission of Sin is obtained: There­fore [Page 12] was the outward word, Jesus, given him, as his outward name; Thou shalt call his Name JESƲS, for he shall save his People from their Sins: [Mark] for he shall save, &c. So that which saves, is the Name which is to be believed in, which is that Arm of God that brings Salvation, when no eye pit­ties, neither is there any to help; the Power of God that then saves is that Grace that comes from the fulness of Christ the Savi­our: And without this virtue, Christ, and Jesus are but empty names, 1 Cor. 12.3. No man can say, that Jesus is the LORD, but by the holy Ghost.

We believe also, That this Jesus died for or because of Sin, and rose again for the Justification of those that believe in him, as well as to manifest to all the world, that he was the Son of God, and that he thereby spoiled Principalities and Powers, and triumphed over them openly, and led Capti­vity captive in his own person; yet we be­lieve and know by his Grace in our hearts, that as his Name, Jesus, without Vertue and Power is but an empty word; so his Dying, without man's Conformity to his Death, or being planted into the likeness thereof, or being crucified with Christ (as [Page 13] saith the Scripture, Rom. 6.2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Gal. 2.20.) will not profit man, as to the Salvation of his Soul, no more than the naming of his outward name [Jesus] doth at this day make people to depart from Ini­quity. For we believe, and are sure, that man must dye inwardly, as well as Christ died outwardly, and must be put to death in his flesh, as Christ was in his; for he that is in the flesh cannot please God, Rom. 8.8. neither cease from sin; but he that is dead, is freed from sin, Rom. 6.7. And yet mans dying unto Sin, and the Root and Principle of it in himself, is so far from making void Christ's Death in his own person, that it establlsheth it to all those ends and purpo­ses for which it was intended of the Father. As the Cures which the Physitian doth, manifest and establish his skill and ability, so doth mans dying unto Sin and Self, and living unto God, manifest and establish the Vertue and Power of Christ's Death: for as man manifests his being risen with Christ, by his seeking the things that are above, Col. 3.1, 2. so doth he manifest his knowledge of the Death of Christ, by his being crucified with Christ, and bearing about in his body the dyings of the Lord Jesus: for [Page 14] as it is not an outward belief, gathered from the Letter, that will change the heart and life (though the Judgment and Opinion it may) so it is not a belief from the History, or Letter only, that can give man a saving-knowledge of the Death of Christ, but he must have the same Glory and Power of the Father in measure, working in him there, to beget Faith in his heart, that he may believe unto Salvation from his own fil­thiness and righteousness, as well as con­fess with his mouth, Rom. 10. and must have that Spirit in him quickning his mor­tal body, as well as to believe that it was in Christ, and raised up him from the dead, Rom. 8.11. And this man, whoever he be, bond or free, that thus believes the Death of Christ, and its satisfaction to God, as well as its usefulness to man, cannot make it void, nor divide it and its vertue upon the Soul that thus knows it, but will say, Here is a dying man, witnessing the Death of Christ, and nevertheless the same man living with Christ, and concluding, if Christ had not died, man must have perished in his sin: this being the way found out by God to recover him; whereby he knows Christ, and Him Crucified, and what the [Page 15] preaching of the Cross of Christ is, which is foolishness to them that perish, but to them that are saved, the Wisdom of God, and the Power of God, 1 Cor. 1.18.

By this Gift of God in our hearts, we further believe, That Christ Jesus rose again from the dead, according to the Scrip­tures, and sits at Gods right hand in a glo­rious body: And we believe that our low estates and humble bodies shall be made like unto his glorious Body, through the work­ing of his mighty Power, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself; and that this mortality shall put on Immortallity. For though we believe that Christ Jesus hath lighted every man with his Light, where­by man may come to know himself lost and undone, as before is said; yet there­fore is not every man saved, though the Grace that appears to all men is sufficient in it self; but some have the Grace of God bestowed upon them in vain, not liking to retain God in their knowledge, though some­thing within them shews them what is good: But they reject the Counsel of God within, or against themselves to their own destruction, Luke 7.30. (see the Margent) and yet it doth not follow that the Grace [Page 16] is insufficient of it self, no more than it follows that Christ's Death is insufficient, because he tasted death for every man, and yet every man is not saved. Neither doth Regeneration, or the believing in the Light of Christ within, make void the Death and Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem, no more than believing the Scripture-testi­mony without, concerning Christ's Death, makes void the work of Regeneration and Mortification within; but as the Apostle saith in another case, so I say in this, For as the man is not without the woman, neither is the woman without the man in the Lord: even so is not the Death and Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem, to be made void and of none effect by any thing with­in, neither doth the Light within make that of none effect without, but both in the Lord answers his Will: For though there is, and may be, a knowledge and belief of what Christ did and suffered without the Gates, in his own Body, upon the Tree, and yet Sin alive in the heart, and the work of Regeneration not known; yet it can­not be so where the Light within is belie­ved on, and obeyed, so as to have its per­fect work in the heart, to regenerate and [Page 17] make all things new, and to be of God; this man can never make void what Christ hath done and suffered without: And yet this New-birth, or Christ formed within, and dwelling in the heart by Faith, doth not limit or confine Christ to be only within, and not without also, but both within and without, according to the good pleasure of the Father to reveal and make him known; for, he fills all things, and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him, and yet is he at Gods right hand far above all Heavens, in a glorious body.

And we also believe the Resurrection of the Just and Ʋnjust, the one to Salvation, and the other to Condemnation, according unto the Judgment of the great Day; and then shall every seed have its own body, ac­cording to 1 Cor. 15.36, 37. which we ve­rily believe: For if the dead rise not, we are of all men most miserable. But because we dare not be so foolishly inquisitive, as to say, With what bodies shall they arise; therefore do some say, we deny both the Resur­rection of the body of Christ, and of all that are or shall be dead: But this also is false; for every man shall be raised in his own order: but Christ the first fruits, 1 Cor. 15.23. [Page 18] And we believe they shall be raised with the same bodies, so far as a natural and spiritual, corruptible and incorruptible, terrestrial and celestial can be the same.

We further believe, according unto the Scriptures, concerning Faith, That thi [...] Faith is only true, which is God's Gift and hath Christ Jesus, the Power of God for its author and object, and is distinguished from the dead faith by its fruits▪ For though in description and definition they may carry a resemblance, yet in na­ture are as different as a living man is from a dead, which wants not form or shape, but life and power. So saith the Apostle James, As the body without a spiri [...] is dead, so is Faith without Works; even so is that Faith which stands in the wisdom of words, and not in the Power of God▪ By the one, man is kept in captivity to the world and the things of it, but by the othe [...] he hath victory over the World, 1 Joh. 5.4 and the Seal and Witness thereof in his own heart, whereby it is purified, and God is seen; for the pure in heart see God, Matth 5.8. This Faith differs men now, and their worships, as it did Cain and Abel: For, By Faith Abel offered up a more excel­lent [Page 19] Sacrifice then Cain, Hebr. 11. By this living Faith, Abel saw beyond the Sacri­fice unto Christ, the first-born of God, be­yond the firstling of the Flock, which he offered; and therefore God had respect unto Abel and his offering, but God rejected Cain and his offering; though he had Faith to belive it to be his duty, yet sticking in the Form, and not flying on the wing of Faith unto Christ, the One Offering, he missed the Mark, as all have done ever since, that have gone in Cains way of worshipping, as well as killing men about Worship. But we believe that Faith to be only true and saving, that flies over self-righteousness, as well as filthi­ness, unto the Fountain of Life in Christ; which Faith hath nothing of man in it, but is as the breath of Life by which the soul lives; not a bare assent of the truth of a proposi­tion in the natural understanding, but the souls cleaving unto God, out of a naturalness between Christ and the Soul; and so live ra­ther by relation, than bare credit, or despe­rate adventure and hazard: Not looking at its doing to commend it, but God's Love and Bounty in Christ, the Light, to receive it: and yet holiness is its delight, and he can no more live out of it, than the Fish upon the dry Land.

[Page 20]We believe, That this Faith keeps th [...] mind pure, and the heart clean, throug [...] the sprinkling of the heart from an evil conscience, by the Blood of Jesus, which remi [...] the Sin, and justifies the Soul, through th [...] virtue of this Blood received into the hear [...] by this living Faith, which receives all it [...] power and virtue from Christ, in whom [...] abides as its root and object, whereby Justification is witnessed from Sin, not in Sin Rom. 6.22. But now being made free from Sin, and become servants unto God, you hav [...] your fruits unto Holiness, and the end everlasting Life.

We believe, That Justification and Sanctification are distinguished, but not divided for as he that sanctifieth and justifieth i [...] one, so do these go together, and whe [...] the Soul hath the greatest sence of Justification upon it, through the vertue of th [...] Blood of Jesus, by the Living Faith, the [...] is it most in love with Holiness, and at th [...] greatest distance from Sin and Evil: and whenever there is a failing in Sanctifica­tion, there is also some eclipse of Justi­fication in the eye of the Soul, until Faith hath recovered its strength again, which i [...] lost by sins prevailing. For, as the far­thest [Page 21] and clearest sight is in the brightest day, so is it with the Soul, when it is most in the brightness and beauty of Holiness, its Justification appears most glorious, and its Union and Communion most sweet and lasting; and so like two Twins, as they are much of an age, so they are like one to the other: And what God hath joyned toge­ther, let no man put asunder.

We also by this Light believe, That Ac­ceptance with the Father is only in Christ, and by his Righteousness made ours, or im­puted unto us; not by the creaturely skill, but by the applicatory act of Gods gift of Grace, whereby the Soul feels the diffe­rence between self-applying by its own Faith, and God applying by its Spirit, and so making Christ unto the Soul, Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption: So that we believe, and are sure, that there is a great difference between Imputation, as it is the act of mans spirit, and as it is the act of Free Grace, without mans forcing. And so we distinguish between Imagination and Imputation, between reckoning or imputing that is real, and reckoning or imputation that is not real, but a fiction and imagination in the crea­turely [Page 22] will and power. And because we are against the latter, we are clamoured upon, as if we denied the Imputation o [...] Christ's Righteousness, when it is only unto those that are not made righteous by it to walk as he also walked. For, as the Scrip­ture saith, It is not he that saith he is righ­teous by the imputation of Christ's Righ­teousness, but he that doth Righteousness i [...] righteous, even as Christ is Righteous, 1 Joh 3.7. he that believes otherwise is decei­ved. And yet it is not Acts of Righte­ousness, as done by us, nor as inherent in us, as acts, by which we are accepted of God, and justified before him, but by Christ the Author and Worker of those acts in us and for us, whereby we know that we are in him, and he in us, and we hold him as our Head, into whom al [...] things are gathered together into one, even in him.

We further believe, That God is only to be worshipped, and not any likeness that man makes unto himself of God, from any view, sight and knowledge that he hath had of him: but in every act and service, man is to know what substantially, as well as whom speculatively or notionally he [Page 23] worshippeth: as is is written, John 4.22. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship; for Salvation is of the Jews. And he that thus worships the Father, honours the Son by the same Spirit, which is one with the Father and the Son; in which Spirit only God is worshipped, ac­cording to the form of its own chusing and manifesting of himself in and by, according unto the good pleasure of the Father, who is a Spirit, and limits man unto the Spirit's Form, but allows not man to limit the Spi­rit unto his form, though it be not of his inventing originally, but of the Father: yet man must no more limit God unto it, then he could command God to appear in it at first. For as he chose it himself, so he hath reserved liberty to leave it at his pleasure, who works all things after the coun­sel of his own Will, which he hath purposed in himself, that the Gift of the knowledge of the Mystery of his Will, might for ever be acknowledged to be of his Grace, and for the riches of the glory thereof, accor­ding to Ephes. 1. and man be bound, but God free: Man bound to wait in the Light for Gods Movings, but God free to move in whom, to what, and when he [Page 24] pleaseth: then man is to go, when he saith Go; and come, when he saith, Come; and such Servants do serve him: And then there is no more Curse, as in the dayes of Will-worship, and voluntary Humility, but the Throne of God, and of the Lamb, Col. 2.18 23. Rev. 22.3, 4. And they shall see his Face, and his Name shall be on their fore­heads.

We believe also, That this Worship is spiritual (and not carnal) in all its Parts and Ordinances, and not to be imposed by any outward force, but performed by the inward leading of Gods holy Spirit, ac­cording as the holy men of God were led and guided in the days past, who gave forth the Scriptures: all impositions of Worship outward, being only enjoyned under the first Covenant, that made nothing perfect, until the time of Reformation, spoken of, Hebr. 9.10. But Christ being come, there is an end as well of such Impositions, as of the Meats and Drinks, and divers Baptisms, and carnal Ordinances, they being all but temporary, and in order unto an end; but all to vail to Christ, the sum and substance of all, [the first] pointed at by all, and [the last] ending of all, the Amen. And he [Page 25] that thus worships God in Christ, his Or­dinances are spiritual and not carnal; and his Faith carries him beyond his Works, with righteous Abel, and preserves him that he is not drowned in the Form, like Cain; neither falls he short of the glory of God, nor of his assurance of Acceptance with him.

We believe, There is one Baptism ne­cessary to Salvation, Ephes. 4.5. One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism. And this Baptism is Spiritual, of which John's Water was but a figure, John 1.31. That he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come, bap­tizing with Water, saith John: and 1 Pet. 3.21. The like figure whereunto, even Bap­tism doth also now save us: not the putting away the filth of the Flesh, but the answer of a good conscience towards God, by the Re­ [...]urrection of Jesus Christ. This one Spiri­ [...]ual Baptism into the Name of Jesus Christ, [...]s that which saves, the Water being but a figure, that Christ might be manifest to Israel, who had divers Baptisms imposed on them untill the time of Reformation; but Christ the Substance being come, the Shadows flee away. And yet where-ever any are commanded now by the same Spi­rit [Page 26] that commanded the Believers to b [...] baptized in the dayes past, either for th [...] furtherance of the Gospel, or tryal of the [...] Faith, we judge them not. But this obedience is very rare to be found; and w [...] could heartily desire, that all would consider seriously, whether literal sayings observed only by outward reading, hearin [...] by the ear, or inward impulses upon th [...] heart by the Divine Power, are the motives unto Obedience in this kind. And [...] honesty and uprightness of heart may b [...] heard, we believe and know, the man [...] dead souls every-where, notwithstandin [...] their Baptisms, will be as so many witne [...] ses against them, by their grovling upo [...] the earth, as so many slain and killed me [...] by the Letter, while the Spirits quickning have not been known in the true Baptism into death. For we find by daily experiences, that most men and women live lik [...] Pharoah's lean Kine, only to eat up the fat and to envy those that are not so lean soul'd as themselves.

We believe also, That as there is on [...] true saving Baptism, so there is one Bread or Body of Christ, which all the Saints d [...] feed upon; and though they be many, a [...] [Page 27] to persons, yet their Bread is but one, and they all in it but one Bread: And this we believe is the flesh that came down from Heaven, John 6.33. Though the outward Jews now, as then, murmur at him, be­cause he said, I am the Bread which came down from Heaven, ver. 41, 42. But Christ, (ver. 45.) to stop their murmuring, tells them, that the knowledge of this Mystery was only revealed unto them whom God (and not man) teacheth, and no more than are taught of God, can set seal and subscribe unto this Truth in Jesus; though we believe also, that Jesus took outward bread, and brake it, and gave it to the Di­sciples, as the Scriptures saith; and this was a figure of his Body (that was to be pierced and broken upon the Tree) and a shew, to shew forth his Death until he came.

