[...]the mountaines, with two Lyons in a chaine like a lease, and a bow in his hand. Much harme hath hee done béere, since he liued among vs, for sometime hee will steale abroad into the fleids, and if he méete with any body, hée presently kills him, which hinders the Tillage of the ground in many places, because none dare follow their busbandry, for feare of him. And albeit wee haue made diuers assemblies, of our people, in hope to dispatch his life, yet hitherto our labour hath prooued all in vaine, for be weares a Cornet about his necke, which whensoeuer hee wyndeth, suddenly comes a number more of his Patagons to helpe him: in regard whereof, wee finde it better for vs, not to meddle with him, expecting when the heauens will strike him by his hand, fréeing the world and vs (that way) from his horrible tyrannie.
How Primaleon being on hunting with Palantine & diuers other, strayed from them with his Squire, & found the Grand Patagon, whom he ouercame and vanquished.
How Primaleon being on hunting with Palantine and diuers other, strayed from them with his Squire, and found the Grand Patagon, whom hee vanquished, and brought into subiection.
I Heare great meruailes of ye (Sir) answered Primaleon, and truly I would gladly sée a monster so admirable. Neuer desire the sight of him, replied Palantine, for in sooth yee were better sée the Diuell, than Patagon. I pray yee Sir (quoth Primaleon) let vs go hunt that way where he abideth, and so we may chance to get a sight of him: but we will put on our armour, to preuent the worst which may happen. Ile beare ye companie answered Palantine, albe it I haue no desire to sée him. At which words Primaleon smiled, and arming themselues presently, toward the mountaines they ride, with twentie other good Knights in their traine. So long they chased on euerie side, that at length darke night ouer-tooke them, euen as they rode along a plaine field, where Primalcon intreating them to abide till next morning: they yéelded theretoo, and euerie one tooke his rest, except Primaleon, who was desirous to make himselfe there spoken of by some action of honour, worthie note and fame: and doubting least Palantine would not guide him directly [Page]to méete with Patagon, beholding likewise howe euerie one slept, softly hee arose, and taking no body with him but his Squire Purente, straied so farre from them in the nights season, as when morning appeared, he found him in the midst of a faire spacious wood.
At length he espied Patagon, who had hunted thereabout, and was now giuing his Lyons their fées, at which sight Primaleon greatly reioyced. Patagon séeing him, thinking presently this was a pray prouided for him, immediatly let slip his Lyons, & hartned them on against the Knight: who being mounted on the horse that Gataru gaue him, & séeing the Lyons come so furiously against him, leapt lightly from his horse, when the Lyons (not regarding him) set both vppon the horse very gréedily. Patagon crossing an arrowe in his bow, let it fly at ye Knight, but his Armour béeing of good proofe, it did not hurt him, and he making toward him, gaue him such a thrust with his Launce, as it pierced quite through both his legges. Patagon féeling himselfe wounded, snatched foorth the Launce againe, and darted it at the Knight, who espied it comming, and therefore quickly stept aside, setting hand to his sword to draw it foorth: but Patagon hauing a great Courtlar, smote so strongly therewith vppon the Knights Shéeld, that he cleft it in two parts, for which he was requited with two such sound strokes, as Patagon imagined himselfe more than halfe dead already. Wherfore, casting both his bow and Courtlax on the ground, & forgetting to cal for helpe with his Cornet, he ran to get feyzment on his enemies body, thinking to strangle him betwéene his armes: but he suddenly gaue backe, & watched him such a blow with his sworde on the right arme, that he pared away most part of the flesh, cutting off his hand likewise, which fell downe to the ground. Nowe through the grieuous paine he felt by his wounds, as also his losse of blood, which dyed the grasse round about him, he was no longer able to stand on his legs, but falling on [Page]the earth, roared so dreadfully, as it would haue terresied the very steutest hart in the world to heare him. At this noyse, the Lyens forsooke the horse, running toward the Knight with woonderful fury: new it stood him on to bee hardy and valiant, for the Lyons rent his armor in diuers places, giuing him (withall) foure or fiue great wounds: but he thrust his swoord through ye ones belly, which made him stretch himselfe along on the ground dead, and turning backe on the other, cleft his head in two pieces with his weapon thus was he rid of the Lyons both together. Nor was he vnmindfull to thanke God for this good successe, neither did his owne hurtes any way dismay him, but leauing the Lyons, he came to the Graund Patagon, beeing desirous (séeing him so strangely shapen) to take him thence with him as his prisoner, thinking it would be a great honour, to haue him embarqued, and make a present of him to Quéene Grydonia.
