Mr. Bedlow's Attestations Which he left in Writing, a little before his Death.
MY desire of securing truth from the Outrages of ill men, especially when the publick is concern'd, have prevall'd with to give a short Account of the Sickness and Death of Captain Bedlow.
On Munday the 9th. of this Instant, he came very ill from London, having the Headach, and an extream Looseness most part of that Day; the next Day after he came home, he was seized with a most violent Vomiting, and Looseness; Physitians were sent for, who attended him three days, but his Distemper encreasing, on Thursday Two other Physitians were joyn'd in Consultation about him: his Disease still grew upon him, and he being very Apprehensive that it would issue in his Death, and understanding that the Lord Chief Iustice [Page 2] North would be there to hold the Assized the 16th. Instant, expressed a very great desire to speak with his Lordship, for discharging of his conscience, in deposing somewhat which he had not before disclosed; with which his Lordship being made acquainted, was pleased that night at his request to go to him; before whom he did by many repeated asse verations, upon the words of a dying man, declare, That in all the great business of the Plot, he spoke nothing against any Person upon Oath, or otherwise by way of Accusation, but what was true; and only complain'd that he had been too Timerous, and rather lessen'd his evidence in some particulars.
After some short time, the Company were desired to withdraw: and none being left with him but the Lord Chief Iustice, Capt. Bedlows Wife, and the Iudges Clerk, My Lord gave she said Mr. Bedlow his Oath, and his Clerk took a pretty long Deposition in Writing, the Contents whereof are yet Secret: only thus far we know he made Oath, That whatsoever he had declared to the King and Council, and Secret Committee, and at the several Tryals upon Oath, were all true, upon the words of [...] dying man. He told the Iudge he expected no Crown of Martyrdom for Lying, as the Papists [...]id, but what he said sincerely true, as he was [Page 3] shortly to appear before the great Iehovah, the maker of all flesh, where he should stand with a clear conscience as to all matters of the Plot, wherein he had given Evidence. He said moreover to the Iudge: My Lord, some will not believe the Plot, or pretend it at least. My Lord, I speak the more, because I know not but that I may dye this night. He very often said to my Lord Chief Iustice with great earnestness, My Lord! I pitty the King! I pitty the King! His Life is in danger! they will Poyson, or cut him off! they are going towards it! they are carrying on the Plot! the Papist [...] will Kill him! When my Lord was going away, he call'd him back again, took him by the hand, and beg'd him to present his most Humble Duty to the King, and to tell him he was his most Loyal and Dutiful Subject, and to beseech Him to take care of himself.
Tuesday the 17th. of August, towards the Evening, he appear'd worse than he had been all his Sickness before; some about him asking him several questions about his Deposition he replyed, He was a very weak man, and would talk no more of Temporal things.
[Page 4] Wednesday he had a severe Fit, through the violence of which▪ he spake not for the space of 14 hours, or thereabouts. Thursdayin the Evening his Speech returned to him, and he took some Refreshment, and asked those about him what day of the Month it was? and what hour of the day exactly? One standing by, asked him if he were satisfied in his Conscience as to what he had swarn and assed in the publick business he had been involved in? His answer was, That as he hoped for Salvation, all that he had sworn about the Plot was just and true, and that he had rather omitted, than augmented any thing he had given in Evidence. This [...]e spoke the night before he dyed, and after he had been in a Trance several hours.
Fryday the 20th. of August Instant, his speech failed him again, and returned no more: and about Two of the Clock that Afternoon he Expired.
Yesterday being Sunday, after he had been publickly exposed inMerchant-Taylors Hall, in this City, to the view of all Spectators, his Corps was carried thence about Six of the Clock in the Evening, and Burried in theMayors Chappel, called the Gaunts: the Funeral was attended with a very numerous company [Page 5] of Citizens, both Men and Women. Mr. Mayor, and others of the best Quality being present, several Gentlemen of the Council, and others bearing up the Pall. The Church was hung with Black. Mr. Palmer, a Reverend Divine of the City, Preached the foregoing Sermon at his Funeral, which was upon these Words, Rom. 14. v. 12, 13. So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God: Let us not therefore judge one another any more, but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling-block, or an occasion to fall in his brothers way.
There were Escutcheons fixed to the Hearse, with this Inscription in Black Letters in a Field: Argent. ‘Testimonium quod vivens Exhibuit
Morins constanter Obfirmavit!’
A Prayer in his Adversity, and for Mercy.
ALmighty God, which for my ingratitude, and sinful life, hast worthily punished me with affliction and adversity, I most humbly beseech thee, to give me Grace utterly to detest and abhor my former wretched and sinful life, and study daily for the amendment of the same; and I am fully perswaded, that this affliction hath not come unto me by casualty, but by thy permission, and [Page 6] determinate pleasure; and that thou dost beat me with this thy rod of correction, because thou wouldst nurture me, and call me to unfeigned repentance for my former life, to be more circumspect, of a good life: to exercise my Faith in thy godly promises, to try me whether I will be patient and constant in adversity: to make me abhor vain pleasures of this life, and with fervent and continual desire, long for the life everlasting; therefore I [...]eartily pray thee, to strengthen my Faith, Hope, Charity, and meekness, that I may pa [...]iently bear this thy fatherly Chastizement. And grant me, that I may daily increase more [...]nd more in love towards thee; for I hope all [...]hings shall happen to be best, whether it be [...]rosperity, health, sickness, life or death; and [...]herefore I wholly submit my self unto thee, [...]nd will resign all my will to thy most godly [...]ill and pleasure, hoping that thou wilt end [...]his affliction, to thy honour and glory, and to [...]y most profit, wealth, and everlasting Sal [...]ation, through Iesus Christ, my onely Savi [...]ur and Redeemer: Amen.
Confession of his sins, and his Prayer for forgiveness of them.
O Almighty God of Israel, my Soul that is in trouble, and my Spirit that is vexed, c [...]y unto thee; hear [...]e, O Lord, and have mercy upon me, for [Page 7] I have sinned against thee, I heartily pray and beseech thee in the bowels of thy mercy, to look down from Heaven upon me thy poor servant, whose sins be infinite, and innumerable, most Hanious and insupportable: but as they be grievous and without number, so is thy mercy more abundant and without end. Thy mercy is above all thy Works: more able to save, than my sin to Condemn. Thou, O Christ, art that good Samaritan that pourest the Oyl of Grace into our wounds, thou art the only true Sacrifice and oblation once offered for the Sin of the whole world. Therefore O swee [...] Saviour, for the bitter Death and passion and for the Glory of thy Name, be merciful unto me, and forgive me all my sins Grant, that as through my wicked life, thou hast been dishonoured, so through my Godly Conversation and integrity of life hereafter thou mayest be ever Glorified. Forgive me▪ (O my Saviour) all my sins, I most humbly beseech thee, and keep me ever hereafter from all sins. Grant me the assistance of thy Grace and Holy Spirit, to direct my ways, and guide my paths, that I may be innocent from all offences, and that in all things I may Honour and praise thee; together with the Heavenly father, and the Holy Spirit, now and for evermore: Amen.