And we believe he did arise again, and appear unto his Disciples; And all that believed were together, and had [All things Common] &c. And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple, breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people, Acts 2.44, 45, 46, 47. And we believe that [Page 28] the Apostle, in 1 Cor. 11.20. saith true, where he saith, When ye come together therefore in one place, this is not to eat the Lords Supper. And all that he speaks in that chapter is not to perpetuate that outward breaking of Bread, otherwise than as the Believers did▪ that were filed with the holy Ghost in singleness of heart, as before is said: and yet we judge not those who break out­ward Bread, and drink outward Wine, be­ing commanded so to do, and put in re­membrance thereby of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, by the Remembrancer, the Spirit of Truth, which is appointed by the Father to lead into all Truth. But to do it by imitation, or tradition only, (as most do it, if not all at this day) we know it is not an Offering unto God in Righteousness, nei­ther do we believe this to be the Commu­nion of the Body and Blood of Christ; and yet the eating of the Flesh, and drinking of the Blood of Christ, we believe man must know and witness, or he hath no life in him, Joh. 6.53, 54, 55. And we believe that many are striving now in their spirits, as the Jews did, verse 52, saying, How can this man give us his Flesh to eat? And not only the Jews, but many of his Disciples said, [Page 29] This is a hard saying, who can bear it? ver. 60. and at verse 63. he tells them, It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the Flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit, and they are Life. And he that hears and understands these words that are Spirit and Life, will not be offended at what I have spoken of the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

By the same Spirit and Grace we be­lieve, That Prayer is an Ordinance of God, when performed by his Spirit, in its words, (and not those which mans wis­dom teacheth) or without words, by sighs and groanes which cannot be uttered, and these so often as the Spirit it self pleaseth: But the Form without the Spirit, whether it be by words of other mens framing, or words of man's own spirit, according to his will, time, and manner; this is not the Prayer that prevails with God. And we believe that there is none so weak and in­firm, but this Spirit proffers his help at some time or other, though man regardeth it not. And the more mans mind is gather­ed within from all visibles, the more he comes to be sensible of the Movings and Stirrings of this Spirit, in its secret cryes [Page 30] unto God, answerable to the wants of tha [...] man or woman, in whom it moves and cryes And by the due watching thereunto, we believe and know the Spirit of Prayer and [...] Adoption, that cries unto God, comes to b [...] discerned and distinguished from a man' [...] own spirit and will.

We believe by the same gift of Grace that there are several Ministrations, and several Operations, according to 1 Cor. 12. and all by the same Spirit, as before and after th [...] Law by Moses, and after by John the Baptis [...] and Christ and his Apostles, and in all thes [...] the Ministration had acceptance with God through the management of the Spirit, an [...] its rejection and dislike of God for th [...] want thereof. And by this Spirit were th [...] Scriptures give forth, and the holy me [...] of God did speak, prophesie, preach and pra [...] as they were moved; and for want of it, th [...] letter did, and doth kill. And for the further appearance and pouring out of thi [...] Spirit, answerable unto the work and service that God had for them to do, the [...] were to wait, as Christ commanded hi [...] Disciples to do at Jerusalem, to receive th [...] Promise of the Father: For by this Spiri [...] he that speaks, speaks as the Oracle of God [Page 31] And therefore, as it was the practice of the People of God in old time, to wait for the moving and stirring of this Spirit, that they might speak, as it gave them utterance, in the evidence and demonstration thereof; so do this People (called Quakers) now; and according to its moving in their hearts they minister, according to the significa­tion of the Spirit, whereby they understand both what, and when to speak, and when to be silent; as also, who are they that mi­nister and speak in their own wills, above the Cross of Christ, which the Apostle was carefull alwayes to be in subjection to, lest he should make it void, by speaking the words which mans wisdom teacheth; and therefore, as the Saints did, so we do believe, and therefore we speak: And such Preaching and Speaking in Faith, as well as Praying in Faith, is acceptable unto God, as his Wor­ship, and not otherwise.

And we further believe by the same Spirit, that the sum of all Religion, ac­cording to the Truth, and the signification of the word [Religion] is, Man not at li­berty in his will, but bound again unto God, by his having given to him, by the Light of Christ within, the true sight and knowledge of [Page 32] himself, as in himself, as lost and undone fo [...] ever, and from this sight a true sence to ari [...] upon and remain with him; from wher [...] spring unutterably groans and cryes unt [...] God, under the weight of the burthen an [...] wretchedness, by reason of the body o [...] Sin and Death, and then when there wa [...] none to help or pitty in this state, then [...] Mercy shewed in Christ the Arm of Go [...] which is revealed as an help, neither see [...] nor known, where, how, or when to co [...] at it, or meet with it; And this begets i [...] the heart of that man or woman, in, an [...] unto whom it is thus revealed, thanks an [...] praises unto God, for this Gift and Rev [...] lation of his Son, in this needfull tim [...] whom the Soul sees to be the Gift of Ete [...] nal Love.

And we believe and know, upon th [...] Love and Faithfulness of God, is founde [...] built and established the Everlasting Cov [...] nant (whereby not only all men, may b [...] saved for its ability, but some shall be s [...] ved because for its prevalency, which is [...] like to the Covenant he made with our F [...] thers. And although all mankind is not s [...] ved, yet it is not because either of insu [...] ficiency in this Covenant, or because of t [...] [Page 33] weakness of the Grace that appears in, and unto all men; but because of mans will, loving death, and chusing his own delusions, whereby his destruction is of himself, and God clear of his blood in the free tender of his Grace, Gift, and striving of the Spi­rit within him. For we know assuredly, according to the Scriptures of Truth, and Experience of all souls that ever were truly converted to God, that though by Grace man is saved, not of himself, but by the Free Fift, yet as the old World did, and those rebellious Jews, spoken of, Acts 7. who, as did their Fathers, so did they, al­wayes resist the holy Ghost; so do men now. And yet in the tender of this Grace, and striving of his Spirit, the Lord is a God so hiding himself in the management of this Striving and Ministration of his Spirit, as if it wholly depended upon mans choice and consenting, that mans will, as to him, is (as it were) free in rejecting or accep­ting, Life and Death being set before him; whereby in the Wisdom of God, the pro­pensity of his Nature, as it came out of the hands of his Maker, hath an advan­tage by this dealing of God, to put forth it self; so that man is as free in the choice, [Page 34] as he is in the refusal of the tender of Mercy and help, and that with an equal indifferency, as it appears to him in this state notwithstanding afterwards, in the furthe [...] growth in this Grace and Knowledge o [...] Christ, he sees clearly and convincingly that the Grace (that wrought hiddenl [...] from his sight and knowledge, in the fir [...] working, tender, and ministration of Go [...] towards him) gained his consent throug [...] its own prevalency in the Love of God, b [...] which sight and sence self comes to be ab­horred, and the free Love so admired, tha [...] he knows from first to last, all was of Grace and that free; that self is not able to challenge any thing as due from what it ha [...] done, but all of gift; and yet, as before with such an equal indifferency on man [...] account: so that God may and will appea [...] to be just, both in condemning and saving and the Justifier freely of all that believe i [...] Jesus the Light of the World.

Therefore, let all take heed how they dislike this Ministration of God, and stri­ving of his Spirit in their Hearts and Con­sciences, under colour and pretence of its insufficiency; and therefore they will not come to him, because his drawings and stri­vings [Page 35] are not so strong as they would have them to be, looking for such an overpow­ring and irresistibleness, as they are not able to withstand and gainsay; lest such perish through a wilfull neglect, and for want of stretching out their hand when the Lord holds out his, and so they perish in the ditch, with a vain expectation of further power; or cry in their mouthes, Lord have mercy upon us! and so with the Sluggard; while they cry, Yet a little more slumber and folding of the hands to sleep, their Garden is overgrown with weeds, and their backs cloa­thed with rags, and they beg in harvest; whilst others that have sown in tears, not fainting, do in due time reap in joy; and not despising the crums that fell from the table, nor the day of small things, witness the presence of their Beloved, come down into his Garden, and walking among the Lillies.

Let these things be truly considered, pon­dred and weighed in the true Ballance of Light and Righteousness, lest any Soul perish through the false weight and measure; so shall my soul rejoyce that any have escaped the Net, of the Fowler through the dis­covery of the true Light, and God have all the Glory, unto whom alone it belongs, [Page 36] and man ashamed, confounded, his mout [...] stopped, and he laid in the dust forever; an [...] then shall my end be answered in writin [...] these things.

John Crook.

Concerning Perswasions in Matters of Religion.

THere is the Natural man, and the Spi­ritual man, and there are the Perswa­sions of each in and about Matters of Re­ligion. There is the Perswasion of Reason, and the Perswasion of Faith.

The Perswasion of Reason is that Belief which man receives into his mind or heart from the exercise of the Reasoning Facul­ty: and this Perswasion in Matters of Religion is but mans Opinion or Judge­ment, which how certain or infallible so ever it appears to him, yet may be shaken by a demonstration or evidence of a higher kind of nature.

The Perswasion of Faith, is that Belief which the New-Creature receives into the renewing-Mind, from the Evidence [Page 37] and Demonstration of the Spirit, which openeth and manifesteth the things of the Spirit, unto that mind which is begotten and renewed by it. And this Perswasion is certain and infallible, however it may be struck at and battered, by the reasonings of the wise earthly part, even in that very man, whose heart is thus perswaded, by the Light of the Spirit of God, concerning the things of Gods Kingdom.

Now the lowest Perswasion of Faith is higher, and of a more noble nature then the highest Perswasion of Reason: because Faith is of an higher Principle, and of a deeper nature and ground, then Mans Rea­son is: But this (because it appears not in mans sphear, but rather out of it, and is contrary to the line and reach of his wis­dom) is accounted by him foolishness and madness. Thus is the Wisdom of God (and the Children thereof) judged and condemn­ed by man in his day.

And how can it be otherwise? How can the wisdom of man but judge that as foolishness, whose beauty and excellency is hid from its eye? But this is, because the wisdom of man is out of its place, not subjected to the Wisdom of God, but ex­alted [Page 38] above it: therefore (as a curse unto it) is it suffered to lift up it self in its con­ceitfulness against, and so to persecute the pure Wisdom of God and the birth thereof, that it might fall, and be broken, and snared, and taken, and its day deservedly come to an end, and be shut up in the shadows and chambers of eternal darkness.

But what ear of Man can hear this! Surely none that is whole in the line of Man's wisdom, reason and understanding, but that alone which is bruised, broken, and in some measure dashed to pieces, by the inroads of a diviner Life and Nature. This, in the Leading of that Life which hath broken it, and in the shinings of the Light eternal upon it, and into it, may be enabled to take up the Cross to the natural part, and to die that Death with Christ, which preserves from the second Death, with the misery thereof.

Happy is he who knows and hearkens to the Perswasions of Gods Spirit, who is born of God, and taught to wait upon him and worship him in Spirit, who receives his Religion from the Light of Faith, into the renewed Nature and Mind, and not from the Reason of Man into the natural [Page 39] understanding, which is easily corrupted, and cannot be kept pure, but alone by the indwelling of the Principle of Eternal Life in it.

For though such may suffer very deeply in this World, from the men of this World, (as the Subjects and Servants to the Prin­ciple of Life have done in all Ages and Generations) yet their Principle will bear them out, in which God will appear to strengthen and refresh their spirits, and carry them up above all their Sufferings in the Patience, Meekness, and Faith of the Lamb: And keeping to their Principle, they cannot be overcome, but must either live or die Conquerors, according to the will and good pleasure of Him who order­eth and disposeth of all things well, and bringeth good out of every evil, in de­spite of all the Powers of Darkness. And he that overcometh (whether by life or death) in the Lamb's Spirit, shall wear the Lamb's Crown, and sit down in that perfect Rest in the Kingdom of the Father, which will give the hearts of all his Chil­dren full Satisfaction. In which assured hope (Life stirring in our bosoms, and quickning our hearts with Love unto our [Page 40] God, and Zeal for his Truth) we can freely give up all that is near and dear unto u [...] in this World, and lay down our heads i [...] inward Peace, in the midst of the greates [...] outward Persecution and Trouble. Eve [...] so, O Lord, thy Will be done concerning the [...] Generation of thy People, whom thou hast begotten to thy Self, and brought forth by thy mighty Power, to testifie to thy Truth in thi [...] present day: Dispose of them as it pleaseth Thee, and let not their Faith in thee, nor thy Faithfulness to them fail, but let them be [...] Praise to thy Name throughout all Generati­ons, and tendered by Thee as the First-fruits of thine Appearance, in the Glorious Light of the Everlasting Day, after this great, long, thick and dark Night of Apostacy from the Life and Spirit of the Apostles, which hath so long eclipsed and covered the brightness of thy Beauty from the sight of the Earth.

Isaac Pennington.

A Declaration to all the World of our Faith, and what we believe, who are called Quakers. ALSO, What Ministers and Magistrates we own, and what, and whom we deny.

Concerning God, Christ, and the Spirit, thus we believe.

FIrst, That there is only one true God, who is a Spirit, and his Presence fil­leth Heaven and Earth; he is Eternal and Everlasting, the Creator and Preserver of all things; That Heaven and Earth and all things therein, by him were framed and brought forth, and all things remain unto [Page 42] this day by his Power, and whatsoever h [...] willeth in Heaven and Earth, he brings to pass by his Word and Power.

And we believe, That this God onely is, and ought to be feared, loved, obeyed and worshipped by all Creatures, and no other thing besides him in Heaven and Earth: and we believe that his Worship, and Obedi­ence, and Fear, and Love is to be given in Spirit, even in what his own Spirit moveth and leadeth his people unto.

And we believe his True Worship requi­red and accepted of him, is not by the tradition of men in outward observances or set dayes, or places, but he is worshippe [...] only in Spirit and Truth, without respect o [...] times, places or things: and that none ca [...] worship him in Righteousness but his Children, who are born of his Spirit, and are le [...] and guided thereby.

And we believe, That this God hath given his Son Christ Jesus, into the World a free Gift unto the whole World, and tha [...] every man that cometh into the World i [...] lighted by him, that every man may believ [...] and be saved.

And we believe, That he is given int [...] the World, and no Nation, Country o [...] [Page 43] People excepted, but to all mankind he is given of God, and hath enlightened them; And every man through the world that be­ [...]ieveth in, and receiveth Christ, who is [...]he Wisdom and Power of the Father, shall be saved with eternal Salvation; And eve­ [...]y one that believeth not in him shall be dam­ned, and shall possess everlasting misery.

And we believe, That Salvation, Justifi­cation, and Sanctification, is onely in Him, wrought by him and no other, for there is no other Name given under Heaven, but Him alone, by which Salvation is: and we be­ [...]ieve all that receive him, and believe [...]n him are reconciled to God, and are made alive to God, to live to him in all things, and do receive the forgiveness of Sins, and are set free from all un­righteousness, and from the body of Sin and Death, and have the witness of the Spirit [...]n them, and the Spirit of the Father they have received, and it witnesseth in them of the Father and of the Son, and of the things that belong to their peace; and it is the Earnest of the Inheritance, and the Seal of the Promise of Eternal Life; and by it are the deep things of God revealed to mankind; and by it the Father and the [Page 44] Son dwell in the Saints; and by it they have fellowship one with another; and th [...] Father, Son and Spirit are one: And thi [...] we faithfully believe.

Again, concerning Christ, we believe, That he is one with the Father, and wa [...] with the Father before the World was; and what the Father worketh, is by the Son, for he is the Arm of Gods Salvation, and the very Power and Wisdom of the Crea­tor; and was, is, and is to come, without be­ginning or end.

And we believe, That all the Prophet [...] gave Testimony of him, and that he wa [...] made manifest in Judea and Jerusalem, an [...] did the Work of the Father, and was persecuted of the Jews, and was crucified by hi [...] Enemies, and that he was buried, and ros [...] again, according to the Scriptures.

And we believe, He is now ascende [...] on high, and exalted at the right hand o [...] the Father for evermore; and that he i [...] glorified with the same Glory that he ha [...] before the World was; and that even th [...] same that came down from Heaven, is ascende [...] up to Heaven; and the same that descended, i [...] he that ascended.

[Page 45]And we believe, Even he that was dead, is alive, and lives for evermore; and that he cometh, and shall come again to judge the whole World with Righteousness, and all People with Equity; and shall give to every man accord­ing to his deeds at the Day of Judgment, when all shall arise to Condemnation or Justificati­on; he that hath done good shall receive Life, and he that hath done evil, everlasting Con­demnation.

And we believe, He is to be waited for in Spirit, to be known after the Spirit, as he was before the world was, and that is the knowledge unto Eternal Life; which all that believe in him do receive; and he subdues Death, and destroys him that hath [...]he power of it, and restoreth from Death [...]o Life, and quickneth by his Spirit all that the Father hath given him; and we believe such he justifieth and sanctifieth, and such [...]re taught of him: but he condemns all [...]hat believes not, and continue in unbelief, [...]nd are not taught of him. And this we [...]aithfully believe.