Then calling Purente to him, who was greatly astonied at this misshapen sight, & reioyced that his master had escaped such danger: Lyst a while, quoth Primaleon, and let vs deuise, how we may get hence this infernall furie, that my mistresse Grydonia might haue a sight of him. I know not, said Porente, how it can possibly be done, because he is so sore wounded: neuerthelesse, we wil try all likely meanes to accomplish your desire.
So taking the chaine, wherewith he vsed to leashe his Lyons togither, they fassned it about his neck, whereat he gaue such another loude shrieke, as called two other of his sauage Patagons, with long sharpe pointed yrons in their hands: which (notwithstanding) were likewise vanquished by Primaleon, though indéed with much a doo, in regard he was so dangerously wounded.
Hauing breathed and rested himselfe there awhile, he concluded to depart thence; but he could not deuise how to get Patagon along with him, neither how to help himselfe, because the Lyons had torne his horse in pieces.
Being in this perplexity, it fortuned that Torques, Palentine, and all the other whom he left a sléepe, arriued where hee was: but when they beheld what Prim [...]leon had done, they stood amazed thereat, and Torques alighting from his horse, came to Primaleon in this manner. Beleeue me my Lord (quoth he) I may iustly complaine of your vnkindnesse, in forsaking me as yee did all these other: albeit I am of so slender valour, as my helpe will stand yee but in little sted, yet might I in seruice haue attended on ye, to doo whatsoeuer liked you to commaund me: Say good my Lord, how chéere ye? for me thinkes your hurts are very offensiue.
I thanke God said Primaleon, I find my selfe very wel now I haue broght this earnest desired enterprise to end. Palentine, and al the rest of his company so admired this rare accident, as they knew not which way to extol it sufficiently.
Sir Knight, said Palantine, God hath highly fauoured ye, in that you alone haue effected, what this whole Island could not doo: now hath Patagon his deserts, for should he haue continued longer in these parts, we must haue béene enforced to flie our countrey, as vnable to endure his diuelish cruelty.
Well (quoth Primaleon) he shal now trouble ye no longer, therefore helpe to lead him along with vs, that they which before feared him, may now at their pleasure behold him. Sixe of them pricked him forward with their Launces, and Torques tooke the Cornet from about his necke, setting it to his mouth, for triall of the sound, and whether any more Patagons would come thither or no: but had there not béene so many in company, he might full well haue repented his folly, for fiftéene more came running foorth of the woods vppon them, which in the ende were euery one foyled, Palentine, Torques and all the other Knights shewing great valour, and were not a little proud of so great a victory.
All the Patagons being dispatchy, they holp one another to dresse their hurts, for not one of them escaped vnwounded: two Knights of Ormeda gaue their horses to Primaleon and Torques, rather chusing themselues to trauaile on foote, than suffer men of so great desert to bee so vnprouided. All the way as they rode, such wunderment was made at the Graund Patagon, as euery one enquired, to knowe their deliuerer from so hideous a monster: & when Primaleon was shewen thē, imagin you, what triumphs and honours they bestowed therefore vppon him. The Lord of the Island, (to whom Primaleon thus farre had disclosed himselfe, that hee was called the Knight of the clouen Rocke) embracing him for this great good fortune, said. Pardon me Sir, if I haue not hitherto honored yee to your high deseruings, and let my ignorance of your vertues, excuse so great an ouersight. Immediatly he commanded his Chirurgions to haue especiall care of his wounds, as also those which the Graund Patagon had receiued, because Primaleon was so desirous to kéepe him aliue: but he would not suffer them apply any medicines to his hurtes, wishing rather to die than bee recouered. Seluida (for so was the Lords daughter of the Island named) came in great feare to sée Patagon: mary hee was well pleased in beholding her, and shewed himselfe not so rough and impacient, as before he did, participating with the beasts nature of whom he was engendred, who only delighted in womens company.
