Pantagruel's Voyage to the Oracle of the Bottle. Being the Fourth and Fifth Books of the Works of Francis Rabelais, M. D. With the Pantagruelian Prognostication, and other Pieces of Verse and Prose by that Author; Also his Historical Letters. Compleat­ing all his Works that are Extant. Never before printed in English. Done out of French by Mr Motteux. With Explanatory Remarks on every Chapter by the same Hand.

Bibliotheca Politica: Or, an Enquiry into the Ancient Constitution of the English Go­vernment; with respect both to the just Extent of Regal Power, and to the Rights and Liberties of the Subject. VVherein all the chief Arguments as well against as for the Late Revolution, are Impartially represented and considered. In XIII. Dialogues Collected out of the best Authors both Ancient and Modern. To which is added, an Alphabetical Index to the whole VVork.

Both sold by R. Baldwin.

London: Printed for Richard Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1694.

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