And we believe, That unto all People [...]pon the face of the whole Earth, is a time [...]nd day of Visitation given, that they may [...]eturn and be saved by Jesus Christ, who [Page 46] is given of the Father to call the worst o [...] men to repentance; and the most ungod [...] of Sinners are convinced by him of the [...] ungodly deeds, that they might believe, an [...] be converted, and saved.

And we believe, Herein is the Love o [...] God manifested to all mankind; and th [...] none are shut out by him before they were bo [...] into the World; but unto all men is a Visit [...] tion given, and they that perish, it is becau [...] they do not believe in Christ: and Destruct [...] on is of a mans self, but Salvation is of Go [...] through believing in his Son, who tak [...] away Sin, and reneweth into his own Imag [...] that they may become Heirs with him.

And we believe, That there is a Crow [...] of Eternal Glory, and an Inheritance [...] Eternal Life to be injoyed for evermore b [...] all that believe and are chosen of God▪ And that there is an Everlasting Mise [...] and Destruction to be possessed by all th [...] believe not, but continues in the state [...] Reprobation, and are not changed from t [...] Wayes of Sin and Death, but walk after t [...] ways of their own hearts lusts, fulfillin [...] the will of the Flesh, in the evil of th [...] world, and follows not Christ the Ligh [...] of the world, that they may be saved; an [...] [Page 47] we believe upon all such the wrath of God abideth, and that they have no part in the Inheritance of God. And we believe that it is only he that is born again of the Spi­rit, and that walks after the Spirit, who is changed from Death to Life, and who is redeemed out of the World and all its wayes; such only must inherit the King­dom of God, and they onely have right thereunto, and none besides; even they that are washed and cleansed from all un­righteousness by the Blood of Jesus, by which their Sins are remitted: For his Blood cleanseth them from all Ʋnrighteous­ness and Sin; yea, all such that walk and abide in the Light which Jesus Christ hath enlightned the World withal.

And we believe that the Saints upon Earth may receive forgiveness of Sins, and may be perfectly freed from the body of Sin and Death, and in Christ may be per­fect and without Sin, and may have Victo­ry over all Temptations by Faith in Jesus Christ.

And we believe every Saint that is cal­led of God ought to press after Perfecti­on, and to overcome the Devil and all his Temptations upon Earth; and we believe [Page 48] they that faithfully wait for it, shall obtai [...] it, and shall be presented without sin in the Image of the Father; and such wal [...] not after the Flesh, but after the Spirit, an [...] are in Covenant with God, and their Sin [...] are blotted out, and remembred no more for they cease to commit Sin, being born o [...] the Seed of God.

And we believe the Gospel of Christ [...] the Power of God unto Salvation, and that i [...] ought to be preached freely unto all Peopl [...] and Christ to be held forth to all Mankin [...] by the Ministry sent of him.

And we believe this Ministry is receive [...] by the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and all the [...] that receive it, are lawfully called to th [...] Ministry, and they may preach the Gosp [...] of Christ freely, as they have received [...] freely; and this Ministry is not of Ma [...] but of God, and is made powerfull to th [...] converting of Sinners, and to the bringin [...] of People to God, and to the knowledg [...] of his Wayes. And we do not believ [...] that any man is a Minister of Christ wit [...] out the Gift of the Holy Ghost, or that th [...] Gospel can be received by natural learnin [...] or education.

And we believe such as preach for hire [Page 49] and hath hire for Preaching, are not the lawfully called Ministers of the Gospel of Christ; such as are proud, and high-mind­ed, and covetous men, who do not pro­fit the People at all; such as have run, and never were sent of Christ, who calleth by his Spirit into the Work of the Ministry; and as every one hath received the Gift of that Spirit, so he may administer to others.

Concerning Rulers and Governours, we believe, That there ought to be Rulers and Governours in every Nation, City, Country, or Town, and they ought to be such men as fear God, and hate every evil way, who will judge for God, and not for man, and will judge Righteously, E­qually and Justly, and will give true and sound Judgement unto all men, without bri­bery, or respect of persons; not regarding the Rich above the Poor, but being a praise unto all that do well, and a terror to all Evil-doers whatsoever, having knowledge in the pure Law of God, and themselves continu­ally exercised therein.

And we believe, That every Law of man ought to be grounded upon the Law of [Page 50] God, pure Reason and Equity being th [...] Foundation thereof, that Gods Witness i [...] every man may answer to it; and the Law ought to be known unto all People, befor [...] Transgression be charged or punished i [...] any man.

And we believe, That every Transgre [...] sion ought to be punished according to it [...] nature; and that the punishment excee [...] not the greatness of the Transgression; ne [...] ther ought any Transgressor to escape u [...] punished: neither ought any, upon fal [...] suspition or jealousies, be caused to suffe [...] without the Testimony of true men, or th [...] Confession of the Party.

And we believe, That the Executors o [...] the Law ought to be Just men, and not g [...] ven to Pride, Drunkenness, or any othe [...] Evil whatsoever.

And we believe, That all Governou [...] and Rulers ought to be accountable to th [...] People, and to the next succeeding Ruler for all their actions which may be enquire [...] into upon occasion; and that the chiefe of the Rulers be subject under the Law and punishable by it if they be transgre [...] sors, as well as the poorest of the Peopl [...] ▪ And thus true Judgment and Justice wi [...] [Page 51] be brought forth in the Earth, and all that do well will have praise, and live in Rest and Peace, that all Evil-doers whatsoever my stand in awe, and be afraid of God, and Just men, and the execution of good Laws.

Concerning Religion, we believe, That it is only the Spirit of the Lord that makes men truly Religious; and no man ought to be compelled to, or from any exercise or practise in Religion, by any outward Law or Power, but every man ought to be left free, as the Lord shall perswade his own mind, in doing, or leaving undone this or the other practice in Religion; and every man of what profession in Religion soever, ought to be protected in peace; provided himself be a man of peace, not seeking the wrong of any mans Person or Estate.

And we believe, That to reprove false Opi­nions and unsound Doctrines and Principles, seeking to convince them that oppose them­selves, by Exhortation or sharp Reproof, by word or writing, ought not to be counted a breach of the Peace; or to strive about the things of the Kingdom of God, by men of contrary minds or judgments, this ought not [Page 52] to be punished by the Magistrates and their Laws: for we believe that the outward Laws and Powers of the Earth are only to preserve mens Persons and Estates, and not to preserve men in Opinions; neither ought the Laws of the Nation to be laid upon mens Consciences to bind them to, or from such a Judgment or Practice in Religion.

And we believe, That Christ is, and ought only to be Lord and Exerciser of mens Consci­ences, and his Spirit must only lead into al [...] Truth.

And we believe, That Obedience and Sub­jection in the Lord belongs to Superiors, and that Subjects ought to obey them [in the Lord] that have rule over them: and that Children ought to obey their Parents, and Wives their Husbands, and Servants their Masters in all things, which is according to God, which stand in the exercise of a pure Conscience towards God: But where Rulers, Parents, or Masters, or any other, command or require Subjection in any thing which is contrary to God, or not according to him, in such cases all People are free, and ought to obey God rather then man: and we believe, that herein God will justifie them, being guided and led by his Spirt in all that which [Page 53] is good, and out of all that which is evil.

Again, We believe concerning Election and Reprobation; That there is a state of Election, and a state of Reprobation; a state chosen of God, and a state rejected of God; and that all mankind are in one of these states: all that are elected are elect­ed in Christ, and all that are out of him, are in the state Reprobate, bringing forth fruits of Death and Darkness, being Chil­dren of Wrath and Disobedience, in the A­lienation and Separation from God, in the Transgression unreconciled to God, the Enmity ruling in the heart, being in the Fall, and not restored to God again, but ignorant of his Power and Wisdom, ha­ving the understanding darkened, that they cannot see nor perceive the things that are Eternal: And in this condition his best Works are Sin, and whatsoever he doth, he cannot be accepted with God, for he is dead to God, and alive to all Evil, bring­ing forth all his Works out of that ground which is cursed. This is the condition of all mankind upon the face of the Earth in the first Adam; and this is the state of Re­probation, and all that abide herein are re­jected [Page 54] of God, and shall never inherit eternal Life, but go into Perdition; yet have all such a day of Visitation, that they may return out of the state of Re­probation, but hating knowledge, and despi­sing the Love of God, they continue in the state Reprobate, and the Wrath of God abides upon them; but they that are chosen of God are delivered [...]rom Wrath, for they believe in the Light, and become Chil­dren of the Light, and are renewed in mind and heart, and receive the love of the Father, and become planted into Christ, the second Adam, and are chosen in him to bring forth fruit unto the Father, and all their Fruit springeth from that ground which is blessed; for they are led by the Spirit of the Father, and such are in the state of Election, who are made Heirs with Christ of the everlasting Inheritance that never fades away: And this we faithfully believe, that Mercy is not shewed to the Reprobate, nor Judgment to them that are chosen of God.

And this is to go abroad into the World, that all People may understand what we be­lieve, and what we have received of God: And they that believe this, and walk therein [Page 55] by the Spirit of the Father, shall be saved; but they that believe not, but are disobedient to the Truth, shall be condemned because they do not believe. Much more might be written; but, in short, this is given forth by one that hath believed and received the knowledge of these things from God: A Friend unto all People.

Edward Burrough.

To all that say we (whom the World do in scorn call Quakers) do deny Mi­nisters and Magistrates, These things I write unto you, to give you, in short, an understanding, what Ministers and Magistrates we own, and what, and whom we deny.

1. SUch Ministers as are made by God, who are sanctified by his Word and Power, who have freely received per­fect Gifts from God, and so by the Spirit and Power of God are sent forth into the world, to turn the People from Darkness to Light, and from the Power of Satan to [Page 56] the Power of God; who freely ministe [...] unto others, without coveting any man [...] Gold, or Silver, or Apparel; not seeking theirs, but them: Warning every ma [...] and teaching every man in all Wisdom that they may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Such as minister from th [...] Spirit, and have the Word of God abiding in them, who are never unprovided, bu [...] at all times and seasons, and in all places do speak and declare the Truth, as they are moved and instructed, and as the Spi­rit of Truth doth give them utterance; Such Ministers we own, and have in great esteem for their works sake, Gal. 1.1, 12. Joh. 15.3. Eph. 4.7, 8, 11, 12, 13. Acts 26.15, 16, 17, 18. Matth 10.8. Acts 20.33 2 Corinth. 12.14. Collos. 1.27, 28, 29. 2 Corinth. 3.6. John 15.3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John 4.10, 14. and 7.38, 39. 2 Tim 4.2, 3. Acts 2.4.

But such as are brought up at Schools and Colledges, and so made Ministers by the will of man, who have not freely re­ceived perfect gifts from God for perfect­ing of the Saints, but denies Perfection, and so denies the Ministers work, neither do minister freely, but seek for gain from [Page 57] [...]heir Quarters, and will not preach with­out a price; who are not sanctified by the Word of God, but plead for a continu­ance in Sin while people walk upon the Earth: Such as minister from the Letter, and not from the Spirit; who cannot preach except they have time to study, and so by their industry provide themselves, and [...]re not provided of the Lord (such a Mi­nistry is of Works, and not the Free Gift from God) such cannot profit people, but [...]ead them captive in an empty and dead Form, alwayes learning, but never able to come to the true knowledge of God: such cal­ [...]ed Ministers we do deny, and turn from them, and testifie against them, as the ho­ [...]y men of God formerly did; read Isaiah 56.10, 11. Jer. 5.30, 31. Mic. 3.11. 1 Cor. 1.19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29. and chap 2.10, 11. Jer. 23.22, 30, 31, 32, Isaiah 56.10, 11. Phil. 3.18, 19. Jude 11. John 8.24. 1 John 3.8. Jer. 23.15, 16, 17. 2 Tim. 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Ezek. 34. Hosea 6.9. Matth. 23. 1 Tim. 5.6, 10, 11. 2 Tim. 3. 2 Pet. 2.

2. Such Magistrates who rule for God, who be men of Truth, fearing God and ha­ting Covetousness: who execute true Ju­stice [Page 58] and Judgment in the Earth without partiality, not respecting the persons of the Rich, nor despising the persons of th [...] Poor, but in Truth and Equity giving to every one his due and portion according to the Law of Equity; who neither sees nor receive honour from men, but see the honour that comes from God onely who are a terror to Evil-doers, but a prai [...] to them that do well; such Magistrates w [...] own, and in the Lord honour, Exod. 18.21. Deut. 16.18, 19, 20. John 5.41, 4 [...] Rom. 13.3, 4.

But such Magistrates who be proud an [...] lofty; who rule not for God, but for themselves; who love the praise of men, an [...] judge for gifts and rewards, and love money which is the root of all evil; who respect the rich in their gay cloathing, abov [...] the poor in vile rayment; who seek an [...] receive honour of men (and if they [...] not honoured with that which they see for, turns Judgment backward, that Equi [...] cannot enter) such as be wrathfull and malicious cannot rule for God, such are e [...] couragers of Vice and Wickedness, an [...] turn their Sword backward against the U [...] right and Innocent, who reprove sin i [...] [Page 59] the gate; such Magistrates we do deny and testifie against: for, when the Wicked bear rule, the Righteous mourn, and the Evil-doers rejoyce over them, and mock and reproach them, Isa. 2.11, 12, &c. Isa. 1. [...]1, 23. John 6.43. Mic. 3.11. Jam. 2.1, 2, 3, 4, 9. John 5.44. Isa. 59.13, 14, 15. [...]sa. 29.21. Prov. 29.2.

Such as live in Pride and Pleasures, and [...]ollow ungodly Lusts, and wicked practi­ [...]es, deny God, though in words they may [...]rofess him; even so, all such as do evil, who follows Drunkenness, Oaths, Games, [...]ain Sports and Pleasures, and such like [...]ngodly actions, do deny, disgrace and [...]reatly dishonour both Ministers and Ma­ [...]istrates, though in words they may own [...]hem, and bow the Hat and Knee, and give [...]ttering Titles unto them; Tit. 1.16. Pasm 15. Hosea 4. James 1.25. Job 32.1, 22.

To walk Soberly, Righteously, and do­ [...]g Justly according as the Grace of God, which brings Salvation, doth teach an di­ [...]ect, is a sweet savour to the Lord, and true owning, and in the Lord honouring, [...]ue Ministers and Magistrates, Micah 6. [Page 60] 8. Tit. 2.11, 12. Psal. 51.17. Isa. 57.15. Rom 13.3.

But to walk loosly and prophanely, doing wicked and unjust actions, turning th [...] Grace of God into wantonness; Suc [...] are an ill savour to God, and denies an [...] dishonours True Ministers and Magistrate [...] James 3.14, 15, 16. Jude 4. Isa. 59.2 3, &c.

True Honour doth not consist in bowing the Hat and Knee, and such like thing (for that is the honour below, which me [...] seek and receive one of another, whic [...] is in the unbelief,) but in the obedienc [...] of the Magistrates just Commands, wh [...] are a Terror to wickedness, but a Praise [...] them that do well: For the Law w [...] not made for the Righteous, who fe [...] God, and live uprightly, but for th [...] Lawless, who are out of Gods Fear, wh [...] live wickedly, casting the Law of God behind their backs, John 5.44. Romans 1 [...] 3, 4. 1 Tim. 1.8, 9, 10. Psalm 50.1 [...] 17.

So this may certifie all whom this m [...] come unto, that we do not deny Minister [...] nor Magistrates, who are made and ordained by God, but honour them in th [...] [Page 61] Lord; let our Lives and Conversations, and That of God in all your Consciences judge; for if all were brought into our Life, the Magistrate should live at peace: and so as the eyes of your understandings come to be opened with true Light, you will see that those who live Soberly and Righteous­ly do own and honour Ministers and Magi­srates, though they cannot for conscience sake respect their persons, nor give them flattering Titles, as your Highness, your Lord­ship, your Worship, and such like, for such belong to God: For, Christ Jesus said, I receive not honour from man: and saith he, How can you believe, that receive honour one of another, and seeks not the honour that comes from God only? Gal. 1.11, 12. Rom. 13.1. Deut. 16.18, 19. John 1.9. Jam. 2.1, 2, 3, 4, 9. John 5.44.

Read with understanding, prove all things hold fast that which is good, 1 Thes. 5.21.
A. Parker.