When they perceiued his gentlenes in the Ladies sight and how obediently he behaued himselfe to her, her doubt and feare of him being well remooued: they perswaded her to come the oftner in his sight, and shee so preuailed with him by faire demeanour, that shee could gouerne him as she pleased, intreating him (by signes) to permit his hurts be cured: but he declared by his signes, how he had néede of no other Chirurgion than himselfe, and licking his wounds, with his huge broad tongue, [...]aue shew, that this [Page]was Phisicke sufficient for him. Thence forward Seluida tooke charge of him, leading him vp and downe with her in his chaine, so that much good issued by the taking of him; for the Patagons (afterward) would neuer hurt any one, in the Island. Palantine and his brethren did manye honours to Primaleon; and Soluida their sister, hauing diuers conferences with him, still laboured to winne him to continue there with them: but all her perswations proued in vaine, in regard his affections called him to another place.
Now Palantine imagined, if any meane might preuaile for his abiding there, it was to giue him his Sister in marriage, which deuise he imparted to his Father, and he (on the other side) no lesse willing thereto than his son, sent him to acquaint Primaleon therewith, so comming into his chamber, & sitting downe by him on the beds side, he began as followeth. Sir Knight of the clouen Rocke, my father and we all doo loue ye so dearely, as wee are verie loath to forgoe your companie, wherefore he giues you to vnderstād by me, that if you please to accept my Sister Seluida in marriage, her dowrie shall answere your own expectation, & he will repute himselfe happie by enioying such a sonne.
Sir Palantine (answered Primaleon) I thanke both him and you for the great loue ye beare me, Seluida is so faire and vertuous, as I would account my self fortunate hauing her my wife, if there were not an especiall hinderance in this case: then let me plainely tell yee, my hart is els where countermaunded, and in heauens faire forehead are my vowes engrauen, which makes mee thinke my stay here is ouer tedions, though I could as willingly die, as part from your companie, but that yee perceaue what an vrgent occasion thereto constraineth me.
If it be so (quoth Palantine) then I vow to trauaile a long with you, and neuer to returne hither againe, while you haue any seruice wherein to imploy me.
He accepted his kinde offer, and so he went to aduertise his father thereof who albeit he was loth to forgo his sonne, yet for the company of so good a Knight, he dispensed with fatherly affection, agréeing to his sons commendable resolution.
Primaleon was no sooner cured, but prouision for departure as spéedily appointed, to the Ladies no little griefe, who had good hope, that better acception would haue been made of her loue, for (indéed) shee affected Primaleon entirely. Thus by the meanes of her, was Patagon embarqued, wher taking a heauy farewel of her vain-bestowed loue, the teares standing like pearles on her faire chéekes, she thus spake. Sir Knight of the clouen Rocke, much better had it béene (for me) neuer to haue seene ye, for ye take from me my brother Palantine, leauing my poore heart fettered in stronger chaines, than those wherein Patagon is manacled: but would that mine were comparable to his, then were I assured to go along in your company with these words she went on shoare againe, not hauing the patience to heare his answere, which mouing cō passion in him, made him thus shape his spéech to Palantine. I am partly sory, that I cannot doe your sister such seruice as I would, and desertlesse (on my behalfe) is the loue shee beares me: but what I cannot accomplish for her, shall binde me in a stricter bond to you, reckoning you alwaies as my déere friend and brother. Now was Patagon euermore affraid when he looked on Primaleon, for he knew him to be the Knight that vanquished him: therefore when he menaced him, he presently was humble, and at his commandement, standing more in feare of him, than any other in the company.
How the Knight that would not stay the deliuerance of Primaleon, when he was enchanted in the Isle of Cantara, returned home into Poland, where he reported the Knight of the clouen Rocks death: the great mone Gridonia made for him, and what was strangely tolde her, by the Knight of the enclosed Isle.
