A Copy of the SUMMONS FROM Sir William Brereton, Col. Morgan, and Col. Birch, sent in for the surrender of the City of VVorcester To the Parliament: With their An­swer and our Reply.

Also the taking of High-Arkall, the Lord Newports house, by the Shropshire Forces on Fryday last, and therein 250 Armes, Divers long Gunnes, 20 Halberts and other short Weapons, all their horse except 40. with the Garrison and Forts▪ Powder, Match, and all their Ammunition and provisions, and all their bag and baggage.

Printed by the Originall Papers, and publi­shed according to Order of Parliament.

LONDON, Printed for Matthew Walbancke, 31 March, 1646.

The Copy of a Letter of the taking of High-Archall.

Worthy Sir,

WHat I told you in my last we hoped to effect, God hath made us able (by his blessing on our endeavours) to accomplish; we have played on High-Arkall with our Gunnes, and made some batteries, which we fol­lowed so close that we brake one of our pieces, and crackt two more; we shot in divers Granadoes, and so g [...]uled the enemy that they were easily perswa­ded to capitulate: The Governour himselfe, as I forme [...]ly told you, was out, but the rest of the Offi­cers and Gentlemen in the Castle treated with us, and have agreed to surrender the Garrison, with all the Works, Arms, and Ammunition therein to us for the use of the Parliament, onely the Gentlemen and Officers (not exceeding the number of forty) are to march away with horse and armes; so that all the foot Armes are to be delivered to us, and they to have a convoy with them to Worcester, but I be­leeve they were ignorant that that City is besieged; it will (I doubt not) further Sir William Brereton, Co­lonell Morgan, and Colonell Birch their designe against that place, if they continue before it. There were in High-Arkall above 200. all which are draw­ing out to march according to the Articles; the Com­mittee have deported themselves very bravely in [Page 2] this businesse, and so have all our Officers and Soul­diers, and it is of exceeding great consequence to these long suffering parts of this County. There are about 250 Armes in the Garrison, divers long fowl­ing pieces that will kill a great way, which have done them great service: Some horse they have also left for us in the Garrison, and all their Bag and Baggage; Powder they had not much, but provisions no lack, onely they had no fresh meat, but powdred Beefe, Bacon, and Corne a reasonable quantity. The Com­mittee are now considering of an other Designe which is of very great concernment, and I beleeve they will goe on in it; but of that I shall certifie you further hereafter.

Yesterday they agreed for the surrender of High-Archall, and this day they march away to Worcester.

A List of what was taken in High-Arkall, the Lord Newports House, in Shropshire by the Shropshire Committee, and the Forces of Shropshire, 27 March 1646.

  • 225 Armes.
  • Divers long Gunnes.
  • 20 Halberts and other short weapons.
  • All their Horses, except 40.
  • Powder and Match but little.
  • Much Bacon, powdred Beefe and Corne.
  • All their Ammunition, Bag and Baggage.

40 Marched away with Horse and Armes.

200 Marched away without Armes.

The Garison and Forts, and all therein was deli­vered to the Committee, 27 March 1646.

The Copy of a Letter from Sir Will. Brereton to certaine Members of the House of Commons, read before the Committee of both Kingdomes.


VVE find here every day more of Gods goodnesse unto us in the issue of the last Victory, which was as compleat and cleare a Victory as was yet in this King­dome; I doe beleeve not above 200. of their whole Army escaping, and there being (as it is thought) neere 500. Horse taken, besides what was slaine and wounded, and many more Officers taken then are in any of your Lists; Sir Jacob Ashley being taken by one of my Brigade, and Col. Egerton, who are now both in Warwick Castle; so also Cap­taine Sidney, and severall others taken. Upon the encou­ragement we received from the Committee at Evesham, and many others, it was thought fit to send in a friendly Sum­mons to Worcester, the Copy whereof is inclosed, as also their Answer, & our reply. And hereof I can assure you, that if I had some addition to this Army, I had not doubted but to have given a very good account of Worcester in a short time; but we have now received Commands from the Com­mittee of both Kingdomes which we must observe. But if these Forces might have continued here, and that there might have been some further assistance applyed, I beleeve very good service might have been performed. The Lord prosper and direct you in all your Counsells, and send an happy and speedy end of these unnaturall warres, which is by no man desired more, then by him who will alwaies professe himselfe to be

your most thankfull and faith­full friend to serve you. William Brereton.

This Summons (following) was sent into Worcester, upon the blocking up of that City by Sir William Brereton, Colonell Morgan, and Colonell Birch, March 25. 1646.


OUr tender and neighbourly affection to your welfare, and care to prevent that ruine which hath fallen upon other places which have obstinately refused good Conditions, and have had farre greater hopes of reliefe then your selves, there being now not any appearance of an army in the West, or else­where within this Kingdom, but what have submit­ted to the Parllament or are already their prisoners, hath moved us to send you this Summons, to let you know, that you may prevent your houses from [...]poile your Estates from ruine, your persons from restraint, and effusion of blood, and such other miseries as will inevitably fall upon your selves, your wives and chil­dren, (if the Lord have so great a mercy for you and your City) by timely submitting to the two Houses of Parliament, in whose name we now require this from you, and that you deliver the City and Forts into our hands, for the use of the King and Parliament, the which if you shall do, we shall willingly secure unto you any of your reasonable desires; but in case other­wise, and that misery follow, the cause of it may not be imputed unto those who desire your preservation, not your destruction, and (expecting your speedy answer) rest

For the Major, Gover­nour, Aldermen, and Citizens of Worcester these Your Servants
  • Will. Brereton,
  • Tho. Morgan,
  • John Birch.
[Page 5]

To this Summons an Answer was returned from the City (the next day) a Copy of which fol­loweth:


IF the Arguments you give for the delive­ry of this City and Forts were true, in all likelihood we should (before this time) have received his Majesties further plea­sure, and untill we doe we shall take no no­tice of any Summons; but according to our Duties, and the trust reposed in us, we shall (God willing) keep this Town.

For Sir Wil. Brereton, Col. Morgan, and Col Birch
Your Servants-
  • Hen. Washington.
  • Will. Glescet Mayor.
  • Ma. Sandys.
  • Iehn Knotisford.
  • Thomas Hacket.
  • Rich. Henge.

This Answer being received, a Reply was returned from Sir William Brereton, Col. Morgan, and Col. Birch, the 27. of March, 1646. a Copy of which followes.


WE know no cause why you should question the truth of our intelli­gence, which we assure you is in every part thereof most true, and therefore to the end you may more fully informe your selves therein, we will draw our Forces to such a convenient distance as that you may gaine more certaine intelligence, and then we cannot doubt but you will better under­stand your selves; which if it be done, within a few daies you may expect the per­formance of what was tendred; if otherwise, what ever misery befall your City must be imputed to your selves, and not to

Your Servants.
  • William Brereton.
  • Tho. Morgan.
  • Iohn Birch.

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