To all that want Peace with God; T [...] the Sheep every where not brough [...] home; To the thirty breathing Sou [...] and to the Seed, though in Captivity among, and in the midst of [...] Professors; Greetings of Love, Mercy, and Peace from God the Father [...] the Living.

VVHere the Bowels are not shut up nor the Heart darkened; an [...] where that doth not bear rule which stoppeth the ear, and closeth the eye; an [...] where prejudice and Rebellion again [...] the Light, with the wisdom of the fles [...] through that knowledge which puffeth u [...] hath not wholly eaten up, devoured, g [...] over, and wholly overcome that Tend [...] Principle, which once moved in th [...] heart, towards that Beeing of the Livin [...] Substance, there may my words ta [...] entrance; and unto such who feel th [...] which breaths to God, and who are wi [...] ling to be satisfied concerning the Livin [...] [Page 63] Truth of his Son, and who would receive the Truth if they knew it, and do yet more desire after the Power of God, then all the temporal things that are seen; and who are yet come no further than the reading of the Law, the Priests, Tythes, and that Religion that makes nothing perfect: and who are come no further then the outward Baptism, or Shadow, or Figure, or such things which are to be left behind, Hebr. 6. or who are come no further than the Sup­per, or the Death, and so not yet saved by his Life, nor drunk of that which saveth, and is to cleanse from all that which sepa­rateth from God; after whom, and the in­comes of his Love immortal, whosoever truly desire [...]h, and is willing to receive the Power of his Life, and come into Covenant with the Lord.

Such may lend me an ear a little, and you are them who may receive some bene­fit hereby; for behold I write in plain­ness of the things of God, my heart be­ing enlarged with abundance of his Peace, in which there is good will towards men, that you might come to draw near to the Witness, the testimony whereof is within the Vail, which Vail is over the heart, [Page 64] 2 Cor. 3.15. and is not done away but [...] you come to be in him, who is given for [...] Witness, Isaiah 55.4. by believing in th [...] Light, John 12.36. and so to have th [...] Witness in you, 1 John 5.10. and you t [...] be in it; and that you may come to part [...] cipate of Gods indwellings, and feel th [...] Oyl which will last for ever; therefore [...] proceed thus:

How can I but look back a little, wit [...] an eye of pitty over those, who yet a [...] where once I was when the Darkness w [...] over the Earth, and the cloud of Erro [...] compassed me as well as others; surely, [...] cannot now be unmindfull of them th [...] are yet lost, as not to have compassion u [...] on the Out-casts of Israel, or to conce [...] from them these things of so great concer [...] ment, but rather, as the Lord of my Li [...] hath opened to me, I will reach forth [...] hand towards the weak, and utter my voi [...] to the Prisoner of hope, and shew unto t [...] Meek in the Earth, how the invisible G [...] hath led his Seed, and is leading his Re [...] nant through, and out of the variety [...] things, unto the One Thing it self, fro [...] whence the various Things, Gifts and M [...] nistrations do come.

[Page 65]Now, that which is chiefly in my heart to write, for the Seeds sake, is,

First, Something concerning the Mini­stration of Moses (when he was upon the Earth.)

Secondly, Concerning the Ministration of Christ (whilst he was upon Earth)

Thirdly, and chiefly, Concerning the Mi­nistration of the Spirit.

First, Concerning Moses Ministration, (when he was upon Earth) which was to last till Shilo came, or until the time of Reformation.

AS concerning Moses's Ministration, to wit, the Law, Condemnation, or Death, with the Priests Offering, and worldly Sanctuary, and an outward Tabernacle, and daily Offerings for sin, and Store-houses for the Levites, Strangers, Father­less and Widows, having the Ark of the Testimony within the Vail, and the Mer­cy-Seat covered, and the Golden Pot, and the People to seek the Law at the Priests mouth, whereby their knowledge is preserved, and many profit much there­by, [Page 66] and come day by day, and year [...] year unto that which they esteem a pla [...] of Holy Worship, and Ordinances of Go [...] And notwithstanding the Priests of Mose [...] Law were made by the Law of God, y [...] that Priesthood changeth, and the La [...] changeth, and the very glory of all thi [...] passeth away; for this did once seem glorious unto me, and many more which only discovered sin, though it made nothin [...] perfect, and with much delight was th [...] reading of the Law and the Prophet [...] hearkened unto, and the daily Confession of Sin (but the Vail is over the hear [...] whilst. Moses is preached) and Sacrifice [...] Morning and Evening, with the long Pray­ers, which the Comers thereunto were not at all thereby made perfect, as per­taining to the Conscience; though it ha [...] a Shadow of good things to come, ye [...] the glory thereof comes to be done away▪ Then how much more will the very glo­ry of the most glorious appearance of that Ministry perish, and be done away, which cometh short of this, and hath not so much as the image of this, which was a Shaddow? O weak and beggerly things that are found among those Priests now, [Page 67] and their Followers, who come short of Mose's Ministry! for he directed them to Christ, the Substance, and so his Ministra­tion comes to be done away, as Christ comes to be received: for Moses did not seek to uphold his Priests, or Law, or Tythes, or any thing else, when Christ should come, who is the end of the Law, [...]ut did write of him; and notwithstanding his Ministry and Priests, he said, He that would not hearken unto him, should be cut off; and said, The Lord will raise up, (mark the words) raise up; the Lord shall raise up a Prophet; and when the Prophet was come, he said, I am the Light, and I am meek and [...]ow in heart; and this is to be raised up which is meek; for to them that sate in darkness, Light hath sprung up: And the Soul that hearkneth not to the Prophet which springs up shall be cut off, for Truth springeth up out of the Earth, and Christ is the Truth; and he said, I am the Light, which is the horn of Salvation that God raised up to be a Light to lighten the Gentiles, and is the Salvation of Israel; and so the soul is to hearken to that which God raised up, and that is it which condemneth Sin (un­der it) who is like unto Moses, whose Mi­nistry [Page 68] discovers Sin, and so Moses directed unto Christ (who puts away the Sin:) and Pa [...] said of the glory of Mose's Ministration that it was no glory, in respect of the glor [...] of the Ministration of the Spirit; and th [...] glorious Ministry of the Spirit was rec [...] ved, after he who had a body prepared, ha [...] suffered the crucifying of his body, and th [...] Prophets searched diligently to see the glory that was to be after the Sufferings [...] Christ, 1 Pet. 1.10, 11.

But the thing intended, That Mos [...] when he was upon Earth, directed unt [...] Christ, and gave commandment that the [...] should hearken unto him (who said, I am th [...] Light) and this is one Tittle of the Law, th [...] the Light be hearkened unto, who is the end [...] the Law, and the Substance; and he that o [...] fendeth herein, is guilty of all; and this i [...] that in which all the large Ministrations o [...] Moses is included, that, Christ the Light, th [...] true Prophet be hearkened unto and obeye [...] that by hearing and obeying his voice (or th [...] word in the heart) they might come from under the Law, and the Priests, and tha [...] which waxeth old, unto the Life & Obedienc [...] of him who abides a Priest for ever, even th [...] Lord of that Glory, which lasteth for ever­more.

Secondly, Concerning CHRIST, and his Ministration, when he was upon Earth) and his Work which he finished.

ANd when he cometh, which Moses commandeth to hearken unto, even Christ, the true Prophet, the Light of the World, the Living Minister, the end of the Law, who had a body prepared to do the Will of the Father, which was in him, the Man CHRIST JESƲS, he saith, Follow me; and he took up his Cross and passed through the Death and the Vail, and so being made perfect through Sufferings, attained that glory which he had with the Father before he had a body, which body, was prepared to do the Fathers Will; whose Will was, that all men should be saved; therefore Christ tasted death for every man, and rose again for the Justi­fication of those that believe in him, who said, I am the Light, and is sate down at the right hand of God, who is a Spirit eternally in the Heavens, ascended up out of the sight of them which gazed after [Page 70] that body which is gone out of their sight, even he, Christ, the Mystery, hid from Ages and Generations, now made manifest to destroy the works of the Devil; being meek and low in heart▪ he saith, Learn of me: Then not of the Priests, nor any lon­ger of Moses, for the Law is the Schoolma­ster to Christ; who being come, calleth one from the Custom, another from going to bury the Dead, another from questioning and reasoning what this man, or another should do; that he might not stand looking out at others, but himself to follow the Light, saying, Follow thou me.

And those that followed him when he was upon Earth, saw his Miracles, and heard his Parables, and eat of the outward Bread and were filled, (though many now eat, and are not filled) and they had his Body among them, and they came to the Baptism and the Supper, but Christ himself baptized not: and when he was upon the Earth, he said, I go to the Father, and I go to prepare a place for you; and he said, Whither I go ye know; and he said before, Follow me; and except a man deny himself, and take up his Cross and follow me, he cannot be my Disciple: and he said, My Sheep hear [Page 71] my Voice, and they followed me: and he en­tred within the vail, (and the vail is over the heart) and was made perfect through sufferings, and is sate down in the Majesty on high, glorified with God the Father; and the Father was in him, even the fulness of God; and that which may be known of God is mani­fest in thee; and he said, he had finished the work the Father gave him to do, and so the Fathers will was accomplished and done, for which the body was prepared: he said, Now glorifie me, Father, with the same glory which I had with thee from the beginning; and he that spake in the body abideth for ever, who said, A Body hast thou prepared me, which Body being crucified, he took up his Life again, and then those that did know him three dayes before, knew him not: and he ascended, and a cloud recei­ved him out of the sight of certain men, who never found him unto this day, for he remaineth out of the sight of most that profess him, and as Lightning in the Clouds of Heaven doth he come again, and every eye shall see him that condemneth sin: and the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, and yet the blind cannot see, nor the deaf hear.

[Page 72]And this was he that Moses commanded to hear, who said▪ He that is with you shal [...] be in you, and he that was with or without was to go away; and that which was to b [...] received within, he said should abide wit [...] them for ever, and the Spirit of Truth wa [...] to lead into all Truth: for, though the body w [...]s prepared to do Gods Will, yet they by it were not led into all Truth, but some times understood it not, though he spake Spirit and Life; and moreover, they wen [...] away, and some fled from the Truth, an [...] Peter denied him that was the Truth: an [...] so such as have got a profession of the Truth without them, and not the Spirit within to lead into all Truth, such fly in the day o [...] Tryal, from that Truth they profess; an [...] some deny it rather then suffer with, or fo [...] it; and herein them called Baptists also have not come short; and some of them have bowed to the Beast; and so it is with many who profess Christ, and Truth with out them, even as with those who under­stood not the Parables, neither could cast out the unclean Spirits; so that Christ was and is grieved, when he hath been so long with, and professed and followed without, and yet not come to that Faith which pu­rifies [Page 73] the heart, whereby to cast out the un­clean within, as thou mayst read in thy self.

And therefore Christ, when he was up­on Earth, did often speak unto them, of what was yet to come; and I do seldom read, or take notice, that he did so often preach and repeat any one thing unto them, as that of the Spirit to come, say­ing, that it, (mark, the Spirit,) would lead into all Truth; and seeing their weakness and unbelief, Mark 16.14. he by the of­ten repetition thereof, did (as it were) the more chiefly to engage their hearts to wait for, and seek after the incomes of that which should comfort them, and abide with them, when his Body was gone from them whither they could not come; and to this one thing doth he direct them in various expressions, as of his going to the Father, and coming again, and saith he, I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the World cannot receive, John 14.16. And many things Jesus did, which if they should be all written, the World might not contain the Books, John 21.25. and many things he spake unto them, Acts 2. [...]0. and yet there was somenthing to come to be [Page 74] waited for, and after to be received, which was more then all this; for, saith he, These things have I spoken unto you, being yet pre­sent with you; [but] the Comforter, &c. Mark, the work, but, intimateth something greater, or more then what was spoken to them, whilst he was with them; for, saith he, He that is with you, shall be in you, John 14.17. and said, but the Comforter, which is the holy Spirit, whom the Father will sen [...] in my Name, he will teach you all things, (mark what that is that teacheth all things) and brings all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said, (and so, that is with­in which bringeth the words of Spirit and Life to remembrance) John 14.25, 26. and having spoken of other things, he saith again, But when the Comforter comes, even the Spirit of Truth, John 15.26. and if I go not away, the Comforter will not come but if I depart I will send him unto you, Joh. 16.7. And I have many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now, howbeit, when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all Truth, John 16.12.13. here it may be seen that they who fol­lowed Christ without, and not received the Spirit within could not bear what he [Page 75] had to speak unto them; and also, it may be seen that when the Spirit was come, it would be better with them

And much more might be mentioned, how Christ foretold what was to come and be received, and revealed in that day, John 16.23. when the Spirit should be poured forth according to the Prophe [...]s; all which plainly declareth, and most evi­dently sets forth, how Christ in his Mi­nistry, when he was upon Earth, did most chiefly direct unto the Ministration of the Spirit of Truth, which was then yet to come; and that they might not run to teach others (as many do now) before they had received the Spirit of Truth in themselves, by, and with that to be led into all Truth, but might receive the pow­er of truth in themselves, from the Life thereof, to convert others into the same; therefore said he further, after he was ri­sen again, But tarry ye in the City of Jeru­salem until you be endued with power from on high, Mark 24.4. so that though they had seen his body before, and had now seen him after his Resurrection, yet that and all the rest was not enough without the Power and the Spirit which was to come, [Page 76] which they were to wait for. And so now men should tarry, wait, and stand still, to see the Salvation of God, and until they re­ceive the Spirit, for it is the Spirit (not the body) which searcheth all things, and shew­eth plainly of the Father.

And by this before written in short, I have a little endeavoured, to shew, unto the meek and single-hearted, that Moses when he was upon Earth, directed unto Christ; As in these words,

The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy Bre­thren, like unto me, unto him shall ye hearken, Deut. 18.15.

And Christ when he was upon Earth, di­rected unto the Spirit which was to come, in like words, saying,

These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you, but the Comforter, which is the holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my Name, he shall teach you all things, John 14.25, 26.

And then, what if I did write after the manner of men, and say, If Moses were now upon the Earth, and Christ in his own body upon the Earth, and Moses with all his Priests, Tyth [...]s and Offerings, and Re­ligion, [Page 77] which discovers Sin, but makes no­thing perfect, which Paul profitted much in; If he, I say, should command and exhort all people under his Ministry, to go to Christ and hear him?

And if Christ were now upon Earth, and notwithstanding his outward Miracles, Cir­cumcision, Baptism, Supper, and Death, yet he should command and exhort all that (come through the Law or Ministration of Moses unto him) to look, and tarry, and wait for another Comforter, that they might receive the Spirit in them, and say unto them, that that should teach them all things, and lead them into all Truth?

Then whether or no people were to con­tinue following Mose's Priests, with their Tythes and long Prayers, and still be seeking the Law at their mouth, or to come to Christ, to seek the Gospel? for Moses himself did not say, that they should seek the Gospel at the Priests mouth: And then, when did the Priests ever preach the Gospel?

And then, whether those obey not Mo­ses, who leave the Priests and come to Christ, the Light? and whether such when they are come to Christ, should alwayes [Page 78] be looking and following after his Body, Miracles Baptism, or Supper without them, or tarry and wait to receive the Spirit with­in them.

And then, which of these now should all people that profess Christ, be led by in these dayes, either Moses, or the Person of Christ, or the Spirit of Truth? And, whe­ther such as have received, and are truly indeed led by this Spirit of Truth, and know that to be their Teacher, and follow it, and are ruled, governed, and guided by it, according to the Command of Mo­ses and Christ, do not hereby obey the com­mand of Moses and Christ, and fulfil their Doctrine? And whether any other People or Professors whatsoever do obey the Com­mand of Moses and Christ, but only such? And whether this be not a thing of great concernment to be known and learned by all who profess Christianity?

But why then do People follow these Priests of England any longer, which are contrary to Moses, and also to Christ; who have no Store-houses, but suffer the poor to want within and without, and the Widow and the Stranger ready to perish, and moreover devour, and can never [Page 79] have enough of the Spoil of other mens goods?

And why do others dispute about, and talk of the Body so much, which they ne­ver saw nor knew? And is it not better be silent, and know God who dwells in his People, and the Spirit of Truth, which he requires in the inward parts, and to feel after God, even the Life in them­selves, because the Apostle said, they were saved by his Life, being before reconciled by his Death, Rom. 5.10. and until the Life came, there were many things which they were not saved from by his Body, for the Body was before the Death, and the Death which reconciles was passed through, before the Life was received again to save and justifie.

