A Brief HISTORY OF THE Rise, Growth, Reign, Supports, and sodain fatal Foyl of POPERY, during the three Years and an half of JAMES the SECOND, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.

Together with a Description of the Six Popish Pillars,


  • Anabaptists,
  • Presbyterians,
  • Quakers,
  • Independants,
  • Roman-Catholicks, &
  • Popish Church-men.

The perpetual Addressers of the King.

The Second Edition.

Prov. XXIV. ver. 21.

My Son, Fear thou the Lord and the King: And meddle not with them that are given to Change.

LONDON, Printed for the Author: And are to be Sold by most Booksellers in London and Westminster, 1690.

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