LETTERS FROM Sir WILLIAM BRERETON Sir THOMAS MIDDLETON, Sir JOHN MELDRUM, Of the great Victory (by Gods providence) given them, in raising the siege from before Mountgomery-castle.

AND, How they routed, and totally dispersed His MAjESTIES Forces, under the command of the Lord Byron; where they tooke all their Carriages, Armes, and Ammunition, and made them flie to Shrewsbury and Chester.

With a List of the names of all the Commanders and Officers taken and kild in the said service.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That these Letters be forthwith printed and published.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily, Septemb. 23. 1644.

To the Right Honourable, the LORDS, and others of the Com­mittee of both Kingdomes, sitting at Darby-house in Westminster.

Right Honourable,

THat God who is most glorified by working by the weakest and unworthiest instruments, hath this day given a most glorious victory, and as much manifested his power therein, as in any day I have been engaged since the beginning of these warres.

We have relieved Mountgomery-castle, wher [...]in there was closely besieged, and much dist [...]essed the L. Herbert of Cherbury, Col. Price, and most of Sir Tho. Middletons Offi­cers, and neere 500 Souldiers.

We were so very hard tasked by the multitude of our enemies, (who did much exceed us in number) as that, if the Commanders and Souldiers had not engaged, and be­haved themselves very gallantly; or if we had wanted any part of our forces, it might have hazzarded our Army, for it was very dubious and uncertaine which way the Lord would incline the victory: it came to push of Pike, wherein [Page] [Page 1] [...] [Page] [Page 1] [...] [Page 2]they were much too hard for us, having many more Pikes Our horse also at the beginning of the battell were worst­ed, & retreated; but there was, I doe believe an unanimous resolution both in horse and foot to fight it out to the last man. Indeed there could be no other hope nor expectation of safety or escape, there remaining no way of retreat, all passages being entirely in the enemies power (if masters of the field;) and truly if God had not infatuated, they might easily have interrupted our passage, and made good diven passes against us. But our extremity was Gods opportu­nity to magnisie his power; for when it was most dubio [...] the Lord so guided and encouraged our men: that wi [...] one fresh valiant charge we routed and put to retreat and flight their whole Army, pursued them many miles, eve [...] in the Mountaines, and did perform great execution up [...] them; slew (I doe believe) 500. wounded many more tooke neere 1500 prisoners, and amongst them Colon [...] Broughton, and Col. Tilsley, who they report to be Genera [...] majors; there were also taken Lieutenant-colonels, Majo [...] and Captaines, more then twenty; and all their Carriage and neere 20 barrels of Powder, wherein they were f [...] ­nished the night before the battell; We tooke also (as w [...] conceived) neere 1500. or 2000. Armes, most for fo [...] Most of their horse escaped towards Shrewsbury an [...] Chester.

The enemies Army was reported, (and I doe believe [...] was no lesse then 4000. the Foot being the old Irish w [...] came out of Ireland with Col. Broughton, Warren, Tyll [...] and some of Col. Ellis, and some of Col. Sir Michael Wo [...] houses, and Sir Michael Ernlys Regiment, from Shrewsbur [...] Chester, and Ludlow. Our Army consisted of about 15 [...] Foot, and 1500 horse. We lost not [...]0 men slaine, and I d [...] believe, there was not 60 wounded. Our greatest lo [...] [Page 3]was of Sir Wil. Fairfax, and Major Fitz-Simons, most gal­lant men. Sir John Meldrum did with much judgement order and command these forces, and therefore deserves a large share in the honour of this daies successe. But in­deed the whole honour and glory is to be given and ascri­bed to God the giver of victories, and who is most deser­vedly stiled the Lord of Hosts.

What remaines further to be done in prosecution of this victory shall not be omitted; and if it please God that Newcastle be delivered, and some Scottish Forces assigned to assist to the taking in of Chester, I hope through Gods mercy there may be a good account given of all these parts of the Kingdome. To effect which, no man shall serve you with more faithfulnesse then

Your humble servant. WILLIAM BRERETON.