And why then are People so much busi­ed about that which was before the Recon­ciliation (and so therein much short of the Life) and for outward Bread, Wine and Water; Are not these things which are seen? And are not the things that are seen Temporal?

But Christ, the true Prophet, being come, of whom Moses did write, who is the end of the Law, and so the end of [Page 80] that Ministry, whereby that is done away for the weakness and unprofitablenes [...] thereof; and Christ coming after John, o [...] whom John bare witness▪ that he was be­fore, and greater, and came after him▪ and Christ also having finished that which he himself came to do; and likewis [...] so largely and often Exhorted to wai [...] for another Comforter, even the Spirit o [...] Truth.

Then what Ministration is it that now standeth and remaineth, which is accordin [...] both to Moses, Christ and the holy Scriptures? and what Ministration is to be expected or waited for, but the Ministratio [...] of the Spirit? And whether all they be no [...] compassed about with a cloud of Error, wh [...] are upholding that Ministry of the Law (or a worse) which Christ is the end of and the Apostles said, was done away; and likewise such as are upholding and keeping up that which Christ said he had finished▪ And whether the upholding of such thing [...] now, be not quite opposite, both to Moses▪ Christ and Scriptures?

And being that Moses, nor indeed hi [...] true Ministers of the Law, are not up [...] Earth, neither that Body of Christ (which [Page 81] by the Professors was murthered at Jeru­salem) visibly to be seen upon Earth; then what was it those have to follow, who have not received the Spirit to be led by? and if they will say, they have the Writings of Moses and the Word of Christ; I say, if that be all, then they that forsook and denied Christ had more than them; for they had the words from his own mouth, which were Spirit and Life, and yet they understood not; (and then what do those understand who have not so much as they had?) therefore after he had suf­fered, and rose again, he opened their un­derstandings.

And so, what is all their Religion worth, who are not come to the Spirit? And whether Moses Ministration being ended by Christ, and Christ also having finished his work, are not all people in the first place, now to wait for the Spirit, and to receive the Spirit by it, then to be led into all Truth; and so being first led into the Truth, then in the same Truth to wor­ship God in Spirit who is a Spirit? And whether there be now any true Worship standing which God accepteth, but only this? And whether this alone be not a­greeable [Page 82] to Moses, Christ and Scriptures? And whether all other Worships now up­held, be not contrary to this true Worship of God, and contrary to Moses, Christ and Scriptures, and indeed chiefly opposite to the Spirit of God, whereby he is grieved? And if so, whether all such Worship, Way, Practice, Performances, Duties, and Ordi­nances (so called) be not better left undone then performed, until Gods Spirit be re­ceived to guide therein?

Thirdly, Concerning the Ministrati­on of the Spirit, which abideth for ever.

MOses and his Ministry were visible, and Christ in the form of a Servant (and so like unto Moses) was visible, and so were his Miracles; and that which is vi­sible to the natural eye, the carnal mind can come to profess and contend about; but the blessed eye, which God openeth with the light, cometh to see the one done away, and the other finished by Christ, the Light and Life.

And the Spirit is that which first moved, and yet moveth, and moved unto, and [Page 83] led through the visible Ministration; and this Spirit is invisible, as it is written, the invisible only wise God, whom no eye of flesh hath seen, or can see; and this mo­ving invisible Spirit of God which is with­out limit or end, is that which all people should be led unto, by all its outward vi­sible appearances, ministrations and dis­pensations; and this Spirit was that which gave forth and ordained the Ministration of the Law, which was glorious in its time, though to be done away: but how much more glorious is the Ministration of that Spirit of Life it self, from which the Mi­nistration of the Law came, which Spirit abideth for ever. And the second Adam is made a quickning Spirit; and the Spirit which is the Word, was with God, and was God, before the body of flesh was made; and that Spirit abideth for ever, as is heard out of the Law, He shall abide for ever; And this is that which ever liveth to in­ [...]ercede.

And this for ever blessed invisible Spirit was before time, and is to be when time shall be no more; and is without limit, an eternal lively Substance, giving life from it self, and [Page 84] secretly covering it self from the carnal part of man, not seen nor understood, but by such as by its secret motions come to be led to see through that which shadows it forth, and by the image, form, shadow or figure, to discern the Substance, which is the Life, where Im­mortality dwelleth: for in the most innermost and secret of all is the Life of all, being co­vered over with that in which it lies; through which it breaking forth in any discovery of it self, is that whereby the beholders might be drawn through the discovery unto it self, which in the discovery broke forth; for the discovery was still too short of that from whence it came, and that which was discovered forth in any shadow, form, or image, was not to be idolized nor set up, for the very thing or sub­stance of Life, from whence it proceeded; and herein hath been much mistake, by such who came not by that, which opened in the visibles, to that from whence it came, in that to have their understandings opened, and thereby to be made sensible of that which is eternal, by it to be brought in, where its indwellings abide for ever, whose breaking forth in the visible (which was to draw to that invisible) refresh­ed the soul invisibly, in an unexpected manner and time; but being (after) sought for in the [Page 85] visibles (and not in the eternal) withdraws it self out of the visibles, and out of the sight and reach of that which seeks it there, that there­by that which is to live for ever with it, may come through all that which it appeared in, unto the very thing and invisible Substance it self, which is the Life of all, and the true Center of the living Motion which moveth of it self, and gave forth all things good, as they proceeded from it, by vertue of its gradual, and various motions; and this being come, opens it self in them that find it, and live therein; and this maketh Darkness Light before the people whose dwelling is with God, and the crooked comes to be made streight by the thing it self, and dark sayings of old come to be open­ed, and secret things revealed.

But to write more plain for the sake of the weak, of this glorious indwelling Spi­rit, which in the fulness of time cometh forth in flesh, laying hold of the Seed of Abraham, the most glorious Appearance that ever was; being thus appeared; was the express Image of God, who dwelleth in his People, whose bodies are flesh and earthly tabernacles; but by the operation of the sanctifying cleansing Spirit, which the [Page 86] Father sendeth, are made fit habitations of God, and so Coheirs with Christ, and Members of his Body, Flesh and Bones; which Spirit quickneth to God, and being thus received and obeyed, is felt to live for ever, though the shadowings-forth of it be done away; and this is Eternal, and never endeth, but abideth with such for ever; and the Ministration of it is Life it self to the soul, and more to be valued and desired, than all that ever was seen be­fore it.

And as the Lord took of that Spirit which was upon Moses, and put it upon his Brethren the Elders of Israel, whereby they might rule and judge with him: so saith Christ, The Father shall take of mine, and give it unto you, even of that Spirit of Love, Life, Power, Valour and Virtue which was upon and in him (that was like unto Moses) is ministred into, and put up­on such as are truly his Brethren and Friends, whereby, with him, they (thus gifted, sanctified and qualified) judge the World: for all Judgment is committed t [...] the Son, and of that which the Son hath (and is committed to him) doth the Fa­ther give unto his Members, and so from [Page 87] Christ the Head they come to receive pow­er over the World, and its Way, Worship, and Fashions, and over unclean spirits. And that is an unclean spirit which will lead in­to any sin, and it is an unclean spirit in which sin standeth, and which pleadeth for the continuance, and upholding of that which is unclean; and that is of the world, which the Saints judge.

And as those Elders of Israel (who were of the Church in the Wilderness) were not made fit to Judge or Rule in outward matters by all the writings and words of the Law (though received by disposition of Angels) until the Lord himself took of that Spirit which was upon Moses and put upon them.

So those that profess to be Elders in the Church now, or any other person whatso­ever, are much less made fit to Rule or Judge in spiritual matters, by all the read­ing and professing Moses Writings, and Christ's Words, and the rest of the holy Scriptures (though they were given by the inspiration of God) until the Lord take of that Spirit which was upon, and in Christ, (who is like unto Moses) and give unto, and pour it upon, and minister it in unto [Page 88] them. And this is done in Gods way (which is secret) and time (which is in his own hand) to those whom he accounteth worthy thus to honour, and who truly wait for it, as a wayfering man for a resting place, and as a Captive for deliverance.

And though Christ (after his Resur­rection) said, All Power in Heaven and in Earth is given unto me, Go ye therefore and teach, yet they were to tarry until they had the power in themselves; and when that was come which they were to tarry and wait for, then with that they went, and so taught the Nations, from the sensi­ble feeling of that which taught them how to teach, and all things else, when the same Spirit and Power was upon them, which was before committed unto him; and so the coming forth of it from him in­to them, and filling them therewith, was to them in that work of the Ministry most effectual: like as the Vertue going forth of Christ healed the woman; so the Pow­er and Vertue of the holy Spirit, coming forth from Christ, being sent of the Fa­ther, and received by the Disciples (who with much desire waited for that) impow­ered them to do that which before they [Page 89] were commanded to do, after they were endued with Power (or had the Power in them) and so what they were com­commanded to do, they were to wait to re­ceive Power in themselves from God to perform; and Christ did intend to give them power to do that which he command­ed: And as he commanded them to go and teach, he also required them to tar­ry (and so not to go) until they had re­ceived power so to do; and so it was the Power of the holy Ghost in them, which made them Ministers, and these were, and such are, truly Ordained Ministers: And after they had received Power from on high, even the Spirit (or Life) of Truth, and were filled therewith, and so had it in them, then they went to do that which was commanded them, then they went to teach the Nations, and converted tho [...] ­sands, and turned sinners, and brought souls to God, and then they were called Christians, and then were People brought to be of the True Church which Christ buildeth, upon that which flesh and blood revealeth not.

And this is the entrance into the Church in God, 2 Thes. 1.1. the receiving of the [Page 90] Spirit, and in this God is worshiped, and not else, for this hath excluded all other Worship; and these only are the true Wor­shippers, who come in thus by the door▪ which is Christ, the Light and Spirit o [...] Truth, sent into the heart from God.

And if all the prudent learned Divine [...] (so called) in Europe, or all, or any o [...] the wisest Orthodox men (so called) i [...] any other quarter of the whole World, can prove by the (Scriptures of the Old and New Testament) any other true Wor­ship of God (who is a Spirit) now exta [...] among men, and to be performed (espe­cially among them called Christians) with acceptance to God, but only that which the Spirit of Truth leadeth such unto as re­ceive it; then let them bring it forth th [...] we may see it, and prove it by plain u [...] ­deniable truth of Scripture; or otherwise I shall look upon their proofs, words, wayes, actions, practises, performances, duties, and several Worships, as things of no value.

Or if there be any other entrance into the true Worship of God then this Spirit that God sendeth (or the Light which leadeth to it) or if there be any other Wor­ship [Page 91] which God doth, or will accept to be after this, spoken or prophesied of in the Scriptures of Truth, whereby this shall ever be done away, or ended, from being the true▪ only, and alone Worship of God, whilst men have a being upon Earth, then let the wisest of the sons of men bring it forth, and produce their strong Reasons therein, that we may plead together, and that the entrance into, and the true Wor­ship it self of the onely true invisible God, may be declared over all the World, for the satisfaction of every tender heart con­cerning this.

For this I am satisfied in, that Christ Jesus (who is the end of the Law, and who finished his work, when he was upon the Earth) is made a quickning Spirit, and is the Way and Truth of Life, which bring­eth into the Worship of God, and he is the beginning and the end, and he leadeth to the beginning of Gods Worship, and he is the end and the Rest of all the Faith­full, in whom all the Promises are Yea and Amen; and without him all is as nothing, and all that comes before him are Thieves and Robbers, and he it is that abideth a Priest for ever, and his Spirit of Truth is [Page 92] it which all People and Professors whatso­ever should first wait to receive, thereby to be led into that true spiritual Worship, which alone God accepteth; lest they and their worship and building fall together, in a day when there is none to deliver.

And then thus I query; If Christs own dear Disciples, who had forsook all and followed him, (not Priests or Baptists) did not come to receive this Spirit, by hearing all the words which he spoke unto them, but by waiting after the words were ended; Then, whether those that have not forsaken all (nor so much as the Worlds fashions) do now come to receive the Spirit by reading, hearing or professing the same words of Christ, now written, or any other part of the Scriptures?

Or, whether a Proud man hath received this Spirit, or a Lyar, or Prophane Person, or any Wise or Prudent man whatsoever, by any means or way of his? And whether any such ever did, have, or can or may by any industry, or other way or means at­tain to this Spirit which leadeth in the true worship of God, but as it is freely given forth from God? and then whether all people are not to be led by that Spirit [Page 93] (which God freely giveth) into the Wor­ship of God; because Christ said, the Spi­rit should lead, which indeed doth lead in­to all Truth, and nothing else doth so? And they that have not received this from God to lead them, are not yet come to be led by that which the Sons and Children of God were, and are led by.

And the Ministration of the Spirit, which all are now to be taught by, is in­wardly to be known, in the nearest, secret invisible manner, and is more out of the sight, comprehension, and reach of mans wisdom, then any other Ministration; and it is given forth from the clear Fountain it self, unto the soul-satisfaction of man, when he is come to the end of words; or having heard much, or all the words that can be spoken of it, remaineth unsatisfied, in a restless longing desire, to find, receive, feel and enjoy the thing it self, which the words declare of; and that which satis­fieth the true thirsting-soul, comes clearly from God, to the refreshing of the inward parts of man, and filling of the empty, barren, hungry spirit, which cannot be sa­tisfied without Gods in-dwellings; and thus the Disciples were led along, and at [Page 94] last, in a foolish way to the great Professors they waited among them in Jerusalem, and the Lord had regard unto them, and sen [...] his own Spirit unto them, and then they were filled with the Holy Ghost.

And the secret invisible hand of God whose Power was and is felt in my heart, having out of the sight of flesh and blood, in the hidden counsel of his secret Wil [...] led me by the vertue of the operation an [...] drawings thereof, through those thing which thereby I come to leave behinde and to receive and feel that which no [...] goeth before, and is my Leader, in whos [...] Covenant of Life Eternal, my soul is no [...] satisfied; and so by good experience o [...] the Lords leadings, and from an experi­mental knowledge, sensible feeling, an [...] present enjoyment of the incomes of th [...] Spirit of Truth and Life, which filled the inward parts with the Holiness of i [...] self, and giveth power to do the thing required before of God, even from th [...] right and good understanding thereof, i [...] this written; That where it meets with the like condition in a weary Traveller, i [...] may answer its own, and be helpfull to th [...] weak and feeble, that such may not giv [...] [Page 95] over pressing forwards, nor faint in their long travel, though many Mountains, on which they did nourish themselves for a time will not yeeld them Bread now; yet that they may with me, and the rest of the Followers and Friends of Christ (past and present) always continue following the Spirit as it leads, until the inward man be filled therewith, and so power and strength from God come to be known, and received in every particular.

For thus it is with Christs Followers now they are not satisfied until they are filled with that which they have heard of, and their souls thirsted after; and so it was with them then, and they were filled with what they wanted before; and then, from that which they were filled with they spoke forth; and so they did teach the Nations, and brought People under the Power of God, and baptized them into that, and dipt them into the Name of the Father, and brought them under that which saveth from Sin, and plunged them into the holy Spirit; and as they teach'd they did this, baptizing as they did teach, and plunging them (as their doctrine went forth) into that which washeth and purifi­eth [Page 96] the Conscience from the filth and guilt of Sin, of which the outward Baptism wa [...] a figure of this which saveth; and so their Doctrine was from an inward Life, and proceeded from that which was invisible; and so reached to that which wanted life in the Hearers, and so brought up the Power of God over them, and them under it, and into it; for the Word is [Into] and they were to bring people into the Name, (not Water) and they were to bring or baptize them into the Name, as they did teach, Go ye and teach, baptizing into; Baptizing is in the Present Tense, when they did teach: and so here, the spiritual and inward Baptism goes along with the Preaching of the Word of Life, which is inward, and brings man into an inward enjoyment of God, being baptized into his Name, which is a Strong Tower, which preserveth from the power of the Devil: and we all who are brought into this, and are come in here, are all by one Spirit bap­tized into one Body, and so worship God in the Spirit, having the heart sprinkled from an evil Conscience, by the washing of Regeneration in the Ministration of the Gospel of Peace, whereby there is a draw­ing [Page 79] nigh to God, (being brought into his Name) and a free access to the Throne of [...]hat Grace, which saveth from and out of [...]ll filthiness of flesh and spirit.