THus sailes Primaleon toward Polonia, with all the spéed possible, earnestly desiring to sée his Grydonia, fearing least she should heare some sinister tidings of him, and thereby change her minde, to like of some other Knight: which doubt in him was altogither néedlesse, because she could like nor loue any other but he.
Now (as ye haue heard beforeone) Knight (of the company) would néeds be gon from the Island of Cantara not willing to stay the deliuerance of Primaleon, because he bare him no good affection: this Knight is now come home into Poland, where being in presence of Quéene mother and Grydonia, he declared what had hauned them, and said that the Knight of the clouen Rocke was dead: these newes brought Grydoma to such extremity of gréefe, that leaning in the lap of Quéene mother, & breathing foorth a sigh, able to rent a farre stronger hart in péeces, she sayd.
Vnhappie wretch that I am, let mee nowe die a most desperate death, séeing I haue ouerthrowne the only faire flowre of chiualrie: These wordes she vttered with such intire feeling passion, that she fel into a swoun for a pretty whiles space: when Quéene mother beholding her in this dangerous estate, and fearing her life to bee now on the latest period of expectation, clapping her on the chéeke, thus said.
Alas swéet Daughter, what shall I doo with thée? I lookt for vengeance on that traitour Primaleon, and shall I now sée thée die, in whome my comfort thereof consisted? Ah miserable mother Quéene, much better were my death, than to sée my faire hope in this extreamitie: Then turning to the Knight, who had deliuered this false message.
Away (quoth she) with this blacke tel-tale of sad misfortune, for I cannot but thinke him a messenger of lies, because if the Knight of the Clouen Rocke were dead, as thou labourest so to perswade vs: all the other that went with him, would haue returned as well as thou.
Rather tell me (false traitour) where hast thou left him? betraied by some trecherie deuised in thy disloyal hart, rather than otherwise; els can no one in the worlde perswade me, that the famous Knight of the clouen Rocke is dead. After she had thus spoken, she caught her Daughter to her againe in her Armes, and by casting cold water on her face, chafing her temples, and other such like meanes, she recouered her former spirits, when looking about her, and seeing euerie eye wet with pittie in consideration of her case, she thus began to complaine.
Faire Knight of the clouen Rocke, is it certaine that thou art dead? I cannot thinke the auspitious heauens so much enuy my good fortune, neither had they so slender regard of thée offering thy life to so many dangers for my sake. Be well assured, that so soone as I am more certaine of thy death, my soule, which only depended vppon thine, [Page]will quickly kéepe thée companie, to the end it may enicy the pleasure and repose in another World, which in thys life it was so vngently debard of: there shalt thou perceiue the vnfained loue I beare thée: for I might be reputed as monstrous ingratefull, if I would make anie spare of my life, séeing thou wast depriued of thine, for my loues sake. Since first thou hadst knowledge of me, nothing fell to thy share but paine and trauaile, hazarding still thy person for defence of mine: now, let not me burie thy kindnesse in obliuion, but by conuersing with thée familiarly in death, make knowen the true sympathie of my affections with thine. Peraduenture it may be, that I was vnworthie to enioy thée as myhusband, and therefore Heauen thought it méete to cut thée off so soone, onely to forestall me of so high a happines, and that Primaleon might liue in better assurance, than hee did while thou liuedst: for none in the world was more likely to take downe his presuming thoughts, than thou, nor anie able to finish my solemne vow, but onely thou. These and a number such like lamentations she vttered, swouning manie times whereby Quéene Mother greatly despaired of her life, when weeping ouer her, she thus spake.
Alas Daughter, why séekest thou to kill me with this griefe of thine? Had I knowen what entyre loue thou didst beare the knight, I would haue giuen better scope to it, than hether too I haue done. Beléeue not (I pray thée) that hee is dead, because the reporter of these newes is a lyer and a traitor, as euermore all his kindred haue béen: let vs send for the other which came home with him, to the end we may perfectly know the certain truth of these things.