We know not how to dispose of these common pri­soners, unlesse it would please you to order some of them that will take the Covenant to be shipped (if God give us Leverpoole) and transported over into Ireland, to serve you there.

VVe have left Sir Tho. Middleton in a good condition in Mountgomery-castle, and the Gentlemen of the Country begin to come in unto him; Sir Iohn Price is already come unto him, before I came thence. The L. Herbert is come away with us towards Oswestry.

For the Right Honourable, the Committee for both King­domes, at Darby-house in Westminster.

My Lords, and Gentlemen,

I Formerly acquainted you of our comming hi­ther and of our proceedings in thes [...] parts; and also of the good successe it pleased God to be­stow upon us. Since which time the enemy hastned to come upon us, before we could bring in provisions for our Garrison; by reason whereof I was enforced to retreat with my Horse unto Oswestry, with some small losse, onely of straglers that lay loytering behind, leaving all my Foot in the Castle, and hastned into Cheshire to procure reliefe, and likewise into L [...]ncashire to Sir John Mel­drum, from whom I found a great deale of readin [...]sse to relieve us in our distresse, and to preserve what we had gotten from the enemy, being 37 barrels of Powder, and twelve of Brimstone, both which they exceedingly wanted. Sir Iohn Meldrum, with Sir William Brereton, and Sir William Fairfax marched with 3000 Horse and Foot towards Mountgomery, and came thither on the 17 of this instant September, where we lay that night in the field that was most advantagious for us, which the enemy had possest themselves of before, and diserted at our com­ming [Page 5]thither, placing themselves upon the mountaine above the Castle, a place of great advantage for them; we resolved not to goe to them, but to endeavour the victualling of the Castle; where­upon we sent out parties for the bringing in of provisions; which the enemy perceiving, they marched downe in a body both Horse and Foot, being in number about 5000. and came up to our ground, and gave us battell; wherein, after an houres fight, it pleased God we obtained a glorious victory, having ta­ken many Officers, 1400 common Souldiers, slaine 400, and taken their Ammunition, with a great part of their Armes, and some few horse, the rest all flying away; the Lord Byron com­manded in chiefe the enemies forces, and Sir Iohn Meldrum the Parliaments forces, who behaved himselfe most bravely and gallantly; and Sir William Fairfax, who had the command of the horse did most valiantly set upon their horse, and engaged himselfe so farre that he was taken prisoner, but presently fetcht off by the valour of our men, but sore wounded; our men issued also out of the Castle, and fell upon the enemies in their trenches, and tooke divers of their Officers, and Souldiers, which they had lest to keepe their Workes; Sir William Brereton with the Cheshire foot did most bravely behave themselves that day, and did beat the best Foot in England, as they the very enemies con­fesse, being all Prince Ruperts foot, and the chosen foot out of all their Garrisons. I shall make it still my humble suite, that you will please to afford me some speedie course for present mo­ney, for the payment of my Souldiers, for without that I shall not be able to keepe them together. And for the present I shall take upon me the boldnesse to subscribe my selfe

My Lords, and Gentlemen,
your humble servant, THOMAS MIDDLETON.

Since the writing of this Letter it hath please [...] God to take to his mercy Sir W. Fairfax, who is even now dead

For the Right Honourable, the LORDS, and others, of the Committee of safety for both KINGDOMES.