Humphrey Smith.

The Discovery of Mans return to his first Estate, by the Opera­tion of the Power of God in the great work of Regeneration.

ALL Men and Women, behold, and see in what estate you were created.

And God said, Let us make Man in our Image; God created Man in his own Image, and in the Image of God created he him, male and female created he them.

And the Lord took Man, and put him in the Garden of Eden, to dress, and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the Man, say­ing, Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayst freely eat, but of the Tree of Knowledge of [Page 98] good and evil thou shalt not eat of it: for i [...] the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt sur [...] dye the death.

The Serpent was more subtile than [...] beast of the field which the Lord God b [...] made; he said unto the Woman, Ye shall n [...] surely dye: for God doth know that in the d [...] you eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, a [...] ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

And when the Woman saw the Tree w [...] good for food, and that it was pleasant un [...] the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make [...] wise, she took the fruit thereof, and did ea [...], and gave also to her husband with her, [...] he did eat.

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig-leaves together, and made th [...] Aprons.

And they heard the voice of the Lord God, walking in the Garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his Wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the Trees of the Garden: and the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

And he said, I heard thy Voice in the Gar­den, and was afraid; and because I was naked, I hid my self: and he said, Who told thee [Page 99] that thou wast naked? hast thou eaten of the Tree wherof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the Man said, The Woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the Tree, and I did eat.

And the Lord God said unto the Woman, What is this that thou hast done? The Wo­man said, The Serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

And the Lord God said unto the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all Cattel, and above every Beast of the field: upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the dayes of thy life.

And I will put enmity betwixt thee and the Woman, and betwixt thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

And the Lord God said, Behold this Man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now lest he put forth his hand, & take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever. There­fore the Lord God sent him forth from the Gar­den of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken, and he drove out the Man, and pla­ced at the East of the Garden of Eden Cheru­bims, and a flaming Sword, which turned every way, to keep the Way of the Tree of Life.

[Page 100]Every Man and Woman, behold and see how you are fallen from the estate and condition you are created in; yo [...] were created in the Image of God, to delight alone in him, but you are fallen in obeying▪ the counsel of the Serpent, and are driven out of the Presence of God into the Earth, and there your minds are feeding upon the dust of the Earth, crea­ted objects which will perish: some de­light in Father and Mother, some in Wife and Children, some in House and Lands, some in Money and Gold, some in Meats and Drinks, some in Raiment what they shall put on, some in Lusts and Pleasures; in Wantonness, in vain idle Communica­tion, foolish Jesting and Laughter, which is madness and folly; and some in Honour and Preferment in this World, where­in their hearts are lifted up in Pride and Exaltation above others whom they have Power over, not considering how you are driven out from the Presence of the Lord, wherein you were placed in the beginning; and some there are that feed upon the Let­ter of the Scripture, which is death, com­prehending God and Christ in their wis­dom from what the Saints of the most high [Page 101] God have spoken forth from the Life they enjoyed in Christ Jesus, which was in them the hope of their glory; and man in his ser­pentine wisdom steals the Saints words into his understanding, and never knew the Life and Power thereof in himself, and so speaks a divination of his own brain, a riddle to his own heart; and while he speaks to others, himself i [...] a cast-away.

Every man and woman in particular, deal justly with your hearts, and see where your hearts are, and what they delight in, for in some of these created objects you delight in, and feed upon, if you cannot witness your change by the Eternal and Powerfull Word of Truth; for into the Earth you are driven from the presence of God, and these are the fruits which spring out of the Earth which are in your hearts, Self-love, Pride, Covetousness, Anger, Revenge, Hastiness, Frowardness, Back­biting, Hard-heartedness, Cruelty and Oppression, Lust and Uncleanness, Drun­kenness, Impaciency and Unbelief, and you are fenced out, from coming to the Tree of Life, with Cherubims, and the flaming Sword, which turns every way to keep the Tree of Life. So every one see [Page 102] what you can witness of your return agai [...] unto God from whence you are seperated by the disobedience and evil of your hearts, and see what is the ground of the hope o [...] your callings, and by what power you are acted in your obedience unto God, whe­ther by the power of the first Adam, or by the power of the second: for if thou, upon the convincement of the evil of thy wayes, dost not wait in the Light which is in thy conscience, that convinceth thee of the evil of thy doings, for Power from the Lord to guide thee forth of the evil, which the Light discovers, which would guide thee into the Kingdom of God, but thou runnest out into the wisdom of the first Adam, to seek the Kingdom of God in out­ward forms and observations, according as thou comprehendest of the Saints practi­ces, and thou imitatest their practices in thy wisdom, and though thou walk ne­ver so strictly in these outward forms, thou art alive in the first Adam, sewing fig-leaves together to cover thy nakedness, a peice of new cloth in an old garment, thou art putting new wine into old bottles, and art building up a Tower to get up to God in thy Heathenish and Babylonish [Page 103] wisdom, and confusion will come upon thee; In the day when the Lord comes to [...]ook for fruit, thou wilt be found a fruit­ [...]ess Tree that cumbers the ground; Cain, with his offering up Sacrifice unto God in thy first nature; Esau, seeking the bir [...]h-right with tears, who shall never find it, and all the fruit that is raised in thee is from Hagar the Bond-woman, and thou hast thy end for thy self in all that thou dost, which is thy hire, which thou expectest in the end, life, for thy labour and obedience; and thou regardest not the glory of the Lord, and his fear is not b [...] ­fore thine eyes: Therefore every man and woman, deal justly with your own hearts, under what name or title soever thou art, whether thou be a Teacher of others, or a Professor of what thou comprehendest to be truth from the Testimony the Saints gave forth, from the Life and Power of Christ that was in them, and thou expectest Life in thy outward Forms and Observati­ons, and mindest not to be guided by the Light, which is of Christ, in thy own Con­science; which Light guided the Saints that gave forth the Scriptures: and while thou disobeyest that Light, profess what [Page 104] thou wilt, thou art in the fall, first Adam is yet alive in thee; Cain is not yet banish­ed, nor Esau reprobated, nor the bond-woman and her son cast out; which are all figures and types of the first nature, which is yet alive in thee, and thy will is thy guide, and thy heart is in the Earth, notwithstanding all thy profession, and thou art a painted beast, made drunk with the wine of the wrath of the Whore, which is thy wisdom, which comprehends that which thou never didst know manifest in it self, and sits deckt a well-favoured Harlot, above the Cross of Christ; thou wilt be found a Thief and a Robber, who comes not in by the door, Jesus Christ, but climes up some other way: and thus far went the Scribes and Pharisees, and the young man, who had kept the Command­ments from his youth, but when he should have sold all for Christ, he went away sor­rowful: And thus far went Paul when he persecuted Jesus Christ, according to the Law he walked blameless; and all thy strict walking to get life in observations according to the Letter, is striving again to get to the Tree of Life by thy own power, who are fenced out with Cherubims, [Page 105] and a flaming Sword, which turns every way to keep the Tree of Life; And if thou never sawest thy self fenced out from the presence of God, notwithstanding all thy righteousness in observations, thou art not come so near God as to see the flaming Sword which is placed to meet thee in every way thou turnest to get life in thy own power, and to cut thee down and kill thee, that Christ may be thy life, thou art alive in the first Adam, and art in the death, for Death reigns over all from Adam to Moses, and Moses is until the Pro­phets, and the Prophets till John, and John until Christ; and if thou canst not witness that thou art come to Moses, profess what thou wilt, thou hast not set thy face to­wards God, nor one step in the strait and narrow way to Eternal Life, but art going the broad way to destruction, whatever thou be, whether a Teacher of others, or a Professor of what thou comprehendest to be Truth from the Letter of the Scripture, un­der what form, name, or title soever thou be, thou art a dead man, and a dead wo­man, and the wrath of God abides on thee, though thou see it not; Rom. 7.9. there Paul witnesseth, saying, I was alive with­out [Page 106] the Law once, but when the Command­ment came, sin revived, and I dyed.

Friends, every one in particular, deal justly with your hearts, see what you can witness of your death with Christ by the powerfull Word of Truth, which enlightens the Conscience, and condems sin in the flesh: for every one would ascend with Christ to be partakers of the Life and Glo­ry with him, but he becomes a stumbling-stone, to be baptized with him into his Suf­ferings and Death, to descend with him into Hell; and this thou must witness be­fore ever thou come to sit with him in heavenly places; for it is they, and they alone that shall reign with him, who suf­fer with him; and they that are dead with him shall live with him: It is the dead that hear the Voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live, Arise thou that sleepest in the dust of the Earth, se­curely in thy serpentine wisdom, thy mind feeding upon the dust of the Earth, created objects which will perish; Arise, stand up to Judgment, that Christ may give thee Life. This is required of thee, O man, To do Justly, love Mercy, and to walk Humbly with thy God. Examine thy heart, and deal [Page 107] justly with thy own Soul: There is a Light in thy Conscience, which Light is of Christ; minding, it will let thee see the Mystery of Iniquity that lodgeth in thy heart, which is deceitfull and desperately wicked; and this Light in thy Consci­ence, which discovers unto thee the evil of thy heart, is of the eternal Word of God, and was from the beginning, according as it is written in the outward Testimony of the Truth.

In th [...] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God, and the same was in the beginning with God; all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made; in him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. Eve­ry one arise out of your earthly wisdom, and mind the Light in thy Conscience, and wait on the Power of the Lord in it, and it will bring thee to judgment before the Throne of the Lamb, where the righ­teous Law will be opened in thy heart, that will cry through thy earthly heart for Righteousness and Judgment, and the Book will be opened in thee, where [Page 108] thou shalt see all written that thou hast done in the body, and shalt give an account for every idle word, and receive thy re­ward for what thou hast done, and thy re­ward is Wrath and Condemnation, which will pass upon thee from the presence of the Lamb, for thy disobedience and break­ing of the righteous Law, which must be fulfilled; and what way soever thou turn­est to get life in outward forms and obser­vations, the flaming Sword, which is the righteous Law, that goes out of the mouth of the Lamb, 'twill turn every way, and meet thee, and cut thee down, and cast thee into Hell, where there is weeping and wailing for want of the presence of God, and thou canst do nothing to pacify the Wrath of God which is gone out a­gainst thee. Now wouldst thou hide thy self as Adam did, when he appears in thy heart, thy fig-leav'd garment of prayers, tears, forms, outward observations accor­ding to thy comprehension of the Letter, will not cover thy nakedness; it served to cover thy nakedness from the sight of men, but now when the Lord appears in thy heart, thou canst not stand be­fore him: Now comes Cain in thee to be [Page 109] driven from the face of God, to be a Fu­gitive and a Vagabond in the Earth, not­withstanding all his Sacrifices; and Esau in thee reprobated, never to have the blessing, though he seek it with tears; and the Bond-woman and her son cast out, and the first Adam now slain with the sharp Sword that goeth out of the mouth of the Lamb, and art made to give up thy soul to God, whose it is, to do with thee what he will; if he destroy thee for ever, he may; and if he save thee from eternal death, it is his free Love. Now art thou baptized with Christ into his Sufferings and Death, where thou liest sealed down under the Eternal Judgment of God, and there perishest for ever, for any power or help thou hast in thy self; and this is the Administration of Moses, where thou liest condemned for ever under the righteous Law, without any help or hope, until the Administration of the Prophets, that pro­phesie of a Christ that hath satisfied the righteous Law of God for thee, who art lost and condemned under the power of the Law of Moses: And now there is a se­cret hope raised up in thy soul, and thou lookest up from under the condemning [Page 110] power of Moses for a Saviour: And the Prophets are until John, and of all that were born of women there was not one greater then John, for he is a burning and shining Light that lets thee see the fil­thiness of thy heart; and the Law shines in its purity to condemn the earthly man in thee, but he strengthens the hope in thee that was raised up by the Prophets, to see the beauty and excellency of Jesus Christ, which ravisheth thy lost condem­ned soul, that thou art willing to sell all for him, the Scripture now being fulfilled in thee who witnesseth this from the dayes of John even until now; The Kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force: now is every Mountain and Hill laid low in thee, and crooked wayes made straight, and the rough way in thee made smooth, and thou waitest in the Wilderness and lost condition of thy self, for the Salvation of God, to be manifest to thee in Jesus Christ; and in the appoint­ed time of the Father, the Son of man comes to thy soul as a thief in the night, as the Lightning from the East to the West, so is his appearance in thee, and causeth thy dead soul to hear his voice, which wit­nesseth [Page 111] to it eternal Life freely through his own blood; and thy soul hears his voice, and by the word of his Power is made to live, and is sealed up by the holy Spirit of Promise, the Spirit of God bearing wit­ness with thy spirit that thou art his child: Now comest thou to witness the second Adam to be a quickening Spirit, and Isaac the promised Seed to be Heir for ever: And that the wages of Sin is death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life: And that by Grace thou art saved, through Faith in the Lord Jesus; not of works, lest any should boast: and he that hath Hope in him purifieth him­self as he is pure; and the love of Christ constrains thee now, who can witness this work of Regeneration manifest in thee, to follow him whithersoever he goes; no more to obey him for Life as thou didst, when thou wast without, seeking him in Forms and Observations, but now the Love and Life thou enjoyest in Christ Jesus con­strains thee to deny thy self, and take up thy Cross daily and follow him. Now art thou come into the beginning to live in the Lord, guided by the powerfull word of Faith, the Light that shines in thy heart. which is the Light of the City, New Je­rusalem, [Page 112] to whom thou art come to wor­ship the Father in Spirit and Truth; and all that are come to walk in the Light of the City, New Jerusalem, are the true Israel of God, that are taught of God, to whom the New and Everlasting Covenant is made according to the Promise of the Lord; This is the Covenant I will make with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah, after th [...]se dayes saith the Lord; I will put my Law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a People. And they shall teach no more every man his Neigh­bour, nor every man his Brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them. I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness, and their Sins and their Iniquities will I re­member no more. And in this City there is no need of the Sun, neither of the Moon to shine in it, which are borrowed lights, out­ward dispensations, and teachings of men; for the glory of the Lord God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the Light thereof. And the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of it; and the Kings of the Earth bring their glory and honour unto it; and [Page 113] there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abo­mination, or maketh a lie, but they ever which are written in the Lambs Book of Life: And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day, for there shall be no night there, for the Lord God giveth them Light, and they shall reign for ever and ever.

Hallelujah to the Highest.

To all revolted Souls who have departed from the Councel of the Lord, and are made drunk with the wine of the wrath of the Fornication of the Whore, bewitched with the Mother of Witch­craft, to return into spiritual Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord is Cru­cified.