Send for them (quoth Gridonia) and let vs heare what they say, for if the Knight of the clouen Rocke be dead indéed, make no question, but I shall spéedely follow him. After the other people of the shippe were brought before them, she commaunded them to tell the truth, in dooing [Page]of, they shold sustaine no harme, otherwise to assure themselues of greuous punishmēt. Hereon they told how al had happened, that Purente likewise said, there would a Knight arriue there, who should deliuer him: marie, their Captaine had no will to stay there such leasure, but would néedes depart thence, leauing all the rest behinde in hope to recouer him.
Traitour, said Quéene mother, I knew my conceit of thée would not prooue false, fayre daughter, leaue to torment your selfe with these tormenting passions, your good Knight will return with spéed I warrant ye, and all this gréefe shalbe conuerted into mirth and iouisance. Afterward, the lying Knight was commaunded to prison, the rest were set frée and recompenced, because they had told the truth; being not faultie in returning backe to Poland, in regard their Captaine enforced them theretoo.
These tidings were not so displesing to both the Quéens onely, but the Infant Zerphira tooke them as heauily, yet not daring to expresse her gréefe outwardly, she conferred with her priuate thoughts, alleadging her misfortune to be cause of the worthie Knights death. But being a Ladie both wise and vertuous, shee concealed her sorrowes verie discréetly, vsing manie comfortable perswasions to Gridoma, desiring her not to credite the report of her Knights death, but rather to expect his happie return, and that spéedely.
Sister (quoth Gridonia) I am so vnfortunate, and euermore haue béene subiect to so manie mishaps, that rather ill is alwaies readie for me, than good, or anie taste thereof: and I wunder you expresse no more heauines for his death, considering what reckoning and estéeme hee euer made of you.
My gréefe (quoth the Infant) would equal yours, were I assured of his death: but reputing it a fable, I were but vnwise in néedlesse hurting of my selfe.
All this day, Gridonia continued like one halfe dead, [Page]refusing sustenaunce and companie: at night, throwing her selfe carelesly vpon her bed, Quéene Mother lay down by her, to comfort her: and sléepe she could not, till extremitie of heauines enforced both her theretoo.
No sooner were they both asléepe, but a strange deformed Dwarffe entred the chamber, and taking Gridonia by the arme, softly awaked her: whereat she being amazed, and taking him to be Risdeno. she said. Tell me I pray thée, how camest thou hither at this vnfit time? where is thy Lord and mine? for Gods sake tell me, is he aliue or dead? Madam (answered the dwarffe) I am not Risdeno, but one (as desirous as he) to doo ye anie seruice, onely for the Knights sake ye loue so déerely, whom you imagine to bee dead, as I gather by your sad and wofull lamentations. I come to assure ye, that he liues, though (a while) enchaunted, and shalbe deliuered by a most valiaunt and worthie Knight, who will set him frée, that to reuenge your wrongs, hath made himselfe a prisoner: and of this assuredly perswade your selfe, that you shall sée him rereturne verie shortly.
Now, in regard ye should not dye with conceit of gréef, I am expressely sent hether to tell yee these glad tidings: for should not the Knight of the clouen Rocke finde you well at his comming, I know it would be his death immediately.
These newes made Gridonia excéeding ioyfull, and looking about for the Dwarffe, she beheld a Man of a tall stature, olde and wrinckle-faced, standing by her, which greatly astonished her, saying. What great wunders are these? My friend, by the reuerendfaith thou bearest to God, I charge thée tell me, if the tidings I haut heard be true or no, and what is become of the Dwarffe that spake to me euen now, whome I at the first tooke to be Risdeno seruant to the Knight of the clouen Rock, whose absence thus gréeueth me?
Madame, said the old man, doubt not any thing ye haue [Page]heard, for they are most certain: concerning the dwarffe yea aske for, my selfe was he, who did it to acquaint yee with my powerfull skill, that the better credit might be giuen to my spéeches.
My good frend, replyed Gridonia, heauen quite ye for this kindnes, how much haue ye eased my troubled minde by this gladsome report? But séeing your skill is such, I pray ye tell me more, concerning the Knight of the clouen Rocke, say of what race he is discended, séeing you are so well acquainted with him. Faire Quéene, answered the old man, know that the Knight is of so high linage, such great valour and esteeme, as he hath not his equall in the world, except Primalcon onely, to whom you beare such deadly hatred: and héere of resolue your self, no Knight is able to bring ye Primaleons head, but this famous Knight of the clouen Rocke, who indéed shall giue it ye, and raise ye to such dignitie withall, as you shalbe the onely happie Ladie of the world. Loue him therefore with all your hart, for yee haue great reason to doo so: as for describing him more openly to ye, that will I neuer yéeld to, because I should therein offer him no meane iniurie, in regard he desires to trauaile thus concealed.