My Lords,

I Have thought fit to give your Lordships a briefe account of some passages of busi­nesses here in Wales, forbearing a larger relation till I shall have a further time, and larger subject, which in all probability, by Gods assistance, may offer it selfe within a short time. I was by the earnest invitations of Sir William Brereton, and Sir Thomas Middleton easily perswaded to concurre with them for the reliefe of Mountgomery­castle, besieged by the Kings forces; I resolved to contri­bute my best endeavours in that expedition, as well in re­gard of the importance of the service, as that Leverpoole was not to be attempted suddenly by such forces as I had, (being in number inferiour to the forces within the Towne,) whereupon I went along with the Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Staffordshire forces (amoun­ting to 3000. horse and foote,) and marched to Mount­gomery-castle in Wales, which was by a great deale of [Page 7]industrie and resolution, taken in by Sir Thomas Middleton, together with a great deale of powder, match and brimstone, which (coming from Bristoll) was prepared for the relief of Shrewsbury, Chester, and Leverpoole: upon our ap­proach towards the Castle, the Enemie did withdraw them­selves in some disorder, the next day after being the 18. of September, they did take the advantage of the weaknesse of our Quarters, the third part of our Horse being imployed a­broad for victualls and forrage; their Horse and Foot came on, with great courage, resolving to breake through our Forces, and to make themselves Masters of a Bridge we had gained, the night before: which would have cut off the pas­sage of our retreat: It pleased God to dispose so of the issue of the businesse, that (by the resolution of the Officers, and Souldiers, of Horse and Foot) the Enemy did loose the ad­vantage they had in the beginning, and were shamefully rou­ted, by the pursuit of the victorie, which continued for the space of three miles: there are found dead upon the place five hundred, besides many Officers of quallity killed and wounded, and twelve hundred Prisoners: Sir William Fair­fax, and Major Fitsimons (who caried themselves most brav­ly) are deadly wounded, without great hope of recovery, with some other Captains and Officers of our Horse: the Cheshire Foot with their Officers, carried themselves more like Lyons, then men, especially Major Lowthian who com­manded as Major Generall: The Castle is releeved with victualls, Sir Thomas Middletons Souldiers who were before as Prisoners, are made free together with the Lord Herbert of Cherberie: amongst the Prisoners Major Generall Tilliseley, Colonell Broughton, and divers Lievtenant-Colonells and Majors, with many Captains and Lievtenants, so that by the blow given here, the best of their Foot are taken away, Shrewsburie, Chester, and Leverpoole, unfurnished with Ammunition; and North Wales (which formerly hath been [Page 8]the nurserie for the Kings Armies) in all likelihood, [...] shake of that yoke of servitude which formerly did lie [...] their necks, and wilbe reduced to the obedience of King [...] Parliament, by the example of Montgomery Castle, [...] is one of the goodliest and strongest places that ever I lo [...] upon. The personall carriage and indeavours of Sir W [...] Brereton and Sir Thomas Middleton hath been exceeding [...] in the advancement of this service. There is good hope Leverpoole by famine wilbe soone rendered, and [...] Shrewsbury, and Chester will be at the last gaspe, wh [...] by Gods assistance there shalbe a short triall made. So [...] ­ving no further for the present to impart to your Lordsh [...] I shall cherish all occasions wherein I may approve my [...]

Your Lordships most humb [...] Servant, John Meldrum.
My Lords,

THe intelligence I have had since the closing of [...] Letter, of a body of Horse, and Colonell Hunks [...] giment of Foot that are marched to Shrewsbury, and [...] the Lords Biron and Mullinax are gone backe to Chest [...] have altered my resolution touching Shrewsbury, whic [...] the best had no other inducement, but the hope of a p [...] ­tie within the Towne, and the scarcitie of Souldiers the [...] I am

Your Lordships most humble Servant, John Meldrum.

A List of the Prisoners taken and slaine at the Battell neere Mountgomery, upon the eighteenth of September. 1644.