WHoever thou art in whom the righteous Law of God, Jesus Christ, the Light, in thee hath cryed through thy earthly heart for Righteous­ness and Judgment, and there thou didst stand arraigned before the Throne of the [Page 114] Lamb, where the Book was opened in thee, and written therein all the deeds thou hast done in the body, and the Sen­tence of Wrath and Judgement passed out of the mouth of the Lamb on thee for every idle word, and all that thou hast done; and in this thy condemned estate, thou rann'st to and fro to hide thee from the Wrath of the Lamb, in reforming thy wayes, and strictly observing what thou wast convinced of to be the Will of God; but what way soever thou turnedst in thy obedience towards God, to get life, thi­ther the flaming Sword turned that pro­ceeded out of the mouth of the Lamb, and cut thee down, and cast thee into Hell, where thou layest weeping and wailing under the Wrath of God sealed down under his eternal Judgment for evermore, for any help or power thou hadst in thy self, until Jesus Christ manifested eternal Love and Mercy freely to thy poor lost condemned soul, and raised thee up to a lively hope, and sealed thee up in the Co­venant of Life with his own blood. Now after the Witnesses have sealed up their Testimony, the Beast which is thy will, that ascends out of the bottomless Pit of [Page 115] thy deceived heart, which is deceitfull and desperately wicked, hath made war against the Witnesses, Christ in thee, and slain them, and they lie dead in the spiritual City of Sodom and Egypt, where our Lord is crucified; and thou art made drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of the Forni­cation of the Whore, and bewitched with her Witchcrafts, who now tells thee, Whom he loves he loves to the end, and To the pure all things are pure; thou art no more under the Law but under Grace, and all things are alike; that when thou disobeyest the pure Law, which once had power over thee, and it witnesseth against thee secretly, crying in thy heart, Use thy liberty, but not as an occasion to the flesh, thou regardest not the Counsel of the Lord, but hearkens to the Mother of Harlots in thee, and causeth thee to wrest the Scriptures to thine own destructi­on, and tells thee, the Law hath no power over thee, thou art under Grace, it is but the Law in thy members, that wars against the Law in thy mind, the acting of the humanity which acts in its place, that the Grace of God may appear more glo­riously; God sees no sin in thee, for it is [Page 116] no more thou, but sin that dwells in thee, and the former misery thou wast in under the Wrath of God, for the disobeying of the Righteous Law, thou now treadest un­der thy feet, and lies slain in spiritual So­dom and Egypt in thy heart, yet not put in grave, but lies in thy sight, and lets thee see the evil of thy doings, and vexes and torments thy earthly and carnal heart in the midst of all thy joy; but the Whore in thee, tells thee, that the former trouble thou wast in, it was through the igno­rance of God, but now thou art grown up to a higher stature in Christ, to see no­thing but Love in whatsoever thou dost, and now thou knowst nothing but to eat, and to drink, and be merry, for the Chil­dren of the Bride-Chamber cannot mourn while the Bridegroom is with them; time was thou didst mourn, but it was when the Bridegroom was not with thee; but now the Winter is past, and Summer come, and singing of Birds is heard in thy Land; and now wash thy face, and anoint thy head with Oyl, that thou appear no more before men, as thou didst when thou wast a Pharisee: Now to be a friend to Pub­licans and Sinners, and become all to all, [Page 117] that thou mayest win some, and whatever thou dost, it is God that acts thee, for thou art not stronger then he to resist him; and if he would have it otherwayes, how couldst thou hinder it? so it is as it must be, and it cannot be otherwise. Thus the subtil Serpent windes into the mind of man, and causes him to wrest the Scriptures to his own destruction, to draw back into Perdition.

Wo, wo unto thee thou backslider in heart, who chargest God, who is Purity it self, to be the author of Sin, and the actor of thee in all thy filthy and unrigh­teous walking, and hast turned the Grace of God into wantonness, and takest li­berty to sin, because Grace abounds, and makest the coming of Christ (who came to fulfil the Law) to destroy it, through the evil of thy heart, that when the righteous Law cryes in thee for purity, and con­demns thee for thy unrighteous walking, then thou fliest to the Free Grace in Christ, to save thee from the power of the Law; but thou shalt find the Law hath power over the fleshly man as long as he lives, and the fleshly man that now guides thee, is under the Law, until it be destroyed [Page 118] through Faith in Jesus Christ; For he came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it, and the Saints witness it, though thou wrest the words of Paul (when he declared his condition before he came to the fulness of stature in Christ) to thy own destruction. I see a Law in my members warring against the Law of my mind, bringing me into captivity to the Law of sin which is in my members; but he gave not up himself to be a servant of sin, as thou dost, it was his burthen that made him to cry, Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death? and he waited in the Faith until he was freed, Rom. 8 2. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of Sin and Death, that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfil­led in us who walk not after the Fl [...]sh, but after the Spirit: He witnessed Christ came in him to fulfil the Law, and so do all the Saints now, according to their growth; some witness the Law fulfilled in them, and others are waiting in the Faith patiently, following the Lord daily through the Cross, until the Law be fulfilled. But thou art departed from the Counsel of the Lord thy God, and causest his Name to be evil [Page 119] spoken of, and hast made the hearts of his People sad, as they did that the Apostle speaks of; For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are enemies to the Cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, whose glory is their shame, who mind earthly things. These Scriptures are ful­filled in thee, which the Apostle menti­ons, And while they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corrupti­on: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought into bondage: For if af­ter they have escaped the pollutions of the World, through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome; the latter end of them is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them. But it happened unto them according to the true Proverb, The Dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the Sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire. And thou mayst read what will be manifest to thee from the Lord.

[Page 120]For if we sin wilfully, after we have re­ceived the knowledge of the Truth, there remains no more Sacrifice for sin, but a fearfull looking for of Judgment, and fiery Indignation, which shall devour the adver­saries.

He that despised Moses Law dyed with­out mercy, how much sorer punishment supposest thou, shalt thou be thought wor­thy of, who hast trodden under foot the Son of God, and hast counted the Blood of the Covenant, wherewith thou wast sanctified, an unholy thing, and hast done despight to the Spirit of Grace? and we know him that hath said, Vengeance belong­eth unto Me, I will recompence, saith the Lord: It is a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.

Remember from whence thou art fallen, Repent, and do thy first work, in minding that Light of Jesus Christ, in thee, before whom thou once stoodest condemned for that thou now livest in: Prize the time, and give up to be guided by the Counsel of the Lord in thee, the Light of thy Consci­ence, that discovers every vain thought; wait on the power that is present with the Light, and it will dash Babylons children [Page 121] against the stones, which is sin in its con­ception, so will thy carnal mind be brought to the Cross daily, and thy heart will be purged with the Spirit of Judgment, and the Spirit of Burning: Kiss the Son in obeying his Counsel, the Light in thee, lest thou perish in the way; for if his Anger be kindled a little, blessed are they that trust in him.

The Discovery of My­stery Babylon.
To all enslaved Captives in Babylon's Kingdom, who are made drunk with the wine of the Wrath of her Fornica­tions, and bewitched through the mul­titude of her Inchantments.

FRiends, Babylon is within you, the Mother of Harlots is within you, and she bewitcheth you through the abundance of her Sorceries; and the Beast is within you that ariseth out of the bottomless Pit of the deceived heart, which is deceitfull [Page 122] and desperately wicked; and the Beast which all the world wanders after, is your wills, that makes war against the Lamb of God in you, which is the Light that makes manifest the evil of your hearts; and your wisdom is the great Whore that sits upon the Beast, that ariseth out of the bottom­less Pit of the deceitfull heart, and she finds out many deceitfull inventions to pre­serve the beastly will alive, having a golden Cup in her hand, full of the Abominations of the Earth, and this Golden Cup is your outward professions, glorious compre­hensions and conceivements of God and Christ, imtiating what the Saints did im­power, according as they were moved by the operation of the Spirit of the Most High God, and you imitate the Saints pra­ctice by your wisdom.

There is nothing but confusion in the Kingdom of Babylon; So come you to be divided into so many particular Forms, as Presbyterians, Independants, Anabaptists, and divers others, that are in outward worships, painted over with glorious words; and yet you whose wills guide you, are paint­ed Beasts, bewitched with the Mother of Harlots, notwithstanding all your outward [Page 123] professions and glorious observations, they are but the golden Cup, and within you are full of the Abominations of the Earth, as Self-Love, Covetousness, Lust, Ʋncleanness, Frowardness, Backbiting, Slandering, Hard­heartedness, Cruelty and Oppression, grind­ing the faces of the Poor, Impatiency and Ʋn­belief, and the fear of the Lord is not before your eyes; and thus you lie enslaved Cap­tives in the Kingdom of Babylon, refresh­ing your hearts in the Creature— enjoy­ments, which will perish; some in Father and Mother, some in Wife and Children, some in House and Land, some in Gold and Silver; some in Self wisdom, de­lighting in themselves; some in Honour and Preferment in this World: and when there is enjoyment of these visible crea­tures, then there is content; and when they are taken away, there is trouble, the mind alwayes plodding, contriving, and acting every way to get of the creatures what the heart lusteth after, and he that gets the most is highest exalted; so every one is exalted above another, and there is nothing but Tyranny, Cruelty and Op­pression among you, you sons and daugh­ters of Babylon; And in her was found the [Page 124] blood of the Prophets, and of the Sains, and all that were slain upon the Earth.

The Merchants of Babylon are your Tea­chers; who draw you from your Guide, which is the pure Light of Christ in you, to seek the Kingdom of God in observa­tions without you, contrary to the mind of Christ: The Kingdom of God comes not with observations, neither shall they say, Lo here, or, Lo there; for, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.]

But these your Merchants have no Scrip­ture for their Merchandize, which they sell to you enslaved Captives for so many hundreds in the year, and is paid in the Nation, or elsewhere: for these observati­ons they tell you you must observe, or else you cannot come to the Kingdom of Heaven, though they are contrary to the Scripture, as are practised by them; there is no Scripture that witnesseth their call to the Ministry by humane wisdom; Not many great, not many noble, not many wise after the flesh.

There is no Scripture which testifies of any that Jesus Christ sent forth that made a Bar­gain with the People for so much a year, as these do that profess themselves to be sent of Christ.

[Page 125]This is the call of the Ministers of Christ, Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ, neither of man, nor by man, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

I send you forth (saith Jesus Christ) as Lambs among Wolves: Into what Town or City ye enter, enquire who is worthy; and if they receive you, there abide, eating such things as is set before you: the Labourer is worthy of his meat: freely ye have received, freely minister.

Those whom Jesus Christ commits the Word of Eternal life unto, and calls them forth to declare it unto others, the Love of Jesus Christ, which is sealed up to their souls through his own blood, constrains them to give up themselves to death, in witnessing forth the Eternal Life they en­joy in Christ; as it was, it is, The Love of Christ constraineth me to preach the Gospel, saith Paul: But these your Merchants are they which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wa­ges of unrighteousness.

And as there is no Scripture for their call to the Ministry by their human learn­ing, nor making bargains with the people [Page 126] for so much in the year: so there is no Scripture for these observations they call the Ordinances of God, as they are practi­sed by them.

There is no Scripture, that Christ, or any that he sent forth, did take a Child, and sprinkle water on its face, and said, in so doing, they baptized it into the Church of Christ.

Suffer little Children to come unto me, saith Christ, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God; for whosoever shall not re­ceive the Kingdom of God as a little Child, shall not enter therein; He sets the Child as a type and a figure to shew forth to every one, that they must become as a little Child, depending upon the Will of God, before they enter into the Kingdom of God: He took them up in his arms, and put his hands on them, and blessed them, but that he sprinkled water on their faces, and said, He baptized them into his Church, there is no such Scripture.

Another observation your Teachers tell you you must observe, is, hearing these Studied Sermons, in taking a part of Scrip­ture, and adding to it their wisdom, calls it The Word of God, which is contrary to [Page 127] the Scripture; but they say, They have Christ for an example.

There was delivered to him the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, and when he had open­ed the Book, he found where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel unto the poor, he hath sent me to heal the broken­hearted, to preach deliverance to the Captives: and recovering of the sight of the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord: And he closed the Book, and sate down: and he be­gan to say unto them, This day is the Scrip­ture fulfilled in your ears: And all bare him witness, and wondred at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth; He was the substance of the Prophesie, which was then fulfilled in him.

This is no ground for any to take the Saints words, and to add to it their wisdom, and call that the Word of God.

The Prophet that hath a Dream, let him tell a Dream: He that hath my Word let him speak my Word faithfully. What is the Chaff to the Wheat, saith the Lord? Is not my word like a fire, and like a hammer, saith the Lord, that breaks the Rocks in [Page 128] pieces? All to whom the Word of the Lord is committed, can witness it to be as a fire within them, and as a hammer that break­eth the rocks in pieces, subjecting all in the heart under the power of it self; so it alone rules and guides him, that he is what he speaks; that if he had never seen any thing that the Saints have declared without him, he had known what is manifest in him; and he to whom the Word is thus made manifest, is a true Minister of Christ, who is called to speak the Word faithfully.

But these that call themselves, your Teachers, and make bargains with you, for so much by the year, they never witnes­sed the word of the Lord, in them, as a fire, and like a hammer that breaketh the Rocks in pieces; so they never had any thing to have spoken of the Lord, but as they have stoln it from the testimony of the Saints; So they speak a divination of their own brain; a riddle to their own hearts, and whilst they speak to others, themselves are cast-aways.

And the Lord testifies against them, Be­hold I am against the Prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my Word every one from his Neighbour.


[Page 129] Behold, I am against the Prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongue, and say, He saith.

Behold, I am against them that prophesie false Dreams, saith the Lord, and to tell them, and cause my People to err by their Lyes, and by their lightness, yet I sent them not, nor com­manded them; therefore they shall not profit the People at all, saith the Lord: And this fruit is made manifest of the Ministry that hath been in England.

Another Observation your Teachers bid you observe, which is contrary to Scrip­ture, as it is practised by them in singing of David's Psalms in Meeter, taking Da­vid's words, who was a man after Gods own heart, and putting words into the mouthes of poor ignorant People to sing that which they never knew, and so causeth them to blaspheme the Name of God, say­ing; Let us sing to the Praise and Glory of God, As,

O Lord I am not puft in mind,
I have no scornfull eye,
I do not exercise my self
in things that be to high:

When they never knew any change wrought in their minds, and so causeth [Page 130] the People to lye. And causing them to sing David's Prayers, as, O Lord rebuke me not in thy Wrath, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure, for thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore: for my iniquities are gone over my head as an heavy burthen, they are too heavy for me to bear; my wounds stink, and are corrupt, because of my foolishness; I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly, I go mourning all the day long: And may be none of you in all that place can witness the condition, and so blas­phemes the Name of God, who will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth: and this is the rule given out from him, If any be afflicted, let him pray; if any be merry, let him sing Psalms: And there is none merry but the Ransomed of the Lord, who re­turns to Sion with joy and singing, and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads, they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

All people may search the Scriptures, and see how you have been deceived by your Teachers, who have caused you to seek your lost God in carnal and dead ob­servations, which they have not any Scrip­ture for: all cease from them; for the [Page 131] Lord complains of them, The Leaders of my People cause them to err, saith the Lord of Hosts; and now are these Scriptures ful­filled in these men, which the Apostle pro­phesied of.

This know also, That in the last dayes pe­rilous times shall come; for men shall be lo­vers of their own selves, covetous, proud, boasters, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankfull, unholy. All people see, are not your Teachers so, self-lovers? before they come at you, they must know what they must have: covetous, griping for much; and if you will not give them so much as they can have in another place, they will not come at you: here is self-love and covetousness manifested; —without natural affection, Truce-breakers, false-Ac­cusers, Traytors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God, having a Form of Godliness, but denying the Power thereof; from such the Apostle exhorts to turn away. All People behold and see, all these Scriptures are fulfilled in your Tea­chers: they speak against Pride, and live in it; against covetousness, and live in it: they teach by words to be naturally-affectionated one towards another, and [Page 132] they walk contrary, causing poor people to pay to maintain them in pride and high ranks in the Earth, who can scarce get bread for their bellies, and clothes for their backs; yet they force them to pay to them▪ being void of all natural affections: and they are Truce-breakers, breaking all Bonds and Covenants, if they can get more money in another place. Thus they shew forth to all the world, that they are lovers of Pleasures more then lovers of God, and have a form of Godliness in words, but deny the power thereof; from such turn away: for, of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women, laden with sin, and divers lusts. These Scriptures are fulfilled in your Teachers, every one hath his particular house to creep into, where none must come but themselves, or whom they please, which is contrary to the practise of Christ, or any that he sent forth: they went through the Coun­tries, Towns, Cities, Villages, according as they were guided by the Spirit of God, to declare what he gave them to speak: and your Teachers lead silly women cap­tive, laden with sin, and led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able [Page 133] to come to the knowledge of the Truth: Do not they tell you to look for Christ's coming in such Observations as they set up? which is nothing but the inventions of their brains; for Christ tells you, The Kingdom of God comes not with observations, but is within you. But many of them de­ny, that the Light in your Conscience, which makes manifest the evil of your hearts, is the Kingdom of God, calling it the light of a corrupt conscience; so shut the King­dom of Heaven against men, and will neither enter in themselves to be guided by the pure Light of the Kingdom of Christ within them, nor suffer them that are entring in, to enter, as the Scribes and Pharisees did: Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these men resist the Truth; men of corrupt minds, Reprobates concerning the Faith: but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be made manifest to all men, as theirs also was: and no man shall buy their Merchan­dize any more.