Alas my friend, replied Gridonia, in that poynt I account my selfe most vnfortunate, because I can attaine to no certaintie thereof: and séeing you refuse therein to satisfie me, tell me then the reason, why he is so loth to haue himselfe knowen. Because hee tooke such an oath (quoth the olde man) when hee left his Countrey; but the tyme will come, when you shal better know him, and then wil you estéeme your fortune matchlesse, being Ladie of such a Knight, compleat in all perfections: nor can hee be fellowed by anie one, but he that must deliuer him from this Enchauntment, who is of no lesse vertues than hee, and trauailes (shadowed) in such manner as he doth. Great friends will both these Knights be in this voyage, but in time hereafter, their loue shalbe conuerted to meruailous [Page]hatred, which wil cause more griefe in you, than euer (as yet) ye endured: neuerthelesse, be of good chéere, and dismay not, for all your fortunes shall haue a successfull conclusion. All this I aduertise yee of before hand, to confirme your patience the stronger, and when ye remember mee, to thinke on these spéeches, for more (at this time) may I not reueale vnto ye.
Ye haue said alreadie [...] much, quoth she, as both reioyceth and astenisheth me, I pray God I may sée the happy time whereof you talke: in meane while, I knowe not how to expresse sufficient [...]ratitude vnto ye, for this your kinde preseruing of my life. Madame, said the old Man, I will require nothing of ye at this time, your gentle offer shall stay till more néedfull occasion: rather let me now giue you a gift, which is this King, of verie great vertue, this shall assure ye, that whatsoeuer ye haue heard of me, is no dreame, but a sound truth. At these words, hee put the Ring vpon her finger, wherein was set a most fayre Emeralde, which she graciously accepted, and while shee looked downe but to behold it, the old Man was vanished: she perceiuing the Ring to beautifull, and of great value, looking vp againe, to thanke the olde Man for bestowing it on her, wundred what was become of him, gréeuing because he had so suddenly left her, yet determined to be of better courage afterward.
This olde Man was the Knight of the Enclosed Isle, who knowing Gridonia at the verie point of death, by the false newes of the disloyall Knight, transported himselfe thorough the ayre, and came thus to comfort her. So troubled was her minde with this straunge accident, that she awaked the Quéene Mother, to whom she shewed the Ring, and rehearsed beside vnto her al the old mans spéeches.
The aged Quéene admyred her Discourse, aplauding the heauens for these ioyfull newes, saying: Vndoubtedly Daughter, all this cannot chuse but bee of certaintie, [Page]as partly ye may perswade your selfe, by his great skill, entring this place in such sort as ye haue declared. Chéere vp your hopes than (faire Daughter) and so soone as the Knight of the clouen Rocke returneth, we wil intreat his trauaile to Constantinople, because hee is the onely man that must reuenge our wrongs vpon Primaleon, then in short time after, shall both your desires be effectually concluded. Madame, answered Gridoma, I shall thinke it ouer-long till he be héere arriued, our affaires can haue no good successe till then, and gladly would I sée the Knight, by whom he shalbe deliuered: but I could not well vnderstand all the Wizards woords, because hée said, that to reuenge my wrongs, himselfe was become a prisoner. It may be the same Knight which sent me Zerohira, who is reputed as valiant as the Knight of the clouen Rocke: I pray God it may be he, then will I labour to set vnitie betwéene them, else shal I haue but little ioy by their dissention. Happen what may (quoth Quéene Mother) God will d [...]fend them both from harme, beeing so valiant as they are reported. In these and such like conferences, they spent the whole night, vntill such time as breake of daye appeared then did Gridonia recite all these things againe to Zerphira, whereby she receiued great ioy and contentment.