  • [...]ol. Broghton
  • [...]r Th. Tilsley Col.
  • [...]evt. Col. Bladwell
  • [...]ajor Williams
  • [...]apt. Boulton
  • [...]apt. Edgerton
  • [...]apt. Bellamy
  • [...]apt. Floyd
  • [...]apt. Dolebin
  • [...]apt. Congrave
  • [...]apt. Bowman
  • [...]apt. Right
  • [...]apt. Morgan
  • [...]evt. Scidney
  • [...]evt. Rowes
  • [...]evt. Griffith
  • [...]evt. Morgan
  • [...]evt. Thurland
  • [...]evt. Wilson
  • [...]evt. Floyd
  • [...]evt. Lewis
  • [...]evt. Bowen
  • [...]evt. Brickam
  • [...]evt. Hager
  • [...]evt. Minchle
  • [...]evt. Floyd
  • [...]evt. Olliver
  • [...]evt. Cavanogh
  • Lievt. Perkins
  • Lievt. Aldersay
  • Quart. Mr. Snelling
  • Cornet Persons
  • Cornet Hachkisson
  • Cornet Stagge
  • Ensigne Wallis
  • Ensigne Williams
  • Ens. Dutten
  • Ens. Lampley
  • Ens. Parr
  • Ens. Edwards
  • Ens. Clackstone
  • Ens. Harrison
  • Ens. Contry
  • Ens. Hest
  • Ens. Lagden
  • Ens. Jones
  • Ens. Barker
  • Ens. Price
  • Ens. Roberts
  • Ens. Richardson
  • Ens. Prichard
  • Ens. Winn
  • Ens. Johnson
  • Ens. Roe
  • Ens. Right
  • Ens. Erwin
  • Simeon Day
  • Francis West
  • Richard Watson
  • Francis Gough
  • Jo. Morgan
  • Jo. Sprigman
  • Will. Hughs
  • Jo. Davies
  • Tho. Ward
  • Ja. Newin
  • Edward Badcocke
  • Richard Etty
  • Morris Jones
  • Rand. Griffith
  • Ralph Smith
  • Will. Jackson
  • Ralph Herley
  • Jam. Jefferies
  • Rich. Morgan
  • Griffith Loyd
  • Samuel Day
  • Will. Williams
  • Jo. Davies
  • Peter Lee
  • Will. Manning
  • Ed. Philips
  • Jo. Hin
  • [Page 10]Ralph Aston
  • Roger Stanton
  • Griffith Davis
  • John Smith
  • John Paster
  • Wil. Pasley
  • Thomas Colflow
  • Rob. Stanford
  • Isaac Guy
  • Tho. Latham
  • John Browne
  • John Knowles
  • Robert Barber
  • Sam. Rode
  • Rob. Teade
  • Roger Pyer
  • Nath. Dale
  • Will. Compton
  • Ralph Williams
  • Rob. Baccott
  • John Hunston
  • Rob. Jones
  • Cornelius Sedgel
  • Edward Jones
  • Edw. Sulbourne
  • George Groeyer
  • Henry Care
  • Tho. Hall
  • Tho. Cheadle
  • John Hughs
  • Andrew Clift
  • John Hussey
  • Evan Price
  • Henry Barrow
  • Roger Houlton
  • Law. Ward
  • Henry Harway
  • Rice Lewis
  • Griffith Jones
  • Edward Wills
  • Evan ap Humphrey
  • Andrew Powell
  • John Eleney
  • Rob. Price
  • Robert Petts
  • Tho. Taylor
  • James Moore
  • John Wolfe
  • John Deley
  • Rich. Barker
  • Edw. Hayden
  • Tho. Mullenex
  • Griffith Thomas
  • John Greene
  • Antho. Carr
  • Gilbert Sorby
  • Rich Key
  • John Hughs
  • John Jude
  • Will. Madders
  • Tho. Lee
  • Joseph Barford
  • John Dillen
  • Rich. Salmon
  • Tho. Crooke
  • Tho. Albott
  • John Williams
  • Peter Lloyd
  • Christopher Pl [...]
  • Hen. Neneley
  • John Chilton
  • John Simpson
  • Roger Morris
  • John Franke
  • Humphrey Bo [...]
  • John Thomas
  • John Sarley
  • Patricke Role
  • William Gilber [...]
  • Rich. Walten
  • Antho. Cornett
  • Rich. Leadbea [...]
  • Will. Grynes
  • Will. Guy
  • John Collyer
  • John Perrey
  • Tho. Heyes
  • Robert Trehan
  • Edward Wa [...]
  • James Lawst [...]
  • Tho. Deckes
  • Rich. Moore
  • Tho. Hyde.

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