All you enslaved Captives in the King­dom of Babylon, why will you lay out your Money for that which is not Bread, and your labour for that which satisfies not? hearken diligently unto Jesus Christ, the [Page 134] Light that lets you see the evil of your hearts, to be guided by it, and you shall eat that which is good. Encline your ears, saith Christ, and come unto me; hear, and your souls shall live, and I will make an ever­lasting Covenant with you, even the sure Mer­cies of David: Mind the call of a power­ful and tender Father in the Lord Jesus, who calls, Come forth of Babylon my Peo­ple, and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will be a Fath r unto you, and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters, saith the Lord God Almighty. Friends, prize your times, slight not the day of the Lords Mercy, for he waits to be gracious, and saith, I stretch forth my arm all the day long to a backsliding, and gainsaying People. Eve­ry one, mind your conditions, deal just­ly with your own hearts, see what your hearts have fellowship with, and guide your minds, for the Kingdom of Christ is within you, it is not in observations, as your Teachers tell you, for they deceive you; therefore Christ forewarned us for looking forth at those which would come in the latter dayes, that would say, Lo here is Christ, lo there is Christ! as it is in these our dayes; some say, Lo here is Christ [Page 155] in the Presbyterian practise; the Indepen­dants say, He is there, and the Anabaptists say, Lo he is here: But Friends, mind what Christ saith unto you, believe them not, look not forth, the Kingdom of Christ is not in any of those, nor in any other outward observations, but (be warned) the Kingdom of Christ is in you, and that is the Light that lets you see the evil of your hearts: and Christ compares it to a grain of Mustard-seed, the least of all Seeds, and it grows up above all other herbs, and becomes a Tree that the Fowls of the Air lodge therein: and he com­pares it to a little Leaven, that a woman took and hid in three measures of Meal, and it leavened the whole Lump. These are earthly parables and figures, which Christ layes down, speaking to the earthly and carnal heart of man, that he might read his condition within. Therefore de­spise not the day of small things, but mind the Counsel of the Lord Jesus, the little Light, that shines in thy dark heart; look upon the figures, the parables. The little Leaven which is hid in three measures of meal, it changeth the whole lump into the nature of it self: So the little Light that [Page 136] shine, in thy dark heart, is the powerfull Word of Faith, which was in the beginning, by which all things were created, and without him was nothing made; this Word is Life, and the Life is the Light of men, and Light shines in Darkness, and the Darkness comprehends it not: This Light is the Word of Faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto; Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend up to Heaven to fetch Christ down? or down into the deep to fetch him up? the Word is nigh thee, in thy heart and n thy mouth, and this is the Word of Faith which we preach, the Ʋnction of the holy One, given of the Father, whereby we need not to teach one another, but as the A­nointing teacheth us, which is Truth and no lye, which is the sure word of Prophesie, where­unto ye do well to take heed, as unto a Light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the Day-Star arise in your hearts.

All People return within, give up your selves freely to be guided by that Light, that discovers to you the evil of your hearts, and none be discouraged, because you see an evil heart, but prize the Love of God that discovers it to you, and whatever the Light makes manifest to you to be evil: Wait on the Lord for Power, and he will [Page 137] give thee power to obey, and in being faithfull in a little, more will be commu­nicated from the Lord, so will the Righ­teous Law be set up in your hearts, that will cry through your earthly and carnal hearts for Righteousness and Judgment, and so will bring you to an account for every idle word, and all deeds done in the body. Look up unto the Lord against whom you have sinned, and he will arm you with power to what he layes upon you, with patience to undergo his Will, until all the Powers of the Earth in you be fa­mished and slain under his righteous Judg­ments; then will Judgment be brought forth into Victory, that you can no longer live without the loving kindness of your Fa­ther in Christ Jesus.

Now is the Parable fulfilled, the little grain of Mustard-Seed grown up above all herbs; and the little Leaven hath leavened the whole Lump; and the Prodigal starved for ever, if his Father receive him not free­ly into his house.

Thou that canst witness this condition, stand still in the Will of God, he will raise up his Seed in thee to trust in his Name, and to delight in the Eternal Covenant of [Page 138] Love and Life, he hath made with thy soul in the Lord Jesus Christ, and will guide thee by the Word of his Power, in a way thou knowest not, forth of Babylon (where thou wast an enslaved Captive, under the power of the filthy Beast, which is thy will, and the Whore the Mother of Witchcrafts, which is thy wisdom, which enthralled thee under the powers of Darkness, to satisfie the Lust of thine own heart which led thee to destruction) up to Sion, to live by Faith in the Lord Jesus, which will purifie thy heart, and set thy soul free from under the powers of Darkness, into the glorious Li­berty of the Sons of God, where thou shalt sing the Songs of Sion, Hallelujahs and Praises for evermore, unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever.

W. D.

To all enslaved, hard-hearted, and un­believing Jews in this Nation and else­where, who are made drunk with the wisdom of the Whore, and bewitched through the abundance of her Sorceries, to put the Day of the Lord afar off; looking for Christs coming in the Spi­rit, as the hard-hearted unbelieving Jews in the Letter, did for his coming in the Flesh, according to the Promise; but they limitted the Holy-One, accor­ding to their carnal wisdom, expected his coming in great pomp and glory: and when he came in that poor despised way, contrary to their expectations, they stumbled at him, and would not own him to be their Saviour, but rose up against him, and put him to death, Mat. 27.1, to vers. 50.

BEhold, you hard hearted and unbe­lieving Jews, do you not look for Christ coming in the Spirit according to [Page 140] his Promise, as they did for his coming in the flesh? but you limit the Holy One, as they did, expecting Christ to come in power and glory, according to your own fancies; and so put the day of the Lord afar off you, in rejecting and despising the Counsel of Jesus Christ the pure Light in your Con­sciences, which lets you see every evil thought, word and action, and cries behind you, This is the Way, walk in it: but you disobey the Light, and hearken to the coun­sel of your hearts, as the Jews in the Letter did, who put Christ to death; and so you slay the Witnesses in Spiritual Sodom and Egypt in your hearts, where our Lord is cru­cified, in not regarding the Counsel of Christ, which is that Light that shines in your dark hearts, which knocks at the door, according to his Word; I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my Voice, and open the door I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Oh thou enslaved Soul under the power of Babylon in thee, Come forth, mind the Light in thee, which is the sure Word of Prophecy, whereunto you do well to take heed, as unto a Light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star [Page 141] arise in your hearts: stand not out against this secret Counsel of Christ in you, lest you perish in your gain sayings; for, if his Anger be kindled a little, blessed are all they that trust in him. All give up, give up freely to be guided by the Coun­sel of the Lord, the Light in you, believing in his Power that is present with the Light; he will lead you daily through the Cross, in the streight way of his Sufferings and death, where the old man will be put off with his deeds, and so you shall have right to the Tree of Life, and shall enter with him through the Gates into the City, New Jerusalem, where you shall have commu­nion with the Father and the Son, and an Inheritance with those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, and shall reign as Kings upon the Earth, to the praise and glory of the riches of the Grace of our heavenly Father, to whom alone be all Power, Do­minion, Honour and Glory, for ever and ever:

W. D.

A Word from the Lord to all that are waiting on the Lord in Sion: and to those that are weeping, and are seek­ing the Lord their God, asking the way to Sion with their faces thither­wards.

FEar not, ye Mourners in Sion, the Lord waits on you to be gracious unto you; and though he give you the Bread of Ad­versity now, and the Water of Affliction, yet shall not your Teachers be removed into Corners any more, but your eyes shall see your Teachers, and your ears shall hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the Way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand, or the left: Therefore every one of you mind the Light, which is of Jesus Christ, in you, that judgeth the un­righteousness of your hearts; give up to be guided by the pure Light in you, which is your Teacher, the Counsel of Jesus Christ, and it will bring Judgement forth unto Victory, and whatever he makes mani­fest to you to be his Will: Wait on the Lord [Page 143] in his Counsel, and he will give you power to obey, and when you have obeyed his Will, take heed of departing from the Counsel of the Lord, which is the Light within you, to hearken to the counsel of your own hearts, which will draw your minds to look back at your obedience, and the experiences you have passed through; so will the Beast which received a deadly wound with the Sword, the Righteous Law, that goeth out of the mouth of the Lamb, in you, his deadly wound will be healed, (and sits a painted Beast above the Cross of Christ, working lying wonders in your hearts, and imitating the operation of the Power of God, who is purifying his Sons and Daugh­ters with the Spirit of Judgment, and the Spirit of Burning) and the Beast in you, that tasted of the Power of God, when he received his deadly wound under the Ju­stice of God, now can imitate the same in deceit, and cause fire to come down from Heaven in the sight of men, inti­mating the operation of the Spirit of Burn­ing, and so deceives himself and all that dwell upon the Earth, he is made manifest to all that dwell in the heavenly Light in their hearts. All Friends, mind your [Page 144] Watch, for the Adversary, the Devil, goes about like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour; abide in the Counsel of the Lord, which is the Light in you, and you will discern between the Beast, which is Antichrist in his lying Wonders, and the Lamb Jesus Christ, in the opperation of his Power; so you will come to try the spirits▪ whether they be of God, yea or no; all that are guided by the Beast have their life in speaking and acting in out­ward opperations what they once expe­rienced, and what they comprehended to be truth, speaking that they enjoy not, and is exalted in pride, the heart returned into the Earth. But thou that art guided by the Lamb, the Light in thy Conscience, the righteous Law cries through thy earth­ly heart, and brings it to Judgment, and thou canst find no life in the opperation of the Power of God, nor in thy obedience, but whilst the Presence of the Lord is with thee in it; and when thou hast done the Will of God in obeying what he hath made known unto thee, thou seest thy self to be an unprofitable Servant, and hast need of Patience, that thou mayest re­ceive the Promise where thy Life is hid [Page 145] with Christ in God, to save thee freely for his Name sake, or else thou perishest, and to carry thee on by his Mighty Power, or else thou fallest, so thou hast nothing to glo­ry in, but in the Lord.

And as they that are guided by the Beast (which is Antichrist) speaks of the Truth, a riddle to their own hearts, not knowing the Power and Life of what they speak, adding to the Word of the Lord, and the plagues and curse of God will be added un­to them. But thou art guided by the Lamb Jesus Christ, thou knowest when the Word of the Lord is committed to thee: If any have my Word, saith the Lord, let him speak my Word faithfully: Is not my Word like a fire, saith the Lord, and like a hammer, that breaketh the rocks in pieces? Thou canst wit­ness the Word of the Lord to be as a fire, and as a hammer, to break the Rocks in pieces in thee, and bring down all in thee in subjection to it self, and it alones rules in thee: and thou that canst witness the Word of the Lord thus manifest in thee, thou art a true Messenger of the Lord; let not the deceit stop thy mouth, for the Word of the Lord that calls thee to speak, shall perfect his Work for which he is sent.

[Page 146]All Friends stand fast in the Counsel and Will of God, be faithfull in following the Lamb daily through the Cross, and none be discouraged: in temptations be content, look up to the Lord to keep you in the hour of temptations, for it is no sin to be tempt­ed, but to yeeld to the Tempter: and when the Lord delivers you from the power of the Tempter, watch that your will get not from under the Cross, but sink down into the Love of God; and every one be content in what the Lord hath made manifest to you, and be faithfull according to your Ta­lents, and more will be communicated to you, and none look forth at others condi­tions, for if you do, the Enemy will cause you to stumble, and you will come to a loss in your own condition: wait patiently in the Counsel of the Lord, the Light in you, for he is making a short work in the Earth, that you that come into the Vineyard at the eleventh hour, shall receive as much as they that came in at the third hour, and have la­boured in the heat of the day.

All ye children of the Lord lift up your heads, behold your King riding in Majesty and Power upon the wild Ass Colt, which is your wild nature, subjecting it to himself, [Page 147] that you may enter with him through the Gates of the City into the New Jerusalem where there enters nothing that worketh, abomination, and maketh a lie, but what is written in the Lambs Book of Life, and there you shall dwell in the Banqueting-house of the Lord for ever, seeding upon the feast of fat things, rejoycing in the E­ternal Love and Mercy of your Souls, in the free Covenant of Life, in the Blood of Christ, who is the Lord of lords, and King of kings, God blessed forever; who is ri­ding on in majesty and in power, conquer­ing and to conquer all the powers of dark­ness in the hearts of his Saints, that they may reign as people upon the Earth, to the praise and glory of our God, who is taking unto him his Great Power, to reign in his Saints for evermore: To whom alone be all honour, glory, power, and eternal praises for ever.

W. D.

A Word of Consolation, unto the Child of Light, that yet sits in Darkness, being deeply afflicted, and wounded in spirit, through ignorance of Salva­tion in the New Covenant, in Christ Jesus the Light.

DEar Child, of the Birth of the Im­mortal Seed, which cries over all the World, and beyond all the Pleasures, Pomp and Vanity therein, for the enjoy­ment of the light Countenance of God, fear thou not, neither be thou discouraged because of the violent assaults of the Ene­my, who seeks to draw thee into the car­nal reasonings of thy spirit, and in it to kindle a fire to thy self, and cause thee to walk in the light of the sparks that thou hast kindled; and this thou hast at the hand of the Lord, in going from his Coun­sel, lyest down in sorrow; few knows thy great distress, but to the Lord it is known, and to them that had, and walked in the same paths.

Oh thou beloved Babe, who liest in the deep sence of the working of the evil-one in thy mind, and many times art ready to [Page 149] say, Never was any like unto me, neither any sorrow like unto my sorrow! and in this lan­guishing despairing mournings of thy soul, all things made bitter unto thee as the wa­ters of Marah; thus art thou driven from all comfort, as a Child without a Father, and a desolate Widdow without a Husband, and as a Stranger that no eye pittieth, in thy ap­prehension; sometimes saying in thy heart, in the heat of the temptation, and the fire that thou hast kindled, O that I had been any Creature but what I am! or if it were the Will of the Lord, that he would shorten my dayes, that I might not be any longer on Earth to sin against him! for in thy own sence and feeling thou walking in the sparks thou hast kindled in carnal reasonings, thou deservest not any thing but Wrath, Horror, Misery and Distress on every side, and great languishings that thy dayes were shortened, secretly crying out in thy heart, O that I were alone in the Wilderness, or any Cave or Den in the Earth, that I might never set nor hear any of the Sons of men any more, but in the secret, retiredness even roar and mourn out my dayes until I die.

O thou Royal Child of the birth of the morning of the pure eternal Day of the God [Page 150] of Israel, hearken no longer to the enemy, who saith, There hath none travelled where thou art, nor none drunk of the Cup that thou art drinking; he is a Lyar who goes about to destroy thy precious soul. In the Word of the Lord God I declare unto thee, I drank the same cup with my faithful Friends, who are born of the Royal Seed, every one in their measures travelled in the same path, and have endured the same temptations, and walked in the light of the same sparks, and laid down in sorrow in the sence of the same misery as thou mournest under this day; no longer lend an ear to the enemy and the thoughts of thy heart: Arise, arise in the Light of the Covenant stay thy heart, and the Lord will throw down the Enemy of thy peace, destroy the carnal reasonings of thy mind, put out the fire that thou hast kindled, and he will deliver thee out of the horrible Pit, and set thy feet upon the Rock of Ages; and thou shalt tread down the enemies of thy soul in the sensible feeling of the Love of the Father, who will manifest himself to be a Fa­ther to the Fatherless in thee, and a Husband to the mournful Widdow, and a Comforter to the Immortal Babe that mourns in thee, in the uprightness of thy heart to do the [Page 151] Will of the Living God; so in the power of his Might stay thy heart, and tread upon all doubts, fears, dispairing thoughts, question­ings, reasonings, musings, imaginations and consultings; arise over them all in the Light of Christ, he will lead thee into the Banquet­ing-house of the Pleasure of our God, where thou shalt sit down with me, and all the Re­deemed of my Father, who are born of the Immortal Seed, and have passed through great Tribulations, & have washed our Gar­ments, and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb, therefore do we now stand be­fore the Throne of God, praising him day and night in his Holy Temple. And this shall be the portion of thy Cup, if thou dili­gently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord, which calls thee to trust in him, he will em­brace thee in the arms of his Love, and thou shalt praise his Name for ever.

God Almighty, in his Light and Life, raise up thy soul, and establish thy heart in his Coun­sel, stedfastly to wait in his Power to lead thee in the Cross, out of all unbelief, and cause thee to lie down at rest, in obedience to his Will, where thou shalt drink the Cup of Salvation for ever. Farewel.

William Dewsbury.

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